Black and white kitchen design, how to choose the right interior elements, apron, curtains, flooring, table, chairs. Black and white curtains in a modern interior (21 photos) Curtains for the kitchen in black and white style

The kitchen is exactly the place that everyone associates with family and comfort. It is here that we spend most of our lives, having breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as communicating with our relatives. And this means that the kitchen should be decorated accordingly, it should be pleasant to be in it. Everything is important - both the general decoration, as well as small details. For example, curtains. As many believe, it is they who create comfort and that very “homely” atmosphere. Their choice must be taken responsibly - to study the features of each model, each style, types of fabrics and fashionable designs this season. For a beginner, this may seem terribly difficult - but this article will definitely help you with the choice.



First you need to decide what role the curtains will play in your kitchen. If a purely decorative role, then, in principle, you don’t have to think much when choosing them - visual characteristics, such as color and design, will be enough.

Another thing is if the curtains should be of some practical use. For example, protect from bright light or translucence. In this case, the choice of curtains should be approached with all responsibility. Curtains can help visually adjust any room, hide the decorative imperfections of the kitchen or dining room as well.

Styles and samples

Curtains for the kitchen are very difficult to choose. It is necessary to take into account the shape of the window, and the interior of the room, and the color scheme. But, however, the most important are the curtains themselves, including their style. The ideal option is a combination of transparent light fabrics with heavy curtains or curtains and approximately the same shades.

  • Pleated blinds and blinds. This is a modern and original option for the kitchen, because such curtains do not take up much space and look very neat and concise. Blinds can be not just plain, but also in other different shades, with or without prints. They block out sunlight and are easily adjustable.

Japanese curtains can easily be called relatives of blinds, because they are thicker curtains with fabric panels. Most often, blinds, pleated blinds and Japanese curtains are presented in size up to the windowsill.

  • roller blinds- These are light kitchen structures for protection from light. They are interesting in that they are completely picky in care and are suitable even for the smallest kitchenette. In the case of roller blinds, it is very easy to play with color and material, as well as texture. There are several types of roller blinds - long, with a cassette (dust protection), roller blinds on brackets, double roller blinds, mini-roller blinds, corner ones.

  • Curtains for windows with a bay window - bay window curtains, - improve the illumination of the room. After all, a bay window is a protruding part of a wall, rectangular or round; she often "eats" part of the world.

  • Arch- an interesting design solution, both in the case of a window and a doorway. The form itself stands out, and the opportunity to embellish it a little more should not be missed. Curtains on the arch can be on one side (one-sided), threads or mesh (the so-called "noodles"), asymmetric, or a single canvas. If you want to add luxury - choose curtains with a lambrequin, it will look very expensive and chic.

  • There is also a special style of curtains - "Day Night". These are, as a rule, roller blinds, consisting of transparent (mesh) and dense fabric alternating strips, which allows you to adjust the doses of light. It is very similar to blinds, but only here you can completely darken the window, only by installing dense strips next to it with one movement of the chain.

Colors and prints

When choosing curtains, you need to take into account both the individual color preferences of households and some psychological aspects. Color affects the mood of a person, his psycho-emotional state. The choice of color for any piece of furniture must be taken responsibly - including curtains.

For example, often too bright colors can simply cut eyes, strain - such curtains will turn the kitchen not into a corner of coziness and comfort, but into a small branch of hell in your apartment. Therefore, we advise you to be very careful about the characteristics of colors. According to the color wheel, all colors can be divided into two groups: bright warm and calmer cold. The former are mainly red, orange, yellow shades, and the latter are blue, green, purple and many derivatives. Let's analyze the most popular.

Yellow is considered the color of happiness - the sun, fun, but a large amount of it can strain the eye. Yellow is a great option for those who think outside the box; the only thing is, yellow should not be too bright. Curtains of some muted yellow shade will set you in a positive mood and cheer you up.

Red curtains, like black ones, should be treated with caution. You can choose curtains with a splash of any of these shades, but you should not take a pure red or pure black canvas. According to experts, the abundance of these colors in the interior can lead to excessive anxiety and nervous excitement, and the black color, moreover, "eats" the sunny color. However, it is red in the right dosages that can give you self-confidence, set you in an optimistic mood and give energy. The main thing is to have a little of it. As for the advantages of black curtains, this is undoubtedly conciseness.

The combination of black and white has always been in fashion, and will definitely look stylish in any kitchen. Patterns of any other color on a black background will look very interesting - as well as on white, by the way. White color will visually add light, expand the room. It is associated with peace and purity, energy. If you are in doubt, do not know what color curtains to choose - take pure white or with patterns, two-tone with white.

If you are a fan of extraordinary solutions in the interior, take a closer look at purple, blue, lilac, turquoise or light green colors. They will perfectly complement the kitchen, made in soothing cold colors. These colors are based on various mixtures of blue and green with each other, which means they evoke calmness, serenity and harmony. These are ideal options for residents of a noisy metropolis.

But burgundy curtains, combining seemingly aggressive pure red and calm, noble brown, will be an ideal option for a working kitchen. Color adjusts to the working mood and helps to focus. The same applies to brown - the only thing when it comes to brown curtains, you should give the choice in the direction of light brown shades, while dark ones should be used with caution. Brown curtains can be a real highlight of the room.

Beige or gray curtains will look very interesting. They are calm and peaceful, perfectly transmit light and do not strain the eyes. And there is a huge variety of gray tones at all - pearl, ashen, silver ...

An excellent solution would be curtains in two colors. They will not let you get bored, and if you choose any two of your favorite colors, they can completely cheer you up. But remember - it is best to combine warm colors with warm ones, and cold ones, respectively, with cold ones. For example, light green curtains with a green curtain.

If you are a fan of various prints and patterns, then pay attention to the cage - it is always relevant and looks very neat both on large windows and on small windows. The same applies to the striped pattern - vertical or horizontal, it is concise and stylish. Vertical stripes will visually lengthen windows, while horizontal stripes, on the contrary, will make them a little wider. The floral pattern is suitable for lovers of, so to speak, grandmother's classics - everyone in childhood probably had curtains with flowers, small or large, hung on the windows. Curtains with a print will visually enlarge the room.


A very important role in the choice of curtains is played by the fabric from which they are made. It, first of all, determines tactile sensations (soft-hard, pleasant-unpleasant to the touch). Secondly and most importantly, it is a guarantee that the curtains will not tear a week after “wearing” or during the next wash. The choice of fabric should be taken as seriously as the color - perhaps even more seriously. The fabric should keep its shape, not cause difficulties when washing or cleaning.

As a rule, curtains are sewn from organza, linen, voile, mesh, lace, chiffon, patchwork. The most original buyers choose knitted or filament. Let's analyze each option separately.

If we are talking about the design of the kitchen, then you should forget about velvet, brocade and tapestry. These fabrics are completely impractical for dining rooms, they are heavy and easily get dirty, respectively, they are poorly washed. Although tapestry and velvet are exquisite and undeniably beautiful fabrics, they are best hung in the bedroom, library or living room. Silk in the kitchen can also look a little out of date and completely impractical.

Organza. This is a translucent fabric that shimmers in the sun. Perfect for rooms that need to add light. Moreover, organza has a low cost and a huge color palette, which makes it more than affordable for all segments of the population. But over time, organza loses its elasticity and becomes less durable. Along with organza, an excellent option for curtains in the kitchen will be satin. This is a fabric where cotton or silk threads are tightly intertwined, have a characteristic sheen.

There is another fabric that is very similar in properties to organza, but a little denser than it - this is a veil. Veil curtains shimmer pleasantly in the sun. They are weightless and light, and are suitable for window decoration in both artsy rooms and home kitchens.

Satin curtains add luxury to the space. This is a fabric with a smooth shiny or semi-shiny side. Even though they are a great option for the living room or bedroom, in the kitchen, perhaps everyone will like them.

Such a word as "tulle" is familiar to all of us. As a rule, tulle often goes in addition to curtains made of denser fabric, but it is also used in solo. Tulle is a thin transparent fabric, sometimes with a pattern. Curtains made of tulle are a great addition to the interior, including the interior of the kitchen.

linen fabrics- the most suitable for true guardians of nature, because the material is 100% linen. Linen curtains look best in a light interior, but in a dark one they will help create an interesting accent on the windows. However, linen does not tolerate bright decor - in combination with it, linen curtains look a little wild. Despite all the advantages, flax is quite capricious. Natural linen, like cotton, cannot be washed in hot water or bleached. They need to be ironed immediately after washing, otherwise they will shrink.

Cotton curtains- a great alternative to linen curtains, because they are in many ways similar in quality, properties and composition. Cotton is also easy to dye, and therefore cotton curtains can be found in different shades and prints. It has excellent absorbing abilities and is indispensable in warm weather, very soft to the touch. Such curtains are quite practical and resistant to wear, and mercerized cotton is considered to be the strongest.

Chiffon curtains will add peace and tranquility to the room.

For lovers of something more interesting, there are lace curtains. They add a certain comfort to the room, a feeling of “softness” and security. Curtains are made both from a single lace fabric, and from its fragments. Lace is easy to pair with some translucent or sheer fabrics - tulle or voile, for example.

There are also several varieties of lace that differ from each other mainly in pattern:

  1. Brabant- lace with relief, as a rule, protruding ornament;
  2. Torchon– coarse weaving, machine;
  3. Chantilly- the opposite of torchon, elegant silk weaving;
  4. Guipure- the most famous type of weaving, characterized by transparency and neat patterns;
  5. alencon- lacy flowers or leaves on a grid.


Despite the apparent lightness, filament curtains cannot be considered purely decorative. Otherwise, they can be called kisei, and for the first time they appeared in the countries of the Ancient East. Yes, the rows of threads do not look so serious, but, in fact, they are simply indispensable in hot weather, because they perfectly pass air and create a pleasant coolness. If you live in a hot or warm climate, then filament curtains are just right for you - and they can also be used in gazebos or in the country.

Mesh curtains are an excellent option for the warm season, because it is then that the problem of ventilation is more relevant than ever. The mesh can be large or small, and the ideal place for mesh curtains is a balcony or a huge kitchen window. And for ethnic interiors, this is an indispensable detail of the interior.

So we got to the most extraordinary and popular lately fabric, or rather, the technique of sewing curtains. This is patchcork. From English, the word patchwork is translated as "work with flaps." Quilts and plaids are often made using the technique of combining patches, but curtains are no exception. The most amazing thing is that patchwork style curtains can be either made with your own hands or bought ready-made, and there are a huge number of models. Most often, such curtains are used in oriental or light weightless interiors.

When choosing fabric for curtains, you should also pay attention to some patterns:

  1. If your kitchenette is small, choose small, neat curtains accordingly - long and massive curtains will only make the room heavier.
  2. If your windows are located on the sunny side, choose curtains for them made of thick fabric - so that on hot sunny days they do not let in light. Cover the shady side with lighter fabrics that let in the sun's rays.
  3. Please note that some fabrics are translucent. For example, for people living on the first floors, it is better to choose thick curtains that are not translucent even with the lights on. If you live on the top floor and you do not have window neighbors, then you can indulge in light fabrics.
  4. Before buying, expose the curtain to the light to see how the fabric looks in different lighting conditions. The fabric, again, should not shine through; look at it from afar, from different angles. Take the fabric from one roll to eliminate the possibility of the slightest difference in shades.
  5. Care of curtains - care of the fabric from which they are made. The fabric should not accumulate dust, dirt and odors, but should be easy to wash - especially in the case of home washing. It is desirable that they do not sit down and do not crumple, they are easily ironed. If you, of course, have the opportunity to dry-clean the curtains, then you can skip this point - but always remember that not all stains and odors are easy to remove.

How to choose the right type of window

Curtains should fit the interior of the room - this is the first thing. Colors, styles, perhaps location with other objects should be combined, but one should not forget about such an important point as the window itself. Windows come in many shapes and types, and sometimes finding the perfect curtains for your window type can be difficult. The first step is to decide what kind of window you have. It is very simple to do this - take a closer look at what shape it is and measure the dimensions.

For example, you should not choose massive curtains for a small window - they will “eat up” even more space and visually reduce the window, block the light, which is already small. Both heavy curtains - even with canopies - and neat elegant ones are suitable for a large window. It all depends on how your kitchen is styled.

Rectangular windows are the most undemanding. Most often in old or new buildings, windows are in the form of a slightly elongated square, and you may already know that no special effort is required to match the curtains to a rectangular window. Only one aspect can be singled out - if the window is slightly larger than it is long, then you should not visually lengthen it with curtains. But you can slightly increase its width. It works and vice versa - horizontally located windows like to be slightly raised due to the length of the curtains. It is quite easy to do this - most often it turns out somehow by itself.

For kitchens with a low ceiling, you should choose curtains in a horizontal or vertical strip - this will visually raise the ceiling. For huge rooms, choose dark tones of curtains - they will make the room a little smaller and add coziness, make the atmosphere more comfortable and harmonious.

Curtains for summer cottages should be light - both in appearance and in size. Leave voluminous frills for the hall, living room or bedroom in a huge metropolis.

Also in nature, such a moment as protection from insects - mosquitoes, mosquitoes, as well as strong wind or sun is relevant.

If you have a gazebo or veranda, it would be advisable to opt for a water-repellent or waterproof fabric - in case of rain, this will come in handy.

For a light kitchen, both dark and light colors of curtains are suitable. It all depends on your personal preferences and the design of the room.

How to decorate a window: styles

Curtains, like other interior items, can often be attributed to certain styles. When choosing curtains for the kitchen, you should pay attention to the style in which the room is decorated. Curtains are best chosen based on this.

  • Classic. The classic style is ideal for large kitchens. These can be, for example, long curtains with translucent tulle in discreet shades, in harmony with walls, floors, furniture and ceilings. One of the main features of classic curtains is their length. As a rule, they are quite long, so they are not suitable for small kitchen spaces. In this case, it is better to opt for curtains that do not cover the window sill.

  • Minimalism or high-tech will be chosen by people who love conciseness and lightness. High-tech style is characterized by clear, but not heavy lines, rectangular shapes. Only grommets and cornices are used here as decoration, which unloads the room a little. True perfectionists will appreciate blinds, Japanese and roller blinds - all this also applies to high-tech style.

As for minimalism, it is this style that is ideal for kitchens decorated in restrained colors. As a rule, minimalist curtains have white, black, gray or pastel colors, sometimes they combine various contrasting shades - but also soft ones. However, you can forget about prints or decorations.

  • If you have ever been to Provence, then you have an idea of ​​what curtains made in the style of this French republic look like. This is a small cell or a vertical strip, roses or poppies, a simple cut and pastel colors, natural fabrics. Curtains in Provence style can decorate the kitchen of a gentle or elegant lady, give the room coziness and unpretentious beauty. The ideal solution would be to combine curtains with other rag interior items - tablecloths, towels or napkins.

  • Curtains in the style of Morocco blends perfectly with the kitchen in a kind of casual style; with hand-assembled furniture, sewn tablecloths and fresh flowers in vases. Moroccan curtains combine East and West, the trends of both cultures. Bright, incongruous colors, textures and flashy details are exactly what characterizes this style.

  • Curtains in modern style - curtains, close in appearance to nature. Usually the patterns on such curtains are curvilinear, complex and asymmetrical, together they create wonderful weaves. Wavy, botanical, flowing. Most often, Art Nouveau curtains are bright and rich, but not contrasting - the shades are close to natural. A sense of proportion is very important here. Modern is ideal for a green kitchen, blue or pastel yellow.

It will be very bold to choose curtains with photo elements. These can be photographs that are completely incompatible with the kitchen - American sights or cats.

  • Country style curtains otherwise you can call curtains in a rustic style. They are characterized by bright colors, large or small floral patterns, geometric shapes in the drawings. Cornices and pelmets are a great addition to country-style curtains, especially if the latter are small and include various ruffles and frills. If you decide to decorate the kitchen in country style, be careful - do not overdo it with softness and splendor, otherwise there is a danger of being considered a rustic host.

Overview of the best branded models

There are several undoubted leaders in the curtain market. For example, a famous brand tomdom. One of the undoubted advantages of the curtains of this hypermarket chain is that they have a working online store with the simplest design and navigation, so if you urgently need curtains from the TomDom design house, then hurry up to order.

Another famous company Sima Land. Designers of this company produce curtains of completely different styles. Here you will find both Greek and Austrian, as well as Japanese or Belarusian curtains - the choice is huge, no one will remain indifferent and will find something for themselves. Another couple of small pluses are the presence of an online store and the ability to buy some things for the kitchen, like dishes or decor elements.

If we talk about individual models, then you should pay attention to the French curtains of the Marquis model. They gained immense popularity in France, Europe, and only then came to us. Marquise is a truly royal curtains, they are often used in huge concert halls or theaters. In the first place here is beauty, and only then practicality. In short, the Marquise is a series of lowered sagging assemblies (scallops). Most often, these curtains are plain, noble shades, but there are also truly royal patterns - floral or various weaves.

Curtains "Cat's House" familiar to many housewives since Soviet times. Recall that this common model is an arch, flared down, with many frills and natural assemblies. We often see similar curtains in photos in magazines or remember our grandmother's house in the village, why not reproduce this idea in our kitchen?

Stylish ideas and options in the interior

If you have absolutely no desire to personally select combinations of styles and colors of curtains for the interior of your kitchen, then you can always find a suitable design on the Internet or use the services of a designer. This makes things a lot easier, and we also want to introduce you to some of the most popular and beautiful ideas.

For a black and white kitchen, you can choose, respectively, black or white curtains. Both plain and printed curtains will look great - we recommend paying special attention to the cage, floral and unusual patterns. You should not bypass the classics - in such conservative conditions, long roller blinds will come in handy.

You should not forget about the classics when decorating classic cuisine. Unless here you can change the color scheme a little - remember about gray and pastel colors, about a straight cut.

Separately, it is worth talking about the curtains in the "Khrushchev". Khrushchevka is a small apartment with low ceilings and equally small rooms. As a rule, Khrushchev houses do not differ in unusualness - but with the help of decor and suitable curtains, even such an unremarkable room can be made a little brighter. For example, unusual photo curtains or original Provence-style curtains will bring contrast or tenderness to the room, depending on what you yourself want to achieve.

Reading 8 min.

The combination of white and black for the kitchen will suit lovers of a concise and versatile interior. In addition, this design looks stylish and modern, thanks to the play of contrasts that favorably set off each other.

In order to competently organize such a seemingly simple design and avoid mistakes, you need to know some of the subtleties and secrets of choosing finishes and furnishings, which you can read about later in our article.

Style solution for the interior of a black and white kitchen

This color combination will perfectly fit into both the classical and modern trends, allowing you to implement quite unexpected, bold ideas for organizing space. Consider what features are inherent in various designs in more detail in order to choose the right kitchen option for yourself.


A classic in a black and white kitchen involves the use of natural materials in decoration and furniture, such as a carved white wood facade or granite countertops in black shades, as well as wooden flooring.

The room should be graceful and elegant, and the composition should be made of strict geometric shapes, without excessive pretentiousness. Furniture in a classic style is selected comfortable and practical, with smooth, ornate outlines.

High tech

High-tech style for this color combination necessarily includes ergonomic, simple shapes. Of the materials, steel, plastic, glass inserts, complemented by metal corners, chrome-plated handles, and aluminum chandeliers are appropriate.

A black table with metal legs, with a black, tinted glass top, will look beautiful. You can dilute the interior with bright plain details and accessories. The facades of kitchens are most often made glossy, shiny, and the stretch ceiling is best suited.


Minimalism in planning should be clearly zoned with the help of color and rational. The look should not cling to any small details or small decor. Materials in the decoration are used both natural and artificial, but always with a smooth surface that reflects light.

It can be steel, wood, glass, nickel, chrome, durable plastic, etc. Minimalism has no place for ornaments and bright accents. As an option, the lower row of pedestals of the facade stands out in contrast, or the legs and table top are made opposite.


A black and white loft-style kitchen will suit lovers of urban style. You can implement it in a studio apartment or in a kitchen combined with a living room, where you can interestingly beat the zoning of the room with the help of a black glossy bar counter.

Materials such as chrome, steel, glass surfaces are appropriate in the decoration. It will be interesting to look at the decoration of one of the walls of the kitchen with bricks, painted in white. Dark facades can be complemented by the soft light of built-in lights.

White glossy tiles are combined with glass, or with black stripes along the facade, visually lengthening the space.

Each of the above styles is unique in its own way, and the choice of solution depends on the personal preferences of the owner of the home, as well as on the design of the remaining rooms. Next, consider what are the various combinations of two colors and how best to use them.

Black + white: possible color combinations

White top and black bottom

A kitchen with a white top and black bottom is a popular creative idea. A clear delimitation of space makes the upper part more airy, and the lower objects are grounded, so the walls of the rooms visually move apart. An appropriate solution for large rooms, but they can be advantageously beaten in a small kitchen.

This design is indispensable for a straight facade, so that the kitchen does not look boring and original. Ideally hides the black color of large household appliances. Bright accents will serve as accents and add mood to the room.

White bottom and black top

A white bottom and black top kitchen is a great choice for kitchens with asymmetrical shapes. This combination looks extraordinary and is closest to the minimalist design solution. Bright colors for countertops, apron or textiles will help to avoid monotony.

White kitchen and black countertop

A white kitchen with a black worktop is perfect for small kitchens, making the room look more spacious. A black countertop made of marble, glass or durable plastic will attract attention and become the center of the whole composition. It is advisable to choose a glossy finish for this part.

To smooth out too obvious contrast, the use of not too deep blacks will help. You can choose a natural stone or its imitation, which will play in the sun with various tints of shades, thereby smoothing out color differences.

White kitchen and black appliances

A white kitchen + black appliances looks extraordinary and elegant, besides, black appliances are quite popular. Such combinations are inherent for styles with notes of contrast and roughness, such as Scandinavian, loft or art deco. In this case, you can also make the countertop dark to balance the overall composition.

black and white floor

The black and white floor in the kitchen can be made of tiles, stone or laminate. It can be a checkerboard pattern suitable for austere and minimalist designs. The diagonal arrangement is perfect for a small room, visually giving it volume.

It will also expand the floor area in a run-up or under the “herringbone”, thereby correcting the shortcomings in the layout. For this design, tiles in the form of a square or rectangle are used.

Black and white apron

A black and white apron is made of small mosaics, tempered glass with photo printing of interesting images, as well as ceramic tiles with an original pattern or plain.

The choice of images is quite wide - it can be both a photo of a metropolis, and flowers, vegetables or fruits, abstract compositions, as well as staggered styling. Patterns can overlap with patterns on wallpaper, curtains or textiles.

What companion color can be added to a black and white kitchen?

If someone finds a double combination of shades too boring, you can dilute it with an accompanying complementary color, but you should not use more than three colors in the interior. The companion color should either balance the composition or serve as an enlivening element.

A popular trio of colors comes from using red hues in a black and white kitchen. It will add freshness and brightness. You can use it in accessories, for example, buy red dishes, arrange red decorative elements, put red covers on chairs.

Notes of green will add juiciness to a strict interior. You can make an apron using a green print and add green to the design of the tabletop and chairs.

The yellow color will perfectly and harmoniously fit into this design, smoothing out the too sharp contrasts of the monochrome color. Yellow stripes or geometric patterns are appropriate on curtains, a kitchen front or an apron. Also, you can dilute the severity with a yellow vase on a black table top.

The gray color is close to this color scheme, but it needs to be properly balanced, not allowing a large predominance. The gray color used is muted, not too saturated. Basically, it is appropriate for textiles, wall decoration and lighting elements. A gray aluminum chandelier will look beautiful.

Violet shades are considered fashionable and able to balance strict forms. A white apron with a purple image looks unusual, or glass inserts on the facade of the kitchen with a purple print. Wall decoration can be made of white tiles with medium-sized purple details.

Choosing wallpaper for the kitchen in black and white

Wallpaper should be selected dense, with medium-sized patterns, or apply images using a stencil, showing creativity and individual taste. Monochromatic coatings with a three-dimensional texture or a beautiful print will look good.

Advice! Be careful when choosing the size of the picture, as too large elements can oversaturate the interior. You can use them in one part of the room, for example, highlighting the dining area of ​​​​the kitchen.

A popular idea is to use photo wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen. You can highlight the dining area with an image in the form of a cityscape or fruits. At the same time, it is not necessary to glue exactly black and white wallpaper. You can also use bright elements on a white background, such as juicy fruits with water drops or large flowers. Black should in this case prevail in the countertop and on the chairs.

Choosing curtains for a black and white kitchen

Special attention deserves the choice of curtains for the kitchen. They will have to protect from the sun and be a harmonious decorative element. The color can be not only black or white, but also the right shade of gray. It should be moderately saturated and not separate from the overall composition.

The length of the curtains depends on the height of the ceiling, the higher the walls, the shorter the curtains can be. To correct the room, you can hang long curtains for the entire length, starting from the ceiling, visually increasing the height of the kitchen.

Flowers and delicate tones are not appropriate in a strict design, so it is best to choose an option with small geometric shapes or horizontal stripes of different thicknesses.

How to distribute color proportions correctly

At the initial stage of designing, it is necessary to highlight the dominant color - black or white, since the wrong ratio can create a too tense, overloaded composition.

In a small kitchen, you should choose white as the main shade to visually adjust the small size. For a large room, the flight of fancy is not limited, do not be afraid to use a large percentage of black.

Creating a modern design from your favorite combination of black and white is not at all difficult, the main thing is to listen to the advice of experts, take into account all the nuances and subtleties of the choice and do not forget to be creative to realize the interior of your dream kitchen.

Black and white kitchen photo

Black and white curtains are a modern interior decor classic that will never lose its relevance. Such curtains are universal, with the right design, they look appropriate in any room - from the kitchen to the bedroom, however, the combination of colors of the antagonists requires a careful approach and verified design solutions, which we will discuss in this article.

The juxtaposition of opposites makes the design of the room expressive and brings the smallest details to the fore, so you need to implement such a solution very carefully, thinking through all the nuances of the situation to the smallest detail.

The black and white interior is not limited to the use of only two specific colors, these shades have a considerable variety of tones: black - from light graphite to bottomless achromatic range, white - from expressive milky to slightly beige ivory, therefore choosing options for interior design in monochrome you will get enough space for imagination.

Such a combination is often preferred by intelligent people who pay due attention to symbolism, since white and black have serious ideological overtones:

  • In different cultures, the black tint is described as the color of royal power, wisdom, knowledge and asceticism;
  • White is the color of a pure beginning, it gives rise to all other bright shades of the tonal range, gives peace, tranquility and freedom.

Combining them in the interior, it is important to maintain a clear balance and achieve harmony of the ensemble - it is worth focusing on one shade only in cases where the dominant base color on large surfaces - walls, ceilings, floors, is evenly diluted with smaller accessories.

Such curtains, decorated with stripes of different colors, are able to visually change the geometry of the room:

  1. Wide horizontally directed black tracks on a white background visually expand the window opening and make it voluminous, which is especially appropriate when decorating small windows in Khrushchev and panel apartments;
  2. The vertical stripes raise the ceilings and increase the height of the walls, thus creating a feeling of free space even in densely packed furniture.

Keep in mind that the equality of proportions looks advantageous only on curtains with strict geometric stripes or squares, if the curtain panel is decorated with a contrasting pattern, one of the shades should dominate.

In small rooms and interiors made in dark colors, white curtains with a black pattern are appropriate, while decorating a window in a bright environment, you can give leadership to black.

The use of black and white curtains

Such curtains are appropriate in all rooms of the house with the exception of bathrooms and children's rooms. To decorate the windows in the bathroom, it is better to use classic white blinds, and use a monochrome canvas as a shower curtain. Decorate children's rooms with warm pastel shades - beige, pink, blue, light green - such an environment has a positive effect on the emotional state of the child.

In the kitchen

If black and white shades are introduced into the kitchen in the same amount, the result looks unnaturally lurid - with this approach, it is rarely possible to achieve a harmonious interior, it looks more like a combination of contrasting spots.

Considering that most kitchens have a modest area, we recommend using white as the dominant color, which visually increases the volume of the room, and using black only as a complementary variety.

When choosing black and white curtains for a kitchen furnished with dark furniture, give preference to milky curtains decorated with a contrasting print or light geometric patterns. kitchens in black and white with a predominance of light shades can be dark, with an ornament that stands out against the background of the main color.

A black and white kitchen with bright accents in the form of upholstery in a soft corner, lamps or flower vases looks an order of magnitude livelier than a strict monochrome interior. In diluting the main palette, use red, blue, turquoise or purple, against the background of the opposite combination of base surfaces, they look especially expressive. The addition of the kitchen with an apron made of tiles of a similar shade looks advantageous.

Faced with the need for a kitchen, remember that the curtain is required not only visual appeal, but also functionality and practicality in use. For small rooms, it is rational to use black and white Roman blinds - a compact version of horizontal curtains that occupies a minimum of free space.

Black-and-white blinds of the "day-night" type, consisting of alternating strips of translucent and dense fabric that does not transmit light, are also convenient in operation. The position of the strips is arbitrarily adjustable, which allows you to choose the optimal level of illumination of the room.

In the bedroom

A bedroom is a room that is set up in a calm, relaxing environment. In the design of this room, it is appropriate to use dark shades as basic ones. black, in which accents are correctly placed with the help of bright decor elements and accessories, it looks extremely intimate and non-standard.

Pay attention to the black and white curtains in the bedroom from two layers of fabric of different colors. The first layer is a light translucent snow-white tulle, which freely transmits the sun's rays into the room, the second layer is dense black textiles - jacquard, velvet, linen, which, when closed, completely limits the flow of light into the room.

When choosing black and white curtains for the hall, decide what you want to get as a result - a concise and functional modern design or a solemn classic setting. Both the style of the curtains used and the decorative elements used to decorate it will depend on this.

The best black and white curtains for a contemporary living room are Japanese panel curtains. They look especially advantageous when applying drawings using 3D printing technology - a detailed black image, contrasting with a snow-white background, will become a real highlight of the interior of the room.


A universal version of the curtains in a black and white room of any stylistic design is straight dark curtains. In modern interiors, use laconic panels without defiant decorative elements, hang them on a steel cornice and complement them with accessories - place a shiny lamp next to it or hang a picture in a chrome frame.

With a classic approach to the design of the living room, to add solemnity to the curtains, decorate them with black fringe, use tiebacks that contrast with the shade of the panels, black and white lambrequins. For sewing curtains, choose noble fabrics - silk, velvet, jacquard.

In classic interiors, special attention is paid to the patterns on the curtains - aristocratic monograms, a chess cage, and floral motifs look beautiful.

In this world that surrounds us, the combination of black and white colors can be seen everywhere. In design solutions, such combinations are also used, but much less frequently. You can explore this design style with black and white curtains as an example.

To implement a design project with such a range of colors, you need to carefully consider everything, and only after that proceed with the implementation of an interior project in black and white.

At first it will seem that combining black and white curtains is a rather uninteresting and boring undertaking. It seems that such a color scheme is not suitable for the interior in your home, especially since black and white are more official colors.

But with the right approach to this issue, it may turn out that these colors symbolize solemnity, and their combination is a sign of prosperity and wealth.

Then, in this case, it is necessary to consider how to hang black and white curtains in the hall, bedroom, living room and kitchen of your house correctly, with special aesthetics.

Harmony of color combinations in the living room

When choosing curtains of such absolutely contrasting colors, it is necessary not to allow a uniform proportion of color.

One of these colors must necessarily dominate the color scheme, and it does not have to be white. Black curtains with white colors sometimes find a place in living room design solutions.

But in this case, white tulle will definitely be combined with them. The reverse combination of colors will also look, white curtains black tulle.

In such a living room, a cornice and some pieces of black furniture would be appropriate.

You can also think of another option - two curtains with a black and white stripe of transparent fabric along the edge, combined with gray walls and black upholstered furniture, will fill the interior of this room with a kind of color.

Impeccable bedroom style

This is how the black and white design of the curtains in the bedroom will look like. Mixing these colors, playing with them, you get the most magnificent color range.

In this case, thoughts about the hateful colors of your bedroom will never visit you.

It is interesting to note that the choice in favor of these contrasting colors, which are white and black, is usually made by strong-willed and strong personalities.

Implementation of black and white styles:

  • If the bedroom is set up in a safari style, it is best to choose curtains with animalistic (animal) coloring, and do not forget to spread a rug made like a zebra.
  • An abstract design will perfectly harmonize with the art deco style.
  • In a minimalist design, curtains with black and white stripes or checkerboard colors look great.
  • Monochromatic curtains represent neo-baroque style with a contrasting design on the edges.

Various objects will help to dilute the too strict colors of the interior of your bedroom. For example, red pillows or a light yellow lampshade will harmonize beautifully.

Kitchen Design

A unique black and white color scheme in your kitchen is the ultimate in minimalism if the interior graphics are well respected.

For example, black tables and chairs have white legs, in this case they harmonize perfectly with large lengths or in a chess style.

The kitchen looks not so strict and with a greater presence of romance with exactly the same furniture, but with a different distribution of colors on the curtains and backs of the chairs.

A kitchen with a minimalist design will perfectly match the snow-white Roman-style curtains with a black stripe along the edges.

However, this type of window design can be chosen for absolutely all kitchens. Milk-colored roll-up curtains with small patches of black color over the entire curtain area should also be considered a good idea.

The uniqueness of this color composition allows it to be used in the manufacture of curtains of all types, styles and sizes.

By changing the color scheme, types of decoration and patterns, you can achieve excellent results.

Photo of black and white curtains in the interior