Wallpaper for the bedroom photo catalogue. Wallpaper for the bedroom - photos of the best new products in a perfect combination of styles. By the way, we are in

Choice is always difficult. Choosing wallpaper is even more difficult due to the huge number of options and possibilities. To narrow down the choice, you need to start from the conditions that exist. So, if you choose wallpaper for the bedroom, you need to proceed from its purpose: the environment should promote relaxation and create a calm background. Having decided on the color, choose the type of wallpaper, then the texture, type of pattern. Well, then the search for what you need in the retail network begins...

Color selection

In the bedroom for good rest It is necessary to create an environment conducive to relaxation. Psychologists have long known about the impact of colors on the psyche, and they even compiled a table, based on which you can easily find the colors that are most suitable for the bedroom.

As you can see, the choice for the bedroom is not the widest. But that's not all. The same psychologists found that the same color on different surfaces is perceived differently by a person. For example, light green and blue on the walls create a feeling of coolness, but on the floor they create a feeling of uncertainty and unsteadiness. To choose everything correctly, consider the following table.

In this table, select from the column labeled “on the side.” If we talk about the bedroom, then the most matching colors two groups - beige + pink + light yellow and blue + light green + light gray. Only the second group is suitable for sunny rooms, facing the south and east, and the first for the north and west. Three colors left.

If wallpaper for a bedroom is selected during the renovation process, then you need to take into account the colors already present in the interior. If textiles, say, can be changed, then the flooring or furniture is not always so. Therefore, consider also the table that designers use when choosing colors for the interior. In it, matching colors are arranged vertically and horizontally.

When creating an interior, it is not necessary to use all of them - the most inappropriate ones, in your opinion, can be ignored altogether or added in small quantities. Using the same table you can find partner wallpapers if you want to follow fashion trends and decorate your bedroom combined wallpaper. They are often produced in collections that contain matching wallpapers. But such collections are usually expensive, so in order to save money you have to look for combinations yourself. Find the color of the main background, look vertically and horizontally which may suit you. This win-win: such a couple will look good.

The most common technique when combining wallpaper is to find a pair: plain and with a pattern on the same background

What wallpaper is best for the bedroom?

In this section we will talk about the materials from which wallpaper is made. Technologies make it possible to use different materials, increasing the durability of the finish, the durability of paints and allowing the walls to be washed even with a brush, and more than once. It is unlikely that you will need to wash them in the bedroom, but the fact that the surfaces can be glossy, matte, even velvety is interesting. Using wallpaper of the same color, but with a different surface, you can achieve an interesting effect.

So, what kind of wallpapers are there:

  • Paper. The most eco wallpaper for the bedroom. They can be thin and smooth - single-layer, or they can be dense, with an embossed pattern. Single-layer ones are usually the cheapest, but gluing them is problematic: when wet, they stretch, tear, and even highlight all the irregularities on the wall. Multilayer - duplex, triplex - are more expensive, although they also belong to budget options. They are easier to work with and allow you to hide minor irregularities. The disadvantage of paper wallpaper is that it fades quickly and breaks easily. Another peculiarity of them is that they are rarely monochromatic: in this case they look too simple. Of the plain ones, there are mainly only white ones - they are glued to the ceiling.

    Paper wallpaper most often have some kind of pattern - different types and size

  • Vinyl wallpaper. A layer of polyvinyl chloride or other similar polymer is applied to a paper or non-woven base. Eat different technologies applying a vinyl layer, allowing you to get different surfaces, but for bedroom decoration, silk-screen printing and heavy vinyl. Silkscreen printing looks very nice on smooth walls: The subdued shine is very similar to the shine of natural silk. The disadvantage of this type of wallpaper is that vinyl creates an airtight film, which is why the walls do not breathe. But which of our walls are breathing now? If only wooden and without insulation. The rest certainly do not breathe, and the normal atmosphere in the rooms is ensured by ventilation. So this is not an argument, however, decide for yourself.

  • Non-woven wallpaper. Non-woven fabric - non-woven material from a mixture of natural (cellulose) and chemical fibers(polyvinyl chloride). Used as a base on which to apply decorative coating. So, there can be both vinyl and paper wallpapers on a non-woven basis. They are distinguished by more convenient gluing: dry on a surface lubricated with glue, and any surface, even not completely flat. Due to the elasticity and at the same time strength of the base, many surface imperfections are leveled out. They often have a larger roll width—one meter wide, which is also convenient—fewer joints, faster gluing. Their disadvantage is high price: the production technology is more complex, and the materials themselves are more expensive.

  • Textile wallpaper. This view finishing materials already refers to medium and high price category. A layer is applied to a base made of paper (cheaper options) or non-woven fabric (more expensive) natural material- jute fabric, linen, cotton, velor, felt and even silk. Basically, their cost is determined by the price of the top layer. The surface depends on the texture of the material; it may look like matting if it is jute wallpaper or coarse fiber linen, or it may be fleecy, like velor or felt. Since they are made from fabric, there are rolls of large width, such that the entire wall is glued with a continuous sheet. They are also called seamless - the joints will only be in the corners. The disadvantage of these wallpapers is, firstly, the price, secondly, the surface is capable of accumulating dust, and thirdly, they do not withstand mechanical stress well (they are wiped off, torn). But all this is compensated by a very attractive appearance.

    Textile wallpaper - an elite finishing material

There is another type of wallpaper - photo wallpaper. These are photographs printed on a base in large format. Can be printed on any of the above types of wallpaper. There is a solid selection of ready-made images, and it is possible to order printing individually - in specialized workshops or advertising agencies.

Natural motifs in shades of green - according to the perception table, promote relaxation Morning in the forest - ideal for getting up for work Airy dandelion on a blue background - freshness is guaranteed Photo wallpaper - this is not necessarily a transfer of a photograph, you can print a drawing or even a picture Bedroom in Japanese style- it’s natural to see bamboo on the wall. Dawn on the wall - beautiful and inspiring

Just keep in mind that if photo wallpaper is pasted in the room, the remaining surfaces - walls, floor, ceiling - are made neutral and monochromatic. This wall will be the dominant one, everything else is just a background. If photo wallpaper is pasted on the wall above the bed, it makes sense to choose textiles in the same colors. You just need to hit the shades exactly. Then the whole room will look like a single whole.

Combined wallpaper for the bedroom

Latest Trends in the design of premises they allow you to use several colors, textures or patterns in one room. One of the simplest and yet effective ways— . If you have no experience, the easiest way is to use one collection. But they are usually out of stock, you have to wait to order, which is not always possible. Then you will have to select companion wallpaper yourself from those that are available. To make them look harmonious, you need to know some rules:

  • Choose wallpaper of the same type and the same thickness, otherwise it will not be easy to match them.
  • Beginners should not use more than two in one room. different types wallpaper
  • Before purchasing a batch for the entire room, it is better to see samples on site. They won't always give you pieces of wallpaper, and they won't help. You can buy two rolls, if available, already unpacked, and, if possible, agree on a return or replacement. At home on the wall and see how well they look in your bedroom: lighting plays a very important role. What looks great in the store doesn't always look good on site.

There are two ways to choose a good match. The first is plain basic wallpaper and a pattern on exactly the same background. It can be floral or geometric - you choose according to your taste. Such companion wallpapers always look great in a bedroom interior.

Second option - opposite colors. For example, on dark background a light drawing and its mirror color reflection - on a light one there are dark lines. But this is only for two-color combinations. This is also an option that always works.

This is the principle of selection, but you can also arrange the companion wallpaper in different ways.

Accent wall

This technique is used most often: there are practically no opportunities to “mess up”. Choose a wall that will attract the main attention. In the bedroom, this is usually the wall next to which the bed stands.

Beautiful and stylish bedroom, but too depressing... Warm brown in combination with emerald - balancing opposites For lovers bright colors- one wall is in favor And again a pair - brown with turquoise, but already plant pattern Wallpaper under brick wall... Gray-greenish tones - calm and confidence The latest trends in design - priority on geometric patterns Almost classic ornament on the wallpaper - the rest of the surfaces are in beige

Much less often the emphasis is placed on the wall opposite the bed. Then brighter or ornamented wallpaper for the bedroom is glued opposite. It’s just that not everyone likes to contemplate plain walls)))

A piece of the wall is highlighted in color - this is the dominant area

If there are any design flaws, this is how attention is distracted from them - they focus on the opposite wall, gluing wallpaper with a pattern on it, while the rest are covered with plain wallpaper.

Another way to shift the emphasis away from the bed is to make some area lighter. Here you won’t notice that the wall is uneven, but with a protrusion...


It is more difficult to play with selecting a part of the wall: you can get a completely different effect than was intended. There are several proven ways to change the perception of a room.

If the room is low, but you want a larger bed. To avoid the feeling of a snuff box, they highlight the area behind the bed with a more saturated color, maybe a little wider, but they also glue the wallpaper with the same stripe to the ceiling. This method blurs the lines and makes the room seem taller. In the company of competent lighting, this effect is enhanced.

Vertical wide stripes on the sides of the bed give approximately the same effect, but in a smaller volume. The photo below shows textile wallpaper for the bedroom.

You can make the bottom of the wall striped, but you shouldn’t alternate them often - one or two on the surface. It is only important to choose the right place. For example, if the bedroom is long and narrow. Cover the short wall with brighter wallpaper and, moving some distance away from the corner, place another strip on the long surface. Visually, a short one will appear closer and wider.

Approximately the same result can be achieved if you cover only part of the wall with brighter wallpaper.

It is more difficult to play with the horizontal arrangement of different wallpapers in the interior. A clear horizontal demarcation greatly lowers the ceiling. This type of decor is acceptable for steel buildings in which the flow is too high.

Choosing wallpaper for the bedroom is not easy. But all difficulties can be avoided by knowing what to look for when purchasing. It is important to take into account that nowadays a bedroom is not only a place for sleep, rest and relaxation. This is also a place where you can sit quietly at the computer, book or other activity that brightens up your leisure time. We hope that our article will help you save a lot of time on trips to countless specialized retail stores. After all, simply the abundance of exhibited samples in one room can cause confusion. And hence the purchase of the “wrong” wallpaper, or the absence of a purchase at all.

Types of wallpaper

Wallpaper is probably the most popular material for decorating walls in a house or apartment. Modern collections are so diverse in color, texture and shape that they are suitable for updating almost any room, the bedroom is no exception.

So that you don’t quickly get bored with the updated interior, it is important to choose a coating that will not only be safe, beautiful and durable, but also give the design a certain mood, pleasing the eye with rich, bright colors.

Paper wallpaper

  • Some may say that their age is long gone, but this is far from true. Paper wallpapers are still popular because they are environmentally friendly, cheap and versatile. They are easy to glue, but you should definitely pay attention to the fact that they are thin and can tear under the weight of the glue.

It should also be recognized that they are short-lived, afraid of moisture, and susceptible to mechanical impact and fade when exposed to sunlight. For those who like to regularly update their interior and are used to re-pasting the wallpaper in the bedroom every 1-2 years, paper wallpaper is exactly what you need.

Vinyl wallpaper

They belong to the middle price category. Dense, durable, subject to wet cleaning, and do not bubble when glued. They are not cheap, but very impressive and will appeal to those buyers who gravitate towards luxury and sophistication. However, they have their drawbacks that you should be aware of.

  • One of the disadvantages is the specific smell. This is explained by the fact that they contain styrene and rubber. But don’t be too scared, it will disappear after a short time.
  • Another drawback is that this wallpaper is considered vapor-proof. Gluing them is also not easy. Due to the rigidity of the canvas, they take a long time to be saturated with glue, so the gluing process will take some time.

It should be noted that vinyl wallpaper come on non-woven and paper based. The first ones resemble relief applied foam, the second ones are the so-called silk-screen printing. Both are durable, easy to clean, and resistant to sunlight.

Important! Silk-screen printing is glued to a smooth surface; unevenness and roughness are not for them.

Non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper is an environmentally friendly product. They allow air to pass through well and look very elegant. Caring for them is simple - a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth. They cost more than vinyl ones, but they also have more advantages.

  • They have a slightly prominent pattern on a snow-white background, so they are very often taken. After coloring the texture plays main role interior
  • withstands more than 10 repaintings. For a long time, you can quickly and inexpensively update your bedroom only with paint.
  • They are easy to glue, since only the wall is treated with the composition. The canvases fit together without any difficulties.

Minor flaws on the wall are not a problem for them. However, we should not forget that interlining is translucent, so the prepared wall should have a uniform surface, without dark spots, otherwise, after gluing the wallpaper, these places will be visible.

Textile (fabric-based) wallpaper

  • One of the most expensive types wallpaper They are natural, environmentally friendly, and “breathe.” They are a roll consisting of several layers. The front side is fabric. It can be linen, velor, cotton, silk, felt and others. Inner side consists of non-woven fabric or paper.

Textile wallpaper is very durable. They look, of course, chic and only by their presence in the bedroom they are able to give positive energy, lift your spirits and relieve stress. Just a century ago, the walls of the palace chambers were covered with fabric.

However, they also have weaknesses. Such wallpaper must be glued with extreme care so that not a drop of glue gets on it. Besides, fabric wallpaper They quickly become dirty, accumulate dust and can only be cleaned dry. sun rays also make a negative contribution. And what is important, textile wallpaper has a considerable cost.

Textile based wallpaper - ideal option for a classic bedroom interior

Liquid wallpaper

  • This is still a newcomer to the wallpaper market, but it already has its own buyer. The main difference from regular wallpaper the fact that these are not rolls, but a special powder that consists of glue, fibers and dye. It is diluted with water and simply applied to the wall.

This wallpaper can be compared to artistic plaster, since threads, paper, tinsel and much more can be added to the solution. They have enough advantages.

  • They are environmentally friendly, lightfast, have good sound insulation, durable, “breathe”, they are easy to repair if damaged.
  • Having a creative streak, you can independently create a real artistic canvas on the wall. The price of such wallpaper is becoming more and more affordable.
  • The disadvantages include the fact that they are not subject to wet cleaning and do not yet have such color range like roll wallpaper.

Color of the future bedroom

The degree of your rest, your sleep pattern, and your mood in general will depend on the color saturation of the bedroom. There is a lot of advice from experts and psychologists on this issue, but only you can decide, since preferences in this matter are quite individual.

It is believed that the most comfortable colors for a bedroom are soft, pastel tones. It can be gray, beige, peach, olive, cream, blue, lilac wallpaper, but in pale shades. It's hard to disagree with this. These tones are enveloping, they can relieve physical and psychological stress after a difficult day.

At the same time, there is no need to rush and buy any color from the specified list. Still main criterion– you must like the color! It should not cause rejection either in a month or in a year.

It may also be this: a person favors a light blue tone in clothes, but categorically does not accept this color on the walls. But from the bedroom I saw, made in nautical style with striped blue wallpaper, complemented by stylized accessories, you will be delighted. Therefore, you must clearly answer the question with which color you are ready to live in “love and harmony” for a long time.

Having a tube of beautiful wallpaper available, it’s easy to create a bright compositional accent and the center of the bedroom

Gray wallpaper is very popular when choosing a color scheme for the bedroom

Others need to be taken into account important aspects when choosing wallpaper for the bedroom. For example, if the room is small, then preference should be given to light, warm tones. The same should be done if the sun is not a frequent guest in this room.

Advice! The drawback in the form of a low ceiling will be corrected by a drawing in the form vertical stripes on the wallpaper, if narrow room– horizontal stripes will help.

  • The choice of pattern should also be approached carefully. For example, small flower will not add charm unless you specifically create it in the room rustic style, which at successful combination: walls, floor, furniture, curtains - it looks very cozy.

Light striped wallpaper - perfect solution for decorating walls in the bedroom

Ideas for beautiful bedroom wall decoration

  • Do not forget the different preferences of a married couple. So, the male half will not look very natural in a pink bedroom, and a woman will not be very comfortable, for example, in a checkered room. The important thing here is to try to find golden mean, and it can be a combination of wallpaper that will appeal to everyone.

Wall mirrors are an invariable attribute of the bedroom

Combining wallpaper in the bedroom

This event can solve many problems in the bedroom, but the main thing is that it will bring something into your room, mixing the seemingly unmixable into an unimaginable cocktail. Here colors may appear that are not recommended for use in the bedroom. But, occupying just one wall or corner, they will unobtrusively remind you that life is not a blissful pastoral, but a stormy river in all its diversity.

When combining wallpaper, they often turn to living nature. This can be trees, birds, all kinds of flowers, and even animals. Do you have enough imagination to imagine the long necks of giraffes stretching from the corner into the room? You can come up with your own “zest”, and no one else will have something like this.

As a rule, wallpapers that differ from the general background are placed above the bed, but you can move away from the “classics” and stick them opposite the bed or in other places. Don’t forget, the main thing is not to surprise someone, but to make it comfortable for your eyes.

Zoning with wallpaper is recommended if you not only relax in the bedroom, but, say, like to work at the computer table. Near him, of course, neutral wallpaper for the bedroom will not promote productivity. The problem will be solved by several bright or extravagant paintings. The place will include drawings related to geometry, geography and various abstractions.

Natural materials are also often used in combination. These include: bamboo, veneer, cork, reeds, coconut shells and others. They are especially popular when creating a certain style in the bedroom - African, rural.

The only drawback of this material is that they are not cheap. But they are very durable, environmentally friendly, and easy to maintain. Therefore, if you decide to purchase natural material, – you won’t regret it, the room will be original and cozy.

Important! The bedroom will be beautiful if no more than three shades of wallpaper are used when combining, otherwise you can easily find yourself in the zone of tackiness and bad taste. You will never lose if you choose wallpaper of related tones, similar in texture and material thickness.

Black geometric patterns on a light background are a fashion trend for minimalist interiors

Color harmony for wallpaper, furniture, curtains

Making your bedroom a color you like is only half the battle. It is important to create harmonious combination all interior items.

If you leave the same furniture that was before the renovation, then the wallpaper for the bedroom should be selected in the appropriate shade so that they do not discord with each other.

  • TO warm color wallpaper will do dark furniture.
  • Light furniture will go well with green, sand or chocolate wallpaper.
  • Gray furniture will look great against a copper or olive background.
  • If the room is not small, then you can play with contrasts.

The same recommendations if you purchase new furniture to the already renovated bedroom. And we should not forget that the role of an “arbiter” can be played by curtains or curtains, placing their color on one of the sides - wallpaper or furniture, or on both sides at the same time.

The whole room will look stylish beige tone: furniture, wallpaper, curtains, and bed linen. But to avoid boredom, you can add two or three bright accessories that stand out from the general palette.

Important! For elaborate, elegant furniture, choose wallpaper that is expensive in quality and appearance. For example, burgundy with gilding will not match furniture in.

Now you know what types of wallpapers there are, you know their pros and cons. How to choose a color and combine it is also not a secret to you. All you have to do is, taking into account our advice, choose what you like. Don’t be afraid to experiment, don’t be afraid to break out of the “like everyone else” cohort, especially if you have developed taste and a voluminous imagination.

If you choose wallpaper for your bedroom in an online store, keep in mind that the monitor will not be able to thoroughly convey to you either their color or texture. In this case, be sure to consult with the specialist who sells them. And it’s better to go to the store to buy clothes for your walls and choose them directly there. Happy and beautiful shopping!

  • Wallpaper for the bedroom

    Wallpaper for the bedroom takes a separate place in the catalog of materials of O-DESIGN LLC. Special atmosphere and the purpose of the room require a thoughtful and delicate approach to its design. We have collected samples on the website modern wallpaper for the bedroom, helping to create the right mood of peace and tranquility.

    The materials from Swedish and English brands presented in the catalog open up endless possibilities for decoration. Will the bedroom be light, airy and positive, or will the chosen wallpaper shroud it in twilight and mesmerizing dark tones? Will romance become tender? floral patterns will be the main design motif, or will discreet, laconic graphics be the dominant element? The choice of this or that mood of the room depends only on your preferences, and best coatings for the implementation of traditional or non-trivial ideas you will find in our catalog.

    When choosing wallpaper for the bedroom, you should pay attention to its practical properties. The main criterion in this case is the environmental friendliness of materials. In the catalog stylish wallpaper For the bedroom from the photo, we have collected coverings in the production of which only environmentally friendly components are used. It is this combination of safety and amazing aesthetics that makes the proposed coatings true masterpieces of design. For details on ordering conditions and prices for wallpaper for the bedroom, contact the O-DESIGN managers.

    How to glue wallpaper in the bedroom?

    Choose and buy wallpaper for the bedroom: the first step is taken in our catalog! It's time to glue!
    We recommend watching the video: how to properly glue wallpaper for a bedroom?

    Buy wallpaper for the bedroom | wallpaper for the bedroom | wallpaper for the bedroom

    The bedroom is one of those rooms for which you need to approach the choice of wallpaper with special attention. Smart and relaxing design will allow you to sleep better, creating a peaceful mood. In the case of a small bedroom, with the help of well-chosen wallpaper you can visually enlarge the room, making it more comfortable. Some of our tips for choosing:

    • Choice of color. One of key points for finishing the bedroom. Wallpapers in shades of blue and green, light gray, beige and other cream colors have proven themselves well. Pastel shades They are also well suited for decorating a bedroom - they make it easier to relax and fall asleep faster. You should not choose wallpaper in bright and flashy colors; they will distract too much attention and can make it difficult to fall asleep. Also, for the bedroom it is not recommended to use wallpaper of intense purple color, natural shades in in this case will be much more preferable.
    • Selecting a pattern. Good for bedroom walls plain wallpaper uniform shade or composition with a soft pattern. Options for combined pasting have also shown themselves to be good, when part of the walls are decorated with wallpaper with a pattern, and the remaining walls are pasted in uniform colors. Instead of a pattern, a stripe can be used various configurations– depending on the geometric features of the room, it can be either horizontal or vertical.
    • Choice of material. There is great freedom for you here. These can be popular non-woven options, which you can stick on yourself, or textile options. Often, corduroy or silk-screened wallpaper can enliven the interior and make it very attractive.

    The wallpapers presented in the collections of our online store will help you make your bedroom not only gentle and relaxing, but also surprisingly stylish. In the ODesign catalog you will find widest choice models of any styles from English and Swedish manufacturers, such as “EcoWallpaper”, “MrPerswall”, “Cole&Son” and “BorasTapeter”. Classic or modern models, with or without ornaments – options are available to suit the most demanding tastes. By using exquisite wallpaper You can easily transform your bedroom, making it a zone of comfortable stay and real relaxation. Delivery in Moscow by courier and in Russia by mail and transport companies, pickup. Convenient payment methods.

    All rooms in an apartment or house have their own purpose and meaning, but the bedroom is recognized by many as special place, where people strive to fully relax after a hard day at work. At the same time, it is no secret that creating a cozy, pleasant atmosphere in this room is main task, the successful solution of which largely depends on a well-chosen interior, including the general background created by painting individual elements and wallpaper on the walls. There is no doubt that wallpaper in a bedroom interior solves one of the main strategic problems, which means special attention should be paid to this issue.

    Choosing wallpaper for the bedroom

    The choice of wallpaper is not as simple as it might seem at first glance to an inexperienced person in interior design matters, and great variety The commercially available options are not at all helpful here, making it difficult to choose. Of course, it’s better to decide in advance what you want by looking, for example, at photos of wallpaper for the bedroom and their use in already finished interiors, created by masters of their craft. The theoretical part presented below may also be very useful.

    When choosing wallpaper for the bedroom, it is important to consider criteria such as:

    • type of wallpaper,
    • their properties,
    • color scheme and presence of ornament,
    • compatibility when combined.

    Types of wallpaper

    When choosing the most suitable type (or types) of wallpaper for your bedroom, you need to take into account a number of basic criteria, including in their entirety. These criteria are: production method and materials used, practicality and environmental friendliness, gluing features, durability, possibility of painting or minor restoration repairs. Based on these criteria, they choose the type of wallpaper, and the last thing they care about is the design of the wallpaper for the bedroom, striving for its comfort and uniqueness.

    All commercially available wallpaper can be divided into several types:

    • paper,
    • vinyl,
    • acrylic,
    • non-woven,
    • textile,
    • glass wallpaper,
    • silkscreen printing.

    A separate type, which it is not entirely correct to call wallpaper, is the so-called. liquid wallpaper, which we will also talk about.

    All types of wallpaper for the bedroom historically go back to paper wallpaper - the most accessible form, which has an endless variety of design and color options.

    Despite the fact that paper wallpapers have been actively used for at least two centuries, they are still modern and have quite acceptable quality. The cheapest models consist of one layer of paper (single-layer), those that are more expensive are multilayer - they have several layers and often a relief texture. Paper wallpaper is used both independently and in combination with other types of wallpaper and surface finishing methods. They, as they say, “breathe,” allowing air to pass through and creating a favorable microclimate in the room.

    Let's talk about how to choose wallpaper for the bedroom to make this room comfortable and cozy. It's no secret that choosing the color of wallpaper for the bedroom often causes serious difficulties for property owners. Some cannot decide which colors are suitable for such a room, others are unsure about which ornaments to choose for the trellises. Shown in the photo optimal color wallpaper for bedroom walls.

    The selection of finishing materials for bedroom walls involves taking into account everything style solution chosen to decorate this room.

    Attention! Wallpaper for the bedroom should create an atmosphere in the room in which its owner could fully relax after a hard day at work.

    Let's talk about how to choose the right wallpaper for your bedroom and what points you need to pay special attention to.

    Light gray tones

    Such wallpaper for bedroom walls is suitable only for those people who prefer classic interior. Interior professionals offer this wall design gray wallpaper, in which only one accent wall is decorated in a similar style. It is this design of the bedroom that has become a real trend of the last season.

    For an accent wall, gray shades with silver accents are suitable. To complement the resulting composition, you can use moldings or other types of finishing materials. The photo shows an option for decorating walls with gray wallpaper.

    Advice! This color of bedroom wallpaper is suitable for spacious rooms. IN small room they will hide free space.

    In order to get an original and high-quality design in a small area of ​​the bedroom, the bedroom is decorated different wallpapers. A photo of the resulting final interior is presented below.

    Golden shades

    When considering what wallpaper is suitable for the bedroom, you can choose “golden” shades. Such wallpaper for the bedroom can be complemented pastel colors carpeting, curtains, bed linen.

    Interior professionals consider golden wallpaper for bedroom walls (photo), which is used to decorate one wall (the central wall), to be an interesting option. For example, neutral materials are suitable for three walls of a room, and one wall is decorated golden wallpaper.

    Advice! For a small room with golden wallpaper, you can combine white wall finishing materials.

    An accent wall decorated with golden wallpaper, like the option in the photo, will help create a visual bridge with the rest of the wall decoration in this room. It is up to the owner of the bedroom to decide which materials to choose.

    Advice! A great addition for light walls the furniture will be dark shades.

    If you don’t know how to choose wallpaper for your bedroom yourself, you can use useful tips, proposed by professionals in the video fragment

    In the photo there is an option to accentuate the walls with wallpaper window openings, allowing you to visually expand the free space in the room. The selection of finishing materials for this design option is best done under the guidance of a professional interior designer.

    To “dilute” a boring and monotonous interior, blue wallpaper for the bedroom. The photo shows a variant of similar interior design with wallpaper on the walls in such a room. If a sufficient amount of natural light enters the room, blue wallpaper for the bedroom, photos of which are presented below, will be an opportunity to bring lightness and freshness into the room.

    Recently, many owners of city apartments prefer to use textile wallpaper for interior design. The selection of their color depends on which curtains, bedspreads will be used as additional accessories. The photo shows an option for decorating a bedroom with textile wallpaper.

    Such materials have only one significant drawback, namely, high cost.

    Decorating a girl's bedroom

    What finishing materials should I choose for a young girl’s room? The photo shows a version of this design. Laconic and simple finishing should be complemented by romanticism, which an accent wall in soft pink helps to create. Addendum to the image being created You can consider thin organza on the windows, light bedspreads on the bed. The photo shows an interesting solution for a teenage room.

    An unusual option for highlighting an accent wall would be to design it in the space around the window opening. Here you can install easy chair, dressing table.

    The light mint shade can be diluted with silver relief. With this technique, bright carpeting, decorative items, and original textiles look harmonious.

    Materials with embossed texture

    If the bedroom owner plans to create bright interior, in this case you can choose for the main walls neutral palette, an interesting texture that is complemented by textiles. Among fashion trends and the use of photo wallpaper.

    Thanks to modern technologies used by manufacturers of photo wallpapers, finished products has maximum proximity to natural images. For example, in a relaxation room you can use photo wallpaper to imitate book shelves, not just radically changing appearance premises, but also by “diluting” the finish.

    In a bright and spacious room, you can maintain a bright pattern, complementing the look with large mirrors.

    An extraordinary approach to creating an accent wall in the bedroom is to use a patchwork technique. This technology is used in sewing, with its help you can give the room uniqueness and individuality.

    How to make a panel from wallpaper

    Actively colored materials and moldings allow you to create symmetrical areas on the walls, visually creating a panel on the decorated surface. Such designs are not capable of overloading the room with excessive color, while they add individual charm to the resulting interior of the living room.

    You can use colorful decorative materials to decorate the niche in which the bed is installed. Such a decorative element will look great against the backdrop of snow-white or light-colored walls.

    Bright stripes of wallpaper with an unusual pattern are suitable for decorating the space near bedside tables.

    Psychologists strongly recommend not to overload a room intended for relaxation with too dark or bright shades. They advise choosing a light palette, neutral colors. Designers believe that active people can choose and bright colors for decorating bedrooms.

    In this case, some caution must be observed. If you choose the right neutrals and bright shades, in this case you can achieve optimal balance between tones, become the happy owner of a beautiful and harmonious bedroom.

    Homeowners have different ideas about brightness. Some consider red to be a rich and bright color and avoid using it when decorating a rest room. Others are convinced that it is necessary to choose red color for the wallpaper print. It is difficult to find the ideal solution for the bedroom; you just need to take into account the recommendations offered by professional interior designers.

    Advice! Bright accents chosen on the print of finishing materials should echo the shades on curtains, textiles, and flooring.

    Interesting solutions for decorating walls in the bedroom

    Lovers of geometric patterns in the interior should select curtains light colors having a smooth texture. Decorative items also do not imply any frills or bright colors.

    The photo shows a variant of a monochrome pattern in the bedroom interior. This option is ideal for those who prefer harmony and dream of home comfort, calm environment. If desired, you can turn a monochrome drawing into bright accent, which is in demand in modernity.

    Excellent visual effect can be obtained when using decorative materials with wide stripes. Such trellises help to visually increase the height of the ceilings. Thanks to the bright floral print, the classic bedroom setting is filled with romanticism and frivolity.


    Currently, there are many interesting solutions regarding the choice and decoration of walls with wallpaper. sleeping area. Modern market finishing materials are so multifaceted and varied that any owner of urban or suburban property has the opportunity to select interesting trellises that allow them to create real interior masterpieces. Among the latest fashion trends The leading position belongs to the combination of several types of wallpaper, differing in texture, color, and pattern.