What to do if the laminate is swollen from water: eliminating the causes and effective ways to solve the problem. Why the laminate is swollen and how to fix it

To this day, laminate flooring is very popular and in demand, both in offices and in their own apartments. It is not as expensive as parquet, durable enough and can be installed on your own. But even here it is not without errors. Some influences affect the coating too much Often there are cases of swelling of the laminate and the appearance of various types of irregularities. If this problem has also affected you, then you should not get upset so quickly and think about a new coating. There is a high probability that you will be able to return the laminate to its previous appearance. We tell you how.

First of all, you need to establish the real causes of defects. This will help you choose the right way to fix the problem. Most often there are several reasons for this:

  1. The rules were violated during installation - there must be gaps in the laying of the laminate. Usually they reach up to 12 mm. They are necessary so that the material under narrows or vice versa expands when exposed to temperature or moisture. laying elements implies the presence of gaps.
  2. The reason is in the water - if water gets on the laminate itself and it is wiped off, then nothing bad will happen. But if the water lingers there for a long time, then the laminate begins to swell. You will have to partially replace the slats.
  3. The quality of the material is far from ideal - there is no secret in this, because there is no special coating in cheap types of laminate. If you wanted to save on the floor, you will have to replace it soon.
  4. There are moldings - fasteners between the lamellas do not allow the material to expand and it is deformed. In fact, this is also the wrong installation, because it should be floating.
  5. Poor-quality base - if the main technologies are violated in the base, then the laminate can also deform over time. This can be eliminated only after replacing the substrate and removing the top sheet.

All these problems can be avoided very easily - it is enough to know how to care for the laminate and quickly prevent the occurrence of problems. And, of course, try to choose better products that easily tolerate the effects of moisture or temperature. Do not expect from cheap options for a long time of work. But even with high quality laminate flooring, you have to follow the rules if you want to maintain its original look. It is better to choose options where there is a waterproofing coating, and also during installation, monitor the substrate so that later you do not find a sharp appearance of swelling on the laminate.

Much also depends on the method of laying the laminate. The glue method is best suited, which will help preserve the original appearance of the seam. But even in this case, it is recommended to treat the floor with water-repellent agents, especially if your home is often wet cleaned. It is high dampness or spilled water that is considered the most common cause that spoils the appearance of the laminate. Avoid getting water on the seams of the laminate, because it will be extremely problematic to dry them.

We must pay tribute to the quality of the plate, which is located on the inside of the laminate. It is she who is responsible for the safety of the appearance and proper operation of the laminate. Therefore, when buying it should pay especially much attention. It should be thicker than the laminate web itself and be approximately equal to the volume of the lamellae. If the total thickness of the board is about 12 millimeters, then the substrate should be about 3 millimeters.

How are "waves" formed?

Such effects have a cause, most often, in the distance between the wall and the laminate sheets. You can remove waves simply by adding a gap between the elements so that the material can contract or expand. To do this, you will have to briefly dismantle the plinth and carefully trim the edges of the lamellas. It is enough to make the correct measurements, taking into account the gap, and remove unnecessary elements. Here you will need special work on woodcarving and nothing more. Don't worry about the gap, it will be hidden behind the skirting board so nothing else will be visible.

Remember that laminate problems can only be fixed if you correctly and correctly identify the source of their occurrence. Some reasons appear sometimes unexpectedly. For example, bulging of the laminate can be caused by improper installation of the door latch. Therefore, professionals recommend not installing it on a laminate floor. It is better to fasten such elements through holes in the lamellas to avoid floor corrosion.

Separately, we recall that there must be gaps between heating systems and flooring, because temperature also leads to expansion and possible deformation.

What are the troubleshooting methods?

There are a number of typical methods that will help hide or remove all types of deformation. First of all, remember the guarantee that the work team gave if you did the installation on your own. Contact the company that did the work. They will either be able to pay compensation or send workers. But only if problems occurred during the warranty period.

In other cases, you will have to act independently. If there are violations due to the laying technology, then everything is quite easily fixable. Find a place on the flooring that fits snugly enough against the wall and cut the laminate in this place by a couple of centimeters. This will allow the laminate to level out, and after that it will be possible to return the lamella to its place. It does not even require any dismantling.

In the event that deformation occurs due to an abundance of moisture, the following steps must be taken:

  • That part of the laminate that is damaged will have to be removed and the lamellas have time to return to their original shape.
  • Naturally, all liquid must be removed and dried. Check if there is any liquid under the adjacent lamellas. Otherwise, all these actions will be in vain.
  • The blades will need to be replaced.

If you can't find details that will match in color and pattern with the rest of the coating, then here you can go for a trick. You can use the details from those that are hidden under the bed or sofas, and put the closest in color there. But still, the material should be bought with a margin, just in case of such defects and unexpected installation.
And one more plus in the piggy bank of high-quality products - after thorough drying, they can return to their original state, but inexpensive options with low quality will definitely have to be changed. Preventing such problems is also very simple - treat the laminate with a wax-like agent and even if there is a sharp increase in humidity and the floor is flooded, the wax will minimize the risks.

We are talking about the processing of specific seams. But for this it is necessary to prepare the floors, that is, remove all dirt and dust, and also check the dryness of the laminate. After that, you can safely cover the seams with a product that will also protect against water.

After the layer is applied and dries, it is recommended to polish the entire surface. This is necessary to remove the wax from the floors, leaving it only in the seams or cracks in the laminate.

Wax needs to be applied about two times, the second comes immediately after the first one dries. Please note that such products can be very toxic, so the room must be regularly ventilated, as well as work in special clothing. After both layers are finished and the floor is sanded, it is recommended to leave it for about ten hours to allow the wax to adhere.

If this seems not enough to you and you want to protect the laminate one hundred percent, then there is a polish that creates a semblance of a protective film. If you get flooded, then even such precautions will not be able to do anything, but with simple spilled water or its accidental ingress, it will help.

What to do if the laminate is swollen - video

How to take care of laminate flooring?

No one wants to spend time and money on an emergency laminate replacement in the cases described above, so immediately develop a system of rules that will help maintain the quality and appearance of the flooring.
There are very simple rules, for example, do not let dirt get into the cracks, and also do not let moisture stay on the floor for a long time. Use dry cleaning, and wash the laminate itself no more than twice a week. Even these two times, you need to be extremely careful not to arrange water fights on the floor.

And a few more things to keep an eye on:

  1. Do not use cleaning products that contain ammonia and abrasives.
  2. And in principle, do not often use chemical detergents.
  3. Any liquids, especially hot and acidic ones, must be disposed of immediately.
  4. Laminate, like any other coating, does not tolerate mechanical stress.

The last point is related to the fact that scratches can let moisture in, so even if you applied wax and covered all the cracks, cracks can ruin all the precautions. Buy a special wax pencil for this case, which will help you quickly cover up the cracks. And all unwanted stains should be removed, following the advice of specialists from the company that released your laminate.

These were the main tips that will help with the deformation of the laminate. As you already understood, the main thing is to immediately monitor the condition of your flooring and coat it with protective agents in a timely manner. Then you don't have to resort to troubleshooting.
However, even if the situation is out of their control, then everything is quite fixable and does not require a complete replacement of the coating. Although there are completely hopeless cases, for example, during flooding, all others are quite easily solved and do not even require the intervention of specialists or professional knowledge.

Take care of your home and it will serve you for many years without any repair intervention.

With such a popular and generally durable flooring as laminate, problems can arise. One of these troubles is the swelling of individual boards. The RMNT website will tell you why laminate flooring can swell and how to deal with this problem yourself.

To begin with, let's deal with the reasons why the laminate may swell:

  1. There is no gap between the boards and the wall. There must be a gap of at least 1 centimeter wide! Then you close it with a plinth and nothing will be visible. The gap between the laminate and the wall is needed as a margin in case the flooring expands due to temperature and moisture. In addition, the gap serves as ventilation, preventing excessive moisture build-up on the laminate.
  2. The technology of laying the laminate is broken. The portal site provided detailed instructions for laying the laminate with your own hands. We highly recommend sticking with it! A poorly prepared base, an incorrectly chosen substrate, fastening individual boards with nails, a wet floor can cause the coating to swell after a few days.
  3. Moisture ingress into the gaps between the boards, as well as excessive humidity in the room. If something is spilled on a regular laminate, the consequences can be disastrous. And you need to wash it only with a slightly damp cloth or mop.

Now let's talk about solving this problem. If your laminate is swollen due to the fact that you forgot to leave a gap between the wall and the coating, you need to proceed as follows:

  1. Remove skirting boards.
  2. Find the places where the laminate rests against the wall, there is no gap.
  3. Very carefully with an electric jigsaw, trim the lamellas in this place so that a gap of at least 1 centimeter remains.
  4. Remove from the floor covering everything that can prevent it from straightening up, and it is desirable, on the contrary, to press the swollen area with something heavy enough.
  5. Wait until the laminate takes its original shape, the swelling will disappear.

Important! Do not forget that you also need to leave a gap around the heating pipes, do not put the laminate close to them, cut a little more than necessary.

Important! Fasten door locks and other elements directly to the floor screed. And skirting boards - only to the wall, not to the laminate, in order to prevent swelling.

If one of the laminate boards is completely damaged as a result of improper installation, it must be changed:

  1. Bring a new bar to this room and leave it there for at least a day to adapt to the conditions.
  2. Now you need to start dismantling the entire row of boards. We start by dismantling the plinth, then we remove the boards one by one, from the wall, gradually getting to the damaged one.
  3. All boards are numbered, so that later they can be laid in the same order.
  4. Replaces damaged or damaged, swollen boards.
  5. We carry out the laying in the reverse order and put the plinth in place.

If you spilled something on the laminate and it swelled for this reason, you need to act quickly:

  • Remove damaged boards immediately.
  • Leave the slats to dry. If the laminate was of good quality, it is likely that it will take on its original appearance. Otherwise, you will need to change the boards.
  • Don't forget to wipe off the water that got under the boards and replace the backing that has also been damaged by the liquid.
  • Re-install the removed laminate.

If the coating has been lying for several years, then it is very difficult to choose the lamellas exactly according to the texture and color! The laminate was actively exploited, the color has definitely changed. In this case, we advise you to castling - dismantle the boards from under the cabinet or table, put them in a conspicuous place, and mount new ones there. And it will be very difficult for an outsider to see the differences between the old and new lamellas.

There may be several reasons why the laminate on the floor of the apartment suddenly swelled up, most often it is the result of prolonged soaking or contact with moisture. But, in any case, regardless of the reasons for the swelling of the laminate in the apartment, you need to respond to the problem immediately, without putting it off and not planning to repair the flooring for a couple of weeks in advance.

Laminate is well protected from accidental drops of water

Why does laminate bulge?

The swelling of the floor covering is always striking. The panels begin to clap underfoot, and the laminate itself swells at the seams, so it is almost impossible not to notice. Another thing is the reasons why the laminate swelled. Depending on how and why the underlayer of pressed cellulose fibers swelled, it depends whether it is possible to save the swollen laminate without resorting to dismantling the coating, or whether a major overhaul of the floor with dismantling is still required.

There can be several reasons for damage to the lamellas:

  • Improper laying of the material, violation of the rules for the care of the floor covering. If the laminate swells after laying, without signs of flooding or blocking, then this clearly indicates the absence of waterproofing or compensating gaps between the lamellas. If the layer is swollen within the warranty period, then you will have to invite working craftsmen to re-lay the coating;
  • There was a puddle of water on the floor for a long time. The laminate is swollen with water, but in a relatively small area of ​​coverage. If the material is very swollen, and the lamellas are separated, then it is quite possible to replace several panels with new ones. Usually it is possible to eliminate damage without re-laying the entire web;
  • Flooding of the apartment. If it was possible to collect water from the floor within an hour from the moment of the accident, then the risk of damage is reduced by an order of magnitude.

Important! Even if the laminate is slightly swollen at the seams, this does not mean disaster. Quality material class "33" can withstand being wet for several hours.

Often, in addition to the reasons why the laminate is swollen, photo, the nature and level of care for the lamellas affects the state of the “recessed” coating.

Incorrectly laid laminate bulged

If the floor was regularly treated with protective mastics, then the chances for the lamellas to survive after the flood increase significantly. It is much easier to restore such a laminate after swelling, since, due to the presence of a protective mastic or wax film, water penetrates deep into the cellulose base only through the most loaded and worn lock joints. Old floors of high-quality laminate coating are used even in the country for gazebos and covered terraces.

Mastic makes the surface water-repellent

In order for the floor to completely swell, you need to try very hard, regularly fill it with water and completely abandon surface care. Usually, for a well-maintained floor, a little flooding is limited to eliminating the swelling of the laminate at the joints.

How to repair a swollen laminate without disassembly

If the coating has stood in a humid environment for several days, then it is almost impossible to solve the problem without replacing the lamellas. It happens that even a thoroughly wet laminate can be dried in a single room, subject to four conditions:

  • There is no furniture in the room;
  • There are no drafts in the room, and the existing heating devices can be adjusted or turned off;
  • As a substrate, a canvas of pressed needles is used;
  • The coating is laid on wooden floors, under which there are full-fledged products.

If the laminate is not bulging, then you can try to dry the coating through the air in the floor. To do this, the baseboards are removed and the underfloor space is blown through the windows with air at room temperature with a fan. No heaters or irons.

First of all, remove the remaining water

Important! The simplest method of drying, in addition to removing moisture, allows you to get rid of the musty smell and at the same time eliminate the conditions for the formation of mold fungus.

Many experts believe that drying lags and floor beams should be done in any case, even if the laminate coating is swollen and has become unusable. In other cases, for example, when laying on concrete or OSB, it will be possible to restore a swollen laminate from water only with a small area of ​​blockage.

What to do if the laminate is swollen from water

The design of the flooring is such that the layer of lamellas, when properly installed, is on the floor in a free state. Due to this, the difference in humidity and temperature of the material does not affect the floor surface in any way. If the laminate is wet and bulging, this means that some of the fibers remain wet, and some have already dried out or remained untouched by moisture.

An example of a cheap laminate bulge

  • First of all, remove, as far as possible, the furniture from the room;
  • Remove skirting boards;
  • At a distance of 10-20 cm from the wall, a lock is cut with a sharp knife along the joint line and the edge of the lamella is raised or completely removed to ensure the drying of the substrate.

Do not worry too much about the removed panels, this is the only possible way to remove residual water under the coating. In addition, if you remove a couple of lamellar strips along the walls, this will help to partially align and upset the joints where they are swollen.

Separately, you need to specify how to properly remove water and restore the laminate after swelling. Firstly, it is undesirable to heat the room, it will not help to remove moisture, but will only worsen the situation. If somewhere the material has not yet swelled, then it will definitely rise, and besides, with moisture and high temperatures, the laminate easily arches. It is important not only to dry the floor, it is necessary to preserve the geometry of the panels, to prevent them from stratifying and deforming.

Some of the slats will need to be removed.

Secondly, if the laminate is already swollen, then you need to dry the room with a small draft. For example, you can install a fan with a capacity of 150-200 m 3 / h, this will be enough to get rid of water in two days. For example, the floor version of a household fan has a performance 2-3 times higher. It can also be used, but at the lowest speed, and you need to put it at the maximum distance from the areas where the floor is most swollen. After 10-15 hours of drying, you should try to level the swollen laminate. For this, the raised sections are loaded with oppression. A load of 10-15 kg / m 2 will be required. Everything is used, from books to sports equipment, the main thing is that the pressure on the points where the floor is swollen is uniform.

What to do if the laminate is swollen at the joints

The end lock, which connects the two panels, remains the most vulnerable point. If the front and back surface of the laminate board is covered with polyurethane and vinyl film, then the end with a groove or spike is exposed to water and absorbs most of the spilled moisture. Water penetrates a few millimeters inside, but this is quite enough for the lock elements to swell and deform under bursting pressure. If, during the drying process, the areas of the laminate that are swollen are not loaded, then the surface will remain wavy due to deformed locks.

There are models of laminate locks, in the design of which there are silicone inserts that seal the temperature gap and protect the joint from water leakage. The system is relatively new, expensive, but has already proven its effectiveness for kitchen and bathroom conditions.

It is important to gain access to the inner surface of the locks

Elimination of swelling of the laminate at the joints begins with the opening of the lock. With a non-sharp object, you need to separate the spike and groove in order to get maximum access to the end surface. The line along which the laminate layer is swollen is dried with a building hair dryer with the heating element turned off. Experts recommend that places where the laminate is swollen should be fixed without disassembly with an iron only as a last resort. For example, there was a delamination of the material. In this case, the lock and cracks at the end are treated with an aqueous PVA emulsion and dried with an iron through a heat-resistant cloth.

There are many exotic, but in their own way effective recipes. For example, moisture from a castle in a place where the floor is swollen can be easily removed with calcined table salt. Fine purified salt is calcined in a metal dish on a gas burner, allowed to cool slightly and poured onto a fabric substrate along the joint. It turns out troublesome, but effective. To completely eliminate the swelling of the laminate at the joints, the procedure will need to be repeated several times in combination with the use of oppression.

Complete replacement of swollen laminate flooring

If the measures taken did not give the desired result, then you have to resort to re-laying or replacing the coating. Before disassembling the floor, it is allowed to dry slightly to facilitate the opening of the end locks. The slats are dismantled and simultaneously sorted according to the degree of damage. Boards with broken locks, depending on the condition of the surface and the degree of deformation, are sent to the scrap or used for laying in the least critical places. Those areas that are the most swollen, but do not have cracks and delaminations, are slightly moistened, shifted with thick paper and laid under oppression on a flat surface. Drying and leveling will take about two weeks.

The laminate is dismantled if it is swollen more than 20% of the surface

When re-laying boards that are swollen and have lost their original geometry, they are fixed in inconspicuous places, under furniture or under a baseboard. Most often they have to be fixed to the floor with dowels and glue. In this case, you can use an iron and glass cloth tape. The remaining lamellas are laid in the usual manner. In any case, the lining material must be disposed of and replaced with a new one.

If the grooves and spikes are so swollen that it is not possible to make a full-fledged connection, then part of the end is cut off with a knife so as to align the joint and make it as even as possible. Such areas on the locks after laying must be glued with polyurethane.

Prevention of swelling of the laminate

It is generally accepted that expensive brands of laminate flooring with special wax impregnation of the seams remain immune to spilled water. On the one hand, indeed, the measures provided by the manufacturer are quite effective. In order for such a laminate to swell, it must either be completely flooded with water for 5-7 hours, or the appearance of water condensate on the concrete base of the floor.

Since the protection in the locks slowly but surely wears out during the operation of the laminate coating, in about 3-4 years such a laminate will correspond to the usual home coating in terms of water resistance.

Polishing with mastic protects and improves the appearance of the coating

Therefore, the laminate floor at the joints must be treated with protective mastic at least once a year. It is best to seal the line under the skirting boards with transparent silicone, for example, "Cerezit CS15". The strength and reliability of the seam is enough to hold the coating, even if the laminate is wet and slightly swollen.

Evaporation of moisture under the laminate can be avoided by treating the OSB or concrete with an acrylic primer.

Coating Prevention

First of all, you need to choose the right lining material. The best option is considered to be a lining made of pressed needles, it passes water vapor well, therefore, even if an emergency occurs and the lamellas are swollen, it is much easier to dry and tidy the floor on needles than on foamed polypropylene or fashionable cork cloth.

If you have to re-lay the floor, then the coniferous or PP lining will have to be changed, cork panels can be shifted with paper and dried outside under a canopy. The cork does not absorb moisture well, but it collects odors well, therefore, after dismantling, the expensive material is cleaned with clean water with the addition of hydrogen peroxide.

The resistance of the laminate to leakage largely depends on the quality of the assembly of the lamellas and the tightness of the tenon in the groove. The lock device itself is such that even with a small amount of water, the material swells and "tightly" blocks the penetration of moisture under the lamella. Therefore, on a properly laid laminate, even if the seams are swollen in some places, the cellulose boards remain dry. Of course, if the laminate is already more than a decade old, the protective film and locks are pretty worn out, then even a small amount of water can swell the fiber.

To date, laminate is the most popular floor covering that can be assembled or dismantled independently without the help of special workers. But there are a number of reasons due to which the uniformity of the floor covering can be disturbed, for example, as a large amount of water gets on its surface.

You should not panic, there are many ways to eliminate the deformation after damage. It is not necessary to call the repair service, as having studied the issue, you can easily deal with this problem yourself.

Eliminate bloating with an iron.

This is the most effective and easiest way to eliminate swelling under the laminate, but there are a few nuances that must be observed:

  • The laminate must be of high quality, as a bad laminate does not respond to such actions and will most likely require dismantling and replacement.
  • There must be no water in the substrate.
  • You will need a metal ruler and an iron.

To eliminate swelling on the laminated surface, you need to put the iron on medium or below medium heat. We put a metal ruler on the strip of joints of two panels, most often swelling occurs there, and iron it until the moisture has completely evaporated and the irregularities are straightened. It is very important to observe the temperature regime, overheating of the surface can lead to damage to the laminated panels.

How to avoid bloating?

Before laying the laminate, it is best to put a specialized film under it, this is more necessary for those who live on the first floor so that the moisture coming from the basement does not lift the laminate. The joints of the plates should be thoroughly glued with special adhesive sealants so that moisture does not get under the plinth.

In order to prevent accidental swelling of the laminate, you should follow the basic rules for caring for it:

  • If the class of panels is 31 or 32, then cleaning is allowed only with a broom or vacuum cleaner (not water-based);
  • Class 33 and 34 materials can be cleaned with a combination of dry and wet cleaning.


If a swelling appears on the laminate, it should be urgently eliminated, the neglect of the condition can lead to the replacement of one or even several plates. Often, in order to obtain the same color tone when replacing, it is allowed to remove the plates from closed places located under furniture or carpets. If a source of moisture ingress is detected, it is necessary to eliminate it and seal the coating. If the floor was damaged by the carelessness of the owners, then you should try to exclude these situations.

Laminate is a coating that is popular due to the combination of practicality and decorative characteristics, the ability to choose products of the optimal color, texture, and wear resistance. Subject to the rules of operation and care, the surface retains its original appearance for many years. However, there are factors that can cause laminate flooring to swell. In this article, we will talk about the likely causes of laminate flooring deformation and how to quickly eliminate them.

Why the laminate is swollen: reasons

An important step in eliminating the defects that have appeared is determining the cause of their occurrence, since the steps to restore the appearance and functionality of the coating depend on this. There are many reasons why laminate swells immediately after installation or during operation. Let's name the main ones:

  • Violation of the installation rules - the absence of deformation gaps between the lamellas and the wall, which should be 10-20 mm. The swelling in this case will be undulating. Another reason for the deformation of the coating is the presence of fasteners between the planks. Floating installation is recommended. The need for gaps is due to the expansion or contraction of laminated planks with fluctuations in temperature and humidity.
  • Modern laminated material well withstands wet cleaning and short-term contact with moisture. However, prolonged exposure to water often causes laminate seams to swell. If tea or coffee is spilled into the joints, then the liquid must be immediately blotted with a rag. If water remains in the joint for a long time, the floor surface will deform.
  • Poorly prepared base. In this case, a complete disassembly of the coating and correction of defects in the base surface will be required. The reason for the swelling of the lamellas can be a high residual moisture content of the base surface. Each material has its own standard: for reinforced concrete floors - 4%, cement-sand screed - 5%, plywood, wood, chipboard - 12%.
  • Too thick padding. This reason can be attributed to improper preparation of the base, since when leveling the base surface, the substrate is rolled up in several layers. The consequence is that laminated boards spring, the locks loosen and soon break.
  • Normal humidity conditions in a room with laminate flooring are 40-60%. If these figures are higher, then in such a room only material with a water absorption coefficient of not more than 7% can be laid.

Water bulging laminate

In what cases can a swollen laminate be repaired without dismantling?

If the laminate is swollen at the joints due to the lack of a deformation gap, then this defect can be eliminated without disassembling the coating, which must be done for this:

  1. dismantle the plinth;
  2. determine the areas that abut against the wall;
  3. cut off parts of the lamellas with an electric jigsaw, “grinder” or other convenient tool, leaving a gap between the coating and the wall of 10-20 mm, but be sure to take into account the width of the plinth;
  4. in places of swelling, gently press on the panels to eliminate warping. If the floor cannot be leveled in this way, then the deformed area will have to be dismantled and laid again.

In rooms with a normal level of humidity and a stable temperature, a gap of 10 mm is sufficient; in buildings where there are sharp changes in temperature and humidity, it is recommended to increase the gap to 15-20 mm.

What to do if the laminate is swollen from moisture: ways to fix the situation

If the deformation of the surface has occurred due to the high humidity of the base, then the lamellas will have to be dismantled in order to dry them in a room with a good ventilation system. The humidity of the base must be brought to the required level.

What to do if the laminate is swollen from the ingress of a significant amount of water?

In this case, in the place of swelling, it is necessary to remove the lamellas and check if the liquid has leaked under the substrate. If this happens, then it is necessary to dismantle the floor around the place of deformation, dry the substrate, and assemble it.

Repair of laminate flooring in sections

How to repair a swollen coating with your own hands, if you need to remove individual damaged laminate strips and replace them with new ones? For slats with locking connection, this is done as follows:

  1. dismantle the plinth from the side closest to the damaged area;
  2. with the help of a chisel or a hook, the extreme board is hooked;
  3. disassemble the required number of panels.

If such disassembly from the wall is difficult or impossible, then one panel can be replaced, for this:

  1. inside the damaged lamella, a rectangle is cut out, a few centimeters around the perimeter smaller than the entire panel;
  2. with the help of a hammer and a chisel, the central part is removed, and then the remaining elements;
  3. if the situation allows, then the adjacent rows of panels are knocked to the sides of the walls (for this you will have to dismantle the plinths), there should be enough space to start the locks of the new lamella;
  4. if the previous operation cannot be carried out, then the locks are cut off from three sides, a new bar is inserted with one lock, all sides are smeared with glue;
  5. the new board is lowered into place, evenly pressed over the entire area.

If it is not possible to avoid dismantling the damaged area, then one board can be replaced without disassembling the entire floor.

If the laminate is swollen from high humidity, how to fix the situation with an iron?

This is a folk method, and it is far from always effective. It can be used only for high-quality material and only in cases where the water has not wetted the substrate.

How to level the laminate with an iron without replacing the planks if the lamellas are wet and swollen:

  • the heating temperature should be average or slightly below average;
  • on a swollen area, usually a joint between two planks, a metal ruler is laid;
  • the ruler is ironed.

Attention! Overheating of the surface will damage the lamellas.

How to fix a laminate that is bulging due to a too thick underlay?

This is a complex option that requires complete dismantling. You can, of course, replace only the strips in places where the coating is deformed. However, over time, deformations may appear in other places. Therefore, to obtain a high-quality finish layer, you should:

  1. disassemble all panels and remove the substrate;
  2. fix defects in the base layer, if any;
  3. lay the substrate of the required thickness.

What to do with a swollen laminate whose locks have been damaged? The ideal option is to purchase replacement lamellas from the same batch.

Prevention of bloating

Correcting defects is much more difficult than preventing the causes due to which the laminate is very swollen.

Preventive measures:

  • Proper preparation of the base layer, compliance with the normative humidity before laying the finish layer, optimal substrate thickness.
  • Good quality locks. You can check it by fastening two strips. Their connection should occur after pressing under force and be accompanied by a characteristic click. Weak locks are easy and quick to connect and just as easy to disintegrate.
  • Good quality material. Quality products are easy to install and better withstand deviations from normal operating conditions. Increased moisture resistance usually has high material classes - 33 and 34. For rooms with high humidity, it is recommended to lay laminated panels with a PVC base, rather than wood components.
  • or produce it, carefully studying the intricacies of the process.
  • Impregnation of joints with wax-based compounds.

To avoid repairing a swollen laminate, you must follow the rules for caring for the mounted coating:

  • materials of classes 31 and 32 should be maintained mainly dry using a broom or vacuum cleaner;
  • panels 33 and 34 are cleaned by combining dry and wet cleaning.

How to wash the laminate so that it does not swell, the rules of care and products for laminate floors can be found in