Children's wallpaper in the interior. Rules for choosing wallpaper in the nursery: general requirements Neutral wallpaper for the nursery

Every parent dreams of making the nursery for their child cozy and functional, and the design of its interior - thoughtful and original. In order for the children's room to meet the specified requirements, in the process of arranging it, it is important to pay attention not only to the selection of furniture and decor, but also to materials for wall decoration. The most relevant materials for wall decoration in a children's room are wallpapers, the quality and pattern of which determine the harmonious stylistic concept of the interior. Psychologists say that when choosing wallpaper for a children's room, it is important to take into account the age and psychological characteristics of the child, since in this room the baby learns, relaxes, grows and improves. In this room, his worldview and moral principles are formed, that is, he is formed as a person. In order for these processes to occur as efficiently as possible, the environment must fully contribute to them. In addition to the age and psychological characteristics of the child, when choosing wallpaper for a child's room, it is important to ensure that they meet hygiene requirements. In this regard, decorating a children's room is often associated with many difficulties for parents, as the child grows rapidly, and often there is a need to replace the wallpaper. However, manufacturers, to the best of their ability, try to make it as easy as possible for parents when choosing wallpaper for a children's room, offering a huge variety of textures, colors and patterns for every taste. In this article, we will look at how to choose wallpaper for children's rooms for children of different genders and ages.

Types of wallpaper for the children's room: what to look for?

Wallpaper is the most popular material for wall decoration in a children's room, and the main condition when choosing wallpaper for a nursery is the use of only natural materials. In order not to make a mistake when choosing wallpaper and make sure of its quality, when buying a material, ask the seller for documents confirming the quality of the wallpaper, which indicates that the paper and coloring components used for the production of these wallpapers meet quality standards.

Varieties of wallpaper used to decorate a nursery:

  • Vinyl wallpapers, which have a lot of advantages, one of the sides of which is a vinyl coating, and the second is represented by paper or non-woven fabric. This type of wallpaper is easy to stick, hides the unevenness of the wall and does not change color with constant exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • paper wallpaper no less in demand than the previous version. Their cost is one of the most democratic, which allows you to change the wallpaper when the child moves to a new age group. If a little artist is growing up in your family who loves to paint masterpieces on the walls, choosing paper wallpaper will minimize material losses. No synthetic components are used in the production of paper wallpapers;
  • Non-woven wallpaper- more durable, unlike paper wallpaper. They are characterized by plasticity, in connection with which, they are easily glued. There are no harmful components in the composition of non-woven wallpaper, they are easy to clean and are a kind of air conductors;
  • Wall mural- a good option for lovers of diversity. The most popular are photo wallpapers for children's rooms depicting cartoon characters, thanks to which the child will be able to feel like in a fairy tale;

  • The liquid wallpaper- one of the most expensive options, as a result of which it is characterized by less demand, compared with other types of wallpaper. Its main advantage is that over time you can easily paint over all the art of your child;
  • Cork wallpaper- environmentally friendly material that provides effective sound insulation and protection from noisy neighbors.

Wallpaper in the children's room photo

Rules for choosing wallpaper in the nursery: general requirements

1. Wallpaper in the nursery should be made of environmentally friendly hypoallergenic materials of natural origin. These requirements are fully met by paper, non-woven and, for those who have large funds, textile wallpapers. Liquid wallpaper can also be used to decorate a children's room, but vinyl wallpaper, despite the fact that they are a practical material, experts recommend to refuse. If you choose wallpaper with a pattern, check with the sellers and make sure it is applied with water-based paint. As for the choice of glue, experts recommend giving preference to special glue for children's rooms, offered by manufacturers such as Pufas, Henkel, etc. If your child is allergic or asthmatic, discard wallpaper with a deep relief structure.

Important! The ideal option for a child's room will be quite expensive, but high-quality liquid wallpaper that does not form joints. They have not only high aesthetic characteristics, but also effective heat and sound insulation properties. When buying liquid wallpaper, it is recommended to pay attention to the quality of the raw materials used for their manufacture.

2. The choice of wallpaper pattern for the children's room should be appropriate for the age of the child. Psychologists believe that to decorate the room of a child under one and a half years old, it is better to use a neutral monochromatic coating, while for a child from one and a half to three years old, a variety of patterns and ornaments. After three years - the child's psyche is already ready to perceive educational drawings and stories, and you can safely choose wallpapers with cartoon characters;

3. Be careful with the choice of plot. Experts do not recommend "settle" fairy-tale characters on all walls in the children's room. This is due to the rapid change in the tastes of growing up children, who are likely to get bored with the Disney cartoon characters chosen a year ago. In addition, they can act excitingly on the fragile psyche of the child. In this regard, try to opt for a neutral coverage;

4. Zoning of the room is one of the important factors that must be considered when choosing wallpaper for a child's room. A carefully thought-out design of a children's room, in which wallpaper plays an important role, should be developed taking into account the fact that the child spends most of his time here. In this regard, in the nursery it is necessary to allocate a play and study area, a place for recreation or sports, as well as a sleeping area, which will help the use of plain and ornamental finishes. Therefore, the best solution would be a combination of a plain coating and wallpaper with a variety of patterns, as well as photo wallpapers and panels;

5. If you prefer photo wallpapers, then remember that you will have to face a number of difficulties with their adjustment to size. In this case, you will either have to sacrifice part of the plot by cutting it off at the edges, or place the canvases in different places, filling the free space with plain wallpaper. To be sure that the dimensions of the photo wallpaper will match the dimensions of the walls, you can make them to order;

6. Having given preference to photo wallpaper, it is important to consider the location of the furniture in the room. If the wall on which the large-scale plot will be located is half-covered with furniture, or at least a piece of the image is covered with a wardrobe or bed, the idea will lose its original intention, and the wall will lose its appearance;

7. If you find drawings on the walls in the children's room, do not rush to scold the child for damaged wallpaper, but strive to further develop his creative abilities. To do this, you can choose wallpapers that develop the child's creative potential, the drawing on which is not completely painted over. If you choose such wallpapers, the child will have the opportunity to paint over them on their own. Another modern option is wallpaper applications, which are separate pieces of a three-dimensional mosaic, sold complete with an assembly diagram, glue and a brush. The opportunity to stick such wallpaper is provided to the small owner of the room.

Wallpaper for the children's room: choose according to the age of the child

Looking for an answer to a question: "What wallpaper is suitable for a child's room?" many experts suggest focusing on the age of the child. You should not expect that it is enough to glue the wallpaper once a decade - they will have to be re-pasted as the child grows up. In addition, it is important to take into account the fact that children often draw on the wallpaper or pick off pieces from them, rendering them unusable. Consider the features of choosing wallpaper in accordance with the age category to which the child belongs:

  • In the process of decorating a room for a newborn baby use wallpaper in pastel shades, as bright color combinations can have a negative effect on the psyche of the child and cause him anxiety. At the same time, it is not recommended to choose wallpapers with cartoon characters, as they can scare a small family member;
  • For children from one to two years old, actively beginning to explore the world and disposed to everything bright, according to psychologists, bright wallpapers with colorful drawings are the most preferable. However, it is not recommended to overload the room with bright colors and glue the most colorful parts of the wallpaper in front of the baby's crib;

  • What wallpaper to glue in the nursery a child between two and four years old? In this case, designers recommend focusing on the taste preferences of the child. Most likely, these will be wallpapers with cartoon characters depicted on them, however, a significant part of the wallpaper should be framed in one, preferably pastel shade, which will allow you to easily place child's drawings on them in frames. You can give preference to photo wallpapers with animals or cartoon characters, but the characters themselves should not be larger than a child;
  • At the age of 4-6 years children become even more active, and designers advise not to suppress the creative abilities of the child, but to contribute in every possible way to their development. This will be possible if you decorate the walls so that their top is decorative, and the lower part is monochrome, pasted over with inexpensive paper wallpaper, where the child can draw with complete impunity. As for the color shade, experts recommend giving preference to balanced iridescent tones, abandoning bright exciting and dark overwhelming shades;

  • After the child reaches the age of six, he will begin to actively make friends, and their active games in the rooms can contribute to damage to the wall covering. In this regard, at this age it is better to choose liquid wallpaper or inexpensive wallpaper for painting, allowing you to paint over all defects if they occur. In order for the child to concentrate while studying, use wallpaper in calm muted shades or striped wallpaper;
  • Beginning from the age of nine, the design of the children's room for a boy and a girl is different. What are the differences - we will consider further.

Children's room for a boy: how to choose a wallpaper?

The main criterion that you need to focus on when choosing wallpaper for a children's room for boys should be the child's temperament. If your baby is slow and phlegmatic, opt for calm warm colors and delicate shades. To stir up a passive child, often prone to laziness, use rich canvases in bright colors. The hyperactive room is best decorated in cold (but not gloomy!) shades. To make the room warm and cozy, use peach and apricot shades, and if your child has reached school age, yellow will help increase concentration and awaken a craving for knowledge.

Thus, the most optimal colors for decorating a boy's bedroom are the following:

  • Violet;
  • Green;
  • Blue;
  • Blue;
  • Yellow;
  • Brown.

The use of blue wallpaper allows you to embody the nautical theme in the room, while the combination of green and beige is relevant for those who decide to recreate the atmosphere of the jungle.

Important! In most cases, when choosing wallpaper for a teenager's children's room, parents try to avoid black, which, according to designers, is completely unjustified. The color black is synonymous with peace and night's rest, and according to some paramedics, it even raises blood pressure and helps prevent colds. If you use black in moderation, then it will not have a depressing effect on the psyche of the child. Black color will go well with portraits of famous personalities (athletes, actors or musicians) and graffiti used to decorate a teenage boy's room.

How to choose drawings on the wallpaper in the children's room for a boy?

Most wallpaper manufacturers show images of cartoon characters, birds and animals on their canvases. Almost all parents tend to buy something bright and colorful, often forgetting to ask about the taste preferences of the owner of the room. It is important to remember that if one boy likes colorful canvases depicting cartoon characters, then the other will like calm monochromatic colors.

But, despite the child's taste preferences, parents should remember that excessively frequent and colorful pictures tire the child's psyche and get bored of him very quickly. The best choice, balancing the psyche of a hyperactive child and disinhibiting a melancholy child, is single drawings or plot images supported by the general stylistic design of the room. And to beat them is quite simple, for example, to emphasize the butterflies depicted on the wallpaper, it is enough to complement them with a green bedside table that personifies the lawn. Do the same with images of animals or cartoon characters.

Must be avoided!

  • Abstract drawings that are unacceptable for the psyche of a child, as they are focused on the strengthened psyche of an adult;
  • Clear patterns that repeat on all walls, as they will tire the child's psyche. The most preferred option in this case is to decorate one wall with wallpaper with drawings, and decorate the rest of the walls in a plain palette.

Thematic plots for decorating a room for a boy

  • Nature- wallpaper depicting the seas, lakes, sun and beaches will perfectly complement the room of a teenage boy. The use of natural landscapes would be appropriate in the room of a passive and balanced child, prone to active mental activity;
  • Nautical theme and pirates, as well as boats, underwater trays and other pirate stuff - all this will appeal to the little adventurer;
  • Historical characters(knights, cowboys and Indians) will appeal to little romantics and history lovers who, with their valiant deeds, dream of winning the heart of a beautiful lady in the future;
  • Technique- boyish nature is arranged in such a way that they will always be interested in cars, trains, planes and spaceships;
  • Sports theme- another direction that will appeal to lively and mischievous fidgets, as well as future athletes.

Children's room for girls: how to choose a wallpaper?

Things are different with the young lady's room. From early childhood, the room of the future woman should be decorated in a special way. This is due to the fact that from an early age, girls are brought up as future housewives, and the shade chosen for decorating the bedroom should emphasize the cozy atmosphere in the room.

The color of the wallpaper in the children's room for girls

The choice of the design of the children's room is of great importance, affecting the development of the child and even his well-being, and many experts put it on the same level with environmental friendliness. This is explained by the fact that, looking at a monotonous wall, the child has nothing to focus his eyes on. The reverse situation develops if you have decorated the room with wallpaper with a pattern - looking at them, the child learns to distinguish between shapes and colors, trains attentiveness and memory. However, this does not mean at all that you need to decorate the girl's nursery with wallpaper with catchy patterns. Similar to the design of a room for a boy, it is necessary to adhere to the fundamental rules that are relevant for the room of a little princess. In this regard, experts recommend choosing pink, beige, peach and apricot wallpapers for girls' children's room. You can use other shades, including:

  • Orange;
  • Turquoise;
  • Muted green, etc.

You can give preference to a combination of several colors, with only one condition that they are similar to each other. In addition, they should be somewhat muted, which will improve the overall stylistic perception of the room. At the same time, it is important to abandon dark shades that depress the child's psyche.

Important! If you plan to decorate the walls with accessories - clocks, photographs or other cute little things, choose plain wallpaper (or their color combinations) that will be the backdrop for wall accessories.

We decorate the girl's room depending on her age

  • To decorate a room young girls choose pastel colors using plain wallpaper that can be decorated with vinyl pictures and stickers;
  • For girls 3-7 years old You can use brighter color schemes by sticking photo wallpapers with the image of your favorite cartoon characters or animals. Canvases with the image of educational drawings are also suitable - the alphabet, numbers, names of countries, etc .;

  • Room decoration teenage girls better to trust her. Most likely, she will prefer a romantic style in pastel pink shades.

Thematic plots for the design of a room for a girl

Of course, there are active natures among girls who love technology, sports, cars and planes, but most of them are more romantic natures. In childhood, they will like the following stylistic decisions:

  • princess room, decorated in light pink tones and replete with castles, hearts and images of fairy-tale characters;
  • Forest fairy room, for which wallpapers of light green, green shades with the image of flowers, butterflies and animals are suitable.

Important! When choosing wallpaper for a children's room for children of different sexes, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, namely, to bet on a combination of wallpapers of various themes, without stopping at any particular direction. Having opted for neutral shades, divide the room into zones, giving each child his own corner, and let the children decorate their zone on their own.

For interior design, it is customary to use different models of vinyl photo wallpapers. You can choose a pattern among inexpensive children's photo wallpapers in our catalog or order a print of your photo on paper wallpaper. Gluing must be done on a smooth surface. It is better to buy non-woven wallpaper in the children's room - they are much easier to clean. In the production of vinyl models, the highest quality materials are used, so it is better to finish the walls for decorating the room with them - they will transform the interior and make the coating perfectly even.

What to choose: paper or vinyl base?

Wallpapering specialists advise buying children's photo wallpapers on non-woven or vinyl. The manufacturing process of such a canvas is simple - you need to choose a picture, we - apply it to one of the decorative coatings. They can be used to decorate rooms of any type, it is much easier to glue fragments on a dense base - there are no typical problems of paper models. If we consider the designs of ready-made photo wallpapers for the nursery, which look good with any interior, then the choice of plot for decorating the nursery should be given special attention.

Choosing a material for children's wallpaper to create a modern interior is easy:

  • only 3 manufacturing materials: paper, vinyl and interlining;
  • you can buy ready-made wallpapers with a base of any modern materials;
  • when choosing a texture, you should refer to the size of the canvas, since it may look different on ordinary wallpaper;
  • on paper wallpaper, wall defects will be visible, so it is better to glue vinyl or non-woven wallpaper that suits your interior design;
  • wall coverings are made of any size, which means that they can be glued in any room.

Selection of high-quality children's photo wallpaper

Among paper and vinyl, it is not difficult to choose the appropriate photo wallpaper for a children's room by design. Many colors are also used in bedrooms and living rooms. They decorate rooms with different types of decorative coatings, which differ in the convenience of gluing and maintenance. The choice of original pictures on the Internet is quite large, so they use different types of frescoes, photos of choice, varieties of the brightest drawings and exclusive landscapes. It all depends on the size of the apartment or house. For small apartments, you can choose a room for printing, different options for light photo wallpapers according to the tone of the children's room - in large houses. Wall murals for boys are most often dominated by traditional shades of blue and blue. In the children's bedroom for apathetic girls, according to psychologists, warm shades along with contrasting details are most suitable, and for active girls - soothing pastels (green, powdery, with a barely noticeable pattern or without it at all).

The nursery is not only a bedroom, a miniature gym and a study room in one room, but also a whole world full of fantasies and amazing stories, which is a reflection of the emotional state of the child.

Wallpapers are designed to create a cozy and unique atmosphere in it, which will be remembered by the child for his entire long adult life. And if everything is more or less clear with the material for their manufacture - it must be wear-resistant, breathable and hypoallergenic, then when choosing colors, difficulties often arise.

Which wallpaper is best in the children's room for boys, and what for girls? What if the room belongs to a brother and sister? What is better for the child's psyche, to fall asleep surrounded by plants, animals and birds or fairy-tale characters? Let's try to understand these important issues and consider the most popular types of children's wallpaper.

Wall mural

Wall mural is a stylish and bright element of interior design. With their help, you can visually expand the space, add perspective to it, turn the children's room into a "real" forest clearing, captain's cabin, fairy house or decorate the walls with images of fairy princesses, cartoon characters, magical worlds, space and sea distances and much more.

In addition, this is a great tool for dividing the nursery into areas for sleeping, playing and doing. When choosing them, they take into account not only the interior of the room, but also the gender and character of the child.

Wall mural in the children's room for boys usually chosen with plots that focus on courage and masculinity: jousting tournaments, sports competitions, beautiful cars.

For girls room choose romantic and delicate photo wallpapers, most often in pastel colors depicting beautiful princesses, fairy-tale palaces, medieval castles.

Flora and fauna is a theme that is equally loved by children of the sexes. These are painted or photographed animals, flowers, trees, as well as all kinds of natural landscapes.

It seems that decorating a nursery with photo wallpapers is easy - you just need to choose the picture you like and stick it on the wall. In fact, it is not so easy to choose a wall for bright and colorful canvases on which they will not get lost, especially in small rooms.

Firstly, you need to understand that the murals should be clearly visible and occupy an empty wall, not hung with shelves and not cluttered with furniture - with the exception of a bed or other sleeping place.

Secondly, in order for the photo wallpaper to organically fit into the interior of the nursery, it must be thought out in advance. First you need to choose furniture, accessories, sports complexes, then decide on their location, and only after that select photo wallpapers for their design.

Thirdly, do not forget that photo wallpapers are a very active element of decor, so their background should not be too bright and replete with small monotonously repeating details. Even the most beloved hero will get tired of the baby if his face follows him all over the room.

Fourth, do not forget to think about lighting. Wall murals will look more spectacular if you mount a spotlight directly next to them on the ceiling or on the wall.

Wallpaper with a pattern of birds and animals

Images of animals and birds in the children's room always look very cute and bring warmth and kindness to its atmosphere. Boys and girls of all ages love this wall design.

Boys most often prefer bright and rich wallpapers depicting strong animals and birds: lions, tigers, panthers, eagles, hawks. Wallpaper with drawings or photos of more peaceful representatives of the fauna: deer, antelopes, peacocks, swans, flamingos are suitable for a children's room for girls.

At as if wallpaper depicting birds and animals can be divided into four types:

  1. Realistic - detailed drawings and photographs of birds and animals that exist in nature.
  2. Stylized - simplified images of real-life or fabulous representatives of the animal world.
  3. Animalistic ornaments with a schematic representation of animals and birds.
  4. Wallpaper with a pattern or texture imitating the skin of animals or bird plumage.

The style of such wallpaper also depends on the age of the child.

For a room where kids from 0 to 3 years old live, wallpapers with unobtrusive and sketchy images of cute birds, funny animals, funny fish, as if drawn by an uncertain children's hand, are suitable. The style of watercolor or pencil drawing does not overload the interior and does not catch the eye, which is very important for the most tender childhood.

For a preschooler 4-6 years old, it is already possible to select wallpapers with more realistic images of birds and animals or with "cartoon" drawings. It can be bunnies, penguins, owls, kittens, dogs, Teddy bears. It is advisable to choose them together with the baby, since it is already important for him to know that his opinion is also taken into account.

For a teenager, “adult” varieties of wallpaper with animal patterns in ethnic style are suitable. Animal prints with African, Indonesian or South American motifs on a background imitating the color of a giraffe, zebra, crocodile, tiger or a plain lion or elephant skin will make a teenage nursery very stylish and dynamic.

Striped wallpaper

Striped wallpaper is a universal option suitable for a child of any age and gender. They are able not only to decorate the walls in an original way, but also to hide their flaws, transforming the room beyond recognition.

For a nursery, you can choose wallpapers that are decorated with stripes of multi-colored and close in tone, bright and neutral, wide and narrow.

As well as their various combinations. Their choice depends on how you see the nursery: calm or dynamic, pacifying or inviting to fun games. Therefore, before heading to the store for striped wallpaper, designers suggest paying attention to the following points:

In addition, you need to understand: despite the seeming simplicity of striped wallpaper, decorating walls with them is not so simple. So that the child does not have the feeling that he is in a cage, it is important to carefully consider every detail. For example, it is better to completely refuse black and white stripes and prints in the nursery.

Floral print

Wallpaper with a floral pattern always looks good in anyone, including children's interiors. And if the pattern on them is made in not too bright, pastel colors, they can also become a background for various accessories, such as posters or photographs.

Plants include a variety of images of flora: hand-drawn and photographic, stylized and realistic. It can be trees, shrubs, flowers, leaves, twigs and even seaweed. As a rule, such canvases require precise fitting at the joints, but they are perfectly combined with other types of wallpaper and are suitable for children of any gender and age.

You need to understand that the floral print on children's wallpaper obeys its own genre laws. It should not be flashy and pompous. For example, lush and "rich" flower arrangements are appropriate in living rooms and bedrooms, but not in children's rooms. When choosing a floral pattern for walls for the age of a child, it is advisable to proceed from the following prerequisites:

  • In the nursery, where teenage boys live, wallpaper with floral prints is not used very often. But the abode of a young gentleman of 12-14 years old will look very stylish if, with the help of “vegetal” wallpapers, you turn it, for example, into an impenetrable jungle.

Wallpaper companions

The interior of the children's room does not tolerate boredom and monotony, so the furniture for it is chosen bright and colorful. But it looks good only on a calm neutral background, while the rest of the space looks bland and boring. The ideal way out in this case will be wallpaper companions.

The use of wallpaper companions in the nursery has a number of advantages that help create a stylish and comfortable atmosphere in the interior, these are:

  • unlimited possibilities for any creative ideas;
  • varied, but harmonious design, avoiding both gray dullness and excessive variegation;
  • the ability to correct the flaws in the geometry of the room and zone the space.

These advantages are taken into account by all leading manufacturers of finishing materials and regularly release new collections of companion children's wallpapers.

They are very diverse and can include colorful panels, and background canvases (with a small pattern or plain), and decorative borders to connect them. Especially convenient is that they are fully thought out by designers, and you do not have to worry about how to arrange them organically.

But if you are unable to find ready-made paired wallpapers that match your ideas, you can always assemble them yourself. There are no strict criteria for this.

The main thing is not to violate the basic rule - paired types of wallpaper must match at least one indicator.

For example, they can be with a different pattern, but with the same texture, or, conversely, with a different texture, but the same color, or different tones of the same color. The most common option is plain wallpaper and a companion with a print on the same background.

Wallpaper in the nursery for children of different sexes

Choosing the right wall cladding for a nursery requires a lot of time and creativity, and the task of finding wallpaper in the nursery for children of different sexes becomes more difficult several times.

After all, for each child it is necessary to create a comfortable personal space, designed in accordance with his tastes and needs. But you should not despair.

There are two ways to decorate the walls of a nursery belonging to a brother and sister: glue universal wallpapers that are suitable for both boys and girls, or decorate the habitat of each child in its own way.

In the first case, you will have to choose a neutral wall design: stripes, geometric patterns, floral prints.

With one or two bright colors, canvases with this design will not look too mature. They are also good because they are suitable for children of any age. Therefore, such an interior will be relevant for several years and it can be safely decorated with expensive, for example, washable wallpaper.

If you decide to create an individual corner in the nursery for each child or the age of her young owners is different, do not forget to take into account the effect of color shades on their psyche. So, for schoolchildren, it is desirable to use bright and active tones that set them in a working mood, and for small children, calm pastel colors that promote rest and relaxation.

Even if at a younger age the interests of a brother and sister coincide with time, the situation may change. Wallpaper, the design of which only one child likes can cause conflicts and jealousy. Therefore, when decorating a nursery for kids of different sexes, designers advise using the following tips:

  • Give your daughter and son the opportunity for self-realization. Decorate one of the walls with plain pale wallpaper and allocate a place on it for each child where he can glue his personal photos, images of favorite characters, posters or any other accessories.

The main goal of parents when decorating a nursery should be to create an environment in this room in which the child will feel calm, comfortable and protected. Wallpaper is one of the main tools for solving this problem. They will help create a unique and cozy children's world in a single room, and what it will be filled with depends only on you.

When choosing wallpaper for a boy's nursery, remember: everything that surrounds the child affects his development, especially in the room where he spends most of his time. Color, pattern and large images are ways to develop mindfulness and imagination, to influence the mood.

What type of wallpaper is better to choose for a child's boy?

In the first place - safety for the health of the child. The coating should "breathe" and not accumulate dust; be hypoallergenic. Thick wallpaper tolerates damage and pollution, which is indispensable in a children's room.


Environmental friendliness and budget - the main advantages of paper wallpaper. Their rapid wear and instability to mechanical pollution in the children's room become a plus: without regret and significant costs, wall decoration can be changed as the child grows up.


Durable and wear-resistant non-woven wallpaper is denser than paper; well hide small irregularities of the walls.


It is better to refuse vinyl wallpaper in the children's room because of their toxicity and airtightness. They can be placed isolated in places of increased activity of the child (at the table, in the play area), as they are washed and even cleaned with a brush or abrasives.


Seamlessly applied to walls of complex construction. Eco-friendly - the composition includes gelatin, cotton, tree bark, mica, flower petals. Painted in any color of your choice.

The photo shows a room for a guy on the theme of football. The walls are finished with green liquid wallpaper with an imitation of a football field.


They absorb dust, odors and are difficult to clean. In addition, they have a rather high price.

Create a unique interior. For a child's boy, materials depicting cars, trains, planes, ships, comic book characters and favorite cartoons are suitable.

The photo shows a modern bedroom for a boy in soothing blue and blue tones. Wall decoration is made with photo wallpaper with the character of the cartoon "Cars".


Cork and bamboo wallpapers are environmentally friendly and safe, but they require accuracy and frugality.

For painting

Wallpaper for painting allows you to change the color of the walls up to 6-8 times. This will help get rid of stains and change the boring design.

The photo shows orange wallpaper with a brickwork texture.

Wallpaper for drawing

Chalkboard wallpaper, marker canvas and coloring wallpaper not only decorate the nursery, but also help to develop the child.

Color spectrum

When choosing colors, you need to take into account the age of the child and his temperament. Bright colors will activate calm children, and pastel shades will calm restless ones.


Will harmoniously fit into the children's room for newborns. Bright furniture and contrasting interior items on a white background are an option for older boys.

black and white

They will effectively decorate the interior of a boy's room of any age, especially if you choose the right colorful accents in the form of decor items or textiles.


The wallpaper will look great in the sleeping area, acting on the children's nervous system in a beneficial, calming way.


If there is a lot of natural daylight in the room, then black wallpaper can be used, but it is better to do this for one accent wall, for example, at the head of the bed.


A gentle boyish version will look good in a classic or modern bedroom.


Universal calm color of wallpaper for a children's room. It goes well with other colors.


In a room with blue wallpaper, an active child will calm down, recover, tune in to sleep.


The basic classic gray color of the wallpaper will balance the variegation of bright children's toys and textiles. If used ineptly, it can make a room dull and "boring".

Cool design ideas and drawings

The use of drawings and large graphic objects will make the room individual, emphasize the character and hobbies of the child.


Wall mural with stylish modern inscriptions in the style of street art will fit unusually and creatively into a teenager's room.

The photo shows a room for a young man in a modern style with bright blue graffiti on an accent wall.

with cars

A win-win option for any age. Small cars on a plain background - for a kid, tractors, tanks, mischievous cartoon characters "Cars" - for a younger boy, realistic modern racing cars - for a schoolboy.

The photo shows a modern children's room for a boy in a contrasting red, white and black tones with a design on the theme of cars.


A popular plot for a nursery boy. Add airiness, lightness, spirit of adventure.


With the help of stickers, you can revive monochrome wallpaper or hide stains and dirt on the walls. A huge selection of bright scenes will enliven the children's room.

Create a magnificent fairy-tale three-dimensional world in the child's room. It is better to place on one accent wall (opposite the bed, at the table) for the development of attention and imagination.

Under the brick

White is appropriate in the room of a child of any age. Bright orange, with traces of scuffs and bumps, will fit into a loft-style bedroom for guys.


They affect the visual perception of the room: horizontal stripes expand the space, making it low, vertical ones narrow it, adding height to the ceilings.

Wallpaper in a cage will give the room a truly masculine character; blue and blue cage for preschool children, brown - for teenagers.

The photo shows a children's room for a boy in a classic style. Used a combination of light wallpaper in a brown cage and vertical stripes.


Wallpaper in the style of football for the room of a real fan and football player. Decoration with the help of thematic decor (pillow, chandelier in the form of a black and white sports ball, textiles or a carpet with imitation of a football field) will complete the image of the room.

The photo shows a room for a boy in white and dark blue, the walls of which are decorated with wallpaper on a football theme.

Heroes of cartoons and fairy tales

Winnie the Pooh, Transformers and Spider-Man are the favorite characters of the boys, and have long settled on the walls of many children's rooms.


A huge theme in the gallery of children's prints. Dogs, bears, elephants, giraffes and dinosaurs make great roommates for a child.

World map

World map with detailed names of cities, capitals, countries, geographical features, terrain and animal habitats for travel lovers.

In the photo, the boy's children's room has a bright accent wall in the form of a world map.

Space and planets

Planets, constellations and spaceships will make the room attractive and original.

In the photo, the children's room for the boy is decorated with dark blue wallpaper with a geometric pattern and space-themed photo wallpaper.

Photo examples in various styles

Any style from classic to modern will look appropriate, it all depends on the preferences of the child and the financial capacity of the parents.


In a laconic, eco-friendly and spacious Scandinavian style, plain white wallpaper or light wallpaper with a contrasting geometric pattern (stripe, zigzag, with stars), a white brick wall are suitable.


Luxurious, elegant and sophisticated classic style involves wallpaper in light shades (blue, beige) and small drawings on them (stripe, cage).


The style gives a lot of scope for choosing the design of the children's room: bright colors, colorful prints, realistic photo wallpapers, glowing graffiti.


Allows you to create different options for interiors: both a stormy surging sea (contrasting colors with bright accents), and a quiet, calm one (white color, delicate shades of blue, brown).


Rough, unfinished walls, brickwork, pipes and wires - a real lair for a growing man. Loft - for original and courageous teenagers.

Wallpaper combination

In order not to overload the children's room, making it blurry and annoying, it is better to choose companion wallpapers: one wall is bright, colorful or with a large image, the rest are plain or with a neutral small pattern.

How to choose wallpaper for a boy?

The choice of suitable materials depends on the age of the boy, his individual characteristics and interests, the general style idea of ​​interior design.

Age features

0-3 years

4, 5, 6 years old

Actively developing and exploring the world of preschool boys will suit bright colorful wallpapers with their favorite cartoon characters, animals, coloring wallpapers and with a chalkboard effect.

7, 8, 9 years old

This age is characterized by the rapid development of fantasy and imagination, so it is better to choose wallpapers in a marine, pirate, space theme so that the nursery becomes a favorite place for games and learning the basics of the world.

10, 11, 12 years old

By the middle school age, many boys have identified their favorite hobbies, hobbies, lifestyle (for example, the topic of sports, London, travel, anime, robots). A modern design with bright accents, wallpaper with a geometric pattern and inscriptions will look good.

13, 14, 15, 16 years old

Given the maximalism characteristic of teenagers, including in taste and preferences, it is better to make the room an alliance of incredible colors, textures, shapes and abstractions. Loft, avant-garde, hi-tech, Scandinavian and modern styles will help with this.

General selection rules

The choice depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe children's room and the direction of the world.

  • For a small room on the north side, white, light wallpapers are suitable, which will visually expand it. It is better to refuse black and dark wallpapers or use them on one wall.
  • For the south side, it is better to choose cold shades (blue, green, blue).
  • For the northern, warm shades (beige, yellow, orange) - to compensate for the lack of sunlight.

Features of the selection of wallpapers for two boys

For twins or twins, it may be difficult to accommodate a double set of furniture, while the choice of wallpaper will depend on the age, preferences and hobbies of both.

For boys of different ages, the room can be zoned to reflect the personality and needs of each. Can be distinguished:

  • a zone of sleep and rest (light and neutral shades with a small discreet pattern);
  • play area (bright colors with an active pattern, photo wallpapers, wallpapers with a developing context);
  • study area (textured plain walls in soothing shades, as a backdrop for shelves with teaching aids).

Photo gallery

A competent approach to choosing wallpaper will help create a comfortable and cozy personal space for your son. Below are photo examples of using wallpaper on the walls in the children's room.

Choosing wallpaper for a child's room is not as easy as it might seem. In the design of a children's room, every detail of the interior and decoration is important. After all, here the child not only rests and sleeps, but also engages in creativity, plays, studies, spends time with friends. Therefore, his personal space should be cozy, comfortable, functional and, of course, aesthetically attractive.

When choosing wallpaper for a children's room, you should take into account the gender and age of the child, his taste preferences and ideas for decorating his little universe. It is also important to pay attention to the environmental friendliness and practicality of this finishing material. Wallpaper, like the rest of the decoration, furniture and decor, should not have a harmful effect on the health of the child.

The color scheme and texture of the wallpaper depends on the age and gender of the owner of the room. It is better to decorate a nursery for kids in neutral warm shades that will create a calm, peaceful atmosphere.

For middle-aged girls and boys, children's wallpaper for the walls should be selected according to their preferences. Girls like delicate pastel colors, while boys prefer colder shades.

In the children's room, it is better to choose wallpaper made from natural materials. They will not harm the health of the child and allow the walls to "breathe". Their practicality and ease of care should also be taken into account, because children often leave traces of their creativity on the walls.

Types of wallpaper, their advantages and disadvantages

Paper Cheap;
easy to glue;
big choice;
hide small flaws in the wall.
Erased quickly;
do not wash;
burn out in the sun.
non-woven Acceptable price;
environmentally friendly;
easy to wash;
can be painted;
hide cracks in the wall.
Small assortment; transparent;
average sound and heat insulation.
Vinyl durable;
moisture resistant;
have very interesting decorative qualities.
heavy in sticking;
have a specific smell, which is felt for several days after gluing.
Textile natural;
good sound and heat insulation;
antiseptics; very beautiful; lack of joints.
Very expensive;
require professional gluing;
dust collectors;
strongly absorb odors;
Dry clean only.
Wall mural A wide range of images, including unique ones (you can print your family photo);
acceptable price.
Require professional gluing;
do not hide the flaws of the wall.
Liquid Environmentally friendly;
high sound insulation;
do not burn out;
lack of seams and joints.
small selection;
cannot be washed.
Glass fiber Environmentally friendly;
fire resistant;
increased strength;
pass air;
can be repainted;
applied to any surface;
can be washed.
Difficult to remove later;
very expensive;
small selection of patterns.

To decide which wallpaper to choose in the nursery, you should familiarize yourself with their properties, advantages and disadvantages.

paper wallpaper

Paper wallpaper is a natural, environmentally friendly, cheap and beautiful type of finish. A huge range of textures, colors and patterns will allow you to choose the best option for a child of any age. But it is best to use children's paper wallpapers in light and warm colors in the decoration of the kids' room. They will allow the walls to breathe, and in case of damage they can be easily updated. In addition, children grow up very quickly, and after 3-4 years, changes will have to be made to the design. It will be necessary to pick up paper wallpapers in the children's room that will fit into the updated interior and will appeal to its grown-up owner.

Non-woven wallpaper

Perfect for wall decoration children's non-woven wallpaper, which are made from natural materials, are sold in a large assortment of textures, colors and patterns. They are very strong and durable, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of such a finish during outdoor children’s games. Any dirt from the wallpaper can be easily removed with a damp cloth. Selected non-woven wallpaper for the children's room can be repainted several times if the child gets bored with their color.

Vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl wallpaper in the decoration of the children's room is better not to use. Foamed vinyl is very easy to separate from the paper backing. Therefore, children's vinyl wallpaper will quickly become unusable due to children's pranks. And for young children, such a finish is dangerous, especially for those who like to taste everything. Vinyl is a synthetic material that can cause allergic reactions. In addition, such wallpapers, although they have a paper base, do not let air through, and this can lead to the formation of fungus and mold on the walls.

Photo wallpaper in the interior of the children's room

Beautiful wall murals for the children's room will be its main focus. With their help, you can divide the space into functional zones or decorate one of the walls. In the room of small children, images on the wallpaper will create a fabulous and magical atmosphere, and for teenagers - a stylish and fashionable design.

It is better to choose wallpaper in the children's room on a paper basis with an anti-vandal coating. They are absolutely safe for the health of the child, and the protective layer will allow you to keep their original appearance for a long time.

The liquid wallpaper

A great option for wall decoration in a children's room -. In their structure, they resemble decorative plaster, but unlike it, they have a soft and pleasant to the touch surface, which can be given any texture.

Little fidgets, having flown into such walls, will not get hurt or scratched. This finish is environmentally friendly, practical and durable. Any liquid wallpaper in the children's room can be painted in the color you like, apply ornaments and patterns using stencils, and combine with other types of finishes.

They also have the advantage that soiled areas can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth, and damaged areas are repaired by applying a small amount of the mixture.

3d wallpaper in the nursery

The highlight of the design of the children's room will be children's 3D wallpaper. Each child, regardless of age, will be happy to see in his personal space three-dimensional images of his favorite fairy-tale heroes, cars, sea depths, outer spaces, cities.

3D wall murals for a child's bedroom will help make the interior cozy and unusual without wasting useful space.

But how do you choose the right image? First of all, you should focus on the age of the child. If this is a baby, it is better to give preference to wallpaper for walls in soothing colors, not overloaded with contrasts and small details.

A middle-aged boy will surely like images of his favorite cartoon or video game characters.

For a girl - fabulous, romantic stories or compositions with flowers.

And for a school-age child who is interested in a particular field of knowledge, canvases depicting the starry sky or world maps, space landscapes with neon illumination, photographs of the underwater world, as well as fantasy-style drawings may be of interest.

Numerous image options will allow the child to decorate one of the walls of his room in accordance with his preferences and wishes. 3d wallpapers will not harm the health of the owner of the room, they are quite strong and durable. They are very easy to glue, so a boring picture can be easily replaced.

What wallpaper to stick in a girl's room

When choosing wallpaper for a girl's room, you need to take into account her age, temperament, hobbies and favorite colors.

For babies under the age of three, it is better to choose wall finishes in neutral and warm shades, for example, beige, pale pink or milky. You can take plain wallpaper or wallpaper with a small, blurry pattern. This color scheme will be perfectly combined with any furniture, textiles and decor elements, and will create a soothing and cozy atmosphere in the room.

For little princesses aged 3 to 6 years, wallpapers of brighter and richer colors are suitable. Romantic and dreamy natures will love the finishes of pink, turquoise, cream or olive. For active and creative girls, it is better to use orange, yellow, green, emerald and gold shades in the design of the walls. On the wall in the play area, you can stick photo wallpapers for girls with images of your favorite cartoon characters, landscapes, flowers, fairy-tale castles.

In a room for girls from 6 to 12 years old, plain wallpapers, wallpapers with drawings and ornaments of various themes, both light and more saturated colors, are perfect. It all depends on what color the girl likes more, what she is fond of, what she wants to see in her room.

To highlight the functional areas, you can use wallpapers of different colors. For the recreation and sleep area, it is better to use light pastel colors, for the play area - brighter wallpapers with cheerful drawings.

Wall murals in the interior of a nursery for girls of this age will look great. Let them choose the images themselves that will be the highlight of the design of their personal space.

We select wallpaper for the boy's room

When choosing wallpaper for boys, you should consider the same criteria as when choosing a finish for a girl's children's room. Of great importance are the age, character, taste preferences and hobbies of the child.

The room of the newborn should be with a light, non-irritating finish. To create a calm and peaceful atmosphere, it is better to stick wallpaper in pale blue, beige, cream shades.

Boys are much more active than girls, so the main background of their rooms should not be very bright so as not to excite the child's nervous system. An excellent choice for decorating the walls of children's rooms for boys of any age will be wallpaper in blue, blue, green and gray tones. Of course, so that the interior is not boring and dull, you need to add bright accents. The main wallpaper for the boy's room can be combined with wallpaper in orange, yellow, dark blue, burgundy, bright green. These can be abstract combinations, highlighting the game and sports area, horizontal stripes or panel design.

An excellent choice for a room for boys from 3 to 6 years old will be wallpaper with various patterns of cars, planes, boats. They will make the interior cheerful and perky.

You can decorate one of the walls in the room with three-dimensional images corresponding to the age of the child. Little fidgets will be delighted to see fashionable photo wallpapers with cars or Spiderman in their room.

For a boy aged 3 to 9 years, photos of your favorite characters from cartoons and comics, sea or space ships, cars, rockets, planes are more suitable. The choice will depend on the hobbies of the child.

Stylish wallpaper for a boy over 9 years old can be with images of cities, sea spaces, unexplored depths of space, graffiti, racing sports cars. It will be very good if the child himself chooses the wallpaper that will decorate his room.

What wallpaper to choose in the nursery for children of different sexes

Choosing wallpaper for a children's bedroom in which a girl and a boy live is not an easy task. The interior of such a room should be convenient and comfortable for both children.

The best option is to stick wallpaper in a neutral color in the recreation area, for example, beige, olive, milky. And for the play area, use wallpaper with interesting patterns, or apply ornaments and figures to plain wallpaper using stencils. Here you can stick children's photo wallpapers, the image on which should be liked by both the girl and the boy.

Another option for decorating the space of a children's room is the division into a girl's and a boy's zone using the color and textures of the finish. For a girl, you can take wallpaper in delicate pastel colors, and for a boy - light, but colder.

To decorate such an interior, ordinary photo wallpapers and 3d wallpapers are perfect, which also visually expand the space.

Wallpaper for a teenager

The interior of the teenage room should not be overloaded with very bright, saturated colors. The color of the walls should promote relaxation and rest, and not excite the fragile nervous system.

Light plain wallpaper for a teenage room is best suited. If the child insists on decorating the walls with bright finishes, then horizontal combination can be applied. Glue wallpapers in saturated colors on the bottom of the wall, and light ones on the top.

In addition, photo wallpapers for a teenager will help to add colors to a bright interior, the choice of images on which is best left to him. As a rule, girls prefer photographs of flowers, landscapes, the sea, city streets, idols. And boys prefer racing cars, famous athletes, airplanes, views of cities.

You can decorate the accent wall with wallpaper with various fashionable prints and patterns. They will make a teenager's room stylish and ultra-modern.

Fashion trends in the design of the walls of the children's room in 2019

In 2019, monochrome wallpapers of cold and warm shades with a pronounced texture will be in fashion. They are perfect for decorating children's rooms for boys and girls of all ages. You can add some brightness to such a laconic interior using stickers for children's wallpapers with images of flowers, cars, airplanes, dolls, animals and any other characters that the child likes.

You can choose trendy wallpaper with stars in the children's room for boys who dream of conquering space. They will also appeal to children who are fond of astronomy.

You can create a cheerful and playful interior by choosing wallpaper with polka dots for a children's girl's room. Wallpaper with small peas is perfect for the main background, and a large pattern will be appropriate on an accent wall, for example, in a play area.

Photo wallpapers with all kinds of images that can be matched to the style of any children's room remain in the trend.

Modern 3d wallpapers are becoming very popular. Volumetric images with the effect of presence will please children of any age, will become a stylish and original decoration of a children's room.

Well-chosen children's wallpaper will make the room cozy, comfortable and attractive. Participation in this process of the child will allow him to show design skills, embody his wishes and fantasies in the interior.

We hope that this article will help you choose the best wallpaper for the children's room. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments below. Our experts will definitely answer them.