Beautiful plain wallpaper for walls in the decor of various rooms. Conciseness and saturation of design in one color: how plain wallpaper transforms the interior

Thanks to the versatility of such coatings, you can emphasize the subtleties of any style, and a wide range of shades allows you to create an interior in absolutely any color, which, of course, can be considered another advantage of such coatings.

But is it really so rosy in practice to use such wallpapers? To create an interior that matches fashion trends, you need observe a number of trends even when gluing plain wallpaper for walls. Let's find out how to decorate your home in the best style, using only solid colors in different shades.

Colors, shades, tones: features of wall materials

Even the simplest plain wallpaper can become the main highlight of any design, because the main property of such materials is the ability to set the background and the right mood for the entire space.

As a rule, wallpapers of this type are used to darken or brighten the interior, less often to highlight accents on individual walls or some of their parts.

Since the use of plain wallpaper for walls in the interior does not imply the presence of expressive patterns on the walls, for many such a design may seem banal and boring.

To solve the problem with the uniformity of design, several techniques can be implemented that allow fill the interior with additional colors and details:

  • create bright accents around the perimeter of the room;
  • choose wallpaper with a pronounced relief or textured surface;
  • attract attention in the interior and plain wallpaper with a pattern created by a stencil;
  • plain wallpaper without a pattern can be harmoniously combined with any curtains;
  • more and more popular is the combination of plain wallpapers with each other, using companion wallpapers.

In the photo of plain wallpaper, many more features of such coatings can be noted: they can expand the interior, correct the irregular shape of the room, mask the imperfections of the walls(when choosing wallpaper with a relief surface), set the mood.

Wallpaper without a pattern for walls is an excellent basis for paintings, photo frames, shelves and other accessories.

Choosing a tone

Decided to decorate the room in one color? There are two ways to achieve this result: choose inexpensive plain wallpaper in a finished shade or choose wallpaper for painting, the design of which can be periodically changed depending on your own preferences.

Advice: if you want to mask the joints, as well as prevent the possibility of color distortion on individual roll canvases, choose wallpaper for painting.

Beautiful plain wallpaper can be matched to almost any style. In modern designs, such as hi-tech or minimalism, it is better to give preference to light or calm cold shades.

Warm colors are typical for rooms decorated in Provence or country style. Bright and saturated tones are a characteristic feature of oriental themes, and restrained shades are a characteristic of classical and provincial design trends.

The right choice will depend on many factors. Therefore, when choosing plain wallpaper for the hall, kitchen, bedroom and other rooms, pay attention to the following features and parameters: resistance and durability of the material, the nature of the surface (or smooth), texture and color scheme.

The range of wallpaper coverings is quite large, but not everyone manages to choose the right option for rooms with specific conditions.

For example, in the kitchen, where the walls are exposed to moisture and steam, you can use. The main feature of vinyl plain wallpaper is the ability to clean, so your walls will retain their appearance for a long time.

When combining plain wallpaper with bright coatings in the bedside area, you can highlight this part of the room and create a favorable environment for sleeping (the bright color will not be evident during the rest).

Solid wallpaper for the children's room, too, choose with these features in mind. Paste wallpaper in light colors near the baby's crib. Children's plain wallpaper in the play area can be brighter and more saturated: , green, yellow, and others.

Living room in one color

The living room is designed for active recreation, receiving guests, meetings and holidays: here you should not be bored, so shades should be as dynamic as possible.

If you have a living room with enough space, you can divide the interior into two zones: one, brighter, will be decorated solemnly and stylishly, and the other - calmly and harmoniously. Therefore, plain wallpaper in the living room can have any shade.

Popular in a variety of styles and a mix of plain and patterned wallpapers. Against the background of plain walls, coatings will look original, with classic, natural patterns, large images and.

Advice: implement and , taking into account the peculiarities of their textures. Docking wallpaper of different density and thickness will be striking and create inharmonious seams around the entire perimeter of the room.

Wallpaper without a picture in the kitchen

In this interior it is necessary to create an environment that awakens appetite. Cold or dark tones can take place in the kitchen due to their resistance to dirt, but it is better to give preference to wallpaper in warm and light shades.

No less popular are bright plain wallpapers for the kitchen. They can be used as the basis of the interior, and in the form of auxiliary coatings. for highlighting niches, ledges, creating elegant inserts on walls.

Wall decoration in the hallway and corridor

Allowed in the hallway simplicity and ease of design, so this type of wallpaper will fit perfectly into this interior. It is advisable to choose plain wallpaper in the hallway taking into account their effect on the perception of the size of the room and light in space. , for example, white, beige or yellow, will expand and brighten such an interior.

The design of plain wallpaper may be different. The main thing is to give them the right meaning. Therefore, take your time with the choice: weigh the pros and cons, evaluate our photos - and start creating, and very soon your room will be filled with new colors.

With a modern range of decorative finishing materials, it is difficult to call plain wallpaper boring, simple and uninteresting. A wide range of colors allows you to embody the most daring ideas in the tones of the main color or contrast. Plain coverings offer many advantages in residential applications and also require special attention during installation.

When pasting walls and ceilings in living rooms, each owner tends to choose these types of wallpapers in order to get a unique interior design. For ceilings, light discreet coatings are usually taken, with the exception of photo wallpapers, frescoes or panels, when the pattern naturally goes to the ceiling.

Plain wallpaper for walls has a number of advantages:

  • visually expand the boundaries of space;
  • favorably set off furniture, interior items, curtains on the windows and accessories;
  • allow you to combine light and saturated shades;
  • are excellent for zoning living rooms.

Monochromatic canvases contribute to comfortable rest and relaxation, as they do not overload a person’s visual perception of the environment, but create a calm atmosphere. Often monophonic materials for wall decoration are used by lovers of modern minimalist styles and high-tech style, since against their background any objects made of glass, plastic and metal in the interior look perfect. The only significant drawback of monochrome wallpapers is that they require a perfectly flat base surface for pasting. On monophonic coatings, especially light colors, even the smallest defects and irregularities are visible.

When choosing plain wallpaper, you must first carry out a thorough finishing plaster or cover the walls with plasterboard to eliminate surface irregularities.

Varieties of plain wallpaper

Monochromatic coatings with which walls are pasted over are classified in the same way as other types, but it is much more difficult to choose them for specific rooms.

Wallpapers of the same color can be divided into groups:

  • according to the material of manufacture (paper, non-woven, vinyl, fiberglass, fabric);
  • according to the structure of the canvas (single and duplex);
  • by texture (smooth and embossed);
  • by texture (under fabrics, under natural materials or without it);
  • by color (finished factory staining or for painting).

When choosing plain wallpaper for a living room, it is worthwhile in each case to proceed from specific conditions: the size of the room, the purpose of the room, architectural features, cost, the complexity of pasting. Embossed wallpapers are available with small, large and abstract patterns. On paper and non-woven fabric, the relief effect is obtained using hot or cold stamping, and on vinyl - by spraying polyvinyl chloride onto a paper or non-woven base. Smooth wallpapers require a perfectly even base, while embossed ones hide minor defects.

When carrying out cosmetic repairs in a new apartment, it is worth giving preference to non-woven fabrics that do not tear when the structure shrinks.

It has long been no secret that plain, calm colors on the walls and ceiling of the bedroom create a calm atmosphere in the room for a comfortable stay. In the bedroom, it is desirable to use ecological "breathing" wallpaper: paper, non-woven and fabric on a non-woven basis. Since the walls in the bedroom are usually dry and not exposed to moisture, you should not use washable, vinyl or fiberglass wallpaper for pasting.

The embossed pattern on non-woven fabric, paper or fabric looks luxurious in the bedroom. Some owners, following the fashion, choose heavy vinyl-coated multi-layer wallpaper for the bedroom, forgetting to pay attention to their airtightness. Today on sale there are vinyl wallpapers with a relief structural pattern and micropores for air exchange, but they are more expensive.

Under plain walls it is easy to choose curtains for the bedroom. These can be striped curtains, with a small chintz pattern or a large ornament to match the wallpaper. Thanks to the simple monochrome design of the room, Roman, Italian, English curtains or multi-layer compositions with pleats and tails can be hung on the windows in the bedroom. Contrasting sliding panels look original in an oriental-style bedroom. If the design project of the bedroom provides for decoration in a rustic or country style, where the interior has a lot of decorative elements and accessories, then it is most appropriate to choose light plain coverings for the walls, against which Austrian curtains or curtains with ruffles and frills will look great.

In addition to design qualities, wallpaper for a children's room is subject to increased environmental safety requirements. Wall coverings in the nursery should not emit toxic substances when heated and should have a high rate of air and vapor permeability. "Breathable" wallpapers include paper, non-woven and vinyl wallpapers with micropores on a paper and non-woven basis. Child psychologists recommend not to overload the room with bright drawings, so as not to injure the child's psyche.

To make the design of the children's room interesting, it is enough:

  • stick photo wallpapers on a single-color background on one wall or in a niche;
  • combine a light background with bright borders;
  • make the panels more saturated in tone to the main one;
  • on smooth pastel walls, use stickers in bright colors.

When zoning the nursery into the sleeping and playing parts, you can use your own type of wallpaper for each of the zones. In the child's recreation area, the walls are pasted over with paper or non-woven wallpaper with an embossed pattern in light colors. And in the play area, vinyl wallpapers are used, which are more resistant to mechanical external influences.

When choosing wall coverings for a child's room, the safety of the materials is always more important than their durability.

Solid kitchen - design features

Although the kitchen occupies a small area in the living space of our apartments and houses, it is where we spend most of the time. Therefore, to buy wallpaper for the kitchen, you need to consider several important aspects:

  • wallpaper design should support the overall style in the interior;
  • the color of the coatings should create a comfortable environment;
  • wallpaper should be as comfortable and durable as possible.

For a small-sized kitchen, light-colored monochrome wallpapers are chosen that visually increase the space: peach, wheat, coral, champagne. Against such a background, various kitchen accessories, dishes and bright curtains with an intricate pattern will look great. In a spacious kitchen, you should not get carried away with cold shades that make the interior deserted and uncomfortable. Restrained colors of gray, purple and blue shades are appropriate in rooms with good lighting, where everything is literally flooded with sunlight.

Despite their simplicity, they are considered universal, as they look perfect on the walls of the kitchen in any style and are combined with any colors. The most budget option for the kitchen is non-woven wallpaper for painting, which has increased moisture resistance. This choice allows you to change the color of the coatings without waiting for the next repair.

At the next painting of plain non-woven walls, you should choose a paint color that is several tones darker or brighter.

Today you rarely see a living room where all the walls are covered with wallpaper of the same color. Modern designers offer enough ways to combine wall and ceiling coverings without significant architectural redevelopment and material investments. Why combine colors, patterns, texture, complicating repairs?

By combining, you can achieve different goals:

  • zone the room
  • emphasize the features of the layout;
  • hide architectural flaws (ledges, niches, cornices, ventilation or heating risers);
  • change the visual proportions of the room;
  • accentuate a separate wall or part of it;
  • introduce characteristic elements that reflect the interests of the owner of the room.

Plain wallpaper for walls with a light flux creates the appearance of a high room. Light walls combined with horizontal stripes expand the space. A large, saturated pattern on the wall opposite the light source, against a monochrome background, makes the room more spacious. In order to visually change the proportions of an elongated room, it is advised to paste over narrow walls with a solid saturated color, and wide walls with light wallpaper.

Using wallpapers of several colors or textures, you can make an original design using some tips:

  • combine wallpaper with a complex pattern at the bottom of the wall with a plain coating at the top;
  • use wallpaper with a pattern, photo wallpaper, frescoes for one wall, while leaving the others in the same tone;
  • combine plain canvases and canvases with a pattern, gluing them alternately (this method is especially good in small rooms with a low ceiling);
  • use colored "self-adhesives" on a plain background (can be on one wall or on all);
  • decorate one wall against the main background in the style of a patchwork quilt (looks good in a nursery).

To create an interesting design in the interior and avoid monotony, you can focus on part of the wall by pasting it with wallpaper with a catchy floral pattern or abstract geometric motifs. This method allows you to turn the wall into an art object and get a stunning effect of modern non-standard design.

When choosing a combined wallpapering of walls and ceilings, you should familiarize yourself with some secrets of combining colors, tones and textures.

Some manufacturers of finishing materials produce a whole series of wallpapers and coatings that combine perfectly. Combination options are attached to such series, which saves the buyer from looking for other methods. By following the manufacturer's instructions, you can create a flawless modern room design in any style.

The interior, not loaded with many details, looks much more refined. You can achieve this effect if you choose the right background colors for the room in which the repair was started.

And here you can not do without plain wallpaper, which has recently become very fashionable. With their help, you can easily emphasize any style. In addition, the number of tones and shades pleases, which will allow you to decorate the interior in any palette.

But even to use such wallpapers, you need to know a lot of nuances, to understand the intricacies of such a combination. Reading this article is guaranteed to give answers to the most common questions about the selection and gluing of wallpaper in plain colors.

Palette of colors, shades and tones

It is not necessary to choose expensive wallpaper to create coziness and comfort in the room. To do this, sometimes you just need to correctly place accents in the background shades and details of the interior decor of the room.

Most often, such wallpapers are glued in order to either lighten or make the room darker. But sometimes they are used to focus on a small area or on the entire wall.

It may seem to you that plain wallpaper in the design of your apartment is boring and monotonous? It is a myth! After all, with the help of some details, a room can be turned from a banal gray into a bright and colorful one.

We offer several solutions to this problem:

  • Around the perimeter of the room, you can make accents on bright details in the decor.
  • Choose wallpaper with a relief.
  • Create a pattern using a stencil.

  • Focus on brightly colored curtains.
  • Combine monochrome wallpapers using different colors to emphasize the advantages in the design and hide the flaws.

How might it look? See photos of rooms with plain wallpaper.

Among other things, it is plain wallpaper that will help you visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, hide wall irregularities (textured and embossed wallpapers) and even improve your mood.

On wallpaper without a pattern, photo frames, paintings, wall clocks will look great.

How to choose a tone?

Decided to make the walls plain? This is easy to achieve. You can pick up inexpensive plain wallpaper that you can change at any time convenient for you.

But you can opt for more expensive wallpaper for painting. This will give you the ability to change the background of the room as often as you need.

High-tech or minimalism is best suited for light or light cold colors. Warm shades are perfect in rooms made in the style of country or Provence.

A bright palette will decorate the oriental theme in the design. For the kitchen, it is recommended to buy plain vinyl wallpaper. They can be cleaned, which will simplify the cleaning process.

Non-woven ones can also be easily cleaned, besides, the relief of the canvas will help to give the room style and wealth.

Do you need durable wallpapers? Then it is best to buy plain paper wallpaper: they are easy to glue, relatively inexpensive. Such wallpapers are environmentally friendly, which will allow you to glue them safely in a children's room, for example.

What result can you expect if you use plain wallpaper?

All colors in the apartment interior have their own tasks: bright ones emphasize the style, dark ones visually reduce the room, light ones add simplicity and freshness to the room.
Wallpaper of the same tone can create a basic background, break up a room into zones and make accents on individual decor items.

Each room has its own color palette

Bedroom, children's room is best to wallpaper with warm colors: yellow, beige, white, light blue. You can make an accent with bright orange or lilac wallpaper in the play area.

The kitchen will delight you if you use gray or beige with bright colors here. Saturated shades perfectly shade niches, ledges, inserts.

Any wallpaper without a pattern is suitable for the living room. Color is up to you. The main thing is that you and your guests feel comfortable here.

The entrance hall and the corridor will welcome you kindly if you stick light monochrome wallpapers here. This will help visually enlarge the room.

The design of the room with plain wallpaper will delight you and your guests. But in order for this to happen, do not rush. Look at the photos of rooms with plain wallpaper in different combinations and make the right choice.

Photo of plain wallpaper in the interior

Each of us dreams of having a unique, inimitable interior in our home. Fortunately, modern design features allow you to do this without much difficulty. Wallpaper of any color and all kinds of textures will make a stylish room even from a small apartment. However, one cannot but admit that plain canvases in the modern world have not “lost” their positions at all, on the contrary, walls without unnecessary decor look stylish and dignified.


Properly selected plain wallpaper can visually enlarge the space of a small room, as well as correct or mask the imperfections of uneven walls. It is the “necessary” color on the walls that will emphasize the sophistication of your chosen accessories, pieces of furniture, and, of course, curtains. Thanks to the color that you have chosen for your room, you can dictate the mood of the home: refined, in a classic style, or perfect for the Provence style, which will be emphasized by colored curtains and accessories. If you are still confused by the presence of one color, and the room seems dull to you, use the wise advice of designers:

  • choose wallpaper with embossed "bulges" or a textured surface;
  • decorate the walls in the room with a stencil pattern;
  • pick up rich, "funny" curtains in the room;
  • arrange bright, interesting pieces of furniture in the center of the room;
  • you can choose a combined plain wallpaper, the colors of which are harmoniously combined with each other.


Plain walls will fit perfectly into any interior and will suit any style. It is only important to choose correctly which ones suit your room. All modern wallpapers of the same color can be divided into several types:

  • by texture: made to look like fabric or natural materials;
  • by material: paper, fabric, vinyl, non-woven, liquid;
  • by invoice: smooth, embossed, thick and thin;
  • by structure: single or double layer, duplex.

  • The most common of the plain wallpaper - smooth. If desired, they can be painted in the color that you need in the interior. They are easy to glue on the walls, sometimes they include decorative effects: overflows and sparkles;
  • paper - this is the most budget option, which is characterized by a mass of color assortment. However, they cannot be called durable. After a few years you will have to change them;

  • Today, manufacturers offer various options for paper wallpapers: glossy, matte, smooth and embossed. Glossy ones will look good in a small room, but matte ones will “play” in a spacious room;

By the way, matte wallpapers perfectly mask the roughness of the walls, but the combined version of these wallpapers will win in any room.

  • are your walls imperfect? Choose vinyl wallpaper, implement all your original solutions in the interior. Moreover, vinyl is ideal, it hides the imperfections of the wall surface. This is a pretty durable material. Vinyl wallpapers are easy to clean, but they have the only drawback - they do not "breathe", which can contribute to the accumulation of moisture;

  • non-woven wallpaper is made up of cellulose fibers and textiles, which makes them more durable. They are breathable, waterproof and sun resistant. Compared to paper, they are "thick", have a non-standard width (not meter), and this reduces the time of their gluing;

  • textile - the most expensive of those offered by today's manufacturers. They are made from natural fabrics. They are pleasant to the touch, perfectly isolate sound and "keep" heat;

  • glass fiber has recently become more and more popular in interior design. True, they are not smooth: their surface is grainy or rough. Their composition is not traditional: clay, quartz sand, soda and limestone. Then glass is made from these components at high temperature, from which threads are drawn, which are woven on special machines. The result is a material that is more like a fabric: soft, with a different structure. It must be saturated with starch. The pattern that is obtained on rolls of glass is different: herringbone, jacquard, zigzag, parquet;

  • liquid wallpaper is practical, covers all holes and crevices, ideally fills the surface in hard-to-reach places. Thanks to the threads of fabric added to their composition, they amazingly “play” in different lighting conditions. They are sold not in rolls, but in boxes - they resemble powder in composition. Plain liquid wallpaper, applied to the wall in any room, will create an indescribable chic.


The choice of wallpaper color in your room depends not only on the chosen style, but also on its location. If the room is located on the north or west side, then choose warm and delicate shades: peach, yellow, beige or sand. In no case do not use cold colors, for example, gray. For the kitchen, stylists suggest choosing light colors: beige, green, even white wallpapers will make your “temple of eating” unique.

Materials of this color can emphasize the sophistication of the design of the kitchen, original dishes, non-standard lamps and other spectacular details worthy of attention.

In a spacious kitchen, cold tones are also not welcome. Many decor elements are simply “lost” in a “Scandinavian” type room. True, if your dining room is located on the sunny side of the house, then the presence of discreet colors can be offset by bright sunlight. Monochromatic wallpapers are also perfect for hallways, in which a large number of things are often concentrated - cabinets, hangers, a chest of drawers, shoe shelves, so plain walls will perfectly balance the cluttered space. Choose non-standard colors of light shades: beige, olive, light green or yellow.

If your living room is spacious and bright, it can be divided into zones, alternating plain wallpaper with an insert of bright stripes with stripes, flowers or ornaments. The ideal option would be a combination of harmonious colors: white with red, sand with green, lilac with purple.


When choosing the interior of your home, you need to refer to the recommendations of modern designers. The design of the walls of the room is one of the main components of a successful and stylish renovation. In what kind of colored finishing materials today's designers do not “dress” the walls! But the wallpaper never gave up its positions. What factors play a decisive role in their choice?

  • room size;
  • the location of the room relative to the cardinal points;
  • the number of windows and doors in the room;
  • your color preferences.

If your living room is also a kitchen, then colored plain wallpaper should be able to clean well. This speaks in favor of vinyl or non-woven coatings. They can be light colors that you can apply yourself and paint them the way you want.

Does your living room need to look luxurious? Let's stick with the classic style. Choose a plain textile coating (possible with a pattern). A few years ago, many preferred velvet or velour, sometimes even with gold embossing, but today designers offer linen and cotton.

Walls decorated "under gold" do not lose their relevance today. This is especially true in large halls or spacious halls. Red gold, pompous dark green, classic white - this requires large areas. In small rooms, these colors can visually reduce the space or make it cluttered. In the bedrooms, gold walls will look good in the form of a panel above the headboard, and the rest of the walls can be light colors - white, sand, beige, light green.

Prefer baroque style? Choose beige or burgundy color, combining them with inserts from various ornaments. The Rococo style is not very different either, only the color of the walls should be pink, pale blue or even white. Art Deco style involves walls in light colors, and additional accents will be created by properly selected furniture. Retro style is warm colors: yellow, pink, green.

The space can be divided into zones, and wallpaper strips with a floral theme, stripes or checks can be used as decor.

How to choose?

It is clear that the wallpaper you have chosen in the apartment should not only please the eye, but also be of high quality so that the beauty of the home is preserved for many years:

  • The first thing that experts recommend paying attention to is their wear resistance. For example, in the bedroom, where they rarely look during the day, any models can be pasted - paper, vinyl and others, as they can be preserved in their original form for a long time;

  • but in the kitchen or hallway, the wallpaper will often have to be cleaned, sometimes even with a special brush, so the material from which they will be made is of no small importance;
  • the next moment is the presence of mother-of-pearl or glitter on your walls. In some styles, they absolutely do not fit into the overall picture. However, many of the buyers love it when they shimmer in the sun, so decide what suits you;