Planting pelargonium seeds for seedlings at home. How to properly grow geranium at home from seeds? Why doesn't geranium bloom even though enough time has passed? What to do

Pelargonium, or simply geranium, is one of the most popular among home and garden lovers. garden plants. And this is not at all surprising, because growing it is a pleasure: it has excellent decorative properties and very easy to care for. Knowing some rules and features of geranium, even an inexperienced gardener can cope with its propagation.

Geranium - perennial or annual plant, belonging to the geranium family, which has more than 400 species and forms. Its homeland is hot South Africa, but pelargonium grows almost throughout the Northern Hemisphere, in regions with a temperate climate and mountainous subtropical areas. It appeared in Europe in the 15-16th century, and immediately appealed to flower lovers. The name "geranium" comes from the Greek word "geranos", which means crane.

It should be noted that this beautiful plant is grown not only for decorative purposes. It has many useful properties: capable of neutralizing toxins and harmful substances, take off headache, as well as stop bleeding and heal wounds. It is recommended to keep geranium in rooms where hypertensive patients live, as well as people suffering from disorders nervous system and insomnia.

In the old days, pelargonium was endowed with not only healing, but also mystical properties. It was believed that this plant repels snakes, so it was planted around houses in places where reptiles are found in large quantities. In addition, fragrant sachets are often made from pink geranium flowers and placed next to personal items in order to protect oneself from evil eye, and at the same time repel moths. But cat lovers should be careful with this plant. As you know, cats love to eat house flowers, and pelargonium leaves contain toxic substances, which are extremely dangerous for animals.


Geranium represents a low herbaceous plant or a subshrub with a branched root system (except for species that grow in the mountains - their root has the form of a rod). The structure and color of the leaves different types also differs from each other - they can be green, grayish, bluish or even red, whole, with small or pronounced cuts, and in many varieties the leaves are covered with hairs.

Pelargonium flowers are quite large, blue, white, purple or lilac shade, collected in inflorescences that look like a brush. The fruits in which the seeds ripen (this happens in late summer-early autumn) are box-shaped, with long valves - after ripening they curl, scattering the seeds.

Propagation of indoor geranium

Before growing indoor geraniums, you should know a few important rules:

  • the best place for the pot is a well-lit windowsill, as the plant loves sunlight;
  • V winter time It is better to keep the flower in a cool room, but the temperature should not be below 10°C;
  • in order to increase the number of shoots and inflorescences, the plant should be pinched and dried flowers removed;
  • almost all types of pelargonium need to be pruned regularly;
  • With sufficient nutrition and lighting, the flower can bloom throughout the year.

Growing from seeds

Seeds - photo

Best in room conditions red, white, fragrant, and also ampelous pelargonium grow. Before planting, you should make sure that the seeds are cleared of their hard, leathery shell. Otherwise, they will need to be well sanded. Experienced gardeners do not give an exact time for planting, since with sufficient lighting, seedlings can grow in both autumn and winter, but optimal time The period is considered to be from November to April.

  1. Before sowing, the seeds should be prepared in a certain way: treated with zircon or epinine, and soaked for three hours, no more, in water at room temperature.

  2. Take containers or boxes that are filled with a mixture of turf with sand and peat (2:1:1) or peat-perlite mixture (1:1) - this is the substrate that is best suited for growing seedlings.

    Prepared pots with soil

  3. Place the seeds at a distance of at least five centimeters, sprinkle a little and cover with polyethylene or glass. Constantly spray the soil with a spray bottle with pre-settled water at room temperature and make sure it does not dry out.
  4. If the temperature and humidity conditions are correct, sprouts will appear within two weeks.

  5. Transplantation is carried out when 2-4 sprouts appear on the seedlings. It is very important not to miss this moment, since the roots will intertwine and it will be very difficult to transplant. Pots must be at least 10 cm.

Caring for indoor geraniums

Despite the fact that geranium loves moisture, it should not be in standing water, so a layer of expanded clay should be poured onto the bottom of the pot. Water the plants using a watering can with a narrow spout. As soon as 6-7 leaves appear on the plant, it needs to be pinched to stop its growth and “awaken” the side buds. On cloudy days, pelargonium needs to be provided with additional lighting. In summer, it is better to take it outside and place it in a place protected from direct contact. ultraviolet rays(the plant loves warm, dry air).

You need to fertilize the flower once every two weeks, starting from the end of March until November, using liquid fertilizers for this. In addition, you can prepare the fertilizer yourself: for this, take a liter of water to which a drop of iodine is added. You need to take 50 ml of this solution and carefully water the plant with it so that the liquid does not fall on the roots, but on the walls of the pot. Geranium does not need spraying.

Pelargonium is susceptible to a number of diseases, so plants should be regularly inspected for the appearance of characteristic signs. This could be yellowed leaves, reddened leaves, mold gray or falling leaves. Usually the cause of such phenomena is too low temperature indoors or excess moisture. The most dangerous disease for geraniums (especially for young shoots) is called “black leg”. In this case, the base of the plant’s stem begins to darken - unfortunately, there are no radical methods to combat this phenomenon, so infected specimens will have to be destroyed.

Propagation of garden geraniums

When choosing a place to grow garden geranium It is very important to take into account the characteristics of the variety. Most plants prefer sunny or semi-shaded places, but there are some that can only grow near bodies of water. Yes, on dry sunny places Red-brown, Georgian and large-flowered species grow well, Balkan pelargonium grows well in the shade, and Himalayan, marsh and meadow pelargonium grows well in damp and shaded areas. The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral and fairly fertile.

Garden geranium can be propagated both by seeds and vegetative way. The first one is quite labor intensive; In addition, in this case, the varietal characteristics of the plant are not always preserved. In addition, collecting seeds is quite difficult, and some species do not produce them at all. To prevent seeds from scattering throughout the area, experienced gardeners proceed as follows: make small canvas bags into which the unripe fruits of the plant are placed, and secure them well - if the fruit bursts, the seeds will be in a kind of trap. It should also be taken into account that plants that are propagated using seeds bloom only the next year.

To plant geraniums, you can grow seedlings from seeds in the same way as in the case of indoor geraniums, and then transplant them into open ground, or simply sow them in soil fertilized with peat.

It is important that the planting area is large enough, since geraniums tend to grow strongly. It is also worth considering that heat-loving plant varieties do not like direct sun rays(they can severely burn the leaves), so lacy shade is best for them - for example, under the canopy of trees. It is best to plant sprouts or sow seeds in spring or late summer.

Caring for garden geraniums

The rules for caring for garden pelargonium are quite simple and are as follows:

Diseases and pests

Pelargonium is practically not damaged by pests, since the strong aroma of its leaves repels insects. The only exception is spider mite, which can be eliminated with a soap solution or insecticide. As for diseases, they most often appear if geranium grows in cold, too wet places. The most common plant diseases include:

Beautiful geranium - easy to care for, unpretentious plant, which will appeal to both beginners and experienced florist. It can be planted on the balcony, in the garden, in flower beds or at home - in any case, it bright flowers and the thick leaves will become a real decoration.

Beautiful sunny flower- geranium (pelargonium)

Video - Caring for geraniums at home

If you want to decorate a room or front lawn beautiful plant, plant geraniums. This flower is also called pelargonium, and it has many species. You can often see geraniums on windowsills, delighting people with their bright blooms. Its leaves have a specific smell that can repel insects and purify the air. Those who don’t like the exotic aroma are planted scented geranium, smelling like lemon. The variety of geraniums is amazing, and everyone can reproduce and care for them, which is why it is so popular.

Planting indoor pelargonium

Geranium is an unpretentious plant. Its cultivation does not require special care at home. For planting, select a container with several drainage holes at the bottom. The roots of the plant are sensitive to moisture and can rot from constant contact with water, so good drainage is essential. Buy a pot with a depth of approximately 25 cm. This is enough for growth and flowering.

  1. Planting must be done in a clean container. Be sure to wash the pot and rinse weak solution manganese It will destroy bacteria and pest larvae.
  2. It is better to use purchased soil and try to choose soil that drains water well and dries quickly. This will protect the roots from rotting. A universal soil mixture is ideal for growing at home.

To ensure successful planting, place a small layer of expanded clay in the pot. Sprinkle some sand on top and fill most of the container with soil. Make a small depression in it. If you want to plant geranium as a shoot, place a cutting with a root there and cover it with soil. Water well with settled water and place the flower pot on the windowsill.

How to plant geraniums in open ground

Types of garden pelargonium look great in the garden bed in front of the house and bloom continuously until the onset of cold weather. These are perennial flowers, but if they are not provided with proper care, they die in winter.

Pelargonium should be planted in the spring, after the last frosts have passed.

  1. First of all, thoroughly loosen the soil by digging it with a shovel to a depth of 35 cm.
  2. Then scatter 5-10 cm of compost over the surface of the bed and mix it with the top layer of soil. This will enrich the soil nutrients, necessary for the growth of geraniums.
  3. Dig holes 25 cm deep. Small species need to be planted at a distance of 15-20 cm, large ones - 60 cm.
  4. Carefully remove the rooted shoot from the pot and place it in the hole. Sprinkle with soil and fill thoroughly with water.

To plant geraniums, choose a sunny spot in the garden bed. The flower loves light and warmth.

Plant care

Garden and indoor species of pelargonium need proper lighting. Growing with a lack of light leads to the fact that the plant loses its splendor, begins to stretch upward and withers. In spring, flower pots can be taken out onto the balcony, where the geranium will quickly grow. Sometimes a red tint appears on the leaves from bright light. This is not a sign of illness and is considered completely normal.

Do not spray geranium leaves with water. Care includes moderate watering. It is carried out systematically, preventing the soil from drying out. At the same time, you need to make sure that the soil is not too wet and that moisture does not stagnate in it.

In winter, watering at home needs to be reduced. Plants accumulate water well, so water them 2-3 times a month, but not less often. Overdried soil causes the leaves on pelargonium to turn yellow and fall off.

To ensure that the plant has a beautiful crown, trim branches that stretch in height. New shoots will begin to grow from them.

Feeding geraniums

Besides comfortable conditions To survive, growing pelargonium requires regular feeding. In spring and summer, garden and indoor geraniums need to be fertilized once every 2 weeks. In winter, the amount of fertilizing should be reduced. It is enough to feed the plant once in January, using half the usual dose.

It is best to use purchased mineral fertilizers at home. For abundant flowering, geraniums need:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • nitrogen.

These elements are found in the Dutch fertilizer “Kristalon”. It is excellent for root treatment of pelargoniums. Dissolve 2 tbsp. l. fertilize in 10 liters of water and water the plant according to the instructions. Such care is necessary for geraniums after winter rest to accelerate growth.

Do not forget that the plant cannot be fed with liquid fertilizer when the soil is dry. This care may burn the roots. First, water the pelargonium with a small amount of water, and after an hour, add fertilizer.

Iodine water increases growth and flowering well. Add a couple of drops of iodine to the liquid and water the flowers in pots. The main thing is not to make the solution too concentrated so as not to burn it root system. At home, geranium is often fed by stirring 100 ml of milk in a liter of clean water.

How to care for autumn and winter

All types of geraniums love cool, sunny autumn weather. Then they take a break from wild flowering and gain new strength. At this time, caring for pelargoniums consists of feeding and crown formation. If flower pots are outdoors, bring them indoors when the temperature drops to 12 degrees Celsius.

  1. Garden geraniums should be cut to a length of 5 cm before the first frost.
  2. Dig it out of the ground and trim the roots by a third.
  3. Prepare a wide tray, fill it with soil mixed with a small amount of compost, and plant the plants.
  4. Water and place on the windowsill.

In the spring, you can cut the cuttings of young shoots and begin propagating geraniums. Or plant overwintered plants back into the ground.

Secrets of growing pelargonium from cuttings

To grow a new geranium bush, gardeners use different methods. The easiest way to do this is with cuttings. For breeding to be successful, you need to prepare.

  1. Buy plastic cups, make small holes in their bottoms and pour drainage inside.
  2. Prepare the soil for planting. To do this, add a third of sand to the universal soil and mix.
  3. Then pour in a weak solution of manganese. If it is not there, moisten the soil with boiling water. Such disinfection will destroy harmful microorganisms, which can harm the shoot.
  4. When the soil has cooled, pour it into cups and begin planting.

Propagation by cuttings is carried out in early March. Select strong shoots and cut off stems 3-5 cm long from their tops. They must have 3 green leaves. The cut is sprinkled coal dust. The shoot is carefully inserted into a cup of soil, compacted and watered with a small amount of water. If the flower shoots out buds, tear them off, otherwise they will interfere with good rooting.

Place the cups with cuttings in a wide tray and place them in the shade. It is advisable that the room temperature does not exceed 15 degrees. Ensure watering by pouring a small amount of water into the tray. Do this when the soil in the cups begins to dry out.

If you notice that the leaves have turned yellow, propagation is not going well. Cover the shoots with a half-liter jar for a couple of days. A greenhouse environment will help it take root.

After 2-3 weeks, new leaves will appear on the cuttings. Now you need to wait until the roots get stronger. This usually takes about a month. Then the geranium can be planted in the garden bed. Houseplants It is advisable to leave them in a temporary container until the first flower buds appear on them, and then transplant them into permanent pots.

Some gardeners root pelargonium cuttings in water. This propagation is not successful for everyone, because the flower stem often begins to rot when it comes into contact with moisture. To try this method, cut a shoot and place it in a jar with a little water. Wait for the roots to grow and plant the cuttings in the ground.

Planting by seeds

Propagation by seeds is a long process. If you want to grow pelargonium at home using this method, choose the seeds carefully. The germination and health of the flower depends on their quality. Purchase planting material only from specialized stores or trusted suppliers.

  1. Prepare a wide container with small holes at the bottom, fill it with fertile, disinfected, moist soil.
  2. Sow the seeds on top and lightly press them into the soil. Cover the container plastic film and place in a warm, shady place.
  3. Carefully monitor the crops, and when the first shoots hatch, remove the film. Once the leaves appear, the geranium can be transplanted into a pot.

Propagation by seeds is labor-intensive and time-consuming. The difficulty is that the crops do not always germinate, so it is easier to buy a ready-made plant or root pelargonium using cuttings.

When a flower becomes cramped in a pot, it needs to be replanted. You can also divide the bush into several parts and plant them in separate pots. The day before transplanting, fill the geranium with water. Then carefully remove the plant, divide it, being careful not to damage the roots, and replant it in new nutrient soil. This type of reproduction is considered the fastest.

Disease control methods

The main culprit of geranium diseases is improper care. To keep it healthy, loosen the soil regularly, do not over-moisten the soil, and remove dry leaves.

Sometimes pelargonium is affected gray mold. The fungus covers the plant with dark spots, and it begins to quickly disappear.

To combat the disease at home, do the following:

  • remove infected shoots and leaves of geranium;
  • moderate watering is carried out before lunch;
  • clear the soil of weeds;
  • treat the flower with fungicides according to the instructions.

In summer, geraniums can be attacked by whiteflies. It is easy to get rid of it with the drugs “Iskra”, “Actellik” or “Commander”. Dilute them according to the instructions and treat the plant.

Growing pelargonium - exciting activity, effortless and high costs. Provide her good feeding, proper watering, and it will decorate your home for a long time.

Flowering geraniums look spectacular. Therefore, gardeners often use the plant in landscape design. He is happy to be planted near alpine slides and around large tall bushes.

The favorite of flower growers, geranium is easiest to propagate by cuttings - this is the simplest and most reliable method, which in 99% of cases gives positive results. But when it comes to rare varieties that are difficult to find on the shelves of flower shops in adult form, the seed growing method is useful. The selection of seeds is always quite good, and with little effort you can get rare variety geraniums are quite possible.

When can you sow seeds?

The time for sowing geraniums depends on desire and lighting. If it is possible to provide lighting or there is enough natural light in the room, you can grow it all year round.

How to speed up seed germination?

In order for the seeds to germinate faster, it is necessary to carry out scarification, that is, to break the integrity of the shell. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Place the seeds in a tray from clay pot and rub them lightly with an emery stone.
  2. Using a sharp knife, scrape off the brown shell on one side of the seed.

Soak the prepared seeds in water for a day.

Which soil should you choose?

For successful germination of geranium seeds, the substrate must be loose. Regular garden soil will not work here; it is better to use lighter components for these purposes, such as perlite in a 1:1 ratio.

The best option would also be a soil mixture, which includes:

  • 2 parts of turf;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part sand.

How to sow seeds?

Water the soil well before sowing. Place the seeds, leaving a distance of 5 cm between them and lightly sprinkle on top. To maintain the level of humidity and temperature necessary for germination, the pot must be covered with film.

You should periodically spray the soil in the pot to prevent it from drying out.

After one and a half to two weeks from the moment of sowing, shoots will appear, then the film can be removed. In another week they can be dumped into separate containers. At this stage, each seedling should already have at least 2-4 leaves. Before removing the seedlings, the soil should be well moistened so as not to damage the fragile young roots in the process.

Caring for young geranium bushes

The first feeding of geraniums should be done 2 weeks after transplantation. In the future, it is enough to apply fertilizers twice a month, using complex preparations with a small nitrogen content, otherwise the geranium will refuse to bloom.

When a young bush grows more than 6 leaves, the top of the shoot must be pinched - this way you can form a compact flower and achieve active flowering.

Video about growing geraniums from seeds

It is convenient to propagate pelargonium by cuttings. This is the simplest and effective way, which in 99% of cases allows you to get a good result. However, if we are talking about rare varieties of geranium, which are quite difficult to find on the shelves of florist shops, the best option There will be a seed method for propagating geraniums. Today there are a sufficient number of excellent quality seeds on sale from which you can grow rare species plants.

Seed requirements

In order for pelargonium seedlings to germinate and develop successfully, it is necessary to select high-quality planting material. The seeds must be brown, oblong in shape and always hard. Other options for seeding material can either produce low-quality seedlings, or even leave the grower without a “harvest.” To avoid such troubles, you should not buy seeds at the market or in supermarkets. For this purpose, it is better to visit a specialized store, the quality of the goods in which will be guaranteed to be high. Good seeds They are sold ready for sowing, so there is no need to carry out any complex manipulations to make them germinate.

Also, when choosing planting material, pay attention not only to the beauty, shape and richness of the shade of the buds, but also to the maintenance conditions that the flower will need to provide for healthy growth and full flowering. If creating the appropriate conditions necessary for growing the selected type of geranium from seeds at home seems too difficult to you, it is better to opt for another variety of pelargonium.

When to plant geraniums

A specific answer to this question does not exist. It all depends on the gardener’s desire and ability to provide the seedlings with the required amount of light. Geranium is not a particularly picky plant to grow.

Florists recommend sowing in spring or summer, when the duration daylight hours is approaching its maximum level. However, if you have special equipment with which you can provide the seedlings with the required amount of light, there will be no time restrictions for you. It will take 3-5 months for geraniums to grow to medium size.

Preparing seeds for sowing

If you purchased high-quality seeds from a well-known company, carrying out complex procedures of a preparatory nature not required. Everything you need in in this case- this is to keep the planting material dry, dark place protected from insects and sunlight.

If the packaging with seeds indicates that the material is not prepared for planting, or you have some doubts about the quality of preparation, additional processing will be required. To do this, use phytohormones (“Epinom”, “Zirconom”), after which the seedlings are soaked in warm water. Carrying out such procedures helps accelerate seed germination and improves the quality of seedlings.

The most problematic for gardeners are seeds grown and collected at home. This will require a maximum range of activities. First, the material is cleared of the coarse top layer, which can slow down the germination process. To do this, the seeds are ground using sandpaper. After this, they are treated with phytohormones (“Epin”, “Zircon”) and soaked in warm water for several hours.

Important! When using seeds obtained at home, the likelihood of obtaining high-quality seedlings is extremely low. The reason for this state of affairs is the loss hybrid varieties pelargonium in progress seed propagation gene passed on by the mother plant.

Preparing the soil and container

The seed material is dry, so it is sown in loose soil. Planting seeds in clay or too dense soil is unacceptable. The soil mixture can be purchased at a specialty store or you can prepare it yourself. To prepare the substrate, use the following proportions:

  • peat, sand and turf soil are mixed in a ratio of 1:1:2;
  • sand and peat are mixed in equal parts (1:1);
  • peat and perlite are mixed in equal proportions (1:1).

The most acceptable is the first soil option.

Important! Choose quality ingredients when preparing the soil. Poor quality soil can spoil the seeds.

Sowing seeds is carried out both in separate containers and in a common pot. By choosing the first option, you are guaranteed to protect the root system of future seedlings from damage at the time of transplantation. The second option, in case of careful handling of seedlings, is also convenient and practical. The main thing is to plant the seeds at a distance of 5–7 cm from each other.

The container must be deep so that its volume is sufficient to accommodate the soil and for a complete drainage layer necessary to provide the roots with oxygen.

How to plant geranium seeds

Sowing geranium seeds is no different from other plants. The pot is filled with drainage, and then with soil, the seeds are laid out and covered with sand or soil.

Important! The seeds should be at a depth of no more than 3–4 cm. Otherwise, their germination will take too long.

After filling the seeds, we moisten the soil with a spray bottle, cover the container with film or glass, place the pot in a well-lit place and wait for the result. Growing pelargonium with seeds requires a room temperature of +23 °C. Lower rates may stop the germination of seedlings.

Care for sowing and seedlings

Be sure to lift the film once a day, providing the seedlings with an influx of oxygen. If everything is done right, The first shoots will appear in 4 weeks.

If you create the right conditions maintenance, the new “generation” of seedlings grows quite quickly and does not cause much trouble. But do not forget that young individuals are too fragile. Therefore, it is necessary to protect new shoots from drafts, strong wind, capable of breaking fragile stems, exposure to sunlight (obligatory shading of seedlings placed on a southern windowsill is necessary).

Growing geraniums from seeds at home requires providing the seedlings with a sufficient amount of moisture. To avoid flooding the seedlings, daily watering with measured application of moisture is recommended (a regular pipette can be used as a dispenser). In winter, watering should be more moderate than in summer.

If water gets on the stems during watering, black spots may appear on the skin of the young plant. They can be eliminated by watering the seedling with a solution of potassium permanganate or phytoalcohol.

Important! After the seedlings emerge, the temperature must be lowered to +20…+16 °C. If the seedlings become too cold, it will be impossible to save the young individuals.

First large leaf seedlings are usually released 1–2 weeks after germination. The intensity of subsequent growth will depend on temperature regime, soil quality and irrigation intensity.

Features of subsequent transplantation

To grow geranium from seeds, cultivating seedlings in a temporary container is not enough. The plants will require subsequent repotting into a permanent pot. A signal that the flower is ready to “move” will be the appearance of 2–3 leaves on a new individual. You cannot immediately transplant pelargonium into big pot. Choose a compact container with a diameter of 10 cm. In such a pot young plant it will be comfortable. As the bush grows, the pelargonium can subsequently be transplanted again into a more spacious container.

It is better to choose pots made from natural materials(clay is ideal). Such containers will ensure a flow of oxygen to the soil and prevent rotting of the root system of the flower.

Flowers are replanted using the transshipment method, without disturbing the soil coma formed around the root. At the time of transplantation, you can use a long-acting fertilizer to speed up the process of flower adaptation. For this purpose, synthetic formulations are suitable that contain the proper volumes of potassium, nitrogen, phosphate, magnesium and other microelements necessary for healthy growth.

The transplanted plant is watered with a small amount of water. IN warm time the transplanted flower is taken out onto the balcony.

Important! If you intend to plant pelargonium in a flowerbed or front garden, the composition of the soil should be similar to the composition of the substrate filling the pot.

Propagating geraniums by seeds at home is not so difficult. This requires patience and careful adherence minimum set simple rules.

One of the most popular garden plants is geranium. This flower is easy to care for. It is not difficult to grow pelargonium from seeds at home; the main thing is to know the principles of this process and adhere to the rules. Some experts claim that this plant is extremely stable and even beginners can grow decent, healthy specimens.

Pelargonium belongs to the geranium family, their variety includes more than 400 species and subspecies different varieties this plant. By birth beautiful flower from South Africa, but since its spread to other continents, it has taken root well and grows in mountainous regions with subtropical climate and in places where temperate prevails climatic conditions. Geranium with its unusual and bright appearance attracted a lot of attention and gained popularity in Europe. Translated from Greek, the name of this plant means “crane”.

Since ancient times, geranium has been attributed special medicinal properties: it is believed that it has the ability to remove toxins from the body, relieve inflammation and heal wounds. It is often advised to keep this plant in the house, as it eliminates insomnia and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Our ancestors planted pelargonium around houses, as it was believed that it repelled reptiles, and its dry branches also served as a talisman against the evil eye.

Pelargonium is more reminiscent of a subshrub; its long cuttings are decorated with large semicircular leaves with a wavy edge. Since the variety is very large, the color, shape and surface of the leaves and flowers themselves can vary greatly. You can find two-color leaves, gray, blue, burgundy or red, their surface can be smooth, almost waxy, or, on the contrary, it can be dense and with fine hair. The flowers themselves are medium in size and collected in an inflorescence that resembles the shape of a ball. They can be quite varied in color; there are varieties with white-red petals, lilac-pink and other various shades. Breeders often strive to develop new varieties with unusual petal colors.

During the period when the plant fades, the seed boxes begin to ripen; they have rather wide petals that twist, naturally scattering the seeds.

Growing geranium from seeds is a fairly common type of propagation, as it has good resistance and is unpretentious. Thus, you can grow both garden and indoor geraniums; the only differences are in planting conditions and further care. Seedlings, as a rule, are kept in the same conditions.

Indoor pelargonium

To properly and competently care for this flower, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic growing rules and care requirements.

So, geranium requires following conditions for healthy existence and flowering:

  1. 1 The place where the flowerpot with shrubs stands should be well lit by natural sunlight.
  2. 2 The temperature in the room should remain 20-22 °C. Doesn't like this kind of strong and sharp changes in temperature.
  3. 3 Watering is carried out as needed, focusing on the condition of the soil.
  4. 4 For lush and long-lasting flowering, it is worth feeding geraniums correctly and regularly with fertilizers.
  5. 5 For correct formation The bush must be pruned periodically.
  6. 6 Dry inflorescences should be removed and pinched, this will help increase the growth of young inflorescences and shoots.
  7. 7 V winter period When the flower is at rest, watering is significantly reduced and the air temperature can be significantly lowered, down to 10-12 °C. For example, zonal pelargonium can, during the dormant period, tolerate temperatures of at least 7 °C.
  8. 8 You can replant an adult bush once every two to three years. The pot chosen is rather large, two or three fingers wider and deeper than the previous one, since geranium has a branched root system.

Reproduction methods

Reproduction occurs using seeds, which mandatory need to be prepared. Geranium seeds must be freed from their hard skin; you can carefully remove it or clean it with sandpaper. The most favorable time The period for planting seeds is from October to April.

Seed preparation. Pelargonium seeds require mandatory soaking and treatment against diseases. To do this, you should initially place the seeds without a hard crust in a container with a weak manganese solution for 15-20 minutes, after which they are transferred to another container with clean water room temperature. Soak the planting material for no more than 3 hours.

Soil requirements. Special containers or peat cups must be filled with a special substrate; it can be purchased at flower shop or make it yourself. To prepare the soil, you need to take one part peat, one part coarse sand and two parts turf.

Landing. If planted in a container, then you should maintain a distance of 5-6 cm. Planting material is carefully placed on the ground and lightly sprinkled, after which the container should be covered with glass or thick film. It is worthwhile to ventilate periodically, opening the film for 1-2 hours. It is worth watering with a spray bottle so as not to wash the planting material out of the soil. For irrigation, use only settled water at room temperature. The box with seedlings itself is placed in warm room With good lighting. At proper care and according to planting, young shoots can appear within 14-15 days.

Transplanting seedlings into pots. Seedlings can be transplanted into pots from the moment two to four leaves appear on the young shoots. Take a container approximately 10 cm high, the soil remains the same as for seedlings, the only addition will be a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot, expanded clay is well suited for this. Plant a small shoot, one in each pot, without deepening the stem too deeply.

Plant care. This plant loves sunlight and moderate humidity. You need to water the flower carefully so as not to disturb top layer soil. In dry and hot weather You can increase the air humidity using a humidifier. In summer, many experts recommend taking the pot of geraniums outside, but at the same time protecting them from direct sunlight. It is best to use special fertilizer for flowering plants, carry it out approximately every 2 weeks. Don't forget about pinching and regular pruning bush.

Garden option

Of course, there are significant differences between indoor and soda geraniums. street flower has the same great variety varieties, each variety differs in its sizes, shapes and shades, in contrast to the decorative indoor beauty.

Necessary conditions for the successful growth and flowering of pelargonium:

  1. 1 The soil for garden pelargonium is slightly acidic, neutral and well fertilized. Some gardeners add peat and leaf soil, and also fertilized with special preparations.
  2. 2 The location should be chosen according to the requirements of a given variety, since many species grow well only near bodies of water, while others feel better in partial shade under large bushes or trees. But all species need sufficient quantities sunlight and soil moisture. You should not plant this beauty in hilly areas where there are drafts, or in areas with a lot of dampness.
  3. 3 The soil of this plant must be mulched.
  4. 4 It is necessary to water the shrub depending on the type and the condition of the soil. The formation of earthen crusts and cracks should not be allowed: this will lead to disease of the root system and stop the growth of geraniums.
  5. 5 Before preparing for winter, the bush must be pruned.
  6. 6 Fertilizing is carried out mainly complex fertilizer, A early spring Nitrogen fertilizers must be added to the soil.

Caring for this flower is simple and painstaking; the main thing is to grow the seedlings correctly, choose the right place for planting and regularly care for the plant.

Garden flower propagation

Reproduction is carried out in two ways: cuttings and sowing seeds. Often gardeners do not want to waste time and choose propagation through cuttings, but flowers grown from seeds that they collected themselves will exactly match the variety. Growing geraniums from seeds is quite painstaking: this activity requires not only certain knowledge, but also a lot of time.

How to grow geraniums from collected seeds? Let's note a few rules:

  1. 1 Collecting seeds requires certain skills, since, unlike the indoor relative, in this species the seeds are formed into a small spherical lump and, as soon as they ripen, scatter to the ground. In order not to miss their ripening, gardeners recommend using unique seed traps. A fabric bag is put on flowers that have finished blooming, and the seed material will then fall into it.
  2. 2 Growing garden geranium seedlings is very similar to indoor geranium, but in this case the seeds do not need to be soaked in water. Sow geranium seeds in small cups filled with peat soil and sand, they also add to it sod land or sheet. The soil should be loose and airy, the seeds should be sown at a certain distance. After which the pots are placed in a box and covered with glass. This container is placed in a warm room with constant fresh air. Caring for seedlings is no different from caring for indoor view this flower.
  3. 3 Transfer. You can replant a young sprout as soon as a few leaves appear on it. They are planted in open ground in the spring with the establishment warm weather or at the end of summer.
  4. 4 The soil must be fed before planting nitrogen fertilizers and loosen well. After which the seedlings are planted permanent place. It is worth considering that it grows well and for this it needs to be left enough space.

Grow beautiful and lush flowering shrubs pelargonium, in general, is not so difficult when you know the basic rules for their propagation and the requirements for cultivation and care.