What is being done to protect endangered animals. How to conserve rare species of animals, plants and fungi: A draft action plan for the implementation of the conservation strategy has been published. Here are some of the species whose numbers have been restored with great effort

You can often hear about the need to protect rare species of animals, plants, fungi and other organisms. However, it is not always and not always obvious to everyone: why is it still necessary? Forest anemone (Red Book of the Moscow Region). The photo was taken by A. Naumkin in one of the reserves near Moscow during the departure of the Moscow State University, May 2012.

What species is considered rare and why it becomes
An organic species is considered rare, the number of which has decreased so much that it is threatened with complete extinction. Both on the planet as a whole, and within one country and in a specific region, for example, in the Moscow region. AT last years in the Moscow region, the number of brown bears, flying squirrels, storks, and common cranes has significantly decreased ... Not only animals, but also plants have become rare: Bieberstein's tulip, leafless iris, real lady's slipper, and even some mushrooms, for example, ram mushroom or coral blackberry.
It should be noted that the decrease in the number and even the extinction of less adapted species is a natural evolutionary process. However, it must be accompanied by the appearance of new, more adapted species, and this happens slowly.
But if in natural biological processes human activities intervene, some species may disappear very quickly. So fast that the biosphere will not have time to adapt to such drastic changes in species diversity. Anthropogenic factors leading to a decrease in the number of species include both direct extermination and habitat destruction.

Chervonets unpaired (Red Book of the Moscow Region). The photo was taken by A. Naumkin in one of the reserves near Moscow during the departure of the Moscow State University, June 2011.

What could be the danger of the extinction of several species of plants or animals
It would seem that the disappearance of some organic species does not great harm for humans, especially if these species are not used in one way or another in economic activities. However, in reality this is not the case.
First, the biosphere is very a complex system and each organism plays its part in it. The more different types contains an ecosystem, the more likely it is that negative impact(anthropogenic and not only) it can be preserved in its original version.
The loss of any biological species, in addition to the direct danger to the biosphere, threatens the existence of man, since existence within the disturbed environment often becomes impossible.
Secondly, to date, most of the animals and plants have not yet been sufficiently studied, and it is not known for certain what functions they could perform useful for humans. For example, modern science opens new ones almost every day medicinal substances contained in certain animals or plants. In particular, the sponge Tethya crypta, according to recent data, contains compounds that are potent inhibitors of various forms cancer.
It is possible that currently incurable diseases will become curable thanks to new discoveries of this kind. But for this it is necessary to protect all species on the planet from extinction. This is especially important because extinct species cannot be restored.
Ezhovik coral (Red Book of the Moscow Region). The photo was taken by M. Vetrova in one of the reserves near Moscow during the departure of the Moscow State University, July 2013.

How they try to keep rare species
The fate of the rare species worries people for a long time. This problem has been studied since about the middle of the last century. Since then, many rare species have been protected, and their lists are included in the Red Books.
For the comprehensive protection of ecosystems inhabited by rare species, developed countries and regions create systems of various specially protected natural areas (SPNA), in which the protection regime directly prohibits or restricts economic activity person.
However, in order for all the protection measures taken to work effectively, an organization is needed that could regularly conduct environmental monitoring and control compliance with the rules of the protected area protection regime. In the Moscow region, such organizations exist only in valuable natural areas of federal significance ( national park"Losiny Ostrov", Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve), however, no less important regional protected areas for the Moscow region are actually left without protection
Now we are collecting signatures for the creation of the Directorate of Specially Protected Natural Territories (PAs) of the Moscow Region. You can help create this organization. Let's save the rare species of the Moscow region together!


Many species of animals are disappearing due to the fact that man indirectly affects their lives. The thing is that people involuntarily take away their natural habitats, their feeding areas. Deforestation, drainage of swamps, plowing of steppes, pollution and atmosphere, development of deserts, clogging of rivers with industrial waste also negatively affects the number of animals. These human actions exterminate animals as effectively as with the help of traps, poison or.

It is also necessary to eradicate such type of human activity as poaching as soon as possible. It is because of poaching that many species of animals were listed in the book, and some were forever wiped off the face of the earth. Until now, the number of some species of animals continues to decrease. Some mistakenly believe that animals are dying out only because of human hunting for them. But this is fundamentally wrong. Without deliberate and rational hunting, which regulates the number of animals and birds, such animals as deer, roe deer, saigas, etc. would hardly exist today.

An important role is played rational use animal world. It is necessary to establish a framework for the use of animals, in particular fishing, hunting, etc.

And, of course, it is imperative to protect endangered species listed in the Red Book. Starting to protect them, it is necessary to find out in detail the living conditions of the species. The most effective form of animal protection is the creation of sanctuaries and reserves. Almost only on their territory, it was possible to preserve such animals as saiga, kulan, Amur tiger, goral, spotted and Bukhara deer. And, of course, zoos provide considerable assistance in saving and breeding rare animals.

Helpful advice

Start with yourself, do not kill innocent animals, donate at least a small amount to the conservation of endangered species and do not purchase fur products.

In order to protect the natural balance on our planet, it is necessary to protect its vegetation and animal world from anthropogenic factors. There are government animal welfare programs to follow.


Remember, all your rallies and activities to protect a particular species should not harm other animals or plants. Therefore, carefully plan all social movements. Most animal organizations are created by local governments and state power you can join one of them.

In some cases, acclimatization is necessary - programs to adapt animals to new natural conditions life. This may be the result of partial or complete destruction of the place. Therefore, in order to fully protect animals, it is necessary to preserve the natural landscape. Do not cut down forests, plant plants at home and in wastelands.

Activities must not harm animals or worsen their living conditions. Try to drive less in the car, so as not to pollute the air with exhaust gases. Drive carefully to slow down if an animal runs into the road. Do not tear or trample the plants, they are food and shelter for many wild animals.

The “Strategy for the Conservation of Rare and Endangered Species of Animals, Plants and Fungi” developed by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia was approved back in February 2014. Dmitry Medvedev signed the document defining the principles of biodiversity conservation in Russia for the next 16 years (until 2030).

The strategy will significantly increase the effectiveness of the fight against poaching. To achieve this goal, security measures will be strengthened certain types animals and plants of particular interest to illegal business, in particular, the Amur tiger, Amur leopard, snow leopard, saiga, large species falcon-shaped, early-flowering plants - wild species galanthus, cyclamens and orchids.

The strategy provides for the implementation of special biotechnical measures, the expansion of nurseries, fish breeding centers, botanical gardens and arboretums to preserve rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi. The document is also aimed at improving the mechanisms for the protection of animals kept in captivity, the inclusion of confiscated animals in reintroduction and resettlement programs.

The document provides for the state registration and monitoring of rare and endangered species of animals and plants, development international cooperation in this area. One of the priority areas of the strategy is environmental education and the formation of a responsible attitude towards natural complexes and objects among citizens, the ministry adds.

  1. In the first phase (2015-2017), efforts will be focused on improving legal regulation and principles of maintaining the Red Data Books.
  2. At the second stage (2018-2020), a system for the implementation of targeted measures will be created to prevent the transition of animal, plant and fungal species to the category of rare and endangered.
  3. The third stage (2021-2030) provides for the evaluation of the results of the first two stages and additional measures to conserve rare and endangered species.

The implementation of the activities provided for by this strategy will be carried out within the framework of the state program Russian Federation"Environmental Protection" for 2012-2020, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2012 No. 2552-r, and the state program "Reproduction and use natural resources”, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 26, 2013 No. 436-r.

Financing of the measures provided for by the strategy will be carried out within the limits of the federal budget for the implementation of state programs for the corresponding year, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Federation and local budgets, as well as from extrabudgetary sources.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 17, 2014 No. 212-r prescribes the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, together with interested federal executive authorities develop and approve by November 30, 2014. action plan for the implementation of the Strategy approved by this order.

  • Order and Strategy conservation of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi can be seen.
  • The draft Action Plan for the implementation of the strategy for the conservation of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2013 (I stage (2014 - 2017) can be viewed.
The draft Action Plan for the implementation of the strategy for the conservation of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2013 (stage I (2014-2017) is available for review and proposals from authorized bodies executive power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Contact person for sending proposals - Latypov A.A., e‑mail: [email protected]

Nowadays, people pay a lot of attention to the problems of science, politics, religion, wars, etc., forgetting about the threat that hangs over the world. This threat is massively endangered animals. Probably, every person knows about the existence of the Red Book, but who seriously thinks about how, why, what animals are dying out? But this is an extremely serious problem.

Some unpleasant statistics: about 10-130 species of living creatures disappear daily. More than 40% of species are under threat of extinction. Over the past 40 years, the number of our smaller brothers on the planet has decreased by about 60%. Scientists are sounding the alarm: all this resembles the death of dinosaurs. Animals and plants are constantly dying.

This article contains basic information about endangered animals and plants.

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animal extinction statistics

Extinction is the complete disappearance of a population of an animal species. Usually the extinction of animals is monitored by ecologists and investigated. There is a publication where all the changes are made - the Red Book.

To begin with, let's take a closer look at official statistics on endangered species.

In the Red Book of 2013, about 71.5 thousand species were considered. Of these, about 21.2 thousand are endangered. In the 2014 edition, out of 76.1 thousand, 22.4 were already under threat. At the same time, the reduction in the risk of extinction in each new book increases only by 2-3 species.

Let's take a look at the 2013 edition. The following data is indicated there:

  • Completely disappeared - 799;
  • On the verge of extinction - 4286;
  • Endangered - 6451;
  • Vulnerable - 10,549;
  • The minimum risk is 32,486.

According to statistics world center monitoring of the environment, the fastest disappearing animals in the following countries: USA (949), Australia (734), Indonesia (702), Mexico (637), Malaysia (456). For the countries of the post-Soviet space, the statistics are slightly softer: Russia (151), Ukraine (59), Kazakhstan (58), Belarus (17).

According to the Red List Index, corals are the fastest disappearing. Slower - birds and mammals. Amphibians are always at risk.

To move away from the terrible, but still "naked" numbers, we list some species that are under threat of extinction. For a complete understanding of the current situation, it is recommended to refer to the Red Book. Here are 7 endangered animals that everyone knows about, but hardly anyone thought that they could disappear from the face of the Earth.

1. African elephant. Poaching for the tusks of these creatures has led to monstrous results: in 2017, the number of individuals was estimated at only 415 thousand. Despite government protection, poachers continue to exterminate elephants.

African elephant, bottom view. Photographers Barry Wilkins and Jill Snisby

2. Behemoth. The bone and meat of the hippopotamus are also considered valuable prey, in addition, due to the constant cultivation of the land, their habitat is disturbed.

hippo family

3. African lion. Over the past 2 decades, the number of lions has decreased by about 30-50%. The reasons are the same - hunting, a decrease in habitat, as well as diseases. It should be noted that the disappearance of animals from the class of predators is a particularly serious ecological problem.

African lion. Photographer Alexey Osokin

4. Polar bear. Scientists believe that after 100 years these animals will die out completely. To date, there are about 20-25 thousand of them left.

White bear with a cub. Photographer Linda Drake / SOLENT

5. Humpback whale. The huge scale of whaling led to the destruction of at least 181.4 thousand whales from 1868 to 1965. In 1966, hunting for them was banned (with a few exceptions), but the species is still under threat.

Humpback whale. Photographer Karim Iliya

6. Chimpanzee. Conflicts with people, ecology and diseases lead to the fact that these creatures may disappear.

7. . At the beginning of the 20th century, only 30-50 individuals remained. Fortunately, the measures taken have increased their number to 400-500 (at present). However, the tiger may still disappear entirely.

Amur tiger. Photographer Viktor Zhivotchenko / WWF-Russia

Why animals are dying

One of the most understandable causes of extinction is the direct impact of man. Ruthless hunting and poaching bring commercial profit to people, but at the same time, fauna is wiped off the face of the Earth. It was only in the last century that people began to sound the alarm, beginning to realize that their behavior was killing the planet. However, most people still do not understand the harm they cause to our smaller brothers. Even animals from the Red Book are regularly attacked by poachers.

Poaching in Russia is a well-established business

The consumer attitude of mankind has led to the complete extinction of such animals as: sea ​​cow, tour, black rhinoceros, passenger pigeon, tasmanian wolf. This list of extinct species is far from complete: according to official data, man has completely destroyed about 200 types of living beings in the last 200 years alone.

Another type of human impact on fauna is its activity. First of all, widespread deforestation negatively affects animals, depriving them of their usual habitats. The plowing of land, pollution of nature with industrial waste, mining, and drainage of water bodies also cause harm. All these actions also cause the disappearance of animals through the fault of man.

Three consequences of human influence also become risk factors. The first is the lack of genetic diversity. The smaller the population, the more the genes mix, and as a result, the offspring become progressively weaker. Second, fasting. If few individuals of any species remain, predators get less food, and they die out faster. Thirdly, the growth of diseases. A decrease in the population leads to the rapid spread of diseases among the remaining heads. In addition, chimpanzees, for example, are susceptible to human diseases, and are easily infected by them upon contact.

The death of saigas in Kazakhstan. The reason is still unknown. burial

There are also reasons for the extinction of animals and plants that are not related to people. The main ones are: climate change and asteroids. For example, at the end ice age many died out due to the inability to quickly adapt to rising temperatures. Nowadays, when scientists talk about new global warming, the same thing can happen. For example, this is the reason why the population of polar bears began to decrease dramatically. asteroids on this moment do not carry such a danger, however, it is the fall of one of them that is considered the cause of the death of dinosaurs.

The problem of animal extinction in Russia

The list of the Red Book in Russia includes about 151 species of endangered animals. The problem of animal extinction is quite acute in the country, and, fortunately, is partially solved at the state level. The main reasons for the decrease in populations are the same - hunting, human activities and the ecological situation. It should be noted that in Russia the influence of warming is especially strongly felt, since many animals live on the territory of the country, which need a cold climate.

Many animals in Russia are on the verge of extinction. Here are 10 rare animals that have almost completely disappeared from the country.

1. Bison. At the beginning of the 20th century, the number and range of these animals were greatly reduced. They remained only in the Caucasus, where they numbered only 5-10 heads, and in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. In the 40s of the last century, the population began to recover. Today bison live in the North Caucasus and in the European part of the state, as well as in many nature reserves and zoos.

2. Far Eastern leopard. Currently, there are about 80 individuals, and at the end of the last century there were no more than 35. Only in 2012 was a program launched to restore the number of leopards. These leopards live only in a small part of Primorsky Krai and in the Land of the Leopard National Park.

3. Red wolf. This wolf, which is also called a mountain, red color, muzzle and tail resembles a fox. This was the cause of the trouble - inexperienced hunters killed such wolves, mistaking them for foxes.

4. Przewalski's horse. This rather primitive genus is the only representative wild horses living in our time on Earth. Now they live in Russia, Mongolia, as well as in the territory Chernobyl nuclear power plant, where they got accustomed surprisingly quickly.

5. Sea lion. This is an eared seal that lives in the waters Pacific Ocean, mainly in the region of the Commander and Kuril Islands. The habitat is mostly located in the waters of the Russian Federation, so the protection of the animal is mainly carried out by the animal rights activists of this country.

6. Amur tiger. This beautiful predatory beast has already been mentioned above, but it is worth mentioning it again. living on Far East, this tiger is the largest wild cat in the world. The Amur Tiger Center and international organizations are engaged in the protection of the species.

7. Atlantic walrus. By the middle of the last century, this huge walrus was almost completely exterminated, but in our time its population is growing due to the efforts of conservationists. It lives only in the Barents and Kara Seas.

8. Gray seal. The Baltic subspecies of this animal is listed in the Red Book. He suffers the most from being released into the water. industrial waste.

9. Caucasian mountain goat. Despite the fact that there are about 10 thousand heads, it is still under the threat of extinction, mainly due to poaching.

10. Asiatic cheetah. Catastrophically few - only 10 - representatives of this species remained in nature. There are about 2 times more in zoos. No endangered animal species in Russia has probably ever come close to such numbers.

How to save animals from extinction

To preserve the flora and fauna of the Earth, cohesive actions are needed as much as possible more of people. Endangered animals of Russia and the world require close attention and maximum protection.

First of all, this is a job for environmental scientists and authorities. The former can assess the situation and find new methods to solve the problem, while the latter can create federal protection funds, National parks, nature reserves, impose harsh penalties for poaching.

The work of international and federal funds for nature protection is also important. It is their activists who most often travel to problem areas and nature reserves, helping animals, including the sick and wounded.

Some more effective methods reduction of extinction: captive breeding, development of strict principles and norms for the disposal of industrial waste, control of deforestation and plowing of land.

And what can any person who is not a scientist or a politician do to stop the extinction of animals?

The extinction of species is indeed a serious problem, the main consequence of which will be a violation of the natural balance. Each kind of living beings is unique and valuable, and the goal of mankind is to preserve the life of the wonderful creatures of nature, and not destroy it along with the entire planet. This is the personal responsibility of every inhabitant of the Earth, no matter how many turn away from the impending disaster. Such an environmental problem as the extinction of animals will affect each of us.

Everyone knows how important it is to protect nature. But sometimes it turns from something abstract into something personal. I remember as a child I loved to walk by the river. High and dense thickets of the most different plants, dozens of different butterflies...

Now there is a park. With lawns, dandelions and rare cabbages. There are no wild plants left.

What threatens animals and plants

Now one species has occupied a dominant position on the planet. Man. And he interferes with everything natural processes changing the world around you. Just not always better side.

Threaten wild nature:

  • poaching;
  • disruption and destruction of ecosystems;
  • environmental pollution.

Agricultural activities, deforestation, development - this is what affects the life of plants and animals. Habitats are declining, populations are separating, wild animals and plants simply do not have a place to live ... Many species are not able to adapt to changing conditions and proximity to humans.

With the expansion of cities, the wild flora and fauna are replaced by synanthropic species. And they also interfere with established ecosystems. Feral dogs prey on wild animals, and cats often exterminate rare species of birds.

A failed introduction can also lead to the collapse of an entire ecosystem. Plants and animals introduced by humans sometimes severely crowd out native species.

Ways to Conserve Wild Species

Intervention in nature should be limited, rational and strictly regulated.

Possible measures:

  • fight against poaching;
  • new production methods to reduce hazardous waste;
  • methods Agriculture that have minimal impact on ecosystems;
  • enlightenment (especially for those who foolishly pluck the Red Book plants and take baby animals from nature).

But the degree of positive influence on nature a person should just increase

It makes sense to create nature reserves protected natural areas. Another important area is the conservation, breeding and reintroduction of rare species.

In a word, a person should finally learn to take into account not only his own interests.