Wild goose: description, types and habits. Where do wild geese live and what do they eat? Nesting and wintering of wild geese. Species of wild geese

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Appendix 2. Dictations

1. Dictation on the topic "Communion"


An unforgettable, indelible impression was left by a thunderstorm in dejealous. She started in the evening. Bright dawn, not yet covered with blackan approaching cloud, lit up our bedroom with pink light.Through the windows, not yet closed for the night, the room was filled with astonishment.fresh, slightly damp air. Suddenly a terrible thunderthe blow shook the whole house, and it began to rain, which did not stop for abouthours. The windows were not curtained. Through them were constantly visiblelightning, unprecedented in beauty and brightness. Not silent for afor a minute the thunderclaps fettered us and kept us in a state of unceasing fear. It seemed that some force would demolish our house,standing on a high bank and not protected from the winds.

When my fright passed, I quietly fell asleep in my bed, notlaid down for the night because of the turmoil caused by a thunderstorm, - ""

In the morning, nothing resembled yesterday's bad weather. shone brightlythe sun, the grass that had not dried out after the rain sparkled, flooded from excess feelings of a bird.

(136 words)

grammar task

1. Underline the participles and participles found in the text
turnovers as members of a sentence.

(Predicate: not curtained.

Definitions: unforgettable, indelible; I won't tighten it yet melting black approaching cloud; not yet closed for the night;not stopping for about an hour; unprecedented in beauty and brightness;not silent for a minute; incessant; standing onhigh bank and not protected from the winds; not bednoah at night because of the turmoil caused by a thunderstorm; not dry after rain.)


1st option - not dry, 2nd option - not closed.

2. Dictation on the topics "Communion" and "Communion"

After drinking a cup of tea, Natasha sighed noisily, threw her braidshoulder and began to read a book in a yellow cover. Mother, tryingdo not make noise with dishes, pouring tea, listening to smooth speechgirls. But soon, tired of following the story, she became watch guests. Pavel sat next to Natasha. He was the prettiest of all. Natashabending low over the book, she often corrected thewhiskey hair. Shaking her head and not lowering her voice, she saidsomething from myself, not looking at the book, gently sliding eyes over the faces listeners.

The Little Russian leaned with his broad chest on the corner of the table, squinting his eyes,trying to examine the ragged ends of his mustache. Vyesovshchikov sat upright, resting his palms on his knees... Without blinking his eyes, he stubbornly gazed at his face, reflected in the shining copper itself.vara. Little Fedya, listening to the reading, silently moved his lips,exactly repeating the words of the book to himself. And his friend bent overputting his elbows on his knees, and thoughtfully smiled. The room was somehow particularly good.

(145 words) (A. M. Gorky) Grammar tasks

1. Underline the adverbs and adverbs found in the text private turns as members of the proposal.

2. Make word-formation analysis of words and analysis of words by composition:

1st option -tired 2nd option - bending over.

3. Make a morphological analysis of words:

1st option - waving, 2nd option - resting.

3. Dictation on the topics "Communion" and "Communion"

Departure geese

Leaves fell from the trees, and gardeners began to buryI love vines. It was then that wild birds flew over the villagegeese. They had to make a long, difficult journey, and they flew slowly, maintaining the formation. In the morning and afternoon, in the chilly clear blue of the sky, dark dots of flying away tosouth of the goose flocks and a sonorous chuckle was heard. Sometimes a rushheadwind knocked down young geese flying behind. They are scrapline, and the old leader, slowing down the measured flight, calledtheir harsh, guttural cry. They returned to their places and the flock flew on.

And yet, it happened, on a lake or somewhere in shallow water, leavingthe exhausted old goose lay. It was difficult for her to keep up with the flock,and she flew alone, often falling to the ground and resting from her flight. After resting a little, she tried to catch up with the flock, waving heavily wings.

(128 words)

Grammar tasks

1. Underline the adverbs and adverbs found in the text private turns as members of the proposal.

2. Make word-formation analysis of words and analysis of words by composition:

1st option - withstanding, 2nd option - slowing down

3. Do morphological analysis words:

1st option - going down 2nd option - resting.

4. Dictation on the topics "Communion" and "Communion"

Night adventure

ATearly summer holidays my friend and I decided to make a small trip in a rubber boat. Don't say anything to anyonehead, we quickly got ready to go and by nightfall we were on the banks of the river.The silence of the night, interrupted by some sharp bird cry,damp penetrating air - all this is not a good effect roll on us.

For several minutes we hesitated, but then we resolutely got into the boat, pushed ourselves away from the shore, and the boat went with the current. At first it was terrifying to ride an unfamiliar river, but gradually we got used to it and already boldly looked ahead.

We floated slowly along the river, hardly working weight.lamy. The moon appeared from behind the clouds, illuminating all the surroundings with its mysterious brilliance. Somewhere a nightingale clicked, followed by another.We admired the nightingale's singing and completely forgot about the boat.Suddenly she, having bumped into something, overturned, and we found ourselveswaist-deep in water. Gathering our things that floated on the river, we got outashore, pulled the ill-fated boat, kindled a fire and until morningheated, dried and discussed the night's adventure.

(154 words)

5. Dictation on the topics "Preposition" and "Union"

I took a long walk along the bluffs over the sea and lay down in a mouse chair on the balcony.

The night abyss of the sky is overflowing with colorful hangingwe are stars in it, and among them airy graying transparent and alsofull of stars Milky Way, I bow with two unequal smokeleaning towards the southern horizon, starless and therefore almost black.The balcony overlooks a pebble-strewn garden, sparse and undersized.The night sea opens from the balcony. Pale, milky-mirror,it is motionless, silent. The stars seem to be silent. And monotonous,for a second, an uninterrupted crystal ringing stands in all thissilent night world, like some ringing dream...

A special, predawn calm still reigned in all that hugenom human nest, which is called the city. Silently and somehow differently than during the day, multi-window houses with their many numerous inhabitants.

(119 words) (According to I.A. Bunin)Grammar tasks

1. Title the text.

2. Perform a morphological analysis of the preposition and conjunction (according to choice).

6. Final dictation Demographic transition

The growth of the population of our planet is a serious problem. She is fortouches on the deepest problems of history, delicate issuesnature of man and society, values ​​and beliefs, approvedcenturies old traditions. Establishing mutual understandingwaiting for the humanities and exact sciences absolutely necessaryin the study of society. Humanity, being an open system, far from having exhausted their resources.

The future cannot be foreseen without understanding the development in the past,which is inextricably linked to the future through the present. When speechtalking about huge periods of time and all the people inhabiting the planet, the question involuntarily arises why this is important for everyoneof us. Large-scale phenomena of history will inevitablyaffect everyone's life. At present, the rapidchanges the world is going through a demographic transitiona feeling never before experienced by mankind.

The human population is many orders of magnitude greater than thelaziness of comparable animal species. In wildlife,giving information from generation to generation and its disseminationoccurs genetically within a population. only humanhas the ability to transmit information through socialinheritance. Information interaction associated with speechand consciousness as social phenomena expressed in culturetourism, technology and science, determines the dynamics of human development throughout its development.

In the year 1700, the number of inhabitants on Earth was tentimes less than today, and over the past three hundred years it has happenedtripling. Every day, the population of the Earth is growing by two hundred and fifty thousand people, and this increase is almost all accounted for byto developing countries. Such growth rates are characterized asa population explosion that could shake the planet. Howeverthe population has stabilized in recent years. Uchedata predict a change in quantitative growth by qualitative forms of human development.

(244 words) (According to S. Kapitsa)7. Final dictation

Enjoy your meal!

We get real pleasure from lunch or dinner ifwe eat slowly, at a beautifully laid table, observing ele mental rules of etiquette.

If the soup is hot, do not blow into a bowl or a spoon, trying tocool it down. Lightly stir the soup with a spoon, wait until itcool down. When there is very little soup left, slightly lifting the plate with your left hand and tilting it away from you, carefully finish it.

For dishes prepared from meat, you need the help of a knifeand forks. We hold the fork in the left hand, the knife in the right, slightly correcting the pieces cut off one by one. The whole piece of meatcutting is not accepted. We can do without a knife if the dish, for examplecutlets or fish, easily dismembered with a fork.

No matter how many knives and forks are on the table, start withinstruments far from the dish. As new ones come in dishes, used knives and forks change.

If you interrupted for a while but didn't finish your meal, put down the knifeand a fork on a plate crosswise. The fork is placed with the convex sideup, knife pointing to the left. When you've finished eating, don't move away from yourself.plate, and put a knife and fork on it parallel to each other,turning them back to the right. The fork should be tines up.

Bread is taken by hand and put on a plate, especially for him.intended. Bread is eaten by breaking off small pieces from it. juices.

After stirring tea or coffee, do not leave the spoon in the cup, butlive on a plate. Do not dip biscuits into drinks either.

You probably don't care what your friends think of you.and acquaintances after the meeting at the table, whether they want to inviteback to you. Good manners first of all speak about yourrespect for the society in which you are.

(263 words)

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Winter passed, and one morning a wind suddenly blew from the south and brought with it new scent, which made Aquila's heart ache, for it stirred up the memory of the green cover along the forest edges in his native hill country. Days passed, and now the stream, until then quietly running under the ice, broke it and turned into a wide raging stream, absorbing the green melt water running down from the heaths in the depths of the coast. And wagtails suddenly appeared among the bare birches.

With the onset of spring, the inhabitants of Ullas Fjord were seized with anxiety. Aquila saw it awaken, just like the wild geese, which are drawn by an irresistible force north in the spring and south during the fall of the leaves. Men often came ashore to the sheds where their boats wintered. Conversations in the evenings revolved now only around swimming and hiking. Just before planting, the call came from Hengest, as Brand Erickson had predicted, and from many Jutish villages, from Hakisfjord to Gundasfjord, whole families responded to it, wanting to settle in a new place. But in Ullas Fjord, for the time being, they kept the old customs - raids were made in the summer, and by the end of the summer, the squads returned home.

Aquila did not see the Stormwind and the Sea Sorceress depart. He deliberately found himself a job at the other end of the village, away from the coast, and with all his might forced himself not to think. But later he stumbled upon the young Thorkel, who, with an inconsolable look, was leaning against the pillar of the shed closest to the sea, and looked into the distance of the bay. Behind him, where the Sea Serpent had hung in the winter, the void darkened, and in front of him, the furrows from the rollers could be seen in the sand.

They didn’t take me,” he complained gloomily, “you have to wait another two years. Would you like to sail on the Sea Serpent now?

Aquila lashed out at the boy in anger.

To sail on a Saka boat to attack your own people?!

He glared at him, then shrugged.

Maybe they'll go to the Roman Island. Although Brand said - the richest land is already in the hands of Hengest. This means that the lands of the Franks are more suitable for the raid. I forgot that these are your people.

It is easy to forget evil when it was not done to you. The people of your tribe, on the orders of the Red Fox, burned down my house, killed my father, and dragged my sister away. I haven't forgotten this.

There was a silence, then Thorkel said - awkwardly, as if apologetically:

I don't have a sister.

Aquila, looking at the dunes with scallops of pale sand-loving grass, bent down by the wind, said:

I pray to our God that she is already dead.

To know this for sure - then he would have found at least some semblance of peace. And at the same time, in the depths of his soul, Aquila realized that if this were so, he would lose the only thing that kept him in this world, and then he would only have to hope that someday he would meet a birder.

Without another word, he left, while Thorkel remained standing, leaning against the awning post.

Harvest time arrived, and at the end of summer the squad returned with their harvest, without which the lean, salt-soaked pastures of Ullas Fjord would not feed its inhabitants. And again the winter passed and the time for sowing came, and again the harvest came - the second harvest during the slavery of Aquila. This time the summer raiding season was unsuccessful: the Stormwind was badly battered by the raging sea, the booty was scarce, the detachment lost several warriors and the ships returned to lick their wounds even before the barley was fully ripe and went under the sickle.

Harvests on west coast Jutland had never been rich, but this year the sea winds, which almost broke the leader’s boats, burned the barley, and it stood blackened, rare and miserable in the salty fields, like the mangy skin of a sick dog. But still, even such a crop had to be harvested, and therefore all men and women, slaves and free, went to the fields with sickles. Aquila was among them.

On this day, no wind was felt from the sea and over the coastal swamps trembled hot air. Sweat trickled down Aquila's body, leaving the woolen skirt - his only garment - clinging to his thighs and belly. Tormod, who had been working beside him, lifted his sweat-drenched face and looked around.

Hey Dolphin! The women apparently forgot about our piece of the field. Come on, go get me some buttermilk!

Aquila dropped his sickle and frowned as he walked into that corner of a large ninety-acre field, where jugs of buttermilk and thin beer stood in the shade of a windswept hawthorn. There he found old Bruni, who had come to look at the work of the reapers. Leaning on his staff, the old man stood on a strip of earth plowed under the fallow, in the place where a team of oxen used to turn. There was a shadow over his hawk-like face, but it was not just the shadow of a hawthorn tree.

It seems to me that even before the birch buds are poured again, tightened belts and sunken cheeks await us in Ullas Fjord, - the old man said, but in such a dull voice that Aquila, approaching him, did not even understand whether Bruni was referring to him or talking to himself.

But then Bruni looked at Aquila, and Aquila asked, nodding over his shoulder at the field, at the tanned backs of the reapers, at the women with large baskets for ears, at the sparse miserable barley:

And how often does it happen?

I have seen a lot of harvests since the first time I picked up a sickle, - Bruni answered. - But there were only two or three bad ones like this one. We're always one step away from starvation here on the west coast, and this year, I swear by Thor's hammer, half a step is enough, and we'll still hear Gray Hag snoring behind us before spring comes again. - Faded blue eyes suddenly looked straight at Aquila. - Are you happy about it?

Aquila looked back.

Should I grieve because my enemies are starving?

Yes, but then you will starve along with them, - grumbled Bruni, and a smile snaked around the corners of his beard-grown mouth. - Maybe you work on an equal footing with everyone for this reason? Therefore, do you want to reap the entire harvest to the spikelet?

Aquila shrugged.

This work is in my blood. In my homeland, I often had to help in the harvest.

In my homeland... On the Roman island, the crops are richer than ours, right? ' said the old man thoughtfully. And since Aquila was silent, he suddenly exploded: - Answer me, or are you dumb?

In a flat tone, Aquila said:

If I say yes, it's like shouting to the Sea Dogs, "Come, welcome!" If I say no, you will know that I am lying, because you remember very well the heavy ears of ripe bread that you burned to black stubble in your time when you went on raids. Therefore, I am dumb.

The old man looked at him intently from under gray shaggy eyebrows, then nodded:

That's right, I remember the weight of the ears. Once we managed to grow such bread, but in the fields more merciful than the local ones. Until now, our women sing songs about him, and our men keep the memory of him in their hearts. But this happened before the tribes from the Great Woods, on the side where the sun rises, began to move west, displacing everything and everyone in their path. His gaze moved from Aquila to the distance, over the swamps, to the low dunes that blocked the view of the green waters of the bay. - All people, all tribes rise in the east, like the sun, and move along its path to the west. And this is as unchangeable as the fact that the night follows the day, and it is just as impossible to stop this movement or turn back, as it is impossible to stop or turn back the wild geese in their autumn migration.

It seemed to Aquila that a cold wind blew from the swamps, although nothing around him moved, only a haze of heat trembled. Aquila picked up a horn that lay beside one of the jars, filled it with cool curd buttermilk, and carried Tormoda.

The teenager turned to him with a displeased look, wiping sweat from his eyes with his hand.

You weren't in too much of a hurry! he muttered.

Your grandfather spoke to me.

Just about the harvest. “However, Aquila had a strange feeling that they were really talking about the fate of Britain.

The crop was harvested and threshed. New heather ropes were spun to hold down earthen roofs in anticipation of autumn squalls. The wild geese migrated south and winter came.

The winter was bad, to match the harvest. The windward side of the house was covered with snow almost to the roofs, and the snow got deeper every week. Even the animals in the dens froze from the bitter frosts, and for some unknown reason, the seals suddenly left the bay, and the hunters returned empty-handed over and over again. Deep snow made any hunting difficult, which promised not only a shortage of skins that could then be sold to merchants.

And always, by the end of winter, stocks were running low, flour chests were empty, fish were rarely caught, and hunting was bad. But usually the very first signs of spring - the reddened branches of the alder along the edge of the frozen stream, the lengthening icicles under the roof - instilled courage in men and women and gave them strength to survive the last difficult month before suddenly the waiting ended and spring came. In the same year, nothing but the addition of a day foreshadowed the end of winter. The cold even intensified. The heads of the people seemed disproportionately large on bony shoulders. Even the children's cheeks were sunken, like those of the elderly. And the ice still clung along the banks, dense, packed, and the ground under the snow was hard as iron. It was clear: this year they would start plowing a month later, and the grain sown a month later would not have time to ripen during the short warm period that was allotted for the northern summer. So, the next harvest is also doomed.

People began to look at each other, and each read in the eyes of the other what had been on his own mind since the birth of bread - they compared their lean fields, through which the wind walked, with fat loaves somewhere in a secluded valley on an island to the west. Hengest still needed men, not only for Tanat alone, but for all the eastern and southern coasts of the former Roman province. Every spring he called out. Last year, half of the village of High-Ness was removed from the place ...

Therefore, when the leader Hunfirs convened the Council in Medhall, the entire Ullasfjord understood what was going to be discussed.

Old Bruni had been ill for quite some time, but by all means he decided to take his place in the Council. On the appointed evening, despite all the persuasion of Oude, he donned a dress cloak made of the skin of a black bear with a bright yellow lining, took a staff and set off on a journey through the virgin snow, accompanied by Tormod. Torkel also expressed a desire to go, but in response he heard: “When you become an adult, then you will go with men to the Council, but for now, sucker, sit with children and women.”

And so the grandfather left with his older brother, and he remained sitting by the hearth, angrily looking at the red core of the fire. Aquila, too, was perched by the hearth, and was constantly polishing the new ox yoke, to prepare it for the time when it was time to plow—if, of course, that time came.

A long time had passed since the last meal, but Aquila no longer experienced the hunger that he experienced at the beginning of the crop shortage. And it came in handy, he knew that the slaves would not get enough liquid oatmeal stew, cooked on the fire for the arrival of men.

He patiently rubbed and rubbed the pink alder wood, not realizing what his hand was doing, for all his thoughts were absorbed in what was happening now in the Medhall. And every rustle of the charred peat, every movement of the cows in the stalls, every beating of his own heart seemed to play a part in the decisive fate of Britain. In the hearth, in addition to peat, there was also a fin, chopped, bleached with salt; salt crystals sparkled now blue, now green like the shifting colors of distant seas. Yes, these boughs thrown ashore were the most suitable for this people, born by the sea, wanderers, deprived of roots with all their diligent cultivation of gardens and fields, as migratory birds as wild geese overhead.

Finally, there was a crunch of snow and the shuffling of footsteps, followed by the usual stomping of feet stomping on the snow, the door latch rattled, and the men of this house entered. They let in a blast of icy air that shrank even the flames in the hearth. Then the door slammed shut. Old Bruni appeared in the aisle between the stalls, followed by his grandson, and seeing their eyes glittering in their hungry faces, Aquila would have been hard pressed to tell whose eyes, old or young, shone brighter. Bruni glanced around at those sitting by the hearth.

Well, one thing ends and another begins,” he said. - As soon as spring comes, Ullasfjord will also respond to the call.

Audé looked up from the boiling brew and raised her head. There was no surprise on her face - she, like everyone else, knew why the Council had gathered and what it would be about.

Who will lead? she asked.

Young Edric. The eldest son of Khunfirs.

And who will go with him?

This time the warriors and some of the wives and children. And then the rest will take off. The old man looked around thoughtfully. - Well, and a Dolphin. Let me and Tormod leave this house today. I am old, in need of the services of a slave. And then I big man, it is not for me to clean my weapons myself.

Aquila, who was sitting by the fire, raised his head, still clutching the yoke with his hands, it seemed to him that everything around him had stopped and even his heart had stopped beating. He will return to Britain! Will return home!

But then Thorkel jumped up in a rage.

I'll go too. Why don't they take me? he shouted. “Always, always, you leave me.

Hush, puppy! boomed Bruni. - Next year will come.

For those who survive this,” Audé muttered as she leaned over the cauldron.

The rebellion of the younger was, as always, suppressed, and the boy, obeying his grandfather, fell silent, although his eyes sparkled. His mother gave him an affectionate, though clearly uncomprehending, look.

You stupid old man, she said to her grandfather. Do you think they'll take you? They need young warriors.

Bruni stood slightly swaying on his heels, looking down at her, and in him was burning some kind of inner fire that Aquila had never seen before, although the old man's face, lit from below by the flames of the hearth, seemed like a bearded skull.

There is something more important than a strong hand capable of holding a sword. Yes, my hand has weakened a little, but I'm still worth something. I have more than seventy years of accumulated wisdom and cunning in battle behind me. And when the long boats come out into the bay, I will take my place in them.

You were against it, and now you are ready to go, I don’t understand you.

How can a woman understand anything but cooking? grumbled the old man. - What difference does it make whether I go this spring or not, you can't stop anything anyway. Turning everything back is as impossible as delaying the flight of wild geese. In a few years the village will die, die, and its hearths will go out. And somewhere in the direction of sunset, in places where arable land is richer, a new village will grow. - He looked down on the household, despising them for their lack of understanding. He stood towering over them, the smoke curled around his head, the burning salted firewood sparkled blue and green, and Aquila, who was sitting at the feet of the old man, suddenly seemed inhumanly tall. “But before the new village grows, there will be a great battle, and Hengest knows it, he is a cunning warrior and a real leader, although he does not have the right to wear a circlet on his hand. And I... I will once again take the sword in my hand and inhale the smell of sea spray and the hot smell of blood, for I was born a warrior, although I survived my days of war.

Okay, okay, now sit down before the stew burns,” Audé interrupted him. - There will be time to talk about swords and fighting.

The old man waved her away with an impatient gesture. His head almost touched the smoky rafters.

No, I'll go to bed. I don't feel like eating today. - And he turned to his bed near the hearth, knocked together in the form of a box, but suddenly swayed as if it was unbearable for him to stand straight in all his huge growth.

Aquila suddenly felt an unwelcome stern pity, and putting aside the yoke, rose to help him.

This was the last time, except for one more occasion, that he saw Bruni on his feet, standing without support. The next morning, when the old man wanted to get up, his legs failed him.

Audé scolded him:

Didn't I warn you? I would sit by my hearth. No, he dragged himself to the Council. Oh, these men, they all climb on the rampage, and women, stupidly know, are worried because of them. She opened the lid of the black bog oak chest in which she kept medicinal herbs, brewed a potion with a strong intoxicating smell and gave it to Bruni, saying that it would drive out the disease.

He drank the decoction, and little by little the malaise really passed. But the strength never returned. He lay in his box near the hearth, and winter slowly lived out last days, and icicles under the roof lengthened at night. Tormod and Aquila courted the old man without a single kind word, for he himself never said a kind word to anyone, and did not expect it from others. He lay under the wolf skin, and his emaciated body barely lifted it. It seemed that only a skeleton was left of him, covered with dried skin; blue veins on temples and dorsal side big hands swollen with knots and resembled the twists that adorn the prow of a boat. Lips turned blue. He ordered a sword to be placed on the bed next to him and all the time he caressed it, as one caresses the ears of a beloved dog. Often he called Aquila and ordered to read aloud the passages of Odysseus, although he already knew them almost by heart.

But very soon he stopped talking about the new village and his participation in the upcoming battle. He did not complain, did not complain about fate. The stern old warrior he was would have maintained the same proud silence even if he had been roasted on a slow fire. Still, Aquila knew that the old man's heart was raging with protest. His rebellious spirit seemed to fill the whole house, creating a feeling of a storm, although Bruni himself lay quietly under the wolf skin, not parting with his sword, just as quietly as the pale winter light sneaked through the windows made high under the rafters during the day, as at night the blackness outside was imperceptibly shortened, and only the fall of the first drops of melting snow from the roof broke this silence.

Everyone knew that the old man was dying.

Soon, soon, some night, when the tide begins to ebb, the old one will go away with the ebb, ”Aude once said, and Bruni smiled sternly, noticing the bewilderment on the face of his slave.

Yes, yes, people of your tribe die at random, because you are not so connected with the sea. But we coastal dwellers and sailors, we only die when the waters are gone. He raised his sword and shook it. - I never thought that I would wait for the ebb, lying on the straw!

At dawn next day a wild, stormy wind arose, bringing sleet that rattled against the bubbles stretched in the window openings, but it also brought the smell of the south, and the snow was mixed with the rain. Bruni slept most of the day, but when it began to get dark he woke up. He, like a fever, was burned by an inner indomitable restlessness. But it was not a fever; his eyes were clear in the slits of heavy, wrinkled eyelids, and in them one could see an impatient, contemptuous mockery of the anxiety of his relatives. The wind gradually subsided, the sleet almost stopped and no longer slapped the window film. And as it grew darker, the anxiety that overwhelmed Bruni grew, grew like a storm. It filled the whole house and even passed on to the cattle - the animals began to shift, clatter their hooves.

When the rest of the slaves climbed into the hayloft and lay down in their places, Aquila remained near Bruni's bed, held back by some incomprehensible feeling for the dying old warrior himself, but what he could not figure out. Audé sat at her loom, and on the high wall her shadow jumped and the shadow of the shuttle swayed, which she threw from one side to the other; and the whole dwelling was full of jumping shadows cast by the fire of the hearth, since there was no longer enough seal oil for lamps. Tormod sat by the fire with his arms around his knees. His tense face seemed pale under a bright cap of tangled hair. Thorkel slept with his head on his dog's side.

The flames had already begun to fall, pulled cold. Aquila leaned forward and tossed peat on the fire, sparks immediately shooting up. Suddenly, some movement near the box where the old man slept made Aquila quickly turn around: Bruni threw back the wolf skin and sat up straight with an effort. A tangled gray mane surrounded his head and shoulders with a white glow, his eyes glowed with an icy blue fire, his gigantic shadow occupied the entire wall behind him.

The tide is near, he said. - Give me a shield, and a helmet, and a bear's cloak.

Audé dropped the weaving shuttle, it fell with a thud, and she rushed to the old man:

Lie back, save your strength.

But the old man pushed her away with his emaciated hand. Strength indeed awoke in him, an inhuman influx of strength, like the last flash of the smoky flame of a dying torch.

Save your strength? Why save them? I tell you - I will die on my feet, and not lying on the straw! Only such a death befits Bruni the Sea Rider.

She began to exhort him, to persuade, but no one listened to her. The old man, gasping for breath, shouted in a terrible voice, addressing in turn first to the slave, then to his grandson:

Tormod! Dolphin! Military equipment to me!

For a moment, the eyes of the young men - blue and black - met, and for the first and only time, the barrier between them disappeared. Then Tormod rushed to a black-and-gold shield hung on a beam, adorned with a winged wondrous beast, and Aquila took hold of the lid of the chest under the window and took out a bear cloak lined with bright yellow and a horn helmet fastened above the forehead with an iron clamp. Well, the old man did not let go of the big battle sword with a handle, seated with amber.

Don't interfere, mother! Tormod ordered.

Audé stepped back against the wall and stood up, placing her hand on the shoulder of the youngest, Thorkel, who had been awakened by the noise and turmoil. The youths equipped old Bruni as if they were sending him to the last battle, and helped him to his feet.

Get me out! Bruni said. - I want to feel the wind on my face!

Supporting him on both sides, Aquila and Tormod helped him somehow to the door and led him out of the lighted room into the darkness, where the weakening storm roared. Gray clouds swept overhead high moon, ringed in smoky rings like a dirty blur, peeked out from behind a rushing flock of clouds. The tide was at its lowest point, the moonlight falling in dull silvery streaks on the wet shoals that shone behind the dunes, far beyond the cornfields, and farther still on the oily ripples of the sea. The wind roared from the southwest, from the sea, bringing with it a taste of salt and a much-desired smell that foreshadowed the coming spring. And the night itself was filled with the sounds of melting snow.

Old Bruni took a deep, shaky breath.

Oh, good! Much better than the smoke from the hearth and rotten straw!

He threw off the hands of others and stepped forward, then stood there, without outside help head held high as if waiting for something. The proud silhouette of the old giant stood out clearly against the background of the gray unsteady light - he was apparently supported by this unexpected surge of strength and an irresistible desire to die on his feet, as befits a warrior, and not like a woman - on straw.

And suddenly, as if this was exactly what old Bruni had been waiting for, they heard the call of wild geese - at first faint, distant, somewhere high, high, then closer, closer, on the wings of the wind - the cackle of wild geese, like the barking of a hunting pack rushing in full cry.

Bruni lifted his face and shook his sword as if he were greeting his blood brothers.

And we are behind you! he shouted. - We, too, will move in the spring, my brothers!

The cries of the geese were gradually heard more and more muffled, and when they completely died away in the distance, the last strength of the old warrior was exhausted. The iron-studded shield rolled with a roar over the hard crust, but, already falling into the hands of the young men, Bruni still continued to clutch his beloved sword.

From this day on, wild geese fly to warm seas. By the cry of the geese and the flight, they judged the onset of imminent cold weather. In many cities, there are festivities on this day, and fairs in the villages.

Nikita-Guseprolet.“So many nicknames were given to this saint because,” the Tambov Gubernskiye Vedomosti explained in 1864, “because from that day they begin to cut turnips and beat domestic geese; wild geese rise from our countries to their winter quarters. From the same day they start shearing sheep.

The geese fly away.Geese fly - they drag the winter on their tail.On this day domestic geese were beaten.

Holiday goose hunters - wild geese hunters. “Towards the end of September, that is, by the time of their departure, the geese become very fat, especially old ones, but, according to the remark and expression of the hunters, then they only get an excellent taste when they “grab the ice”, which, however, at the end of September we don’t a rarity, because puddles freeze from morning frosts and rims are made in shallow water near the shores on ponds and bays. From ice or from something else, only than late autumn, the tastier the goose becomes.

On Nikita "they appease the merman, throwing him a goose without a head, which they take home to count the brownie."
Sheep were sheared for the "hussar" Nikita. Before the big cold weather, they managed to grow new wool, and the removed one went to felt boots, woolen onuchi.

If the goose presses its paw - to the cold, rinses in the water - to warmth, hides its nose under the wing - to early winter.
If migratory geese often landed on the ground, if starlings were not in a hurry to fly away, then a dry and warm autumn was expected.
If wild geese fly high on Nikita-goosefly - to a friendly and high flood, low - to low spring water.
Nikita-hussars have come, look at the geese!

Before Nikita the goose walker, the goose is fattening up, after Nikita it is skipping. A monument to geese was erected in Rome. According to legend, it was they who saved the city from the invasion of the enemy. Waking up the guard posts with his cackle.

Goose hunters celebrated this day with special rites. In the old days, they walked around the yards with wheat in their hands. Entering the yard, they knocked on the lintel and called the owner to show his hunt. The owner met the guest on the porch and took him to the backyard, where the geese were kept. Here the host treated the guest with a glass of wine, and the guest scattered wheat for the geese. Such visits continued throughout the day and ended in evening feasts. Hunter friends gave each other geese. The goose was passed from floor to floor, with special wishes and wires to the gate, where a glass of wine sealed future assurances of friendship.

Evening treats took place in the house of a rich hunter. Here, circular bowls of wine and honey have been on the table since morning. The guest, entering the house, after the usual greetings, treated himself to wine or honey from this bowl and put kalach on the table for housewarming geese. After collecting all the guests, the owner brought a pair of fighting geese into the room to boast of his hunt. Fighting geese were decorated with red ribbons. Above the heads of these beauties, all the guests drank wine or honey from a circular bowl. The owner sprinkled the fighting geese with honey. It often happened that zealous hunters at a cheerful feast started disputes and battles.

Our peasants believed that the geese lived all summer under the supervision of a water grandfather. To appease this inexorable grandfather, at night, around September 15, they tore off the goose's head and threw the body into the water. The merman guards the geese for such a commemoration and does not offend anyone. Otherwise, he tortures the geese or harasses them. The rest of the head was taken to the poultry yard for fear that the brownie would not find out about the tricks of the peasant.

Goose fights in Russia were staged even under Peter the Great, he really liked this fun.

Goose fights are organized in the spring - when the time of love comes for the geese, and the ganders are ready to fight with each other to show their "darling" - beloved goose - who is stronger, who is better for procreation. "Lubushki" I am sure to be present at goose fights: they cackle loudly, cheering their knights.

For a duel, geese are chosen approximately the same age, but not younger than 2 years. Young people are more cocky, old people are calmer, but also more confident. Geese usually try to fight by the rules. It seems that in geese of fighting breeds they are laid down at the gene level. Although there are also geese that violate these rules. Such a goose is expelled from the "ring"! Geese grab each other by the wings, by their base and try to turn the opponent onto their back or crush them under them. It is forbidden to hit in the legs and in the head. The loser is the goose that runs away from the battlefield.

How do they hunt geese in America?

Alexander Genis: Regular listeners of the "American Hour", of course, have already become accustomed to the fact that the interlocutors of our author, Vladimir Morozov, who hosts the "Extraordinary Americans" column, speak with him surprisingly frankly. I asked Volodya how he, twice a stranger - from Russia and New York - managed to gain the trust of his neighbors from the provincial town of Corinth, where Morozov spends most of his time.

I go to church with them, - Volodya answered, - and to hunt. To become your own, more is not required.

The answer intrigued me. Also because, as the listener guesses, they don't hunt in New York. At least not since the Indians sold Manhattan to the Dutch merchants. In liberal, Democratic-voting New York, where even cats are tormented by vegetarianism, it seems indescribably barbarous to enlightened and humane citizens to make a hobby out of killing. But in the rest of America, hunting is one of the central rituals that cement male friendship. Therefore, having waited for the beginning of the season, I asked Vladimir Morozov to tell how, in fact, she, the hunt, takes place. This report is the answer.

Vladimir Morozov:
Canadian geese have powerful throats. You can hear them from miles away. Often you don't see them yet, but you already hear them. But getting such a screamer is not easy. You have to get up at half past four in the morning. To the Harrisburg Lakes more than an hour ride. And not from the city of New York, but from the village of Corinth, where I have a cottage. It is 320 kilometers north of New York City in the Adirondacks. At five o'clock in the morning it is still completely dark on the lake. I turn on the flashlight on my baseball cap, and by its light I unload a plastic kayak from the Toyota. My buddy Dave comes with me from time to time.

I do not understand all these restrictions on goose hunting. Why only from 1 to 25 September? Why then a break until the end of October? Why until the end of the year a few more breaks? We need a season, say, from September to January and that's it. Because the geese polluted all the beaches and stadiums. There are fewer and fewer hunters, and more and more geese.

Vladimir Morozov: Hinders hunters and the fact that in our region the lakes are increasingly built up with houses and cottages. Everywhere private property, nowhere to push the boat into the water. You have to climb God knows how far north. Hunters were also deterred from waterfowl by the fact that it was forbidden to shoot at it with the usual lead shot. Steel is lighter and flies not so far. You have to use a larger one, which reduces the number of pellets in the cartridge and the chances of hitting the bird.

Dave: Biologists set the rules for hunting. They are, of course, educated guys, I spoke with many. But they are all strangers here, they are not from our places, but from big cities.

Mark is in charge of the 50 yard range

Vladimir Morozov: This time, my partner has business at home and I am alone on the lake. Here at half past five total darkness. But here the edge of the sky in the east begins to brighten. Against its background, the crest of the forest on a distant mountain becomes visible. The light is reflected in the lake, ducks disturbed by me take off for 300 meters. They are more careful than geese. Sometimes you can approach those on a boat for a shot, that is, 30-40 meters. Small reed islands help. Quietly bend around them, drop the oar and shoot if there is anything. I throw out three plastic stuffed animals near a familiar island, land and hide between two low pines. Geese, of course, will not sit in front of the trees, but they can descend, looking at stuffed animals. In this case, the birds slow down the speed and it is easier to hit them.

As they say, I did not manage to "warm up the trunks" that morning. I take my soul out on clay plates at the Saratoga shooting club. Shotguns, mostly 12-gauge, all grades: semi-automatic, pumps, less often double-barreled shotguns. Remington, Winchester, Stoger, Beretta. There is also a more expensive one - Browning. The most expensive of the mass-produced guns - the Benelli - has not yet been acquired by us. Not even my buddy Leonard Miller. Leni, how many guns do you have at home?

The oldest participant in the competition is speech therapist Judy Black, she is 61

Leonard Miller: How? I dont know. Let's count. I have 12-gauge pump shotguns, 20-gauge semi-automatic, rifles 223, 30-6, 308. Pistols 38-gauge, 357, then 9-gauge, 45-gauge. Yes, I have a Colt .45 carbine from Henry. This is a copy of the carbines that they began to make at the end civil war. Powerful and accurate weapon. If there had been more of them then, the war would have ended much earlier. The magazine also holds 14 rounds.

Vladimir Morozov: As a result, it turned out that Leonard had more than a dozen smoothbore guns and rifles and 6 pistols. Are you going to war? Why do you need so many?

Leonard Miller: Because, well, because ... It's like a disease. Like a child. I saw something sweet, demands to buy.

Vladimir Morozov:
Leonard Miller is 64 years old. He is a carpenter. But it only works when it wants to. "Why tear the veins, he says, because my expenses are small." The children, three of them, have grown up a long time ago and live separately. The wife is dead. He is alone. Garden at the house. He provides himself with vegetables and venison for the winter. The main expenses are on weapons and ammunition.

The youngest athlete - 12-year-old Casi Henderson

Jack: With a small caliber I go to squirrels, but mostly I hit targets. And there are guys who go from the 22nd to the rabbit and other small game.

Vladimir Morozov:
22 gauge has the cheapest ammo. For 17 dollars a box - 350 rounds. You will pay more for 20 rounds of 30-30 caliber, this is for deer hunting. Shotgun cartridges $6 20 pieces. If you want to hunt, pay another hundred dollars a year for a permit. In general, fun is expensive. Therefore, in the Adirondacks, the people are mainly occupied with deer, after all, there is a lot of meat. Sometimes I go to the forest for company. But I don't have the patience to stand on the room and wait, so I often ask to be beaters. It doesn't matter that on the numbers of the deer frightened by me, men twice as young are waiting. They want me to walk slowly and know exactly where I'm coming from. We are planning a route, and in order not to get off it, I have a global orientation device in my hands. It is believed that the beater sees the deer more often than the hunters standing on the numbers. But there is little use, the beast jumps up and disappears with such agility that you do not have time to raise your gun. Although rifled weapons and almost mandatory optical sight allow you to shoot at a hundred meters and further, but such spacious gaps in the mountain forest are rare. AT warm weather- it's all just a walk. But dragging a shot deer one and a half to two kilometers up and down the mountains is below average pleasure. When you see how easily a deer soars above the bushes, you never think that it is so heavy. When we drag him to the truck, our sweaters and jackets are soaked with sweat. The prey is divided among all participants in the hunt, regardless of whether you shot or not. But deer hunting opens at the end of October. And while I'm without meat. From the end of October, geese will also fly more actively, when the cold will drive them from Canada to the south. During the season of geese 12-15 I stuff myself. Of course, there would be more with decoy, but I never learned how to use it and rely on luck.

Dave, what do you like better - venison or goose?

I don't even know, I like both. It is clear that the taste is different. Venison is more like regular store-bought meat, only better quality. And the goose ... there is a unique taste of game. Well, more spices, more and more spicy. But both are very tasty.

Vladimir Morozov:
We both cook geese in the electric oven. Mixing a glass orange juice and a glass of cranberry jam, in this brine you stir a bag of powdered onion soup. You coat the goose with all this mess and pour it over. In his gut you put an apple and an onion. You make cuts in especially fleshy places and insert garlic cloves there. Well, and different spices to taste. How do you eat geese, is there solid fat? - New York acquaintances are surprised. But fat is domestic goose. A wild one is constantly engaged in aerobics. During the flight season, with a fair wind, the Canadian goose can travel up to 2,400 kilometers per day. With this type of training, you will not accumulate fat.

Yes, I looked at Russian sites about goose hunting. Looks like the bird is still being plucked there. America has been skinning for a long time. The fact is that it is in it that numerous pollants accumulate.

Vladimir Morozov

Departure of geese

Leaves fell from the trees, and gardeners began to bury vines in the ground. It was then that wild geese flew over the village. They had to make a long, difficult journey, and they flew slowly, maintaining the formation. In the morning and afternoon, in the chilly clear blue of the sky, dark dots of goose flocks flying south were visible, and a sonorous cackle was heard. Sometimes a gust of headwind knocked down young geese flying behind. They broke the line of formation, and the old leader, slowing down the measured flight, called them with a sharp, guttural cry. They returned to their places, and the flock flew on.

And yet, it happened that an exhausted old goose would remain on the lake or somewhere in shallow water. It was difficult for her to keep up with the flock, and she flew alone, often falling to the ground and resting from the flight. After resting a little, she tried to catch up with the flock, flapping her wings heavily.

Grammar tasks

1. Underline the gerunds and participles found in the text as members of the sentence.

2. Make a word-formation analysis of words and analysis of words by composition.

I option: withstanding;

II option: slowing down

3. Make a morphological analysis of words.

I option: going down;

II option: resting.

Dictation 4. Themes "Communion" and "Communion"

Night adventure

At the beginning of the summer holidays, my friend and I decided to take a little trip in a rubber boat. Without saying anything to anyone, we quickly got ready to go and by nightfall we were on the banks of the river. The silence of the night, interrupted by some sharp bird's cry, the damp penetrating air - all this had a bad effect on us.

For several minutes we hesitated, but then we resolutely got into the boat, pushed ourselves away from the shore, and the boat went with the current. At first it was terrifying to ride an unfamiliar river, but gradually we got used to it and already boldly looked ahead.

We floated slowly along the river, almost without working with oars. The moon appeared from behind the clouds, illuminating all the surroundings with its mysterious brilliance. Somewhere a nightingale clicked, followed by another. We admired the nightingale's singing and completely forgot about the boat. Suddenly, she, having bumped into something, capsized, and we found ourselves waist-deep in water. Having collected our belongings that floated along the river, we climbed ashore, pulled out the ill-fated boat, lit a fire and warmed ourselves until morning, dried ourselves and discussed the night adventure.

(154 words)

Dictation 5. Theme "Adverb"

Ball Lightning Mystery

The nature of ordinary lightning was unraveled a long time ago. With ball lightning, scientists were less fortunate. Its origin is still unclear. Usually ball lightning appears in the form of a hovering in the air or rapidly flying fireball. Often, for unknown reasons, an explosion occurs. But it can also disappear calmly, throwing sparks out of itself.

Since ancient times, ball lightning has attracted attention with the unusualness of its behavior.

Firstly, it does not rise up in the surrounding cold air, and secondly, it retains its shape and moves. It can hover above the ground or move in parallel. The temperature in ball lightning does not rise very high. It is much lower than that at which ordinary air glows.

What is the mystery of ball lightning? Scientists have yet to answer this question.

Grammar tasks

1. Make a word-formation analysis of words and analysis of words by composition.

I option: long time ago;

II option: often.

2. Make a morphological analysis of words.

I option: less (from the 2nd sentence);

II option: unclear (from the 3rd sentence).

Comment. Less- adverb in comparative degree; dont clear - short adjective because it depends on the noun (origin(what?) dont clear).

3. Make parsing offers.

I option: Ball lightning usually appears as a floating or rapidly flying fireball.

II option: Firstly, it does not rise up in the surrounding cold air, and secondly, it retains its shape and moves.

Dictation 6. Topics "Preposition", "Union", "Particle"

I took a long walk along the bluffs above the sea and lay down in a rush chair on the balcony.

The night abyss of the sky is overflowing with multi-colored stars hanging in it, and among them the transparent and also full of stars airily grays the Milky Way, leaning towards the southern horizon, starless and therefore almost black, with two unequal smoke. The balcony overlooks a pebble-strewn garden, sparse and undersized. The night sea opens from the balcony. Pale, milky-mirror, it is motionless, silent. The stars seem to be silent. And a monotonous, not interrupted for a second, crystal ringing stands in all this silent night world, like some kind of ringing dream ...

A special, pre-dawn peace also reigned in all that huge human nest, which is called the city. Silently and somehow differently than during the day, the multi-windowed houses with their numerous inhabitants stood.

(According to I. Bunin)

Grammar tasks

1. Title the text.

2. Perform a morphological analysis of a preposition, conjunction, particle (optional).

Dictation 7. Final

My friends, getting into the palace confectionery is a very tempting business. Fat men knew a lot about dishes. Moreover, the case was exceptional. Parade breakfast! Can you imagine what interesting work made today by palace cooks and confectioners.

Flying into the confectionery, the seller felt both horror and delight at the same time. So, probably, a wasp flying on a cake displayed on the window by a carefree hostess is horrified and delighted.

He flew for one minute, he did not have time to see anything properly. At first it seemed to him that he was in some amazing poultry house, where they were busy with singing and whistling, hissing and crackling, colorful precious birds southern countries. And the next moment he thought that this was not a poultry house, but a fruit stand full of tropical fruits, crushed, oozing, filled with own juice. A sweet, dizzying fragrance hit his nose; heat and stuffiness ate his throat.

(133 words)

(Yu. Olesha)

grammar task

1. Title the text.

2. Perform parsing of sentences.

I option: 1st sentence of the third paragraph;

II option: last sentence of the third paragraph.

Appendix 4

Statement 1

The hospitality of the Zhitkov family amazed me. It was expressed not in some sugary greetings, but in generous and inexhaustible hospitality. Some silent, smelling of shag, obviously hungry people came, and without any questions they were seated together with their family at a long table covered with oilcloth and fed the same food that the family ate. And her food was simple, without gourmet quirks: porridge, fried mackerel, boiled beef. Usually they dined in silence and even, as it were, frowningly, but over tea drinking they became more sociable, and then stormy disputes arose about Leo Tolstoy, about populism.

In addition to literature, the Zhitkov family loved mathematics, astronomy, and physics. I vaguely recall some electrical appliances in Stepan Vasilyevich's office. I remember the textbooks on mathematics compiled by him; they were piled up in his office.

I was very surprised by the relationship that existed between Stepan Vasilyevich and his son Boris: it was the relationship of two adults, equal people. Boris was given complete freedom, he did what he liked - so great was the conviction of his parents that he would not use their trust for evil. Indeed, he himself told me that he never lied to them about anything.

I had never seen such a family before, and only later, a few years later, did I become convinced that, in essence, it was a Russian working family very typical of that time, scrupulously honest, alien to any kind of falsehood, strict to any falsehood. I vividly remember with what admiration I, a thirteen-year-old boy, absorbed its atmosphere.

- evaluate the level of students' achievements at the end of the 1st half of the year.

3. Terms of use.

The work is designed for students of the 7th grade of a secondary school.

The work consists of two parts.

Part 1 - dictation.

Part 2 - grammar task.

I . Identification of spelling skills in the previously studied sections of spelling:

1) checked and unchecked unstressed vowels in the roots of words;

2) unpronounceable and doubtful consonants,

3) spelling prefixes

4) spelling participles

5) spelling of gerunds.

II. Revealing punctuation skills:

  1. Comma with participial turnover,
  2. Comma with single gerunds
  3. Comma with adverbial phrases
  4. Comma in SSP
  5. Comma between homogeneous members

Ability to disassemble the word by composition and produce word-formation analysis

Ability to find participial phrases

Ability to find adverbial phrases

Ability to make morphological parsing of participles

Ability to make morphological analysis of gerunds




verification work for intermediate certification in the Russian language based on the results of the 1st half of the year

Teacher Vinnik E.M.

1. Appointment of the verification work for the intermediate certification- evaluate the level of students' achievements at the end of the 1st half of the year.

3. Terms of use.

The work is designed for students of the 7th grade of a secondary school.

4. Dates: December 2014

5. Structure and content of the work.

The work consists of two parts.

Part 1 - dictation.

Part 2 - grammar task.

Part 1. The content of the control dictation is aimed at identifying spelling and punctuation skills.

I. Identification of spelling skills in the previously studied sections of spelling:

1) checked and unchecked unstressed vowels in the roots of words;

2) unpronounceable and doubtful consonants,

3) spelling prefixes

4) spelling participles

5) spelling of gerunds.

II. Revealing punctuation skills:

  1. Comma with participial turnover,
  2. Comma with single gerunds
  3. Comma with adverbial phrases
  4. Comma in SSP
  5. Comma between homogeneous members

Part 2. Grammar tasks are aimed at identifying the level of formation of practical skills and abilities:

Ability to disassemble the word by composition and produce word-formation analysis

Ability to find participial phrases

Ability to find adverbial phrases

Ability to make morphological parsing of participles

Ability to make morphological analysis of gerunds

6. Working materials.


Departure of geese

Leaves fell from the trees, and gardeners began to bury vines in the ground. It was then that wild geese flew over the village. They had to make a long, difficult journey, and they flew slowly, maintaining the formation. In the morning and afternoon, dark dots were visible in the chilly clear blue of the sky. flying south flocks of geese and a loud cackle was heard. Sometimes a gust of headwind knocked down flying behind young geese. They were breaking the line, and the old leader,slowing down the measured flight, called them with a sharp, guttural cry. They returned to their places, and the flock flew on.

And yet, it happened that an exhausted old goose would remain on the lake or somewhere in shallow water. It was difficult for her to keep up with the flock, and she flew alone,often falling to the ground and taking a break from flying. After a little restShe tried to catch up with the pack, it's hardflapping wings.

(128 words)

grammar task

1 option.

  1. Write out from the first paragraph all participial and participle turns (1 point for each turn, maximum 4 points)
  2. resting,
  3. Do a word-building parsing of the participle flying away
  4. Sort out the composition of the participle withstanding

Option 2.

  1. Write out all adverbial phrases from the second paragraph (1 point for each revolution, maximum 4 points)
  2. Make a morphological analysis of the participle waving,
  3. Make a word-formation analysis of the participle slowing down
  4. Sort out the sacrament flying.

6. Criteria for evaluating work.

Two grades are given for the work: for dictation and for grammar tasks in accordance with the assessment standards.

Part 1. Dictation. Evaluated according to the criteria approved by the methodological letter of KRIPPO

Part 2. Grammar task. (Total 12 points)

1) 4 points (1 point for each correctly written turnover);

2) 2 points (1 point if there is 1 mistake)

3) 2 points (1 point if there is 1 mistake)

4) 2 points (1 point if there is 1 mistake)

Up to 5 points - "2"

5 - 6 points - "3"

7 - 8 points - "4"

9 - 10 points - "5".

6. Additional materials and equipment.

Additional materials and equipment are not used.

Job analysis

Grade _____ Number of students ____ Achieved _____

Level of educational achievements (number /%):

"2" - ____(___) "3" - ____(___) "4" - ____(____) "5" - ____(____)


_____% of training

_____% quality of education



Gram. exercise



