What is a minecraft fireball for? Create a fireball in Minecraft

Today we will talk about how to create a fireball in the Minecraft game. The fact is that the need for such an element among players often arises. It helps to set fire to various unnecessary blocks at high speed. In addition, such a product can be used as a flint and cannon ammunition.


Let's go directly to the question of how to make a fireball. We will need the following some components. First of all, it's gunpowder. It can be obtained by hitting creepers. Also here you can not do without fiery powder. To take possession of it, you will need to travel to the lower world (Hell). The next component is charcoal or regular charcoal. If you break coal ore with a pickaxe, we will also get this resource. As you can see, all the elements can be found without much difficulty if you have some experience in the game.


To get a fireball, you need to arrange the components in the crafting window in a certain way. The top center slot should be filled with gunpowder. The second cell in the middle is intended in this case for fire powder. The bottom center cell is perfect place for placing coal. As a result, you will receive not one fireball, but as many as 3. They, for example, can help light a portal that is located within the Nether. In the event that you decide to use a fireball to light up a tunnel, mine or other gloomy place, right-click on it. Also, this element can be used as a projectile for a special gun. Such weapons can hit targets in all directions.


The fireball has a number of features that are worth talking about in more detail. For example, you can use it even while under water, since such an element does not go out. Large fireballs can be won by challenging another player to a duel and hitting them. This type elements does not explode upon impact with the surface, which is typical for many such blocks. The creation of such a ball can be called expensive, but it is still quite often used by players. Among the players, the element described today is sometimes called "fireball". This element allows you to destroy not only hostile creatures, but also various obstacles that may be encountered on the way. As soon as the possibilities of such a ball are exhausted, it will disappear from the inventory. If you use a dispenser to launch this element, then it will fly in a straight line until it hits an obstacle.

Fire ball(English) fire charge) is an item that, when interacting with the game world, sets fire to a block.

When you press the RMB, it works like a steel (the fire burns 2 times longer), after which it disappears from the inventory. When launched, it acts like a fireball, that is, like an incendiary projectile flying in a straight path until it collides with a block in its path (the block will then catch fire). When flying through the portal to the Nether or the End, the fireball will disappear. Also involved in crafting to create a large ball.



  • A fireball can be used to ignite a portal to the Nether.
  • Contrary to popular belief, fireballs do not explode on impact like ghast shots.

  • If you launch a fireball from a dispenser that is under water, it will still fly like on the surface, only it will release a stream of bubbles.
  • If you place a block in front of the dispenser, then the fireball will ignite directly behind the block, that is, the ball will pass through the block.
  • The fireball can be reflected with a sword and thrown at the one who launched it.
  • You can also make a special cannon out of dynamite and use a fireball dispenser to fire it in any direction.
  • Also, despite its expensive crafting, it is often used by griefers in SMP.
  • On any server, in privatized territories, they can also set fire to almost all blocks. Thus, it is possible to burn all combustible blocks in the privatized territories, and / or set fire to the blocks on which the players are standing, waiting for someone to die from the fire and fall out of it

With other players and like to arrange battles with each other, then this article will definitely come in handy. After all, we are talking about an item with which it will be much easier not only to win the duel, but also to defend against hostile mobs. This amazing item is a fireball.

Minecraft has two ways to make fire. The first of these, the most common, is the use of a lighter. But there is a significant drawback: it can only be used in a very limited radius around the player.

And the second way is a fireball. How to get it right, we will now tell.

Many people might think that a fireball drops when killing a hellish slime, but this is not the case. Another object falls from the slime - lava slime.

To get the ingredients for crafting a fireball, you need another item - fire powder. It is made from the ifrit rod, and it, in turn, falls out of the ifrit, which lives in the underworld.

How to get ifrit rod

To craft a fireball, you need to kill an ifrit that lives in the Nether. To get there, you have to find obsidian, then craft a lighter, build and activate the portal. But before you go hunting, remember that the Lower World is teeming with various hostile creatures, many of which attack from afar. Therefore, make sure that your armor is strong enough to withstand multiple attacks from mobs such as ghasts, ifrits, and zombie pigs. It also makes sense to take a few potions of fire resistance with you, as ifrits set fire to the victim when attacked.

If you need ifrit, then look for buildings in the Nether - there are almost always spawners there. But be careful: there are always a lot of these creatures in such places, so drink a potion of fire resistance in advance.

When you have obtained the ifrit core, the crafting stage begins. Place this ingredient on the crafting panel and get two fire powders from each rod. In order to create one fireball, one fire powder is required. Thus, two balls can be crafted from one rod (if the remaining ingredients are available). Next you need gunpowder.

How to get gunpowder

There are three main ways to do this.

The first way is to kill the creeper. There is a chance that several units of gunpowder will drop from this creature. But hunting creepers is quite risky because if you get too close, it will explode and deal quite a lot of damage to the player. Gunpowder cannot fall out during the explosion.

However, by hunting creepers, you can most effectively and in a short time get enough gunpowder.

The second way is to search for the treasure. Sometimes it turns out to find gunpowder in chests, but doing this on purpose is at least stupid, because it will take more than one day before you find the treasured chest with gunpowder.

The third way is barter . You can find a village and exchange gunpowder for some items needed by the local population. But this method is also quite dubious, because villages do not appear so often, and even less often do the inhabitants in them want to exchange their gunpowder. The fireball, unfortunately, cannot be traded - it is not produced.

When gunpowder is still mined, it remains to get the last element - coal. This can also be done in two ways.

How to get coal

First way. Coal can be mined in the mine. Usually it is shallow, sometimes even on the surface.

The second way. You can chop wood and melt it in a furnace for charcoal - it will also work.

How to create a fireball

After extracting all the ingredients, you can proceed to create a fireball in only one way, unlike, for example, a torch, the ingredients of which can be placed in any order. In the second cell of the first row put gunpowder, under it - fire powder, below - coal. Ready!

To throw a ready ball at an opponent, use the right mouse button. Where it collides with a block, a fire will ignite.


The way this intention is carried out depends solely on the purpose for which you need this. So, if fire is needed to set something on fire: a portal, blocks of grass or trees (for example, to quickly clear the territory), etc., then it is better to craft a lighter to get it. It is made on a workbench from two ingredients - flint and an iron ingot.

You will receive the last of the above components if you smelt the corresponding ore in a furnace. Flint is usually found during the extraction of gravel - it falls out of its accumulation. Having found these ingredients, place them on the workbench in this way: the flint will go to the central slot of the lower horizontal row, and the iron ingot will go to the left cell of the middle one. With the resulting steel, set fire to the material that you want to ignite, or the portal. Remember, however, that this one is only rated for 64 uses.

If you need fire to heat your house - for example, a fireplace, - or for traps, take a trip to the Lower World (Hell). Dial there required number hellstone blocks. Install it in a fireplace, set it on fire - and it will burn there forever, or at least until you decide to knock down the flame. To set up a deadly trap for mobs or other players, dig the floor in your dwelling, place more hellstone in the recess and cover it with other blocks, connecting them to any trigger (lever or push). Then, when a stranger enters, the floor under him will fall through - and he will be right in the middle of the flames.

Lava can also serve as an excellent source of flame. Take a bucket and go to the mine or to the cave - there the igniting component you need is most often found. However, be extremely careful with lava, as it can set fire to nearby blocks. Also, as a means of extracting flames, you can use the fireball of a gast (if you manage to catch this "projectile" of this hostile Nether mob in a bucket).

None of the above methods will work for you if you want to get a solid fire that comes in a separate block. This is legally allowed only with the help of special mods - for example, TooManyItems (allowing you to wear a flame even among inventory items) or Fire. In the latter case, the desired material will become available through crafting. You will make it with a lighter and eight obsidian blocks. Place the first one in the center slot of the workbench, and the last ones in its remaining slots. So you get as many as sixteen blocks of fire.

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If you want to turn your arrow aimed at a monster into a fiery one - shoot it through lava or use the appropriate potion. Tellingly, a burning hostile mob will not be able to set fire to other playable characters or blocks.

Helpful advice

If you really want to get required amount blocks of solid fire without any mods, make yourself an administrator in the game. Then cheat yourself the required number of fire blocks: write the command /give and after a space - the item code (for fire it is 11). Another cheat code option is /give player 51 24.


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In the popular computer game Minecraft fire is a non-solid block that has the ability to destroy all combustible blocks and set animals, monsters and players on fire.

Fire and its properties

Fire can be created with a fireball, a flint and a bucket of lava. The first two methods allow you to control the process, the lava coming blocks randomly, just pour it on a flammable surface. The flame can block up to 5 blocks vertically and 2 horizontally and diagonally from it. If the flame is surrounded by non-combustible materials (cobblestone, glass or earth), it simply will not spread. If you catch fire, then the fire can be put out by jumping into the water, besides, it goes out by itself after a while. A fire lit on a block of hellstone will burn forever. This property of hellstone is often used to create indoor fireplaces. You can put out the fire by clicking on it with the left mouse button.

The easiest way to start a fire is to use (tinderbox). This tool can be crafted with flint and an iron ingot. To do this, they need to be placed diagonally (iron on the top left, and flint on the bottom right) on a workbench or in the crafting window available in the inventory.

Flint can be obtained by digging gravel, an iron ingot can be smelted from ore, which is easy to find in any cave. Gravel is better to dig with a shovel, and for the extraction of iron ore you will need any pickaxe other than a wooden one. The flint and steel is destroyed as it is used, it is enough for 64 blocks. This tool is useful for lighting in the Nether, which is mainly made up of hellstone, which has the property of burning forever.

The most expensive way

Fireballs are an inefficient way to create fire, you will need coal, fire powder and gunpowder to create them. They must be placed on the workbench in the central vertical in next order(from top to bottom): gunpowder, fire powder, coal. Coal can be mined in any cave, in addition, this ore often comes to the surface.

Gunpowder is much more difficult to obtain, it drops out of creepers if you have time to kill them before they detonate. Creepers are unpleasant monsters, they move almost silently (the rest of the aggressive mobs make quite loud sounds), sneak up on the player and explode, causing serious damage to health. It is best to use a bow and arrow to fight them, so they can be destroyed from a distance so as not to risk it.

Fire Powder is a very rare resource, it can be obtained from fire rods that drop after killing ifrits. Ifrits are aggressive monsters that live in the Nether only in the area of ​​​​Infernal fortresses. In itself, the search for these natural structures - not an easy task in a space that is almost entirely composed of lava lakes. Infernal fortresses at the creation of the world appear in stripes from north to south. Ifrits hurl fireballs at the player from a distance, which makes fighting them quite difficult, it is best to use a bow.

Both the flint and the fireball operate on the same principle - they set fire to the block on which the sight is aimed, by right-clicking the mouse, however, the fireball then disappears from the inventory.

For many gaming purposes, it is not uncommon for a gamer to need fire. The flame in the virtual world, as in the usual one, is destructive, but that's why it is sometimes useful - for example, if you need to defeat monsters, set a trap for griefers, quickly clear the area, etc. At the same time, it is not always easy to get fire, but in its pure form it is virtually impossible.

The most affordable way to make fire

The list of all situations in the gameplay when you need to create a source of flame is quite extensive. Meanwhile, in Minecraft there are actually no "legal" ways to get pure fire (in the form of a separate block). Most of those that exist are cheating. However, it is quite possible, if necessary, to create a fire on any surface. For this gamer can not do without special resources.

First of all, you need a lighter. If the player does not have it in his inventory yet, he will be able to craft it if he has an ingot of iron (to obtain it, you need to burn the corresponding ore in a furnace) and flint. The latter usually drops when mining gravel and looks like coal, only smoother and a slightly different shade.

After collecting these ingredients, you need to place them on the workbench so that the iron ingot is in the left slot of the middle horizontal row, and the flint is in the center of the bottom one. In order to set fire to any block with this lighter (for example, grass, trees, etc.), you need to move the cursor over it, holding a steel in your hand, and then right-click.

Underground and "hellish" means to help the "arsonist"

However, there are other ways, the flame. For example, it is worth using lava. It is usually located in the mines, so the gamer should go there, taking a bucket with him. If it is not in the inventory, it can be crafted from three iron ingots by placing one of them in the central slot of the lower horizontal row of the workbench, and two in the extreme cells of the middle one.

Lava is good for setting fire to other players (including those in traps) and mobs. True, such a flame also destroys loot. In addition, lava fire tends to spread to neighboring blocks, so gamers should be careful with its use in their home.

It is not a sin in this regard to pay attention to some of the means available in the Lower World: a hellish stone and a fireball - they are also sources of flame. The first, however, lights up in the usual game space, usually when it is set on fire, and when any creatures get there. Therefore, it is suitable for fireplaces or traps.

A fireball is a gast's weapon, "spit out" by him when attacking. Such a "fireball" is good as a means of creating a flame, but it is quite difficult to catch it. Many experienced gamers use a bucket for this - most often obsidian (having increased heat resistance). It is crafted in the same way as usual, but instead of iron ingots, three blocks of obsidian are placed on the workbench.

Flame device using mods and cheats

Meanwhile, none of the above means is suitable for creating blocks of pure fire, which is used, for example, to craft mail armor. If you want to get them in your inventory, you can not do without special mods.

One of simple ways to achieve this possibility - install the well-known plug-in TooManyItems. It allows you not only to find various valuable resources in abundance (which is why many players install it), but also to receive fire blocks as one of the available elements for crafting.

Another mod that gives the player similar privileges is Fire. Here, only the possibility of obtaining blocks of flame is added (in the name of this, in fact, it was created). In general, they can be crafted - from a lighter and obsidian that is quite difficult to get. Eight of its blocks must be placed on the workbench around the flint and flint placed in the central slot - and as many as sixteen blocks of pure fire are ready.

There are also several cheating (and therefore dishonest) methods to easily get a certain amount of such material into the inventory. To do this, the player gives himself the authority of the admin, and then enters the command /give 11 (this number is the ID of the fire). You can write another phrase for the same purpose - /give player 51 24.

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We crafters like to say often that Minecraft is very similar to real world. This, of course, is true, but not entirely. Minecraft is cooler! How much is in it various items and blocks that you will not see in real life! And try to name as many things from the real world that you will not find in the game. In general, the game beats reality in almost everything.

What kind of thing is this?

Today I would like to draw your attention to one of those items, the analogues of which are extremely rare in everyday life. We are talking about a fireball - an interesting "little thing" that can be compared with ball lightning. Have you often seen this natural miracle in your life? Can you do it by hand? We know of only one "crafter" who was capable of producing these dangerous marbles. This is the legendary Tesla. But he left us a long time ago, leaving us with the need to be content with crafting miracle items in Minecraft. But more to the point.

A fireball is such a “thing” that, interacting with the Minecraft world, is able to set blocks on fire. Pressing the right mouse button causes the ball to burn like a steel (although the fire "works" twice as long), after which Tesla's legacy disappears from the inventory. You can liken it to an ifrit ball if you launch it from a dispenser. For those who do not remember what the Ifrit has, we will explain. A launched, fiery object will act as an incendiary projectile, the direct flight path of which will lead to a collision with a block that gets in the way. The block will light up. Flying through the portal to hell, the ball will disappear. In addition, it helps craft an asterisk when created in minecraft big ball.

How to craft a fireball

You can make a ball using fire powder, gunpowder and coal. These flammable items must be placed in the inventory, as in the screenshot.

More information about "ball lightning"

You will be worthy of respect if you do not limit yourself to absorbing the above information. Read on.

  • With the help of a fiery "sphere" in Minecraft, you can set fire to the portal to hell.
  • Many believe that a fiery object explodes on impact. This is not true.
  • Released from a dispenser that is underwater, it will fly like it does on the surface of Minecraft, only it will be accompanied by a jet of bubbles.
  • Sometimes the "sphere" can pass through the block, setting fire to the area behind it, but leaving the block itself untouched. This happens when the latter is placed directly in front of the dispenser.
  • Although it is quite expensive to craft, griefers love to use it.
  • Using it, dynamite and a dispenser, you can make a cannon that shoots Minecraft in any direction.
  • If the need arises to incinerate the portal, it can be entirely made in the Nether. Gunpowder is a drop of ghasts, coal is from wither skeletons, and powder is mined from ifrits.
  • They can set fire to almost any blocks in Minecraft on any servers, even in private areas.