Which pelargonium has the largest flowers. A variety of species and varieties of room and garden geraniums: names and photos of beautiful flowers. Soil Requirements

Pelargonium (Geranium) is a semi-shrub or herbaceous flower that belongs to the geranium group. More than 400 of its varieties are found in all corners of the world. It got its name from the Greeks because of the shape of the fruit, which looks like a crane's beak, and in Germany this flower is called the "stork's nose".

Pelargonium was brought to Europe from Africa in the 17th century. The peculiar smell and decorativeness of the plant won her great popularity in aristocratic circles, and after that geraniums began to appear in the gardens of other classes. Pelargonium came to our country in the 18th century, and since that time has become the most beloved flower of almost all gardeners. This is due to its beautiful flowers, active growth and unpretentious care.

Pelargonium varieties: photo and description

In the natural environment, there are about 250 species of geraniums. The development of breeders made it possible to create numerous hybrids and varieties that differ in shape, color of leaves and inflorescences. Indoor pelargonium is divided into several groups:

  • Ivy;
  • Zonal;
  • Unique;
  • Fragrant;
  • Royal;
  • Angel;
  • Succulent.

Zonal pelargonium

This flower variety is the most popular, as well as a numerous species with a large number of varieties. All varieties of this geranium are quite resistant and are characterized by lush flowering.. Most often, all indoor geraniums of this variety have a straight trunk with rich refrain-shaped foliage and a brown or red edging. The leaves of this variety are pubescent, and at the same time they create a peculiar smell.

According to the shape of the flowers, zonal pelargoniums are:

  • Terry - more than 8 petals on flowers;
  • Semi-double - on flowers up to 8 petals;
  • Ordinary - have 5 petals.

The shape of the flowers of this variety is also different:

  • Tulip, similar to the flowers of closed tulips;
  • Rosebuds, with pink or red buds, resembling incompletely opened roses in shape;
  • Cactus with twisted and narrow petals, reminiscent of a red chrysanthemum;
  • Star-shaped, leaves and flowers follow the shape of a star;
  • Formosa, with flowers in the form of an asterisk and foliage dissected into 5 parts;
  • Deacons, small flowers that gather in bouquets of purple, red and pink.

The color of the petals also differs in its diversity. They can be multi-color, two-color or one-color, with or without a border. Separately, flowers are distinguished, which are called "bird eggs", they have dark ovoid blotches with dotted dots and stripes. Flowering of this variety of pelargonium occurs throughout the summer, and if the plant is not placed in a dormant state in winter, then it can bloom all year round.

Zonal pelargoniums are also divided by height:

  • Microminiature - up to 14 cm;
  • Dwarf - 14–25 cm;
  • Normal - 25–70 cm;
  • Airins - up to 70 cm.

The name of this type of geranium is given by the color of the leaves, which have clearly marked areas, the central area and edging have a different shade. The border can be red, white, blue and burgundy. The middle of the leaf is very different, even black, silver or golden. There are varieties with tricolor foliage.

Royal Pelargonium

It is considered the most attractive plant of this variety. It has large flowers of various colors: pink, white, purple, burgundy and red. The diameter of the flowers can reach 16 cm and the same size in height.

Hybrids of this plant began to appear as early as the 19th century, and the royal geranium has become an indoor favorite of gardeners around the world. Her large double or simple flowers with fluted or wavy petals, on which there are stripes or a dark spot all the time, which is a characteristic feature of this variety. The two petals on top are larger and velvety than the others.

The plant can reach a height of up to 15 cm. If you look at the photo of the royal geranium, you can see that the rough and jagged leaves are very similar to maple leaves, and at the same time they are both plain and bright.

This variety of pelargonium is the most whimsical flower of all geraniums, while the flowering time is much shorter than that of others (no more than 4 months), and occurs only after two years of growth.

Fragrant Pelargonium

This variety of geranium has the most pleasant aromas, for which it got its name, as well as the recognition of gardeners. If you gently touch a leaf of a plant, you can immediately feel various strong aromas, among them you can feel lemon, rose, strawberry, ginger, mint.

To date, hybrids have been bred that smell of apple, nutmeg, lilac, almond, pine, and even pineapple and kiwi.

The flowers of this room pelargonium are small and, as a rule, are purple or pink, as well as different shapes. Brightly incised foliage has 5-7 parts. In the photo you can see that the foliage of fragrant geranium looks terry.

Using fragrant pelargonium

From this plant variety, geranium oil is extracted, which has a large number of unique properties, and is of great use in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, and also in cooking. This oil is added to beverage syrups, jellies and hard candies. A couple of drops of this oil remove the sometimes unpleasant smell of milk.

The leaves of this variety are added to teas, pies and fruit dishes.. They are used to make flavored sugars. Why are layers of sugar and leaves placed in a glass container. The jar is exposed to the sun for 14 days. After the leaves are removed, and directly sugar is used to make various dishes.

Ivy Pelargonium

This variety of geranium is an ampelous species of herbaceous plants. Fragile and flowing shoots of this plant can be up to 1 m long. Shiny leaves of a rich green shade in the form of an asterisk resemble ivy, which gave the name to this flower.

Flowers in bud can be double, semi-double and single up to 5 cm in size. Their color can vary from pure white to black and blue. Flowering takes place from early summer to late autumn.

Look great as a decor for loggias and balconies, especially when planting several species with different bud colors in one hanging pot.

Pelargonium angel

This type of geranium is characterized by violet-colored inflorescences, which are similar to the Pansy flower. Plant up to 35 cm tall (with constant pruning) has a rather elegant shape, lush branching and unpretentious care. Flowering continues throughout the summer, flowers can be pink, white, purple, lilac with dark stripes or spots on the top two petals.

Pelargonium unique

These flowers are over a century old. The unique ones were obtained by crossing brilliant and royal varieties. The dark green leaves of the plants are strongly dissected and have a slight spicy smell. The flowers are very similar to royal geraniums., but slightly smaller. As a rule, they have a white center and red leaf color. Varieties of pink and white are few in number. Some species are distinguished by dark veins and spots.

Succulent Pelargonium

This is a rather unusual variety of geranium. The stems of the plant, lignified from below, are strongly arched and branched. With increased dryness of the air and weak watering, the bush sheds leaves. The plant has rather bizarre shapes that resemble various fantastic creatures. Branches sometimes have thorns. This flower is usually chosen for bonsai decoration., and as exotic plants for decorating the room. Of the 10 varieties of this plant, as a rule, you can find geranium cortus-leaved, humpbacked, downy-leaved, fleshy, angular and thick-stemmed.

lemon pelargonium

This variety of geranium has earned its popularity due to its strongly dissected, pubescent, bright green leaves of complex shape. The bush is quite tall, can grow up to 1.5 meters. When touched, the leaves begin to emit a strong lemon scent.

Healing properties of geranium

For the unique healing properties of many types of geraniums, the Bulgarians call it "health resort". And in fact, it helps a lot with many diseases:

  • Toothache disappears if you hold a geranium for a short time in your mouth;
  • Inflammation and pain in otitis media can be removed with crushed leaves of fragrant pelargonium, if placed in the ear canal;
  • Geranium infusion is great for stress and neurosis, and also treats gout and colds;
  • A geranium leaf attached to the wrist stabilizes pressure;
  • For itching, wounds, swelling and eczema, leaf baths are used;
  • The aroma of this flower eliminates irritability, insomnia and headache;
  • Also, the plant helps pets in the treatment of ear mites;
  • Decoctions of the roots and leaves are used for kidney disease, salt deposition and diabetes.

Properties of pelargonium oil

Speaking of pelargonium, one cannot fail to mention the essential oil that is made from this plant. Today, neither the cosmetic, nor the perfumery, nor the confectionery, nor the soap industry can do without its use. Also, without this oil, coloring and dressing of certain types of leather is impossible.

In folk medicine, a couple of drops of oil diluted in a glass of water are used to treat ulcers, urinary tract, diarrhea, diabetes, and bleeding.

Also, this oil is an anthelmintic substance. Oil baths are used for eczema, burns, high blood pressure and headaches.

But do not forget that, like all folk methods of treatment, the use of geranium has some contraindications However, it cannot replace drug therapy. Therefore, before starting treatment with it, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Geranium perfectly cleans the air, removes unpleasant odors (for example, burning). At the same time, she fights well with moths, flies and mosquitoes.

Signs associated with geraniums

This flower is considered a talisman that protects the house from many troubles and does not allow people with bad intentions to enter it. The plant has a positive energy, and therefore many superstitions and signs associated with it have a positive orientation.

If this flower is in the house, then household members almost never suffer from stress and do not quarrel. According to ancient beliefs, geranium oil protects from the evil eye, dark forces and other evil spirits. And the girls carried small bags of geraniums with them to attract suitors. And for older ladies, they helped to maintain youth and attractiveness.

Blooming white geranium was a sign of an addition to the family, therefore it is customary to give it to couples who cannot have children for a long time. At the same time, white geranium still protects from ruin and disasters.

Blooming geranium in the house

But red geranium is useful for those couples who are in conflict with each other all the time. This flower brings peace to the house and removes all negative emotions.

Pink geranium also plays a significant role. She can resurrect the extinguished feelings of the spouses for a long time together. She brings emotions, passion and ardor back into relationships. It is also used against witchcraft. Since she is a flower of delight, she is advised to keep in houses where creative personalities live.

Also there is a belief that geranium, especially red, helps its owners to properly manage money that accompanies material well-being. And if you install it near the azalea pot, then the influx of money cannot be avoided.

Astrologers say that indoor geranium can quickly extinguish rage and anger, neutralize negative energy in rooms, develop a sense of humor and relax nerves.

In places where there is a geranium, snakes are never found.

If this plant actually has at least some of the prescribed properties, then the question of whether it is possible to plant geraniums at home disappears by itself, by installing it on your windowsill, it will probably be possible to decorate your home, as well as get rid of many problems in the family and home .

In every house today, geraniums flaunt on the windowsill. And she won trust and reverence not only because of the colorful inflorescences and peculiar carved leaves. All types of geraniums are very unpretentious and do not require a kind of thorough care, which in our time of hustle and bustle is the most important criterion, unless, of course, you have a royal castle with servants who would take care of the flower garden for a fee.

plant description

In most cases, the types of indoor geraniums that decorate and complement the interior decoration are hybrid. These are the fruits of the labors of generations of breeders. Initially, the varieties taken for crossing were relatively inconspicuous and resembled bushy plants of small stature (up to 40 cm) with inflorescences consisting of one or several dozen small nondescript flowers. Some field herbaceous species even bloom with individual flowers.

The bred varieties in their structure - branching of the bush, size, unpretentiousness and other characteristics are not far from their wild ancestors and differ, most often, only in the splendor of the inflorescences and the flowers themselves, which have become much more attractive.

For all varieties of geraniums:

  • The stems are straight, with untimely pruning - creeping, branching.
  • The leaves are simple, are palmate or palmately dissected.
  • The inflorescences are lush, spherical, consisting of many small flowers of various colors and shades. But there are varieties with inflorescences consisting of only a few flowers (usually larger and brighter).
  • The fruits in all cases are identical and are a box, which eventually opens and breaks up into several seeds, easily moving through the air with the help of their “fluffy, akin to a dandelion seed, hair”.

Varieties with names

Currently, breeders have bred a huge number of hybrid varieties of geraniums, which, in turn, are part of the main species. Next, we will dwell on the most common of them.

Zonal pelargonium

If you take all varieties of geraniums for 100%, then in 50% of cases it is zonal varieties of geraniums that appear on your windowsills. Regardless of the name and colors, they are all the most unpretentious of their family. They are picky about changing conditions, endure the transplant and quickly move away from it.

Despite the huge number of varieties of zonal pelargoniums bred, they all have similar distinctive features. Their leaves are round, slightly wavy along the edges, their edge often gives off a dark red tint. Inflorescences are round, spherical, but not always converging downwards. They consist, in most cases, of their flowers with five petals. Although the flowers of semi-double and double varieties have 6, 8 or more petals.

If all conditions are created for the plant, a well-lit place with partial shading is chosen, timely feeding and pruning is performed, it can bloom all year round. There are no restrictions on the colors of zonal varieties of pelargoniums. They can be either plain, or speckled, and stroked, and darkened towards the center or outer edges of the petals.

Tulip geranium

This variety is also included in the category of zonal. The name of the geranium was chosen based on the fact that the flowers from which the pelargonium inflorescences are formed look very much like not fully opened tulip flowers, only in much smaller proportions. In terms of the structure of the bush, leaves and sizes from 20 to 40 cm, they are similar to the rest of the zonal pelargoniums. The most popular varieties are Patricia Andrea, which blooms with deep pink inflorescences and is distinguished by fine green foliage, Red Pandora, whose inflorescences are red, and the foliage has reddish veins.

garden geranium

Another representative of pelargonium, excellent for outdoor cultivation. It cannot boast of a special abundance of flowering, but with the correct formation of the crown, bushes that are quite brilliant in aesthetics grow out of it. Garden geranium has a large number of varieties. Its most famous varieties are meadow, blood red and magnificent. Some varieties can grow up to 60-70 cm.

Geranium meadow

One of the natural species common in temperate forest zones. The inflorescences of such geraniums are rare, the flowers are five-petalled, mostly blue or purple. Leaves are carved. It is almost never used for landscaping or decorative purposes. The second name is the crane.

blood red geranium

If someone thought that this variety owes its name to red flowers, he is mistaken. With the advent of autumn, its foliage turns red, and this was the reason for such a name. Five-petal, often double, flowers can be of any color. On the bush during the flowering period (July - August), they are relatively rare, they do not gather in inflorescences, but in general, at the height of flowering, the bush looks very photogenic. It grows well in the wild, often used to decorate landscapes.

Geranium is magnificent

Another representative of garden varieties. This one is more prolific for flowers. During the flowering period in the second half of summer, the bushes are completely covered with blue five-petal flowers. It also differs in that in autumn the foliage acquires an orange tint. The bush, with proper care, reaches half a meter in height. With the correct formation of the bush, due to the juicy and dense foliage, such a geranium will look great both before and after the flowering period.

Ivy geranium

The leaves of this variety have a sharp five-pointed shape, like that of ivy. These varieties feel great both at home on the windowsill and in the backyard. Popular varieties of this variety, in most cases, bloom with double flowers, collected in small spherical inflorescences.

Geranium rosebud

Varieties of this variety are distinguished precisely by magnificent flowers collected in a spherical inflorescence. Each flower resembles an open rosebud in appearance (hence the name), and the inflorescence as a whole resembles a whole bunch of miniature roses. The bush has foliage of a rich bright green color. It is indoor and is great for growing on trunks. On a long stem-stem, a bouquet of geranium roses looks most impressive.

Pelargonium angel

Despite the fact that the relatively large flowers of angel pelargonium do not gather into pronounced heaped inflorescences, due to their size and truly angelic two-tone coloring, the plant looks very delicious. Most often there are varieties with purple flowers, but there are also white, red, purple angelic pelargoniums. The trick of the variety is that the darker colors in the color of the flower itself smoothly and gently turn into lighter ones. The plant is low, only 25-30 cm, provides for indoor breeding.

Pelargonium unique

This variety is distinguished by a truly unique flower structure, in which its five petals are disproportionate in everything - both in size, in structure, and in color. Non-standard-looking flowers are collected in small spherical inflorescences and, in general, the plant looks very impressive during the flowering period. As a rule, a pair of upper petals of each unique pelargonium flower is always longer than the lower three. And those, in turn, in some varieties are divided into several more each. Thus, the flower turns out to be so extravagant and unlike ordinary geraniums that it deserved such a forest name - "Unicum". You can't call it otherwise.

fragrant geranium

A distinctive feature of this type of pelargonium is not peculiar flowers, but the ability of the plant to exude aroma. Since the first fragrant pelargonium was brought to Europe in the last century, breeders have bred a lot of all kinds of varieties. In the process of painstaking work, they achieved that geraniums acquired the ability to emit the smells of apple, cinnamon, lemon, rose, nutmeg and even pine needles.

lemon pelargonium

It belongs to the fragrant varieties and is the ancestor of the "fragrant" selection. It blooms in inconspicuous rare inflorescences of small pink-purple flowers. The basis of its decorativeness and attractiveness is foliage smelling of lemon, which itself, with good care, grows into a lush bush of carved fluffy, deeply dissected lobed leaves.

royal geranium

The title doesn't disappoint. This is the most spectacular variety of pelargonium. Relatively large for geraniums, multi-colored (two-color) flowers of this variety are collected in lush inflorescences, although not numerous, but from the large size of the flowers. The size of the flowers of some royal varieties reaches 10 cm. It is one of the picky varieties to care for. At the slightest non-compliance with the temperature regime, lighting or watering regime, it can immediately reset the color.


This is far from even a hundredth of all varieties bred by craftsmen-breeders. Considering that there are more than 400 natural varieties of pelargonium alone, what can we say about hybrids? There are thousands of them. But if you decide to propagate a hybrid variety, remember that this will not work with seeds. The plant will lose all its hybrid features, developing into a nondescript geranium. Therefore, it is worth breeding such plants only by dividing the bush (if the constitution of the plant allows it) or by cuttings.

And there will be geranium happiness in your apartment!

Geranium on the windowsill is a classic of the genre in home crop production. And if you think that this flower is too boring and suitable only for a grandmother's dresser, then you are deeply mistaken. Modern varieties of pelargonium can be completely different from boring meter-long “kalachiki”. And the flowers, and the shape of the leaves, and even the smell of them can be completely different. Interesting? Then let's try to figure out what an ordinary geranium can be.

The species and varietal diversity of pelargoniums does not allow us to accept a unified classification of this plant. But the most common division into 6 types:

  • zonal pelargoniums;
  • ivy-leaved pelargoniums (ampelous);
  • royal pelargoniums;
  • pelargonium angels;
  • unique;
  • fragrant pelargoniums.

Zonal pelargoniums - Zonal pelargoniums

The most common species, represented by the largest number of varieties (more than 75 thousand). This pelargonium received the “zonal” postscript because its leaf plates have a “zone” painted in a different color - usually in the form of a ring or a color spot in the center. With a lack of lighting, for example, in winter, the "zone" disappears, and reappears in the spring.

Zonal Pelargonium Orbit Scarlet Eye in balcony boxes

Pelargonium zonal is a densely leafy, upright shrub with flowers collected in umbrella brushes. Its leaves are pubescent, have a specific smell.

They began to grow zonal pelargonium in culture in 1710. These inhabitants of the window sills were tall and were a long tower with small inflorescences. Later, breeders took up the development of shorter varieties that could be formed by pinching. The first such varieties appeared in 1844.

By the number of flower petals, zonal pelargoniums are divided into:

  • non-double (Single Zonal pelargoniums) - the flower consists of 5 petals;
  • semi-double (Semi-Double Pelargoium Zonale) - from 6-8 petals;
  • terry (Double Zonal pelargoniums) - more than 8 petals.

Among the mass of varieties of zonal pelargoniums, separate subgroups are distinguished:

1. Rosaceae (Rose-bud Zonal pelargoniums)

Zonal geraniums with flowers very similar to roses. The first mention of the subgroup appeared in 1876, in an article in the Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society. The most famous variety is Appleblossum Rosebud.

Zonal pelargonium from the group of rosebud varieties - Millfield Rose

2. Tulip-shaped (Tulipe-bud pelargonium)

Pelargonium flowers resemble unopened tulip buds with 6-9 petals. The subgroup is characterized by dense flowering in the form of a bouquet. Tulip-shaped pelargoniums were obtained in 1966 by the American family of breeders Andrea in Boston. It is believed that the sport (mutation) of pelargonium Fiat (Fiat) became the ancestor of the subgroup, to the appearance of which varietal “tulips” sometimes return.

Tulip Pelargonium Patricia Andrea

3. Clove (Carnation Pelargonium)

The flowers of this subgroup resemble garden carnation flowers. They are quite large, with carved petals.

Carnation pelargonium - Diana Palmer variety

4. Star (Stellar Zonal Pelargonium)

In these zonal pelargoniums, both the leaves and the flowers have a sharp, angular, so-called "star" shape. Usually, a flower has two upper petals that are more elongated and narrower than the rest. For the first time, star-shaped pelargoniums appeared on the windowsills of amateur flower growers in the early 1950s. in Australia.

Star Pelargonium St. Elmos Fire

5. Cactus (Cactus-flowered Zonal pelargoniums)

A very rare subgroup of Pelargoniums characterized by long, rolled or twisted flower petals. Often they look "tousled" or look like cactus dahlia flowers. The cactus-like group has been known since the end of the 19th century; now most of the varietal assortment has been lost.

Pelargonium cactus Mrs. Salter Bevis

6. "Deacons" (Deacon)

The first "Deacons" arose from crossing the zonal miniature Orion and the ivy-leaved pelargonium Blue Peter. Breeder - Stanley Stringer. New varieties of geraniums were presented to him at the "Flower Show" in Chelsea in 1970. The features of this subgroup are a compact, miniature bush, abundant flowering. The flowers are red, orange or pink in different shades.

Zonal pelargonium of the "Deacons" group, Deacon Birthday variety

Ivy-leaved pelargoniums - Ivy-leaved pelargoniums

Ivy pelargoniums are ampelous plants with hanging or creeping shoots 25-100 cm long. Very popular for decorating balconies and loggias, although they can also be used outdoors as ground covers.

Flowers of ampelous pelargonium can be of any shape: non-double, terry, rosebud. Their colors are quite extensive: from snow-white to wine-burgundy, almost black.

The leaves of ampelous geranium are smooth, similar to ivy leaves (hence the name of the group). In most varieties, the leaves are quite hard, dense.

Ampelous geranium has been grown in culture since the beginning of the 18th century, but it received wide recognition only in the middle of the 19th century. From that moment on, breeders began to be actively interested in this plant and in 1877 released the first terry ampelous pelargonium of the Konig Albert variety.

Royal pelargoniums - Regal pelargoniums

Royal pelargoniums are powerful bushy plants reaching a height of 50 cm. The flowers are large, up to 4-7 cm in diameter. The edges of the petals are often corrugated, fringed. Their color is never monotonous due to the obligatory presence of dark spots or stripes along the veins. In many varieties of royal geranium, the upper petals are darker than the lower ones. The predominant colors are white, burgundy, dark pink, purple.

Royal Pelargonium Tunia's Perfecta

Royal geraniums have serrated, wide leaves. The shape resembles maple leaves, but with smaller and more frequent "teeth".

By its nature, royal geranium is more capricious than other groups. Its flowering period is no more than 3-4 months (for comparison: zonal pelargonium, with good illumination, can bloom all year round, without stopping) and then only with a properly arranged winter dormancy period. In order for flower buds to form, royal geraniums should be kept at a temperature of 10-12 ° C in winter.

In order for the royal pelargonium to bloom, it needs 2-3 months of cool wintering.

Pelargonium "Angels" - Angel pelargoniums

Many flower growers believe that "Angels" belong to the royal pelargonium variety series. But it's not. The first real "Angels" were obtained by the English florist Langley Smith by crossing the royal and curly pelargoniums. It happened in the 1930s. Later, new varieties of pelargonium "Angels" were bred in the process of hybridization within the group itself.

Pelargonium "Angel" - grade Eskay Saar

From the royal pelargonium "Angels" is distinguished by a smaller size of leaves and flowers (diameter 1-2 cm). The growth type of the "queens" is vertical, while the "Angels" form ampelous bushes.

"Angels" are more persistent and unpretentious than royal geranium varieties. They grow fast, need plenty of light, and tolerate dry conditions well.

Pelargoniums "Uniques" - Unique pelargoniums

"Uniques" - an old group of pelargoniums, cultivated since the 60s of the 18th century. It was obtained by crossing the royal and brilliant (P. fulgidum) pelargoniums. The first variety was given the name Old Unique. Subsequently, all representatives of the group were united under the common name Unique pelargoniums.

Pelargonium "Unicum" - Robin's Unique

The flowers of "Unicums" are similar to the flowers of royal pelargoniums, but smaller in size. The leaves are dissected, sometimes with a fragrant smell. For example, the leaves of Paton's Unique have a sweet, "peachy" flavor.

In the Victorian era, "Unicums" were very popular as plants for garden flower beds. Plants are quite large and tall. To bloom, their height should be 40-50 cm. It bushes poorly on its own, pinching or pruning is required.

Scented-leaved pelargoniums

Fragrant geraniums form a group of varieties whose leaves exude aromas of various shades in their shades.

Most "fragrances" are unsightly in appearance, their flowers are small, simple, most often pink or white. The leaves are palmately lobed, with uneven angular or wavy edges. The plant forms a branched, loose bush, growing up to 1 m in height.

Geranium scented Sarah Jane has a light citrus scent

Fragrant geraniums are grown for their scent. Their leaves can smell like pineapple, peach, apple, verbena, grapefruit, nutmeg, oriental spices, roses, pine needles, wormwood, mint, etc.

Choose varieties and flavors:

  • Islington Peppermint - pure mint flavor, no impurities
  • Mabel Gray - strong and distinct lemon scent
  • Brilliantine - perfume smell, similar to cologne
  • Fruity - sweet fruity scent
  • Orange Fizz - the strongest flavor of lemon zest
  • Candy Dancer - rose fragrance
  • P.grossularioides - the smell is sweet, confectionery, with hints of coconut
  • p. odoratissimum - apple flavor
  • Lady Plymouth - smells like menthol
  • Gemstone - delicate flavor of lemon balm
  • Orsett - coniferous smell (juniper, cypress)
  • Clorinda - bright aroma of spruce needles
  • Fragran - a clear smell of wormwood
  • Staghorn Oak - strong "forest" scent
  • Godfrey's Pride - "perfume" with notes of pine, spices and mint
  • Fair Ellen - "forest", woody smell
  • Fernleaf - pine needle scent
  • p. Moliconum - Smells like pineapple

Most fragrant geraniums appeared in the process of crossing specific pelargoniums. Although, some of them are species in themselves (for example, p. Odoratissimum - fragrant pelargonium).

In the 18th century, fragrant geranium was used in wealthy homes as a natural air freshener, "perfume" on the windowsill. Until now, this plant is very popular among amateur flower growers, private collectors.

From early childhood, I remember that I was surrounded by flowers - in the house, in the front garden, there were many beautiful and bright plants. But the most favorite flower of my grandmother, who was the main florist in the family, was geranium.

This is not surprising, a spectacular and unpretentious inhabitant of our window sills, balconies, street flower beds, will not leave anyone indifferent.

When I had a child, it became noticeable that there was not enough money, and I decided, without really bothering myself, to earn a little money. Get serious about growing beautiful plants. The choice was stopped at geranium, or as it is also called, pelargonium.

  1. Firstly, by correctly and carefully selecting varieties (and even I can name them without hesitation from fifty), there are luxurious flowers in the house. Moreover, these flowers actively grow, and do not fade in vases with water;
  2. Secondly, you can always take a leaf or cutting to plant a new plant without the risk of harming the mother flower;
  3. Thirdly, crossing varieties in order to obtain new shades is an exciting activity that does not take much time. There is an opportunity to calmly manage household chores and play with the baby;
  4. Fourthly, there is always at hand an original bright gift for loved ones. It is also a real financial savings.

The list can be continued with many more points, but for me the passion for the plant has become the main hobby and a source of good income.

How to make money growing geraniums

I have not yet put the cultivation of flowers on a "big foot", on an industrial scale. So far, there is enough trouble with the baby, and I do not have time to build greenhouses and hotbeds. In addition, we need forces, means, again the same time to draw up various legal documents.

You can sell plants already "ready" in the following ways:

  1. Carry or carry several pots to the market. This method is not convenient for everyone, and even unacceptable. Not everyone has the skill to trade;
  2. Geraniums will be bought by people who systematically sell flowers and have the appropriate documents, market places, etc. for this;
  3. A good way is to advertise in the city advertising newspaper, on the Internet. This brings a certain result, because a pot of flowering pelargonium costs at least 600 rubles;
  4. A very good option is to offer flowers to owners of cafes, restaurants, business leaders for decorating offices, exhibitions, and presentations of their products.

Pelargonium cultivation

Many fans of these flowers argue that geranium and pelargonium are different plants belonging to the same family - shrubs and herbs. Their homeland is warm southern countries. But let biologists worry about this issue of plant separation. My flowers grow successfully in the middle lane.

My pets feel good both on the windowsills and in the open field, on the site, and even outside the gates of the house. Geranium is cold-resistant (although it belongs to the genus of heat-loving plants). It is perennial and beautifully flowering.

Despite these characteristics, my pet requires attention.

plant care

The flower does not require special conditions for growing, but you need to pay attention to such points: regular watering, good lighting and air temperature.

I live in a private house and keep flower pots in the house in winter. In the spring, I plant young plants in flower beds, in the front garden, “potted”, intended for sale, and take them out into the street. When there is a danger of frost, I cover the plants with a film at night.


Geraniums are grown equally successfully from both cuttings and seeds. Proper drainage and fertilization of the soil is the key to success. This is especially important if the flowers grow in pots. Of course, that every weed is immediately removed even from the pot.

I would like to dwell on the issue of reproduction of geraniums. It can be done in two ways:

  1. Seed, not very popular among flower growers. However, if lovers of experimenting are engaged in breeding varieties, the most correct;
  2. Cuttings, which, in turn, are of two types.


I never thought about what the flowers are called, of course, for the time being, when geraniums became my passion. I know that there are more than two hundred species of these beautiful plants in the world. At home, I grow several varieties - Angel, Terry, Pink. I do various experiments with these plants, they have taken root well in my house and in the garden.

You should not start a lot of varieties, it is better to engage in selection, create your own varieties, provide yourself with high-quality seed material. To this I want to add that geranium seeds are easy to sell if you really seriously devote yourself to such a hobby.

When I began to seriously engage in floriculture, I asked what benefits and harms my favorite plant could bring. This was prompted by the care of my little son.

A beautiful large-flowered geranium, red, pink or purple, after some time inhaling its aroma, will relieve a headache. If you roll the leaves into tubules, lay them in your ears, the effect of the action will increase significantly. Pelargonium of bright red color works most effectively.

Harmful properties

Despite the many magical, magical qualities, not all people can use or keep geraniums in the house. Preparations prepared from the plant are contraindicated in such cases:

  1. With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. With liver diseases;
  3. Sometimes the smell of geranium is not perceived during pregnancy;
  4. Geraniums should be handled with care by the elderly.


In general, since ancient times it was believed that the presence of this plant in the house helped to solve many everyday problems, it prolongs the life of a sick family member. Geranium serves as a kind of indicator and warning that someone in the house will soon fall ill - the flower begins to wither, fade.

Pelargonium is the same geranium known to everyone. That is why some people breed pelargonium at home, not even knowing what it really is. From Greek, the name of the flower is translated as "crane". It became popular in England in the 19th century and has since spread to other parts of the world. Geranium is graceful and beautiful, and caring for it is as simple as possible even for inexperienced flower growers. Another of its features is a pronounced smell due to the high content of essential oils. For the same reason, pelargonium is often used in folk medicine. In the country, she allows you to get rid of some garden pests with her mere presence.

General characteristics

Pelargonium is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the Geranium family. Sometimes there are semi-shrub varieties. Due to the diversity of species, it is almost impossible to single out common features characteristic of all representatives. The stems can be creeping, straight or branched, the leaves - simple, dissected or palmate, flowers in umbrella inflorescences - of any size, shape and shade.

Pelargonium comes from South Africa, so it breeds well in greenhouses, loves the sun and copes with the lack of moisture. For the same reason, it will not survive the cold winter outdoors. For propagation, cuttings and seeds are used.

Geranium essential oil is made from the leaves of pelargonium. The root extract is used for the manufacture of medicines, in particular, for the treatment of infectious diseases. Some varieties are toxic to pollinating insects due to the presence of quisgalic acid in the composition.

Pelargonium is a universal plant that is planted on the site, in flower beds and in the house.

Types of pelargonium

In nature, there are many types of pelargonium, which makes it impossible to create a single and universal classification. Most often, six main categories are distinguished: zonal, ivy, fragrant, royal, unique and angelic pelargoniums. They differ in appearance, habitat and living conditions.

Zonal pelargoniums

This is the most common species, which has tens of thousands of varieties. It owes its name to a certain leaf color: in the center there is an area painted in a different color. Sometimes this zone disappears with a lack of lighting, and in the spring it reappears.

Zonal pelargonium is a straight dense bush with pubescent fragrant leaves. In culture, it has been grown for more than three centuries. All varieties are divided into 5-petal non-double, 6-8-petal semi-double and 8-petal terry.

The most famous and largest subgroups are rosaceous, tulip-shaped, clove-shaped, star-shaped, cacti-shaped and "deacons".

Ivy Pelargoniums

They are distinguished by creeping or hanging long shoots up to a meter. Such varieties are used to cover the soil, when decorating balconies and loggias. Flowers are of any shape and shade, but the leaves are smooth and reminiscent of ivy, mostly dense and hard.

Fragrant Pelargoniums

This is a group of varieties known for their aromas. Most often they are rather inconspicuous in appearance, with small pink or white flowers and uneven palmately lobed leaves. Bushes are loose and branched. Such geraniums are grown not for decoration, but for smell. The leaves can smell like fruits, berries, other herbs, and even complex perfumes.

Royal Pelargoniums

These are powerful bushes up to 50 cm tall. Their feature is large flowers with corrugated or fringed edges. Coloring is heterogeneous due to veins and spotting. The leaves are broad and serrated, resembling maple leaves. Unlike the zonal, which can bloom all year round, the flowering of royal pelargoniums is limited to 3-4 months.


This is one of the oldest groups, which has been cultivated since the middle of the 18th century. It was bred by crossing royal and brilliant geraniums. Flowers resemble royal ones, but they are smaller in diameter. Dissected leaves have a pronounced smell. "Uniques" were especially popular in flower gardens during the Victorian era.

An unusual variety was brought out by the English florist Langley Smith, who crossed the royal and curly pelargoniums. New species subsequently appeared due to crosses within the group itself.

"Angels" are distinguished by small flowers, leaves and ampelous bushes. Such varieties are less demanding than royal geraniums, but they need more light.

Pelargonium is one of the most unpretentious ornamental plants. But in order for it to bloom beautifully and brightly, you still have to take care of proper care.

In the house, geraniums are placed on a sunny windowsill. Ideally - with a midday shadow so that it does not fade. She loves the light and the south side, but disgustingly endures the wind and drafts. The first signal of a lack of lighting is the gradual exposure of the stem.

The optimum temperature is above + 12C, otherwise the flower will not bloom. If the plant is too cold, the edges of the leaves change color. Most often this occurs in winter. Then it is better to remove the flowerpot from the window.

Watering is moderate. Due to excess moisture, pelargonium withers and rots, its root system is damaged. It is almost impossible to save such a plant, except to propagate the preserved healthy branches.

In order for the geranium to bush well, in the fall it is cut off and a squat crown is formed. You can do this in early spring, but then cut off only the tips of the longest shoots.

For the summer, geraniums can be planted in open ground. Then propagate the plant in the pre-winter, and in the spring just transplant it into the soil. With the onset of frost, geraniums need to be transplanted back into pots to save.

Transplantation and propagation of pelargonium

The beautiful appearance of pelargonium and its regular flowering depends not only on watering and top dressing, but also on regular pruning. At the same time, a new plant can be grown from the resulting cuttings.

It is recommended to carry out cuttings no more than once every two years, so that the geranium has time to grow and develop. If the bush is small and weak - then once every three years. Cuttings are cut at any time, including winter. If you do this in early spring, you can already see the first flowers in summer.

Spring is ideal for reproduction also because at this time all processes of growth and development are especially intense, which means that the cutting takes root faster and stronger. But this is only a recommendation, not a mandatory rule. Pelargonium tolerates cuttings well in any season. Unless you can admire the first results next year.

For propagation of pelargonium by cuttings, the following nuances must be taken into account:

- For dwarf varieties, the length of the handle is up to 2.5 cm, for ordinary varieties - 5 cm;

- You can root shoots in water or in the ground. For reliability, use special tools to improve rooting, which are used to process sections, but this is not necessary;

- For planting, you will need pots with pallets, suitable soil mixture and sand;

- Choose a top with three or more leaves;

- It is better not to cut branches with buds that have started. If there are buds, it is advisable to remove them so that they do not pull resources onto themselves. A young plant will still not allow them to open;

- Cut the layering only with a sharply sharpened knife at a right angle. Cut cuttings need to be dried for several hours so that the cut is tightened with a film. In the future, this will protect against decay;

- Cuttings are planted in drained pots with holes. About a third of the sand is added to the soil;

- To disinfect the soil, it is enough to treat it with boiling water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate;

- The cuttings go deep into the ground by several centimeters. The earth needs to be slightly compacted so that the shoots do not fall;

- Keep the pots in the shade for the first few days, but by the end of the week they can be moved to the sun and watered abundantly. Pour water not into the ground, but into the pan;

- Try not to wet the leaves of the pelargonium. Because of this, they can become stained or even rot;

- The average duration of the rooting process of shoots is 2-6 weeks, depending on the geranium variety;

- If you chose to root the cuttings in water, put them in pre-settled water. You can transplant the stems when the roots grow more than 2.5 cm. Plant the pelargonium as delicately as possible so as not to damage the rhizome.

Pest and disease control

The most common disease of pelargonium is root collar rot. This can only be prevented by careful control of watering and soil moisture.

If a grayish mold appears on the leaves, you can still save the plant. Stop watering, remove damaged fragments and dry the soil. Treat the geranium with an anti-fungal agent and leave it in the sun.

Pelargonium (geranium) - photo

We have selected for you the best selection of photos to understand what pelargonium looks like and what are its features. See, compare and choose new favorites for your home green space or garden seedlings!