Steppe zone of south america geographic location. The climate of the subtropical steppes in South America
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  • prairie!
  • South America, mainland, area - 18.13 million km2. The equator crosses the mainland in the northern part. It is connected to North America by the Isthmus of Panama. It is washed by the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, the coasts are slightly indented, only in the South there are many islands. The largest bay is La Plata.

    Geological structure and relief.
    Most of it is located on a fragment of Gondwana, a platform. In troughs with a thickness of sedimentary rocks, there are lowlands (Amazonian, Orinokskaya, La Plata), on the shields of the highlands (Guiana and Brazilian), from the west adjoins the folding zone (Andes). Mountain building continues, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are frequent (Chimborazo, Cotopaxi). Oil and gas fields are located in the northern and central parts of the mainland, ore deposits on the Brazilian Plateau. Large reserves of gold.

    The wettest of the continents. High mountains cause a variety of climates, the presence of altitudinal zonation.
    The equatorial belt occupies the Amazonian lowland and the northwestern coast.
    Subequatorial belts - to the North (up to 15 N) and South (up to 20 S).
    In the tropical zone, the eastern part is influenced by the trade winds, there is a lot of precipitation (2000 mm) on the coast, the difference between summer and winter t is insignificant. In the interior regions, precipitation is noticeably less (1000-500 mm). Coast Pacific Ocean is under the influence of the cold Peruvian Current. Here is one of the driest places in the world (Atacama Desert).
    subtropical belt. The eastern part is humid subtropics, the Pacific coast is dry subtropics of the Mediterranean type, with dry and hot summers and mild wet winters.
    In the temperate zone in the south of the mainland, there is a maritime temperate and temperate continental climate. In the Andes, at the foothills, the climate is zoned, t decreases with height and the precipitation regime changes. The most severe are the highlands of the Andes, which lie in the tropical zone. Here are the driest desert highlands in the world.

    natural areas.
    Equatorial forests (selva) are located on both sides of the equator, occupying almost the entire Amazonian lowland, the slopes of the Andes and the north of the Pacific coast.
    Along the Atlantic coast, tropical rainforests are common, close to a typical hylaea. The soils are red ferralitic. Trees reach 80 m (ceiba), melon tree, cocoa, rubber hevea grow. The plants are entwined with vines, there are many orchids, in the Amazon - Victoria regia.

    Animal world South America associated with numerous arboreal layers, there are few terrestrial animals. By the water - tapir, capybara, gavial crocodiles in the rivers, in the crowns - howler monkeys, sloths, from birds - macaw parrots, toucans, hummingbirds, boas, including anaconda, are characteristic. There is an anteater, from predatory - jaguar, puma, ocelot. The fauna of deserts and semi-deserts is similar to pampas (nutria, small armadillos). There are no large ungulates in the southern part of South America, but there are peccaries, armadillos, anteaters, rhea ostriches, cougars, and jaguars. In the steppes there are fast pampas deer, a pampas cat, several types of llamas, and rhea ostriches.

    The savannahs occupy the Orinok Lowland and most of the Guiana and Brazilian Highlands. The soils are red ferralitic and red-brown. In the northern hemisphere, among tall grasses (llanos), there are tree-like spurges, cacti, mimosas, bottle trees. In the south (campos) it is much drier, there are more cacti.
    The steppes of South America (pampas) have fertile reddish-black soils, cereals predominate.
    Deserts and semi-deserts are located in the temperate zone in Patagonia. The soils are brown and gray-brown, dry grasses, cushion-shaped shrubs.
    Regions of altitudinal zonation. The most complete set of belts around the equator.

    More than 250 million people.

  • steppe
  • Pampas - South American steppes, endless expanses overgrown with tall and dense grass. The soils here are very fertile, and this circumstance almost destroyed the pampas when European settlers reached it and began to cultivate such vast territories that the indigenous people - the Indians - did not even dream of.
    The Pampas are the plains of South America that go beyond the horizon, covered with a grassy carpet. About the features of the relief of these steppes, located mainly in the basin, and indicates their name - from the language of the Quechua Indians "pampa" is translated as "plain". From the north, the region approaches the Pampas, from the south - Patagonia, from the west -. To the east of the steppe region -.
    In Indian mythology, the pampa was associated with the infinity of life in general and the frailty of the existence of an individual living being in it in particular. Before the advent of Europeans, horses were not found here, and therefore the pampa seemed to the Indians almost the universe.
    The Pampa, in terms of the type of landscapes, vegetation, wildlife and how its territories are used for economic purposes, is similar to the steppes of Eurasia and the prairies. North America. The Pampas differ from the Eurasian steppes except for the absence of negative temperatures in winter period.
    The relief of the pampas changes from a plain, like a table, to ridges of hills that break into a lowland, in which, due to the drying of water, salt marshes have formed that do not allow a single blade of grass to break through. The elevation difference from northwest to southeast is about 480 m.
    When the Spaniards discovered the pampas in the 16th century, they were amazed at the vast open spaces before them. The Spaniards mastered the pampas and the surrounding territories with varying success: they entrenched themselves in the region, but the natives of the pampas successfully restrained the expansion of the Spaniards and more than once drove them out of the cities they founded.
    Over the centuries of human development of the pampas, the local flora has changed beyond recognition. This was due to the fact that local lands were famous for their fertility, which was used by the locals. Large areas were set aside for arable land and sown pastures. As a result, natural vegetation has been largely replaced by agricultural crops, including wheat. Man even changed the usual treeless landscape of the pampas, planting well-established maple and poplar.
    However, despite the fact that most of the pampas have long been mastered by man, in some places in hard-to-reach places areas of virgin nature have been preserved. Also, small islands of wild vegetation remained in the right-of-way of iron and highways, along the banks of the rivers.
    The farther from the ocean with its moist air masses, the more arid the pampas become, and the soils become less fertile, many salt marshes appear. Between them, rocky areas are noticeable, covered with high - under three meters - thorny bushes.
    All wild animals of the pampas can be divided into three groups. First, those who can move quickly in search of water and food: pampas deer, pampas cat and flightless bird rhea. Secondly, those who can live by burrowing into the turf and the ground: nutria, viscacha, armadillo. Thirdly, cattle and horses, which were brought by the Spaniards: the animals multiplied enormously and completely ran wild.
    The natural region of the pampas is located in South America, mainly in the center and east of Argentina, partly in Uruguay and Brazil, between 29-39 ° S. sh. The natural boundaries of the pampas: from east to west - from the coast of the Atlantic Ocean to the foothills of the Andes, from north to south - from the mountains of Ceeras de Córdoba and across the river.
    Pampa is still a vital agricultural region today. Livestock breeders especially prosper, as it is convenient to sow fodder grasses here.
    The Pampas is the main economic region of Argentina. About 85% of wheat and corn crops, over 60% of livestock are located here. Most of the products Agriculture pampas is intended for export, mainly to European countries.
    Yet the task of growing crops is not as easy in these parts as it seems. The cultivation of the pampas requires significant irrigation, which is not possible everywhere due to the remoteness of the rivers. In addition, humid air masses in these places are capricious and can easily get rid of moisture right above the ocean without reaching the pampas.
    Starting from the 17th century. in the pampas, a completely special type of local population was formed - shepherds-gauchos: descendants from marriages of Europeans with Indians, but with a predominance of the blood of the latter. Gauchos constantly live in nature, they are distinguished by incredible endurance and strength, as well as pride on the verge of arrogance.
    Today, the pampas are quite densely populated: three-quarters of the population of Argentina is concentrated here. Most Big city in the middle of the Argentine pampas - Rosario, he is also the third largest in the country.
    This is an important railway junction (in the pampas - three-quarters of the entire railway network of Argentina) and a seaport. This is the ocean gate of the pampas: ships reach Rosario along the Parana River, on which it stands. Rosario is known throughout the world as the city where the Latin American revolutionary and commander of the Cuban Revolution Ernesto Che Guevara (1928-1967) was born.
    The next largest is the Argentine city of La Plata. The city was built specifically as the capital of the province of Buenos Aires and was founded in 1882: this date is considered the year of the founding of La Plata. In plan, the city is a set geometric shapes that make up city blocks and squares. The economy of the city is entirely dependent on the maintenance of city institutions and trade.
    A hundred years older is the city of Lujan, popularly nicknamed the “Capital of Faith”: here is the neo-Gothic basilica of the Virgin Mary of Lujan, the patron saint of Argentina, and up to six million pilgrims from all over the country annually visit.
    The third largest city of the Pampas, Santa Fe, is the commercial, financial and transport center of a rich agricultural area specializing in the production of grain, vegetable oil and, of course, beef. However, the flat position of the city has one tangible drawback: from time to time, the Rio Salado overflows as a result of heavy rains leading to catastrophic floods.

    general information

    Location: southeast of South America, south of Argentina, coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

    Administrative affiliation: Argentina (provinces of Buenos Aires, La Pampa, Santa Fe, Entre Rios and Cordoba), Uruguay, Brazil (state of Rio Grande do Sul).

    Large cities: Rosario - 948,312 people. (2010), La Plata - 740,369 people. (2010), Santa Fe - 415,345 people. (2010).
    Language: Spanish.

    Ethnic composition: descendants of Europeans - the majority, Indians, mestizos, mulattos and Asians.
    Religions: Christianity (Catholicism) - majority, Judaism, Islam.

    Monetary units: Argentine peso, Uruguayan peso, Brazilian real.

    Major rivers: Parana, Uruguay.
    Neighboring countries and territories: in the west - the foothills of the Andes, in the east and south - Atlantic Ocean, in the north - the savannah of the Gran Chaco.


    Area: over 750,000 km2.

    Average height above sea level: 160 m.

    highest point: Sierra de la Ventana (1300 m).

    Climate and weather

    From subtropical to continental.

    January average temperature: +19-24°С.

    July average temperature: +6-10°С.

    Average annual rainfall: 800-950 mm, in the west - 300-500 mm.

    Relative humidity: 60%.

    Strong south wind pamperos and north winds.


    Minerals: oil, natural gas.
    Industry: oil refining, petrochemical, food (meat-packing, flour-grinding).

    Seaport (La Plata).

    Agriculture: crop production (cereals - wheat, barley and corn, fodder grasses, vineyards), animal husbandry (cattle, horse breeding, sheep breeding).
    Service sector: tourism, transport, trade.


    ■ Natural: Rufino, Costanera Sur, Sierra del Tigre, El Curral, Mar del Plata, Mar Chiquita Municipal Reserves, Lihyu Kalel and Louro National Reserves, Estricta Otamendi Nature Reserve, Samborombon, Rincón Provincial Reserves de Ajo, Costero del Sur Biosphere Reserve Park, Estancia el Destino and Campos del Tuyu private reserves, Las Tunas lagoons, dunes of the Atlantic coast.

    City of Lujan (Argentina): Neo-Gothic Basilica of Our Lady of Lujan (1889-1937), Enrique Udaondo Museum Complex, San Benito Abbey.

    City of Santa Fe (Argentina): National University of the Coast (1889), Municipal Theater (1905), Tunnel named after Raul Uranga-Carlos Sylvester Begnis (under the Parana River, 1969), Center for Space Observation, Animal Experimental Station Farming"Esmeralda", Historical Park of the Caiasta District.

    Curious facts

    ■ In the scientific literature there is a special term "grassland", which refers to the type herbaceous vegetation with a predominance or significant participation in the herbage of cereals. In addition to the South American pampas, steppes are classified as grasslands. former USSR, Hungarian Pashtos, the prairies of North America, the grasslands of South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

    ■ Pampas grass cortaderia is very unpretentious, quickly adapts to changes in the environment, which is why it has become widespread throughout the world ornamental plant. Bushes of pampas grass can reach a height of 3 m, grow up to 40 years or more. Each plant is capable of producing more than a million seeds in a lifetime, and in many countries where it has been introduced, it is considered a dangerous weed.

    ■ The locals came up with a derivative of the name of the pampas - "pampero", which means a strong cold wind in the area of ​​the La Plata estuary, blowing from the southwest from July to September and accompanied by severe thunderstorms. The yield often depends on the behavior of the pampero: the pampero flies with extraordinary speed and causes severe cold snaps, frosts and even snowfall.

    ■ In 1812, the national flag of Argentina was raised in Rosario for the first time. In memory of this event, an obelisk was erected in the center of the city.

    ■ The flag of the city of La Plata (Argentina) is probably the only one of its kind: it is a schematic plan of city streets, blocks and squares.

    ■ There are few rivers and lakes in the pampas, so farmers mainly use The groundwater located at a depth of 30 to 150 m.

    ■ The unofficial capital of the gaucho is the Argentine town of San Antonio de Areco: there is a museum of the gaucho, and every year in early November a traditional festival is held with horse riding competitions, dancing and cooking asado - Argentinean meat.

    "Animal world of South America" ​​- Plant world of South America. Chinchilla is a rodent with a soft, thick and strong coat. Eating aquatic plants.. South America. A very rare animal, listed in the Red Book. Uakari are small monkeys. The maned wolf is a relative of the dog. The manatee is an aquatic animal of the tropics and subtropics. There are swimming membranes on the fingers: the capybara swims and dives perfectly.

    "Rio de Janeiro" - The name of the place turned out - Rio de Janeiro - the river of January. The whole court moved to Brazil. The city has a botanical garden and many parks. Sunny Beach. The capital of the empire was the city of Rio de Janeiro. Conclusion. Botanical Garden. Sunny Beach. The population in everyday life does not use administrative zoning, but geographical.

    "Colombia" - Economy. Colombia. Chemical, textile, leather and footwear, food, cement industries. Museums, including the Museum of Gold (ancient Indian gold items), the Museum of Colonial Art. The President is elected by direct vote without the right to re-election for a second term. Kali. Panama, Colombia and Ecuador), whose first president was S. Bolivar.

    "Pivdenna America" ​​- TUPUNGATO - from the volcano, Vіn the greatest pan in the world! (6800 m). TUTUNENDO - Naimokishe! (in Colombia, 11770 mm fall). Divovizhnish do not know? Simply marvelous mainland! AMAZON, axis - glibok! Orchids of the bezmezhnyh svit enchant us. Here is joy for the soul and for the mind of the robot. Angel. We have the best wine! "Nai, nai, nai marvelous continent."

    "Relief in South America" ​​- What are the prevailing heights, highest altitude? Lowlands. Lesson topic: Ore. Highlands. Brazilian plateau. General conclusion: Orographic scheme of the Andes. La Plata lowland. Amazon lowland. What are the dimensions? Relief of South America. How landforms are located on the mainland. What is the origin?

    "Argentina Country" - Argentine Football. Population. Map of countries with embassies of Argentina. Culture. Argentina. Geographic location 1. Buildings. Red - Argentina. History. Foundation. The average life expectancy in the country is 76 years. Green - countries in which there are embassies of Argentina. Animal world.

    There are 12 presentations in total in the topic

    Due to the predominance of a hot, humid climate on the continent, which affects natural areas, forests are widespread in South America and there are relatively few deserts and semi-deserts. On both sides of the equator in the Amazon basin is a zone of humid equatorial forests. The area occupied by them is larger than in Africa, they are more humid, their vegetation and animal world richer in species than African forests. The Portuguese called these forests the selva.

    The selva amazes the naturalist with the riot of life and colors. Among the trees are remarkable ceiba, melon tree, different kinds palm trees, chocolate tree (cocoa), hevea, many orchids, lianas. Many animals are adapted to life in trees: chain-tailed monkeys, sloths, tree porcupines. Tapirs, anteaters, jaguars live here; many species of parrots, hummingbirds; the world of insects is very rich.

    The savannah zones occupy the Orinok lowland, most of the Guiana and Brazilian plateaus. Palm trees and acacias grow among the grasses, but in the savannahs of the Southern Hemisphere, woody vegetation is poorer: mimosas, cacti, spurges, bottle trees with barrel-shaped trunks. In the South American savannas, there are no such large herbivores as in Africa. Here live small deer, wild pigs-bakers, armadillos, anteaters, from birds - ostrich rhea, from predators - jaguars and cougars.

    The tropical desert zone occupies a small coastal strip on west coast. Here, not far from the ocean, lies the Atacama Desert - one of the most waterless deserts in the world. On the barren rocky soils, cacti and thorny cushion-like shrubs grow here and there. The zone of subtropical forests occupy the south of the Brazilian plateau. Landscape zone form beautiful forests park type of coniferous araucaria, Paraguayan tea grows here.

    The steppe zone is also located in the subtropical climate zone. Meadow steppes are called pampas in South America. In the conditions of a humid subtropical climate, very fertile reddish-black soils were formed in the steppes. The main vegetation is grasses, among which feather grass, wild millet and other types of cereals predominate. The open spaces of the pampas are characterized by fast-running animals - pampas deer, pampas cat, several types of llamas. There are many rodents (nutria, viscacha), as well as armadillos and birds.

    The semi-desert zone of the temperate zone is located in the south of the mainland, where dry cereals and thorny shrubs grow on poor soils, often forming the shape of pillows. The same animals live in the semi-deserts as in the pampas.

    Altitudinal zonality in the Andes, which are located at different latitudes, differs in the number of altitudinal zones. The number of these belts depends on the geographical latitude and the height of the mountains. Their greatest number is observed at the latitude of the equator. On the plateau Central Andes, isolated from the influence of the oceans, there are dry mountain steppes and semi-deserts, called Puna. Among the animals living in the Andes, there are endemics: spectacled bear, chinchilla rodent, wild llama, etc.