How to install a door leaf in a box. How to properly assemble and install a door frame: basic diagrams and workflow. Concealed installation, fastening under hinges

Door frames are sold in construction stores usually already assembled ready-made, but their individual components (sliced ​​lumber) are also found on sale, there is one advantage in acquiring the latter - during assembly, the box can be adjusted to the required dimensions of the doorway. Installing a door frame with your own hands is not an easy task and it is not recommended to take it on without certain knowledge. Therefore, we propose to study the installation technology, as well as assembly schemes.


For execution self-assembly door frame, you need something like this set of tools:

  • a set of bars (should be included in the door frame kit);
  • level or plumb (to avoid distortions);
  • a hammer;
  • nails;
  • screwdriver or drill special nozzle for tightening screws;
  • electric milling cutter;
  • screws;
  • hacksaw;
  • slats made of wood;
  • a set of chisels;
  • cuttings for wedges;
  • assembly foam.

Availability of the kit professional tool- this is an expensive pleasure, but it provides a quality result of the work. After all, if you carry out the installation with simple improvised tools, and besides, without the appropriate experience, you may simply not be able to withstand the required accuracy. Therefore, before starting work, contact one of the many companies where you can rent any right tool or a device for a small fee.

Assembly technology

The assembly of the door frame is carried out in several stages.

Stage 1

  1. Lay the bars on the floor door structure.
  2. Carefully inspect the available material and make sure that the shortest bar of the structure has grooves (their presence is important for the convenient connection of all parts).
  3. Carefully fit the grooves on the top bar together with the side bars, and then knock all these elements down. In order not to damage the material, use a wooden mallet.
  4. Fasten the parts together with screws and check the reliability of the resulting structure.
  5. In the absence of grooves in a short bar, all parts of the structure are fastened with nails or screws.

Stage 2

The next step is to install the door hinges.

Stage 3

  1. On the inside measure 20 cm from the top edge.
  2. Attach the door hinge and circle its outline with a pencil.
  3. It is known that the folded hinge leaves a small gap from the door to the frame (0.4 cm). Given the thickness of the hinge, calculate the depth of its installation.
  4. Using a router, make a platform for attaching the loop. If you didn’t have an electric mill, you can use a set of chisels for this purpose.
  5. Similarly, make a seat for the bottom door hinge. But keep in mind that the distance from the bottom edge of the structure should be 21 cm (1 cm is allocated to the bottom gap).
  6. Attach the door frame, with the hinges installed on it, to the door and mark the places on the door where the hinges will be attached. Arrange the slots on the door for the hinges in the same way that you previously made them on the frame.

Stage 4

  1. Take measurements of the height of the side of the doorway and then transfer the resulting dimensions to the side bars of the door structure.
  2. Keeping safety in mind, carefully lift the U-shaped box from the floor and proceed directly to its installation in the opening. Using a plumb or level, carefully check the verticality of the box, the perpendicularity of all its constituent elements and the horizontality of the top bar. From the first time, the frame may not “fit” into the opening (even if you have made all the measurements correctly). But that's not a problem. The resulting gaps between the opening and the box can be easily and quickly eliminated using wooden wedges or mounting foam.
  3. After you install the frame in its place, be sure to secure it. screw door frame dowels to the slopes of the opening.
  4. Make sure that the door frame you assembled fits securely into the doorway.
  5. Remove the temporary braces and battens, and don't forget to saw off the protruding parts of the wooden wedges.

Proceed to hanging the door on the hinges and fastening the trim.

Fasten platbands with nails, screws, or glue. After installation, the nail heads are usually overwritten, and if self-tapping screws were used, decorative plastic caps are put on them.

As you can see, the installation of a door frame requires not only knowledge, but also experience. installation work and patience.


The subtleties of installing the door frame:


This section will show you how to install the door frame:

A photo

The photo shows how to install the box:

The door frame is attached to inlet walls and is part of the door structure, on which a leaf is hung with the help of hinges, which serves as an obstacle to entering the room or exiting it. The box is made of MDF, chipboard or wooden beam thickness 75-85mm. With a wall thickness of more than 85 mm, extension strips are used, which are installed in special grooves of the beams. The door frame has a cutout 1/4 deep equal to the thickness of the leaf.

For the installation of hinges in the box, material samples are made by an amount equal to the thickness of the hinged sash. This is necessary for a snug fit of the door leaf to the jambs of the box. Butterfly door hinges are installed without a tie-in.

The door frame is a frame structure. Its vertical components are called jambs, one of which is looped, the other is feigned. The hinge bar bears the main load of the door leaf. The horizontal upper box jumper is called the "lintel", and the lower one is called the "threshold". The threshold in the box is optional. It is installed if necessary to eliminate drafts, blocking the gap under the door leaf. Often doors with thresholds are installed to keep spilled water from entering adjacent rooms. The gap between the floor and the threshold hides the thickness floor covering. Therefore, the assembly of the door frame with the threshold is carried out before laying linoleum, laminate and other materials used to finish the floor.

Types of connections of door frame elements

The whole procedure for manufacturing a frame structure of an interior door consists of connecting individual elements boxes between themselves into one product, having the form of a closed or open circuit, depending on the presence of a threshold. There are three types of connection of the bars of the box:

Tools and materials

Careful assembly of the door frame requires tools and auxiliary materials. You will need the following:

  • Roulette, pencil, masking tape;
  • Miter box - a device for cutting timber at different angles. Required for baguette connections and the preparation of platbands.
  • Hand saw, drill with wood drills, construction knife;
  • Perforator - it is necessary for attaching the interior door frame to a brick or concrete wall;
  • Chisel - needed to cut out the places of the box for fastening the loops;
  • Mounting foam - necessary to seal the space between the door frame and the opening.
  • Acrylic paint for wooden surfaces.

Assembling the door frame

Most home craftsmen choose a simple circuit assembly, which provides for joining the elements of the box at an angle of 90 degrees. To assemble the door frame for ease of use, it is recommended to lay out all the details future design in one horizontal level. This can be done on a cardboard floor, a pair of tables pushed together, or four stools. Correct Assembly door frame implies the following order of work:

From the foregoing, it is noticeable that assembling a door frame with your own hands is not particularly difficult. Positive result work can always be obtained by following the rules of the exact sequence of actions.

Usually, factory-made door frames are sold already assembled. In this case, assembly of the door frame is not required. Only installation is carried out. If the product is purchased in parts, the assembly takes certain time and requires some professional skills as well as tools. But in this case, it is easier to properly fit it to the existing opening.

Do-it-yourself installation of a door frame is not possible for everyone, but subject to the technology and careful implementation of the basic rules and requirements, it is quite possible. And how to assemble the door frame is correctly described below.

The main stages of installation

Now about how to install the door frame. The entire installation process comes down to a whole range of works, the main ones being:

  • Taking measurements.
  • Assembly.
  • Installing loops.
  • Mounting, fixing and alignment of the block.
  • Checking the functionality and finishing of the door.

To do everything as it should be, you cannot do without the appropriate tool. You will need:

  • Drill or perforator with a drill bit.
  • Roulette.
  • Level, square.
  • Hacksaw or jigsaw.
  • Hammer, screwdriver, mallet, chisel, nails, dowels and screws.
  • Pencil.

Also required wooden blocks, wedges and polyurethane foam. Wedges can be made from any available material. Most often used wooden or trimming MDF boards.

It is correct to start installation after dismantling the old loot, clearing and strengthening the opening. This must be done thoroughly in order to avoid the subsequent need for additional strengthening of the opening.


To make measurements of the opening accurately and correctly, you need a good tape measure. Specialists often use laser, which eliminates the possibility of errors associated with the human factor.

First of all, the height and width of the opening are measured. Very often its geometry is not ideal, especially in houses old building. Therefore, dimensions are measured at several points.

For sample choose highest values- they select the box. At the same time, it is taken into account that the box should be 5-6 cm smaller than the opening in all respects. Only in this case can reliable installation to the wall - gaps are needed to install wedges and mounting foam.

When the opening is significantly larger than the door, you can make a wall in the wall metal carcass with subsequent sheathing with plasterboard or MDF. Are used different kinds extras from the most different materials, the most common of which is the same MDF.

Structural parts

The door frame consists of the following parts:

  • Canvas. Most often in makeshift designs array, chipboard or MDF are used.
  • Vertical bars - 2 pieces.
  • Horizontal bars - 1 or 2 pieces. All bars are made exclusively from good natural board. The lower one is not used more often and is replaced by a threshold.
  • Platbands - 3 pieces. These elements are usually made of MDF.

Install the assembled product in the opening and fix it great work. The most important thing is to keep the plane. The structure is inserted into the opening and fixed with wedges, after which the evenness is checked along all axes. This problem is solved with the help of a level and a plumb line. Position correction is carried out by the same wedges. Further installation is carried out in the order described below.


No matter how difficult it may seem this operation, the assembly of the door frame is carried out in the following order:

  • Structural elements are laid out on the floor and carefully inspected. Factory-made bars must have the grooves necessary to connect the parts together.
  • The ends of the bars are sawn at an angle of 45 degrees. You can not do this, but then the design will look rough.
  • The components are joined groove to groove, after which the structure is knocked down with a mallet and twisted with self-tapping screws. If there are no grooves, the structural parts are connected with nails or screws. The bottom bar is practically not used, so it is not necessary to fix it. Threshold beating is performed after the door is installed.

If the lintel and posts are connected at an angle of 90 degrees, then the upper horizontal beam is superimposed on the posts of the required size, and then screwed or nailed to them with a corner control. Excess pieces are cut off with a hacksaw.

When using a spiked joint, spikes are made in adjacent bars, the thickness of which should be equal to the thickness of the bars. It is these "hooks" that connect the horizontal and vertical strips to each other.

Loops should be placed at a height of at least 20 cm from the edge of the canvas. If the design has a solid mass, then three hinges will be needed, for example, for a solid door. For an MDF product, two will be enough.

At this stage, you need to do the following:

  • The box is laid on the floor and marked under the hinges.
  • Then a selection is made for the loops. For this, a milling cutter or chisel is used. You should not try to make the entire selection with one blow of the hammer on the chisel - this can ruin the material.

The standard fit depth should be approximately 2mm. In the folded state, the loops should leave a gap between the web and the loot no more than 4 mm. The calculation of the depth of the cut must take into account the thickness of the loops and this parameter. To form the required gap, it is recommended to put cardboard between the web and the sliver at the assembly stage.

  • The loops on the loot are installed with the pins up.
  • Next, the canvas is applied and the positions of the loops are marked on its end.
  • The same selection is made on the canvas as on the racks. Although experts recommend making a selection for the loops first on the canvas.
  • The hinges on the canvas and the box are screwed to seats. It is important to consider that on the canvas, the loops should look with the pins down. The holes for the screws are pre-drilled.


After finishing all the preparations, you can proceed. Do-it-yourself installation of the door frame in the opening is carried out with an assistant. The design is quite heavy and its installation requires a lot of physical strength. The box assembled from MDF can be put alone.

The door frame is fastened only to a rigid base.

  • A hole in which holes are pre-drilled is inserted into the opening without a canvas and fixed around the perimeter with wooden wedges. It is recommended to use more - up to 15 pieces. There should be 7-8 holes in the side posts, and at least three in the lintel.
  • In the lower part, a spacer bar is installed, equal in size to the lintel.
  • Further, by changing the position of the wedges with the control of the plane by the plumb line and level, the alignment along the axes is performed. This is the most important stage of work. If the box collapses a couple of millimeters, it will be visible. Moreover, the sash can cling to the floor.
  • Marks are made for future recesses in the wall for dowels.

  • Holes are drilled in the wall, into which they are inserted anchor bolts or dowels. The former are used when installed in concrete, and the latter - in an opening made of brick, shell rock or other relatively fragile and soft materials.
  • The voids are being filled mounting foam. So that it does not fall on the visible parts of the structure, they are covered with masking tape. It must be remembered that the foam expands by half when in contact with air.

You must work carefully so as not to damage wooden elements. As a rule, a third of the gap space is filled first. Experts recommend leaving the wedges in the opening until the foam is completely dry. That is, they can be removed in a day. The protruding remnants of dried foam are removed with a paint knife.

On the video you can see the installation of the interior door frame:

  • On the last step canvas is hung and platbands are installed. Platbands are fastened with self-tapping screws or planted on glue. Equipping the structure with a beautiful decorative threshold significantly increases its attractiveness. It is also screwed with screws or glued to the floor.

As you can see, nothing supernatural or supercomplex. Of course, you need an eye, accuracy, patience and good tool but most of all, a strong desire. If something is missing, you should not take on the installation. At best, you'll be wasting your time. At worst, you will have to correct errors at your own expense. Installation of a door frame is often included in its cost, and specialists will cope with this work in any case faster and better. Remember, competent installation is the key to long-term and reliable operation of the door structure.

AT full set door block Includes canvas, box and hinges. It can be difficult to purchase a ready-made assembly, so there is nothing left but to make a door frame with your own hands from a profiled beam or entrust this task to specialists. The box, most often, has to be selected separately, and it is not a construction ready for installation, but several elements that need to be adjusted in accordance with the size of the opening, make the necessary cuts and assemble. The door frame is not so easy to assemble with your own hands, so in addition to the tool, it would be nice to have at least a little carpentry skill.

Wood MDF

The box serves not only as a frame door leaf, but also as a carrier. The strength of the entire structure and its durability depend on the quality of the material and installation of the product. The choice of material depends on the purpose of the door and the material of the leaf itself. metal-plastic and metal doors usually supplied in a complete set, so we will consider only those cases when the manufacture of the door frame has to be done independently. As a rule, in this case we are talking about two types of material: wood and MDF.

  • Natural wood has different densities and is sorted into soft and hard. The cheapest and best-selling product is pine, but when it comes to installation entrance doors, then you should focus on a harder and more expensive type of wood, for example, oak. It will provide durability, strength and reliability of the structure.
  • MDF is used exclusively for interior doors. If you have to assemble a box from this material, you should treat all cut edges with nitro-lacquer to provide protection from moisture.

Complete set and standard sizes

The box for the door consists of several strips: two side, top and bottom, if the design provides for a threshold. If the depth of the doorway exceeds the corresponding parameters of the beam, your kit must be supplemented with extensions that will increase the depth of the box.

Standard sizes of door blocks vary in width and height. The correspondence between the parameters of the door leaf, block and opening is indicated in the table.

Do-it-yourself door frame assembly is carried out taking into account the following points:

  • Between inside the box and the door leaf around the entire perimeter should remain a technological gap, 3 mm wide.
  • gap between wall and top box should be at least 20 mm.
  • The gap between the side planks and the wall is 10 mm from each side. When installing on mounting foam, it is necessary to increase the gap to at least 20 mm.
  • The gap between the lower part of the sash and the box or floor depends on the material and the installation location of the structure. For dry rooms, these parameters can vary within 5-15 mm, for wet rooms, in order to ensure ventilation, - 50 mm.

Options for connecting structural elements

The main difficulty in assembling door frames is the process of connecting individual elements. Docking horizontal and vertical strips of the product can be done in two ways:

  1. By means of washed down at an angle of 45 degrees. This process is best done miter saw, but in its absence, a miter box will do.
  2. At a right angle of 90 degrees. To cut the workpiece, you will need a saw with fine teeth.

The joining of the planks is carried out by means of spike joints or galvanized self-tapping screws. The figure shows options for spike connections, which clearly show how to assemble the door frame yourself in order to ensure high strength connections.

When calculating the parameters of the length and width of the profile rails, it must be taken into account that the length of the spike must be equal to the thickness of the box beam. spike connection provides sufficient strength to the finished structure, but if desired, additional reinforcement of the joints with zinc-coated nails can be made.

Door frame assembly process

Consider how to properly assemble the door frame . As source material we need a profiled beam made of natural wood or MDF.

The box is assembled in the following order:

Step by step installation process

To fix the assembled frame in the opening and put the doors with your own hands, you must perform the following steps:

Tip: Before foaming, it is necessary to clean the surface of dust and moisten with water from a spray bottle. These measures can significantly improve adhesion.

Another important condition, so as not to disturb the geometry of the frame during the installation process, is the use of spacer wedges that correspond to the width of the box and are inserted across.

The final stage of installing the box and door - decoration platband openings.

Interroom doors today are the integral attribute of each interior. A variety of models allows you to make your room not only practical, but also original. But this feature largely depends on correct installation door frame of the interior door. Therefore, before starting such an operation, you should familiarize yourself with the main nuances of this procedure.

Door types

Interior doors are structures that play only a decorative role, so the strength parameters are not so important here. Manufacturers try to make their products as comfortable and beautiful as possible. The main criterion for the classification of interior paintings is the material from which they are made. Depending on this, there are several types of doors:

  • Fiberboard. The basis is made up of wooden bars, to which thin wood boards. To protect the surface of the material, it is laminated and coated with several layers of varnish. This type of product is the cheapest, but also short-lived. Often they are complemented by a box with a threshold. Experts do not recommend installing these doors in the bathroom or in the kitchen, where there is poor ventilation.
  • MDF. Cloths are much more expensive than fiberboard products. The products are characterized by an optimal price-quality ratio. Therefore, many buyers prefer MDF doors. The material resists moisture well, and also has high performance soundproofing.
  • Natural tree. Solid wood doors are unique and beautiful products that are perfect for any interior. The substance is very well processed, which allows you to give it different shape. Therefore, such doors are very often decorated with carvings, which makes them even more beautiful.

They are complemented by a telescopic or simple box, which allows you to mount the platbands more efficiently. Door panels are made from various breeds trees, among which the most popular are pine, oak, ash, maple, mahogany and many others.

There are many other classifications of interior doors that take them into account. technical specifications and design features. They can be single or double, and the surface itself can be smooth or complemented by curly cutouts and glass inserts.

What will be needed?

Installation of interior doors involves not only a careful approach, but also the use of high-quality auxiliary tool. To perform such tasks, you will need the following standard set of products:

  • Saw. It should be sharp and have small teeth, which will prevent the appearance of chips on the surface of the box.
  • Drill and a set of drills. The type of tool depends on the material of the wall to which the frame will be attached. It is important that the drills can drill holes in brick, concrete, etc. In some cases, you may need a hammer drill and several drills.
  • Screwdriver and bits certain kind fasteners.
  • Tape measure and pencil for marking.

  • Level.
  • Fasteners. In most cases, you will need some wood screws, as well as wall plugs. Sometimes you can use special anchors.
  • Mounting foam.
  • Expanding elements. They are needed to fix the box in the opening. Often wooden wedges are used for this. Therefore, you need to stock up on wood, from which it will later be possible to form several similar products.

This list is not generic as it depends on the type door frame and how it is installed.

Installation subtleties

Installing the door frame of an interior door is a complex procedure that requires certain skills and patience. You need to start by preparing a working tool, as well as choosing a mounting method. In most cases installation is carried out using anchors, which securely fix the frame.

How to assemble?

The procedure for installing the box begins with its assembly. This design can be of several types. Today, U-shaped frames are increasingly used, which exclude the presence of a threshold. But there are also rectangular structures that are also used quite often.

Factory models are often already prepared for assembly, as they are pre-finished to give beautiful view. If you decide to build a box of wooden beams yourself, then it must be thoroughly dried and polished.

Assembling the box involves performing several sequential operations:

  • Initially, you need to lay out the bars on a flat horizontal surface. Often, a floor is used for this, which is covered with paper or film to prevent damage to the door leaf.
  • The assembly of the box begins with measurements. It is important that the width of the opening is slightly larger than the door leaf.
  • When all the data is known, the elements of the box should be connected into a single structure. They can be connected in several basic ways. The simplest is the connection at 90 degrees. To do this, the upper bar from the ends is cut at a given angle.

It is important that the cut surface is smooth and without distortions. After that, the vertical support is attached to the transverse bar and screwed.

  • These elements can also be connected at an angle of 45 degrees. To do this, a corner is cut off on each bar. After docking both structures, they should also form 90 degrees. Please note that even the smallest deviations should not be allowed, since the operation of the entire system depends on this.
  • When you have fitted all the bars, you can connect them together. To do this, use nails or screws. It is advisable to drive 2 fasteners in each docking side. It is important that after assembly the box is held as firmly as possible, and the elements do not move relative to each other. If you plan to organize a threshold, then it is attached to the supports like a top bar. It is also important to connect this part as evenly as possible.

  • After assembling the box, you should start attaching the hinges. To do this, the frame is laid on the floor and leveled. After that, on one side vertical rack cut grooves for hinges. Experts recommend placing them at a distance of 20 cm from the upper and lower edges. Grooves are formed using a chisel or milling cutter.
  • When the hinges are attached, place the door leaf inside the box and mark their locations on it. To do this, the product is aligned with the frame, and then loops are applied and places are marked.

The grooves on the door are cut in the same way as on the box.

How to install correctly?

Do-it-yourself installation of a door frame involves several sequential operations:

  1. Before installing the product, you need to measure the structure and the doorway. It is important that the structure fits into the hole, which should be slightly larger than it.
  2. After that, you need to carefully lift and insert the box into the opening. The structure must be installed flat surface to avoid distortion. The ends of the product must coincide with one of the sides of the wall. This is important if the wireframe width is less than this value.
  3. It is important that the box stands exactly in all planes. Therefore, you need to align it and fix it in this position. For this, wooden spacers are used, which are installed between the frame and the wall.

How to fix?

Mounting the structure is the final stage of the installation of this product. This process consists from several successive stages:

  1. Several mounting holes are drilled in the fixed box. In this case, a wood drill is used, which only the frame passes through.
  2. To form holes in the wall for the dowel, use a long concrete drill. With it, marks are made through previously drilled holes on the surface. vertical supports. Please note that the drill diameter must not be more hole in the tree, since then you will not be able to fix the system with a self-tapping screw.
  3. At this stage, you need to remove the box and drill holes in the marked places on the wall larger diameter. They must fit under the plastic dowel or anchor that will be used for this purpose.
  4. When everything is ready, the box is put back into place, leveled and fixed with wedges. If all is well, you can screw the frame to the wall with self-tapping screws in several places. In this case, it is important to constantly monitor the position of the box relative to various planes.
  5. The procedure ends with filling the slots with mounting foam and hanging the doors on the hinges.

Replacement methods

Often interior doors installed in place of already worn-out systems. This, in turn, involves the dismantling old box.To replace the old design, you can use several methods:

  1. Dismantling with the destruction of the frame. This approach involves removing the old box using brute force. Both crowbars and saws are used here, which divide it into several separate parts. After that, they are already installing a new system.
  2. Disassembly of the structure with the preservation of the frame. If the doors are still in good condition and can be used elsewhere, carefully remove the box. To do this, sequentially remove all screws or other fasteners. Then the foam is removed, which fixes the product additionally. This will allow you to easily remove the box later, while maintaining its integrity.

it step by step guide is not universal, since the box is replaced taking into account specific design features.

If the door clings to the threshold

Wooden doors have a predisposition to warp. Even if you installed the structure and checked the correctness of its course, this does not mean that it will always be so. Very often the canvas begins to cling to the threshold.