Do-it-yourself ways to repair and restore interior doors. How to repair an interior canvas, frame, hinges and trim, restoration of an old wooden door How to repair an old door frame

Do you look sadly at a sagging door with a jamming lock and peeling varnish? Do you plan to replace it as soon as possible? Do not hurry! Making such a drastic decision is the easiest. But why not try to deal with the problem? Most door defects are successfully "treated" at home, without the help of professionals. Do-it-yourself door repair is a real opportunity to save a decent amount of money and once again make sure that a born master lives in each of us.

Do-it-yourself wooden door repair: we eliminate typical defects

When do doors need repair?

While the doors look presentable, and there are no difficulties with their operation, the vast majority does not even think about the need for regular maintenance of the structure. But from time to time, even the most outrageous and high-tech samples need inspection and preventive manipulations - cleaning the surface, adjusting and lubricating the hinges, coating with special compounds. If you do not do this, one day you will find that the doors:

  • sank and scratch the floor;
  • creak;
  • hanging on hinges;
  • do not close well, entering the box too tightly;
  • dried out, cracks appeared in them;

There are also problems with the box (staggering), decorative exterior trim of the canvas (veneer peeled off, paint peeled off).

Worth knowing! The cause of malfunctions or damage to the appearance of the structure is not always improper operation. Often the "root of evil" is hidden in the quality of the door itself, a violation of its production technology.

Strengthening the door frame

A box that does not hold well in the opening can be strengthened using the following simple algorithm of actions:

  1. Remove trim and door panels.
  2. Align the box.
  3. Lock the box in the correct position.
  4. Drill two or three holes in the hinge and lock racks (be sure to go deeper into the wall).
  5. Drive wooden pins (hardwood) or steel pins pre-lubricated with epoxy into the holes.
  6. Hang the canvas again, attach the trim.

Note! It is necessary to correct the position of the box, "reckoning" with the canvas - the convenience of opening / closing the door should not suffer.

Loop Troubleshooting

If the door touches the threshold or floor, closes poorly, dangles, then it may be necessary to replace, adjust or rehang the hinges.

First of all, check how firmly the upper hinge is held: tighten the screws if necessary.

A slightly settled door can be “put back in place” with a metal washer or a wire ring put on a hinge pin (the advice is relevant for structures equipped with removable hinges).

None of the tricks help? You can try to deepen the notch under the hinge plate (in the strapping bar).

When working with hinges, it also happens that the screws turn and it is impossible to tighten them - especially if you are repairing an old door with your own hands. How to proceed in such a case? There are several options here:

  1. Replace the fastener with a longer size.
  2. Seal the screw holes with matches.
  3. Rearrange the loops a little higher or lower.

Web Geometry Adjustment

Sometimes even a cursory examination helps to understand that door malfunctions are not “hidden” in the box, and not even in the hinges - but in the leaf itself. More precisely in its geometry.

The canvas may swell from moisture or dry out. And yet, after several staining or varnishing, too thick a layer of protective agents may form on it. What to do?

Be careful! Before planing, it will not be superfluous to make sure once again that it is definitely not a deformed box.

Large gaps are not a problem

A door made of uncured wood will inevitably dry out during operation. And this can lead to a lot of problems. Large loops between the canvas and the box, the latch tongue that does not reach the reciprocal plate, in general, a sagging design - you must admit, there is little pleasant. How to proceed?

  1. Rearrange the hinges in such a way as to pull the door up.
  2. Attach a bar of the required size to the bottom end of the canvas, trim it flush.
  3. Eliminate side gaps with a bar screwed to the hinged end of the door.
  4. Fill the gaps between the strapping and the planks, clean them.
  5. Paint the planks.

Strengthening the panels

A cracked door is not only gaps. It is also the panels that do not hold well in the grooves of the strapping.

In this scenario, it is recommended to re-glue the strapping bars. To do this, the door is removed from the hinges, disassembled, thoroughly cleaned of old glue and dirt. Then the bars are connected (glued), the panels are inserted into place and the transformed structure is placed in the clamping device.

Cracks in the door

Repairing interior doors with your own hands often involves sealing cracks. You'll have to tinker - but the result is worth it.

Action algorithm:

  1. Place the door on the table/trestle.
  2. Remove the visible coating from the surface - you can use sandpaper, special liquid products, etc.
  3. Sand the canvas with fine sandpaper.
  4. Repair small cracks and scratches with wood putty/epoxy/sawdust mixture.
  5. Sand the dried surface again.
  6. Large gaps (including through ones) “disguise” with wooden inserts smeared with glue.
  7. Smooth out visible irregularities.
  8. Prime the entire surface of the door.
  9. Coat the canvas with varnish or paint. If it is not an interior door, but the front door, the varnish should be applied in at least two layers.

Repair of metal doors - what can you do with your own hands?

Metal doors are a more reliable structure than wood, however, sometimes it is not so easy to repair it on your own.

door warped

It is impossible not to notice the warp of the door - it begins to scratch the threshold, it ceases to close well, its sound and heat insulation properties deteriorate sharply. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon.

The first of them is too much weight of the metal sheet. If the door is made of thick laminated steel, even the highest quality hinges will one day fail. Repairing the front door with your own hands in this case is extremely difficult. You can try your luck by cutting off the old hinges and replacing them with new ones.

The second is the natural wear of the loops. If they are “screwed” and not welded, then it is not difficult to correct the situation. The main thing is to find high-quality fittings with a suitable “design” among the range of stores.

The third is the skew of the door frame. Eliminated by driving wedges under the base of the structure.

The door is rusted

Especially "gets" its lower part.

To bring rusty metal doors in order, you will have to perform a number of rather laborious manipulations.

  1. Prepare the structure for repair - dismantle seals, fittings, etc.
  2. Use a wire brush to scrape off any rust, as well as any peeling paint.
  3. Sand the surface.
  4. Degrease the doors with solvent.
  5. Putty the damaged areas (it is recommended to use a product for cars).
  6. Sand the surface again, striving for its perfect evenness.
  7. Prime the door with an aerosol primer.
  8. Apply the first coat of paint.
  9. Sand (if necessary) the resulting smudges.
  10. Apply a second coat of paint.
  11. Install the fittings and sealant on the dried repaired door.

How to repair a plastic door?

Plastic doors are considered exemplary aesthetic and reliable. But with a long service life, some "failures" in their work are not excluded. Therefore, it is still worth knowing how to repair plastic doors with your own hands.

Door handle malfunction

This failure is one of the most typical for a plastic structure. To replace the fittings, turn the decorative plate at the base of the handle ninety degrees and unscrew the two screws.

If the handle is intact, but turns with great difficulty, it is quite possible that the grease has simply dried up. To save yourself from torment, purchase a lubricant and treat all the moving elements of the mechanism with it.

door sagging

To fix this problem, you should adjust the position of the door using a hex socket wrench. It is inserted into the lower loop and rotated clockwise - thus, the canvas rises.

Do-it-yourself door closer repair

Door closers are unusually popular mechanisms in recent times. They are responsible for the quiet and smooth closing of the structure. They install devices, contrary to popular belief, not only on massive and heavy office doors or entrance doors, but also on entrance and interior doors.

What malfunctions can overtake the “faithful assistant of silence and comfort”? Can you deal with them on your own?

Outflow of working fluid

This breakdown is the most common among door closers. The working fluid begins to flow out through the depressurized glands. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in the winter. It leads to the door closer losing smoothness of closing the door - the device turns into the most ordinary spring. Since it is not possible to disassemble the closer, in such a situation, a mechanism replacement is indicated.

Breakage of the rod (lever)

The bar is one of the few parts of the door closer that, if broken, can be repaired with your own hands. What usually happens to her?

  • bend;
  • jamming in the joints;
  • fracture;
  • fastener damage.

Minor damage to the rod can be repaired by welding. In case of serious malfunctions, the reasonable solution is to replace the part. It will cost less than replacing the entire mechanism.

If you have a working, suitable rod from another closer, you can use it.

Subtleties of adjustment

Long-term operation of the door closer clearly affects the quality of its work. Fortunately, most minor defects can be eliminated with the help of competent adjustment.

  • if the door closes too quickly or vice versa, unusually slowly, turn the adjustment valve clockwise / counterclockwise;
  • the speed of "finishing" is controlled by the second adjustment valve;
  • the spring tension force is adjusted with a nut;
  • to use the delayed closing function, it is necessary to tighten the latch with the door open at a right angle.


As you can see, many door malfunctions are not difficult to fix. It is more difficult to decide on the appropriateness of such actions. If the condition of the doors is too critical or the repair requires expensive equipment that you do not have available, it will be easier and more correct to acquire a new interior element.

Have you heard somewhere that the restoration of interior doors is the lot of purely professionals, and there are no funds for this in the home budget? Do not worry, for a creative person with hands and a head, everything is real. And now we will show how to update old interior doors for relatively little money.

Do-it-yourself restoration of interior doors is a feasible task even for an amateur.

The vast majority of interior doors are made of natural wood or MDF panels; in both cases, repair of the door leaf is possible. Of course, there are also hollow boxes lined with fiberboard, but it's cheaper to buy new ones than to restore old ones.

Restoration of wooden interior doors and MDF panels is technologically no different, the only exception is MDF doors covered with natural wood veneer. On this topic, we have a separate material and you can view it.

Restoration of interior doors can be divided into 2 equivalent stages:

  1. First, the restoration itself, the canvas must be cleaned of everything that is on it, all defects must be repaired and qualitatively prepared for fine finishing;
  2. The second stage is closer to the question of how to update interior doors, because here we will already decorate the doors in different ways, that is, apply decor.

Before restoring our old door, it must be dismantled, that is, removed from its hinges. Often this does not cause much difficulty, but now the hinges are different, and if you come across a “non-removable” option, then unscrew the screws and remove the doors. In any case, it is better to put new loops on the restored canvas.

Before you restore the door, it must be removed from the hinges.

Restoration of old doors is done on stands.

Stripping the canvas

Now let's talk about how to update the old interior door. First you need to completely dismantle all the fittings, the canvas must be clean without lock handles, protruding studs, etc.

Moreover, even if you are not going to put new loops, the counterpart of the canopy still needs to be twisted. Otherwise, while you are cleaning, sanding and puttying interior doors with your own hands, your hinges will definitely be scratched and lose their remnants of attractiveness.

Before restoration, the old hinges from the door leaf must be removed.

No renewal is possible on the old coating, so next we have the most time-consuming step of removing peeling paint or varnish. There are many options and each of them has its pros and cons.

The first thing that is usually offered to a young master is to clean off the coating with emery. To do this, you need to take the largest emery that you can find, pull it on a block or fix it on a wooden block and grind the door until the base appears. The method gives a qualitative result, but it is very difficult.

If you have a grinder in your arsenal, then things will go much faster, but be prepared for the fact that there will be a cloud of dust around you, so it is not advisable to do this in an apartment.

Grinding the canvas gives the highest quality result when removing paint.

Now on the market you can find many so-called washes, for example, B52. These compounds, in fact, are harsh chemicals that corrode the paintwork in a short time, on average from 15 minutes to 1 hour. Then take a spatula and scrape off the paint.

But the washes smell terribly, plus they are very harmful to all living things. The instructions for most of these compositions recommend working outdoors and preferably in a gas mask. In addition, multi-layer staining with chemistry cannot be cleaned at a time.

In general, if conditions allow you to work outside and your door is covered with a relatively thin layer of paint, then you can try to clean it with special tools.

There is a folk recipe for washing: mix soda with oatmeal in water and apply this solution to the door leaf. After a couple of hours, you can try to remove the paint with a spatula or scraper, but there is no absolute guarantee that the paint will come off.

Chemically active compounds are not suitable for every door.

A gas burner or blow torch for firing old paint is used quite often and this method works well. But an open fire is always dangerous, here, even a well-ventilated room will not help, the canvas must be taken out into the street, everything that can catch fire should be removed away and only after that work.

Paint can be burned with a gas burner or blowtorch.

To clean old paint, you can use a nozzle with a metal pile on a drill or grinder, it is also called a cord brush. This method is somewhat similar to sanding, but you need to be very careful, the metal bristles in old wood can quickly pick up soft tissue between the fibers.

Although if you plan to decorate the doors with the newfangled Shabby Chic method (artificial aging or gray oak), then this method will suit you best.

But keep in mind: there will be even more dust from a cord brush than from a grinder, plus large paint particles break off, so you need to work with glasses and gloves.

The paint with a cord brush is peeled off fairly quickly.

A building hair dryer can be safely called the most effective and safest way to remove old paint from a door leaf. The temperature of hot air can reach several hundred degrees, which makes it easy to warm up and quickly scrape off the coating with a metal spatula.

Using a hair dryer is the easiest and fastest way to remove old paint.

There is another way to remove paint, you can use a sharp metal scraper, but we do not recommend it to you. The fact is that the scraper on the door leaf leaves too deep grooves and after it you need to grind the surface for a long time. This tool is good on hard surfaces, such as concrete.

Strengthening the canvas

Often a cracked door leaf needs serious strengthening, because if you close up the cracks and paint the door without strengthening it, after a month all the defects will appear again.

The door shield is usually assembled from boards located vertically, so it needs to be strengthened horizontally. Planks stuffed directly onto the plane of the canvas will look too rough, this option is only suitable for rustic-style doors.

The deliberate roughness of a rustic style for many interiors will be a good solution.

We recommend another way to reinforce the canvas during restoration. Fixing straps will be attached to the top and bottom edges of the doors. But the door shield has strictly defined dimensions, and so that it then also clearly fits into its place in the box, we need to cut off strips of about 50 mm wide from above and below.

To do this, we measure the required distance on the canvas and, having applied the limiting bar, cut off part of the canvas with an electric jigsaw or a manual miter saw. If you are not confident in your abilities, then the restrictive bar to the doors can be pressed on both sides with clamps, then it definitely will not deviate.

If there was no electric jigsaw at hand and you had to saw off the canvas with an ordinary hacksaw for wood, then after that it is advisable to trim the end with emery or a planer.

But one joiner's glue is not enough to really fix the canvas with high quality, you need to drill several through holes from the end of the bar and drive long self-tapping screws into them. It is necessary to drill, otherwise the self-tapping screws can split the bar, while the drill is selected 1 mm thinner than the fixing screws.

It is not always possible to clearly select the bar according to the size of the door leaf, therefore, at the end of the work, it is advisable to walk along the entire plane of the doors with an electric planer. By the way, this way you can remove a lot of other defects.

It is advisable to trim the door leaf during the restoration process with an electric planer.

The door leaf can still be strengthened from the outside with decorative metal corners, but this is more of an additional measure. In addition, beautiful decorative corners need to be screwed on last, after finishing.

Decorative metal corners are a good way to strengthen the door leaf.

Restoration of the castle area

If the doors were knocked out for some reason, then almost certainly the area of ​​​​the mortise or overhead lock was badly damaged. Do not be discouraged, the broken sector can be completely restored and even a new lock can be inserted into the same place.

The castle area on the doors can be restored with your own hands.

For the restoration of the castle zone, we need:

  • Milling cutter manual;
  • Hacksaw for wood (electric jigsaw, miter saw);
  • Electric drill;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Square;
  • Roulette;
  • Chisel;
  • A hammer;
  • Level.

The first thing to do is to dismantle the old lock. Next, we select a wooden plank according to the size of the damaged area.

We select a board according to the size of the damaged area.

In order to evenly cut a niche with a milling cutter for installing the plank we have selected, we need to mark this niche, this is done with a square and a pencil.

A manual milling cutter is a specific tool, there is a certain distance from the cutter itself to the edge of the support platform. So we need to add this distance to the markup for the insert and fix temporary stops from wooden planks along the contour with self-tapping screws.

Fastening of temporary stops for milling the lock niche.

Now we take the milling cutter, set the milling cutter to the required sampling depth and, resting the support platform against the ledge made by us from the planks, we mill the lock area along the contour.

In theory, the entire niche can be completely selected with a cutter, but in order not to "rape" an expensive tool, it is better to cut the milled section with a chisel and a hammer.

We select the milled area with a chisel and a hammer.

Next, we adjust our wooden insert to the depth of the niche, generously lubricate it with glue and insert the bar into the niche and fix it with clamps. Since the castle zone is an “active” place, it is better to take not ordinary carpentry glue, but a special two-component waterproof composition. By the way, the slats along the contour need to be removed.

Glue the insert and fix it with clamps.

When the glue has finally set, you will need to go from the end and along the plane of the canvas with sandpaper to align the bar flush with the door leaf, after which you can embed a new lock.

The reciprocal bar to such a lock is reanimated in the same way. That is, we select a niche for the insert, glue the insert and cut the striker into it.

The technology for installing mortise and overhead locks on such doors is not a particularly difficult task, but now we are talking about restoration, and you can find detailed instructions for inserting.

Finishing preparation for decor

All heavy restoration work is completed and then we move on to the final preparation for decoration. Such preparation includes puttying the canvas and pre-staining (primer).

Puttying is not a tricky business, but before applying the composition, the canvas needs to be sanded well again, while we are still grinding only with large emery. Now our task is to even out minor defects left after cleaning and strengthening the doors.

If there are visible, large cracks on the canvas, then they need to be slightly expanded and deepened. This can be done with a chisel or a knife. At the end, you should vacuum and “walk” with strengthening soil on the tree.

It is better to putty with acrylic putty designed specifically for woodworking. The instruction is simple: apply the composition to the canvas and align it with a spatula along the plane.

When the putty dries, we need to sand the canvas again with sandpaper. This time we use emery with fine (fine) grain. After sanding, brush off the dust.

The canvas has actually been restored, but in this form it is not yet ready for decorating. As a preparation, we need to apply a layer of primer for painting. Such a primer is usually white, since the white base is then easier to tint to any other color.

After restoration, you can start applying any decor you like. There are many options for the original do-it-yourself door decoration, step-by-step instructions for arranging the simplest and most affordable types of door decor are set out.


Now you know how to update the interior door with your own hands. The video in this article has additional information that may be useful when restoring interior doors.

With the right approach, a restored door can look better than a new one.

You can repair the interior door with your own hands. The biggest difficulty that can lie in wait for a home master is the dismantling of the door leaf and correcting the geometry of the box. Other types of work are cosmetic in nature, do not require professional skills and tools.

Types of malfunctions and defects

All types of malfunctions or defects in interior doors can be divided into two large classes: damaged appearance and improper functioning.

In the first case, restoration (restoration) of the decorative coating will be required. The methods of such repair have the same technology as for cabinet wooden furniture.

In the second case, the nature of the faults may have a different manifestation:

  • the door sagged and “clings” the flooring;
  • uneven gap around the perimeter of the porch (on the one hand, a gap, on the other - the door leaf rubs against the frame);
  • the door is not fixed in the half-open position (it closes or opens by itself);
  • latch does not work well, etc.

The reasons for malfunctioning can be subjective or objective:

  • installation errors;
  • low-quality or weak hinges for a heavy door leaf;
  • wear of the hinges or weakening of their fasteners;
  • poor fixation of the door frame in the opening;
  • building shrinkage.

If the hinges are “guilty”, then repairs are easy to carry out. It is much more difficult to correct installation errors or eliminate the effects of shrinkage - in most cases, you will have to dismantle and reinstall not only the canvas, but also the door frame.

How to remove and repair a door leaf

Small scratches in the paintwork of a wooden or veneered door can be eliminated without removing the canvas. It is enough to choose a shade of paint to match (for example, for artwork) and make local staining along the trace of a scratch. From above, this area is varnished (if the door is varnished) and polished.

To eliminate serious and extensive defects in the decorative coating of the door leaf, it must be removed. Do this by unscrewing the screws securing the hinges to the door frame.

Advice! Dismantling is more convenient if you first remove the trim, because usually their decorative coating also suffers. And the restoration of the canvas and platbands, so that they do not differ in color, must be carried out simultaneously.

Then the door is placed on a table (or workbench) and the following procedures are performed:

  • degrease the surface (oil stains have a bad effect on the adhesion of repair compounds and web material);
  • clean the entire surface with sandpaper with grain P60-P80 (“matte”);
  • putty deep scratches, cracks and chips (it is better when the putty is tinted);
  • dry;
  • grind (start with sandpaper P100-P120, finish with P200-P240);
  • dedust;
  • primed;
  • apply a finishing layer (lacquer, one-stage wood paint or “base” + varnish).

Repair and replacement of hinges

The simplest reason for door sagging is fastening with short screws or large diameter holes for them drilled in the door leaf and frame. In this case, it is necessary to replace the screws with longer ones (if the thickness of the box and wall material allows) or thicker ones (if the diameter of the holes in the hinge allows). In the second case, you can insert chopsticks into the holes by dipping them in PVA glue.

It may also turn out that two hinges are not enough to withstand the load from a heavy door. This is usually noticeable by the state of the upper attachment points - it is in this place that the weight of the door leaf “works to tear”. The elimination method is simple - an additional loop is inserted at the top (by the way, this installation method is typical for most modern doors made of solid wood or laminated MDF).

Weak or broken hinges must be replaced with new ones.

Repair and replacement of platbands

Repair of the decorative coating of the platbands follows the same rules as the door leaf.

The most difficult stage is to remove the platbands without damaging them. Modern products made of solid wood, veneered wood and laminated MDF are mounted on screws (and mask the attachment points) or on a finishing furniture nail (which has practically no hat). It is not difficult to remove them - you need to find and unscrew the screws or, slightly squeezing the casing from the box (through the slot from the side of the wall), pull out the nails with pliers.

The trim of old doors (with several layers of paint) is almost impossible to remove without damage. But if this succeeds, then we must take into account that their cleaning and grinding will take a lot of time. Better to replace them with new ones.

How to repair a door frame

Cosmetic repairs of the door frame are carried out "in place". To putty and mask scratches in a small area of ​​​​the visible part of the box, you should not remove it.

One of the simplest types of repairs can be called the adjustment of the latch lock. A common defect is the rubbing of the "tongue" of the lock on the end plate on the box. This can be even with minor and imperceptible violations of the geometry (cloth or opening), slight sagging of the door, after repair or replacement of the hinges. Sometimes a few light blows with a hammer on the end in the window of the record from the “rubbing” side are enough. A more radical method is to remove the plate, increase (if necessary) the dimensions of the recess in the box, close up the old mounting holes, and install the plate again.

An incorrectly or poorly installed frame, as well as shrinkage of the house, which led to deformation of the geometry of the doorway, will require dismantling and reinstalling the door. If dismantling work is carried out carefully and accurately, then all elements of the interior door (frame, canvas, trim) can be reinstalled.

Note! The removed platbands open the mounting seam, and the hinges and the end plate on the box "hide" the places of its fastening with anchor bolts or self-tapping screws in the opening.

After the mounting seam is cleaned, unscrew the fasteners and remove the box.

If the box is fixed in the opening only with mounting foam, then dismantling is easier.

But it also happens that the anchor bolts cannot be unscrewed. You will have to cut them off with a grinder, and shift the box a little so that the new attachment points do not fall on the old ones.

Then the door frame is reinstalled, observing the requirements for levels in the vertical and horizontal planes, the size of the gaps between the leaf and the frame. At the bottom it is necessary to leave a gap between the door leaf and the floor covering (or threshold), sufficient for natural supply and exhaust ventilation.

At the last stage, the door is hung, its functioning is checked, the end plate of the latch lock and trim are fixed.

Repair of interior doors can be done by everyone. To do this, you just need to arm yourself with the tool and knowledge. You can repair any doors made of MDF, fiberboard and chipboard (veneered and laminated), natural wood. You can carry out a lot of manipulations with them: seal with putty, put a patch, cut, regrind and tint.

Causes of problems

Mechanical damage occurs due to careless operation or installation:

  • scratches and dents are a common occurrence in families with small children;
  • moving or falling objects sometimes results in holes in fiberboard doors.

Due to improper installation, they face such difficulties:

  • skew;
  • bad connection;
  • friction.

The tree is hygroscopic - it easily absorbs moisture and releases it. In this regard, the violation of production technology and operating conditions leads to the following unpleasant consequences:

Correction of mechanical damage

To repair minor damage to an interior door with our own hands, we need:

  • putty or wax pencil;
  • a piece of felt

Minor scratches and dents almost always occur after a short period of use. They are covered with a special wax pencil, which can be easily purchased on the building materials market. The color of the pencil should match the shade of the doors. The place of termination is rubbed with a piece of felt.

How to repair dents and chips on wooden interior doors

To seal dents on wooden products, we suggest the following: a piece of wood is hollowed out with a chisel exactly corresponding to the size of the dent and, smeared with glue, applied to the recess. The junction is pressed with a clamp if the damage is on the edge. If the patch is in the middle of the door leaf, it must be placed on a flat surface, covered with a board of a suitable size and pressed with a heavy object. The protruding sections of the patch are cleaned with a chisel and polished with coarse and then fine sandpaper. Paint over with suitable paint, open with varnish.

Do-it-yourself interior chipboard door repair

To repair damage to the surface of veneered chipboard, use veneer, matched by color and texture. It is necessary to remove the damaged piece with a chisel and glue a new one. It is easier to fix the defect if the veneer is tangentially cut (wavy, twisted structure), then the repair is not very noticeable. With a radial cut (straight, parallel lines), it is more difficult to correct, as it is difficult to match the pattern. Clamp the place of gluing in the same way as in the example above.

Restoration of holes in fiberboard doors

Broken fiberboard doors can be repaired with your own hands by inserting a ventilation grill from the bottom of the product. If a hole has formed from above, then an inlay is made of a similar material, glass, etc. A symmetrical hole is cut out, the ends of which are upholstered with wooden bars to close the void. They insert a pre-prepared wooden or MDF panel (available on sale), lay the insert and fix it with another panel on the reverse side, hammering it with pins.

We fix the shortcomings made during improper installation

  1. If the door does not open well or friction occurs, the excess is removed from the edge with a planer, sanded, painted and varnished. The gap between the frame and the doors should be no more than 1.5 - 2 mm.
  2. If the door bounces when closed, the cause may be that it rests against a quarter of the frame. In this case, the door leaf or frame is cut. Also, the problem may lie in the installation of hinges on the door.
  3. Door settling can be repaired by placing washers on the top and bottom door hinge pins.

We eliminate manufacturing defects with our own hands

  1. A sticky door is mainly the result of unfair manufacturing and to resolve the situation, contact the manufacturer. But, if he turned out to be not decent, he will have to repair it himself. In this case, it is necessary to disassemble the product into parts, sand the entire coating to bare wood, and clean off the remaining glue at the joints. Having smeared the joints with glue, alternately connect the parts, clamping them with clamps. The doors are then repainted and varnished.
  2. If the doors are made of damp material, they subsequently dry out in a dry room and gaps form, the door does not fit snugly against the frame or does not close at all. In this case, a bar of the required size is glued to the edge, then it is aligned in size with the door leaf, sanded and coated with the necessary paint and varnish products.

Most of the defects in the inner door frame are easy to fix. the biggest difficulty that lies in wait for the master is the dismantling of the canvas and correcting the shape of the box. Other types of repair work are more likely to be cosmetic in nature, and they do not require special skills.

Types of failures and damage

All types of internal door malfunctions are divided into two categories: a damaged product appearance and improper functioning.

To correct defects in the decorative cladding, a reconstruction of the canvas will be required. Such work is carried out in the same way as for the restoration of cabinet wooden furniture.

Door malfunctions are expressed as follows:

  • The sash closes unsatisfactorily and loosely, as a result of which rubbing occurs on the floor. It is required to repair the hinges and adjust the position of the canvas;

Important! When the sash often comes into contact with the box, you need to set the position of the leaf relative to the frame.

  • Uneven clearance around the circumference of the porch (slits appear on one side, and on the other, the cloth rubs against the box);
  • Sagging sash. This deformation is caused by its own weight. If the deformation is not corrected for a long time, this will lead to a skew of the box;
  • When the canvas moves, a creak is heard. In this situation, you simply need to lubricate the hinges. If the creak has not gone away, in this case it is worth checking the frame for skew;
  • The door doesn't swing open. If the humidity is high in the room, this negatively affects the door frame. From moisture, the frame is deformed, and distortion occurs. A breakdown of the locking device can also lead to such a malfunction.

Sometimes a particular type of door deformation becomes the result of several factors, so you need to consider all the options for problems that arise with the doorway and be able to fix them yourself.

Causes of defects:

  • Incorrect door installation;
  • Poor-quality or weak loops for a heavy canvas;
  • Wear of the loops or deterioration of their fixation;
  • Shrinkage of the building;
  • Weak fixation of the box in the doorway.

Important! If the problems are related to a malfunction of the hinges, it will not be difficult to repair the door. It is much more difficult to correct the errors made during installation or to eliminate the consequences of shrinkage. You have to re-mount the box and canvas.

How to fix a door frame

The most difficult breakdown is the deformation of the door frame; it is not always possible to fix it on your own, since you have to completely redo the frame.

Important! If the damage is not eliminated, then soon the canvas will shift diagonally, begin to rub, and with prolonged and intense pressure, the stand may also be deformed. This is fraught with repairs not only to the door, but also to the walls.

How to align and adjust the door frame after installation

To repair the inner door frame, you will need to remove the panel from the hinges. Next, measure and designate the place where the displacement occurred. To determine the sag, you need to check the diagonal.

Removing the canvas from the hinges, photo

Remove the decorating elements from the door structure and screw additional bolts into the leaf. Such manipulation will help to fix the structure more firmly in the correct position.

The old mounting foam will need to be removed and the spacers wedge in.

Using a special knife, get rid of the old layer of foam

After this work, the structure can be foamed.

Re-foam the box

Restoration of the inner door frame

Restoration work is carried out without removing the door. This is not required for puttying and masking scratches formed on the surface.

One of the simplest repair processes is the adjustment of the latch lock. Rubbing the "tongue" against the end plate on the box is a common defect. There are many reasons for this kind of problem. The most common:

  • A slight violation of the shape of the canvas or opening;
  • Slight sagging of the sash.

To eliminate such a problem, sometimes a few light blows with a hammer on the end in the window of the plate from the rubbing side are enough. A more decisive and time-consuming way is to remove the plate and increase the dimensions of the recess in the frame, seal the old mounting holes and reinstall the plate.

Incorrectly or poorly delivered box, shrinkage of the building, which led to a direct deformation of the shape of the doorway, require the dismantling of the old structure and its new installation.

Dismantling the door product, photo

Important! If the dismantling process is carried out as accurately as possible, then all the elements of the box can be put back on.

The removed platbands reveal the mounting seam, and the hinges and the end plate on the box, on the contrary, “hide” the mounting points.

After the mounting seam is released, the fasteners are unscrewed and the box is removed. If the frame is fixed with foam, then the dismantling process is greatly simplified.

Sometimes it happens that the mounting bolts cannot be unscrewed. In this case, they are cut off, and the box is slightly shifted so that the new attachment points do not come into contact with the old ones.

The door frame is reinstalled, observing all the requirements regarding the levels in the vertical and horizontal planes and the size of the gaps between the leaf and the frame.

Installing and fixing the box

Important! Be sure to keep a gap between the floor covering and the canvas for supply and exhaust ventilation.

The final step is hanging the canvas and checking the functionality of the structure, fixing the end plate of the locking device and the platbands.

Door frame repair when fasteners are loose

Installation of platbands, photo

If there has been a weakening of the wood screws that hold the frame, you can simply move them. Sometimes this method does not work, because the screws do not hold well in the loose holes.

In this case, it is advisable to replace the fasteners. Still old holes can be equipped with plugs and self-tapping screws can be mounted in them.

If the door frame was fastened with nails, it is worth strengthening the structure with additional self-tapping screws.

If the door frame is fixed in masonry, then holes are drilled in the slopes, and dowels are used for fastening.

In case of loose closing and vibration of the door in the frame, repair work consists in rearranging the locking device. For this purpose, the fixing screws are unscrewed and the mechanism is carefully removed. To move the latch of the locking device, you need to expand its socket. This is done with a chisel, the old mounting holes are closed, and the device itself is installed in a new place.

If the sash swings open and closes with difficulty, the canvas rubs against the threshold, which means that the fastening loops have loosened. To correct the situation, tighten all the screws so that the loops stop walking.

Hinge adjustment, photo

Important! If the drawdown recurs over time, the screws will need to be replaced.

door frame trims

if the platbands are worn out, have acquired an unpresentable appearance, in some places they move away from the jamb, this indicates the need to replace them.

New platbands are purchased taking into account the immediate dimensions and type of connection.

The platbands are removed, and the surface of the frame is sanded. When removing the casing, a gap may form between the wall and the frame. During the repair, this gap is foamed.

Platband replacement algorithm:

  • Perform markup. The part is applied horizontally so that the upper edge recedes from the outer border of the vertical casing by approximately 5 mm, and the edge on the inside from the frame edge by 5 mm. If necessary, the structure is leveled;
  • Holding the part, put a mark 5 mm away horizontally from the inner edge of the frame. Similar manipulations are performed with another casing;
  • Relative to the applied marking, the blanks are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Then fix them on the box;
  • A vertical platband is also made and attached;

Important! The corners of the new design are also fixed with self-tapping screws.

The installation of the door and its adjustment should be carried out as accurately as possible so as not to deform the panel or the box.

Experts recommend that if there are wooden interior doors, preventive maintenance should be done, although once a year, and then the door product will last for a long time. If there are doubts about your own adjustment and repair, then it is better to entrust all manipulations to specialists.

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