What should be the temperature in the apartment? Temperature standards in a residential area during the heating season Requirements for temperature in an apartment

Price utilities is growing steadily every year, but their quality remains at the same level. Most tenants complain about the lack of a comfortable microclimate in their living space, when the thermometer outside the window drops to minus values. Our citizens live in harsh climatic conditions, so the question of what should be the normal temperature in an apartment in heating season, always remains open. Residents apartment buildings It is worth remembering that temperatures that do not meet sanitary standards affect well-being and even health. We will tell you in this article how many degrees should be on a room thermometer in winter.

Advice! The apartment will become much warmer if you place foil between the radiator and the wall. The foil reflects heat and prevents the penetration of cold.

Normal temperature during the heating season and what is written in GOST

Comfortable air temperature is different for each person: some feel great and are in no hurry to put on warm clothes at 18 °C, while others wrap themselves in shawls and take out woolen socks, carefully knitted by their grandmother, already at twenty-20 °C.

Temperature standards in an apartment are specified in regulatory documents, which include GOST R 51617–2000. Housing and communal services. General technical conditions". IN state standard it is stated that the standard air temperature in residential premises is from 18 °C to 25 °C. It is also important to consider the purpose of the living space. For example, 14 °C, which is acceptable for flights of stairs, absolutely do not meet the standards for a bathroom.

For lobbies and inter-apartment spaces, the optimal temperature ranges from 16 °C to 22 °C, since residents spend less than an hour a day here. For residential premises, the temperature readings are slightly higher: in corridors, bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens with gas or electric stoves, the thermometer should show at least 18 °C, since a person is here for more than 4-5 hours a day. The temperature regime and hygienic requirements for the microclimate are also regulated by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Norms (SanPin).

Premises for intended purposeStandard temperature according to SanPiN and GOSTNote
Living room, bedroom, living room, children's room21°CA normal temperature in the bedroom will help get rid of insomnia and improve your well-being. In a nursery, the temperature should be determined by the age of the child: infants 25°C is suitable.
Kitchen22°CCookers, household appliances, microwave ovens, ovens emit heat and are therefore not allowed high temperatures.
Bathroom and combined toilet25 °CDue to high humidity, low temperatures can cause dampness and mold to appear.
Office, study room21°CAt high temperatures and lack of fresh air, the brain begins to perceive new information worse
Pantry17 °C _________________
Corridor between apartments19 °C _________________
Lobby, staircase17 °C _________________

How many degrees should there be in a corner apartment?

IN corner apartments ah it's usually cooler, since one of the walls faces the street. The optimal temperature in such an apartment should be higher and reach at least 20 °C. In most apartment buildings, an additional battery is installed on the wall in contact with the street, which helps prevent mold. It is somewhat colder in apartments located on the first and last floors, since the cold comes from the basement or from the attic or roof.

Advice! The corner apartment will become much warmer if you insulate the walls mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam, cork.

How to correctly measure the air temperature in an apartment

To achieve a recalculation of heat payments, you need to independently measure the temperature in the apartment. You can measure and obtain objective data by observing the following rules:

  • measurements cannot be taken in sunny weather, since a residential building warms up significantly even under the rays of the winter sun;
  • affects the measurement accuracy in the room fresh air, coming from the street. Before recording the maximum and minimum values, you should close all windows and make sure they are tight;
  • the set temperature is measured in several rooms to fully reflect the state of the heat supply;
  • the thermometer should not be placed near heating devices and walls in contact with the street: the distance from them should be at least 50 cm;
  • warm air rises up and cold air falls down, so measurements must be taken at a height of at least 60 cm from the floor.

Important! SNiPs were developed back in the Soviet Union and today some of them are advisory in nature.

Why is the temperature in a living room significantly lower than the standard?

During the cold season, residents complain about low temperatures and the appearance of fungus and mold. The main reasons for non-compliance with GOST average temperature in residential premises:

  • increased heat transfer due to the formation of cold bridges, which entails an increase in costs for maintaining the standard temperature in the apartment;
  • absence required pressure and low water temperature in heating radiators;
  • availability air jams, which prevent normal water circulation in the heating system. You can bleed air from central water heating radiators using a Mayevsky tap;
  • non-compliance of housing with building codes (SNiP). Today, developers, in order to extract maximum profit, neglect the norms prescribed in technical regulations and build multi-storey buildings in the shortest possible time. According to statistics, more than half of modern new buildings were built with violations of architectural and construction design;
  • significant heat loss can be caused by a malfunction window system and the presence of gaps between the panels. This problem is observed in houses built more than 30 years ago. It is impossible to touch the heating devices themselves, but the air in the apartment remains cool. Sometimes the problem can be solved by replacing wooden frames on plastic windows.

Advice! Sometimes heating networks continue to operate at full capacity when the temperature outside the window is above zero. If the housing maintenance service is not interested in the economical use of heat energy, then apartment owners should contact the management company. In case of inaction of the Criminal Code, it is necessary to write a complaint to the housing inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor. I believe that these measures will help deal with unscrupulous utility companies.

What to do and where to go if the average temperature in the apartment is far from the sanitary norm

The lack of heat in the apartment indicates the provision of utilities poor quality and a reason to contact the emergency dispatch service so that the commission can come and measure the indicators. Employees accept both written applications and telephone calls from citizens. The operator on duty registers the complaint and schedules an inspection time.

The commission must arrive a maximum of 2 hours after receiving a complaint from the consumer. The exact time of the inspection will be agreed upon with the apartment owners.

After recording the indicators with a registered device that has all the necessary technical documents, an inspection report is drawn up. If violations are detected, the act states how many degrees there are in the room, the date and time, the characteristics of the apartment, and the composition of the commission. The document is signed by all members of the commission.

Advice! If you decide to take care of the thermal insulation of your home yourself, then do not forget about supply and exhaust ventilation. Lack of air exchange causes unpleasant odors and the formation of condensation on windows.

What is the average temperature in a heating radiator?

The temperature of water in coolants depends on weather conditions and the condition of city heating networks. This indicator rarely exceeds 90 °C. Even such a high temperature is not always enough during severe frosts. Average temperature hot water in the tap and in the radiator reaches 60 °C.

You can find out the temperature using a regular mercury thermometer, which is placed in a small container and filled with water. Permissible deviations in should not exceed 4 °C, and only upward.

There are several ways to measure the temperature in the battery:

  • place a thermometer on the radiator and add a couple of degrees to the obtained values;
  • Buy an infrared thermometer, the error of which does not exceed half a degree. The thermometer is connected to heating device using a thermocouple wire to the battery.

Let's sum it up

Unfortunately, we are accustomed to improper execution of utility services. Residents of high-rise buildings are not embarrassed by mountains of garbage, non-functioning elevators, weak pressure water, lack of regular repairs at the entrance, a little warm water from a hot water tap, etc. At the same time, appealing to supervisory authorities helps correct the situation. If during the winter months the temperature in the apartment drops below 18 °C, then owners and tenants need to contact the management company, emergency dispatch service, housing inspection and Rospotrebnadzor to assert their rights and protect their interests.

In order for a person to feel comfortable in a room - a house, apartment or office - maintenance is required. optimal temperature air.

In the warm season, this problem, as a rule, does not arise. In extreme heat, you can turn on the air conditioner or fan. In the cold months, the situation is more complicated: heating the room requires a heating system - autonomous or centralized.

Scientists have long discovered at what temperature a person feels most comfortable and can lead normal life activities.

On average, the room temperature should be 21–25 degrees.

Optimal temperature regime for each individual person depends on several indicators:

  • Individual characteristics of the body
  • Age
  • Lifestyle

Based on the research carried out, temperature standards for residential and work premises were adopted.

What factors influence the temperature in an apartment?

The temperature in the apartment depends on many factors, among which are the following:

  • Climatic conditions of the region of residence
  • Seasons
  • Technical features of housing
  • Number, age and subjective preferences of residents

Climatic conditions

A comfortable temperature regime in a home can have different meanings depending on your region of residence. Besides great influence affects the level of air humidity outside, the amount of precipitation and atmospheric pressure.


With the alternation of seasons, the internal climate in residential premises may differ. Thus, in winter the temperature drops significantly, and in summer period– increases.

In addition, the heating season ends in spring, which leads to a drop in the average daily indoor temperature.

For many countries, the optimal temperature level in an apartment in the winter months is from 18 to 22 degrees, and in the summer it can reach 26 above 0.

The difference of a few degrees between the values ​​may seem imperceptible, but in fact it can have a significant impact on the well-being of residents.

Technical features of housing

Comfortable temperature is also influenced technical features dwellings - dimensions of premises, ceiling heights, insulation of surfaces, presence of furniture, location of the apartment (corner, central, number of floors).

Human factor

To maintain a comfortable temperature, it is important to take into account the human factor. For each person, the concept of comfort is individual. Women prefer higher temperatures than men. Small children are not able to independently regulate heat exchange own body, therefore often prone to overheating or cooling. They need optimal conditions stay in the premises. Elderly people are no less sensitive to temperature changes.

Official heating season

With the onset of autumn and the drop in temperature, apartments become increasingly colder, so residents are looking forward to the start of the heating season. However, not everyone knows the official dates at which the supply of heat to an apartment must begin and end according to the law. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011 clearly regulates the factors that influence the start and termination of heat supply to residential buildings. The document specifies the outdoor air temperature at which the supply of hot water to the radiators begins in the autumn and stops in the spring.

It is worth knowing at what temperature the heating in apartments is turned on legally. The main condition for the start of the heating season is to reduce the average daily air temperature to +8 °C and maintain this indicator for five days in a row.

Turn off the heat supply to heating systems as soon as the outside air temperature rises to +8 °C and remains at this level for a similar period of time.

These deadlines are provided for a centralized heating system. When heat should be supplied to apartments with an autonomous circuit is determined by the residents themselves.

As practice shows, the heating season usually begins in mid-October and lasts until early April.

Temperature standards in various rooms

According to SNiP, the following temperature standards in residential and other premises are established for apartment buildings:

  • Comfortable stay temperature – from 19 to 25 degrees
  • During the cold period - from 19 to 22 degrees
  • During the hot period - from 21 to 26 degrees

The normal temperature in an apartment during the heating season is:

  • Living room (bedroom, living room) – from 16 to 18 degrees. For quick relaxation and complete rest of the body
  • Children's room - from 22 to 24 degrees. Provides comfortable warmth necessary for proper regulation of heat exchange in children
  • Kitchen - from 17 to 19 degrees. Enough heat produced by electrical appliances
  • Bathroom and sanitary facilities - from 23 to 25 degrees. To reduce high humidity and prevent dampness
  • Other functional rooms (corridor, storage room, hall) – from 17 to 22 degrees

Important! According to SanPin, the minimum temperature difference between various rooms should not exceed 3 degrees.

The following temperature standards are provided for common premises:

  • Entrances – up to 17 degrees
  • Elevator cabins – up to 5 degrees
  • Inter-apartment corridors - from 16 to 20 degrees
  • Basements and attics – up to 4 degrees
  • Lobbies, staircases– from 13 to 18 degrees

Standards in winter indoors according to GOST

The temperature in the apartment must correspond to the standards given in the table. This is especially important when creating a room for a newborn baby in the house.

Ordinary living rooms are heated at an average level, according to GOST, but in the corner the temperature should always be 2 - 4 degrees higher due to the peculiarities of its location and the blowing of cold air.

Room typeair temperature in degrees Minimumair temperature in degrees PermissibleRelative humidity in % MinimumRelative humidity in % Permissible
20 – 22 18 – 24 30 – 45 60
Residential premises in areas where
reaches – 31
degree and below
21 – 23 20 – 24 30 – 45 60
Toilet19 – 21 18 – 26 Not installedNot installed
Kitchen19 – 21 18 – 26 Not installedNot installed
sanitary unit
24 – 26 18 – 26 Not installedNot installed
between apartments
18 – 20 16 – 22 30 – 45 60
Staircase16 – 18 14 – 20 Not installedNot installed
Storage rooms16 – 18 12 – 22 Not installedNot installed

In spring and summer, heating is turned off after the temperature in the region reaches +8 degrees and lasts for several days.

Correct measurements of room temperature

In order to comply with heating standards in a residential building, it is recommended to carry out mandatory temperature measurements. To obtain reliable results, measurements are performed with a special device taking into account the following technical requirements:

  • Readings are taken every hour for one calendar day
  • The device must be located at certain points - 100 cm from external wall, 150 cm – from the floor surface
  • The room in which measurements are carried out should not have sources of heat loss - cracks, open windows and doors
  • Measurements are carried out under neutral weather conditions

If, as a result of independent measurements, a decrease in the standard comfortable temperature in the apartment is determined, this is reported to the emergency service.

In this case, the duty officer sends a team to the resident to draw up official act measurements

The act contains the following data:

  • Date of document creation
  • Technical information of housing
  • Inspecting staff
  • Meter data
  • Temperature values
  • Signatures of participants

The document is drawn up in two copies: one for the owner of the living space, the second for the employees of the public utility service.

Features of measurements

After a citizen notices that the heating in the room is insufficient, he begins to demand that utilities reduce payments for housing and communal services.

Before doing this, you need to carry out self-check for possible hypothermia of the apartment for other reasons.

After the management staff arrives at the house, they will begin checking the battery, the room, and measure how many degrees of heat are stored in the room, but if they notice a draft, there is no hope for a recalculation.

In order to eliminate such a situation, before calling the experts to your home, you need to do the following:

Check how tightly the windows and doors in the room are closed. Representatives of the management company in mandatory will check possible sources of leakage of incoming heat

It is acceptable to use a regular room thermometer. It should be positioned correctly - the device should hang at a distance of at least 1 meter from the external wall, and at a height of at least 1.5 meters

If a citizen suspects that the heating in the apartment is not sufficient, measurements should be taken every hour throughout the day. If, as a result of the inspection, it is discovered that the temperature in the room does not comply with the GOST standard, there are deviations of more than 3 degrees during the daytime and 5 degrees at night, a report of the measurements taken is drawn up. It will be the basis for recalculating payments for housing and communal services

Measurements are not taken when the weather outside is clear and the temperature is above 5 degrees. This is due to the fact that the temperature in the room increases when heated sun rays. Therefore, you should call a specialist on a cold day.

After the measurements have been taken, you can submit an application to the house management, after which a master will be sent measuring instrument high precision.

An application requesting to measure the air temperature in a residential area can be downloaded here.

The text of the application must consist of the following points:

  • Name management company And full name of the director of the organization
  • The word "Application" in capital letters
  • Below is the request “To measure the air temperature in the living space of apartment No...”. You need to indicate the air temperature in the room, which remains at the same level for about one to two weeks
  • Below are the regulations, Rules for the provision of utility services to apartment owners - Resolution regulating the process of supplying heating to residential buildings of the Government No. 354 and Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the living conditions of citizens in residential premises - Appendix 2
  • The situation at the time of the appeal is described: “This morning (afternoon) the temperature in the room was 15 degrees with the permissible readings being 18 C. I ask you to take measurements in accordance with the requirements established by GOST in paragraph 4 - “Control methods.” I would like to be present when the commission inspects the apartment. I demand that an inspection report be drawn up in two copies, one of which will remain with me.”
  • The last line contains the date and signature with explanation

The commission takes measurements of temperature and microclimate in the room, checks the heating system and draws up a corresponding report.

Then, depending on the detected problems, a decision is made on further actions.

If the house management did not agree with the applicant on the date of the foreman’s visit to the premises and did not send workers, then you should contact other, higher authorities.

Determination of coolant temperature in batteries

Coolant in the system central heating and hot water supply - water heated to a certain temperature.

To measure the temperature of water heating in the system, the following instruments are used:

  • Medical thermometer
  • Thermometer with infrared spectrum
  • Alcohol thermometer

Central heating

To determine what the temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment should be, it is necessary to take into account the standards established for the coolant.

They are determined taking into account climatic conditions and are relevant if the pipe has a lower central supply to the battery:

  • Temperature environment+ 6 degrees: at entry up to +55 degrees, at return – up to +40 degrees
  • The temperature outside the window is 0 degrees: at the entrance +66 degrees, at the return – up to +49 degrees
  • The temperature outside the window is from -5 degrees: at the entrance + 77 degrees, at the return – up to +55 degrees

If the permissible temperature threshold decreases - in the daytime by 4 degrees, at night - by 5 degrees - the recalculation of the level of payment for central heating services is carried out without fail.

Important! Unlike a single-pipe heating system, a two-pipe heating system may have a reduced heating temperature of the coolant.

The parameters of the heat supply system are strictly regulated by current legislation, according to which apartment building The following temperature conditions of the coolant in the pipes are allowed:

  • With a two-pipe system, the coolant temperature is +96 degrees
  • At single pipe system temperature is +116 degrees
  • The average heating temperature of batteries in an apartment ranges from +78 to 92 degrees

Measurements of the coolant in the system can be performed in the following ways:

  • Place an alcohol thermometer on the heating radiator and wait a few minutes. Add one degree to the resulting value. Instead of an alcohol thermometer, you can use a room infrared thermometer, which has a higher measurement accuracy.
  • Attach an electric temperature meter to the battery with a thermocouple wire and take readings.

Hot water supply

In the cold season, the main factor is the heating temperature of the water, which should be from +64 to 76 degrees. If water is supplied in violation of temperature standards, this is fraught with an increase in water consumption and utility costs.

To measure the temperature of the hot water supply, place a deep container in the sink, washbasin or bathtub. An alcohol-based thermometer is placed in it and liquid is supplied from the tap.

The duration of the measurement is about 10 minutes. Possible deviation from the norm may be +/- 3 degrees.

Air exchange rate

An important parameter that determines a comfortable and safe stay in a home is air exchange - complete or partial replacement dirty air clean.

According to regulatory documents, the rate of air exchange rate is:

  • In a living room up to 25 sq. m – 3 cu. m/hour per square meter of area
  • In the kitchen with gas stove– up to 9 cubic meters m/hour, s electric stove– 6 cu. m/hour
  • In other rooms up to 20 square meters. m. – 1 cu.m. m/hour

It is difficult to independently measure the air exchange rate; laboratories and expert bureaus often assume this function.

If you wish, you can obtain reliable data on the air exchange rate in several ways:

  • A device called an Aerodoor installed in a window or doorway. Under the influence of a fan, air is pumped into the device, after which the multiplicity parameter is determined
  • Thermal anemometer and balometer for measuring the speed and volume of air flow in a room

Battery operating parameters and procedure for measuring their temperature

To determine compliance with the legally permissible temperature in the apartment during winter, it is necessary to check the operation of the batteries. They should be periodically monitored to establish the validity of housing and communal services tariffs.

Standards for water pressure (pressure) in an apartment are defined within the following limits:

  • For cold water– from 0.3 to 6 atmospheres
  • For hot – from 0.3 to 4.5 atmospheres

There are no regulations governing the minimum temperature of radiators. In this case, the maximum limit for heating batteries is set, defined in SNiP 41-01-2003.

  • If the heating system is two-pipe, then the radiator should not heat up above 95 degrees
  • When the system is single pipe, the limit is 115 degrees

To establish deviations from the permissible temperature norm and achieve recalculation, it is necessary to measure the temperature of the radiators using one of the following methods:

  • By applying a standard electronic thermometer to the surface of the battery (in this case it is necessary to add no more than 2 degrees to the readings)
  • Using a heat meter that senses infrared radiation
  • Using an alcohol-type thermometer (when taking measurements, it must be isolated from the environment)

Any of the devices used must have a certificate and passport, which contains the rules of use and error characteristics.

Measuring the temperature in the apartment

Violations can be detected by recording the temperature in the apartment. Measurements should be carried out observing a number of rules:

  • It is necessary to record the temperature on a cloudy day so that the sun does not heat the air
  • If doors, windows or walls are not airtight, then it is necessary to limit the air flow
  • Measurements are carried out in 2 rooms (except for apartments with a single living space)
  • The temperature is recorded at a distance of at least half a meter from outer wall and heating devices and not lower than 60 cm from the floor
  • As when establishing compliance with the permissible battery temperature in an apartment, you should use a certified device that has a passport

When deviations are recorded, it is worth filing a claim with the management company.

The degree of responsibility of public utilities for violation of standards

The law states that owners and tenants of residential property can contact utility services to recalculate the tariff by 0.15% for every 60 minutes of non-compliance with established temperature standards.

Tariff recalculation is possible in the following cases:

  • The temperature in living quarters during the day is less than 17 degrees, in the corner room - below 21 degrees
  • The duration of the heating outage in one calendar month was 24 hours
  • One-time heating shutdowns for 15 hours when the air temperature outside is up to 11 degrees

If, with the onset of cold weather, the air in the apartment remains insufficiently heated, a person can file a formal complaint with the following authorities:

  • Prosecutor's office
  • Consumer Rights Protection Society
  • Housing inspection

To resolve the problem in court, you must submit the following documents:

  • Copies of certified statements
  • Application to the emergency dispatch service
  • Temperature check report
  • Copies of compliance documents of the device used for testing

Actions when deviations are detected

If you discover that the temperature in your home does not comply with current standards, you must contact the management company. She must send a team to establish the causes of the lack of heat.

If the source of the problem is not found, then you need to contact the housing and communal services operator with a request to take measurements. The organization will carry out an inspection and draw up a report in which it will record the evidence received. Before signing the document, you should familiarize yourself with the equipment used and test results.

The next step will be sending a report and a claim to eliminate the detected problems and recalculate the cost of services already provided.

If the management company refuses to comply with the requirements, it is necessary to go to court. To do this, it is necessary to collect all copies of documents (acts, statements and claims) exchanged between the citizen and the housing and communal services operator.

The plaintiff has the right to demand a reduction in the cost of services provided by 0.15% for each hour of the period when permissible norm temperature was not maintained. Practice shows that it is possible to achieve the return of overpaid services only by initiating legal proceedings.

What temperature should be in the apartment is controlled at the state level.

The standards set out in detail in the laws must be ensured by management companies. If they fail to comply, they face serious punishment.

  • The Housing Code of the Russian Federation establishes criteria for the quality of services in.
  • Federal Law No. 190-FZ dated July 27, 2010 “On Heat Supply” regulates relations in the field of heating residential buildings.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of residential premises in apartment buildings” in Appendix 1 lists the requirements for the quality of heat supply (permissible breaks, conditions and procedure for changing fees, air temperature standards).
  • Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170 “On approval of rules and standards for the technical operation of housing stock” describes the requirements for the maintenance common property. Clause makes it the responsibility of the management company to monitor the air temperature in residential buildings.
  • SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises. Rules and Standards” in Appendix 2 contains temperature indicators for rooms in the apartment.
  • SNiP 02/23/2003 “Thermal protection of buildings. The updated edition" fixes the requirements for the temperature of external walls and floors.

What should be the t norm during the heating season?

SanPiN has established requirements for temperature conditions in the cold and warm seasons. In winter, the standards are as follows (see table).

The construction features of apartment buildings and the wear and tear of communications lead to the fact that the first, last floors colder than others. Moreover, when residents complain to the management company about inconsistencies, these features (cold basement, attic) justify non-compliance with the temperature regime. This is absolutely illegal.

The heating season standards established by the state apply to residential premises regardless of location or floor. Temperature indicators below the permissible limits are not permissible, but above the specified level they can be, but not more than 4 degrees.

There is a requirement to install special heating systems for uniform heat distribution in the floors of the first floors. The owners should not be influenced whether their house is brick or panel.

IMPORTANT! Utilities are required to maintain acceptable temperature limits in all apartments from which they charge for maintenance.

The law sets the bar for optimal room temperature, but everyone will have their own comfortable temperature. Objectively, the feeling of comfort when certain temperatures depends on factors:

  1. The age of the person. Infants and older people are more heat-loving; for them it is necessary to maintain a temperature level above average.
  2. Floor. Typically women prefer to be in more warm rooms than men.
  3. Individual characteristics. Some people like coolness; for others, comfort lies in warmth.

When the management system maintains the regime at the proper level in homes, creating comfortable conditions and adjusting the temperature by a couple of degrees is not difficult. For this purpose, there are numerous climate control systems, air conditioners, and heaters.

Air temperature standards according to GOST

Residential temperature settings are adjustable normative act– SanPiN, GOST R 51617-2000 Housing and communal services and general technical conditions, where the temperature regime of rooms is regulated from 18 ° C in winter, from 20 ° C in summer. There is a standard in Government Decree No. 354 on corner rooms and cold regions where a different acceptable norm is adopted.

The standard air temperature in residential premises is set not lower than +18°C (in corner rooms +22°C), in areas with the coldest five-day period (provision 0.92) -31°C and below, the temperature regime is set to +20°C ( in corner rooms +22°С). Failure to comply with the standard, rather than comfortable, thermal regime is considered a violation.

In corner apartments

Previously, GOST actually established special rules for corner apartments - 2 degrees higher than usual. Today, the temperature regime is established and regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354.

Exterior walls

The creators of SNiP 02/23/2003 believe that the temperature difference between the internal air and the external surface should be no more than 4 degrees. That is, if the minimum limit for a living space is 18 °C, then the wall on average should not be colder than 14.

When this rule is violated, we can conclude that the house is not insulated enough, and perhaps the seams require updating. The management company servicing the building should take care of this.


In accordance with SNiP, the temperature of the floor surface in residential premises must be no lower than 16 ° C (as a rule, it exceeds the minimum permissible and ranges from 18 to 20 ° C.).

SNiP 41-01.2003 establishes the normal temperature for heated floors:

  • 26 °C for rooms where people are constantly present;
  • 31 °C for premises where people stay temporarily.

Where to contact

Small deviations from the norm may go unnoticed, but if residents are constantly freezing in the apartment, this indicates a violation of obligations on the part of utility companies. Especially when heating and maintenance fees are charged in full. Then you need to complain about the poor maintenance of the house.

If t is below acceptable

If it is cold at home, or the temperature is recorded below standard in autumn or winter, you need to report this to the emergency dispatch service. A complaint is written to the head of the management company, where the claims are listed, the air temperature in living rooms, kitchen, bathroom, there is a requirement to bring it into compliance with the standards.

The management company is given 30 days to respond. During this period, utility services must find out which of them is responsible for the cooling of the house. If heating network, at the point of demarcation of balance sheet ownership, is not hot enough, then this is a question for the resource supply organization that heats the room. If heat is lost in the house, then the management company must solve the problem.

ADVICE! It's better to make up collective complaint from residents of the entrance or house.

If the wall freezes

When it's so cold that you freeze end walls, you need to act quickly. It is necessary to contact the head of the management company with a complaint, describe the problem, demand that the wall be insulated, thereby restoring the temperature balance. At the same time, call a representative of the management company, draw up and receive a report on freezing of the wall.

If after the required period the Criminal Code does not take action, the authorities will have to be involved in solving the problem state power:

  1. The State Housing Inspectorate is an executive body that controls the activities of public utilities. Inspectors will initiate an inspection, issue a recommendation to eliminate violations, and impose a fine on the service organization.
  2. Rospotrebnadzor is a multidisciplinary organization whose specialization falls under the described situation. Failure of the management company to fulfill the terms of the contract, combined with the risk of increased humidity, the spread of mold and mildew from a frozen wall, is the competence of this service. After checking the activities of the management company, employees will be obliged to bring the house to the requirements of the law, and if there are grounds, they will fine the management.
  3. The prosecutor's office is a supervisory authority whose employees begin checking a legal entity only if there have been appeals to previous organizations. Or they address the residents’ complaint to the competent authorities to resolve the issue.
  4. The court is the last step that is taken if other government agencies are powerless or it is necessary to compensate for material and moral damage.

The document is drawn up in a standard manner. Several methods of delivering them to the addressee are allowed. You can bring it yourself, register two copies, and keep one as evidence. Complaints are also sent by registered mail with notification or online through the State Services website.

What is the responsibility of utility companies?

The degree of responsibility of the management company depends on the severity of the offense and the consequences.

If utility companies immediately respond to the complaint and eliminate the violations, there will be no consequences. When residents have to involve government authorities, punishment is inevitable. The easiest thing is administrative liability, a fine.

If the owners have damaged property or suffered health damage, they can associate this with the low temperature of the house and there is an evidence base for this, then civil proceedings and compensation for damage cannot be avoided.

When the consequences are serious, sanctions are possible, including criminal ones.

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Document title:
Document number: 64
Document type: Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation
Receiving authority: Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation
Status: Active
Published: Russian newspaper, N 159, 07/21/2010
Acceptance date: June 10, 2010
Start date: August 15, 2010
Revision date: December 27, 2010

On approval of SanPiN



On approval of SanPiN

Document with changes made:
Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2010 N 175.

In accordance with the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, Art. 1650; 2002, N 1 (Part 1), Art. 2; 2003, N 2, art. 167; 2004, N 35, art. 3607; 2005, N 19, art. 1752; (Part 1), Article 5498; 2007, No. 1 (Part 1), Article 21; No. 1 (Part 1), Article 29; Article 3213; N 49, art. 6070; 2008, N 24, art. 2801; N 29 (part 1), art. 3418; Part 1), Art. 6223; 2009, N 1, Art. 17) and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2000 N 554 “On approval of the Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standards” (Collection of legislation Russian Federation, 2000, N 31, art. 3295; 2004, N 8, art. 663; N 47, art. 4666; 2005, N 39, art. 3953)

I decree:

1. Approve sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises” (Appendix).

2. Put into effect the specified sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations from August 15, 2010.

G. Onishchenko

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
July 15, 2010,
registration N 17833

Application. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises


by resolution of the Chief State
sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation
dated June 10, 2010 N 64

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN

The document takes into account:
(Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2010 N 175).

I. General provisions and scope

1.2. These sanitary rules establish mandatory sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises, which must be observed when placing, designing, reconstructing, constructing and operating residential buildings and premises intended for permanent residence.

1.3. The requirements of these sanitary rules do not apply to living conditions in buildings and premises of hotels, hostels, specialized homes for the disabled, orphanages, rotation camps.

1.4 Sanitary rules are intended for citizens individual entrepreneurs And legal entities, whose activities are related to the design, construction, reconstruction and operation of residential buildings and premises, as well as for bodies authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

1.5. Monitoring compliance with the requirements of these sanitary rules is carried out by bodies authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

II. Hygienic requirements for the site and territory of residential buildings when placing them

2.1. Residential buildings must be located in accordance with the general plan of the territory, the functional zoning of the territory of the city, town and other settlements (clause as amended, entered into force on March 27, 2011.

2.2. The area allocated for residential buildings must:

- be located outside the territory of industrial, communal, sanitary protection zones of enterprises, structures and other objects, the first zone of the zone sanitary protection water supply sources and drinking water pipelines;

- meet the requirements for the content of chemical and biological substances potentially hazardous to humans, biological and microbiological organisms in the soil, quality atmospheric air, level of ionizing radiation, physical factors (noise, infrasound, vibration, electromagnetic fields) in accordance with the sanitary legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.3. The land plot allocated for the construction of a residential building must provide for the possibility of organizing a local area with a clear functional zoning and the placement of recreation areas, playgrounds, sports, utility areas, guest parking for vehicles, green spaces.

2.4. When landscaping the local area of ​​residential buildings, it is necessary to take into account that the distance from the walls of residential buildings to the axis of tree trunks with a crown with a diameter of up to 5 m should be at least 5 m. For larger trees, the distance should be more than 5 m, for shrubs - 1.5 m The height of the bushes should not exceed the lower edge of the window opening of the first floor premises.

2.5. There should be no transit traffic on the internal driveways of the local area. Access to waste disposal sites must be provided for special vehicles.

2.6. Distances between residential, residential and public, as well as industrial buildings should be taken in accordance with hygienic requirements to insolation and sun protection of residential and public buildings and territories.

2.7. When locating residential buildings, they are provided with water supply, sewerage, heat supply, and electricity supply (clause as amended, put into effect on March 27, 2011 by Amendments and Additions No. 1 of December 27, 2010.

2.8. On land plots, entrances and passages to each building must be provided. Places for parking or garages for cars must comply with the hygienic requirements for sanitary protection zones and the sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects.

In adjacent areas, it is prohibited to wash cars, drain fuel and oils, and adjust sound signals, brakes and engines.

2.9. Areas in front of house entrances, driveways and pedestrian paths must have hard surfaces. When installing hard surfaces, the possibility of free drainage of melt and storm water must be provided.

2.10. It is prohibited to place any trade and public catering establishments in the courtyards of residential buildings, including tents, kiosks, stalls, mini-markets, pavilions, summer cafes, production facilities, enterprises minor repairs cars, household appliances, shoes, as well as parking lots except for guest ones (clause as amended, put into effect on March 27, 2011 by Amendments and Additions No. 1 of December 27, 2010.

2.11. Cleaning of the territory should be carried out daily, including in the warm season - watering the territory, winter time- anti-icing measures (removal, sprinkling with sand, anti-icing reagents, etc.).

2.12. The courtyard areas of residential buildings should be illuminated in the evening. Lighting standards are given in Appendix 1 to these sanitary rules.

III. Hygienic requirements for residential premises and public premises located in residential buildings

3.1. Placing residential premises in apartments on the ground and basement floors is not permitted.

3.2. In residential buildings, the placement of public premises, engineering equipment and communications is allowed, subject to compliance with hygienic standards for noise, infrasound, vibration, and electromagnetic fields.

In basements and ground floors In such residential buildings, built-in and built-in-attached parking lots for cars and motorcycles are allowed, provided that the ceilings are airtight and equipped with a device for removing exhaust gases from vehicles.

3.3. Public premises built into residential buildings must have entrances isolated from the residential part of the building.

3.4. The placement of industrial production in residential premises is not allowed.

3.5. When placing parking garages under residential buildings, it is necessary to separate them from the residential part of the building by a non-residential floor. Placement of premises for working with children, premises for medical and preventive purposes above garages is not allowed.

3.6. In residential buildings of any number of floors, a storage room for storing cleaning equipment, equipped with a sink, should be provided on the ground, ground or basement floors. It is allowed to install storage rooms with an area of ​​at least 3 m2/person for residents of the house: household, for storing vegetables, as well as for solid fuel. In this case, the exit from the floor where the storage rooms are located must be isolated from the residential part. Laying sewer networks in utility storerooms is prohibited.

3.7. Public premises built into residential buildings must have entrances isolated from the residential part of the building, while parking areas for personnel vehicles must be located outside the local area.

Loading materials and products for public premises from the courtyard of a residential building, where windows and entrances to apartments are located, is not allowed. Loading should be done: from the ends of residential buildings that do not have windows; from underground tunnels or closed landing stages; from the highways.

Loading rooms may not be installed if the area of ​​built-in public premises is up to 150 m2.

3.8. In residential buildings, it is not allowed to locate bathrooms and toilets directly above living rooms and kitchens, with the exception of two-level apartments, in which it is allowed to place a toilet and a bath (or shower) directly above the kitchen (clause as amended on March 27, 2011 by Amendments and additions No. 1 of December 27, 2010.

3.9. It is not allowed to arrange an entrance to a room equipped with a toilet directly from the kitchen and living rooms, with the exception of the entrance from the bedroom to the combined bathroom, provided that there is a second room in the apartment, equipped with a toilet, with an entrance to it from the corridor or hall.

3.10. Residential buildings with a height of more than five floors must be equipped with elevators (freight and passenger). When equipping a house with elevators, the dimensions of one of the cabins must ensure the possibility of transporting a person on a stretcher or wheelchair.

3.11. It is not allowed to place an engine room and elevator shafts, a garbage collection chamber, a garbage chute shaft and a device for cleaning and washing it, or an electrical panel room above or below living rooms, as well as adjacent to them.

IV. Hygienic requirements for heating, ventilation, microclimate and indoor air environment

4.1. Heating and ventilation systems must ensure acceptable microclimate and indoor air conditions. The optimal and permissible microclimate parameters in residential buildings are given in Appendix 2 to these sanitary rules(clause supplemented on March 27, 2011 by Amendments and Additions No. 1 dated December 27, 2010.

4.2. Heating systems must ensure uniform heating of indoor air throughout the entire heating period, not create odors, and not pollute indoor air. harmful substances emitted during operation, do not create additional noise, must be accessible to current repairs and service.

4.3. The clause was deleted from March 27, 2011 by Amendments and Additions No. 1 of December 27, 2010..

4.4. Heating devices must be easily accessible for cleaning. For water heating, the surface temperature of heating devices should not exceed 90°C. For devices with a heating surface temperature of more than 75°C, it is necessary to provide protective barriers.

4.5. The premises of the first floors of residential buildings located in climatic region I must have heating systems for uniform heating of the floor surface.

4.6. The installation of autonomous boiler houses for heat supply to residential buildings is permitted subject to compliance with hygienic requirements for the quality of atmospheric air in populated areas, hygienic standards for noise and vibration.

4.7. Natural ventilation of residential premises should be carried out by air flow through vents, transoms, or through special openings in window sashes and ventilation ducts. Duct exhaust openings should be provided in kitchens, bathrooms, toilets and drying cabinets.

The design of the ventilation system must prevent the flow of air from one apartment to another.

It is not allowed to combine the ventilation ducts of kitchens and sanitary facilities with living rooms.

4.8. Ventilation of objects located in residential buildings must be autonomous. It is allowed to connect the exhaust ventilation of public premises that do not have harmful emissions to the general exhaust system of a residential building.

4.9. Exhaust ventilation shafts should protrude above the roof ridge or flat roof to a height of at least 1 m.

4.10. The concentration of chemicals in the air of residential premises when buildings are put into operation should not exceed the average daily maximum permissible concentrations (hereinafter - MPC) of pollutants established for the atmospheric air of populated areas, and in the absence of average daily MPCs, not exceed the maximum one-time MPC or indicative safe levels impact (hereinafter referred to as IUV).

V. Hygienic requirements for natural and artificial lighting and insolation

5.1. Living rooms and kitchens of residential buildings must have natural lighting through light openings in the external building envelope.

5.2. The coefficient of natural illumination (hereinafter - KEO) in living rooms and kitchens must be at least 0.5%.

5.3. With one-way side lighting in residential buildings normative meaning KEO should be provided at the design point located at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the floor plane at a distance of 1 m from the wall farthest from the light openings: in one room - for one-, two- and three-room apartments, and in two rooms for four - and five-room apartments. In the remaining rooms of multi-room apartments and in the kitchen, the standard value of KEO for side lighting should be ensured at the design point located in the center of the room on the floor plane.

5.4. All premises of residential buildings must be provided with general and local artificial lighting.

5.5. Illumination on landings, staircases, elevator lobbies, floor corridors, lobbies, basements and attics should be at least 20 lux on the floor.

5.6. Above each main entrance to a residential building, lamps must be installed that provide illumination at the entrance site of at least 6 lux for a horizontal surface and at least 10 lux for a vertical surface at a height of 2.0 m from the floor. Lighting must also be provided pedestrian path at the entrance to the building.

5.7. Residential premises and adjacent areas must be provided with insolation in accordance with the hygienic requirements for insolation and sun protection of premises of residential and public buildings.

5.8. The normalized duration of continuous insolation for premises of residential buildings is established for certain calendar periods differentially depending on the type of apartments, the functional purpose of the premises, planning zones of the city and the geographical latitude of the area:

- for the northern zone (north of 58° N) - at least 2.5 hours a day from April 22 to August 22;

- for the central zone (58° N - 48° N) - at least 2.0 hours per day from March 22 to September 22;

5.9. The standard duration of insolation must be provided in at least one room of 1-3-room apartments and in at least two rooms of 4 or more room apartments.

5.10. Intermittent duration of insolation is allowed, in which one of the periods must be at least 1 hour. In this case, the total duration of normalized insolation should increase by 0.5 hours, respectively, for each zone.

Clauses 5.12 and 5.13 of the previous edition from March 27, 2011 are considered, respectively, clauses 5.11 and 5.12 of this edition - Amendments and additions No. 1 of December 27, 2010.

5.11. For residential buildings located in the northern and central zones, it is allowed to reduce the duration of insolation by 0.5 hours in the following cases:

- in two-room and three-room apartments, where at least two rooms are insulated;

- in four- and multi-room apartments, where at least three rooms are insulated;

- during the reconstruction of residential buildings located in the central and historical zones of cities, defined by their master development plans.

5.12. On children's playgrounds and sports grounds located in the local area, the duration of insolation should be at least 3 hours on 50% of the sites, regardless of geographic latitude.

VI. Hygienic requirements for levels of noise, vibration, ultrasound and infrasound, electromagnetic fields and radiation, ionizing radiation

(chapter as amended, entered into force on March 27, 2011
Amendments and additions No. 1 dated December 27, 2010, -

6.1. Maximum permissible levels sound pressure, equivalent and maximum sound levels in the premises of residential buildings and in residential areas are given in Appendix 3 to these sanitary rules.

6.1.1. Noise levels from external sources in residential premises are assessed taking into account their measurements with open vents, transoms, and narrow casement windows.

6.1.2. Equivalent and maximum sound levels in dBA for noise generated on the territory by means of road and rail transport 2 m from the enclosing structures of the first echelon of noise-protective types of residential buildings facing the main streets of citywide and regional significance, railways, it is allowed to take 10 dBA higher (correction = +10 dBA) specified in the second line of Appendix 3 to these sanitary rules.

6.1.3. Sound pressure levels in octave bands frequencies in dB, sound levels and equivalent sound levels in dBA for noise generated in rooms and areas adjacent to buildings by air conditioning systems, air heating and ventilation and other engineering and technological equipment of the building itself, should be taken 5 dBA lower (correction = minus (-) 5 dBA) specified in Appendix 3 to these sanitary rules (the correction for tonal and impulse noise in this case should not be accepted) .

6.1.4. For tonal and impulse noise, a correction of minus (-) 5 dBA should be taken.

6.2. The maximum permissible vibration levels in residential premises are given in Appendix 4 to these sanitary rules.

6.2.1. During the daytime, in residential premises it is permissible to exceed standard levels by 5 dB.

6.2.2. For unstable vibration, a correction of minus (-) 10 dB is introduced to the permissible levels given in Appendix 4 to these sanitary rules, and the absolute values ​​are multiplied by 0.32.

6.3. The maximum permissible levels of infrasound in residential areas and in residential buildings are given in Appendix 5 to these sanitary rules.

6.4. Maximum permissible levels of electromagnetic fields (hereinafter referred to as EMF) when exposed to the population.

6.4.1. Maximum permissible level of geo attenuation magnetic field in the premises of residential buildings it is set equal to 1.5.

6.4.2. The maximum permissible level of electrostatic field strength in residential premises is 15 kV/m.

6.4.3. In populated areas, the maximum permissible alternating voltage electric field with a frequency of 50 Hz at a height of 2 m is 1000 V/m, and in residential premises the maximum permissible intensity of an alternating electric field with a frequency of 50 Hz at a height of 0.5 to 2 m from the floor is 500 V/m.

6.4.4. Permissible levels of EMF in the frequency range 30 kHz - 300 GHz for the population (in residential areas, in places of public recreation, inside residential premises) are given in Appendix 6 to these sanitary rules.

6.4.5. The requirements of this section do not apply to electromagnetic impacts of a random nature, as well as those created by mobile transmitting radio engineering objects.

6.4.6. The permissible alternating magnetic field strength is given in Appendix 7 to these sanitary rules.

6.4.7. Levels of electric field strength with a frequency of 50 Hz created by the supply and power equipment of transmitting radio engineering facilities (RTF) inside residential buildings should not exceed the maximum permissible levels for the population.
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In current sanitary standards The rules and regulations contain requirements for the main characteristics of buildings, the observance of which is necessary during their construction.

General information

Every subject living in society must adhere to established rules and order. Such standards are also established for living in any residential premises, including private and apartment buildings.

The sanitary standards adopted in 2010 help maintain order in the territories of apartment buildings and the premises located in them, improve living conditions, and increase the level of comfort for citizens.

Established standards are not associated with legal status user of residential premises since they are the same for all individuals and legal entities involved in design and construction work, operating the premises.

A building containing two or more residential apartments with independent access to the building is recognized as an apartment building.

This house consists of:

  • residential and non-residential premises;
  • premises of other types (elevators, etc.);
  • engineering type systems;
  • communications.

When planning the construction of a residential building and during its operation, all established standards regarding heating, sewerage, electricity, etc. must be observed.

Regulatory framework

In 2020, the following rules and regulations regarding the maintenance of residential buildings are in effect:

  • Housing Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Construction norms and rules.
  • A law providing for the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population ().

These standards are mandatory for use and compliance by all individuals and legal entities directly related to the construction and operation of residential buildings.

SanPin for residential apartment buildings

SanPin was approved by the chief sanitary doctor in 2010. This document is the main document that reveals the responsibilities for compliance with sanitary standards in residential buildings.

Local authorities monitor compliance with this particular document, which is a fundamental set of rules required to be followed.

Requirements for the site and surrounding area

Each residential building has a local area, the area of ​​which is established by the local government when planning the settlement.

For this type of site, the requirements and conditions for compliance with SanPin are provided:

  • the area near the house should not contain hazardous substances;
  • the presence of dangerous microorganisms in the soil of the site is not allowed;
  • vibrations various types origin should not exceed the established ones;
  • the territory should be able to accommodate playgrounds and sports grounds, plantings, recreation areas, parking lots.

To the premises

Rules and requirements for residential premises:

  • pipelines and sanitary installations are mounted on internal interior partitions and inter-apartment walls;
  • in buildings with fewer than five storeys, passenger elevators and, in certain cases, freight elevators must be installed;
  • it is prohibited to equip special-purpose premises with lifting mechanisms above living rooms;
  • The location of a garbage chute is not allowed and electrical cabinets in apartments.

All premises must be used in strict accordance with their original purpose. It is not allowed to store hazardous substances on the premises. All work exceeding set levels noise, pollution and violating the rights of residents and other citizens are not allowed.

All attics and basements, including the premises of elevator shafts and staircases, should not be cluttered or dirty.

Residents of the house and other interested and responsible persons must take timely measures to carry out repair work premises, engineering systems.

Interior decoration

The requirements also affect the conditions interior decoration multi-apartment properties:

  • harmful substances included in the finishing mixtures should not exceed the permissible level, especially if the temperature in the building may increase, which leads to evaporation;
  • a sewerage system must be provided for at the planning stage; if it is absent, then the residential building cannot exceed two floors in height;
  • The temperature regime of sanitary facilities must correspond to the temperature of the heated residential premises.

Heating and ventilation

The established standards provide for the safe living of citizens in residential buildings. Heating and ventilation devices are responsible for such conditions.

Sanitary standards in an apartment building regarding heating and ventilation:

  • the operation of the systems must be uninterrupted throughout the heating season;
  • heating systems should not create foreign odors;
  • air pollution is unacceptable due to fumes and substances released when heating systems;
  • access to systems must be always available;
  • the temperature regime in relation to contact with the walls should be within three degrees, between the room and the floor - two degrees.

If we are talking about a ventilation system, then the conditions and requirements include:

  • it is prohibited to combine ventilation systems for two apartments into one;
  • Combining the exhaust ducts of sanitary facilities and the kitchen is not allowed;
  • Each additional room must be equipped with individual systems.


Residential buildings must be equipped window openings, into which natural lighting will freely penetrate.

All premises must be equipped artificial lighting. Buildings should be planned in such a way that sunlight freely penetrates into the premises in sufficient quantities.

Lighting systems must also be equipped in the local area. Entrances to entrances, sidewalk paths, must be equipped with artificial light, at night and during the day, by installing lanterns.


Rules and requirements for permissible level noise:

  • extraneous sounds in rooms can be created by ventilation systems and other technological devices;
  • the noise level of such devices should be reduced by 5 decibels;
  • houses located near roads with windows facing in that direction are recommended to install double-glazed windows to help reduce noise from outside;
  • the level of extraneous sounds is added up taking into account the sources of origin where they are included engineering equipment and household appliances.

Engineering equipment

Requirements for engineering equipment:

  • providing residential buildings with drinking and hot water, sewerage and wastewater;
  • construction of one and two-story houses can be carried out without centralized engineering networks, with non-sewage latrines;
  • It is not allowed to connect drinking and non-potable water supply networks;
  • if the house has a garbage chute, then its hatches should be located on the staircases;
  • the garbage chute must be in good condition and equipped with devices for cleaning and disinfection;
  • household waste disposal containers must be removed daily;
  • A special area must be equipped for the installation of garbage containers.

Responsibility for violation

If you have any questions or disputes regarding compliance with SanPin standards for multi-apartment residential buildings, you should contact local administration or house management, by submitting an application listing all the rules and regulations that were violated.