Instructions for labor protection during the operation of electric and gas stoves. Rules for the operation of electric stoves Instructions for operating an electric stove for kindergarten

Labor protection instruction
when working with a kitchen electric stove

IOT - 045 - 2001

1. General safety requirements

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone appropriate training, instructions on labor protection, a medical examination and have no contraindications for health reasons are allowed to work independently with a kitchen electric stove.
1.2. Employees must comply with the internal labor regulations, established work and rest regimes.
1.3. When working with a kitchen electric stove, the following hazardous and harmful production factors may be exposed to workers:
- thermal burns when hands touch a heated electric stove, as well as hot liquid or steam;
- electric shock due to faulty grounding of the electric stove body and the absence of a dielectric mat.
1.4. When working with a kitchen electric stove, the following overalls and personal protective equipment should be used: a dressing gown, a cotton apron and a scarf or cap, a dielectric mat.
1.5. The catering unit must be equipped with effective supply and exhaust ventilation with an exhaust hood above the electric stove.
1.6. The catering unit should have a first aid kit with a set of necessary medicines and dressings for first aid in case of injuries.
1.7. Employees are required to comply with fire safety rules to know the location of the primary fire extinguishing equipment. The catering unit must be provided with primary fire extinguishing equipment: a carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguisher.
1.8. In case of an accident, the victim or eyewitness of the accident; case must immediately inform the administration of the institution. If the kitchen electric stove is not working properly, stop work and inform the administration of the institution.
1.9. In the process of work, observe the rules for wearing overalls, use personal and collective protective equipment, observe the rules of personal hygiene, and keep the workplace clean.
1.10 Persons who have failed to comply with or violate the instructions on labor protection are subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with the internal labor regulations and, if necessary, are subjected to an extraordinary examination of knowledge of the norms and rules of labor protection.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Put on overalls, tuck your hair under a scarf or cap. pouring dielectric mats available on the floor near the electric stove.
2.2. Check the presence and integrity of the handles of the package switches of the electric stove, as well as the reliability of the connection of the protective earth to its body.
2.3. Turn on the exhaust ventilation and make sure it is working properly.

3. Safety requirements during work

3.1. Stand on a dielectric mat and turn on the kitchen electric stove, make sure that the heating elements are working properly.
3.2. Use enamelware or stainless steel cookware for cooking. It is not recommended to use aluminum cookware. Do not use enamelware with chipped enamel.
3.3. Fill pots, tanks with liquid no more than 3/4 of their volume, so that when boiling, the liquid does not splash out and flood the electric stove.
3.4. Take the lids of hot dishes with a towel or use oven mitts and open them away from you so as not to get burned by steam.
3.5. When removing dishes with hot liquid from the electric stove, be especially careful, take it by the handles, using a towel or potholders. Tanks with a capacity of more than 10 liters are removed from the electric stove and put on it together.
3.6. To prevent hand burns, when mixing hot liquids in dishes, use spoons, ladles with long handles.
3.7. Frying pans can be placed and removed from the kitchen electric stove with the help of frying pans.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. If a malfunction occurs in the operation of the kitchen electric stove, as well as a violation of the protective grounding of its case, stop work and turn off the kitchen electric stove. Resume work after troubleshooting.
4.2. In the event of a short circuit and fire in the electrical equipment of the kitchen electric stove, immediately turn it off and proceed to extinguish the fire using coal, acid or powder fire extinguisher.
4.3. In case of injury, provide first aid to the victim, if necessary, send him to the nearest medical institution and inform the administration of the institution.
4.4. In the event of an electric shock, immediately disconnect the electric stove from the mains, provide first aid to the victim, in the absence of the victim's breathing and pulse, give him artificial respiration and perform an indirect heart massage until breathing and pulse are restored and send him to the nearest medical institution.

5. Safety requirements at the end of work

5.1. Turn off the electric stove and after it has cooled down, wash it with hot water.
5.2. Carry out a wet cleaning of the catering unit and turn off the exhaust ventilation.
5.3. Remove protective clothing and take a shower or wash your face and hands thoroughly with soap and water.

I. General safety requirements.

The cooking and eating area must be kept clean. All garbage and waste should be systematically taken out (taken out) to a specially designated area, a garbage container.

Personnel who have been instructed in labor protection are allowed to work on a gas and electric stove.

The main exits, passages, corridors, vestibules must always be kept in good condition and not cluttered with various kinds of materials. In these premises it is forbidden to arrange various kinds of storerooms, as well as to store combustible materials. The room for cooking and eating should have both natural and electric lighting.

In the cooking room, an exhaust hood must be installed over a gas or electric stove, which must be regularly cleaned of soot, dust and grease.

All employees are required to comply with fire safety requirements, know the location of fire extinguishing equipment, be able to use primary fire extinguishing equipment.

In the event of an accident at work, the victim or an eyewitness must immediately inform the head of the unit (head of the guard) about the incident, maintain the situation at the place of cooking and eating as they were at the time of the incident until the investigation (if this does not threaten the life and health of the surrounding workers, will not cause an accident, fire).

For cooking, gas and electric stoves are installed in these rooms, and therefore, everyone who cooks food should be guided by the “Instruction on labor protection when using gas and electric stoves”.

In the event of an accident, the employee must provide first aid to the victim and call an ambulance, report the incident to the management of the unit.

Rooms for cooking and eating should be provided with instructions on labor protection when operating gas or electric stoves, a list of cutlery.

It is allowed to decorate the walls with aesthetic paintings or live paintings.

The ingress of moisture into the electric stove is unacceptable.

It is not allowed to turn on the burners for a long time without a heat sink.

II. Safety requirements before starting work.

2.1. Before switching on the electric stove, the following must be checked:

The condition of the wires, the integrity of the insulation, the absence of a break, etc.;

Presence and serviceability of the grounding conductor of the housing;

Serviceability of the socket and plug.

2.2. Domestic electric stoves must be installed on a non-combustible stand, at a distance of at least 0.5 m from combustible objects and building structures.

2.3. It is forbidden to arrange temporary wiring to electric stoves, as well as connecting several consumers of electricity to one socket.

2.5. Before using the gas stove, make sure that all the taps for the upper burners and oven burners are closed. Check the integrity of the gas pipeline and the hose connecting the cylinder to the gas pipeline.

2.6. The employee must know and observe the rules of personal hygiene, before each preparation and meal, wash their hands with soap and warm water. Rinse cooking and eating utensils with detergent in warm water.

2.7. Having fulfilled all these requirements, you can start cooking and eating.

III. Safety requirements during work.

3.1. When cooking on an electric stove, you should constantly monitor its operation.

3.2. If there is extraneous noise, a persistent smell of burnt insulation, smoke, you must immediately turn off the electric stove.

3.3. During the operation of electric stoves, it is forbidden to open access to live parts. Troubleshooting electrical equipment is prohibited.

3.5. It is forbidden to use household electric stoves for drying clothes and other items, as well as for heating the room.

3.6. Avoid spilling food and water on the electric stove and live parts.

3.7. Keep the surface of the electric stove clean.

3.8. When cooking on a gas stove, before igniting the gas, you should open the control valve in front of the stove (on a gas-cylinder installation, open the valve on the cylinder by turning it counterclockwise by 1-2 turns), then bring a lit match to the burner, press the handle of the faucet on the stove and open it a quarter of a turn. If for some reason the gas does not ignite, you must immediately close the faucet, then repeat the ignition process.

3.9. After igniting the gas, make sure that the burners are correctly adjusted. The gas must ignite in all burner openings. During normal combustion, the flame should be calm with even tongues that have a blue-violet color (when using liquefied gases, with greenish cores). You need to know that when gas burns with a yellow flame, a significant amount of poisonous carbon monoxide is released in the room.

3.10. If, when the burners of the stove and oven are ignited, the flame will jump (which is accompanied by a specific noise and the appearance of white tops on the tongues of the flame), i.e. if the gas ignites inside the burners, it is necessary to close the tap, let the burners cool down and light them again. If the slip occurs again, close all valves and report to the unit management.

3.11. In order to avoid splashing the flame of the burner with boiling water, its level in the dishes installed on the stove should be slightly below the edges. When boiling water, the flame should be reduced by covering the burner tap.

3.13. In order to avoid accidents and failure of the plate, it is prohibited:

Open the shut-off valves on the gas pipeline and the valve on the gas-cylinder installation, without checking whether all the valves on the switchboard of the stove are closed;

Blow out the flame to stop burning, for this it is enough to close the corresponding tap on the stove shield;

Fill burning burners with boiling water or cooked food, if the latter has taken place, clean the burner, wipe the stove and remove the liquid from the pan;

Remove the liners and put the dishes directly on the burner;

Knock on faucets and burners with metal and wooden objects, turn faucet handles with keys, pliers and other devices;

Make any corrections, changes to the stove or existing wiring to unauthorized persons;

Tie ropes to gas pipes, stoves and taps, hang clothes and other things on them;

Load the top of the stove at the same time with several heavy tanks for heating water;

Put on gas stoves or close to them objects that can easily catch fire;

Use a stove that has malfunctions associated with gas leakage and a violation of the burner operation.

3.14. After the food is cooked, you need to turn off the stove, take hot dishes with oven mitts or a towel, put it on a metal or wooden stand, put the food on plates and start eating.

IV. Safety requirements in emergency situations.

4.1. Touching the current-carrying parts of the electric stove, which are energized, is life-threatening. If someone is under voltage, then it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim. Release the victim from the action of email. current. Maintain biological life until the doctor arrives. A visit to a doctor is mandatory for any outcome of an electrical injury.

4.2. Release of the victim from email. current is produced by disconnecting the electric stove from the power source. If a fire is detected, notify the surrounding workers, inform the head of the unit (head of the guard) about the incident, disconnect the electric stove from the network, and start extinguishing the fire with the available fire extinguishing equipment. If it is not possible to immediately turn off the electric stove, then it is possible to extinguish only with carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers.

4.3. In the event of dangerous conditions (grounding failure, loss of stability of structures, short circuit, etc.), the employee is obliged to stop cooking, disconnect the electric stove from the power supply. networks.

4.4. Do not plug in a faulty electric stove until the deficiencies and malfunctions are eliminated.

4.5. If there is a smell of gas in the room where the gas stove is installed, it is necessary to immediately stop the gas supply to the burners, for which close the tap on the switchboard, close the tap on the gas-cylinder installation. At the same time, do not light matches, do not turn on or off the electric light, do not enter the room with a burning cigarette. If a gas leak is detected, immediately report it to the gas service by calling "04" and open windows and doors to ventilate the room.

4.6. In case of injury, burns, poisoning or sudden illness, immediately notify the head of the unit (chief of the guard), organize first aid or call an ambulance.

V. Safety requirements at the end of work.

5.1. At the end of cooking, it is necessary to disconnect the electric stove from the mains, turn off the breaker.

5.2. At the end of cooking on a gas stove, it is necessary to close all the taps on the stove itself, as well as on the gas-cylinder installation.

5.3. Wipe the plates from dust, dirt, food debris, etc., wash the floor.

5.4. After finishing the meal, wash all the dishes with detergent in warm water and place them for drying in a specially designated place.

5.5. Remove the rest of the products in bags, which are put in special cabinets, boxes.

5.6. Wash hands and face with soap and warm water.

5.7. Close all windows and doors.

5.8. All shortcomings identified in the process of cooking and eating should be reported to the head of the unit (chief of the guard).


director's order


on labor protection when working with a kitchen electric stove

IOT - 093 - 2017

1. General safety requirements

1.1. Persons who have undergone appropriate training, instructions on labor protection, a medical examination and who do not have contraindications for health reasons are allowed to work independently with a kitchen electric stove.

1.2. Employees must comply with the internal labor regulations, established work and rest regimes.

1.3. When working with a kitchen electric stove, the following hazardous and harmful production factors may be exposed to workers:

Thermal burns when touching a heated electric stove with hands, as well as hot liquid or steam;

Electric shock due to faulty grounding of the electric stove body and the absence of a dielectric mat.

1.4. When working with a kitchen electric stove, the following overalls and personal protective equipment should be used: a dressing gown, a cotton apron and a scarf or cap, a dielectric mat.

1.5. The catering unit must be equipped with effective supply and exhaust ventilation with an exhaust hood above the electric stove.

1.6. The catering unit should have a first aid kit with a set of necessary medicines and dressings for first aid in case of injuries.

1.7. Employees are required to comply with fire safety rules, know the location of primary fire extinguishing equipment. The catering unit must be provided with primary fire extinguishing equipment: a carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguisher.

1.8. In the event of an accident, the victim or eyewitness of the accident must immediately notify the school administration. In the event of a malfunction of the kitchen electric stove, stop work and inform the school administration about this.

1.9. In the process of work, observe the rules for wearing overalls, using personal and collective protective equipment, observe the rules of personal hygiene, and keep the workplace clean.

1.10. Persons who have failed to comply with or violate the instructions on labor protection are subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with the internal labor regulations and, if necessary, are subjected to an extraordinary examination of knowledge of the norms and rules of labor protection.

2. Requirements securitybefore starting work

2.1. Put on overalls, tuck your hair under a scarf or cap. Make sure that there are dielectric mats on the floor near the kitchen electric stove.

2.2. Check the presence and integrity of the handles of the package switches of the electric stove, as well as the reliability of the connection of the protective earth to its body.

2.3. Turn on the exhaust ventilation and make sure it is working properly.

3. Requirements securityduring work

3.1. Stand on a dielectric mat and turn on the kitchen electric stove, make sure that the heating elements are working properly.

3.2. Use enamelware or stainless steel cookware for cooking. It is not recommended to use aluminum cookware. Do not use enamelware with chipped enamel.

3.3. Fill pots, tanks with liquid no more than 3/4 of their volume, so that when boiling, the liquid does not splash out and flood the electric stove.

3.4. Take the lids of hot dishes with a towel or use oven mitts and open them away from you so as not to get burned by steam.

3.5. When removing dishes with hot liquid from the electric stove, be especially careful, take it by the handles, using a towel or potholders. Tanks with a capacity of more than 10 liters are removed from the electric stove and put on it together.

3.6. To prevent hand burns, when mixing hot liquids in dishes, use spoons, ladles with long handles.

3.7. Frying pans can be placed and removed from the kitchen electric stove with the help of frying pans.

4. Requirements securityin emergency situations

4.1. If a malfunction occurs in the operation of the kitchen electric stove, as well as a violation of the protective grounding of its case, stop work and turn off the kitchen electric stove. Resume work after troubleshooting.

4.2. In the event of a short circuit and fire in the electrical equipment of the kitchen electric stove, immediately turn it off and proceed to extinguish the fire using a carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguisher.

4.3. In case of injury, provide first aid to the victim, if necessary, send him to the nearest medical facility and inform the school administration about this.

4.4. In case of electric shock, immediately disconnect the electric stove from the mains, provide first aid to the victim, if the victim has no breathing and pulse, give him artificial respiration or perform an indirect heart massage until breathing and pulse are restored and send him to the nearest medical facility.

5. Requirements securityupon completion of work

5.1. Turn off the electric stove and after it has cooled down, wash it with hot water.

5.2. Carry out a wet cleaning of the catering unit and turn off the exhaust ventilation.

5.3. Remove protective clothing and take a shower or wash your face and hands thoroughly with soap and water.

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INSTRUCTION No. on labor protection during the operation of an electric stove

in MBDOU kindergarten of combined type No. 54

General requirements for labor protection.

1.1. This instruction was developed on the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the MBDOU combined kindergarten No. 54, the Internal Labor Regulations of the MBDOU combined kindergarten No. 54; guidelines for the development of state regulatory requirements for labor protection, approved by a decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia; sectoral standard instructions on labor protection developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and agreed with the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation.

1.2. Individuals at least 18 years of age who have undergone appropriate training, instructions on labor protection, instruction in the State Fire Supervision Service, a medical examination and who have no contraindications for health reasons, who have been trained and tested on electrical safety for working on electrical equipment with a power of up to 1000 V, are allowed to work independently. , with a tolerance group of at least 2.

1.3. When working, the employee must comply with the rules of internal labor regulations, established work and rest regimes.

1.4. During work, the following hazardous and harmful production factors may be exposed to workers:


Burning hands when touching hot burners;

Chemical burns when working with detergents and disinfectants without gloves;

1.7. The employee is obliged to comply with fire safety rules, know the location of the primary fire extinguishing equipment, and evacuation routes in case of fire.

1.8. In the event of an accident, the victim or eyewitness of the incident is obliged to inform the manager about this, and to provide the victim with first aid, if necessary, call a doctor or take the victim to the hospital.

1.9. A person who has allowed non-fulfillment or violation of labor protection instructions is subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with the internal labor regulations and, if necessary, is subjected to an extraordinary examination of knowledge of labor protection norms and rules.

2. Occupational safety requirements before starting work.

2.1. Before starting work, put on protective clothing and, if necessary, protective equipment.

2.2. Inspect the workplace, remove from it everything that interferes with work, clear the aisles and do not clutter them up during work.

2.3. The workplace should be adequately lit.

2.4. When working with a new electric stove, also after a long period of inactivity, dry the burners.

2.5. Before use, a new electric stove must be wiped with a dry cloth, removing preservative grease from the surface of the burners, and then dried. To do this, turn on the electric stove to the network at minimum power (at 1 step - 200W) for 15 minutes, so that the remaining grease burns, and then 2, 3, 4th steps (400-800W) for 5 minutes.

2.6. Before starting work, make sure that the stove is suitable for work, namely:

Switches and switches are set to the off position;

Handles of switches and switches must be fixed, spring when turned and give a sharp click;

Make sure that the surface of the burners and the oven are clean, dry, free of food residues, odors, and the oven is free of foreign objects;

2.7. When repairing, cleaning and inspecting, it is necessary to de-energize the stove and hang a poster on the knife switch: “DO NOT SWITCH ON, PEOPLE WORK”

3. Occupational safety requirements during work.

3.1. Make the preparation of solutions according to approved rules.

3.2. Work only in overalls, if necessary, in rubber gloves. Shoes must be flat, with a closed heel, with non-slip soles.

3.3. When preparing cleaning and disinfecting solutions:

Use only detergents and disinfectants approved by the health authorities;

Do not exceed the specified concentration and temperature of cleaning solutions (above 500 C);

Avoid spraying detergents and disinfectants, their contact with the skin and mucous membranes.

Before connecting the plug with the wire to the power outlet, turn the switch to any position;

When operating and caring for the electric stove, do not allow moisture to enter the housing;

Before sanitizing, disconnect the stove from the mains;

Caring for an electric stove consists in keeping the surface of the case and screen clean; wipe contaminated surfaces with a soft cloth dipped in soapy water or soda solution; the use of sandpaper and powder for cleaning the parts of the electric stove is not allowed;

Do not leave the switched on stove unattended;

Daily (visually) check the serviceability of grounding and electrical wiring; Once a year, a preventive inspection of the serviceability of grounding and electrical wiring is checked by invited specialists (by drawing up an act of electrical measurements);

The temperature of the burners is controlled by switches from the “0” position in turn to each heating level - 1,2,3 (weak, medium, strong);

The temperature control of the oven is carried out by a temperature sensor-relay type T-32 by turning on and off the electrical circuit when the temperature changes above or below the set value;

Do not allow artificial cooling of heated burners with cold water;

Avoid contact with the stove when boiling water, food;

Clean the drain pans daily to remove food and water residues that have fallen on them.

4. Requirements for labor protection in emergency situations.

4.1. If an emergency situation is detected at the work site, de-energize the electrical equipment, suspend work and take measures to eliminate it.

4.2. In case of contact with detergents and disinfectants, rinse eyes with plenty of water and contact a nurse.

4.3. If the skin of the hands is irritated, wash them thoroughly with soap and grease with cream.

4.4. In case of thermal burns, contact a nurse.

4.5. If it is impossible to eliminate the emergency on your own, inform the manager.

4.6. About each accident that occurred during the performance of work, immediately inform the manager, if necessary, call an ambulance or take the victim to a medical facility.

4.7. In the event of a fire, inform the manager and the nearest fire department by phone, immediately start eliminating the source of ignition with primary fire extinguishing equipment.

4.8. Do not start work if you feel unwell or have a sudden illness.

4.9. In case of injury or if you feel unwell, immediately seek medical help in the medical office and inform the manager about it.

5. Requirements for labor protection after work.

5.1. Upon completion of work, the employee must:

Disconnect from the network, after switching to the zero stage, pulling the plug out of the socket, it is strictly forbidden to turn off the electric stove by pulling the wire;

Wipe the work surface from dirt without touching the hot burners with a wet cloth;

Take off overalls;

Wash face and hands with soap and warm water.

5.2. Turn off lighting. Close the room. Report any malfunctions that occurred during work to the head of the economic department.

FULL NAME. employee

FULL NAME. employee