2 person plural. Personal pronouns. Independent work with verification

Face in Russian it acts as the most important morphological feature of verbs. With the help of persons in a sentence, the attitude of the one who performs the action to the one who speaks about it is expressed.

There are three forms of faces: 1st, 2nd and 3rd. It is the face that is the defining feature of the word, which allows you to correctly put down suffixes and endings in it. Ultimately, it is the knowledge of faces that allows you to correctly express your thoughts.

In the form of the 1st person there are those verbs, the cases of the use of which provide for the coincidence of the performer of the action and the one who speaks about it.

Example: I eat, I do, I talk, I sleep, we do, etc.

Verbs in the 2nd person indicate that the action being performed refers not to the narrator himself, but to his interlocutor.

Example: You did, you ate, you talked, you slept, you do.

Verbs in the 3rd person express the relation of the action to a person (people) who are not participating in the conversation and are usually used with pronouns - he, she, it, they.

Example: He did, he ate, he spoke, they slept, she did, it fell out.

Endings of Russian verbs are mainly indicated by endings. Verbs of the first person singular (in the present and future tenses) have endings -U or -YU. For example: write, read, call, shout. Verbs of the 1st and 2nd conjugation have the same endings in the 1st person.

The second person in Russian verbs has its own characteristics. They are connected with the endings of verbs. And as you know, the endings in verbs depend on the conjugation. Verbs of the 1st conjugation have the ending -EAT in the singular and -ETE in plural. For example, eat, go. Verbs of the 2nd conjugation have the ending -ISH in the singular and -ITU in the plural. For example, call, shout. 2nd person verbs can be recognized either in a specific context or by a special ending.

3rd person in Russian is determined by the pronouns "he", "she", "it", "they". Verbs of the 1st conjugation have endings -ET in the singular and -UT in the plural (he, she, it reads, they read). Verbs of the 2nd conjugation have endings -IT and -AT (YAT) plural (he, she, it calls, they call).

Verbs in the subjunctive mood and in the past tense of the indicative mood do not change by person; in these forms, differences are presented not by person, but by gender. Personal pronouns-nouns correspond with personal forms of the verb.

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We offer online tests:

Topic: Learning to distinguish between the 2nd person plural of the present tense and the imperative form of verbs.

Purpose: to teach to distinguish the form of the 2nd person pl. hours and imperative form of the verb;

contribute to the education of courtesy and diligence.

Planned results:

Subject: learn to distinguish the form of the 2nd person pl. hours and imperative form of the verb;

develop the ability to determine the type and place of spelling in a word and explain its spelling; disassemble words by composition;


Regulatory UUD:

- to determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher;

- pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson;

- express your assumption (version) on the basis of work with the material of the textbook;

- be able to work according to a collectively compiled algorithm of action;

Evaluate the correctness of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment;

Plan your action in accordance with the task;

Make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion, based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made.

Communicative UUD.

Be able to formulate your thoughts orally;

Listen and understand the speech of others;

Agree on rules of conduct and communication and follow them;

- learn to work in pairs, in a group; play the role of controller, executor.

Cognitive UUD.

To be able to navigate in their system of knowledge: to distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher;

Get new knowledge: find answers to questions using a textbook and information obtained in the lesson;

- convert information from textual form to schematic;

- draw conclusions about the results of joint work .

Personal. Be able to conduct self-assessment based on the criterion of success of educational activities.


    computer, task cards, presentation, Russian language textbook Part I I, M.L. Kalenchuk, N.A. Churakova, T.A. Baikova, M .: Academic book / Textbook. (EMC “Perspective Primary School”) workbooks.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

    The cheerful bell rang

    Is everyone ready? Everything is ready?

    We don't rest now

    We are starting to work.

    The cheerful bell rang

    Is everyone ready? Everything is ready?

    We don't rest now

    We are starting to work.

    The cheerful bell rang

    Is everyone ready? Everything is ready?

    We don't rest now

    We are starting to work.

    The cheerful bell rang

    Is everyone ready? Everything is ready?

    We don't rest now

    We are starting to work.

    The cheerful bell rang

    Is everyone ready? Everything is ready?

    We don't rest now

    We start working

    The cheerful bell rang

    Is everyone ready? Everything is ready?

    We don't rest now

    We start working

    The cheerful bell rang

    Is everyone ready? Everything is ready?

    We don't rest now

    We start working

    The cheerful bell rang

    Is everyone ready? Everything is ready?

    We don't rest now

    We start working

A cheerful bell rang.

We are ready to start the lesson.

Let's listen, discuss

And help each other.

Now is the beginning of spring. Still cold. Do you love warmth? Tell me, what do we expect from nature, what do we want a lot, a lot? I'll give you a riddle.

Quietly floats across the sky

And gives us warmth. (sun)

What does the sun do to make us feel good?

Look closely at the board. Read.

Shines, looks, sparkles.

That's right, now you write the riddle and words in a notebook. We write cleanly and beautifully.

What can be said about these words? (Verbs)

And the topic of our lesson?

- "Verb. Repetition about the verb "

What task will we set for ourselves in this lesson?

- Today in the lesson we will repeat the topic “Verb” and remember what we know about this part of speech.

What do we know about verbs? What words are called verbs?

The verb is a real hero among the parts of speech. No wonder he is also called Grandfather Verb.

2. Tests

The verb is:

a) part of a word

b) part of speech.

The verb means:

a) a sign of the subject;

b) the action of the object.

The verb has:

a) person, tense, conjugation;

b) declension, case.

In a sentence, the verb is:

a) subject;


The suffix is:

a) part of a word

b) part of speech.

Suffixes are written:

a) after the root;

b) before the root.

Suffixes needed:

a) to form new words;

b) to indicate the form of the word.

- Let's read a story about a verb and a suffix that you got. (Listen to students.)

3. Formation of knowledge, skills and abilities.

1) Work in pairs . At the beginning of the lesson, we wrote down the verbs. Write these verbs in the initial form in a column. Next to each verb, write first the plural imperative form of the verb, and then the 2nd person plural form. Put emphasis on them. Highlight suffixes.

Shine shine shine

Watch watch watch

sparkle sparkle sparkle

How can you name the suffixes of the 3rd group.

2) Work in a group. Let's remember how the verbs of the 2nd person plural differ. hours from the imperative form?

Look at the pairs of verbs:

put put

develop develop

bow bow

donate donate

What do you say about them?

Write the verbs in 2 columns and sort by composition so that:

In column 1 there were verbs of 2 persons plural. Ch.

In the 2nd column - verbs of the imperative form.

Put the accent right.

3) Independent work Work in p. t. S. 68-69, exercise. 63.

Insert your own spellings, get ready to selectively explain them:

Agree ... stav ... t, memorize ... those, eaten ... t, like ... sya, catch ... t, with ... kundu, say ... t, can ... those, howled ... from the plates ..., f ... runs, shout ... those people ... units.

Complete the rest of the tasks.

What are the verbs of the 2nd person plural. h. did you find?

Imperative verbs?

What is the conjugation of the underlined verbs?

Personal pronouns - person, number.

4) The game "Find a couple."

1. Let it go a) don't tell

2. Bite your tongue b) don't listen

3. Keep your mouth shut c) calm down

4. Pull yourself together d) shut up

Write out the verbs in the imperative form, put stress on them and sort them out by composition.

4. Physical minute.

5. Do the exercise yourself.

Write, punctuate, sort verbs by composition

1. Guys, listen carefully to the teacher's explanation.

2. Nikolai Ivanovich, please tell us about yourself.

6.Summary of the lesson:

What is the difference between the imperative form of the verb and the form of the 2nd person plural. hours?

What punctuation marks can be taken to help identify these forms?

What suffixes form the imperative form of a verb?

7. Reflection.

- And now each of you, in order to evaluate your activity and the quality of your work in the lesson, you need to choose pencils of a certain color.

The lesson is useful, everything is clear - green color.

Just a little unclear- yellow color.

Still have to work hard

Yes, it's hard to learn- Red color.

8. Evaluation.

9. Homework:

    On "4" - write 5 verbs in the form of 2 l. plural then in imperative form, disassemble them by composition.

    On "5" - write 5 verbs in the form of 2 l. plural then in an imperative form, sort them out by composition, make a sentence with any verb.

Thanks guys for the lesson. The lesson is over.

Personal pronouns are words that point to an object without naming it. Personal pronouns answer questions who? what? For example:

the table is standing - it (the table) is standing

coin fell - she (coin) fell

In the example is he and she is are personal pronouns, note that personal pronouns can replace nouns.

Personal pronouns include:

I, we, you, you, he, she, it, they

Personal pronouns have 3 persons and change in numbers (singular and plural).

1 person personal pronouns

First person pronouns are I and we. Pronoun I is the singular, and we- plural.

Personal pronouns of the 1st person singular indicate a person who is talking about himself:

I say I'm smart, I'll go

The plural indicates several people, there is an indication of oneself and someone else:

we say we are smart, we will go

2nd person personal pronouns

Second person pronouns are you and you. Pronoun you is the singular, and you- plural.

Personal pronouns of the 2nd person singular indicate the person being addressed, that is, the interlocutor:

you want, you are kind, you will go

The plural number indicates several people who are being addressed, including the interlocutor:

you want, you are smart, you will go

Pronoun you often used instead of a pronoun you to express politeness towards one interlocutor. Therefore sometimes you is the singular form. For example:

Pyotr Semyonovich, are you leaving already?

3rd person personal pronouns

Third person pronouns are he she it and they. Pronouns he she it is the singular, and they- plural.

Pronouns of the 3rd person singular change by gender:

is he- masculine

she is- feminine

it- neuter gender

In the plural, the pronoun does not change by gender, a single form is used for all genders they.

Personal pronouns of the 3rd person singular indicate someone or something not participating in the discussion (an indication of who or what they are talking about):

he said she is kind, it is bright

The plural indicates more than one person or thing in question:

they make noise, they are fast, they will go

Declension of personal pronouns

Personal pronouns change in cases (decline):

Declension table of personal pronouns
1st person singularI Me to me Me Me About me
1st person pluralWe Us Us Us Us About Us
2nd person singularYou You You You You About you
2nd person pluralYou You To you You You About you
3rd person singular m.r.He His Him His Them About him
3rd person singular zh.r.She is Her Her Her To her (to her) About her
3rd person singular cf.It His Him His Them About him
3rd person pluralThey are Them Them Them Imi About them

Using an Encountered Non-Normative Variant theirs instead of them is not allowed and is a gross error.

Spelling with prepositions

Prepositions with pronouns are written separately:

to me, to you, to us

After prepositions at the beginning of 3rd person pronouns in oblique cases ( him, him, them, her, her, her, them, them) letter is added n:

with him, to her, from him, for her, behind them

The morphological category of a person is the most important in the Russian verb system. Personal forms help to determine who is acting: the speaker himself (the subject of communication), - walking, my; speaking with others: walk, wash; interlocutor (addressee of communication) - walk, wash; interlocutor with others: walk, wash; not participating in the dialogue (object of communication) - walking, washing, walking, washing. The face is one of the most inconsistent signs. Therefore, the student is often faced with the question of how to determine

Leisurely Analysis

The verb has three faces: 1. walking 2. walking 3. walking; 1. I am silent 2. you are silent 3. you are silent.

They differ not only from each other, but also in the plural: ( read, read, read; build, build, build). is not correlative in meaning to the singular: writing- the speaker is acting write- someone else joined the speaker. It is not yet clear how to determine the person of the verb? And we are not in a hurry. For now, memorize three properly Remember all pronouns by person: 1st person: I, we; 2nd person: you, you; 3rd person: he, (she, it) they. Learn to find the appropriate meaning for a particular verb. For example: verb are flying. The rest is up to you: if you don't like it" I'm flying" or " it's flying", look for more!

Other meanings

Personal forms of the verb, in addition to those indicated above, may have other meanings. For example, the 1 person plural form can become "author's we", that is, imply 1 person singular: We already touched verb tense definitions, now let's get started to the analysis of actors. Although it sounds different here: I still trying to explain... The form of the 1st person plural in emotionally charged speech is sometimes used in the meaning of the 2nd person singular: Oh what we got big!(referring to the only child present). Verbs of the 2nd person singular appear in the meaning of the 1st person of the singular in generalizations: You you won't understand, seven Fridays a week. Everyone must use the replacement in the 2nd person singular plural - as a sign of respect: You wonderful play On the violin! Also, personal verbs can become indefinitely personal or generalized personal - with an unknown actor or if the action applies to everyone at once and to no one in particular: Taking off your head, through your hair don't cry (generalized-personal); Football on TV transmit (indefinitely personal).

Determine the person of the verb

We proceed to the most important thing - how to determine the person of the verb. The first step is to ask the verb a question that is appropriate in meaning.

1 person: what do i do? and what are we doing? (pronouns I, we) I walk, we walk.

2 person: what are you doing? and what are you doing?(pronouns you you) you walk, you walk.

3 person: what do they do? and what are you doing?(pronouns he/she/it, they) walking, walking.

The verb table will help you remember even faster how to determine the face of the verb. Draw it and practice, sign with a pencil invented examples of verbs, erase, and start again.

About the wealth of the Russian language

We have so many verbs that from time to time we will come across inappropriate for this table. What is it, how to determine the person of a substandard verb? It's a matter of time. In the literal sense - time. Define it! And you will see that the verbs that are in the past, as well as the indefinite form, do not have a face! Here is the infinitive (indefinite form): verb be treated. Me (me) it's time to heal. But just the same, always it's time be treated and to you (you), and them (they) etc. The same story happens. It is enough to substitute the correct pronouns and ask appropriate questions, the verbs will be determined immediately and will be obedient in later life!

In Russian there is such an inflectional grammatical category as the face of verbs. With its help, you can find out who exactly performs a specific action. There are three persons of the verb in both the singular and the plural.

What is the person of the verb in Russian?

The face of the verb in Russian- this is an inflectional grammatical category of verbs, expressing the correlation of the action called by the verb to the participants in speech. That is, the person of the verb indicates who performs the action. The category of person is inherent in the verb forms of the present and future tenses of the indicative mood, as well as forms of the imperative mood.

Meaning of the person category of verbs

In Russian, there are three faces of the verb in the singular and in the plural, expressing a different meaning of the action called by the verb.


  • 1 person verb- indicates that the action refers directly to the speaker, he is the subject of speech (I I cook coffee, me buy apples).
  • 2 person verb- indicates the correlation of the action to the interlocutor (you are reading a book, you will build a house).
  • 3rd person verb- expresses the relation of an action to a person or to an object that is not involved in speech (he goes to the cinema, she irons his shirt).


TOP 5 articleswho read along with this

  • 1 person verb- denote an action that relates to a group of persons, including the speaker (we are sleeping, we will solve the problem).
  • 2 person verb- indicate an action that relates to a group of people, including the interlocutor (you think about summer, you will go to the mountains).
  • 3rd person verb- express the relation of an action to a group of objects or persons who do not take part in speech (they pick mushrooms, they will clean the house).

How to determine the face of the verb?

To determine the person of the verb, highlight the personal ending of the verb form, determine its meaning in the context of speech, and also ask questions:

  • 1st person verbs answer questions: What do I do? What will I do? What are we doing? What will we do?
  • 2 person verbs: What are you doing? What will you do? What you are doing? What will you do?
  • 3 person verbs: What is he doing? What will he do? What are they doing? What will they do?

For the convenience of determining the person of the verb, we give personal endings and examples of the use of persons of verbs in the table:

Indicative Imperative mood
Unit number Mn. number Unit number Mn. number
1st person I smile Yu s;
I built Yu
We smile eat sya;
We are building them
Let's smile eat sya;
Let's build them
2nd person you smile eat sya;
you built ish
you smile ee s;
you build ite
smile th sya;
Postro th
smile ite s;
Postro ite
3rd person He smiles no sya;
She built it
They smile ut sya;
They are built yat
Let him smile no sya;
Let her build it;
Let them smile ut sya; Let them build yat;

In the imperative mood, the forms of the 1st and 3rd person are formed with the help of particles let's, yes, let, let.