Regulations on the Department: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Regulations on the Department: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation X. Procedure for relations with the judicial authorities

1. Approve the attached Regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

2. Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, Federal Service for Defense Order, Federal Service for Technical and Export Control, Federal Agency for Special Construction:

be guided in practical activities by the provisions of the Regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the part relating to the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

take into account the provisions of the Regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation when developing regulations of federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

3. The Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, the heads of services of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the commanders of the troops of military districts, fleets, branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the heads of the main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to ensure the study and strict observance in the subordinate bodies of the military administration of the provisions of the Regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

4. Recognize invalid the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 19, 2005 N 100 "On approval of the Regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 26, 2005, registration N 7313).

5. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the head of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Minister of Defense
Russian Federation
S. Ivanov


Regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

I. General provisions

1. The Regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Government), establishes the basic rules for organizing the activities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Defense) to exercise its powers.

The regulation was developed in accordance with the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government and on the basis of the Model Regulations for the Interaction of Federal Executive Authorities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2005 N 30 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 4 , article 305; N 47, article 4933) and the Model Regulations for the internal organization of federal executive bodies, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2005 N 452 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 31, article 3233) .

2. The Ministry of Defense, within its powers, organizes the implementation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government, international treaties of the Russian Federation, exercises systematic control over their implementation in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Armed Forces ), takes measures to eliminate violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The Ministry of Defense is subject to consideration of draft international treaties (agreements), federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions and orders of the Government, and in cases provided for by federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government, projects other acts, as well as draft conclusions, amendments and official responses to draft federal laws.

On instructions from the President of the Russian Federation and the Government 1 , as well as at the request of the heads of federal executive bodies, other bodies, organizations and citizens, other documents may be considered in the Ministry of Defense.

In order to organize the consideration in the Ministry of Defense of draft acts and other documents, instructions are given on them by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as his deputies, heads of services of the Ministry of Defense, head of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as senior officials of the Ministry of Defense) and heads of central military administration bodies and other subdivisions that are part of the structure of the Ministry of Defense 2 within the limits of their authority.

Structure of the Ministry of Defense and its territorial bodies

4. The structure of the Ministry of Defense, including the structure of its central office, is approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation within the established staffing.

5. The structure of the Ministry of Defense, including the structure of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Defense, includes senior officials of the Ministry of Defense and military command and control bodies.

The structure of the military administration and territorial bodies of the Ministry of Defense is determined by the states approved in the prescribed manner.

Powers of senior officials of the Ministry of Defense

6. The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation is personally responsible for solving the tasks and exercising the powers assigned to the Ministry of Defense, organizes its work, conducts meetings of the Collegium of the Ministry of Defense, holds meetings with senior officials of the Armed Forces, at which the progress of the tasks assigned to the Ministry is considered. defense, orders of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government, makes decisions on issues within its competence, represents the Ministry of Defense in relations with other state authorities, citizens and organizations, signs agreements and other documents of a civil law nature on behalf of the Ministry of Defense, as well as exercises other powers established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. The Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the head of the service of the Ministry of Defense, the head of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation represents the Ministry of Defense on certain issues in the areas of its activity, organizes and coordinates the exercise of the powers of the Ministry of Defense in accordance with these Regulations, the distribution of duties between the deputies of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation , heads of services of the Ministry of Defense, the head of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the distribution of duties) and other legal acts of the Ministry of Defense, as well as instructions from the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

8. Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, head of the service of the Ministry of Defense, head of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation by decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in accordance with the distribution of duties:

a) interacts (including correspondence) with public authorities and local governments, citizens and organizations, as well as the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation;

b) directs and controls the activities of subordinate military command and control bodies, gives instructions to their leaders;

c) organizes and conducts meetings with representatives of state authorities, local governments and organizations;

d) consider appeals, documents and materials received by the Ministry of Defense;

e) considers and endorses draft documents submitted for signature to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;

f) coordinate draft acts and other documents, and in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, sign conclusions on them;

g) exercise other powers provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, these Regulations and legal acts of the Ministry of Defense.

9. The head of the military control body represents the Ministry of Defense in accordance with the powers defined in this Regulation, the regulation on the military control body, job regulations, as well as on the basis of instructions from higher officials of the Ministry of Defense.

10. In accordance with these Regulations, the regulation on the military command and control body, job regulations, instructions of higher officials of the Ministry of Defense, the head of the military command body:

a) exercises direct leadership of the military command and control body, bears personal responsibility for the fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the military command body, as well as for the state of executive discipline;

b) interacts with other bodies of military command;

c) interacts (including correspondence) with structural subdivisions of other executive authorities;

d) ensures the preparation of draft acts and other documents in the prescribed manner;

e) ensures consideration of appeals, draft acts and other documents received by the Ministry of Defense, as well as preparation of conclusions on them;

f) provides consideration and signs responses to individual and collective appeals of citizens and organizations;

g) distributes duties among his deputies, and also determines the functions of structural units and job responsibilities of directly subordinate officials;

h) ensures, in accordance with the established procedure, the implementation of activities related to the passage of military and state civil services, including submitting proposals for appointment and dismissal, temporary performance of duties, advanced training, promotion of subordinate military personnel and civilian personnel and the imposition of penalties on them;

i) involve, if necessary, in the prescribed manner, to study issues related to the areas of activity of the Ministry of Defense, scientific and other organizations, scientists and specialists;

j) signs on behalf of the Ministry of Defense on the basis of powers of attorney issued in accordance with the established procedure, contracts and other documents of a civil law nature;

k) holds meetings with representatives of state authorities, local self-government bodies and organizations on issues within its competence;

l) exercise other powers established by these Regulations, the regulations on the military command and control authority and instructions (instructions) of higher officials of the Ministry of Defense.

II. The procedure for planning and organizing the activities of the Ministry of Defense

Formation of plans and performance indicators

11. Planning of the work of the Ministry of Defense in the main areas of activity is carried out on the basis of the Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Budget Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the program of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the medium term and the action plan of the Government of the Russian Federation for its implementation, the Consolidated Report on the results and main areas of activity of the Government of the Russian Federation, the plan for legislative activities of the Government of the Russian Federation, the plans for meetings of the Government, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

12. The Ministry of Defense organizes its activities in accordance with the plans and performance indicators approved in the established manner.

The performance indicators of the Ministry of Defense are taken into account in the budget planning process.

13. The planning of performance indicators of the Ministry of Defense is carried out taking into account the relationship between the distribution of budgetary resources and the actual or planned results of their use in accordance with the established priorities of state policy.

14. The Ministry of Defense, in accordance with the established procedure, annually forms, on the basis of relevant materials, military command and control bodies, taking into account proposals from federal executive bodies and organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Defense 3 and submits a report on the results and main directions of its activities, including indicators of federal and departmental target programs, draft plans and performance indicators of the Ministry of Defense for the planned period, participates, in the manner determined by the Government, in the preparation of the draft federal budget for the next financial year, taking into account the specified documents.

The procedure for developing and submitting reports on the results and main areas of activity in the process of budget planning, the requirements for their content, as well as the composition of the said plan and performance indicators are determined by the Government.

15. The Ministry of Defense independently develops draft plans and indicators of its activities, coordinating them, if necessary, with interested federal executive bodies, and is responsible for the implementation of the said plan and indicators.

When submitting for approval draft plans and performance indicators of the Ministry of Defense, as well as federal target programs and the federal targeted investment program, they are accompanied by appropriate calculations and justifications.

The approval of the drafts of these documents is carried out in the manner determined by the Regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2004 N 260 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 23, Art. 2313; 2006, N 23, Art. 2514 ; N 29, art. 3251) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations of the Government).

16. The Ministry of Defense sends a report on the results and main directions of its activities to the Government Commission for Improving the Efficiency of Budget Expenditures, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation within the time limits established by the Government.

17. The Ministry of Defense, in accordance with federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts and instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government, develops programs, plans for the construction and training of the Armed Forces, and also plans its legislative activities, holding other events.

18. The main document for the organization of daily activities is the plan for the training of the Armed Forces for the year, approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. The military command and control bodies organize their work in accordance with the plans for the training of military command and control bodies and troops (forces) for the current year and the tasks assigned to them approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, his deputies and relevant heads of subordination.

The procedure and terms for the development of a draft plan for the preparation of the Armed Forces and the submission by military command and control bodies of draft plans for training for the next year, as well as the procedure for reporting on their implementation, are determined by the relevant organizational and methodological instructions developed by the General Staff of the Armed Forces (Main Operational Directorate).

19. Bodies of military control and officials of the Ministry of Defense plan and organize daily activities in accordance with the calendar plan of the main events carried out by the Ministry of Defense in the current month (hereinafter referred to as the calendar plan), and plans for the preparation of military command bodies and troops (forces).

The calendar plan is developed by the General Staff of the Armed Forces (Main Operational Directorate) on the basis of proposals from the military command and control bodies, the plan for the training of the Armed Forces for the current year and other guiding (reference) documents, is approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and communicated in the prescribed manner to the relevant officials.

20. According to the calendar plan, meetings with senior officials of the Armed Forces are held under the leadership of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation to consider issues of daily activities, summing up the results for the past month and setting tasks for the next month.

To hold a meeting, the General Staff of the Armed Forces (Main Operational Directorate) develops in advance and submits in the prescribed manner for approval to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation a draft plan, which, after approval, is communicated to the officials invited to the meeting. The topics of the issues submitted to the meeting are determined in agreement with the head of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

If necessary, on the issues discussed at the meeting, instructions of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation are prepared, which are brought to the attention of the meeting participants and other officials in the prescribed manner.

Features of organizing the preparation of materials for the development of a long-term financial plan

of the Russian Federation and the draft federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding financial year

21. The preparation of materials for the development of the long-term financial plan of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the long-term financial plan) and the draft federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding year is carried out by the Ministry of Defense together with the federal executive bodies subordinate to it in accordance with the budget legislation in the manner and terms established by the government.

In order to ensure the preparation of these materials for the long-term financial plan and the draft federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding year, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation determines the procedure and terms for the preparation of relevant proposals by military command and control bodies.

22. Organization and coordination of the preparation of proposals for a long-term financial plan and a draft federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding year are carried out by the Economics and Finance Service of the Ministry of Defense, which carries out:

submission to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the requirements of budget legislation, documents and materials for a long-term financial plan and a draft federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding year;

communication to the military authorities of instructions, as well as recommendations subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the federal executive authorities on the procedure for preparing documents and materials that are mandatory for submission.

23. Bodies of military command within their competence:

a) consider the documents and materials of federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense received by the Ministry of Defense;

b) develop and submit to the Economics and Finance Service of the Ministry of Defense proposals on the formation of the federal budget.

Participation in planning meetings of the Government and the procedure for preparing for meetings of the Government

24. Bodies of military command and control subordinated to the Ministry of Defense, federal executive authorities, within the established time limits, submit (send) proposals to the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation through the Direction for Interaction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with Legislative and Executive Authorities (hereinafter referred to as the Direction) proposals on the inclusion of issues in the draft plan of Government meetings for the relevant period.

These proposals should be aimed at the solution by the Ministry of Defense, subordinate federal executive bodies of the tasks set in the annual Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Assembly), the Budget Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly, the implementation of the program of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation in the medium term, instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government.

They must contain:

a) the name of the issue and a brief justification for the need to consider it at a meeting of the Government;

b) general characteristics and main provisions of the issue;

c) the form of the proposed decision of the Government;

d) a list of co-executors (federal executive authorities and military command and control authorities participating in the preparation of the issue);

e) the date of consideration at a meeting of the Government.

If another federal executive body (other than the Ministry of Defense) or another body of military administration (not making proposals) is proposed as the responsible executor for the preparation of the issue, the proposals must be agreed with these bodies.

25. Consolidated proposals of the Ministry of Defense are reported to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure for sending them to the Government.

In the absence of proposals for the draft plan of Government meetings, an appeal to the Government may be sent by the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

26. Proposals to amend the schedule of Government meetings in terms of the content or timing of the consideration of the issues included in it, the Ministry of Defense or its subordinate federal executive bodies are responsible for the preparation of which, as well as the consideration of additional (unscheduled) issues, are reported to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for subsequent submission to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

These proposals are prepared in compliance with the requirements provided for in paragraphs 24 and 25 of these Regulations.

Proposals to amend the schedule of Government meetings in terms of the content or terms of consideration of the issues included in it, for the preparation of which other federal executive bodies are responsible, are sent to these bodies in the prescribed manner.

27. In accordance with the plan of meetings of the Government approved by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, taking into account the proposals of the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, the development of a training plan in the Ministry of Defense and the federal executive bodies subordinate to it authorities of materials for Government meetings for the relevant period, which, after approval by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, is brought to the attention of the interested military command and control bodies and the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense.

The composition of the executors for the preparation of documents on a specific issue, determined by the specified plan, may be specified in accordance with the content of materials received from the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation.

28. The organization of the preparation of the necessary materials for meetings of the Government and the provision of their timely report to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation are entrusted to the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

29. Officials of the Ministry of Defense and the federal executive bodies subordinate to it, who are entrusted with the preparation of materials on issues submitted to Government meetings, are personally responsible for their quality, coordination and timeliness of submission (sending). They are obliged:

a) organize work with materials for Government meetings in accordance with the plans for the preparation in the Ministry of Defense and subordinate federal executive bodies of materials for Government meetings for the corresponding period;

b) carry out, if necessary, in accordance with the established procedure, together with the departments of the Government and federal executive bodies responsible for the preparation of materials, the preliminary study of issues submitted to the meetings of the Government. For these purposes, working groups can be created with the involvement of representatives of interested military command and control bodies, federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, and conciliation meetings can be held.

30. Materials on issues included in the agenda of the Government meetings, for which the Ministry of Defense is responsible for training, a military command authority or a federal executive body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, a certain lead executor, are reported in the prescribed manner to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation with an appropriate draft cover letter within the established period, but no later than 15 days before the planned date of consideration at a meeting of the Government (at the same time, a copy of the materials in electronic form is submitted for sending to the Government).

31. On issues included in the agenda of the Government meetings, on which the Ministry of Defense has been determined as a co-executor, a body of military command or a federal executive body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, which is the main executor, proposals are sent in the prescribed manner to the federal executive body specified in the agenda of the meetings of the Government responsible.

32. The draft agenda of the meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation and the relevant materials received by the Ministry of Defense from the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Regulations of the Government are immediately sent to the relevant military command and control bodies and federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense for their consideration and preparation of the necessary conclusions with comments and suggestions, as well as the necessary reference materials for a possible speech by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and sending them to the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation through the Direction for a Report to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

These conclusions should contain an assessment of the relevance of the materials presented, the expected most important socio-economic results and the degree of influence on specific areas of activity of the Ministry of Defense and subordinate federal executive bodies of the implementation of the provisions contained in the materials, as well as a conclusion about the need to support, reject or refine the proposed projects documents.

The reference materials reflect information on the resolution of the issues under consideration in the Ministry of Defense and its subordinate federal executive bodies. They are accompanied by copies of appeals of the Ministry of Defense and federal executive bodies subordinate to it on the issues under consideration to state authorities.

On issues for which the Ministry of Defense is responsible for preparation, abstracts of the report, a list of possible questions to the speaker and answers to them, necessary reference materials are prepared.

33. Materials received by the Ministry of Defense less than 5 days before the meeting of the Government are considered by the military command and control bodies, as well as federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, as a matter of priority.

34. If necessary, as well as if there are comments and suggestions on materials received by the Ministry of Defense that directly affect the interests of the Ministry of Defense and (or) federal executive bodies subordinate to it, the head of the relevant military command and control agency subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the federal executive body reports in accordance with the established procedure, to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, substantiated comments and proposals to the submitted draft decisions for submission to the Government no later than 24 hours before the start of the meeting.

Planning the activities of officials of the Ministry of Defense and subordinate federal executive bodies, the procedure for secondment and leave on vacation

35. The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the heads of federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense plan their activities taking into account the need to participate in events held by the President of the Russian Federation or the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, in meetings of the Government, chambers of the Federal Assembly, intergovernmental commissions, coordinating and advisory bodies, as well as in other mandatory planned activities for them.

Other senior officials of the Ministry of Defense, as well as heads of military command and control bodies and federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, plan their activities taking into account the need to participate in events held by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as (on his behalf) in events held by the President of the Russian Federation Federation, the Government, chambers of the Federal Assembly, heads of federal executive bodies, and other events.

36. Secondment and granting leave to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation are carried out in the manner determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

Secondment and granting leave to the heads of federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, are carried out by decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. The procedure for making such decisions is established by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Information on business trips, vacations and absence due to illness of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation is sent daily by the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation to the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation.

37. Secondment and granting leave to other senior officials of the Ministry of Defense and heads of military command bodies, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, are carried out with the consent of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and on the basis of a relevant order.

38. Secondment of military personnel and civilian personnel is carried out in the manner determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Coordinating and advisory bodies, working groups

39. Proposals of the Ministry of Defense on the establishment of government coordinating and advisory bodies, as well as organizing committees, are prepared on the initiative of military command and control bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of federal executive bodies or on behalf of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in the manner established for preparing issues for consideration at a meeting of the Government .

40. Candidates for representatives of the Ministry of Defense in government commissions, councils and organizing committees are determined by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation or other senior official of the Ministry of Defense within his competence based on proposals from interested military command and control bodies.

Proposals on representatives of federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense in government commissions, councils and organizing committees are coordinated with the Ministry of Defense.

41. Proposals to include representatives of the Ministry of Defense in interdepartmental coordinating and advisory bodies are signed by the relevant senior official of the Ministry of Defense.

Proposals received by the Ministry of Defense and signed by the heads (deputy heads) of federal executive bodies to include their representatives in the composition of interdepartmental coordinating and advisory bodies are considered by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation or other senior official of the Ministry of Defense (in accordance with the distribution of duties), as well as by the heads of the relevant military authorities.

42. Interdepartmental working groups are formed to prepare documents of interdepartmental significance, including draft regulatory legal acts.

The formation of interdepartmental working groups (except for those specified in clause 113 of these Regulations), the approval of their leaders and composition are carried out by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (another senior official of the Ministry of Defense) in agreement with the federal executive authorities concerned.

43. Interdepartmental working groups created at the initiative of the Ministry of Defense are usually headed by the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the head of a service of the Ministry of Defense, the head of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, or the head of a military command and control body.

The work plan of the interdepartmental working group is approved by its head.

Organizational support for the activities of the interdepartmental working group is entrusted to the appropriate body of military command and control.

44. Appeals from public associations for the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Defense in the work of the bodies created by these organizations (public commissions, councils, working groups, etc.) are considered by the relevant heads of military command and control bodies. The public association shall be informed of the results of consideration of the appeal in accordance with the established procedure.

Board of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

45. The Board of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Board) is formed in accordance with the Regulations on the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2004 N 1082 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 34, Art. 3538; 2005, N 37, item 3740; N 38, item 3799; 2006, N 17 (part 2), item 1819), to consider the most important issues of the Ministry of Defense.

46. ​​The Collegium includes the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Chairman of the Collegium), deputies of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, heads of services of the Ministry of Defense, commanders-in-chief of branches of the Armed Forces who are ex officio members of the Collegium, as well as other officials.

The number of members of the Board and its composition (except for persons included in it ex officio) is approved by the President of the Russian Federation.

47. The order of work of the Collegium is determined by the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. The decisions taken at the meeting of the Board are recorded in the minutes. If necessary, on the basis of decisions of the Collegium, orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation may be issued.

48. The work plan of the Collegium is formed on the basis of proposals from members of the Collegium and heads of military command and control bodies.

The work plan of the Collegium is approved by the Chairman of the Collegium and sent to the members of the Collegium and other interested parties.

49. Documents for the meeting of the Collegium on the issue under discussion are prepared by the military command and control bodies in accordance with the work plan of the Collegium and are endorsed in the prescribed manner.

Basic rules for organizing document flow in the Ministry of Defense

50. The rules for working with documents in the Ministry of Defense on the basis of the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation are determined by these Regulations and the instructions for office work that determine the rules for organizing document management in the Ministry of Defense.

Work with documents containing restricted access information, as well as its processing, is carried out in the manner determined by the relevant regulatory legal acts.

51. Responsibility for the organization and observance of the rules of office work in the military command and control bodies rests with their heads.

Direct work on documentation support in the military command and control bodies is carried out by persons responsible for office work.

52. Acts of the Ministry of Defense and federal executive bodies subordinate to it, as well as outgoing documents, are drawn up on the forms of the established form.

III. The procedure for preparing and formalizing decisions of senior officials of the Ministry of Defense

53. In order to organize the implementation in the Ministry of Defense of federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts and instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government, the implementation by the Ministry of Defense of its powers, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as other senior officials of the Ministry of Defense, within the limits of their powers, take decisions including instructions (which can be drawn up in the minutes of the meeting held with them), as well as oral instructions to the heads of military command and control bodies.

54. Decisions of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and other senior officials of the Ministry of Defense are formalized in the form of legal acts, minutes of their meetings, as well as in the form of resolutions.

55. The following main types of legal acts are issued in the Ministry of Defense:

order, directive, instructions of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;

instructions of the First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;

directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces;

order of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

directive, instructions of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;

directive, instructions of the head of the service of the Ministry of Defense;

instructions from the Chief of Staff of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;

instructions of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

56. The leading and other officials of the Ministry of Defense, within the limits of their authority and on issues within their competence, may issue orders and other types of legal (regulatory legal) acts established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

57. The procedure for preparing draft legal acts is established by these Regulations. Drafting of legal acts is carried out in accordance with the rules for the preparation and execution of drafts of individual documents submitted to the report to the leading officials of the Ministry of Defense.

58. Normative legal acts 4 are issued, as a rule, in the form of orders.

Legal acts on current issues that are not of a normative nature are issued in the form of directives and instructions.

59. Orders, directives and instructions of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation are obligatory for all personnel of the Armed Forces.

The instructions of the First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation are obligatory for execution by the Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, heads of services of the Ministry of Defense, military administration bodies, military units, organizations and officials of branches of the Armed Forces, military districts (fleets), branches of the Armed Forces, main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense.

Directives of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, issued on issues within the competence of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, are binding on all personnel of the Armed Forces.

The orders of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are issued on behalf of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and are binding on all personnel of the Armed Forces.

Directives and instructions of the Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, heads of services of the Ministry of Defense, instructions of the Chief of Staff of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, instructions of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, issued in accordance with the powers and competence of the officials who signed them, are binding on military bodies management, military units, organizations and officials of the types of the Armed Forces, military districts (fleets), branches of the Armed Forces, main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense.

60. Legal acts must contain issues that fall within the competence of the persons signing them.

61. The first deputies of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation are granted the right to sign orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on issues within their competence, with the exception of orders subject to state registration 5, as well as those issued on issues of the established field of activity of federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense .

62. The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation signs orders and directives on the main issues of the activities of the Armed Forces.

Orders on the most important issues of state administration in the field of defense are signed jointly by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

63. Where necessary, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation issues legal acts jointly with other federal executive bodies.

64. Legal acts of the Ministry of Defense should not contradict the international obligations of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation, including those issued by him as the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Government, regulatory legal acts of federal bodies executive authorities on issues referred by the legislation of the Russian Federation to their competence, the current legal acts of the Ministry of Defense.

65. Normative legal acts should fully cover the issues under consideration, be valid for a long time without changes and additions. On the same issue, as a rule, one normative legal act should act.

66. Previously issued orders, directives of the Minister of Defense of the USSR and his deputies, the Commander-in-Chief of the CIS Allied Armed Forces, which lose their significance in connection with the publication of the relevant legal acts of the Ministry of Defense, are recognized as not valid in the Armed Forces.

Previously issued legal acts of the Ministry of Defense that do not comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation or have lost their meaning are recognized as invalid or subject to change.

67. The orders of the Minister of Defense of the USSR, the Commander-in-Chief of the Joint Forces of the CIS are recognized as not valid in the Armed Forces or are changed, and the orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation are recognized as invalid or are changed only by orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The directives of the Minister of Defense of the USSR, the Commander-in-Chief of the Joint Forces of the CIS may be recognized as not in force in the Armed Forces, and the directives and instructions of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation may be invalidated or changed both by orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Instructions of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation may be recognized as invalid or changed by orders, directives or instructions of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Orders of the Deputy Ministers of Defense of the USSR may be recognized as not valid in the Armed Forces, and orders, directives and instructions of the Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, heads of services of the Ministry of Defense, orders and instructions of the Chief of Staff of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation - invalidated or changed by orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, relevant deputies of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, heads of services of the Ministry of Defense, chief of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The directives of the Deputy Ministers of Defense of the USSR, the Commander-in-Chief of the CIS Allied Armed Forces may be recognized as not valid in the Armed Forces, and the directives and instructions of the Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, the heads of services of the Ministry of Defense, the instructions of the Chief of Staff of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation - invalidated or changed by orders or directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, orders or directives of the relevant Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, heads of services of the Ministry of Defense, orders of the Chief of Staff of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (in relation to the instructions of the Chief of Staff of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation).

The instructions of the Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, the heads of services of the Ministry of Defense, the chief of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation may be recognized as invalid or changed by orders, directives or instructions of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, orders, directives or instructions of the relevant Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, heads of services of the Ministry of Defense , orders or instructions of the Chief of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (in relation to the instructions of the Chief of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation).

Instructions of the First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation may be recognized as invalid or changed by orders, directives, instructions of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation or instructions of the First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Directives of the General Staff of the Armed Forces may be declared invalid or changed by orders, directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation or directives of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

The instructions of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation may be recognized as invalid or changed by orders, directives or instructions of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, directives of the General Staff of the Armed Forces or instructions of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation may establish a different procedure for changing individual legal acts of the Ministry of Defense.

68. Amendments to legal acts are made by introducing additions, rewording, declaring sections, chapters, paragraphs (articles), subparagraphs, paragraphs as invalid (not valid in the Armed Forces), as well as excluding or replacing individual words and expressions.

Changes in the orders of the Minister of Defense of the USSR, the Commander-in-Chief of the Joint Armed Forces of the CIS and their deputies are made only by recognizing sections, chapters, paragraphs (articles), subparagraphs, paragraphs as invalid in the Armed Forces.

69. Identification of legal acts subject to recognition as invalid or amendment is carried out according to control copies of legal acts, the Directory of Orders and Directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

70. The preparation of draft legal acts is carried out by military command and control bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense by federal executive bodies on behalf of or, if necessary, on their own initiative.

The preparation of draft orders on the combat unit, on personnel in relation to the leading officials of the Armed Forces is carried out by the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense, and draft orders on personnel in relation to federal civil servants - by the Department of State Civil Service of the Ministry of Defense.

71. Preparation, approval and submission of a draft legal act prepared in pursuance of an instruction are carried out taking into account the requirements of Chapter IV of these Regulations.

The term for preparing a draft legal act in pursuance of federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government, as a rule, should not exceed one month, unless a different period is established.

72. On their own initiative, the military command and control bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, the federal executive bodies, prepare draft legal acts, if necessary, to resolve issues that arise in practice, eliminate possible contradictions in existing legal acts, the plurality of legal acts on the same issue, replace obsolete or duplicate laws.

73. Responsibility for compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, legal acts of the Ministry of Defense, guiding documents on the procedure for preparation and execution, the quality of preparation of draft legal acts and supporting materials, their coordination with interested federal executive authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities , other organizations and military command and control bodies are carried by the heads of military command and control bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the federal executive bodies, who submit these projects for signature to the leading officials of the Ministry of Defense, and the persons who directly prepared these projects.

74. The preparation of a draft legal act should begin with a study of the substance of the issue to be settled, the legislative acts in force on this issue, the acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government, the legal acts of the Ministry of Defense, the practice of their application, reference material (generalizations, proposals, reports, reports and etc.), as well as scientific literature and materials of the periodical press on the issue under consideration, data from sociological and other studies, if any.

75. The preparation of a draft legal act is carried out based on the requirements of specificity in determining the goals and objectives, the means to achieve them, compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, providing the necessary material and technical means and funding, determining the executors and deadlines, as well as the need to appoint officials exercising control for the implementation of a legal act.

Simultaneously with the preparation of a draft legal act, the military authorities subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, the federal executive authorities prepare an explanatory note containing the justification for the need to issue a legal act, the consequences of its implementation, including an assessment and justification of the estimated costs for the implementation of the draft legal act with the determination of the source of their coverage .

76. The terms of entry into force (enactment), execution of a legal act must be real and take into account the time required for its publication, distribution and communication to the executors.

Legal acts shall enter into force from the date of their signing, unless the acts themselves establish a different procedure and (or) the term for their entry into force. Regulatory legal acts that have passed state registration shall enter into force in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

A legal act is valid until it is canceled in accordance with the procedure established by paragraph 67 of these Regulations. If necessary, it may be indicated for what period the legal act is issued: "for wartime" or "for peacetime and wartime".

77. A draft legal act, before being submitted for signature, must be agreed with the interested military command and control authorities. In particular, a draft legal act, the implementation of which requires financial support, must be coordinated with the Economy and Finance Service of the Ministry of Defense; a draft legal act containing instructions on the submission of reports, reports, is agreed with the military command and control bodies - holders of reports on this issue; on matters of secrecy - with the Eighth Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

78. A draft legal act submitted for signature to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation is coordinated with the deputies of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the heads of services of the Ministry of Defense, the head of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on issues within their competence.

79. The draft legal act is subject to agreement with the interested federal executive authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities and other organizations, if such approval is mandatory in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and also if the legal act contains provisions, norms and instructions concerning these bodies and organizations.

80. Coordination of a draft legal act is carried out by the military administration body or the federal executive body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense that develops the draft.

81. The body of military administration or the federal executive body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, which has received a draft legal act for approval, is obliged to consider it as soon as possible, but under all conditions within no more than 10 days from the date of receipt. An unreasonable refusal to approve a draft legal act is not allowed.

82. Upon agreement, the draft legal act is endorsed by the head of the military administration body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the federal executive body (deputy head of the federal executive body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense) or by a person replacing him. The visa includes the name of the position, military rank (if any), the personal signature of the applicant, the decoding of the signature and the date.

83. If there are disagreements on the draft legal act, the head of the military command body or the federal executive body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense that develops the draft legal act must ensure that it is discussed with the heads of the coordinating bodies in order to find a mutually acceptable solution.

If there are disagreements between military command and control bodies on a draft legal act, the developer of which is a federal executive body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, then discussion in the Ministry of Defense in order to develop a unified position is carried out by the military command and control body determined in the Ministry of Defense responsible for considering such a draft legal act. Officials of the federal executive body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, which is the developer of the draft legal act, may be involved in such a discussion. At the same time, the relevant materials are sent to the federal executive body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense in the manner prescribed by clause 113 of these Regulations.

84. If there are unresolved disagreements, then the report (cover letter) to the relevant senior official of the Ministry of Defense summarizes the content of these disagreements and the rationale for the position of the body developing the draft legal act on them, with the protocol of the conciliation meeting attached and the original comments signed by the relevant dissenting leaders.

Draft legal acts prepared by federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense or with their participation, on which there are unresolved disagreements between military command and control bodies and federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, are submitted in accordance with the procedure provided for in paragraph one of this clause for consideration by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation by the relevant heads of federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, deputies of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, heads of services of the Ministry of Defense or the head of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the original remarks must be signed by the officials indicated in this paragraph.

85. If fundamental changes are made to the draft legal act during the approval process, it is subject to re-approval.

86. A draft legal act must undergo a legal examination by the military command and control body, the federal executive body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, in which it is being developed. The executor, together with the head (official) of the legal service, must verify the final text of the draft legal act with the materials that served as the basis for the development of the draft, carefully check the numbers, names of military units, military command bodies, the availability of certificates of reconciliation with personnel bodies of military ranks, surnames, names and patronymics of persons mentioned in the draft legal act, references to legislative acts, as well as other references, numbering of paragraphs and pages. The draft legal act should not have blots and erasures.

The visa of the head (official) of the legal service (group), senior legal adviser (legal adviser) is affixed to the second copy of the draft legal act and includes the elements specified in paragraph 82 of these Regulations.

87. Through the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense), the following are submitted for signature:

draft orders, directives and instructions of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;

draft instructions of the first deputies of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;

draft directives of the General Staff of the Armed Forces;

draft orders of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

These projects may be submitted directly to the relevant senior officials of the Ministry of Defense, but with the visa of the head of the Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or his deputy.

Draft other legal acts of the Ministry of Defense are submitted directly to senior officials of the Ministry of Defense or through the relevant secretariats.

88. Simultaneously with the draft legal act, the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense) must submit:

documents with instructions from senior officials of the Ministry of Defense on the preparation of a draft legal act, if the draft was prepared in pursuance of the instruction;

a report (covering letter) of the relevant official, which indicates the reason for submitting for signature, information about the content and approval of the draft legal act. References, comparative tables, albums and other explanatory materials may be attached to the report;

explanatory note to the draft legal act;

originals of agreements or conclusions of military command and control bodies that have disagreements, and minutes of conciliation meetings;

the second copy of the draft legal act and its annexes;

89. Draft legal acts that are not agreed upon or have significant shortcomings, the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (the Administration of the Ministry of Defense) returns for revision or reports to the relevant senior official of the Ministry of Defense with its opinion.

90. The first copy of the draft legal act is submitted for signature.

Draft joint legal acts of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and heads of federal executive bodies are submitted for signature to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in the first copies in the amount corresponding to the number of signatures.

91. Amendments to a signed legal act upon publication may only be made with the permission of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation or other senior official of the Ministry of Defense who signed the legal act. Proofreading and editorial changes are carried out by the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense).

Registration of decisions taken at a meeting with a senior official of the Ministry of Defense

92. Decisions taken at a meeting with a senior official of the Ministry of Defense, at his direction, are documented in a protocol. The draft minutes of the meeting are prepared by the military command or the person responsible for holding the meeting, or by another person, agreed in the prescribed manner and submitted for signature to the relevant senior official of the Ministry of Defense, as a rule, within one day after the end of the meeting.

Attached to the draft minutes of the meeting is a distribution index signed by the head of the military command and control body responsible for holding the meeting.

93. If an interdepartmental meeting is held, a copy of the protocol or an extract from it is sent to the relevant federal executive authorities and other organizations, as well as to the interested military command and control bodies.

Copies of the minutes of meetings held by a senior official of the Ministry of Defense after they are held are sent to the executors (including interested federal executive bodies), as a rule, within one day, unless otherwise established by the relevant senior official of the Ministry of Defense.

94. Control over the execution of instructions contained in the minutes of the meeting with the leading official of the Ministry of Defense is provided by the military command body responsible for holding the meeting, or in some cases by the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Control Department).

Drafting contracts (contracts, agreements)

95. Draft treaties (contracts, agreements), one of the parties to which is the Ministry of Defense, are prepared by military command and control bodies in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and are agreed in the prescribed manner (without fail with units (officials) of the legal service of the Armed Forces and financially economic authorities).

96. If a draft treaty (contract, agreement) is submitted for signature to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the draft is also coordinated with the relevant senior officials of the Ministry of Defense.

If there are unresolved disagreements of a legal nature, the head of the military command and control body that prepares the draft treaty (contract, agreement) reports them to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner.

IV. The procedure for exercising control over the execution of official documents and their execution in the Ministry of Defense

97. Control over the execution of official documents for the purposes of these Regulations means a set of measures aimed at the high-quality and timely execution of instructions given on official documents. Control includes the collection and generalization of information on the status and results of the execution of official documents, bringing this information to the relevant officials who gave instructions, taking the necessary measures for the timely and high-quality execution of official documents, and, if necessary, applying disciplinary measures to persons guilty of untimely and poor-quality execution of official documents.

98. Methodical management of the organization and control over the execution of official documents in the Ministry of Defense and subordinate federal executive bodies is carried out by the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Control Department).

99. Control over the execution of orders of senior officials of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is carried out:

by the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Department of Control) - for the execution of instructions of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the head of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation according to the documents received by the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation; for the execution of instructions of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the first deputies of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the head of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on documents received by the Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense, as well as for the execution of official documents sent with cover letters of the head of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, his deputy or head of the Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense, his deputy;

secretariats of the first deputies of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation - for the execution of instructions of the corresponding first deputy minister of defense of the Russian Federation on documents received bypassing the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense);

Secretariats of the Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation - for the execution of instructions of the relevant Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;

by the secretariats of the heads of services of the Ministry of Defense - for the execution of instructions of the corresponding head of the service of the Ministry of Defense.

Control over the execution of instructions of the heads of federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense is carried out by the control units of the corresponding federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense.

100. Mandatory control is subject to:

a) all official documents with instructions from the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the first deputies of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as official documents sent with cover letters by the Chief of Staff of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, his deputy or the head of the Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense, his deputy, for which :

preparation of draft letters to the President of the Russian Federation, to the Government, responses to parliamentary, deputy requests, appeals of members of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly (hereinafter referred to as the Federation Council) and deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly (hereinafter referred to as the State Duma);

development and submission to the highest state authorities of the Russian Federation of draft legal acts (international treaties (agreements), laws, decrees, resolutions, orders);

preparation of draft orders, directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;

submission of reports, proposals, conclusions to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the first deputies of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;

b) instructions in orders, directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as orders (directives). If control over the execution of an order (directive) is assigned to a specific military command authority, then responsibility for the timely fulfillment of the requirements of all points of the order (directive) rests with the head this military authority.

If the order (directive) does not contain a clause on the imposition of control, the responsibility for the timely fulfillment of the requirements of all clauses of the order (directive) rests with the head of the military control body that developed the draft order (directive).

101. The head of the military command and control body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the federal executive body, when exercising control over the execution of official documents, is obliged:

a) organize proactive control over the execution of official documents in subordinate military command and control bodies, structural subdivisions of the federal executive body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, including the following measures:

determination of means and methods of control over the timely execution of official documents, including decision-making, development of plans, other activities indicating specific deadlines for execution and officials responsible for the execution of official documents;

sending preventive requests (control cards) to the responsible executors in order to obtain and analyze intermediate information on the measures taken to execute official documents;

implementation of control checks of the execution of official documents;

regular hearing at official meetings of officials on the work done on the execution of official documents;

conducting proceedings on the facts of untimely or improper execution of official documents and bringing to responsibility the guilty officials;

maintaining an automated system for monitoring the timely execution of official documents;

b) appoint officials responsible for monitoring the execution of official documents in subordinate military command and control bodies, structural subdivisions of the federal executive body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense;

c) ensure the submission to the higher supervisory body of information on the status and results of the execution of official documents;

d) upon receipt of a notification from a higher supervisory body about non-fulfillment within the prescribed period or insufficient study of official documents, take measures against violators of performance discipline, as indicated in reports submitted to senior officials of the Ministry of Defense.

102. The direct work of monitoring the execution of official documents is entrusted to persons appointed by orders of the heads of military command and control bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of federal executive bodies.

103. Officials directly exercising control over the execution of official documents are obliged to:

have all the necessary information on controlled official documents;

submit to the higher regulatory authority no later than 3 days (according to documents indicating "urgently" - immediately) after receiving the official document, information about the performer (position, military rank (if any), last name, first name, patronymic, office phone number) ;

exercise constant control over the execution of official documents and periodically, depending on the importance and urgency of the documents, receive current information on the progress of their execution;

submit to the relevant higher supervisory authority at least 7 days (for official documents with the indication "urgent" - 1 day, for official documents with the indication "promptly" - 3 days) before the end of the deadline (subsequently daily), and if upon receipt of a request - immediately information on the status of execution of each service document controlled by them;

to take in the event that the progress of execution of a controlled official document does not guarantee its execution within the established time frame, all necessary measures to ensure its timely execution. If the measures taken did not give proper results, report this to the higher regulatory authority and follow its recommendations;

periodically conduct an analysis of the state of execution of official documents, the results of which are reported to the relevant managers;

develop measures to improve control over the execution of official documents and report to the relevant managers proposals for improving this work.

104. Control is exercised over the execution of official documents, both coming from higher authorities and sent to subordinate military command and control bodies (structural divisions of the federal executive body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense).

105. Official documents subject to control are recorded according to the journal (card) for monitoring the execution of official documents or entered into an electronic database. The control card must contain the date, registration numbers, a summary of the document, instructions of officials, the deadline for execution, last name, first name, patronymic and office phone number of the performer, information on the progress of the execution of the order, a mark of execution and other necessary data.

106. Depending on the state of affairs with control over the execution of official documents, the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Department of Control) may check the system and organization of control in the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, the secretariats of the First Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, the secretariats of the Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, heads of services of the Ministry of Defense, in the branches of the Armed Forces, branches of the Armed Forces, main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense.

107. Personal responsibility for the quality execution of official documents within the prescribed period lies with the officials who were given instructions on them.

108. An official document is considered executed and removed from control when:

all instructions given on it have been executed;

the results of consideration of the submitted documents by the official who was given the initial instruction do not require repeated reports, and all documents signed by him have been sent to the addressees;

the results of execution were reported to the higher regulatory body and confirmation was received that this document was removed from control.

109. Reports to senior officials of the Ministry of Defense in pursuance of official documents controlled by the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Department of Control) are submitted through the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense). It is allowed to submit reports in person with the notification of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Control Department).

Reports pursuant to official documents controlled by the Secretariats of the First Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, and Heads of Services of the Ministry of Defense are submitted through the respective Secretariats.

Reports to senior officials of the Ministry of Defense with draft legal acts, documents sent to the President of the Russian Federation (to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation), to the Government (Apparatus of the Government of the Russian Federation), the Federal Assembly, federal executive bodies should be submitted only through the Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense 6.

110. Bringing to the executors of instructions of senior officials of the Ministry of Defense on official documents is ensured, as a rule, within a day, and urgent and operational - immediately.

111. Official documents must be executed on time.

Orders containing the indication "urgently", "immediately" or a similar indication in the text are executed within 3 days. Within 10 days, instructions containing the indication "promptly" in the text are executed.

In the event that the draft acts considered at the meeting of the Government are finalized, such revision is carried out in accordance with the Regulations of the Government within up to 10 days, unless a different period is specifically established in the order.

If the deadline for the execution of an official document is not indicated in the order or the document itself, the official document must be executed within a period of not more than a month (until the corresponding date of the next month, and if there is no such date in the next month, then until the last day of the month). If the last day of the deadline for the execution of an official document falls on a non-working day, the official document is subject to execution on the previous working day.

112. The terms of execution are calculated in calendar days from the date of signing the initial order by a higher official.

The deadlines for the execution of instructions given by senior officials of the Ministry of Defense, at parliamentary inquiries and inquiries (requests) of a member of the Federation Council, a deputy of the State Duma, are determined in accordance with Chapter VI of these Regulations.

113. If an order for the execution of an official document is given to several officials, then the official indicated in the order first or designated "responsible" is the head executor.

If the chief executor is the head of a federal executive body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, the head of one of the interested military command and control bodies may be appointed as the responsible executor in the Ministry of Defense for preparing and sending proposals from the Ministry of Defense to the chief executor. In this case, the specified head of the military command and control body ensures that the proposals of the Ministry of Defense are coordinated with the interested military command bodies for their timely forwarding to the head executor. At the same time, the text of submitted proposals, with reference to the instructions of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, should indicate that these proposals are specifically from the Ministry of Defense. Sending materials containing contradictory, inconsistent proposals is not allowed.

The head executor is obliged to ensure the strict execution of the official document within the established time frame and the coordination of the relevant draft documents prepared, if necessary, with the officials specified in the order (co-executors). Prepared draft documents are also subject to mandatory approval by the military command and control bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense by the federal executive authorities, if the said draft documents touch upon issues within their competence.

Co-executors are responsible for the timely and high-quality execution of official documents along with the head executor and must submit their proposals to the head executor within the first half of the period allotted for the execution of the official document.

In order to execute orders in a short time, the head executor (if necessary, together with the relevant senior official of the Ministry of Defense), as a rule, creates working groups consisting of authorized representatives of military command and control bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the federal executive authorities, other federal executive authorities - co-executors , as well as representatives of other interested executive authorities and organizations (as agreed) or the necessary meetings are organized and held.

114. Draft documents received for approval, if they agree with them, are endorsed, and in case of disagreement, they are endorsed with comments, which are drawn up on a letterhead and signed by the head of the military command authority subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the federal executive authority (deputy head of the federal executive authority subordinate to the Ministry of Defense) or by a person replacing him within the period established by the head executor (for a federal executive body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense - within the period established in the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation). If the deadline is not set or the project is submitted as an initiative, - no more than 10 days.

Submission of draft documents with disagreements to senior officials of the Ministry of Defense for signature (visa) is subject to the requirements of Chapter III of these Regulations.

115. Draft regulatory legal acts (international treaties (agreements), laws, decrees, resolutions, orders, orders), as well as letters to the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of a regulatory nature (containing issues of granting, changing, terminating the powers of officials, proposals for the development , amendment, repeal of legal acts, etc.) are submitted for a report to officials of military command and control bodies and officials of federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense after a legal examination by the relevant head (official) of the legal service.

116. Official documents must be submitted to the Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense, the secretariats of the first deputies of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation 3 days before the deadline for execution (except for documents indicating "urgently", "immediately" or a similar indication).

117. On the results of the execution of each order of the President of the Russian Federation to the Ministry of Defense 3 days before the expiration of the deadline for the execution of the order established by the President of the Russian Federation (or within the period established by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation), a draft letter signed by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation is submitted to him , and in his absence - signed by the person acting in his capacity. The draft letter should reflect the specific results of the execution of the order, and if the order of the President of the Russian Federation was given on the basis of an appeal, then the draft letter should also contain information about informing the authors of the appeal.

Based on the results of the execution of instructions to the Ministry of Defense given in decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, the head executor (executor) in the prescribed manner submits a report to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation with a draft letter to the President of the Russian Federation, which reports on the execution of these instructions and proposes to remove them from control .

In the event that draft documents on the execution of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation are not ready, the head executor (executor), in agreement with the head of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, is obliged to report personally to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in order to make a decision on this issue on the day preceding the expiration of the period established by the Ministry of Defense.

118. A report on the execution of the order of the Government given in pursuance of the order of the President of the Russian Federation is submitted in the prescribed manner to the appropriate official of the Ministry of Defense with the attachment of draft letters to the Government (the letter to the Government is addressed to the specific person who gave the order - the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation or Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation) and a letter from the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation) to the President of the Russian Federation at least 6 days before the expiration of the period set by the President of the Russian Federation (unless a different period is specified in the order of the Government).

In a similar manner, a performance report is carried out if the President of the Russian Federation has given an instruction to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation or Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and at the same time to the Ministry of Defense.

If the President of the Russian Federation has given an instruction to the Ministry of Defense (as the main executor) on issues under the jurisdiction of the Government, then the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, along with the draft letter to the President of the Russian Federation and the necessary materials, shall submit a draft letter to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

119. In case of non-execution of instructions within the established time limit, the head executor (executor) shall submit to the relevant senior official of the Ministry of Defense a report on the status of execution of the instruction, which sets out the reasons for its non-execution within the established period and the measures proposed or taken against the guilty, or a certificate indicating the above reasons and measures signed by the same official. In case of non-fulfillment of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government, the draft documents shall be reported within the established period in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 52 of the Regulations of the Government.

120. If it is necessary to extend the deadline for the execution of instructions for internal documents, no later than 3 days (for urgent documents - 1 day) before the expiration of the deadline for execution, the official who gave the instruction is presented with a report with a reasoned request to extend the deadline for execution with a mandatory indication of the reasons for the delay measures taken and the period required for the execution (improvement) of the order.

Extension of the deadline for execution on instructions from the Government is allowed in exceptional cases. Motivated proposals for the extension of the term, indicating the reasons for the extension and the planned date of execution, are submitted to the Government no later than 10 days from the date of signing the order. Deadlines for the execution of urgent and operational orders are not extended.

If it is not possible to submit draft documents for a report to the leadership of the Ministry of Defense within the prescribed period, the head executor (executor) of the order of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government prepares and submits a report in advance to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (the person acting in his capacity) with a draft letter to the President of the Russian Federation or the Government (and if the order of the Government was given in pursuance of the order of the President of the Russian Federation, then together with the draft letter to the Government, a draft letter from the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation) to the President of the Russian Federation is submitted) with a reasoned request for an extension of the deadline, a specific date of the report on the execution of the instruction (or the next report upon completion of work on this issue). The letter should indicate the reasoned reasons for the proposed proposal, as well as specific measures taken to fulfill the assignment.

A report with a request for an extension of the term may be submitted without the consent of the officials indicated in the order as co-executors.

121. The reports, proposals, conclusions and draft documents submitted in pursuance of instructions are accompanied by materials with instructions in pursuance of which the document was prepared, the originals of the agreements, as well as the necessary reference materials (documents (their copies), which are referred to in the reports ( cover letters), in draft documents, etc.).

References, tables, lists and other materials attached to draft documents are signed by the head of the military command and control body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the federal executive body (deputy head of the federal executive body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense) that develops these documents.

On the back of the last page of the official document submitted for the report, the initials and surname of the performer, his office phone number are printed.

122. Official documents that do not meet the established requirements, which do not contain answers about resolving all the issues raised in the instructions, not agreed with the necessary officials, who did not pass legal examination in the prescribed manner, submitted with violations of the deadlines without indicating the reasons for the delay and measures of influence to violators, prepared in violation of the procedure for registration, are returned by the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense, Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation) or the relevant secretariats for revision and resubmission.

The return of official documents that do not meet the established requirements is not a valid reason for delaying their execution.

V. The procedure for preparing draft acts submitted to the President of the Russian Federation and the Government

123. The procedure for preparing draft acts submitted to the President of the Russian Federation and the Government (hereinafter referred to as draft acts), in accordance with the Regulations of the Government, is established by these Regulations. The execution of draft acts is carried out in accordance with the rules for the preparation and execution of drafts of individual documents submitted to the report to the leading officials of the Ministry of Defense.

The procedure for preparing draft acts shall be subject to the requirements of Chapters III and IV of these Regulations, unless otherwise provided by this Chapter.

When preparing draft acts, the requirements established by the relevant instructions for office work in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and in the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation are taken into account.

124. Preparation of draft acts is carried out:

in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government;

in accordance with the instructions of senior officials of the Ministry of Defense;

on the initiative of the heads of the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces, the commanders of the branches of the Armed Forces, the heads of the main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense;

according to the legislative plans.

125. Draft acts must comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions and orders of the Government.

If the draft act touches upon issues regulated by international treaties (agreements, protocols, etc.) in which the Russian Federation participates, then it must comply with these treaties (agreements, protocols, etc.).

126. The preparation of draft acts is carried out with the obligatory participation of units of the legal services of the Armed Forces, subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the federal executive authorities.

127. Draft acts affecting the interests of federal executive authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and other organizations are subject to mandatory coordination with them before submitting these projects to the President of the Russian Federation or to the Government. The specified coordination is carried out also in the cases provided by federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government.

Prior to submitting draft acts to senior officials of the Ministry of Defense for submission to the President of the Russian Federation, the Government or sending them for approval to federal executive authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and other organizations, these acts must be agreed with interested parties. military authorities.

Draft acts developed by federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense must be coordinated with the Ministry of Defense before they are submitted to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for consideration by the President of the Russian Federation or the Government.

128. Draft acts are submitted to senior officials of the Ministry of Defense for submission to the President of the Russian Federation, the Government, or referrals for approval to interested bodies and organizations with an explanatory note containing the necessary calculations, justifications and forecasts of the socio-economic, financial and other consequences of the implementation of the proposed decisions, and draft related cover letters.

The explanatory note and the financial and economic justification (if any) are signed by the head submitting the draft documents.

Draft acts to be submitted for consideration to the President of the Russian Federation, to the Government or sent for approval to the interested bodies and organizations specified in the first paragraph of clause 127 of these Regulations, and cover letters to them are submitted to the report to the relevant senior official of the Ministry of Defense in two copies. In this case, all visas are affixed on the second (visa) copy of the specified draft documents. On the first copy, a visa is issued to the relevant senior official of the Ministry of Defense, to whom draft acts are submitted in a report for the purposes specified in this paragraph.

The report (cover letter) to the relevant senior official of the Ministry of Defense indicates the basis for the submission, information about the content and approval of the draft act.

Simultaneously with the draft acts prepared in pursuance of the instructions, these instructions are submitted.

129. When submitting draft acts to the President of the Russian Federation and the Government for consideration, cover letters are signed only by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation or a person acting in his capacity.

Cover letters with the attachment of draft acts sent for approval to the interested federal executive authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and other organizations have the right to sign the deputies of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the heads of services of the Ministry of Defense and the head of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Federation.

VI. Legislative activity and the procedure for participation in the activities of the Federal Assembly

Planning legislative activity and the procedure for its organization

130. The Ministry of Defense, when exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the established field of activity, develops draft federal laws in pursuance of acts of the legislation of the Russian Federation, plans for legislative activities of the Government and relevant instructions, as well as on its own initiative.

131. The organization of legislative activity in the Ministry of Defense is entrusted to the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The direction of materials related to legislative work to the legislative and executive authorities is carried out after their agreement with the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation through the Direction.

132. Proposals on the development of draft federal laws to be included in the draft plan of legislative activities of the Government for the corresponding year are sent to the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation through the Direction. These proposals must contain:

a) the working title of the draft federal law and the concept and draft terms of reference for its development agreed in accordance with the established procedure;

b) the name of the federal executive body - the head executor and the list of co-executors;

c) information on the proposed terms for consideration of the draft federal law in the Government and its submission to the State Duma.

The concept of the bill and the draft terms of reference must comply with the Basic Requirements for the Concept and Development of Draft Federal Laws, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 2, 2001 N 576 , item 3636; 2006, N 6, item 714).

133. The referral prepares consolidated proposals (including taking into account the proposals of the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense), which are reported in the prescribed manner to the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for subsequent submission to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

134. In accordance with the plan for legislative activities of the Government for the corresponding year approved by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, taking into account the proposals of the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, organizes the development of a plan for preparation and consideration in the Ministry of Defense within 10 days and federal executive bodies subordinate to it draft federal laws for the corresponding year (hereinafter referred to as the Plan), which, after approval by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, is brought to the attention of the interested military command and control bodies and the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense.

135. The military command and control bodies, which, in accordance with the Plan, are responsible for the development of draft federal laws, submit quarterly (until the 5th day of the month following the expired quarter) to the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation through the Direction reports on the progress of the implementation of the Plan . The federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, which, in accordance with the Plan, are responsible for the development of draft federal laws, send the said reports to the Ministry of Defense by the specified deadline.

Based on the received materials, the direction prepares a generalized report on the progress of the Plan for its subsequent submission to the Government.

136. Bodies of military administration subordinate to the Ministry of Defense federal executive bodies prepare and submit to the Minister of Defense in the prescribed manner a draft law with the necessary annexes, determined by the Regulations of the Government, for its submission to the Government.

Participation in the work of the chambers of the Federal Assembly

137. The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, other senior officials of the Ministry of Defense, heads of military command and control bodies (on behalf of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation) may participate in the work of the chambers of the Federal Assembly in accordance with the Regulations of the Government, the Model Regulations for the Interaction of Federal Executive Bodies, the regulations of the chambers of the Federal Meetings on issues within the competence of the Ministry of Defense.

Other officials of the Ministry of Defense may attend and speak at meetings of committees and commissions, working groups, expert councils and participate in other events of the chambers of the Federal Assembly, guided by the official position of the Government. An instruction or consent to participate in these events may be given by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Chief of Staff of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

138. Coordination of work in the Ministry of Defense to ensure the participation of its representatives in the activities of the chambers of the Federal Assembly and interaction with authorized representatives of the Government in the chambers of the Federal Assembly, official (special) representatives of the Government is carried out by the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

139. The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, at the invitation of the chambers of the Federal Assembly, participates in their meetings in the manner prescribed by the regulations of the chambers.

The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation informs the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation about the invitation to the session of the chamber of the Federal Assembly.

If it is impossible to attend a meeting of the chamber of the Federal Assembly at a pre-agreed time, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation notifies the chamber of the reason for his absence, indicating the official who is instructed to participate in the meeting, or may arrive at another time in agreement with the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation , Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, respectively.

140. Officials of the Ministry of Defense, who are official (special) representatives of the Government, the President of the Russian Federation on draft laws considered by the chambers of the Federal Assembly, coordinate their activities to represent the position of the Government, the President of the Russian Federation in the State Duma and the Federation Council, respectively, with authorized representatives of the Government, the President of the Russian Federation in the relevant chambers of the Federal Assembly and Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Military command and control bodies and officials of the Ministry of Defense are obliged to provide the authorized representatives of the Government, the President of the Russian Federation in the chambers of the Federal Assembly, the official (special) representative of the Government, the President of the Russian Federation on draft laws with the necessary information regarding draft laws and amendments to them, and to coordinate the position of the Ministry of Defense on based on the position of the Government on this issue.

The procedure for preparing draft opinions, amendments and official responses of the Government to draft laws

141. Preparation of draft opinions, amendments and official responses of the Government to bills is carried out in the Ministry of Defense in compliance with the requirements established by the Regulations of the Government, as a rule, within 20 days from the date of receipt of the draft law by the Government. If the State Duma and the Government determine a shorter period, the Ministry of Defense organizes prompt preparation of the relevant projects within the established period.

142. Draft laws received by the Ministry of Defense are forwarded in the prescribed manner for consideration to the heads of the relevant military command and control bodies, other officials, and, if necessary, to the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense. The Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation is informed about draft laws received by the Ministry of Defense.

Draft laws reviewed by the bodies of military administration, federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, in the prescribed manner, are reported with the drafts of the necessary documents to the relevant senior official of the Ministry of Defense and sent to the head executor within 15 days from the date the bill is received by the Government (unless another period is established by the Government ).

143. If the Ministry of Defense is the lead executor for the preparation of a draft conclusion, amendments or official response of the Government to the draft law, then the head of the military administration body subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the federal executive body no later than two days before the expiration of the period established by the Regulations of the Government ensures the preparation of the corresponding draft , in accordance with the established procedure, its approval (approval) by co-executors (including federal executive bodies specified in the order of the Government) and submission of the draft to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for subsequent submission to the Government.

At the same time, the submission of drafts of the relevant documents is carried out in compliance with the rules determined by paragraph 128 of these Regulations.

144. Draft opinions, amendments and official responses of the Government to bills with the application of comments received from the subjects of the right of legislative initiative or from the State Duma and received from interested federal executive bodies are submitted to the Government by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (the person acting in his capacity).

The procedure for considering parliamentary inquiries, inquiries and appeals of members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma

145. Consideration of parliamentary requests received by the Ministry of Defense to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation on their behalf is carried out in the manner prescribed for the execution of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government.

146. A deputy’s request, an appeal by a member of the Federation Council or a deputy of the State Duma to the Government, to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, sent to the Ministry of Defense by the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation for a response to the authors of the request (appeal), as well as a parliamentary request to the Minister of the Defense of the Russian Federation by the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense) are submitted to the report to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, his first deputies or in the prescribed manner are sent to the relevant federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, military command and control bodies on issues of their conduct for study and preparing the necessary materials.

If necessary, the study of the request (appeal) is carried out jointly with other federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense and military command and control bodies. Responsibility for organizing a joint study of the issues raised in the request (appeal) lies with the head of the body determined by the responsible person or indicated first.

The response based on the results of the study is sent directly to the authors of the request (appeal) in writing signed by senior officials of the Ministry of Defense no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the deputy's request (appeal) to the Government.

The response to a parliamentary inquiry to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation shall be given by him orally (at a meeting of the corresponding chamber of the Federal Assembly) or in writing no later than 15 days from the date of receipt of the parliamentary inquiry or within another period established by the corresponding chamber of the Federal Assembly.

A draft response with the necessary materials attached is submitted to the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense) or the relevant secretariat 2 to 3 days before the expiration of the specified period.

147. Appeals of the committees and commissions of the chambers of the Federal Assembly on issues of their reference to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation or the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, received by the Ministry of Defense for a response, are processed in the manner prescribed for considering the appeals of members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma.

The results of consideration of the appeals of the committees and commissions of the chambers of the Federal Assembly are reported to the relevant committees and commissions within the terms agreed with them in writing signed by senior officials of the Ministry of Defense or heads of the relevant military command and control bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of federal executive bodies. Copies of these answers are sent to the authorized representative of the Government in the relevant chamber of the Federal Assembly.

148. A deputy’s request, an appeal from a member of the Federation Council or a deputy of the State Duma, appeals from committees and commissions of the chambers of the Federal Assembly on matters of their reference to senior officials of the Ministry of Defense are processed in the manner established by clauses 146 and 147 of these Regulations.

Appeals from the committees and commissions of the chambers of the Federal Assembly, received bypassing the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, directly to the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, to the deputies of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the heads of services of the Ministry of Defense or the head of the military command body, are considered in the manner established in accordance with with these Regulations by the heads of the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense and the indicated officials of the Ministry of Defense.

149. When a member of the Federation Council, a deputy of the State Duma applies on issues related to their activities to the Ministry of Defense or federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, a response to this appeal with an attachment (indication) of the requested documents (information) is given immediately (if necessary, obtaining additional materials - no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the application). Information constituting a state secret shall be provided in compliance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets.

VII. The order of activity and interaction of military command and control bodies in the implementation of the functions assigned to them

150. The functions, as well as the procedure for the activities and interaction of military command and control bodies in their implementation, are determined by the regulations on these bodies, approved by the relevant officials within their powers.

151. The heads of these bodies are responsible for organizing the implementation of the functions assigned to the military command and control bodies.

152. When executing instructions, the procedure for the activities and interaction of military command and control bodies is carried out in accordance with Chapter IV of these Regulations.

153. When solving certain tasks, the leading officials of the Ministry of Defense, within the limits of their authority, may establish a different procedure for the activity and interaction of military command and control bodies.

VIII. The procedure for interaction between the Ministry of Defense and the federal executive bodies under its jurisdiction, as well as the procedure for the exercise by the Ministry of Defense of its powers to coordinate and control the activities of these bodies

154. The Ministry of Defense coordinates and controls the activities of its subordinate Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the FSMTC of Russia), the Federal Service for Defense Orders (hereinafter referred to as the Rosoboronzakaz), the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (hereinafter referred to as the FSTEK of Russia) and the Federal Agency for Special Construction (hereinafter referred to as Spetsstroy of Russia).

To this end, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation performs the following functions:

a) approves the annual plan and performance indicators of the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, as well as a report on the implementation of the plan upon submission by the heads of these bodies;

b) submits, in accordance with the established procedure, on the proposal of the heads of the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, draft regulations on these bodies, proposals on their maximum staff size and wage fund for their employees;

c) submit proposals to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on the formation of the federal budget and financing of these bodies upon the proposal of the heads of the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense;

d) submits, in accordance with the established procedure, for consideration by the President of the Russian Federation draft federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of defense, as well as regulatory legal acts related to the field of activity of federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense;

e) submits to the Government drafts of normative legal acts relating to the sphere of activity determined by it and to the spheres of activity of the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, if the adoption of such acts falls within the competence of the Government in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws;

f) gives instructions to fulfill the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, to the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, controls their execution;

g) gives instructions to the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense to eliminate violations identified in the process of monitoring and coordinating their activities;

h) cancel decisions of federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense that contradict federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government, unless a different procedure for canceling decisions is established by the specified regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

i) submit to the President of the Russian Federation proposals for the appointment and dismissal of the director of the Federal Defense Order Service and his deputies;

j) submit for approval to the President of the Russian Federation a list of positions of senior officials of federal executive bodies, state bodies and organizations of the Russian Federation that are members of the board of the FSTEC of Russia;

k) submit, in accordance with the established procedure, proposals on the imposition of disciplinary sanctions on the heads of federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense and on their encouragement;

l) appoint a representative of the Ministry of Defense to the Board of Spetsstroy of Russia;

m) on the proposals of the director of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation and the director of the Federal Service for Defense Orders, approves the composition of the collegiums of the Rosoboronzakaz and the FSMTC of Russia;

o) coordinate draft regulations of federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense.

155. The federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, as well as their territorial bodies, in carrying out their activities, are guided, along with federal legislation, by orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation issued within its competence, including orders and directives issued in order to control and coordinate the activities of subordinate Ministry of Defense of federal executive bodies.

156. Execution by federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of official documents, preparation, consideration, approval (approval) and submission by them of draft legal acts of the Ministry of Defense, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government, legislative acts and other documents, consideration of parliamentary inquiries, requests and appeals members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma, as well as other applications are made in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, taking into account the specifics established by the Model Regulations for the internal organization of federal executive bodies.

157. Proposals received by the Ministry of Defense from the heads of federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense on the issues of appointment and dismissal, nomination of employees for conferment of honorary titles, awarding state awards of the Russian Federation and insignia of the Ministry of Defense are sent to the appropriate military command and control body for preparation in the prescribed manner of draft decisions. If necessary, the heads of the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense report these proposals directly to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

If there are circumstances that impede the preparation of drafts of relevant decisions on personnel matters, the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation or the head of the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in the prescribed manner, informs the relevant heads of federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, reports on them Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and acts in accordance with his instructions.

158. The Ministry of Defense, when interacting with its subordinate federal executive authorities:

a) communicates to the federal executive bodies under its jurisdiction the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government;

b) hold coordination and other meetings with the heads (representatives) of the federal executive bodies subordinate to it, organize collective consideration of the most important issues of their activities;

c) exercise other powers provided for by legislative acts and acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government.

159. The duties and powers of officials of the Ministry of Defense to ensure interaction with federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense are determined by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

160. The Ministry of Defense, when exercising the functions of developing state policy and implementing regulatory regulation, as well as when executing instructions given to it, requests and receives, within the time period established by it, information from federal executive bodies subordinate to it.

161. The director of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation submits (submits) to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation:

a) annual reports on the state of affairs in the field of military-technical cooperation for submission to the President of the Russian Federation and the Government;

b) submissions on the assignment of class ranks to persons replacing the positions of the federal state civil service in the FSMTC of Russia;

c) proposals for the appointment and dismissal of deputy directors of the FSMTC of Russia, the composition of the board of the FSMTC of Russia and the procedure for its activities;

d) a report on the results of the activities of the FSMTC of Russia on the implementation of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the established field of activity;

e) proposals for the conclusion of international treaties of the Russian Federation in the established field of activity;

f) draft normative legal acts on issues related to the established field of activity;

g) a report on the execution of instructions given by him in pursuance of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;

h) proposals for the establishment of departmental awards, departmental honorary titles, breastplates and certificates of honor for rewarding employees of the FSMTC of Russia, as well as persons assisting the FSMTC of Russia in solving the tasks assigned to it; the provisions of these awards and their descriptions;

i) information on the deprivation, in accordance with the established procedure, of organizations - developers and manufacturers of military products of the right to carry out foreign trade activities in relation to military products in the part related to the supply of spare parts, assemblies, assemblies, instruments, components, special, educational and auxiliary equipment, technical documentation for previously delivered military products, carrying out work on the examination, standardization, extension of the service life, maintenance, repair, disposal and other work that provides comprehensive after-sales service for previously delivered military products, as well as training foreign specialists to carry out these works;

j) information about disagreements between the chairman of the collegium of the FSMTC of Russia and its other members.

162. Director of the Federal Defense Order Service:

a) coordinate with the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation a report to the President of the Russian Federation on issues within the competence of the Rosoboronzakaz;

d) petitions the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation to award, in the established manner, employees of the Rosoboronzakaz with personalized firearms and edged weapons;

e) inform the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation about disagreements between the chairman of the board of the Rosoboronzakaz and its other members.

163. Director of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control:

a) coordinate with the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation a report to the President of the Russian Federation on issues within the competence of the FSTEC of Russia;

b) submit to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation drafts of normative legal acts on issues related to the established field of activity;

c) reports to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on the execution of the instructions given by him in pursuance of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;

d) petitions the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation to award, in the prescribed manner, employees of the FSTEC of Russia with personalized firearms and edged weapons.

164. Director of the Federal Agency for Special Construction:

a) coordinate with the Ministry of Defense:

a plan for the construction and development of military formations;

centralized transportation of military formations;

current and long-term planning of the mobilization deployment of military formations;

organizational and methodological guidelines for the combat training of military formations;

proposals on the structure and composition of military formations up to the main directorate of special construction for the territory of the federal district, the directorate of special construction for the territory and the Military Operational and Rehabilitation Directorate of Communications, inclusive, as well as on the staffing level of military personnel;

structure, states and tables of military formations;

decisions on the redeployment within the Russian Federation of military units and subdivisions of military formations up to and including the military engineering technical department, the military department of road construction and the engineering and technical unit, inclusive;

b) coordinate with the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation:

proposals submitted for consideration by the President of the Russian Federation on the inclusion of military positions to be filled by senior officers in a single list of military positions to be filled by senior officers in the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies, as well as on the appointment and dismissal of military personnel for whom the state provides for the military ranks of senior officers, on conferring the military ranks of senior officers on them, on their dismissal from military service;

submitted for approval by the President of the Russian Federation, the total number of military posts filled by colonels;

submissions to the President of the Russian Federation on awarding state awards of the Russian Federation to military personnel and civilian personnel, as well as other persons assisting in solving the tasks assigned to Spetsstroy of Russia, and on conferring honorary titles on them;

c) interacts with the Ministry of Defense on the organization of defense and provides it with information necessary for the organization of defense;

d) provides, through the Ministry of Defense, military formations with weapons and military equipment of general use at the expense of the federal budget and other sources of funding;

e) organizes, jointly with the Ministry of Defense, the replacement of servicemen undergoing military service under a contract in areas with established terms of service;

f) participates, in agreement with the Ministry of Defense, in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

g) submit to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for subsequent submission for consideration by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government draft regulatory legal acts on issues within the competence of Spetsstroy of Russia;

h) reports to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on the execution of the instructions given by him in pursuance of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;

i) submit to the Ministry of Defense for subsequent submission to the Government proposals on the number of civilian personnel of military formations;

j) report to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on disagreements that have arisen between the chairman of the collegium of Spetsstroy of Russia and its other members.

IX. Rules for organizing the activities of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Defense and interaction with them, as well as with organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Defense

165. The organization of the activities of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Defense (military commissariats), as well as interaction with them, is carried out in accordance with the regulations on military commissariats and the military district of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by the President of the Russian Federation.

166. Interaction with organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Defense is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, legal acts of the Ministry of Defense and the charters of these organizations approved in the prescribed manner.

167. Responsibility for the performance of the functions assigned to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Defense and organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Defense rests with the heads of these territorial bodies and organizations.

168. The activities of the organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Defense are coordinated by the respective heads of the military command and control bodies to which these organizations are subordinate.

X. The procedure for relations with the judiciary

169. The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation may act as a representative of the Ministry of Defense in court and has the right to perform all procedural actions on its behalf, including the right to sign a statement of claim and a response to a statement of claim, an application for securing a claim, to a full or partial waiver of claims and recognition of a claim, changing the grounds or subject of a claim, concluding a settlement agreement, agreements on factual circumstances, as well as the right to sign an application for the revision of judicial acts due to newly discovered circumstances, appealing a judicial act, receiving awarded funds and other property.

The powers of other representatives of the Ministry of Defense are determined in a power of attorney prepared in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Defense, endorsed by the relevant officials and signed by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

170. The heads of military command and control bodies report on the results of the consideration of cases in court in accordance with the procedure established by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

XI. The procedure for working with appeals from citizens and organizations, reception of citizens

171. The Ministry of Defense, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, within its competence, ensures the consideration of individual and collective proposals, applications and complaints (hereinafter referred to as appeals) of citizens and organizations received directly to its address, accepted at a personal reception or sent to it in accordance with the jurisdiction of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal government bodies, deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council. For these purposes, the Ministry of Defense organizes the reception of citizens by leading and other officials of the Ministry of Defense and work with written appeals.

If necessary, the state body, member of the Federation Council or deputy of the State Duma that sent the appeal is informed of the results of consideration of the appeal.

172. The Main Directorate of Educational Work of the Armed Forces is responsible for coordinating the work of the central bodies of the military administration in considering citizens' appeals and taking action on them. Work with appeals from citizens addressed to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, with requests and appeals from members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma on appeals from citizens, as well as with instructions on appeals from citizens received from the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, is organized by the Reception of the Minister of Defense Russian Federation.

The appeal, depending on the content, is reported to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, his first deputies, or sent by the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense, Reception of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation) for consideration and response (report) to military command and control bodies, whose competence includes handling issues and their resolution.

Appeals from citizens and organizations received by the Ministry of Defense may be sent for consideration and response to the applicant to the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the appeal.

173. Appeals from citizens and organizations containing appeals against decisions, actions (inaction) of specific military command and control bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of federal executive bodies, officials cannot be sent to these bodies and officials for consideration and (or) response.

174. Appeals from citizens and organizations containing an appeal against the legal acts of the Ministry of Defense are sent to the relevant military command and control bodies for consideration and preparation of a response. In this case, the response to the applicant is given by the relevant senior official of the Ministry of Defense within his competence, informing the applicant of the decision taken and, if necessary, of the procedure for appealing against acts of state bodies in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

175. The answer, as a rule, is not given to the appeal received by the Ministry of Defense:

without indicating the surname and postal address to which the answer should be sent;

unreadable, containing obscene or offensive language, threats to life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family;

In addition, the Ministry of Defense, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, does not consider on the merits of applications for expert examination of contracts, as well as constituent and other documents of organizations.

In the cases specified in this paragraph, if it is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the heads of the military command and control bodies inform the applicants of the decisions taken.

Appeals, including those specified in the second paragraph of this paragraph, containing information about the unlawful act being prepared, being committed or committed, as well as about the person who prepares, commits or committed it, shall be sent to the state body in accordance with its competence.

176. A written appeal received by the Ministry of Defense is registered in the prescribed manner within 3 days from the date of receipt.

177. A written appeal received by the Ministry of Defense is considered within 30 days from the date of its registration. In exceptional cases, as well as in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the consideration period may be extended by the relevant senior official of the Ministry of Defense, but not more than 30 days, of which they inform the author of the appeal.

178. A written appeal containing issues that are not within the competence of the Ministry of Defense is sent within 7 days from the date of its registration to the appropriate body or the appropriate official, whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the appeal, about which the author of the appeal is informed.

179. In response to appeals from citizens and organizations, an explanation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the practice of its application, as well as the interpretation of norms, terms and concepts can be carried out, if the Ministry of Defense is entrusted with the corresponding duty or if this is necessary to justify the decision taken on the appeal.

180. Appeals from citizens and organizations are considered resolved if all the questions raised in them are considered, the necessary measures are taken and written answers are given. When applying again, additional consideration of resolved applications is carried out in the event of new circumstances or changes in the regulatory legal regulation in the field relating to the resolution of the issue causing these applications.

181. If an answer on the merits of the question posed in the appeal cannot be given without disclosing information constituting a state or other secret protected by federal law, the author of the appeal is informed that it is impossible to give an answer on the merits of the question posed in it due to the inadmissibility of disclosing the specified information.

182. The Ministry of Defense provides accounting and analysis of the information contained in the appeals of citizens and organizations, including:

a) the number and nature of the considered appeals of citizens and organizations;

b) the number and nature of decisions taken at the request of citizens and organizations by the Ministry of Defense within its powers;

c) the number and nature of litigation with citizens and organizations, as well as information about the court decisions taken on them.

The military command and control bodies organize the recording and analysis of these issues and, if necessary, prepare proposals aimed at eliminating shortcomings, including in the field of regulatory regulation.

183. At the end of the year, the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense send a report to the Ministry of Defense with a summary of the results of the analysis of citizens' appeals.

The Main Directorate of Educational Work of the Armed Forces summarizes the results of the analysis of citizens' appeals at the end of the year in the Ministry of Defense and federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense and submits, in the prescribed manner, a draft of the corresponding report to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for subsequent submission to the Government.

184. Reception of citizens by leading and other officials of the Ministry of Defense is carried out on the established days of the week according to schedules approved quarterly by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Making an appointment and organizing the reception of citizens are provided by the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Reception Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation). The organization of the execution of decisions based on the results of the reception of citizens is entrusted to the heads of military command and control bodies, whose competence includes the issues considered, and control over the said execution is entrusted to the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Reception Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation).

If during the reception of citizens it is impossible to resolve the issues raised, a written appeal is accepted, which, after registration, is sent for consideration to the relevant military command and control bodies.

If the questions raised at a personal reception are not within the competence of the Ministry of Defense, the applicant is given the necessary clarifications upon contacting the relevant state authorities.

185. Work with appeals (proposals, statements and complaints) of military personnel is carried out taking into account the specifics determined by the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 14, 1993 N 2140 (Collected Acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 51, item 4931; Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 11, item 1298; 2002, No. 27, item 2676; 2003, No. 47,

Art. 4520; 2005, N 32, art. 3274), to the extent that it does not contradict the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 N 59-FZ "On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2006, N 19, Art. 2060).

The procedure for considering certain types of appeals

186. Requests from federal executive bodies received by the Ministry of Defense for the provision of information (expertise, opinions) necessary for the exercise of their powers or the execution of instructions are sent by the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (the Administration of the Ministry of Defense) to the appropriate military command and control bodies.

Responses to requests are signed by the relevant senior official of the Ministry of Defense or the head of the military command and control body.

The head of the military command and control body, within 5 days from the date of receipt of the request, in agreement with the federal executive body that sent the request, may extend the period for providing information.

187. Applications of state authorities, local authorities and organizations received by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, containing complaints about violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Regulations on the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and these Regulations, are reported in the prescribed manner within 10 days to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation with the submission of relevant conclusions.

188. Requests received in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation from law enforcement agencies are executed by the Ministry of Defense within the period specified in the request, and if the period is not set, within 30 days. If the requested information cannot be provided within the period specified in the request, the relevant senior official of the Ministry of Defense sends a response to the initiator of the request about the impossibility of fulfilling it on time, indicating the reasons, as well as a possible deadline for fulfilling the request.

189. Provision of documents on the basis of decisions on the conduct of a seizure or search is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Withdrawal of documents from files of permanent storage is allowed in cases provided for by federal laws, and is carried out with the permission of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation or another senior official of the Ministry of Defense within his competence.

190. Requests and resolutions drawn up and submitted in violation of the established procedure are not executed and are returned to the initiator with an indication of the reasons for non-execution.

XII. The procedure for providing access to information on the activities of the Ministry of Defense

191. Draft documents considered and prepared by the Ministry of Defense, as well as decisions taken on them prior to their publication in the prescribed manner, refer to materials containing proprietary information used in accordance with the powers of officials working or getting acquainted with this information, if the legislation of the Russian Federation not otherwise established.

192. Interaction with representatives of the media, the transfer of any official information or documents to them is carried out in the prescribed manner by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, other senior officials of the Ministry of Defense, an authorized body of military command, in some cases - other officials by permission (instruction , order) of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, other senior officials of the Ministry of Defense, as well as the head of the authorized body of military control.

193. The transfer to state authorities or organizations of the Russian Federation of information constituting a state secret, with the authority to order which the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation is vested, is carried out by military command bodies upon a written decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, first deputies of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation or heads of military bodies authorized by them departments to which these functions are assigned by the relevant legal acts of the Ministry of Defense.

The transfer to foreign states of information constituting a state secret is carried out in each individual case by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets.

1 Hereinafter, for the purposes of these Regulations, unless otherwise stated, the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation are understood, among other things, the instructions contained in the acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the instructions of the Government - the instructions contained in the acts of the Government, minutes of meetings of the Government, coordination and bodies headed by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation or the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as the instructions of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, contained in the minutes of their meetings and in resolutions.

2 Further in the text of these Regulations, unless otherwise stated, the central bodies of military command and other units that are part of the structure of the Ministry of Defense, for brevity, will be referred to as bodies of military command.

3 Hereinafter, for the purposes of these Regulations, unless otherwise stated, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense, organizations are understood to be state unitary enterprises, research organizations, military educational institutions of professional education and other institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense.

4 When preparing regulatory legal acts, it is recommended to use the Resolution of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 1996 N 781-II "On Appeal to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation", which provides definitions of a regulatory legal act and a legal norm:

"A normative legal act is a written official document adopted (issued) in a certain form by a law-making body within its competence and aimed at establishing, changing or repealing legal norms. In turn, a legal norm is usually understood as a generally binding state prescription of a permanent or temporary nature designed for repeated use.

5 Submission for state registration of orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the Instruction on the organization of work on the submission of regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for state registration (Appendix to these Regulations).

6 With the exception of documents sent by deputies of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, heads of services of the Ministry of Defense to federal executive bodies within the limits of the rights granted to them.

Appendix to the Regulations (p.61)

Instructions on the organization of work on the submission of regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for state registration

1. This Instruction was developed on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 1997 N 1009 "On approval of the Rules for the preparation of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies and their state registration" 1 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), Clarifications on the application of the Rules for the preparation of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies and their state registration, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of July 14, 1999 N 217 2 (hereinafter referred to as the Clarifications).

2. State registration of normative legal acts of the Ministry of Defense (hereinafter referred to as acts) in accordance with the Rules is carried out by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

The general management of the work on the submission of acts for state registration is entrusted to the Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense, which gives appropriate instructions on this issue to the military command and control bodies.

Direct submission of acts for state registration, responsibility for passing state registration of acts and for returning them after state registration (recognition as not requiring state registration) to the Ministry of Defense are assigned to the military command bodies that prepared drafts of these acts, together with the Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense.

3. State registration is subject to acts affecting the rights, freedoms and duties of a person and a citizen, establishing the legal status of organizations of an interdepartmental nature, regardless of their validity period, including acts containing information constituting a state secret or information of a confidential nature 3 .

4 are subject to submission for state registration:

acts affecting the rights, freedoms and duties of a person and a citizen or having an interdepartmental nature, adopted after May 14, 1992;

4. The decision to send the act for state registration is made by the head of the legal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The military command and control bodies that prepare draft acts, before submitting them for signature to the relevant officials, coordinate with the Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense on the issue of sending the act for state registration.

5. Simultaneously with the draft act (act), the following shall be submitted to the Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense:

report to the Head of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on the issue of sending the act for state registration;

a draft letter to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on sending the act for state registration in two copies (one of which is on a magnetic medium (3.5 floppy disk) in MS Word format);

draft reference to the act in two copies (one of which is on a magnetic medium (floppy disk 3.5,) in MS Word format).

The help reflects 5:

a) grounds for issuing the act:

information about the acts of the legislation of the Russian Federation (name, date, number, official source of publication, numbers of articles, paragraphs), which instruct the Ministry of Defense to develop an act, as well as the number and date of the instruction of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government (a copy of the instruction is attached to the certificate);

information about acts of the legislation of the Russian Federation (name, date, number, official source of publication, numbers of articles, paragraphs) that determine the competence of the Ministry of Defense in the event that an act is issued on its own initiative;

b) information on all current acts issued by the Ministry of Defense on this issue, including those registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, indicating the registration numbers and date of registration, and information on the timing of their harmonization with the adopted act. If there is no need to amend the existing acts, this should also be reflected in the certificate;

c) information on the approval of the act with the interested federal executive bodies, other bodies (organizations), if such approval is mandatory;

d) a list of acts of the legislation of the Russian Federation used in the development of a regulatory legal act (name, date, number, official source of publication, numbers of articles, paragraphs).

If the act contains references to acts of federal executive bodies, other bodies (organizations) that do not need state registration, the certificate shall indicate the number and date of the letter from the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, which recognized the act as not requiring state registration.

In the cover letter or in the certificate, it is necessary to indicate the telephone number and surname of the executor of the military command and control body responsible for the state registration of the act.

If the act is sent for state registration again, and also if it is issued instead of the act, the registration of which was refused, the certificate must indicate the date and number of the letter from the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on the refusal of state registration or the return of the act without state registration.

Draft letters and certificates must be endorsed by the head of the military command body that prepared the draft act. The visa is affixed at the bottom of the reverse side of the last sheet of draft letters and certificates.

If there are significant shortcomings in the execution of these draft documents, the Department of Defense of the Ministry of Defense has the right to return them for revision.

6. The act must be endorsed (the visa is affixed on the back of each sheet of the act and its annexes), and a certificate to it signed by the head of the legal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

7. Acts subject to state registration no later than 10 days from the date of their signing (approval) are submitted to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in 6 copies (the original and 5 copies, one of which can be presented on a magnetic medium). Acts containing information constituting a state secret, or information of a confidential nature, are submitted in 2 copies (original and 1 copy) 6 .

8. Within a day after the state registration of the act (as soon as possible after recognizing it as not in need of state registration), the representative of the military command and control body responsible for state registration shall, in accordance with the established procedure, receive from the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation the original of the act with the registration number assigned to it (number and date of the conclusion on recognizing it as not requiring state registration) and submit it to the Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense for reproduction and distribution.

9. Acts registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation are sent for execution only after their registration and official publication (if any). When issuing and publishing an act, a reference to the number and date of its state registration is mandatory.

10. Work on the submission of acts that amend acts that have passed state registration (regardless of whether they contain legal norms or not), as well as acts on recognizing registered acts as invalid (cancellation) is organized in accordance with this Instruction.

11. If the Ministry of Defense receives a letter from the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on the refusal of state registration, the Department of Affairs of the Ministry of Defense sends it to the military command body that prepared the draft act.

The specified body of military command within 10 days from the date of receipt of refusal in state registration by the Ministry of Defense submits to the official who signed the act, a draft act on the abolition of the act, registration of which was refused. A copy of the said act shall be sent to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

12. In the event of the return of an act without state registration in violation of the established procedure for submitting for state registration or the Rules, the violations must be eliminated by the military command and control body that prepared the draft act, and within a month the act (or a copy of the act on its cancellation) must be in the prescribed manner submitted to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

1 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 33, art. 3895; No. 50, Art. 5689; 1998, N 47, Art. 5771; 1999, No. 8, Art. 1026; 2002, No. 40, Art. 3929.
2 Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 16, 1999, registration number 1835.
3 Clause 10 of the Rules.
4 Paragraph 14 of the Clarification.
5 Paragraph 18 of the Clarification.
6 Clause 12 of the Rules.

A normative act that determines the status, powers, procedure for the formation and organization of the work of local governments, the procedure for preparing and issuing legal acts. The regulation distinguishes:

1. General provisions - a regulatory document that defines the status, powers, procedure for the formation of management bodies (charter), who is responsible for organizing office work, which office work system (centralized, mixed, decentralized); order of work with documents and appeals of citizens.

2. Organization of planning the work of the LSG body:

Grounds for planning work for the quarter (perspective plan of the organization);

Issues considered at the board of the organization (management, committee), head;

Issues discussed at meetings held by the head;

Issues under the control of deputy heads;

Issues submitted to higher organizations;

General activities.

Based on the proposals of the LSG subdivisions, the clerical services draw up a weekly plan of the main events.

3. The order of work of the board, meetings, meetings. It is recommended to describe the work of the collegium: who organizes it, who is its member, what issues can be considered, the frequency of meetings, the procedure for preparing materials and invitations, the rules for holding meetings, the material and technical support of meetings, those responsible for keeping minutes and other documents.

4. The procedure for the preparation and publication of legal acts, who is given the right to sign legal acts, the procedure for their coordination, registration of disagreements, revision and submission for signature, control over the execution of legal acts, registration, distribution and formation of cases, their systematization; procedure for consideration of appeals of deputies, citizens, organization of reception of citizens.

The regulations of the local administration should determine the procedure for agreeing on draft decisions submitted for consideration by the representative body of LSG, the procedure for working with contracts and agreements, the procedure for preparing and holding meetings and meetings, and organizing control over the execution of documents.

If the regulations of the representative body of LSG are drawn up, then it is necessary to describe: the work of the apparatus, deputies, deputy associations, committees and commissions, the procedure for electing the head of the municipality and deputies, their term of office, duties. The procedure for adopting draft laws, drawing up work plans for the representative body of LSG: the procedure for convening, organizing and holding meetings; voting rules; types, features of accepted documents; exercising control powers; operation of the device and responsibility for its violation; business organization.

77. Disposition of municipal property

Local self-government bodies on behalf of the municipality independently own, use and dispose of municipal property in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and regulatory legal acts of local self-government bodies adopted in accordance with them.

Local self-government bodies have the right to transfer municipal property for temporary or permanent use to individuals and legal entities, state authorities of the Russian Federation (state authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation) and local self-government bodies of other municipalities, alienate, make other transactions in accordance with federal laws. The procedure and conditions for the privatization of municipal property are determined by the regulatory legal acts of local governments in accordance with federal laws.

Revenues from the use and privatization of municipal property go to local budgets.

Municipal institutions are not entitled to alienate or otherwise dispose of the property assigned to them and property acquired at the expense of funds allocated to them according to the estimate. If, in accordance with the constituent documents, the institution is granted the right to carry out income-generating activities, then the income received from such activity and the property acquired at the expense of these incomes shall be at the independent disposal of the institution and accounted for on a separate balance sheet.

Local self-government bodies can create municipal enterprises and institutions, participate in the creation of economic companies, including inter-municipal ones, necessary for exercising powers to resolve issues of local importance. Local self-government bodies determine the goals, conditions and procedure for the activities of municipal enterprises and institutions, approve their charters.

Local self-government bodies are obliged to keep records of the presence and changes in the composition of municipal property. To this end, a register of municipal property is maintained, which is an information system built on a single classification throughout the country, a methodological basis and a software base.

Local self-government bodies may carry out purchase and sale, exchange, donation, lease operations with objects of municipal property. The choice of the method of use is carried out on the basis of the goals and objectives of the development of the municipality.

    Appendix N 1. Regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Appendix N 2. List of orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, recognized as invalid

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2015 N 1
"On approval of the Regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation"

With changes and additions from:

2. Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, Federal Service for Technical and Export Control:

be guided in practical activities by the provisions of the Regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the part relating to the federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

take into account the provisions of the Regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation when developing regulations of federal executive bodies subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

3. The Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the commanders of the troops of military districts, the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the heads of the central bodies of military control, ensure that the provisions of the Regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are studied and observed in subordinate bodies of military control.

4. Recognize as invalid the orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in accordance with the List (Appendix No. 2 to this order).

5. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation - the head of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Registration N 36036

Home Department of Housing Department Regulations on the Department

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2010 No. 1888 " On approval of the Regulations on the Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation"

1. Approve the attached Regulations on the Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

2. In accordance with the established procedure, submit proposals to the head of the Department of Housing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on amending the relevant legal acts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other official documents in accordance with this order (in connection with the formation of the Department of Housing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation).

A. Serdyukov

Regulations on the Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

I. General provisions

1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Regulations on the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2004 No. 1082.

2. The Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is designed to ensure the exercise of the right to housing by military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families.

3. The Department of Housing is the central body of military administration and is subordinate to the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

4. The Housing Department in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation, including those issued by him to the Supreme Commanders of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts federal executive bodies issued within their competence, legal acts of the Ministry of Defense, as well as this Regulation.

5. In the course of its activities, the Housing Department interacts with the Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, central and other bodies of military control, in the prescribed manner with the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities, bodies state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other state bodies, local governments, public associations and organizations.

6. The organizational structure of the Department of Housing is determined by the state, approved in the prescribed manner.

II. Main tasks of the Department of Housing

7. The main tasks of the Housing Department are:

1) organizing the provision of housing for military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families;

2) participation in the development of legal acts on housing for military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families;

3) organization of work in the Ministry of Defense for the implementation of state housing programs for military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families;

4) coordination and control of the activities of organizations.

III. Functions of the Department of Housing

8. The Housing Department performs the following functions:

I) in terms of organizing the provision of housing for military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families:

  • analysis of the needs of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families in residential premises and submission of the results of the analysis to the relevant central military authorities for organizing the acquisition of residential premises;
  • implementation of work on the recognition of military personnel and members of their families in need of obtaining residential premises provided under social employment contracts;
  • keeping records of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families in need of residential premises provided under social employment contracts;
  • organizing the provision of residential premises under social rental agreements to military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families;
  • organization of registration of military personnel, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and members of their families as those in need of residential premises of a specialized housing stock;
  • organizing the provision of residential premises of specialized housing stock to military personnel, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and members of their families; control over the settlement and release of residential premises; participation in the work of commissions for the acceptance of residential premises; development and analysis of the main performance indicators of the Department of Housing, submission in the prescribed manner of materials for inclusion in the report on the results and main activities of the Ministry of Defense in the part related to;
  • implementation of measures for the targeted, economical and efficient use of material assets and allocated funds;

2) in terms of participation in the development of legal acts on housing for military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families:

  • participation in the development of draft legal acts on housing for military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families;
  • coordination in the prescribed manner of draft legal acts on housing for military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families;

3) in terms of organizing work on the implementation of state housing programs for military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families:

  • participation in the development of state housing programs for military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families;
  • planning activities and coordinating work on the implementation of state housing programs for military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families;
  • implementation of state housing programs for military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families;

4) in terms of coordination and control of the activities of organizations: control of the activities of organizations;

  • analysis of the effectiveness of organizations; coordinating the creation of separate structural divisions by organizations.
  • The Housing Department performs other functions in accordance with the decisions of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

IV. Department of Housing Leadership

9. The Department of Housing is headed by the Head of the Department of Housing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Head of the Department of Housing).

The head of the Department of Housing is the direct head of the personnel of the Department of Housing and reports to the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

10. The head of the Department of Housing is responsible for: mobilization readiness of the Department of Housing, the successful implementation of the tasks and functions assigned to the Department of Housing; for the training, education, labor discipline and moral and psychological state of the personnel of the Department of Housing, organization of office work and ensuring secrecy, internal order, safety of material resources, technical, material, medical, financial, social, legal and domestic support.

11. The Head of the Department of Housing has Deputy Heads of the Department of Housing.

Determination of the duties of the Deputy Head of the Department of Housing is carried out by the Head of the Department of Housing.

12. Head of the Housing Department:

  • organizes the implementation of the tasks and functions assigned to the Housing Department;
  • conducts correspondence on issues within its competence; organizes, in accordance with the established procedure, the study, selection and placement of personnel in the Housing Department, organizations;
  • manages the development and analysis of the main indicators of the Department of Housing, organizes the preparation and submission of materials in the prescribed manner for inclusion in the report on the results and main activities of the Ministry of Defense;
  • resolves issues of passing the federal state civil service (work) by civilian personnel of the Department of Housing and Organizations in the prescribed manner;
  • submits, in accordance with the established procedure, proposals for awarding civil personnel of the Department of Housing with state awards of the Russian Federation and departmental awards;
  • writes off in accordance with the established procedure from the accounting of material values ​​and cash;
  • organizes anti-corruption activities in the Department of Housing;
  • issues orders and gives instructions within its powers, organizes and checks their implementation;
  • approves regulations on structural subdivisions and job responsibilities of directly subordinate officials of the Department of Housing.

The head of the Housing Department also exercises other powers in accordance with the Regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the official regulations and decisions of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.


O. Lirshaft

Further in the text of this Regulation, unless otherwise stated, for brevity will be referred to as: the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the Armed Forces, the Department of Housing of the Ministries of Defense of the Russian Federation - the Department of Housing, organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation organizations carrying out activities to provide military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with living quarters - organizations.

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2011 No. 2103 "On Amendments to the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2010 No. 1888"

Subparagraph I of paragraph 8 of the Regulations on the Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2010 No. 1888, after the fifth paragraph, add the following paragraphs:

“perspective and current planning of the formation of a specialized housing stock and its accounting;

preparation of draft decisions on the attribution of residential premises to a specialized housing stock and the exclusion of residential premises from this fund;

verification of the use of residential premises of a specialized housing stock for their intended purpose;



Decree of the Administration


"Yartsevsky district" of the Smolensk region

From 28.03.2012 0397


Administration of the municipality

"Yartsevsky district" of the Smolensk region

1. General Provisions

1.1 This Regulation of the Administration of the Municipal Formation "Yartsevsky District" of the Smolensk Region (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) determines the organization of work and documentation support for the activities of the Administration of the Municipal Formation "Yartsevsky District" of the Smolensk Region (hereinafter referred to as the Administration). The regulation is a normative document regulating the procedure for the activities of the Administration, the procedure for preparing draft regulatory legal acts of the Administration and working with documents in the Administration.

1.2 The Administration carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal and regional legislation, the Charter of the Municipal Formation "Yartsevsky District" of the Smolensk Region (hereinafter referred to as the Charter of the Municipal Formation), regulatory legal acts of the Municipal Formation "Yartsevsky District" of the Smolensk Region (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal Formation ) and these Regulations.

1.3 The administration is the executive and administrative body of the municipality and ensures the implementation of issues of local importance within its powers provided for by law and the Charter of the municipality.

1.4 Management of the Administration is carried out by the Head of the Administration of the Municipal Formation "Yartsevsky District" of the Smolensk Region (hereinafter referred to as the Head of the Administration) on the principles of unity of command in accordance with the Charter of the municipal formation.

1.5 The Head of the Administration determines the main activities of the Administration, organizes, coordinates and controls its work in accordance with the Charter of the municipality.

1.6 During the period of temporary absence of the Head of Administration or the impossibility of fulfilling his duties (vacation, business trip, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by the First Deputy Head of the Administration of the municipal formation "Yartsevsky District" of the Smolensk Region (hereinafter referred to as the First Deputy Head of the Administration).

1.7 Deputy Heads of the Administration, in accordance with the distribution of duties, consider specific issues of the main areas of activity of the Administration.

1.8 The duties of the employees of the Administration are regulated by job descriptions. Job descriptions are approved by the order of the Administration of the municipality.

1.9 The main forms of activity of the Administration are monthly meetings, operational meetings, meetings of collegiate bodies under the Administration, seminars at which issues of local importance of the municipality are considered, the state of implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of the municipality and work plans of the Administration, decisions are made on operational issues.

2. Planning the activities of the Administration of the municipal formation "Yartsevsky district" of the Smolensk region

2.1 One of the main organizational and legal methods of the Administration's activities in the implementation of the functions and powers assigned to it is planning.

2.2 The work of the Administration is built on the basis of long-term and current planning.

2.3 Long-term and current planning of the work of the Administration is carried out by the department for organizational work, municipal service and personnel of the Administration (hereinafter referred to as the department for organizational work).

2.4 The prospective work plan of the Administration is drawn up for a calendar year and approved by the Head of the Administration of the municipality no later than 10 working days before the start of the planned year.

2.5 The current work plan of the Administration is drawn up for a month and is formed on the basis of a long-term plan, approved by the Head of the Administration of the municipality no later than 5 working days before the start of the planned month.

2.6 The prospective work plan of the Administration includes issues of implementing federal and regional laws, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Administration of the Smolensk Region, decisions of the Yartsevo District Council of Deputies, and programs for the socio-economic development of the municipality.

2.7 The current work plan of the Administration is formed based on the powers of the Administration on the basis of a long-term plan and includes issues considered at meetings of collegial bodies, meetings, conferences, meetings, seminars, as well as current tasks facing structural divisions.

2.8 Committees, departments, departments of the Administration on a monthly basis, no later than the 15th day of the month preceding the planned one, submit work plans signed by the head and approved by the Deputy Head of the Administration of the municipality in charge of the relevant departments to the department for organizational work. Draft long-term plans are submitted no later than December 15 of the current year.

2.9 When preparing draft plans for the work of the Administration, proposals are taken into account by the heads of municipal enterprises and institutions, territorial public self-government and public associations located and operating on the territory of the municipality, as well as citizens.

2.10 The development of a forecast for the socio-economic development of the municipality for the next year is carried out by the Committee for Economic Development and Trade of the Administration, the draft budget of the municipality - by the Financial Department of the Administration.

2.11 General guidance on the drafting of work plans of the Administration and control over their implementation is carried out by the Head of the Administration of the municipality.

2.12 Postponement of the terms of consideration or exclusion from the work plans of the Administration of planned issues is made only with the consent of the Head of the Administration of the municipality, and in his absence - the person replacing him, at least 3 working days before the date of consideration of these issues.

3. Collegiate and other bodies, formed by the Administration

3.1 Collegial bodies can be created under the Administration to ensure its effective work and develop optimal solutions for the implementation of issues of local importance: commissions, councils, working groups, etc.

3.2 Formation, reorganization and liquidation of commissions and councils, approval of their leaders, composition and definition of tasks are carried out by the Head of the Administration of the municipality at the suggestion of the Deputy Heads of the Administration of the municipality.

The areas of activity and powers of commissions and councils are determined by decisions on their formation or by their regulations.

3.3 Commissions and councils are formed on a representative basis. They are headed by the Head of the Administration of the municipality and his deputies. The composition of commissions and councils, depending on the tasks assigned to them, includes representatives of the executive branch, as well as (as agreed) representatives of organizations, business structures, public associations, scientists, specialists and public figures. Members of commissions and councils carry out their activities on a voluntary basis and take personal part in their meetings without the right to substitute.

3.4 Decisions of commissions and councils are formalized in protocols, and if necessary, implemented in the form of resolutions and orders of the Head of Administration.

3.5 To perform a specific task within a limited period, working groups may be created with the provision of appropriate powers to them for a certain period.

Formation of working groups, approval of their leaders, composition and definition of tasks are carried out by the Head of Administration or his deputies.

4. The procedure for preparing and holding meetings

4.1 In order to carry out coordinated work, promptly solve current management tasks, meetings are organized under the Head of Administration and his deputies.

4.2 Meetings with the Deputy Heads of Administration are held by the Head of Administration every Monday from 9.00 am. Heads of structural subdivisions of the Administration may be invited.

4.3 Meetings under the Head of Administration with heads of services, departments, organizations, Heads of municipalities of rural settlements of the Yartsevsky district are held according to the plan approved by the Head of Administration on the third Monday of each month from 11.00, and also as necessary by decision of the Head of Administration.

4.4 Meetings with the heads of the Committees, departments and services of the Administration, heads of municipal enterprises are held by the Deputy Heads of the Administration in charge of the relevant divisions.

4.5 Preparation of the necessary materials (a plan of organizational and technical measures, the procedure for holding meetings, reports, providing information and references on the issues of meetings, lists of their participants, a draft decision, etc.), as well as inviting and registering meeting participants is assigned to the organizational work department .

4.6 Proposals on issues proposed for inclusion in the agenda of the meeting are submitted to the organizational department by the deputies of the Head of Administration no later than 5 days before the date of the meeting.

4.7 The composition of the meeting participants is determined by the Head of Administration no later than 3 days before the meeting.

The composition of the participants of the meeting includes, in agreement with him, the Head of the municipality "Yartsevsky district" of the Smolensk region.

The meeting may be attended by an inter-district prosecutor.

For each of the issues considered at the meeting, officials who are directly related to them are invited.

The agenda of the meeting is formed by the Deputy Head - the manager of affairs no later than 3 days before the date of its holding and approved by the Head of the Administration.

4.8 As a result of the meeting, specific decisions or recommendations are developed, the persons who are entrusted with monitoring the implementation of the decisions of the meeting are determined.

4.9 At the meeting, the organizational work department keeps a record, which is drawn up within 2 working days and submitted for signature to the chairperson.

4.10 Copies of the protocol (extracts from it) indicating specific instructions to officials, the deadlines for their execution by the organizational work department are sent to the relevant persons on the next day after signing the protocol.

4.11. The presence of representatives of the mass media at the meetings and the provision of official information about the agenda of the meetings and the decisions taken are organized by the organizational department.

5. The procedure for the preparation, adoption and registration of legal acts

5.1 The Head of the Administration, within the limits of his powers, issues resolutions and orders (including narrowed meetings);

Deputy Heads of Administration - orders;

Heads of departments and services, chairmen of committees - orders.

5.2 Resolutions are issued on the following issues:

Implementation of federal laws, decrees, orders and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, orders and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, other federal government bodies;

Implementation of the laws of the Smolensk region, decrees, resolutions and orders of the Administration of the Smolensk region, the Charter of the municipality, court decisions that have entered into force;

Socio-economic development of the municipality;

Creation of Committees, Departments, other structural divisions of the Administration, approval of their structure;

Establishment and changes in the staffing of the Administration;

Approval of collegiate management bodies;

On the abolition or amendment of previously adopted resolutions;

On other issues in accordance with the Charter of the municipality.

5.3 For operational issues and problems that have a limited duration and (or) concerning a narrow circle of units, officials and citizens, orders are issued.

5.4 Simultaneously with the development of a draft legal act, proposals should be prepared to amend and supplement or invalidate the relevant previously issued legal acts or parts thereof.

If a draft legal act excludes the validity of legal acts previously issued on this issue in whole or in part, it must contain an indication of recognizing them as invalid in whole or in part, or of partially changing them.

Provisions on amending, supplementing or recognizing as invalid previously issued legal acts or parts thereof are included in the text of the draft legal act (indicating the chapters, paragraphs, subparagraphs and paragraphs to be canceled) or drawn up as an annex to the legal act.

5.5 It is not allowed to adopt repeated legal acts if the acts previously issued on the same issue have not been implemented, except when the need to adopt a new legal act is dictated by a change in circumstances. It is not allowed to adopt legal acts that completely duplicate acts of federal or regional legislation.

5.6 If tables, graphs, maps, schemes are provided in a legal act, then, as a rule, they should be drawn up in the form of annexes, and the relevant paragraphs of the act should have links to these annexes. Lists, regulations, instructions, procedures, cost estimates, samples of documents, forms, schemes, etc., if they are necessary for the proper application of the act, are also drawn up as annexes to the legal act. The application indicates which document it is approved by. A legal act with annexes must have continuous pagination.

If necessary, the text of the legal act indicates the moment of its entry into force: from the moment of publication or from the moment of signing, in some cases, the text of the document may indicate the specific date of its entry into force.

5.7 The text of a legal act must be prepared taking into account the following general requirements:

The text should be extremely brief (the essence of the document should be stated clearly), meaningfully defined, not allowing for different (double) understanding and interpretation;

Accuracy and certainty of formulations, expressions and individual terms (concepts), compliance of the form and content of the text with established or generally recognized rules;

Clarity and accessibility of the language of the legal act for the subjects of law (addressees) to whom it applies;

The absence of obsolete words and expressions, figurative comparisons, epithets, metaphors and other emotionally expressive language means;

The novelty of the legal regulation of a specific sphere of social relations, it is not allowed to re-reproduce normative instructions of the same legal force;

The specificity of regulation, a clear definition of all the necessary elements of a legal act;

The completeness of the regulation of the relevant sphere of public relations, the absence of gaps and omissions;

Maximum efficiency, optimal capacity, compactness of legal formulas;

Compliance of the text with the rules of the Russian language.

5.8 If necessary, for the completeness of the presentation of the issue, legal acts may contain references to acts of federal and regional legislation, as well as reproduce their individual provisions, which should have references to these legislative acts.

In this case, it is necessary to indicate their type, the full name of the body that issued (adopted) the act, the date of publication (adoption), number (except for legislative acts) and the full name of the act. When referring to legislative acts, only their type and full name are indicated.

5.9 In the final paragraph of the draft resolutions and orders, the official who is entrusted with the organization of control over the execution of documents is determined.

5.10 The approval of the draft legal act is formalized by sighting. The visa includes the surname, personal signature of the approver, date of approval.

Visas are located on the registration sheet, which is printed on the back of the last page of the draft legal act. Sighting on a separate sheet is not allowed.

5.11 The draft legal act is agreed in the following sequence:

Head of the Committee, Department, department that develops a legal act;

Head of the legal department;

Deputy Head of Administration, supervising the relevant area of ​​activity;

Deputy Head of Administration - manager of affairs.

5.12 Draft legal acts on certain groups of issues are subject to mandatory approval:

On issues related to the expenditure of budgetary funds - in the Financial Department;

For questions related to the regulation of prices and tariffs, contact the Committee for Economic Development and Trade.

The obligation to agree on a draft legal act rests with the division of the Administration that prepared this draft.

5.13 The term for consideration of a draft legal act submitted for approval should not exceed 1 working day, unless otherwise specified by the Head of Administration.

5.14 In case of disagreement with the draft legal act, the approver must state in writing on a separate sheet his reasoned opinion and (or) additions and changes, attaching them to the draft of this act.

Simultaneously with the visa of the corresponding official, a mark “With comments” is put.

5.15 If there are disagreements on the draft legal act, the Deputy Head of the Administration in charge of the issue regulated by this draft should ensure that it is discussed with interested bodies and organizations in order to find a mutually acceptable solution.

If such a solution is not found, then a draft legal act with a list of disagreements and original comments signed by the relevant leaders is sent for consideration to the Head of Administration, who makes the necessary decision.

5.16 Draft legal acts drawn up in accordance with the established procedure are submitted for signature to the Head of the Administration by the Deputy Head - the manager of affairs.

Legal acts, after being signed by the Head of Administration, are sent to the department for organizational work, which carries out their registration in the Delo pro electronic system (hereinafter - Delo pro), storage, reproduction and distribution.

The distribution is made in accordance with the list of bodies, organizations provided by the contractor (developer). Each copy of the distributed legal act is affixed with a round seal of the organization department (for documents).

5.17 Registration of adopted legal acts is carried out within 5 days from the date of registration in Delo pro. An electronic card is created for each legal act, in which the full name of the act, the date of its registration is entered.

5.18 Copies of regulatory legal acts (acts affecting the rights, freedoms and obligations of an indefinite number of persons) are sent to the interdistrict prosecutor's office within 5 days from the date of registration in the Delo pro electronic system.

The originals of legal acts with all the necessary documents are formed into folders.

All originals of legal acts are stored in accordance with the nomenclature of cases of the Administration.

The stored originals of legal acts and documents related to them, as well as their copies, are issued for review only with the written permission of the Deputy Head of the Administration - the manager of affairs.

5.19 The procedure for preparing, agreeing, accepting, registering and storing documents containing state or other secrets protected by law, confidential information, as well as similar information stored in electronic form, is determined by a separate legal act of the Head of the Administration.

5.20 Legal acts come into force from the date of their signing, unless otherwise provided in the acts themselves. Normative legal acts affecting the rights, freedoms and duties of a person and a citizen shall enter into force after their official publication.

5.21 Normative legal acts are subject to official publication in full after their signing and registration.

Separate legal acts and official documents of the Head of the Administration may be published in full or in summary at the direction of the Head of the Administration.

5.22 Draft Administrative Regulations of the Administration for the provision of municipal services (functions) undergo an independent examination by posting them on the Administration Portal within 30 days (according to the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services").

5.23 Draft regulatory legal acts of the Administration undergo an independent examination by posting them on the portal of the Administration within 5 days.

5.24 Draft regulatory legal acts of the Administration undergo anti-corruption expertise in the legal department of the Administration within 5 days.

5.26 Responsibility for the safety of the documents that served as the basis for the preparation of a legal act lies with the contractor who prepared (developed) this legal act. The period of storage of documents is permanent. Organization of storage

Documents are carried out in accordance with the Instructions for office work in the Administration

6. The procedure for the participation of representatives of the Administration in the work Yartsevo District Council of Deputies

Deputy Heads of Administration, heads of Committees, Departments, departments, specialists may attend and speak at meetings of the District Council of Deputies, its commissions on behalf of the Head of Administration.

7. The order of consideration of requests and appeals district council of deputies

7.1 Requests and appeals of the Yartsevo District Council, commissions and deputies addressed to the Head of Administration are received by the department for organizational work, where they are registered on the same day and immediately transferred to the Head of Administration.

7.2 On the basis of the instructions of the Head of the Administration, the organizational department sends the received requests and appeals to the heads of the Administration services, which are in charge of the questions raised, for the preparation of a draft response.

7.3 The official named first in the instruction ensures the preparation and approval of the draft response on behalf of the Head of Administration and submits it to the Head of Administration.

If it is impossible to prepare a draft response within the prescribed period, the specified official coordinates with the Yartsevo District Council, the relevant commissions, deputies (the first in the group who sent a request or appeal) its extension and submits to the Head of the Administration a draft of the corresponding motivated letter indicating a new deadline.

7.4 The term for consideration of requests and appeals should not exceed the terms established by the instructions of the Head of the Administration, and if they are not established, - 30 days from the date of their receipt by the organizational work department.

8. Working with acts of prosecutorial response

8.1 The acts of the prosecutor's response received by the Administration are registered in the organizational department in Delo pro on the day they are received and, after consideration by the Head of the Administration, are sent to the head of the legal department.

8.2 The head of the legal department, if necessary, has the right to send a copy of the act of the prosecutor's response to the relevant structural unit that developed the contested act of the Head of the Administration, and (or) the structural unit, which is in charge of the questions raised, for consideration and preparation of a draft response of the Head of the Administration.

8.3 Heads of structural subdivisions are obliged to consider the act of the prosecutor's response and submit a draft response of the Head of the Administration to the head of the legal department, as well as prepare the necessary changes and (or) additions to the relevant acts of the Head of the Administration.

8.4 The term for preparing a response from the Head of Administration should not exceed the time limits established by federal law.

Preparation of the necessary changes and (or) additions to the relevant acts of the Head of Administration is carried out within the same period.

9. Organization of work with official documents

9.1 The procedure for the preparation, execution, registration and distribution of official documents (hereinafter referred to as documents) is regulated by the Instructions for Office Work and these Regulations.

Responsibility for the organization and proper conduct of office work in the Administration rests with the department of organizational work.

9.2 Correspondence addressed to the Head of Administration and his deputies is accepted, opened (with the exception of those addressed personally), registered by the department of organizational work in Delo pro in accordance with the nomenclature of cases (information about the document is recorded in the registration form), classified and in the same day, depending on the content and the addressee, is sent accordingly to the Head of Administration or his deputies.

9.3 Letters of the same content, received simultaneously in the name of two or more officials, are registered under one number and sent to the addressees indicated in the letters.

Mail addressed or delivered to the organizational department by mistake, for other purposes, is returned or forwarded to the body or institution to which it is intended.

9.4 Documents and other correspondence received after hours, as well as on weekends and holidays, are accepted by the EDDS employee, which is noted in the register, and transferred to the organizational department for registration.

9.5 The order of consideration of documents is reflected in the resolution of the Head of Administration or his deputies.

9.6 Draft resolutions should contain a clear and distinct indication of the execution of the document, specific instructions, names of performers and deadlines for execution, and, if necessary, an indication of "control" over the execution of the document. In the text of the resolution, as short as possible, established terminology should be used. If you need to prepare a response:

The resolution “For an answer” indicates the need to prepare and send a response to correspondents and applicants directly by the executor, a copy of the response, together with a copy of the received document, is sent to the official who signed the resolution;

The resolution “To prepare a draft response” determines the need to prepare a draft response and send it along with the documents received to the address of the official who signed the resolution. At the same time, the passage of draft responses along the chain of performers must exactly correspond to the reverse order of sending resolutions.

9.7 As a general rule, there should not be more than one resolution on a document. Subsequent resolutions are necessary when they detail how the document will be executed.

9.8 After consideration of the correspondence by the Head of Administration or his deputies, respectively, it is returned to the organizational work department for further organization of work with it in accordance with the resolution imposed on the document and the relevant instructions. The term for consideration of documents should be, as a rule, no more than one working day.

The organizational department brings the documents to the persons responsible for execution.

9.9 Documents to be executed by several executors are copied and transferred to each executor.

Responsible for the execution of the document is the person indicated in the resolution first, he is given an original copy of the document with the resolution. The responsible executor is obliged to organize the execution of the document within the prescribed period, he is granted the right to convene co-executors.

Co-executors must, at the request of the responsible executor, submit all the necessary materials. They are equally responsible for the timely and high-quality execution of the instructions of the head.

9.10 The term for consideration of documents is set at 30 days from the date of registration in the organizational work department, unless another period is specified in the resolution.

If additional time is needed to resolve the issues set out in the document, the extension of the deadline must be issued at least 2-3 days before its expiration and carried out by the official who imposed the primary resolution.

9.11 Outgoing documents signed by the Head of the Administration or his deputies are sent by the organizational department. Their copies, drawn up in accordance with the established procedure, remain and are stored in the organization department.

9.12 Correspondence is transmitted through the organization department.

9.13 The letter submitted for signature by the Head of Administration or his deputies shall be accompanied by a copy of it, on which there must be a visa of the contractor responsible for preparing this letter, with the obligatory indication of the date of approval of the document.

If the letter is submitted for signature to the Head of Administration, then on its copy, in addition to the specified visa, there must also be a visa of the Deputy Head of the municipality in whose competence the issue is resolved.

10. Organization of work with citizens' appeals

10.1 The Administration, within its competence, ensures the consideration of citizens' appeals, the adoption of decisions on them and the sending of a response within the time period established by law. For these purposes, the department of organizational work organizes the reception of citizens by the Head of the Administration and other officials and work with written appeals.

10.2 Personal reception of citizens is carried out in accordance with the procedure approved by the Head of Administration, on the established days and hours. Making an appointment and organizing the reception of citizens are provided by the organizational work department. The organization of the execution of decisions taken as a result of the reception of citizens is entrusted to the structural units whose competence includes the issues considered.

10.3 The basic requirements for the organization of work with citizens' appeals in the Administration are established by the procedure for considering citizens' appeals, approved by a resolution of the Administration.

10.4 Written appeals of citizens received by the Administration are registered in the Delo pro organizational department and, after their preliminary consideration by the head of the department, are transferred to the Head of the Administration or his deputies. With the resolution of the Head of the Administration or his deputies, written appeals from citizens are handed over to specific executors for consideration.

10.5 The term for consideration of the letter is determined in accordance with the current legislation.

10.6 The Contractor prepares a draft answer on the merits of the issue under consideration, endorses (visa of the supervising Deputy Head of Administration is required) and, together with a written request, is submitted to the official who gave the order for signature.

10.7 Control over the consideration and adoption of decisions on oral and written applications of citizens is carried out by the Deputy Heads of the Administration, heads of structural divisions of the Administration.

11. Organization of control over the execution of legal acts and other documents

11.1. The main tasks of monitoring the implementation is to ensure the unconditional implementation of measures for the economic and social development of the municipality; accounting for the implementation of resolutions, orders and instructions (contained in resolutions and data at the meeting) of the Head of the Administration, orders and written instructions of the deputies of the Head of the Administration; timely detection of violations of the deadlines for the execution of controlled documents; increasing the personal responsibility of performers for the assigned areas of work and increasing the overall level of discipline.

11.2 Control over the execution of documents is carried out by the Head of Administration, deputies of the Head of Administration on issues within their competence (in accordance with the distribution of duties), as well as other officials, if the issues contained in the documents relate to the scope of their activities.

11.3 The organization of control is provided by the Deputy Head of the Administration - the manager of affairs.

11.4 Technical work and operational control over the progress and deadlines for the execution of controlled documents is carried out by the department for organizational work, which

Registers all controlled documents in Delo pro.

11.5 The basis for putting a document under control is an indication of establishing control over its execution or specific tasks and instructions to the officials of the Administration in the text of the document or in the text of the resolution imposed on the document.

11.6 Organizing Department:

Carries out general documentary control over the execution of controlled documents;

Carries out accounting of controlled documents;

On behalf of the Head of Administration, as well as on its own initiative, it checks the actual implementation of controlled documents;

Ensures the collection of information from authorized persons and direct executors of documents put under control;

Analyzes, summarizes the information received on the progress of the execution of documents and executive discipline and, for the purpose of informing, proactive control and taking prompt measures, submits to the Head of Administration information on the execution of controlled documents by drawing up a certificate.

11.7 Officials on behalf of the Head of Administration or his deputies:

Carry out control over the deadlines for the execution of controlled documents;

Receive from executors reports and other information material on the execution of documents;

Analyze reports, draw up a statement on the results of execution with assessments, conclusions and proposals on the merits of controlled documents and submit it for consideration to the appropriate official (Head of Administration or his deputies) to make a decision to remove the document from control or to extend the deadlines for execution and responsibility of executors;

Submit written information to the organizational department in the form of certificates on the progress of execution and on the execution of controlled documents and relevant information, which should reflect the specific results of the work on the execution of the document.

11.8 Documents executed in full or canceled by another act are subject to removal from control. The removal of a document from control does not mean the termination of the legal norms established by it.

11.9 The basis for removing a document from control or extending the period for its execution is the written information of the official entrusted with the execution of the document, addressed to the official who made the decision to put the document under control.

11.10 Materials on the implementation and removal from control of documents or the extension of the deadlines for their execution are submitted to the Head of Administration or his deputies by the person responsible for exercising control over the relevant document.

If the Head of Administration or his deputy considers the proposal to remove the document from control unreasonable, he returns it for revision to the official responsible for the execution of the document.

11.11 Deputy Head of Administration - manager of affairs reports to the Head of Administration on the implementation of controlled documents and proposes drafts of relevant decisions.

11.12 Control over compliance with the terms of consideration of letters, applications and complaints of citizens is carried out by the organizational work department.

12. Personnel issues

12.1 Appointment to a position is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation", the regional law "On Certain Issues of Municipal Service in the Smolensk Region", the Charter of the Municipal Formation "Yartsevsky District" and is drawn up by the relevant legal act .

12.2 By order of the Administration, employees of the Administration, as well as heads of municipal enterprises and institutions, are appointed to and dismissed from it.

12.3 Copies of the Administration's orders on appointment (dismissal) are sent to the relevant structural units, endowed with the rights of a legal entity.

12.4 Draft orders of the Administration for the appointment and dismissal of personnel are prepared by the chief specialist of the organizational work department. He also maintains their personal records, personal files, work books, as well as a register of municipal positions of the municipal service, draws up a vacation schedule and prepares orders for the provision of vacations to employees of the Administration.

12.5 When employees are dismissed from their positions, their personal files are stored in the departmental archive of the Administration and, upon request, are transferred to the organization in which the dismissed employee is employed.

12.6 Business trips to employees of the Administration are issued by orders of the Administration

12.7 Municipal employees of the Administration, other employees of the Administration submit applications for annual leave to the Head of Administration no later than 10 days before the planned vacation in accordance with the approved vacation schedule, which is drawn up no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year.

Leave for the above officials is granted on the basis of the order of the Administration.

12.8 In the event of going on vacation, officials are obliged to transfer unfulfilled documents with instructions to the persons replacing them.

12.9 During vacations, illness or business trips of officials of the Administration, their duties are performed in accordance with the existing replacement scheme.

13. Use of seals and stamps

13.1 To certify the authenticity of documents or the correspondence of copies of documents to the originals, the official seal and the seal "FOR DOCUMENTS" are used.

13.2 Appropriate stamps are used to mark the receipt, registration, passage and execution of documents, other reference marks.

13.3 The official seal of the Administration is affixed to the signatures of the Head of the Administration and other officials authorized by the Head to sign the relevant documents.

13.4 A stamp with a facsimile reproduction of the signature of the Head of the Administration may, if necessary, be used on copies of duly signed documents, congratulatory addresses, postcards and telegrams.

The use of this stamp when issuing originals of any documents is not allowed.

13.5 The official seal of the Administration is kept by the Deputy Head of the Administration - the manager of affairs.

13.6. Copies of legal acts of the Head of the Administration, deputies of the Head of the Administration, prepared for replication, are affixed with a round stamp "FOR DOCUMENTS".

13.7 The production of seals and stamps for the structural divisions of the Administration is carried out on the basis of an order from the Deputy Head of the Administration - the manager of affairs.

The made seals and stamps are taken into account by the Deputy Head of the Administration - the manager of affairs and are issued against receipt to the heads of structural divisions of the Administration.

13.8 Seals and stamps should be stored in fireproof metal cabinets or safes.

13.9 Responsibility and control over compliance with the procedure for the use and storage of seals and stamps rests with the Deputy Head of the Administration - the manager of affairs; in structural divisions - on their heads. When changing the corresponding manager, the seal and stamps are transferred according to the act with marks in the register.

14. Work schedule of the Administration of the municipal formation "Yartsevsky district" of the Smolensk region

14.1. The employees of the Administration are assigned a five-day working week of 40 hours, with two days off (Saturday and Sunday). At the same time, the standard duration of the working day is 8 hours a day, a break for rest and meals is not included in working hours.

14.2. The mode of operation in the Administration is set within the following limits:

Start of work - 8 hours 00 minutes;

End of work - 17 hours 00 minutes;

On the eve of holidays, the duration of work is reduced by 1 hour;

Lunch break - from 13:00 to 14:00.

15. Procedure for making changes and additions to the Regulations

Proposals to amend and supplement these Regulations are summarized by the Deputy Head of the Administration - the manager of affairs and are submitted for approval to the Head of the Administration of the municipality.