How to store tuberous begonia. When to dig up begonias and how to store them. Digging up begonia tubers for the winter

Proper storage tuberous begonia in winter - necessary condition . If they are not followed, the tubers will produce a small number of buds and flowering will be poor.

First of all, it is necessary to comply terms of extraction from the soil. If you are late, waiting until the first frost, he may suffer. The tubers of this flower do not tolerate even short-term freezing. But you can’t dig them up before. As soon as the foliage begins to dry out, the flower begins to actively gain tuber mass and lay buds for next bloom. Therefore, early removal from the ground will reduce the number of flowers during the growing season.

When you notice the first signs of wilting, stop watering. In open ground conditions, it is recommended to cover the bush in case of rainy weather.

Watch carefully for the condition of the above-ground part. As soon as all the foliage turns yellow and falls off, it’s time to act. Do not use a large shovel you can damage the delicate roots with it. Carefully cut off any remaining stems using garden shears or pruning shears.

Do not cut the foliage down to the base - you may damage the bulb. Leave stumps 2-3 cm long.

After digging out of the ground, thoroughly clean the tubers. Dry them in a room with warm, dry air. If the room is high humidity, rotting processes may begin in the tubers. In preparation for winter, the tubers ripen, this process lasts 15-20 days.

Sometimes unexpected frosts occur in autumn, and the leaves of the plant immediately freeze. It is a mistake to believe that the root part was also frozen. Most often during short-term frosts underground part remains unharmed. Dig up such specimens and try to preserve them.

How to preserve tuberous begonia in winter at home?

Temperature at the wintering site should not exceed 9-10 degrees. This is a necessary condition for the formation of flower buds. Humidity increased (70-80%) is required. There are several ways to ensure this, depending on the conditions you have:

Basement or cellar

For this method, it is necessary to prepare a container in which the tubers will be placed. This can be a cardboard box or a wooden box. It is recommended to pour on the bottom a layer of sand, peat or sawdust.

Experienced flower growers respond well to using it for these purposes. modern material vermiculite

Vermiculitemineral powder, widely used in horticulture and indoor floriculture. It does not rot or decompose when exposed to the atmosphere, so insects and bacteria do not multiply in it. Tubers placed in it will be at a certain temperature with sufficient air access. In addition, they will not be infected with diseases and pests. To store tubers, vermiculite is mixed with peat or sawdust.

The tubers are laid out on the prepared pillow in one layer, so that they do not touch each other. The plants laid on top are covered with a layer of mixture for storage. It should also cover the distances between the tubers. Each specimen should be literally surrounded by a bed of backfill mixture.


If there is no basement or cellar, the tubers can be stored in the refrigerator. The finished, dried material is placed in a bag, sprinkled with peat and vermiculite, or a mixture of sand and vermiculite. The package requires make holes for air access. The bag is then placed in the refrigerator.

If you have enough space in your refrigerator, you can put the tubers in the bottom drawer for storing vegetables, filling them with a peat mixture as in the previous option. Convenient to use too food containers. Tubers are placed in them and filled with a mixture of peat and vermiculite, or sawdust and peat, just like in boxes. Make sure that the filling mixture is completely dry, otherwise the begonias will rot or become infected with fungus.

How to preserve tuberous begonia in a pot in an apartment in winter?

The previous storage methods are used for large, mature tubers. Young specimens are small and will dry out if stored this way. It is recommended to store them by placing them in pots with soil. Deepen the tubers into the ground, maybe several in one pot, and place them in a dry, cool room. Once or twice depending on the humidity of the surrounding air. The soil with stored tubers needs to be moistened.

Wintering first-year begonias

Storage of first-year plants obtained from seeds is different because their dormant period is relative. Their aboveground part does not die off in the fall, and they must overwinter in pots.

Since small tubers retain their leaves, they need light. But the temperature of the content should not exceed 15 degrees. First-year plants are watered moderately to avoid rotting.

Inexperienced gardeners mistakenly treat young nodules in the same way as large, mature ones. But this cannot be done, because first-year plants grown from seeds continue to grow in winter period. If stored incorrectly, then they will dry out.

Features of the dormant period of indoor begonia

A plant grown at home also needs organization. winter storage. The difference is that the plant does not have to be removed from the soil.

In autumn, as soon as the stems begin to wither and dry out, sharply reduce the frequency of watering and the amount of water. The leaves that have completely withered are carefully cut off and the pot is put away in a cool, dark place. Such conditions are necessary for the plant to rest and gain strength for flowering next season.

There is no need to disturb the resting bush:
move it from place to place, replant it. Check the condition of the root system. You just need to make sure that the soil does not dry out and lightly moisten it periodically. This is especially important during heating operation, since the air in the apartments is dry and the tubers can dry out.

Plants are well preserved on insulated balconies or under the balcony door. Just like garden begonia, indoor begonia can be stored in basements. They place it there directly in the pot in which it was grown. To limit light access, cover the pots with newspapers or thick cloth.

Do not replant the tubers into new soil before wintering - they will begin to grow, and this is highly undesirable.

It is very important that the potted plant there wasn't too much light coming in, and even more so direct sun rays. The plant will awaken ahead of time and sprout without having time to lay a sufficient number of flower buds.

Awakening of tubers

The wintering period ends for begonias in March-April. Remove the tubers from their wintering place and warm them in the room. You can also germinate them in damp peat or sand before planting them in open ground. Before doing this, dip them in a solution of potassium permanganate for a while.

If there are many buds on one tuber large size. Before planting, you can cut it into pieces. Cut places treat with ash, sulfur or charcoal.

Young plants have elongated shoots by spring; they need to be cut and rooted in separate containers.

Following these simple storage rules will help you enjoy the summer lush and abundant flowering of the beautiful begonia.

You can find all the details, including varieties such as and, on the pages of our website. Our experts will give many tips and recommendations to help you enjoy the beauty of this beautiful plant.


Begonia will delight and delight with the luxury of its flowering for many years if you take responsible care of its storage in the off-season and ensure proper care for a flower in winter.

Types of begonia

  • decorative deciduous;
  • bushy;
  • tuberous.

Each of them requires certain conditions during the winter.
Bushy and decorative deciduous species do not require special wintering conditions. To prevent them from dying in winter, it is enough to cut off wilted stems when cold weather sets in and mulch the bushes with straw or garden leaves.

The most demanding in terms of care and maintenance winter time.

The beauty and duration of flowering of this magnificent flower directly depends on how to care for begonia in winter.
If begonia does not bloom for a long time, or it has small and few flowers, this indicates that it was stored incorrectly in winter.

Caring for begonia grown in the ground

Mature plants have fairly large tubers. If they grew up in open ground, then, trying not to damage them, they are dug up when the first frost occurs.
However, you should not rush to dig up the plant, because autumn frosts tubers are not damaged.
You need to wait until the flower prepares for winter on its own - that is, the vegetative part dies off, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

In addition, at the end of the growing season, the tubers noticeably increase in size and increase in mass, since when the above-ground part dies, all the nutrients are lost to them. At the same time, renewal buds are laid, from which new shoots will develop after the begonia overwinters.

Having dug, you need to cut off the frozen stems, leaving shoots (hemps) no more than 3 cm high on the surface. This procedure prevents the formation of pathogenic fungi that contribute to infection of the tubers.

Then the plant is cleaned of soil, placed in a box and placed to dry in a well-ventilated, warm place. dry room. Two weeks later, when the roots have dried, the dried shoots and the remaining soil are removed.

Next, the tubers are placed in wooden boxes in several rows and sprinkled with river sand or dry sand with the addition of vermiculite.
It is very desirable to add vermiculite, because thanks to its ability to regulate the humidity of the substrate, the risk of root rot is significantly reduced.

Important: pour the tubers sand mixture in such a way that they are isolated from one another - this reduces the percentage of their loss.

Begonia prepared for wintering is placed in a cool place where the temperature should not exceed 10 °C, humidity about 60% - these are usually basements and cellars.
The plant remains in a dormant period for almost three months - from mid-November to almost the end of February; during this entire time it is impossible to water, otherwise the sleeping buds will wake up.
Periodically, but at least once a month, the condition of the tuber is examined for the presence of mold and root rot.
When a lesion is detected, it is cleaned and treated with colloidal sulfur or brilliant green. If the lesion is extensive, the plant is removed to prevent the spread of infection.

At the beginning of spring, in March, when dormant flower buds begin to awaken on the tubers, they are removed from the sand and placed for germination in a moist substrate prepared on the basis of peat with the addition of high-quality humus and river sand taken in the same volume.
Containers with germinated tubers are placed closer to the light, watering is limited, and the temperature is about 18 °C.
Tubers germinate rather slowly and unevenly. First of all, they take root. Sprouts that appear later need to be shaded from the sun and ventilated more often, but avoid drafts.

This time is good for dividing tubers and propagating them. The cut is treated with colloidal sulfur powder or crushed charcoal.

Many people manage to successfully preserve begonia in winter in boxes with a lump of earth on the loggia, if it does not freeze, or in the coolest places in the apartment - near the balcony or front door.

How to preserve young begonia tubers in winter

All these actions are good for healthy and strong tubers. In the case when they are very small and flabby, you will have to act differently.
The point is that behavior young plant and adult flowers differ significantly, which is why the tubers different sizes during the dormant period they are stored in different ways.

  • Small first-year flower nodules must be kept in a cool place in winter and be sure to be watered periodically, otherwise root system may dry out.
    The dormant period of first-years is rather conditional, since their shoots do not fall off during the winter, although growth stops.
  • Having dug up such a nodule, it is placed in a plastic bag filled with dry peat and placed in household refrigerator. Begonia is periodically inspected. If sprouts appear prematurely, they must be broken out, since they are not viable.
  • Young begonias can be left to overwinter in boxes placed in a cool, bright place and watered moderately. With the onset of spring, they are planted in separate pots with substrate.
    They are transplanted into the ground when a stable positive temperature occurs.

Winter care for home begonia

Begonia, grown in pots in summer, blooms until late autumn. With the onset of cold weather, it plunges into a state of rest. It is not recommended to replant begonia at this time, but it is necessary to reduce watering. You should water only when the soil in the pot becomes completely dry, because excess moisture can cause root rot.

With the beginning heating season The air in the apartment becomes very dry, so you need to spray the air near the flower every day using a spray bottle.

As you can see, caring for begonia in winter is not difficult, you just need to show it a little attention, the answer to which will be a profusely and brightly blooming garden.

Tuberous begonia - how to preserve in winter (video)

Begonia is the name of a genus of plants in the family Begoniaceae.. It includes about 1.6 thousand species. The name is based on the surname of the Governor of Haiti M. Begon, who organized scientific expeditions.

ATTENTION: One in the family, perennial herbs, semi- and shrubs with creeping rhizomes or tubers. All representatives have asymmetrical leaves with beautiful colors and flowers different colors with an irregular shape.

Most beautiful flower in the genus - tuberous begonia. This plant is a perennial, but it does not survive the winter in open ground, growing in middle lane Russia. Therefore, its tubers are dug up with the onset of cold weather. By observing this first rule, everyone will rejoice luxurious flowers different colors and shapes in flower beds in summer.

The main feature of tuberous begonia is its fear of frost.. To plant it in open ground at the beginning of summer, tubers are sprouted from the end of March or the beginning of April.

Rest period and awakening

When does begonia go dormant? Late October – early November. She awakens in the first days of spring, as soon as the gardener changes the frequency of watering and moves the box to a warmer room.

The rest period is an important event that cannot be omitted or missed. The main thing in winter is to provide everything so that the tubers do not dry out and rot..

If you send a flower to rest ahead of time, it will not be ready for sleep. He won't accumulate enough stock nutrients and simply will not survive the winter. There is no need to rush into organizing winter quarters.

Best time for awakening - March-April. At this time, if the storage conditions are changed, the buds on the tubers will swell. To do this, it is important to remove them from the sawdust or sand and put them in a warm and dry place. Before planting in a peat-based mixture, cuttings are carried out.

After waking up, i.e. the appearance of buds, the tubers are planted. The first step is to place them correctly in the hole: the top of the head should be at the top, not at the bottom. In order for buds to appear on a concave/flat surface, the air temperature in the room must be above +18⁰С, and watering must be done after each drying of the top layer of soil.

IMPORTANT: New sprouts appear on begonia tubers just a few weeks after the conditions change.

Divide the tubers into parts if they have several buds. The cut areas are treated with charcoal and ash. After germination, they are planted in open ground at the beginning of summer, having previously taken care of the soil, fertilizing it and protecting it from the wind.

Maintenance until spring at home and in open ground

Tubers of garden and home begonias are cared for differently. When preparing them for winter, some features are taken into account.

Garden begonias House begonias
They have large tubersThey have small tubers
Preparing for dormancy before the first hard frost. Light frost is not scary for them, as it prepares them for hibernation and forces them to accumulate strength.The plant tubers are not prepared for dormancy at all. They are not dug up, but left in the pot without being removed from the soil mixture.
The best time to dig up tubers is when the leaves of the plant die off and the stems gradually dry out.After the stems wither, reduce watering and cut them as short as possible, thereby preparing them for sleep.
After 2 weeks of drying, remove the containers with tubers to a cool roomThe pots with the plant are removed to a cool place where new foliage will not appear on the stems and flowers will not appear on the peduncles

Important nuances

  • When buying sprouted begonia from hand, check whether it has tubers or not. More often the seller passes it off as perennial annual.
  • They never prune a “green” begonia, wanting to put it to rest by force.
  • Begonias that have not shed their leaves are removed without pruning.

Begonia is a heat-loving plant. IN wildlife it grows in countries where the climate is hot. Thanks to breeding work The beauty is grown in the garden and on windowsills by flower growers from Russia. In order for it to survive the winter, do not cut off the foliage in the first days of summer and do not dig up the tubers before serious frosts.

Autumn is an important stage in the life of a plant. It is at this time that it grows tubers, storing nutrients in them and forming buds for flower stalks that will bloom on next year. Therefore, there is no need to rush to organize hibernation, but there is no need for delay either.

ADVICE: Tubers are always dug up for the winter if the crop is growing in the garden. After drying, store them in paper bags in the refrigerator. Neglecting this procedure, one is not surprised at the death of garden begonia over the winter.

Preparation for storage

  1. Digging up the tubers after the foliage turns yellow and flies off and the stems dry out.
  2. They are placed to dry at the end of October – beginning of November. You will need special boxes and keep them in a room where it will be warm and dry.
  3. After drying for 2 weeks, wrap them in paper bags and place them in a place where the temperature will be +7-9⁰C.
  4. Winter care involves spraying once a month to prevent drying out.
  5. If necessary, remove rotten tubers.
  6. They are not divided into parts until spring comes.

There are only three ways to store begonia tubers:


Proper wintering is a guarantee that with the onset of warm days they will again acquire foliage, and eventually lush flowers. The main thing is to follow all the rules stated above.

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In the first year, begonia tubers are small and weak. Therefore, they require special care. There is a risk of death of young rhizomes if they are left in storage with adult specimens.

  1. Young plants are removed from the beds in the fall and placed together with a ball of soil in boxes with a peat mixture. For first-year begonias, the state of rest is relative. In winter they have upper part remains green. Containers with flowers are placed in a bright and cool place. It is recommended to moisten the soil once every 2 months.
  2. In adult flowers, the lower part dies off by autumn. It is cut off, the roots are dug up, and placed in boxes with sawdust, peat or sand. Planting rhizomes are kept in a cool place until spring in the refrigerator or in the basement.

Rest period and awakening

Dormancy or wintering for tuberous begonias begins in November and continues until early March. The florist must take care of the planting material: preserve it and prevent it from drying out. To do this, certain rules are followed:

  • Begonias should not be retired at the beginning of autumn. To prepare for wintering, they must gain enough nutrients.
  • Tubers need to be dug up at the end of October - beginning of November (before the onset of serious frosts).

At the end of March - beginning of April, the buds sprout and the begonia awakens. This the right time for cuttings and planting:

  1. 2 months before planting, the tubers are removed from the container in which they overwintered and placed in a container for germination.
  2. The roots are planted with the crown up.
  3. Germinate tubers indoors with temperature conditions not lower than +18 degrees.
  4. Water daily. Sprouts will appear within a few weeks.
  5. Before planting, you can separate the tubers. There must be buds on each half. The cut areas are sprinkled with coal powder.
  6. Sprouted begonias are placed on the beds no earlier than the beginning of June. Choose a place well protected from direct sunlight and wind.

The difference between wintering at home and in the open ground

Caring for tubers in garden and house plants is different. In order to properly prepare them for wintering, their characteristic features are taken into account.

Rules for handling begonias growing on outdoors:

  1. Flowers are removed from garden plot with the arrival of the first hard frosts. There is no need to rush to dig during light frosts - begonias tolerate short-term drops in temperature.
  2. When the plant's stems and leaves dry out, they are cut off.
  3. The tubers are removed from the ground, placed in a box and placed to dry.
  4. The container with planting material is placed in storage until spring.

Indoor begonias are handled differently:

  1. Their tubers do not need to be dug up - the plants are in their pots.
  2. The stems are trimmed as soon as they begin to wilt.
  3. Watering is reduced to a minimum.
  4. The flower is transferred to a cool place.
  5. To prevent the soil from drying out completely, it is periodically moistened.

In spring, the tubers are transplanted into fresh substrate. If many buds appear, they are divided into several fragments.

Sometimes indoor begonia remains green all winter. The flower is left in its place until spring, then replanted.

Is it necessary to dig it up?

To garden culture survived the winter, tubers are dug up only when severe frosts occur.

Autumn is important stage in the life of begonias. During this period, it must stock up on nutrients, grow tubers, and form flowering buds.

When answering the question “should you dig up begonia for the winter,” its condition and type are taken into account:

  1. Large street tubers are removed from the ground after wilting.
  2. Large roots of home grown crops are left in their place for the winter.
  3. Flowers with small nodules and sprouted from seeds are dug up and placed in a cool, well-lit place.

The gardener should not rush to send outdoor plants to winter at the first slight frost. But you can’t delay it either.

Preparing a tuberous plant for storage until spring

Begonias growing in the garden are dug up before the onset of severe frosts.. The foliage on them will finally fly off, and the stems will dry out.

Features of preparing plants for winter:

  1. The tubers are dried in a cool, dry place.
  2. Placed in special containers: boxes or paper bags.

Store planting material until spring at a temperature of +7-9 degrees.

The wintering features of indoor begonia are different:

  1. It is prepared for rest in October.
  2. Reduce moisturizing and stop completely after a month.
  3. The top of the flower is cut off after wilting. If it does not dry out, leave it as is.

Storage methods and conditions

There are three methods for preserving tuberous begonias.: in the basement, in the apartment, in the refrigerator. The most popular way to overwinter tubers is in the basement:

  1. Dried planting material is placed in wooden boxes or boxes.
  2. They sprinkle sawdust on top and send it to rest.
  3. The roots are sorted out from time to time and rotten parts are removed.

In the apartment, a place is allocated for the tubers in the coldest room, for example, on the balcony or under the window.

There are 2 storage options:

  1. In pots. Growing in room conditions The flowers are cut and placed in a cool place.
  2. In the box. The tubers are placed in containers and sawdust or sand is poured on top.

Once a month, the root system is inspected for signs of disease.. You can lightly spray with a spray bottle.

Tuberous material is stored in the refrigerator when it is scarce:

  1. The roots are placed in a plastic bag with sawdust. The bag must have holes.
  2. Another way: wrap each tuber in a sheet of paper and place it in the refrigerator in the compartment intended for fruits and vegetables.

Wintering begonias will be correct if you adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not plant the plant before the hibernation period ends. It lasts until the end of February.
  • It is advisable to leave the planting rhizomes for storage in boxes with sand.
  • Be sure to inspect the roots and turn them over. If there are rotten places, they are removed. The sections are sprinkled with wood ash.

Before planting, the tubers must be germinated.

Proper wintering guarantees rapid development And wild bloom indoor tuberous begonia next year. To preserve garden plants, they must be dug up so that they do not die. Remove the tubers from the ground carefully, avoiding damage.

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Begonia will delight and delight with the luxury of its flowering for many years if you take responsible care of its storage in the off-season and ensure proper care of the flower in winter.

Types of begonia

  • decorative deciduous;
  • bushy;
  • tuberous.
  • Each of them requires certain conditions during the winter.
    Bushy and decorative deciduous species do not require special wintering conditions. To prevent them from dying in winter, it is enough to cut off wilted stems when cold weather sets in and mulch the bushes with straw or garden leaves.

    Tuberous begonias are the most demanding of care and maintenance in winter.

    The beauty and duration of flowering of this magnificent flower directly depends on how to care for begonia in winter.
    If begonia does not bloom for a long time, or it has small and few flowers, this indicates that it was stored incorrectly in winter.

    Caring for begonia grown in the ground

    Mature plants have fairly large tubers. If they grew in open ground, then, trying not to damage them, they are dug up when the first frost occurs.
    However, there is no need to rush to dig up the plant, since autumn frosts do not damage the tubers.
    You need to wait until the flower prepares for winter on its own - that is, the vegetative part dies off, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

    In addition, at the end of the growing season, the tubers noticeably increase in size and increase in mass, since when the above-ground part dies, all the nutrients are lost to them. At the same time, renewal buds are laid, from which new shoots will develop after the begonia overwinters.

    Having dug, you need to cut off the frozen stems, leaving shoots (hemps) no more than 3 cm high on the surface. This procedure prevents the formation of pathogenic fungi that contribute to infection of the tubers.

    Then the plant is cleaned of soil, placed in a box and placed to dry in a well-ventilated, warm, dry room. Two weeks later, when the roots have dried, the dried shoots and the remaining soil are removed.

    Next, the tubers are placed in wooden boxes in several rows and sprinkled with river sand or dry peat with the addition of vermiculite.
    It is very desirable to add vermiculite, because thanks to its ability to regulate the humidity of the substrate, the risk of root rot is significantly reduced.

    Important: sprinkle the tubers with the sand mixture so that they are isolated from one another - this reduces the percentage of their loss.

    Begonia prepared for wintering is placed in a cool place where the temperature should not exceed 10 °C, humidity about 60% - these are usually basements and cellars.
    The plant remains in a dormant period for almost three months - from mid-November to almost the end of February; during this entire time it is impossible to water, otherwise the sleeping buds will wake up.
    Periodically, but at least once a month, the condition of the tuber is examined for the presence of mold and root rot.
    When a lesion is detected, it is cleaned and treated with colloidal sulfur or brilliant green. If the lesion is extensive, the plant is removed to prevent the spread of infection.

    At the beginning of spring, in March, when dormant flower buds begin to awaken on the tubers, they are removed from the sand and placed for germination in a moist substrate prepared on the basis of peat with the addition of high-quality humus and river sand, taken in the same volume.
    Containers with germinated tubers are placed closer to the light, watering is limited, and the temperature is about 18 °C.
    Tubers germinate rather slowly and unevenly. First of all, they take root. Sprouts that appear later need to be shaded from the sun and ventilated more often, but avoid drafts.

    This time is good for dividing tubers and propagating them. The cut is treated with colloidal sulfur powder or crushed charcoal.

    Many people manage to successfully preserve begonia in winter in boxes with a lump of earth on the loggia, if it does not freeze, or in the coolest places in the apartment - near the balcony or front door.

    How to preserve young begonia tubers in winter

    All these actions are good for healthy and strong tubers. In the case when they are very small and flabby, you will have to act differently.
    The fact is that the behavior of a young plant and an adult flower differs significantly, therefore tubers of different sizes are stored differently during the dormant period.

  • Small first-year flower nodules must be kept in a cool place in winter and be sure to be watered periodically, otherwise the root system may dry out.
    The dormant period of first-years is rather conditional, since their shoots do not fall off during the winter, although growth stops.
  • Having dug up such a nodule, it is placed in a plastic bag filled with dry peat and placed in a household refrigerator. Begonia is periodically inspected. If sprouts appear prematurely, they must be broken out, since they are not viable.
  • Young begonias can be left to overwinter in boxes placed in a cool, bright place and watered moderately. With the onset of spring, they are planted in separate pots with substrate.
    They are transplanted into the ground when a stable positive temperature occurs.
  • Winter care for home begonia

    Begonia, grown in pots in summer, blooms until late autumn. With the onset of cold weather, it plunges into a state of rest. It is not recommended to replant begonia at this time, but it is necessary to reduce watering. You should water only when the soil in the pot becomes completely dry, because excess moisture can cause root rot.

    With the beginning of the heating season, the air in the apartment becomes very dry, so you need to spray the air near the flower daily using a spray bottle.

    As you can see, caring for begonia in winter is not difficult, you just need to show it a little attention, the answer to which will be a profusely and brightly blooming garden.

    Tuberous begonia - how to preserve in winter (video)

    Ampelous begonias - cultivation, use, propagation

    Ampelous begonia has become lately very popular. Of course she deserves such recognition. This is one of the most attractive house plants. Everything deserves praise: delicate, bright asymmetrical leaves, beautiful shape bush, splendor of flowering, variety of shapes and colors of flowers. In addition, the beauty is unpretentious. Even a not very experienced gardener can cope with caring for hanging begonias if he knows the rules for growing this plant.

    Planting ampelous begonia

    To grow a good specimen of ampelous tuberous begonia, you need to select healthy, strong tubers for planting. In the store you should buy tubers whose diameter exceeds 3 cm. Small-flowered varieties are an exception. Preference should be given to well-cleaned specimens, without stains or damage. The upper (concave) part of them should be dense. Lumps and irregularities are visible on it - these are kidneys. Those tubers that have from three to seven buds are good.

    Before planting, the tubers are kept with the lower, convex side on a damp cloth, sand or suitable soil in warmth and light. In this case, the planting material is occasionally sprinkled with warm soft water and weak solution Epina. They can be planted when tiny white roots appear on the convex part.

    Pots for hanging begonia small and wide are needed. Containers for planting must have a drainage hole, on which shards and drainage are placed on top. The soil used is loose and nutritious; it can be pre-treated with a fungicide.

    The prepared tubers are laid out with the convex side on moist (but not wet) soil and the space around is filled, leaving the upper part free. In this case, the top should be located a couple of centimeters below the edge of the pot. Until the sprouts appear, the tubers are not covered to the top with soil.

    Plantings of hanging begonias are kept in a warm, bright place. Water very carefully, trying not to get on the tuber. When the third leaf blooms on the sprout, the tuber is covered with soil completely, but not deeply.

    Ampelous begonias for successful cultivation need to be placed in a place where they will be illuminated by the sun before 11 and after 15 hours. These plants prefer an air temperature of about 18-20 degrees, but can withstand lower temperatures. Watering is moderate, it is unacceptable to over-wet the substrate, but overdrying is also excluded. It is undesirable for water to get on the tuber; it is better to water along the edge of the pot or into a tray.

    Strong begonias need to be fed so that they grow quickly and bloom elegantly. At the beginning of growth for rapid vegetation use nitrogen fertilizer. During flowering, fertilizers are needed for beautiful flowering plants containing little nitrogen and a lot of potassium and phosphorus. Occasionally, you can use fertilizers in chelated form, which contain many microelements (they are called vitamins for flowers). Begonias will be grateful if they are pampered with organic matter 1-2 times a year.

    The general rule for fertilizing begonias is: the solution should be weaker than indicated in the instructions. This is due to the fact that begonias really do not like salty soil.

    The rest of the care for hanging begonias is the same as for other flowers: removing dried leaves and flowers, spraying, monitoring the plant so as not to miss the appearance of pests. Before flowering, it’s good to arrange begonias warm shower. Afterwards, it is better to keep the plant overnight in the bathroom so that the water droplets dry. Under no circumstances should you place a wet plant in the sun - burns will appear on the tender leaves.

    On any begonia, 2 types of flowers bloom: Large and elegant (possibly double or semi-double) - male and small, simple - female. If the plant is unwell, it sheds its male buds and loses its decorative appearance.

    If the begonia is not tuberous, then it does not have a pronounced dormant period and its decorative effect remains throughout the winter. In tuberous begonia, after flowering, the shoots gradually dry out and the plant goes into deep hibernation. Then the tubers are removed from the ground, thoroughly cleaned of soil and shoots, and stored in dry peat. Keep at a temperature of 5-12 degrees.

    If sprouts appear on a tuber in winter, it is planted immediately, without waiting for spring. Such a plant needs additional lighting, preferably with special phytolamps.


    You can propagate ampelous begonia in the following ways:

    Begonia propagates quickly and easily from stem cuttings, retaining all the characteristics of the variety. The main characteristics of the mother plant are also well preserved when dividing the tubers. To do this, take large old tubers with more than seven buds, and very sharp knife cut them from top to bottom into several segments. There should be at least two buds on each piece. The sections are dried and the resulting tubers are planted in the usual way.

    Ampelous begonia from seeds also turns out strong and healthy. Sowing and caring for sprouts is the same as for other plants with very small seeds.

    Ampelous begonias are used both for decorating rooms and for landscaping balconies, windows, and terraces. There are many varieties of such plants, distinguished by their diversity, beauty, and long flowering. In addition, most modern varieties Resistant to rain on flowers.

    There is a whole series of varieties of hanging begonia - “Chanson”. These are excellent plants with semi-double and double flowers with a diameter of 6-8 cm. The shape of the flowers resembles a camellia. The length of the shoots of begonias in this series is from 30 to 40 cm.

    The most common varieties of the Chanson series:

  • E051 (White F1),
  • E052 (Yellow F1),
  • E053 (Salmon F1),
  • E762 (Pink F1),
  • E054 (Copper F1),
  • E055 (Bright red F1),
  • E056 (Dark Red F1),
  • E058 (Vanilla yellow F1),
  • E606 (Two-color Pink and white F1),
  • E607 (Two-color Orange-yellow F1).

  • Ampelous plants - video

    Proper storage of tuberous begonia in winter

    Tuberous begonia is a flower that loves warmth. They can survive the winter period only in a state of sleep. Already in September, the flower independently prepares for a state of dormancy, shedding leaves and getting rid of stems. Let's talk about storing tuberous begonias in winter.

    Features of wintering first-year tuberous begonias

    In the first year of life, Begonia tubers are small and weak, so they need special care. If you leave them to be stored together with adult plants for the winter, then there is a possibility that the first-year plants will die.

    In winter, tuberous begonia enters a dormant period, which usually lasts from November to February.

    Young tubers are removed from the garden and placed together with a lump of earth in boxes, where the peat mixture has already been prepared. The peculiarity of first-years is that their period of rest is a relative concept. Often their upper part (stems and leaves) remains green for the winter. Therefore, flowers in boxes are placed in light and a cool place. Watering at this time is required infrequently. It is enough to moisten the soil a little once or twice a month. In spring the plant again enters the stage active growth. In April, they should be transplanted first into pots with peat, and then, closer to summer, planted in the ground.

    In the second year, the plant independently and consciously prepares for hibernation, this time in the fall by the month of October his upper one dies off part that then needs to be cut off.

    Dormant period and awakening of tubers

    The period of rest or hibernation in ever-flowering begonia starts in November and continues until early spring. With the help of this event, the plant hides from the cold. Main task during this period, flower growers preserve the tubers and protect them from drying out.

    If the flower is sent for storage early, she may not have time to prepare for bed, since the supply of nutrients at this moment will be insufficient. That's why Don’t rush and remove the flower at the very beginning of autumn. Optimal time end of October – beginning of November. The main thing is to do it before frost sets in.

    Awakening of tuberous begonia after wintering

    With the onset of heat, namely in March - April, the flower buds swell and the flower emerges from the sleep state. At this time, it is necessary to carry out cuttings and plant them in a peat mixture.

    Tubers should be planted so that their crown faces upward. It is usually concave or flat, with kidneys. Germination requires warmth, at least 18 degrees, and daily watering.. In a few weeks the first shoots will appear.

    The tubers can be divided, the main thing is that each part has several buds. The cut site is treated with ash or charcoal. It is advisable to treat the cut areas with charcoal.

    The difference between wintering begonias at home and in the open ground

    Caring for domestic tubers garden plants significantly different. In order to properly prepare them for winter, you should take into account some features of both:

    1. Tubers of Begonias living in open ground much larger than those growing in pots at home. Garden flowers should be removed at the onset of the first hard frost. The rule of the golden mean is important here, since the first light frosts are not capable of killing the plant, so there is no need to rush either. Let the flower gain strength and prepare for hibernation on its own. The optimal time is when the plant's leaves and stems die off on their own. After this, the stems are cut off, and the tubers themselves are placed in a box and left so that they can dry. After this, the containers with the plants are put away for storage until spring.
    2. Begonia tubers are dug up for the winter and placed in a box.

      1. Caring for a houseplant in winter looks a little different. The tubers are not dug up, but remain in their pots. At the first appearance of wilting of the stems, they are also pruned. From this point on, watering is reduced to a minimum. In the spring, Begonia must be transplanted into new soil, having previously been divided into several parts if many buds have formed on them.
      2. It is not uncommon for domestic Begonia to not shed its leaves during the winter and remain green. In this case, there is no need to trim it. The plant remains in place until spring replanting.

        Is it necessary to dig it up for the winter?

        Begonias are heat-loving flowers, so preparing them for winter is very important for further growth. When answering the question “is it necessary to dig it up for the winter”, it is worth taking into account the type of plant and condition:

      3. Flower growers advise outdoor large tubers after wilting, dig up and place in a bowl with peat to a cool place.
      4. Large tubers of domestic plants are left in pots in the same place for the whole winter.
      5. Sprouted Begonias from seeds and flowers with small tubers also cleaned and stored in a cool, well-lit place.
      6. Preparing tubers for storage

        The result of storage and further growth depend on how correctly the planting material is prepared for winter and how you care for this plant.

        Firstly, Begonias that grow in the garden must be dug up before the first hard frost.. At this time, the upper part of the plant is cut off, leaving stumps no smaller than 1 centimeter in size.

        Begonia tubers should be dried before storing.

        Secondly, the tubers are placed in a dry and cool place where they should dry out. Only after they are completely dry can it be put away for storage.

        Begonia growing at home, is stored differently. Preparations for hibernation begin in October. First, reduce watering, and after a month, stop it altogether. When the upper part of the flower fades, it is cut off. If it does not die off, leave it in its previous state.

        Compliance with storage rules is the key successful wintering and further growth in the future.

        Basic methods and conditions of storage in winter

        There are several methods for storing such plants.

        The most common way is in the basement. Dried Begonia tubers are placed in boxes or wooden boxes. They fill the top with sifted sand and put it in the basement. You can make a mixture of sand, peat and sawdust in equal quantities. This method is convenient for large quantity planting material.

        From time to time it is necessary to sort through and remove the rotten ones.

        Begonia tuberous material can be stored in boxes filled with peat and sand, or in a refrigerator in a plastic bag filled with peat, moss or sawdust

        The second, no less popular storage method is in an apartment.. The best place there will be a plot near balcony door or under the window. There are two types of storage in the house:

      7. In the box, when the tubers are placed in them and covered with sand and sawdust.
      8. In pots. Flowers that grew in a pot remain in it, are trimmed and transferred to a cool place. In this case, you need to water the plant no more than once a month.
      9. In the spring, after germination, they are transplanted into new soil.

        The third storage method is in the refrigerator. Suitable for small quantities of planting material. To do this, Begonia tubers are placed in plastic bags with sawdust, having previously made holes in them for breathing.

        The bags are placed in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator for vegetables.

        Compliance with all of the above storage rules guarantees successful growth and flowering of Begonia next season.

        Ampelous begonia. Care and reproduction.

        Begonia ampelous orange.

        Ampelous home begonia- one of my favorite plants. It blooms continuously from spring to late autumn, does not cause any problems or troubles - an absolutely unpretentious and grateful plant. Give your indoor begonia a minimum of attention and care - and it will invariably delight you with a waterfall of flowers and lush greenery. Timely watering, regular feeding- that’s all the hanging begonia needs. In addition, it is easily propagated by cuttings throughout the year.

        In the domestic begonia graceful cascading shoots 30-40 cm long with bright green foliage and cascades of wonderful flowers. Flowers in ampelous begonia appear at the level of 5–6 leaf nodes. In the axil of each leaf, long peduncles with male (double) and female (simple) flowers with a diameter of up to 8 cm appear. Each flower lasts about 10 days, and a mass of new ones immediately appear to replace the withered flowers. Flowering of adult ampelous begonia begins in mid-May and continues until late autumn.

        Ampelous indoor begonia It is better to grow in a hanging basket or in a vase with a long stem. For abundant flowering of ampelous begonia, it is necessary sunny place, ideally - bright diffused light. I keep my begonias in autumn, spring and winter on the south window, in hot weather. summer days I put my beauties in the east window - this helps keep the foliage green and bright.

        Red ampelous begonia.

        Ampelous begonia. Care

        Caring for ampelous begonia uncomplicated. To grow begonias, you need light, fertile soil that is slightly acidic.

        With the onset of spring, ampelous begonia develops very quickly, and in the summer it blooms continuously, so in warm time year she needs abundant watering. In winter, watering should be moderate, after the top layer of soil has dried, especially if the plant is on a cold windowsill. You need to remember that watering should be regular, the most important thing is not to overwater or dry out the plant.

        Ampelous home begonias For good growth and abundant flowering is necessary feed. In early spring, begonias can be fed a couple of times with fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, and during the flowering period the plants must be fed regularly mineral fertilizers for flowering plants according to the instructions. It’s good if you feed your hanging begonias two or three times during the summer organic fertilizers. Only moist soil should be fertilized.

        White ampelous begonia.

        Optimal temperature for hanging begonia – +18 – +20°C. But unlike other species, ampelous begonia is quite hardy; it can easily tolerate an increase in temperature to 25°C or a short drop in temperature to 12°C. Indoor hanging begonia loves fresh air, ventilation strengthens the plant. In a word, if you feel comfortable, then the plant feels good.

        Take constant care of blooming begonia, keep the plant clean - remove faded flowers and dried leaves. In the spring, before flowering, give your beauty a warm shower. Do not place a wet plant in the sun - this can cause burns on the leaves. It is better to leave the plant in the bathroom until the morning, and in the morning put the dried begonia on the window.

        As you can see, with minimal care, this wonderful plant gives us a sea of ​​wonderful flowers, and with them an ocean of positive emotions.

        Ampelous begonia. Reproduction.

        Reproduction of ampelous begonia is not difficult even for a novice gardener. Indoor hanging begonia easily propagated by cuttings throughout the year, rooting occurs especially quickly in the spring. We cut cuttings about 10 cm long from an overwintered plant and place them in water. In water, cuttings quickly produce roots (this takes about 10 days). Don't wait too long long roots, it is better to plant cuttings with small roots in a light fertile soil, placing it in a greenhouse or under a bag for a couple of days.

        You need to plant 5 cuttings in one pot with a diameter of 10 - 12 cm - then your begonia will be lush and beautiful. For special splendor, you can pinch the tops of the shoots - but then the beginning of flowering will be delayed by two to three weeks.

        Ampelous pink begonia.

        How to care for hanging begonia in winter.

        Ampelous begonias grow well on a balcony outdoors, but do not forget that begonias are heat-loving plants, do not withstand even the slightest frost, so before the onset of winter cold they need to be moved indoors in time.

        In general, ampelous indoor begonia survives the winter easily. The plant is taking a break from flowering, but looks quite decorative. Home begonia in winter should be kept in the brightest cool place. In winter, ampelous begonia is watered with clean soft water without fertilizers, after the top layer of soil has dried. If the shoots become elongated in winter, they need to be shortened at the end of February.

        Ampelous begonias from my collection, tubers do not form and do not sleep in winter. If in the spring you want to cosmetically prune indoor begonias, do not cut them too short, the plant may die. Each shoot should have at least three internodes.

        Male (double) and female (single) flowers of ampelous begonia.

        Why do ampelous begonias produce non-double flowers?

        Almost all types of beautifully flowering begonias have two types of unisexual flowers - female and male. That is, on one plant there are simple female and double male flowers.

        In most cases, a “sweet couple” appears from the axil of one leaf - a male and female flower, as can be seen in the photo on the left. But sometimes only terry ones appear or only simple flowers. If most flowers are double, then flower growers do not pay attention to this, but are simply happy abundant flowering their begonias. If the flowers are not double, especially if this is the first flowering, panic begins - why does my plant bloom with non-double flowers? The appearance of simple flowers is usually associated with errors in care or unfavorable weather conditions. As soon as the plant gains strength, double flowers will definitely appear.

        I propagate all my begonias vegetatively (from cuttings). When propagated by cuttings, all the characteristics of the mother plant are transferred to the new plant, including doubleness.

        Begonia - how to buy? If you wish, you can buy rooted begonia cuttings

        The price of one rooted cutting is 250 rubles. Availability needs to be confirmed.

        Here you can see mine lecture on growing decorative deciduous and hanging begonias

        Begonia: preparation for winter, care + storage of tubers and planting in spring!

        Introducing autumn and winter care for begonias different conditions. We tell you how to prepare tuberous begonia for winter: when to dig it up and how to store the tubers.

        We also describe caring for begonias in winter at home, caring for young flowers, and what to do with begonias in the garden after winter.

        Is it necessary and when to dig up begonia for the winter? What's the difference?

        Begonias are generally heat-loving plants and preparing them for winter for gardeners is an important task on which their future fate depends.

        When approaching the question of how to care for autumn and how to prepare begonia for winter, it is necessary to take into account the type of begonia, its condition and personal preferences.

        In open ground in the CIS, tuberous begonia is grown, which is an ornamental flowering species or ever-flowering begonia, as an annual plant.

        Tuberous begonia represents hybrid varieties, united by the presence of perennial tubers.

      10. Experts recommend that large tubers of begonias (they bloomed in the open ground in summer) should be placed in peat/sand after the above-ground part of the plant dies in the fall and stored in a cool place during dormancy. At the beginning of spring, begonia tubers begin to germinate.
      11. Large tubers of begonias (they bloomed in pots in the summer) can be left in the pot after the above-ground part of the plant dies in the fall. It is necessary to move the plants to a cold place.
      12. Begonias and flowers with small tubers grown from seeds are recommended to be stored in a cool, bright place in winter and watered moderately.
    • Each tuberous begonia needs a period of rest - at least 2 months a year, and preferably about 100 days (minimum January-February).
    • Preparing tuberous begonia for winter growing in open ground

      Now let's move on to the story of how to prepare tuberous begonia for wintering to obtain tubers.

      After the end of flowering, the above-ground part of the begonia gradually dies off and the tubers begin to actively develop, accumulating nutrients. After the accumulation of nutrients in the tubers, the begonia will enter a period of rest.

    • Some experts recommend not digging up tuberous begonias from the ground for as long as possible.
    • This allows the begonia tubers to accumulate maximum quantity nutrients. They believe that there is no need to be afraid of the first frosts and rush to dig up begonias.

      This option is suitable for mature plants with large tubers.

    • In our instructions for digging up begonia tubers, we present an option with earlier digging up begonia with a lump of earth.

    Digging up begonia tubers for the winter

    1. In September, when there is a threat of the first frost, dig up a tuberous begonia with a clod of earth as large as possible.
    2. Begonias that grew in containers are taken out in a solid lump by tapping on the bottom of the pot.
    3. After digging, begonias are sorted by tuber size. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to separate small (diameter less than 2 cm) and large begonia tubers as small tubers are more prone to drying out.
    4. Then the begonia with a lump of earth is placed tightly together in boxes and they are placed in a ventilated, bright place protected from rain with a temperature of 14-16 degrees Celsius. Watering is reduced.
    5. At this time, the above-ground part of the begonia begins to gradually die off. After the leaves fall off, watering the plants is stopped. After flowering, begonia begins a period of rest.
    6. After the aerial part has completely died off (1-1.5 months), the tuberous begonia is cut off at a level of 2-3 cm from the ground. Pruning helps avoid infection of tubers by pathogenic fungi.
    7. 12-16 days after pruning, the begonia tubers are cleared of soil and sprinkled with dry sand or peat and placed in boxes.
    8. ADVIСE. It is convenient to dig up begonia tubers from open ground with a pitchfork (garden fork).

      The main thing is to dig up the begonia tubers along with the soil (soil mixture) and under no circumstances shake it off.

    1. 2-3 months before planting begonias on permanent place(March-April) tubers are taken out of the sand/peat and planted in pots/containers for germination (forcing).
      If the begonia was stored in winter in boxes with a lump of earth, then simply take them out.
    2. The tubers are planted with the top side up (the flatter or concave part with the buds (tubercles/irregularities)).
    3. For good germination, begonia tubers need a temperature of 17-20 degrees Celsius, high humidity and regular watering. In 2-3 weeks, the first shoots of begonia reach approximately 5-6 cm in height. In general, tubers germinate unevenly and for a long time.
    4. It is at this stage that it is recommended to propagate tuberous begonia by cuttings or division. The tubers can be cut into several parts, the main thing is that each has 3-4 buds. Typically, old tubers are divided into 2-4 parts; it is advisable to treat the cut areas with charcoal.
    5. After the sprouts get stronger, grow and the first leaves form, the begonia tubers from the boxes can be planted in separate pots.
      Sprinkle on top of the sprouts soil mixture to the base of the first pair of leaves. It is advisable to add wood ash and humus.
    6. It is recommended to plant begonia in open ground in early June, and in separate pots/containers on the balcony in mid-late May.
    7. For planting in open ground, choose a place protected from the winds with loose nutritious soil in partial shade or light, but with a minimum of scorching rays of the sun.