Feeding peppers during flowering and fruiting. What folk remedies can be used to feed peppers for active growth? How to feed bell peppers

Depending on the natural conditions, the purpose of the vegetables, and the type of soil on the site, you need to select the appropriate variety. There are plants that will do well in heavy clay soils, although peppers are more suited to soil mixed with sand or peat.

You can select according to early maturity, color scheme, and yield.

Some crops constantly bloom and set new fruits until autumn. But in order to constantly get a harvest, you need to know what to feed the peppers during fruiting. And not only know, but also carry out regular activities in the garden. All types of pepper come from America, where the air temperature is higher.

Therefore, the greatest results in growing pepper crops can only be achieved using the seedling method in a greenhouse, where it is easier to control the process. Feeding peppers in a greenhouse is slightly different from feeding them in the ground. It is necessary to observe the daylight hours: strange as it may seem, but Plants bear fruit better when the day lasts less than 12 hours.

Features of care

Care should include:

  • shaping the crown of plants so that all branches receive the same amount of light;
  • cutting long stems;
  • mulching;
  • watering;
  • soil disinfection before planting;
  • control of pests and fungal diseases.

And, of course, fertilizing - root and foliar.

Germination of seeds

Seeds are needed before planting keep in warm water for 5 – 6 hours so that they swell. Water temperature - 50 degrees. Next, prepare a container, at the bottom of which a damp cotton cloth is placed.

The seeds should lie down for 2 – 3 days for the formation of seedlings, after which they can be transferred to the ground - separate pots. Pepper seedlings do not tolerate picking well, so it is better to use medium-sized pots, 8 cm in diameter. It no longer makes sense, since the root system grows slowly and will not have time to fill the entire volume.

Pre-germination allows you to get seedlings 2–3 days after planting in pots. It is advisable to water them and cover them with film. When the sprouts appear, you need to control the temperature: during the day it should be 26 - 28 degrees, at night 10 - 15.

Soil preparation

To achieve good absorption of nutrients, peppers must grow in loose soil, which is mixed in the following proportions:

  • compost - 2 parts;
  • sand – 1 part;
  • soil – 1 part.

Furnace ash is usually added to such a mixture to provide seedlings with phosphorus and potassium for the formation of the root system. Enough 1 spoon of wood ash per 1 kg of mixture. With the appearance of the first large leaf, you can add nitrogen fertilizers little by little so that the plant gains green mass.

Transplantation into soil

Based on the principles of crop rotation, the predecessors of pepper should be:

  • melons - pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage.

Feeding peppers in a greenhouse should begin with soil disinfection copper sulfate - 1 tablespoon per bucket of water. Another important point is regular ventilation throughout the entire flowering and fruiting period. How to feed peppers in a greenhouse is up to the owner to decide.

You can use both mineral mixtures and organic matter, if it is available in sufficient quantities. Manure, chicken droppings, wood ash, various food waste from the kitchen, and green nettle infusion are suitable.

After transplanting into open ground or a greenhouse, which should be done carefully without damaging the roots, you need to wait two weeks before starting to add nutrient mixtures. When the plants adapt, the first thing you can do is water them with manure infusion:

  • in a bucket sprinkle manure 1/3;
  • fill with water;
  • wait 5 – 7 days, stirring occasionally;
  • dilute the entire amount of the substance is still 10 buckets of water, that is - 1/10 .

Water at the root, making sure that the liquid does not get on the leaves. The soil must be moist. For young seedlings, 1 liter of nutrient solution is enough.

Fertilizers for feeding peppers - dosages, folk recipes

In order for the ovaries to form in large quantities, you need to add a sufficient amount of potassium. But in order for potassium to be absorbed, phosphorus is necessary, since it directly affects the formation of a strong root system.

These two microelements are added simultaneously.

Feeding peppers during flowering and fruiting is done with any available substances - mineral or organic. You can combine it - it's even better. Complex mineral mixtures are used, containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

Dosages are calculated according to the instructions. Do not exceed the norm, as this can cause damage to the roots and death of the plant. The principle is always the same - it is better to underfeed.

Organic fertilizers

The best organic fertilizer for feeding peppers during flowering and fruiting is all types of manure:

  • cattle;
  • horse;
  • sheep;
  • bird droppings.

But it is dangerous to add fresh substance just before planting, since Large amounts of ammonia can burn the roots. Rotted or composted manure is added, which is even better.

Video: Feeding peppers during fruiting

Experienced gardeners, who have specialized in growing various varieties of peppers for years, recommend digging up fresh manure with soil during autumn soil preparation. During the winter, soil bacteria have time to process the substance. By spring, it turns into a form available for plant nutrition.

Feeding peppers during the fruiting period can be done with fresh manure or droppings, provided that it is first infused for a week in water and diluted:

  • cow manure 1/10;
  • chicken manure 1/20.

Chicken manure is very concentrated, so You need to add 20 buckets of water to a bucket of tincture.

The disadvantage of manure is the lack of phosphorus. It must be added separately in the form of superphosphate or ash. But ash cannot always be found, since to obtain it you need to burn a lot of wood or coal.

A backup option may be to add bone or fish meal, which is also very expensive if vegetables are grown for sale. Although the use of organic substances makes it possible to obtain environmentally friendly products that are not oversaturated with chemical components.

A simple way to feed peppers for ripening is a green infusion of weeds or nettles. To do this you need:

  • Grind the herb and add water to infuse. About a third of the bucket is grass, the rest is water.
  • leave for 3 – 4 days;
  • strain.

Water at the root 1 liter per bush. You can also carry out foliar spraying with green fertilizer, just make sure that there are no drafts in the greenhouse. In open ground, spraying is carried out in the early morning or evening, when the sun has completely set.

Important! Feeding peppers during the flowering and fruiting period is carried out 2 - 3 times a month. If necessary, you can carry out therapeutic measures for the bushes so that flowers and ovaries do not get sick and fall off

When using organic matter, there is no need to fertilize with microelements, since they are present in manure.

Mineral mixtures

In order for the fruits to be fleshy and sweet (as much as possible with pepper), greenhouse and outdoor plants require potassium and phosphorus. These elements must be added before planting for digging and added during the flowering period to maintain the number of ovaries.

An important point about how to feed peppers in August. In a greenhouse, plants bear fruit until late autumn. When they have gained green mass and entered the flowering stage, the dosage of nitrogen mineral fertilizers should be reduced to a minimum so as not to stimulate the growth of shoots to the detriment of the harvest. From mid-summer to the end of autumn, the main mineral supplements will be phosphorus and potassium.

Carefully! Pepper does not tolerate potassium chloride - it is very toxic and causes a stop in the movement of juices in the shoots

Potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate), superphosphate should be used. For watering for a bucket of water need to:

  • 1 tablespoon superphosphate;
  • 1 teaspoon potassium sulfate.

If there is not enough mineral fertilizer, the plants show it through.

Pepper is a member of the Solanaceae family. This plant requires regular and high-quality feeding of the substrate with mineral elements, vitamins, and microelements. Therefore, many gardeners sooner or later face the question of how to feed peppers during flowering and fruiting, and also how does fertilizing in a greenhouse differ from the specifics of applying fertilizers and folk remedies in open ground?

Chapter 1. How to feed peppers in open ground

After the seedlings are planted in open ground, fertilizing continues throughout the entire growth of the plant until the first fruits appear on the bushes and their ripening.

Fertilizing peppers in open ground is carried out in several stages:

1. The first feeding of pepper is carried out 15-20 days after planting the seedlings in open ground. During this time, the seedlings will have time to take root, grow stronger and be ready to accept fertilizer. For the first feeding, you need to dilute 5 g of superphosphate and 10 g of urea and add it to a bucket of water. Then you need to thoroughly mix the solution and pour 1 liter of water under each seedling. It is advisable to do this carefully so as not to get on the leaves of the bush.

2. The next feeding is carried out during the period of setting and ripening of pepper buds. At this time, pepper most needs an element such as potassium. It is necessary to dilute 1 tsp. potassium in a bucket of water, add 1 tsp. urea and 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate. Mix everything well and pour 1 liter of solution under each bush. Superphosphate is recommended to be added if soils are deprived of phosphorus.

3. And finally, the third feeding is carried out after the first fruits on the bush have ripened. For it, take 2 tsp. superphosphate, 2 tsp. potassium salt and diluted in 10 liters of water. Everything is mixed and, just as in the first two feedings, 1 liter of solution is poured under each bush of the plant.

4. If you notice that the pepper bushes have begun to grow poorly, you need to fertilize them with urea. Take 30-35 g of urea per bucket of water, mix and spray the plants for 6-8 days.

5. An infusion of young nettle in water with the addition of minerals can be an excellent fertilizer for peppers. The bucket is filled with nettles to the very top and filled with water. After about a week, the tincture begins to ferment. After another 2-3 days, the nettle sinks to the bottom of the bucket, now the tincture can be filtered and mineral fertilizer can be added. The tincture is ready. If you do not add mineral fertilizers, you can water your peppers with it every 10 days; it is absolutely harmless.

Chapter 2. Feeding peppers during flowering and fruiting in a greenhouse

Oddly enough, peppers grown in greenhouses are fed with fertilizers according to a separate scheme. Organic fertilizers have a productive effect on the amount of harvest, and mineral fertilizers are responsible for the growth of bushes:

1. The first feeding is necessary 14 days after planting the seedlings in the ground. It is carried out with a mixture of bird droppings or mullein with water. Take 15 parts of water to 1 part of litter and 10 parts of water to 1 part of mullein. Each bush of the plant is fertilized with the resulting solution in an amount of 1 liter. Additionally, you can feed the peppers with potassium and superphosphate.

2. After flowering itself, you can carry out a second feeding of the pepper. For it, take a mixture of mullein and water, and in addition mineral fertilizers.

3. As soon as the first crop ripens, it must be harvested and the third feeding of vegetables must be carried out. For it they use exactly the same scheme as for the second feeding.

4. If the soil in the greenhouse is very depleted, you can carry out a fourth feeding. For it, a mixture of superphosphate and mineral fertilizers is used.

Chapter 3. Additional feeding of pepper

Sometimes, in addition to the main fertilizer application scheme, additional fertilizing is carried out. This is necessary if you see that the bushes are stopping their growth and blooming poorly.

Additional feeding is carried out as follows:

1. If the bushes grow well but bloom poorly, stop feeding the plants with nitrogen, but add superphosphates with water.

2. If the pepper leaves begin to curl, you need to add potash fertilizers to the soil.

3. The leaves turning a dull gray color on the underside indicates a lack of nitrogen fertilizer in the soil.

4. During the growing season, pepper may need to spray the bushes, since the plant absorbs fertilizers faster.

5. Don't overdo it with fertilizers. This is not a case where more is better. You should especially not overuse slurry, as this can lead to loss of fertility.

Chapter 4. Feeding peppers with yeast

The addition of yeast fertilizers stimulates the growth and development of peppers; they have a particularly positive effect on the development of the root system.

Peppers are fed with yeast fertilizer several times a season. The first time fertilizing is done immediately after transplanting young seedlings into open ground. The second time, fertilizing is carried out during flowering. Apply from one and a half to two and a half liters of yeast solution per plant. The last feeding is carried out during the second wave of flowering of peppers, immediately after the first harvest, adding one to two liters of solution to each plant.

Fertilizing is applied in the evening or in cloudy weather to avoid daytime overheating of the yeast fungus.

You cannot use mineral and organic fertilizers at the same time as applying yeast nutrition, since the concentrated chemicals in fertilizers slow down the growth of yeast fungus.

Section 1. Yeast dressing recipes

To prepare the solution, both dry and regular baker's yeast are used.

1) Classic recipe for feeding

100 grams of raw yeast are diluted in 0.5 liters of water and left for an hour in a warm place. The resulting solution is added to five liters of water. This composition is excellent for feeding seedlings, it is especially useful for young flowering pepper plants

2) Feeding recipe with chicken manure

To ten grams of dry yeast add 0.5 liters of bird droppings extract, 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar and 0.5 liters of ash. All this is poured with ten liters of water and left to ferment for two hours.

After fermentation begins, 100 liters of water are added to the mixture and used for feeding. If the solution gets on the trunk or leaves, burns may form, so you need to water the soil around the plant.

3) Milk feeding recipe

One kilogram of raw yeast is poured with five liters of milk and left in a warm place for two hours. The resulting mixture is diluted with 50 liters of water and used for fertilizing.

To summarize, we can say that feeding peppers and their seedlings with fertilizers is of great importance for obtaining a rich harvest of vegetables. It is important to introduce fertilizers in a standardized manner and according to the scheme, without abusing or overfeeding the crop. A plant that has been properly cared for, fertilized and fed on time will definitely reward you with good growth and healthy juicy fruits.

Chapter 5. Video

Many farmers plant peppers on their plots, and, of course, want to get excellent results. In this article we will tell you how to feed peppers for growth using folk remedies.

The first thing to consider when feeding peppers with folk remedies is that they need to be used wisely. Some, of course, mistakenly believe that the more fertilizers are applied, the richer the harvest will be later. However, if you overdo it with fertilizers, there will be more harm to the seedlings than good.

You can feed peppers at different stages. The first fertilizing is applied when the first leaves appear (to form strong stems and roots), and then only after the plant has acquired at least three pairs of leaves (to improve their growth). Next, about a week before you plant your peppers in the ground, you need to add the next portion of fertilizer. Only 10 days after planting in a permanent place can you feed the pepper again. The last time it is recommended to fertilize plants is only during the period when buds begin to form - this is done in order to increase yield.

How to properly fertilize peppers? Before applying the next dose of fertilizer, do not forget to water the plant. Also note that your solution should be at room temperature, that is, lukewarm. Watering seedlings with cold water will only increase the risk of various diseases.

Water should not be allowed to get on the stems or leaves - it must be poured directly under the root. It is best to carry out the procedure at dawn or after sunset - this way the leaves will not get sunburn. After treating the plants with the solution, do not forget to loosen the soil, providing the roots with access to oxygen.

The best means

When choosing what to feed pepper seedlings with, folk remedies are the most popular option. As you know, there are a lot of different means (for example, feeding peppers with yeast and ash) that help accelerate the growth and increase the yield of this vegetable crop.

So, let's take a closer look at how to water peppers for growth using folk remedies.

Iodine and yeast

Feeding peppers with yeast is an old method that is still considered effective. It is noteworthy that feeding peppers with yeast not only promotes rapid plant growth, but also minimizes the risk of fungal diseases.

What will it take? 100 g yeast, 150 g sugar and 5 liters of water. You will also need wet alcoholic yeast, which, together with sugar, is poured into a container and filled with water. Such a solution should be “cooked” in the sun until the fermentation process begins. After this, you need to use ¼ liter of the infusion itself and a bucket of water to prepare the product. After this, it is poured under the root of the plant.

Iodine, like yeast, effectively protects peppers from disease. Usually, iodine is simply added to the water that has been settled for irrigation (10 liters of water will require 10 g of iodine); you can also add a liter of milk or whey to your mixture. After this, the iodine solution is ready, and you can treat your seedlings with it.


Another great folk recipe that will help you get a good pepper harvest. In order to prepare the fertilizer, you will need 2 eggshells and 3 liters of water. It is necessary to crush the shell until you get a fine powder, and then pour cold water. In this form, the infusion should stand for three days (do not forget to stir it from time to time). After this, it must be strained and diluted with water in the proportion of 1 glass of infusion per 3 liters of water.


Pepper ash is an excellent fertilizer. However, it is important to remember that this fertilizer is incompatible with nitrogen-containing fertilizers (ash destroys nitrogen). It is recommended to use ash fertilizers at the initial stages of plant growth and during budding, as ash helps to compensate for the lack of potassium and phosphorus. You don’t have to prepare an infusion, but simply water the soil under the plants and sprinkle it with ash. However, if desired, you can also prepare an ash infusion.

For the infusion you will need 200 g of ash and 10 liters of water. The ash is diluted in a bucket of water, mixed well and infused for 3-5 days. After this time, it is necessary to strain the infusion and use it for watering.

Banana fertilizer

Another good source of potassium is banana peels, which are useful for making banana infusion. You will need 2 or 3 banana peels and 3 liters of water. The peel can be used either fresh or dried. You will need to grind it thoroughly, add water and leave for 2-3 days. Then the infusion must be filtered and used to fertilize the pepper.

Bird droppings

Bird droppings are an excellent source of nitrogen, so be sure to use it to boost plant growth. Remember that before you plant your seedlings in the soil, you can only fertilize them once with bird droppings. Both fresh and dry droppings are suitable for preparing fertilizer. You will need twice as much water as you took the litter (1:2).

Bell pepper grows in almost every garden. To grow this crop, the soil can be fertilized with folk remedies. Moreover, it doesn’t matter what variety is grown, you only need to pay attention to the conditions: greenhouse or open ground.

Why feed peppers?

For proper development and fruiting of plants, they must be provided with food in a timely manner. Thus, vegetables receive useful microelements, for example, potassium, magnesium, calcium. Then the fruits turn out fleshy and juicy. And the use of folk remedies can be more advantageous than chemical compounds.

Fertilizer application time

They begin to feed peppers 2 weeks after planting in open ground or a greenhouse. In the future, the procedure is repeated every 14 days, if this is not necessary for a given crop, then once a month, until mid-August.

Fertilizing peppers after planting in the ground

Before placing the seedlings in the soil, preparation is carried out. For 1 sq.m. distribute half a bucket of compost, 100 g of ash, half a tablespoon of superphosphate and 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate. After this, the ground is plowed, watered with water at a temperature of 50 degrees and placed under film.

Important: peppers must be watered a day or two before liquid feeding. This applies to solutions and complex compositions, but not to organics. If dry mineral fertilizers are used, another watering is needed.

It is advisable to feed plants with compounds that contain a lot of phosphorus and nitrogen. In chemistry, these include double superphosphate and urea. Each bush should have 1 liter. solution. Organic matter is also used: bird droppings, mullein.

With proper preparation of the soil in the greenhouse, the peppers growing there are fed, as in open ground.

How to feed peppers during growth and development?

During this period, the soil is fertilized twice a month with mineral and organic compounds. Plants need phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen. Therefore, Nitroammofoska or Azofoska are suitable chemical fertilizers.

If the bushes are developing poorly, you need to decide on feeding faster. In the absence of signs of disease, lack of nutrients and traces of harmful insects, you can use complex formulations, for example, Clean Sheet and Kemira-Lux.

When feeding peppers, you should not use chloride compounds, which, once in the root system, stop the movement of juice.

For organic matter, chicken manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 is suitable, wood ash is 200 g per 1 liter. and manure - 1 kg. for 10 l.

Types of folk fertilizers

We list the most common recipes:

  • Iodine. Fertilizer based on it is prepared quickly, but the result is juicy and large fruits, and the bushes will be resistant to common diseases. At 10 l. add 4 drops of the substance to water. Each plant is watered with two liters of solution.

  • Ash. It is used because it contains many nutrients. To do this, one spoon of ash is placed in 2 liters. hot clean boiled water. The solution works best if you leave it for 2 days and then strain, removing the ash particles. Plants are watered with this composition so that they bloom and bear fruit more actively.

Tips for fertilizing peppers during flowering and fruit formation

In order for plants to bloom well and form ovaries, they need potassium. So during this period they most need fertilizers with this substance. In addition to the folk remedies already listed, nettle infusion is suitable. You can also make organic feeding by collecting a bucket of young leaves, which need to be filled with water and left for 1.5 weeks before fermentation, until the leaves are at the bottom. Then the tincture is filtered and watered once every 10 days.

Green tea fertilizer works well on vegetables. It is prepared as follows: plantain, coltsfoot, dandelion, woodlice, and nettle are collected. The plants are crushed, placed in a bucket and cold water is poured. The solution is infused for a week, then filtered and added 1 liter. for each plant.

Before feeding peppers during fruit formation, you need to take into account their level of ripening. If the crop is not defective, and the bushes are strong and healthy, the soil does not need to be fertilized at all.

Greenhouse peppers are fed after the first harvest.

To get a decent harvest of sweet peppers at your summer cottage, it is not enough to simply grow seedlings and plant them in the garden. Good care is required, which includes fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers, treating pepper plants with special preparations against pests and diseases.

Pepper needs mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.
Let's figure out at what stage of the growing season to feed and what substances and elements they should contain.

What fertilizers should be applied to peppers and when?

First, let's decide on the timing of adding nutrients. We are interested in fertilizing at the seedling stage, immediately after planting peppers in the ground or in a greenhouse, during flowering and after fruit set.
The technology for growing sweet peppers is very similar to that of tomatoes, but peppers are more demanding of soil moisture and fertility.

Mineral fertilizers for pepper

The plants themselves will often tell you what fertilizer to apply to peppers - by the condition of the leaves, stems and fruits.

  • If the leaves of pepper plants curl up and a drying edge appears on them, then the plant does not have enough potassium. Apply potassium carefully, without excess, so as not to harm the plants. For this purpose, there are such fertilizers as, for example, potassium monophosphate, potassium magnesium, potassium humate, etc.
  • If the leaves completely or their lower part suddenly begin to acquire a purple tint, then this is a lack of phosphorus. Moreover, there may be enough of it in the soil, but due to cool weather the plant cannot absorb it. If the air temperature is above +15 degrees and the leaves are purple, then feel free to fertilize with phosphorus, using, for example, superphosphate. If the leaves are purple and the weather is cool, then feed the leaves, since in such weather little is absorbed through the roots.
  • A lack of magnesium is indicated by the marbled color of the foliage. In this case, you can apply a complex fertilizer with a good magnesium content.

2 weeks before the intended planting of pepper seedlings, a complex fertilizer containing NPK should be added to the soil. Suitable, for example, is AVA fertilizer for seedlings, Agricola-Forward, Fertika Lux or from the Uniflor series - -growth, -micro.

Feeding peppers after planting in the ground

You can start fertilizing pepper no earlier than it has become accustomed to its new location, which is 10-14 days from planting the seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground.

  • First feeding. 1 teaspoon of urea + 1 teaspoon of superphosphate is diluted in 10 liters of water. After dissolution, apply half a liter under the root for each bush. Fertilizing is carried out only after watering the plants (to avoid burns to the roots).
  • Second feeding. It is carried out during the period of mass flowering of pepper. 1 tsp urea + 1 tsp. potassium salt (or potassium sulfate) + 1 matchbox of superphosphate per 10 liters of water. Consumption rate of working solution: 1 liter per bush.
  • Third feeding. When the fruits are full, but have not yet begun to ripen. Dilute 2 tsp. superphosphate + 2 tsp potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water. 1 liter for each bush.

Fertilizing pepper with ash

You can feed peppers with ash throughout the season, as it improves the taste of the fruit and solves the problem of potassium deficiency in the plant. In addition to potassium, almost the entire periodic table is present in the ash.

They use it in dry form - simply sprinkling ash directly on top of the plants, which also helps fight various pests, such as slugs. So also as an ash infusion, in which 500 grams of ash are poured into 10 liters of water and infused, stirring occasionally.

When people ask me what to add to the hole when planting peppers, I always advise adding a handful of ash. The microelements contained in it are enough for the plant to fully develop for the first time.

According to the reviews of many summer residents on the garden forum, the following fertilizers are also most successful for peppers:

Fertilizer for peppers during flowering

1 kg of nettle + 1 kg of mullein + 1 glass of wood ash, this mixture ferments for a week in the sun, then 1 liter of this infusion is added to a watering can and the pepper plants are watered. Consumption: 1 liter per 1 bush

Fertilizer for pepper during fruit growth

First: for 10 liters of water - 1 kg of chicken manure, after fermenting for 3-4 days, add 1 matchbox of nitroammophoska. For 1 plant - 0.5 liters after watering with regular water. Or for 10 liters of water - 1 tbsp. spoon of fertilizer Signor Tomato. Consumption rate: for 1 plant - 1 liter.

The second feeding is 14 days after the first: 50 g of Ideal fertilizer per 10 liters of water. Consumption rate: per 1 square meter - 5 liters of solution.

Top dressing for peppers during the fruiting period from Oktyabrina Ganichkina

First cast: pour 1 bucket of mushy bird droppings into a 100-liter barrel and pour two glasses of nitrophoska, add water and mix well. After three to five days, before fertilizing, the solution is stirred and watered 1-2 liters per plant. Or pour 10 tbsp into a barrel with a capacity of 100 liters. liquid fertilizer "Agricola - Vegeta", stir well and water 1 liter per plant.

12 days after this feeding, another feeding is done.

Second cast: pour 1 bucket of mullein, 0.5 buckets of bird droppings into a barrel and pour 1 glass of urea, add water and mix well. After 3-5 days, the solution is stirred and watered with 5-6 liters per 1 sq.m. Or, pour 0.5 liters (bottle) of “Effecton” into a barrel, pour 5 liters per 1 sq.m.