Whether to dig up crocuses after flowering. Transplanting and storing bulbs - when to dig up crocuses after flowering. Do I need to dig up crocuses after flowering? How to plant autumn and spring crocuses. You can transplant flowering crocuses

Crocus (Crocus) or saffron is a herbaceous bulbous perennial of the Iris family (Iridaceae). The natural habitats of crocus are rare forests, steppes and meadows in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. This delicate, exquisite flower blooms in early spring, just after the snowdrops. But there are species that delight with their buds in September, October. Growing crocuses does not require special skills, does not cause trouble. We will tell you how to care for crocuses in the garden to enjoy the graceful flowers in spring and autumn.

An unpretentious bulbous primrose, which is widely used in garden design.

The name crocus is more common among flower growers, although in the scientific literature the plant is called saffron. Crocus is a low-growing plant, whose average height is 10 cm. Its stems do not form, and narrow, linear-shaped leaves grow directly from the ground.

Flowers are goblet, 2 to 5 cm in diameter, arranged singly on short pedicels. The color of the flowers is different: yellow, orange, cream, and white, purple and lilac, blue and violet. There is also saffron with two-tone or spotted flowers. Crocuses bloom for about 2-3 weeks.

In total, about 80 species and 300 varieties belong to the genus crocus, which are divided into 15 groups. One of them includes varieties that bloom in autumn, the other 14 groups - varieties that bloom in spring. The spring crocus species (Crocus vernus) has given rise to various hybrids, the most popular of which are the Dutch large-flowered varieties.

Outdoor cultivation

Growing and caring for crocuses is not difficult. As for any other flowers, you need to choose the right site for growing saffron, prepare the soil for planting, provide access to light, moisture and nutrient compounds.

Choice of landing site

It is better to plant crocuses in a sunny area that is well lit. Although the plant reacts normally to partial shade, the flowering of crocuses growing with a lack of light will not be so plentiful, and the size of the buds is small.

Crocuses do not tolerate excess moisture, so a place where melt and rain water stagnates is completely unsuitable for them.

Can saffron be planted next to other flowers? Undoubtedly. Crocus planted with tulips, daffodils and other bulbs will provide a beautiful flower bed from early spring to summer. Newly blooming buds will replace flowers that have already faded.

In nature, crocuses grow in meadows with other perennial herbs, and when grown in the garden, they can also be planted along with peonies, daffodils and other flowers.

The soil

Saffron soil prefers light and dry, loose, fertile. Drainage is provided with fine gravel or coarse sand. Krokus does not react well to acidic soil, so peat mixed with lime and compost can be added to the soil for digging. Clay soil is improved by adding fine gravel or decomposed compost.


Experienced flower growers know how to plant crocuses. The planting depth should be equal to two bulbs if the flowers will grow on light soil. Planting crocuses in heavy soil is carried out to a depth equal to one bulb. Between the bulbs, an interval of 7-10 cm is usually left. And for those who do not plan to transplant crocuses for 3-4 years, you can plant flowers closer - at a distance of 3 cm. After planting, the soil is watered.

The time to plant crocuses depends on when the flowers appear. Spring crocuses should be planted in the fall. And plants that bloom in autumn should be planted in June.

Crocuses can grow in one area from 3 to 5 years. During this period, many babies appear on their bulbs, and when crocuses bloom, the site becomes a continuous flower carpet. But if the plants become crowded, the number and size of flower buds decreases. Therefore, crocuses need to be seated after 4-5 years.

Should I dig and when?

The faded bud can be cut off, and the green leaves will turn yellow and dry over time. Whether it is necessary to dig up crocuses after flowering, each grower decides for himself. After all, saffron is a perennial that can grow in one area for more than one year.

If a flower transplant is not planned, they are not dug up, but only dried buds and leaves are cut off. In the southern regions with a warm climate, the bulbs withstand the winter cold. In areas with severe weather conditions, the soil with bulbs should be covered with small twigs or fallen leaves.

One of the main advantages of plants is that their bulbs do not have to be dug up every year.

If the flowers need to be transplanted to a new site, they are removed from the ground. When to dig up crocuses depends on the flowering time. For spring plants, the best time is July, August, September. Bulbs of varieties that bloom in autumn are removed from the soil from June to August.

bulb storage

Planting material is dried in the shade, sorted out, removing bad scales and dead roots from the bulbs. Damaged bulbs are sprinkled with ash, and sick and small ones are discarded. The material selected for planting is folded in one layer in a box or box.

According to the rules, the bulbs are stored until August at a temperature above 22 ° C, otherwise flower buds will not form. At the beginning of the last summer month, the temperature is reduced to 20 ° C, and after another 7 days - to 15 ° C. But a botanical garden or flower farm can provide such conditions. At home, bulbs are stored in a dry, dark and well-ventilated place at room temperature.

Crocus care in the garden

Caring for crocuses at home is quite simple. The soil should be regularly moistened and loosened, weeds should be pulled out in a timely manner, and fertilizers should be applied if necessary.


For good growth and development of plants, the soil must be constantly moistened. As the earth dries up, young sprouts need to be watered. But it is important to ensure that the top layer of the earth dries up before each watering.


Planting crocuses in fertile soil will provide plants with normal nutrition. But if the soil is poor, or the flowers grow in one place for more than one year, they need to be fertilized with potassium-phosphorus mineral supplements. Phosphorus provides abundant bud formation and increases the flowering period. And potassium is needed to maintain the health of the bulbs. As for nitrogen supplements, their excess causes fungal diseases.

Fresh organic fertilizers cause various diseases; crocuses cannot be fed with them.

During the season, top dressing is applied to the soil three times:

  • when sprouts appear;
  • during the formation of flower buds;
  • after completion of flowering.

At the first application of potassium fertilizers, they take half as much as phosphorus, with subsequent top dressing, equal ratios of fertilizers are applied.

Distillation landing

Some flower growers grow crocuses at home in winter by forcing. In this case, the indoor flower requires other conditions of detention. Most often, large-flowered Dutch hybrids are grown by distillation.

It is necessary to outline the estimated date of flowering, and 3.5–4 months before the scheduled date, plant the bulbs in wide, shallow containers of 5–10 pieces. The soil for planting crocuses in pots should pass moisture and air well, be loose and have a neutral environment.

Flowers in a pot are kept in a place with a temperature of 5 to 10 ° C (this can be the lower shelf of the refrigerator, basement, cellar). Two weeks before the expected flowering date, the temperature is raised: the pot is moved to the coolest place in the house, then to a warmer room, and finally, the flowers are placed under the sun on the windowsill. They will bloom soon.

With a dense arrangement of bulbs in a pot, you can get a beautiful bouquet of crocuses.

Problems of growing crocuses in open ground

If planting and care at home are carried out correctly, plants are practically not subject to disease and insect attack.

The danger to plants is the larva of the click beetle (wireworm), which feeds on bulbs. Flower growers figured out what to do with this pest. They advise at the end of April or the beginning of May to lay out wet hay or straw in the area with crocuses, cover them with boards. The larvae will definitely move into traps, which then need to be burned. Slugs can also attack plants (they will have to be collected manually), and mice and other rodents still like to eat bulbs.

If the flower has a flattened shape, does not fully bloom, and its petals are covered with gray spots, most likely the plant is affected by a viral disease. It can be carried by mice, aphids, thrips. Affected flowers should be immediately dug up and burned. Disinfect the soil with a hot concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.

Self-sowing crocuses can also be a problem: flowers sprout in the most unexpected places and turn into a weed.

With the wrong content of crocuses at home, plants can get sick:

  • gray rot;
  • fusarium;
  • sclerocial or penicella rot.

To prevent diseases, it is important to plant healthy bulbs, and transplant carefully. If there is still damage on the bulb, you need to sprinkle this area with ash, and before planting, soak the bulbs for 20 minutes in a fungicidal solution.


Flowers are most easily propagated by bulblets that form on the parent corm. They are separated and seated one by one.

You can also grow flowers from seeds. But it is more difficult to do this, since most often the plants lose their varietal characteristics, and begin to bloom only after 4-5 years. Therefore, this method of reproduction is not popular. The best option is to buy plant bulbs in a flower shop or greenhouse.

Purchase Features

In order for the plant to grow strong and delight with its flowers, it is important to buy high-quality planting material, carefully inspect the bulbs before purchasing. They must be healthy, large, without damage. Commercially available Dutch varieties with large bulbs are labeled + 10 on the packaging bag. They produce 5-6 large flowers. Smaller bulbs give 3-4, and very small ones - 2-3 flowers. The size of the flowers also depends on the size of the bulbs (in selected large specimens it reaches 5–7 cm) and the height of the plants.

Planting and caring for crocus flowers is not difficult. Plants look great on alpine slides, they can decorate flower beds, borders, lawns. The flowers are beautiful on their own, and go well with other bulbs. And in the conditions of an apartment, you can grow crocuses for the holiday, and admire the beautiful graceful flowers for the New Year or March 8.

Crocus is a bulbous perennial plant that blooms in early spring along with daffodils, hyacinths and other primroses. Also, the flower is known as saffron and has a large number of different colors.

General rules for caring for crocuses in the open field after flowering

In nature, crocus prefers loose, sandy and rocky soils. Basically, it is planted in well-lit areas in open ground.

After flowering, crocuses are left in the ground if the climate is warm or temperate. In a cold climate, the plant must be dug up for the winter, and when suitable conditions occur, it is again planted in the ground. And here it is important to figure out when to dig up crocuses.

At the end of flowering, they wait for the leaves to turn yellow, and then remove them from the ground. This is done so that harmful insects or fungi do not multiply there.

On a note! If there is a need to dig up the bulbs, it is necessary to mark the location so that after the aerial part dies off, they are not lost.

Why you need to dig up crocuses

On the issue of digging up crocuses every year or not, there is no consensus among gardeners. If the climate of the region allows, you can leave the plants to winter. Some gardeners remove the bulbs from the ground every year. This is done mainly in order to assess the condition of the crocuses and take timely action. Bulbs unsuitable for cultivation are removed, and the remaining ones are treated with special means for the purpose of disinfection. A good planting material in the fall should be planted again.

Those who leave crocuses to winter will dig them up only after 4 years, when the bulb grows. Then it will be time to divide the plant, otherwise it will not be able to develop normally. In addition, the flower needs to be transplanted every few years, it cannot be kept in one place all the time.

Crocuses: when to dig up bulbs and plant

When to dig up crocuses depends on the variety of the particular plant. But in any case, it is worth doing this in the summer, at a time when saffron is at rest.

Crocus bulbs

The signal to start action is the yellowing and death of the leaves. Once this has happened, the aerial part should be cut off. When digging, try not to damage the roots. Particular care is shown to already overgrown bulbs.

When to plant crocuses

It is necessary to plant saffron in the autumn period - in late August-early September. When planting, they adhere to the 7 × 10 cm scheme. The pits for the bulbs should be of such a size that it fits freely there. The soil is fertilized with compost.

It is advisable to make drainage, otherwise water may accumulate and the plants will rot. For these purposes, expanded clay or coarse sand is used. Then covered with soil mixed with compost. If the ground is well fertilized at planting, the next top dressing will be only a year later. Then it is worth making potash and phosphate fertilizers. After planting, mulching is carried out.

If sowing is done in September, then the plants should be covered for the winter. Freezing of bulbs on clay and loamy soils is especially dangerous. You can insulate with peat, foliage or humus.

Planting crocuses

Storing crocuses before planting in the fall

After the bulbs are dug out of the ground, they are air-dried for several days. Then the seed is carefully inspected and diseased and damaged specimens are removed. The remaining plants are removed in wooden boxes, spreading out there in a small layer.

Important! Store in a dry place that is well ventilated. Otherwise, the bulbs will be affected by mold and rot.

The temperature during storage of saffron bulbs should be within +21°C. Before planting, it is reduced to + 15 ° C. These conditions are the best to keep the plants, and in spring they will produce large and bright flowers.

When, after prolonged frosts, the first flowers begin to appear from under the melting snow cover, we are all extremely happy for them. Crocuses are usually the first to appear. These are spring, corm-bulbous flowers that begin to flower in early March, immediately after the snowdrops bloom. The flowering time of these magnificent flowers is approximately a week. After some time, after the flowering of the buds, the leaves begin to dry out and turn yellow. It is during this period that crocuses begin their dormant time. In addition, there are crocuses that completely complete their flowering period at the end of October, in November. Plant these unique flowers in your backyard. Their planting and further care will not require much work and skills from you. And with the onset of spring, you will begin to admire the beautiful, first flowers.

Do I need to dig up crocuses after the flowering phase?

Many flower growers in this period of time begin to dig up corms in their summer cottage. And others - on the contrary, leave them in the ground. It is worth noting that crocuses are perennial flowers that can grow even at home and in one place for several years. It is also necessary to dig up the root system of these flowers for the purpose of prevention, in order to be able to remove diseased and damaged planting material. After this procedure, the selected crocus corms must be planted in a new place in open soil. Of course, if your crocuses grow in the lawn itself, then you should not dig them up. In this article, we'll talk about when to dig up crocuses after flowering and learn more about growing them.

The best conditions for crocuses

Many people like crocus flowers. However, in order to achieve beautiful flowers, planting and care in the open field must be carried out correctly. At the time of planting crocuses at home, it is imperative to adhere to the following care rules:
These flowers prefer loose and light soil. Excess moisture in the soil can lead to poor condition of these plants. Based on this, in the event that you plant crocuses at home in loamy soil, then a small amount of sand and fertilizer must be added to it. These soil nutrients can be manure or peat.

Since crocuses are light-loving plants, they should be planted at home in well-lit places. It is from this that the size of the peduncles and the abundance of their flowering will depend. The more light these flowers can receive, the larger their buds will be. Planting crocuses at home or in a garden plot in a slightly darkened place is possible, but in this case the flowers will be small.

Crocuses can be planted in flower beds, flower beds, combining them with other plants, for example, daffodils, tulips, hazel grouse, etc. This will ensure your lawn continues to bloom throughout the spring.

The soil in which crocuses bloom should always be moist. Young shoots that have been salted from the corm should be watered regularly. The top layer of soil, before each irrigation of flowers, must dry out.

Crocuses prefer fertile soil. For this reason, these flowers, planted at home in nutrient soil, are not fertilized at the time of flowering. If the flowers grow in one place at home for many years in a row, they must be fed without fail. Nutrients must be applied to the soil itself. As a rule, potash-phosphorus fertilizers are used for crocuses. Phosphorus is able to ensure the mass formation of flower stalks of plants, and extend the period of their flowering. Potassium is able to maintain plant bulbs in a healthy state. Fertilizers must be applied three times throughout the season. The very first feeding of crocuses is carried out at the time of the formation of its sprouts. The second should be carried out at the time of bud formation. Third - you need to carry out after the crocuses have completely faded. When fertilizing for the very first time, the amount of potassium must necessarily be 2 times more than phosphorus. During the 2nd and 3rd feeding, these two substances must be taken in equal proportions.

How to plant autumn and spring crocuses

Currently, breeders have been able to bring out a large number of varieties of crocuses. Among them there are both spring and autumn varieties. The last plants are planted in early June. Spring crocuses are planted in the ground at the end of September. Planting larger corms at home is carried out to a depth of -10-12cm. medium-sized bulbs are deepened into the soil by about 6-7 cm. The distance between planted plants must be at least five centimeters. If the transplantation of crocuses in the summer cottage is not planned in the next 2-4 years, then they should be planted close to each other (at a distance of 3 cm).

It is necessary to start caring for corms at home in the middle of summer. And it is by this time that the crocuses will be able to fully bloom. In the event that you do not plan to transplant flowers, then their corms should be left in their original place. In such a situation, you need to prune wilted flowers and leaves. In the southern regions of our country, with the warm and mild climate inherent there, crocus corms can easily endure the winter. As for the harsh climatic zones, flower beds with plants must be covered with small twigs or fallen leaves. If you have planned a transplant of crocuses to a new place, then the corms must be dug up in the middle of summer (at the end of June, the first decade of July). And the planting material in this case should be carefully sorted out and only large and healthy bulbs should be selected for planting. To be able to save planting material, it must be placed in a ventilated room, which will maintain a constant temperature of 21-22 degrees.

forcing crocuses

There is a practice of growing crocuses at home. Flowers can grow well both on the windowsill and indoors. Therefore, it is worth learning about what the forcing of crocuses is. In this case, the care of indoor plants will be slightly different. It is necessary to plant bulbs of a plant at the end of the autumn period. They should be stored in a cold place. One month before you want to have flowers, a flowerpot with corms must be placed on the windowsill and watered for several days in a row.

Reproduction of crocuses

If you are wondering how crocuses should be propagated, now we will tell you more about this process. Reproduction of autumn crocuses is carried out in the same way as spring ones. In room conditions, this procedure will be simple. As a rule, after the flowering period of crocuses ends, the corm dies off completely. And in its place, small baby bulbs begin to form. They should be separated and seated separately. One year after planting, young crocuses should bloom for the first time. After they become very crowded, the flowering of crocuses will not be plentiful, and the flower stalks will turn out to be small. To be able to avoid this, the plant should be transplanted. As a rule, transplanting flowers in a summer cottage should be carried out every four years. You can also get new plants from seeds at home. But as a rule, they lose personal varietal characteristics. But as for the hybridization process, it is rather difficult to carry out, since it is necessary to have some experience. The best option is to purchase crocus bulbs in a special store. Spring or autumn crocuses are plants that are often used to decorate flower beds, alpine slides, ponds or borders. These flowers can be perfectly combined with primroses, blueberries and other types of corm plants.

When should crocuses be planted - in autumn or spring?

Crocuses are one of the very first spring flowers. They begin to bloom before the rest in the country. In order for the first crocus buds to appear at the right time, you need to know exactly when they should be planted in spring or autumn. This issue is especially important for novice flower growers, since crocus bulbs can be purchased at any time of the year.

Spring and autumn crocuses

It is in this way that these beautiful and delicate flowers belonging to the iris family should be classified. Resistant and rather unpretentious to the harsh Russian winter, crocuses can actively grow throughout the year and bloom in early spring and autumn. Few people know that there are autumn species of these plants. Due to this, there is some confusion related to when crocuses should be planted. In the autumn, this procedure is best carried out.

The period of growth and development of corms in spring crocus species, as a rule, begins with the onset of early autumn. Further, the deciduous mass begins to grow, the buds bloom, and then the plant enters its dormant phase, thus accumulating strength in the bulb. Then babies begin to form in it. It is these types of crocuses that can be found in specialized flower shops and in crowded markets.

It is very difficult to find autumn types of crocuses. As a rule, their vital activity begins in the autumn period. Next, the leaves begin to grow. And under the snow cover, the flower often begins to leave already with open buds. The planting period for these plant species is the end of July - the beginning of August. If you are a little late with this, then the plant simply will not have time to fully form and will not please you with mature children.

Planting spring crocuses

If you want to know if crocuses are planted in spring, then be aware that this can be done not only in spring, but also in autumn. For those people who do not know how to plant crocuses in the autumn, you should first determine the type of your plant. Spring crocuses should be planted at the very beginning of September, at a time when the bulb of the plant is in its dormant phase. Having accumulated enough strength for the winter period, the flower begins to bloom its first buds in early April.

The soil should be prepared in advance: dig for 10-15 days before planting, add humus to the soil. But you do not need to be zealous with the introduction of complex mineral fertilizers. With the onset of the next year, after the crocuses have completely faded, it is necessary to wait for the leaves of this plant to dry completely. Only after that it will be possible to dig up flower bulbs and store them until September. Tulips are also cared for. Weather conditions can determine the period when crocuses and tulips should be planted. Cool and dry weather is more favorable for this procedure. But it is necessary to be in time before the first frosts.

Planting autumn species

Autumn types of crocuses should be planted at the end of summer. Planting a plant too late can cause its corm to form incorrectly, releasing only leaves, but not giving flower stalks. Based on this, the next question immediately arises - when is it necessary to plant crocuses. In the autumn period (autumn) - this is the period of planting spring-flowering plant species. In the summer period - (end of July), it is necessary to plant autumn-flowering species. Not all flower growers plant crocuses annually, leaving them in the same place for 3-5 years. It should be noted that with this approach to business, the flowers of crocuses become smaller, the foliage begins to grow, and the children of the plant become very crowded. Based on this, in order to ensure the best flowering of crocuses, and to obtain good planting material, it is necessary to dig and divide them every year. In the event that there is sandy and light soil in the place you have chosen, there is no stagnant water, and the site is well lit, the flowers will bloom much faster.

Crocus planting and care, reproduction, flowering, transplantation, wintering, disease, photo and video

Saffron or crocus is one of the most beautiful primroses in appearance. A group of these flowers will be a real decoration for your dacha. As a rule, most crocuses begin to bloom in the spring. But there are some types of these plants that bloom with the onset of autumn. This must be taken into account when choosing corms.

Homeland and appearance of crocuses.

In this article, we will talk in detail about when to dig up crocuses and how to store them until planting in the fall. However, first of all, it is worth reporting other very useful information about these plants. A large number of crocuses grow in the Crimea, in Central Europe, and also in the Caucasus, Central Asia, Turkey, Iran and the Black Sea region. Many crocuses are listed in the Red Book. Saffron is a low flower - up to 14-15 cm. It does not have a stem, with a corm. The color of its flowers is very diverse: yellow, white, bicolor, purple. The flowering time of crocuses is from 2 to 3 weeks. The leaves of the plant are flat and narrow. They begin to appear along with the inflorescences, or a little later. Basically, crocuses are quite unpretentious flowers. It is better to purchase planting material in late August or early September. Autumn types of crocuses are usually planted in the last decade of August. And spring is in September. For planting flowers, it is necessary to choose corms without sprouts and germinated roots.

Irrigation mode.

Crocuses should be well watered as soon as the first sprouts appear. They should be watered throughout their growth. Before watering, you need to loosen the soil a little so that moisture and air can penetrate the root system of the plant.

Lighting mode.

Crocuses need bright light so that large inflorescences can form. If the flowers are grown in partial shade, then their buds will be small.

Fertilizer and top dressing.

In the event that the soil is well fed before planting, then during the period of active growth of flowers in the first year they can not be fertilized. But still, it should be noted that in the future crocuses will need additional nutrition. It is imperative to add fertilizing to the soil with a high content of potassium and phosphorus. The very first feeding is done after the first shoots appear. The second feeding of the plant should be carried out at the time of cutting the buds. The third - after the complete end of the flowering phase. At the time of the first feeding of crocuses, the potassium content must necessarily be 2 times more than phosphorus. Next, you should mix potassium and phosphorus in equal proportions.

Choosing a place for landing and transfer

Find out in this article about whether you need to dig up crocuses after flowering? Also, check out other information. A very important point when planting crocuses is the choice of a well-lit and drained area. For these plants, it is necessary to try to organize a constant outflow of moisture. Otherwise, the corms of the flowers will get sick and simply die. The best choice is light and sandy soil. An area with too dense soil can be diluted with sand, which should be scattered over its surface. Next, the area for planting crocuses must be dug up. In addition, the soil should be fertilized before the flowers are planted. Compost, or mineral fertilizers with a huge content of potassium and phosphorus, acts as top dressing. It is not recommended to feed crocuses with fertilizers containing a lot of nitrogen, since this substance is harmful to these plants. In case of insufficient lighting, crocuses may stop flowering and completely wither. For this reason, a well-lit area should be chosen. But it must be protected from strong gusts of wind and drafts. From this, the delicate flowers of the plant begin to lean and lose their petals.

Crocus Planting Technology

In order for crocuses to be beautiful, proper planting and good care, which you will carry out at home, are important. Given the fact that crocus corms grow small, they are planted close to each other. In addition, a group of flowers planted close to each other will look very beautiful and attractive. But still, it is imperative to provide free space for future children who will appear on the corm in the future. A suitable distance between these flowers is from 3 to 5 cm. As for the depth of planting, it will usually depend on the size of the corms themselves. Very small ones need to be planted to a depth of five centimeters, and larger ones to a depth of 10-12 cm. It should also be taken into account that after the flowering phase of crocuses ends, the strong root system of these flowers begins to draw the corm deep into the soil. In the event that you want to get material for forcing crocuses, then the corms must be planted as deep as possible. And for faster reproduction, you should choose a less deep landing.

Planting crocuses in pots

For forcing crocuses, it will take at least 3-4 months. In order for crocuses to be able to bloom for the New Year, they should be planted in early September. To be able to give these beautiful plants for Valentine's Day, they need to be planted in early October. To get beautiful flowers by March 8, crocuses need to be planted in mid-November.

Before planting crocus corms, it is necessary to withstand them in the following conditions:

  • 1-1.5 weeks at summer temperature.
  • 2.5-3 weeks at a temperature not higher than 19-20 degrees.
  • At a temperature not +10 degrees in August.

Until the planting period, corms must be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature of no more than 8-9 degrees.

Then you need to plant the crocuses in a container with a layer of good drainage. As a substrate, you can use ordinary sand.

Reproduction of crocuses

In this post you can find everything about crocuses. Here are their varieties, as well as information on how planting should be done. And here you can learn about how to care for and reproduce.
There are three main ways to propagate crocuses:

  1. Children.
  2. Seeds.
  3. Corms.

In each method described above, planting is done in early September. This is done so that by the beginning of winter the crocus can get stronger and take root well. In this case, it is necessary to dig out the corms of the plant in June, after the end of the flowering phase. Then the planting material must be well dried, ventilated and stored in a cool place until disembarkation.

Some flower growers dig and plant crocuses only once every 5-6 years. But still, many experts advise to carry out this procedure much more often in order to avoid grinding the flower stalks. The most optimal frequency of planting crocuses should be once every 3 years. You can also propagate crocuses in an accelerated way. To do this, it is necessary to dig up the plants every year after they have finished flowering. Each flowering crocus bulb can produce up to 4 bulbs and up to 9-10 babies.

crocus bloom

All types of crocuses are divided into 2 main types:

  1. Spring flowering period.
  2. Autumn flowering period.

The flowering period of these flowers will depend on the following main factors: plant variety and weather conditions. The crocus peduncle resembles the shape of a glass. Crocus flowers come in different shades: yellow, white, purple, blue, cream, orange. There are also varieties that have two-color inflorescences, spotted and even checkered. The diameter of the flowers can vary from 2 to 5 cm. Crocuses look more original and beautiful in the garden, 8 to 10 pieces each. As a rule, they are used as independent plants. They can also be combined in a group with other plants that bloom in spring. Crocuses look more attractive among rich green grass.

wintering crocuses

Now you know when to dig up crocus bulbs after flowering. Remember that proper wintering of crocus corms is an important part of caring for these plants. During the wintering period, crocus bulbs begin to take root and gain strength, which will be required for the further development and flowering of this flower. After severe frosts come, crocuses can be covered. But still, in the warm regions of our country, crocuses winter well without any warming. The spruce branches and branches, in addition to protection from severe frosts, are used as a barrier against many rodents, which, in turn, prefer to feast on crocus corms. In the spring, this insulation must be removed from the plant and all debris removed. It will be possible to loosen the soil for the first time near crocuses only after the first shoots appear. Otherwise, you can easily damage the roots of the plant.

What to do after crocus bloom

After the end of the flowering phase, approximately in the middle of June, it will be necessary to prune the dry leaves and inflorescences of the plant, and dig in the corms. It is recommended to store the excavated planting material with a uniform decrease in temperature. Within one week after digging the bulbs, they are dried and aired. Further, they can be placed in the basement or cellar, where it is rather dark and cool. After 2-3 weeks, all planting material should be transferred to vegetable boxes in the refrigerator. Corms should be stored until they are planted. Planting of crocuses is carried out in the 2nd decade of September or in the first half of October.

Why don't crocuses bloom?

The absence of peduncles in crocuses indicates improper care.

Main reasons:
1. The corms of the plant were dug up before the onset of the dormant phase. Based on this, the flowering period is completely disrupted in the crocus. This usually results in a lack of flowers on the plant.
2. In addition, it is not recommended to prune the leaves of the plant ahead of time, since next year the flower may not have buds at all. You can carry out this procedure after their complete withering.
3. In order to stimulate a long and abundant flowering of crocus, corms should be stored at low temperatures after digging up.
4. Crocuses can completely stop growing if they grow in the same place for a long time and do not rejuvenate. In order to rejuvenate crocuses, you need to dig up corms every 4-5 years. Then sit down. But still, many flower growers advise to carry out this procedure every year.
5. In addition to all of the above, very often at the time of storage of corms in winter, they are damaged by rodents. As a result, with the onset of spring, buds do not appear on crocuses.

Why don't crocuses bloom in spring?

Most flower growers, acquiring crocus corms, do not pay any attention to the phase of their flowering. Many people believe that all crocuses, without exception, begin to bloom in the spring. But still, this is far from the case. There are varieties of crocuses that bloom with the onset of autumn. The two types of crocuses differ in their development cycles. It follows that they require different care for themselves.

Diseases and pests of crocuses

Very often, aphids harm crocuses at the time of their active growth. In addition, aphids can also be seen in corm storage areas. Aphids can not only cause serious damage to flowers, but they can also be a carrier of all sorts of viral diseases. To combat these insects, a solution of karbofos is used in a low concentration. If the plant lacks nitrogen-containing fertilizers, then they begin to develop various diseases that are caused by the fungus. In this case, before planting, the corms should be treated with copper-based products. Diseases that are viral in nature adversely affect the shape of the flowers of the plant and their color. Basically, it is not possible to completely cure a plant in case of their viral disease. In this situation, it is imperative to monitor the plants and remove damaged flowers in time.

Crocus care video

The very first flowers after a long winter in the country, crocuses begin to bloom. These are very bright, delicate flowers. Despite its small size, crocus is grown with great pleasure by a large number of flower growers, since it is this flower that is easy to care for and not demanding of itself. In addition, crocus can be easily propagated. For this, it does not need to be dug up for the winter period. As a rule, this flower is planted in groups, so that with the onset of spring one can admire the beautiful and abundant flowering.

When and how much crocus blooms

Crocus (lat. Crocus), also known as flowering saffron, is a genus of herbaceous bulbous bulbous plants belonging to the Iris family. In the wild, the flower grows in forests, steppes and meadows. Distributed in the Mediterranean, Asia Minor and Central Asia, the Middle East, and also in Europe.

Note! There are crocuses that bloom in autumn, and there are quite a lot of them.

Saffron is a low-growing plant, without a stem, the flowering period falls on the first half of April. At this time, the snow begins to melt. Crocuses, when they bloom, are very beautiful, for which they are so loved to be planted in the garden, but the duration of flowering is only a week.

Crocuses after flowering

What to do with crocuses after their early flowering - unsightly flower stalks are cut off, but the remaining leaves are very decorative. They won't wilt long enough. After the plant fades, turns yellow and the entire aerial part of the saffron dries up, the bulbs are taken out of the ground and dried. They should be planted in early autumn so that in the spring the plants can bloom again.

Once the bulbs are dug up, they need to be properly stored. It is necessary to clean the planting material from the soil, dead parts and put it in one layer for storage. The ideal conditions for the bulbs are 22°C for successful budding, then 20°C in August and 15°C a week later. But at home they are stored in a dark, dry, well-ventilated room.

Additional Information! If, together with saffron, grouse, daffodils, tulips and bergenia are planted in a flower bed, then it will retain an attractive appearance all spring - the flowers will fade, replacing each other.

However, these flowers do not need an annual transplant. If the saffron lives in one place for less than 3 years and the ground is still visible between the plants, then care consists in mulching with a layer of peat or dry leaves.

The period when to extract the roots of this plant from the ground depends on its variety. In any case, this must be done in the summer, when the flowering period is over and the crocus is dormant. The signal for digging up crocuses will be the yellow leaves of the plant.

It is necessary to dig up the roots of the flower very carefully so as not to damage them. Then they should be dried for several days, examined and removed damaged areas, reports Therussiantimes. Store crocuses in wooden boxes, laying the bulbs in a thin layer. The required storage temperature is not lower than 22 degrees, and shortly before planting in open ground - about 15.

After flowering, the crocus should be dug up when the foliage of the flower turns completely yellow, this indicates that he fell into a dream. This does not have to be done every year, but every four or five years the crocus bulbs need to be divided and replanted in a new place.

Many do not know what to do with a flower when it has faded. After the flowers have withered, their peduncles must be cut off, and green bushes will decorate your garden for a long time until the leaves turn yellow and fade.

After the leaves have withered, the bulbs of the spring-flowering varieties should be dug up and dried, so that they can be planted again later. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to dig up crocuses every year. If the flowers were planted no earlier than three years ago, and soil is still visible between the crocus bushes, simply mulch the area with crocuses for the winter with a thick layer of peat or dry leaves.

Inexperienced gardeners may encounter a situation where a crocus planted according to all the rules does not bloom, but is only characterized by green foliage.

The main reasons preventing the formation of flowers:

  • Planting density. As mentioned above, daughter cells cannot develop in cramped conditions. Mother tubers are able to push only young green foliage out of the ground. In this situation, it is necessary to carry out a transplant procedure.
  • Too deep planting of corms. If small bulbs are planted very deep in the ground, then all their strength will go into breaking through the foliage through the soil to the surface. In sandy soil, bulbs can involuntarily go deep into loose soil. This problem can be solved by transplanting the bulbs to a depth of no more than 6 cm. In heavy clay soil, tubers are planted no lower than 4 cm from the surface of the earth.
  • Lack of fertilizer. Due to untimely fertilization, the plant will not be able to bloom and develop properly. Crocuses growing in the same area take all the nutrients from the substrate. Therefore, they must be fed with mineral fertilizers annually in the spring. From organic fertilizers, compost is suitable, which is applied to the wells before planting the bulbs.

Often, inexperienced gardeners have a question, what to do with faded crocuses? Peduncles with faded flowers must be cut off, but the foliage should be left, it will still adorn the garden plot for many weeks. Over time, the foliage will turn yellow and wither.