Business idea: shoe store. Shoe business: how to open a shoe store. Shoe store business plan: equipment and documents to start

Understand all the nuances regarding how to open a children's shoe store, and you can become the owner of a profitable and promising business

♦ Capital investments – 700,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 7–10 months

Buying and selling is one of the most common and profitable types of entrepreneurial activity.

The main thing is to choose a product that sells the most profitably.

Today, many experts call such a product (in addition to food) shoes, but not ordinary, but children's.

Babies grow fast enough, so parents often have to buy them clothes and shoes.

If you deal with all the nuances regarding, you can become the owner of a profitable and promising business.

How to open a children's shoe store: the pros and cons of starting a startup

To understand whether you need to strive to open a children's shoe store from scratch, or is it better to do something else, you should familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of this startup.

The most obvious benefits:

  1. High profitability.
    Large shoe markets boast revenues of millions of rubles.
  2. Fast payback.
  3. Relatively small capital investment.
  4. Opportunity to create competitive advantages.
  5. You will trade in a product that people always need.
  6. You don't need to rent a huge space to start selling shoes.
  7. Large capital turnover due to a diverse range of goods.

But the main disadvantages of this business look like this:

  1. Considerable monthly expenses for rent of premises and salaries of staff.
  2. Difficulties in finding good suppliers to be able to sell only quality goods.
  3. High level of competition.

How to open a children's shoe store: building competitive advantages

As already mentioned, the level of competition in the sales of children's shoes is quite high.

In order not to burn out in the first year of a shoe store, you need to create competitive advantages in advance.

It could be:

  1. Huge range of goods.
    So that any buyer who enters your store does not leave you without a purchase.
  2. Reasonable pricing policy.
    Artificial high prices in your children's shoe store, opened from scratch, will cause you to lose customers.
  3. A variety of promotions for different product groups.
    The more you lower the price, the higher the chances of getting rid of the remnants of stale goods.
  4. Bright interior of the room, so that the kids would be pleased to be in your children's shoe store.
  5. Vendors who are good with children and dressed in interesting costumes.
    Then the kids themselves will pull their parents for shopping in your store.
  6. Good location to attract the attention of random customers.
  7. Loyalty program for those parents with children who constantly make purchases from you.

How to open a children's shoe store: an advertising campaign

Interesting fact:
Indians in South America get resi new shoes absolutely free. They dip their feet in the fresh juice of the rubber plant, the hevea. In the air, the juice hardens, and quite practical rubber galoshes are obtained.

The shoe business, opened from scratch, is not so different from others, which means that it needs advertising to be told about it. short terms got to know as many people as possible.

  1. Order space in the most popular media in the city.
  2. Inform residents of your locality with help social networks and city forum.
  3. Distribute flyers in the area where you decide to open a children's shoe store.
  4. Hang ads around the city, in public transport, etc.
  5. Organize an interesting opening with competitions, refreshments, distribution of discount cards.

And you also need a large and beautiful sign that can be seen from afar.

To make it look as advantageous as possible, you should think about how to name a children's shoe store.

The name should be short, memorable, like both kids and their parents.

How to open a children's shoe store: calendar plan

If you decide to open a shoe store from scratch and do not have great experience entrepreneurial activity, then start implementing a startup with.

In it, be sure to indicate how much time you need to implement one or another stage.

If you find a place for your shoe market that does not need major repairs and quickly conclude contracts with suppliers, you can open a children's shoe store in 4 months.

If at least one of their stages (registration, renovation of the premises, equipment, recruitment, assortment formation) slows you down, then the launch of a startup may stretch for an indefinite term.

Rent and repair
Purchase of equipment
Formation of the assortment

How to open a children's shoe store: a business plan with calculations

Starting any business from scratch is hard enough.

It is necessary to try to reduce the initial and current expenses, earn as quickly as possible client base take care of other details.

If you decide to open a children's shoe store, then we are ready to offer you such a business plan as an example.

Our conditional store will not be too large (60 sq. m.) and we will tear it off in a large city.


Children's shoe stores can operate as sole proprietorships, so you should limit yourself to this simple and inexpensive form of business registration.

As for taxation, it is possible to optimize this item of expenditure if you pay tax according to the UTII system.

The registration procedure should not take you more than two months.


It is very important to properly position your shoe store so that as many people as possible pass by it every day.

Some of these passers-by will become your customers.

It is best to open a children's shoe store, either in the center or in a densely populated residential area at the intersection of important pedestrian routes.

You can open your market both in a separate building and by renting an area in some mall.

The area of ​​our conditional store is 60 sq.m. 40 squares will go to the trading floor, the rest - to the staff office, where you can equip a rack for storing leftover goods, and a bathroom.

It is very important to invest in renovations, because your main customers are children, and they love bright colours and fairy tale characters.

If the amount of starting capital allows, then you can hire professional designer for him to create unique interior your shoe store.


Since the area of ​​our conditional children's shoe store is not too large, you need to carefully consider what equipment should be purchased in order to demonstrate the product to the buyer as profitably as possible and not clutter up the trading floor with boxes with a dimensional grid.

For our conditional store, we will purchase the following equipment:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:RUB 180,000
Racks and shelves
30 000
Showcase for socks, shoe care products and other small items
7 000
Closed bottom cabinets where to store shoe boxes
15 000
Soft poufs for trying on
15 000
Trading rack
8 000
5 000
Cash register
10 000
Computer or laptop
20 000
10 000
Other60 000

In addition, you need to equip a bathroom (at least 15,000 rubles) and an office, buying furniture there:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:60 000 rub.
8 000
8 000
Lockers for changing clothes and personal belongings of the team
12 000
Rack for storing leftover goods
10 000
Other22 000

As you can see, you need to spend at least 250,000 rubles on store equipment.


If you decide to open a children's shoe store, then you should prepare for the cost of staff salaries.

If you want the store to bring you maximum profit, then you should hire two shifts (salesperson + cleaner) to work in turn:

If you want sellers to try to sell as many shoes as possible, pay them not a fixed salary, but a small rate +% of sales.

No need to skimp on a cleaner, because a store with a dirty floor will not look attractive in the eyes of visitors.

You, as the owner of a children's shoe store, will have to deal with organizational issues, order goods, look for new suppliers and keep accounts.


The more diverse the assortment, the higher the chances that the client will leave it with a purchase.

You must sell:

  • sandals, slippers, sandals and other summer shoes;
  • boots and boots (winter and demi-season);
  • shoes for active rest(sneakers, sneakers);
  • slippers;
  • shoes, dancing shoes.

The size range should be formed from the smallest - up to 36 inclusive. Select the range according to seasonality. Shoes that are out of season can be discounted.

Update your inventory at least once a quarter.

The organization of sales revitalizes the business, at least twice a year: for summer and winter shoes.

As for suppliers, you can sell both domestic children's shoes (quality brands - Top-Top, Kotofey and others), and those made abroad.

Parents especially trust shoes that are made in Poland, Italy, Germany.

How much does it cost to open a children's shoe store?

Shoe markets are not startups that require huge capital investments, but still, to open a children's shoe store, you will have to shell out at least 700,000 rubles.

But in addition to the initial investment, which is more than half a million, you are expected to have mandatory monthly expenses:

what shoes to choose for the baby,

so that it does not harm his health:

What income awaits those who decide to open a children's shoe store?

Carefully shape the pricing policy of your shoe store.

If you set a margin that is too low, for example, 30-40%, then it is unlikely that you will quickly get a profit, and you will not have a price gap to make sales.

Too high a margin will lead to the fact that customers find your product too expensive and go to another store.

The optimal margin is 60–80%.

It is quite difficult to calculate the monthly revenue of a children's shoe store.

Get ready for the first few months that customers will be wary of the new market, preferring proven implementers, so you will have to work hard to win a customer base.

If at least 10 people visit you daily, 5 of whom make a purchase for 2,000 rubles, then your monthly revenue will be about 300,000 rubles.

Half of this amount will go to mandatory monthly expenses, part will have to be set aside for a new purchase of goods, but 80–100,000 rubles will remain with you as a net profit.

With such indicators, you can recoup the capital investment in 8-12 months.

If you can increase sales, then the earnings of your market will be much higher.

This is, of course, a very rough business plan.

If you are interested in how to open a children's shoe store, then you will definitely have to draw up your business plan, focusing on the prices in your city and the scale of the future business, so the amount of capital investment to launch your startup may differ significantly from that indicated.

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How to open your own business? How to compose? Where to begin? What to pay attention to in the first place, so as not to make banal mistakes? These and many other questions are asked by many new entrepreneurs. We know that opening any business, especially if it is done by an inexperienced person, is associated with many problems, difficulties, and incomprehensible situations. In this article we want to tell you how to open your own shoe store, and also give some tips on how to make shoe store business plan.

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But before reading the article further, you should clearly realize for yourself that any business in the field of trade faces very serious competition. Don't expect profit for the first few months. It is very good if you can work without losses, but this does not happen often. Alas, but this is reality. modern business, and there is no escape from them. Of course, you may be lucky, and you will be lucky with the location of the store (in a large shopping center in a very accessible place), or you will put a super novelty that is in great demand. And perhaps you will good seller, which you can even sell sand on the beach. Yes, there are lucky people who start working in a good plus in the first month. But this is most likely an exception to the rule, and a very big luck. Don't count on luck own business. Most likely, the realities will not be so radiant, and the calculations presented in the business plan of a shoe store will not always coincide with what will actually happen. You will have to work very hard, gaining credibility, a client base, and trust from buyers.

Documents required to open a shoe store

The first thing you should start with is collecting the necessary documents that will allow you to do business and run your own business. Such documents include:

  • document about state registration business entity. Most often, to open a shoe store, I register an individual entrepreneur. In rare cases, if a chain of stores is planned, it is possible to register a legal entity.
  • Registration in tax service and obtaining relevant taxpayer documents. You also need to decide on the tax system. Most often it is single tax. If you have a large turnover, or you are going to open several stores, then you can consider other taxation options that best suit your business scheme.
  • Lease agreement, or documents certifying ownership of the premises.
  • List of products to be approved by Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Conclusion fire service that the premises are safe for both employees and visitors. In order to obtain such a conclusion, it is necessary to fulfill all the standards of the fire service, install sensors and fire extinguishing systems.
  • The conclusion from the SES that the premises complies with all norms and standards, and does not pose a threat.
  • Agreement with a company that is engaged in the removal of solid household waste.
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If you plan to rent a store in a shopping complex, then the list of documents required for doing business may be wider. This is due to the fact that the owners of shopping centers often require additional evidence and confirmation of the legality of your business. But, as a rule, collecting such papers is not difficult, and it will take no more than an hour.

I would also like to note that some shoes require mandatory certification. That is, you should always have a quality certificate that confirms better properties, safety, environmental friendliness of the offered goods. These categories of shoes include:

  • Children's shoes that are made of leather or rubber
  • Rubber and textile sports shoes
  • Children's felted shoes
  • Yuft shoes
  • Chrome shoes
  • footwear, the upper of which is made of textile materials, felt or felt
  • shoes with uppers made of synthetic species leather (except army);
  • shoes with uppers made of artificial species skin

It is advisable to have documents for any product that will be presented in your store. Although buyers are not often interested in such documents, controlling and inspection authorities will definitely ask for their availability. In the absence of certificates, you risk receiving a serious fine.

If you plan to purchase goods from foreign partners, then here you should also follow a number of rules, and submit Required documents. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the law on consumer protection, and pay special attention to light industry.

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When opening a shoe store, conduct market research

The opening of any business is associated with detailed marketing research. If you just rely on your feelings, on the advice of friends, or on fashion trend development of a particular line of business, then the matter may end before it even starts. What works for someone in a neighboring city or even district may be completely unclaimed in your case. We recommend doing the following research:

  • First you need to study the demand for the product you sell. Fortunately, there is always a demand for shoes, and it is unlikely to decrease.
  • Analyze competitors. Explore the most popular and largest shoe stores in your area. Their range, pricing policy, ways to attract and retain customers. You can study the flow of customers, conduct some kind of survey among them, determining what they liked and did not like in this store.
  • Explore the area. Choose the best option for the location of the future store. The store should be located in a crowded place, with a good flow of customers, should be viewed from different points and attract the attention of passers-by.
  • If possible, conduct a large-scale survey of several thousand residents of the area about where and how they shop for new shoes. You, to a greater extent, should be interested in what format of stores people prefer - discount stores, with big discounts, but not high quality, shops of the middle price category, or shops with goods whose price is above average.

Further, based on a comprehensive study, you need to make a decision regarding the rationality of starting a business. Will you fit into the existing market model? Will your product be in demand? Can you compete with existing stores? Are there any prospects for the development of your shoe store? If the answers are positive and you see real opportunities, then you can start looking for a room, and really engage in business development.

I would like to note that such marketing research is not cheap. But it's better to spend $2,000 on data collection than to blindly open a shoe store and lose ten times more.

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Choosing a location for a shoe store

So you are done marketing research, realized that the business has good prospects and the product is in demand. Now you can proceed to the choice of premises for your store. Let's look at several options for the location of your store, and highlight the main pros and cons of such a choice.

The first thing that comes to mind when you think of a shoe store is shopping center. Undoubtedly, getting a retail space in the center is a great success. The advantages are obvious:

  • big flow potential clients who come for shopping, and in the hope of finding something interesting, inexpensive, fashionable. Many simply come to go shopping, but often such "walks" end in successful purchases.
  • The shopping center provides you with ready-made premises that require a minimum investment. All communications are done entry group framed. You only need to take care of the interior, making it in your corporate style.
  • Many costs are reduced to zero. For example, there is no need to hire security guards, install alarms, install surveillance cameras and fire fighting systems. The mall has already taken care of everything.

But renting in a shopping center also has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, it is not so easy to get a place in a large and well-known shopping center. Of course, if you are not a representative of a global brand, or a well-known trademark. Even if you can somehow negotiate the lease of the store, would it be profitable? The price is what can put you off. Renting a square meter can cost as much as a pair of very expensive shoes. A store is at least 30-40 square meters. Also, the downside is that you will have to adapt to the rules and regulations of the shopping center, and this may not always be convenient in terms of doing business.

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The second option is to rent a retail space somewhere in the city center, or on “living” and “passing” streets. You can decorate the store in your own style, you will not depend on the shopping center's working hours, you will be able to manage your time and all the rented space at your discretion.

And the third option is rapidly developing and built-up residential areas. It would seem that opening a shoe store in a residential area is a bit illogical. But if you see that in a year a dozen multi-storey buildings, and the same number is in the process, this means that there will soon be a lot of potential buyers. You can place a store on the first floors of new buildings.

Necessary equipment and staff of the shoe store

In terms of equipment selection, the shoe store is not very whimsical. You will not need a lot of different interior items, and if everything is done correctly, in a minimalist style, then the costs will be minimal. The store must have:

  • Racks and shelves on which shoes will be displayed. If you want to earn extra income, then near the racks you should place shelves with socks, shoe care products, and other necessary little things.
  • Places for fitting should be equipped with rugs, pouffes. Be sure there should be spoons so that the buyer can accurately measure new shoes. good tone It is considered the presence of disposable socks that must be worn before trying on. This is especially true in the summer, when many do not wear socks, or they wear shoes that do not need them.
  • Mirrors should also be in your store. It is advisable to put several different types. The first ones are small, where only part of the leg will be visible. The second ones are large, where the buyer will see himself in full growth.
  • Also, do not forget about cash registers that need to be registered in tax office.

That's all minimum set equipment. Further arrangement of the store depends solely on your vision and design fantasy. You can use some unusual lamps, highlights, glare, reflectors to give the store and products a more interesting and unusual look.

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If we talk about personnel, then its choice should be approached with special attention. The success of trading depends on the professionalism of the seller, on how he knows how to present the goods, how he understands the psychology of the buyer, how he can understand what the person wants, and that is exactly what he can offer. If you open a serious store, targeting a buyer of medium and high incomes, then do not be too lazy to choose a good employee and motivate him with a decent salary. For a small store, up to 30 square meters in size, one sales assistant, who can also be a cashier, is enough. If the store is medium or large sizes, has several departments, and is located in a busy place with a large flow of people, then you need to hire three or more sellers, and separately a cashier. No client should wait for a consultant, and everyone should be given due attention. The staff should have a merchandiser who also performs the functions of a specialist in the purchase of goods, an accountant is desirable, but the entrepreneur himself can perform his work, as well as communication with the tax office. The positions of a security guard, cleaning lady can be optional.

Advertising and work with buyers

Advertising is the engine of trade, and you can’t argue with that. Without thoughtful and competent advertising, you will not be able to win the race against competitors and attract new customers. Therefore, do not spare money on various techniques advertising your shoe store. But here the question arises, what methods of advertising are the most effective?

  • Internet advertising. If you have your own website, and you should have it, and you are engaged in sales not only in real world, but also through the network, it would be logical to advertise on the Internet. Now it is not a problem to deliver goods throughout the country in the shortest possible time, while significantly expanding its sales geography. But if this seems very troublesome for you, then you can simply promote your store using regional queries such as "Buy shoes in Ryazan", or "Shoe store Ryazan". Select the most popular and most popular queries, and bring your site to the TOP of search engine results for them. Thus, you can attract many new, potential buyers through the Internet.
  • Advertising in local newspapers and magazines. If you have some fashion magazines in your city, you can try to advertise there. But here you need to look at the reach of the audience, its age, solvency.
  • Advertising on regional Internet portals. Very often in cities there are local news resources, or sites that tell about the life of the city. They offer banner ads on their portal pages.

It is important to make an information bomb in the first weeks of the store opening. A similar effect can be achieved by posting leaflets, through ordered banners near the store, billboards, through promotions and other ways of street advertising. Declare yourself loudly, declare yourself spectacularly.

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Now a few words about working with the buyer. It consists in meeting a person correctly, paying due attention, correctly presenting the goods, and helping with the choice of a pair of shoes. You also need to use some secrets from sales techniques that will help to lure the buyer more and “help” him make a purchase:

  • According to statistics, 95% of shoppers walk through a store from left to right. Therefore, the most interesting, beautiful, and attractive models should be located to the right of the entrance. This is done so that a person walks in a circle, looks at the entire assortment, and does not stop immediately as soon as he enters the store.
  • All goods should be located no higher than the eye level of a person of average height. The buyer should not lift his head to look at something, and even more so reach out and stand on his toes to get the pair of shoes he likes.
  • Products must be clearly grouped based on season, gender, age, size, etc. There should be a clear scheme, and no randomness.
  • Need to organize convenient places for fitting, and calculate them in such a way that even with the maximum flow of customers, there is enough space for everyone.

Where to buy shoes

And the last thing I would like to talk about is the suppliers. The best option- Purchasing directly from manufacturing factories. In this case, you will have to sign a supply contract, and take a certain amount every season. On the one hand, this is convenient, because you get shoes at a very good price, and without extra extra charges from intermediaries. But on the other hand, you oblige yourself with a contract, which is not good.

You can also consider the option of supplying shoes from abroad. If you need a cheaper and lower quality, then this is China, Turkey, Thailand, India. If you want to trade more expensive, then this is the same China, only a different price category, or shoes from Italy. By the way, don't be surprised about China. The guys there do absolutely everything and perfectly different quality. If you pay $10, you will get shoes with quality for that amount. If you pay $ 100, then the quality will be many times better.

It's no secret that shoes in our country are a commodity that is in high demand. Due to the climatic features of our country, every season we are forced to purchase new shoes, boots, sneakers, sandals. In this regard, many do not miss the opportunity to earn money by opening their shoe boutiques. It should be recognized that at competent organization business selling sneakers or ankle boots can really make a good income.

Where to begin

What is needed for this? First, a well-thought-out and paper-based business plan for a shoe store. And, of course, start-up capital, without which entrepreneurship is impossible in principle. However, before considering a shoe store business plan in more detail, it is necessary to mention some important features this type of business.

Business nuances

You have to take into account the fact that it is seasonal. Regardless of whether the batch of the winter collection has been sold or not, when summer comes, you need to purchase shoes that are appropriate for this time of year.

The buyer should be able not only to purchase new models of shoes, but also to choose them based on their foot size. And if you only have one or two shoe sizes in stock, then the customer can simply turn around to the exit and make a purchase from your competitors.

When developing a business plan for a shoe store, you must clearly define what consumer "audience" it will be designed for. If these are people with a low income, then it hardly makes sense for you to scrupulously follow the latest collections of “shoe” fashion. They can become simply illiquid.

Wealthy clients, on the other hand, should not be offered budget models. Also think about what age group of consumers your shoes will be intended for. Perhaps you will focus on shoes for adults, it is possible that for children. In general, the choice is yours!

The above financial document must contain a detailed cost estimate, namely: how much Money you will need to get started. You must rent premises, purchase goods, equipment for a shoe store (computers, cash registers, furniture), pay taxes and wages And so on.

For these purposes, you will have to spend quite a lot of money. In the above document, you must also reflect the amount of your potential income, calculate for what period of time you will be able to return your investment.

Many, first of all, are interested in the question of how much the initial costs of a shoe store will cost. It depends on a number of factors: the area of ​​​​your outlet, its design and location, as well as the specifics commercial equipment and product range. Your shoe store business plan should provide a comprehensive answer to the question of the size of your initial investment.


In order for your entrepreneurial activity to be legal, you need to obtain the relevant documents from government agencies.

In other words, you must register your shoe business with the tax office. In addition, your activities must be coordinated with supervisory structures, such as a sanitary and epidemiological station, a fire inspection.

In addition, you must have all the necessary certificates on hand that would confirm that the shoes being sold are of high quality. Don't forget to get your passport too outdoor advertising and conclude a contract for waste disposal.


It should be noted that the equipment for a shoe store can be very diverse: it all depends on the thickness of the wallet and the width of the flight. creative fantasy. The main thing to keep in mind is that the buyer must have Free access to the shelves, where the whole range is presented model range shoes. AT without fail provide shelving for a shoe store.

It is much more pleasant to look at sneakers or boots on special shelves than when they just lie on boxes of several tiers. Think carefully about the design of the room: decorate the shop windows as brightly as possible, take care of proper lighting and the desired air temperature in your boutique.

The client should feel as comfortable as possible when entering your store. The design of your premises should “scream” that your business in the field of entrepreneurship, as they say, is “going uphill”.

Visiting your point of sale, the client should be charged with exclusively positive emotions. If you manage to achieve this, then know that the volume of your trade turnover will increase significantly. Don't know how to properly arrange inner space store? Use the services of professionals.


It is desirable that your shoe boutique is located in a residential area of ​​​​a city with a high population density. The store should be located near the market and large supermarkets. Choose a territory where parking for vehicles would be located near your outlet. Consider the fact that it would be convenient to get to your boutique by trolleybus or tram.

Also think about the name of the shoe store. It should be a harmonious, exclusive and easy-to-remember word or even a phrase. However, keep in mind that in an effort to be original, you may choose a name that is already in use by your competitors. This, of course, cannot be allowed. Ask about the names of shoe stores located in the same area as your boutique.

How to choose suppliers

On the question of how to open a shoe store, one of key points is the choice of shoe supplier. As a rule, there are no problems with bulk purchases. As an option, you can try cooperation with several Russian enterprises and companies that manufacture footwear in neighboring countries, for example, in Belarus. In Runet, you can find all the necessary contact information, both for small and large manufacturers of boots and sneakers.

A shoe store is a very profitable business, because people buy shoes all year round, whether it be fur-lined boots for the winter or light sandals for summer holidays. However, a beginner in this business may face obstacles that he does not suspect. So how to open a shoe store and succeed in this business?

Studying the market

When you firmly decide to yourself that you want to open a shoe store, the second step for you will be to determine the format of your store: its size, target audience, trade format, type (sports, winter, men's, women's), class (elite, for the middle class or low) and so on. Regardless of which format you choose, you must evaluate the conditions for running a shoe business in your city, and this is precisely what market research is for.

  • To get started, study in detail all the shoe stores in your city, namely their location, product range, price category and the number of buyers.
  • Highlight your strongest competitors.
  • From the information received, determine the most profitable areas in your city and note where your competitors are nearby.
  • It is especially recommended to conduct a small survey of residents of profitable areas: where they prefer to buy shoes, how often and at about what price.
  • Select the segment of the market in which you are going to work: whether your store will be for low-income customers (constant sales), medium or high income (premium store). Evaluate the information you have collected for the selected segment.

Now that you have an idea of ​​the demand and competition in the footwear market, you can roughly estimate whether your business will generate income in such conditions. If your answer is “yes”, then you should determine the strategy and direction of business development. And for this you need to ask yourself how your shoe store will be different from other stores, that is, how you can lure customers.

Choose a place

When choosing a location for your store, proceed from the results of the conducted market research. Most good option- lease of premises in a shopping center. The advantages of such a lease: a constant flow of visitors and a reduction in the cost of repairs and security. Disadvantages: high fees and difficulty in obtaining the lease itself, since usually shopping centers choose well-known brands as tenants, and agree on a lease in the shopping center as early as possible, even at the construction stage of the center.

If it is not possible to rent a room in a shopping center, then it is important to ensure that the room you have chosen meets all the necessary sanitary standards and fire safety regulations.

Also, you should not make the trading floor small (less than 50 sq.m.), otherwise it will create inconvenience for customers when trying on shoes. The room should also have a small space for storage, where boxes of shoes will be hidden.

We solve legal issues

To open any business, you first need to register with the tax service as a subject of taxation, it will be yours or. If you do not plan to work with legal entities and in the future to open a chain of stores, then registering an individual entrepreneur will be quite enough.

If you want to open a small business (up to 100 employees), then you fall under (STS) - 6% of income, or 15% of income minus expenses. Some experts, however, recommend (UTII). For retail UTII is calculated depending on the area of ​​the trading floor and the number of days of doing business in a month as a taxpayer. Both systems of taxation are accepted on a voluntary basis, and you have the right to choose the most convenient for your company or to combine both.

From the documents, you will also need the conclusions of experts from the SES and fire supervision in order to be able to trade in a certain room.

In addition, for the sale of certain types of shoes, additional documents are required. Thus, certification is required for rubber and leather shoes(children and special). For some other types, such as rubber (not including children's), sports rubber, shoes with artificial leather uppers and so on, declarations of conformity are required.

We buy equipment

The most important piece of equipment in your store will be cash register, which should be sealed and registered with the tax service. In addition to the cash register, you will need the following:

  • racks and podiums for shoes;
  • mirrors;
  • poufs, rugs, spoons for trying on;
  • showcases for other goods (creams, brushes, accessories, and so on);
  • cash desk;
  • signboard.

We buy products

Your product range will mainly depend on the results of market research. As a rule, children's shoes are in the greatest demand, then women's shoes. Buy less often men's shoes. In addition, your store may sell items such as bags, suitcases, shoe creams and brushes, hosiery, and so on.

You can purchase products directly from shoe manufacturers. To do this, you need to establish business relations with them. It is also possible to buy shoes in the wholesale market and sell them in your store at retail prices, but this scheme will be less profitable.

Recruiting employees

On a medium-sized self-service store with trading floor an area of ​​about 50 sq. m. will require the following personnel:

Accounting can be kept by both the administrator and the owner of the business; or you can use the services of a third party company.

We calculate costs and payback

Before opening a shoe store, you should calculate the initial costs and payback. Below are approximate calculations for a small store.

So let's say you rent separate room with a 50 sq. m., located not in a shopping center, but in a place with a constant flow of customers. Price segment- medium, taxation system - UTII.

The average revenue of a small shoe store can be about 1.5 million rubles. To calculate the cost, let's take the average mark-up on the market for shoes of 90%. Hence, the cost will be 1,052,000 rubles.

Based on the calculation that capital expenditures will amount to 4,200,000 rubles, and net profit- 235,000 rubles, the store will fully pay off in about 18 months.

As you can see, the numbers have been averaged and rounded to give you a rough idea of ​​the cost and profitability of a shoe store. Thus, using this information, you will be able to draw up a business plan for a shoe store that will help you in the phased implementation of your idea.

In previous articles, we have discussed different topics concerning the opening of a children's shoe store. It remains to answer the question - a Is it profitable to sell children's shoes?

Almost any type of activity can be called profitable if you correctly draw up a business plan and strictly follow it. But for small businesses, it’s better to answer the question “Is it profitable to sell children’s shoes?” before learning business planning.

If viewed from the point of view of the inhabitants- the prices for children's shoes are gradually catching up with the prices for adult shoes, and in some places they even surpass them, so the answer to the question of profit lies on the surface - "of course, it's profitable to do this!"

With expert point of view- trade in children's goods is a highly profitable business, and with proper management, the payback period is 9-12 months. Children's shoes, like other goods for children, are constantly in demand - after all, the foot is constantly growing, and it happens that you have to buy several pairs of shoes in one season. Also, the fact that it is impossible to buy children's shoes for the future speaks in favor of a clear benefit - after all, you can never accurately predict how the size of the foot will change.

Babies grow up fast, so they need to be dressed up all the time.

However, very often we see how stores open and close before even a year has worked. It happens by different reasons: the place of sale was chosen incorrectly, the assortment does not meet the expectations of customers, etc. Therefore, it is worthwhile to think over everything first, and then start a business. To do this, I recommend reading the following articles:,.

What difficulties may arise?

  • sharp fluctuations in the dollar/euro exchange rate -> this will inevitably affect purchase prices;
  • filling the warehouse with slow-moving sizes -> a significant reduction in working capital;
  • unpredictable weather conditions - snow in September, etc. -> refusal to buy models of the current season;
  • the emergence of large chain stores in the neighborhood;
  • delay in shipments by suppliers;
  • detection of marriage after the return period regulated by the supplier.

The difficulties described above may lead to the closure of the store

What actions can be taken?

  • during periods of currency instability, it is more careful to control the process of replenishing the warehouse - this way you can reduce the risks of purchasing goods at too high a cost;
  • conduct promotions and promotional events for the sale of balances;
  • promptly respond to weather changes, track the change of season;
  • improve the professionalism of sellers, create comfortable conditions for buyers;
  • choose a reliable supplier;
  • check the entire batch of shoes after arrival for visible manufacturing defects.

Based on the foregoing, I work with the site company - this supplier has no delays in shipments, convenient working conditions with marriage, fast delivery always do everything on time. There are a large number of models, the choice is huge.

Company website is a reliable supplier

Is it profitable to sell children's shoes when opening a franchise store - pros / cons

When conducting a market analysis, studying competitors and potential buyers, you will probably come across the question, which store to open - multi-brand or mono-brand, under the franchise of one of the manufacturers?

Pros and cons of a store opened under the franchise of one shoe brand

At the stage of business planning, it is necessary to consider all options and take into account the pros / cons of the chosen one. In the case of franchising, there is already experience and history, it remains only to adapt them to your business and draw conclusions. If the only negative is the brand restriction, there are franchises outlets representing several shoe manufacturers at once.

A point in a shopping center or a convenience store?

Many are well aware of the differences in these two options, let's dwell on the details:

high rent in the shopping center

Yes, this is one of the most powerful stop factors for start-up entrepreneurs, because in a shopping center it is quite difficult to assess the volume of sales - and calculate the payback of a high rent. The location of the shopping center itself and your point of sale in it, as well as the presence of competitors, is very important here. However, recent times, the cost of renting a room on the first line with good traffic in a residential area is almost comparable to the price of renting in a shopping center. The only question that remains is the capacity of the market - how many potential customers of the sleeping area are included in that very traffic.

The shopping center has a high rent

incoming flow of the shopping center and customers of the convenience store

The term “traffic” is becoming more and more popular, they are trying to estimate the amount of traffic within retail outlets. If we consider this term within the shopping center, then it will be radically different on weekdays and weekends, while the rental rate is the same throughout the entire time. Whether it will pay off with an influx of customers only on weekends or not, and remains to be calculated. At the same time, we understand that the increase in customers on weekends in the shopping center is directly proportional to their decrease in the residential areas of the city. Convenience stores have to work until 8-9 pm on weekdays in order to be accessible to customers who have come home from the center after work.

Attendance at the mall on weekends is higher than on weekdays

influence of weather conditions

In one of the articles, we already talked about the spontaneous nature of shopping for children's shoes - for example, rubber boots in rainy times, or felt boots during a sharp cold snap (in this article:). However, these same factors also have an opposite effect - in bad weather, customers tend to take refuge in the shopping center and spend time with benefit, and the number of customers of the retail point of sale "at home" is sharply reduced.

Because of a large number tenants in the shopping center, opportunities for marketing and promotions are regulated by the administration of the shopping center and do not always work in full. A store in a residential area, on the contrary, has many options with which you can experiment almost daily. And also use non-standard areas for advertising (banners on residential buildings, stretch marks on the roads, drawings on the asphalt, etc.)

My name is Rodionova Daria. I am one of the authors of the blog site

After graduating from the institute, I came to work in the most demanded area of ​​recent decades - sales. I gradually increased my professional level and grew up career ladder. Gradually, I had a department of professional salesmen, which I managed for several years.

Today I own retail store children's goods - clothes, shoes, toys, transport - and two online stores. Ten years of experience in sales gave me strength at the start of my business, but there were many difficulties that I did not even suspect.