Green in the bathroom: ideal conditions for the realization of design ideas and fantasies. Yellow bathroom - yellow bathroom design, combination rules, photo in the interior The combination of colors in the interior of the bathroom is green

If you want to be charged with warm and positive energy every time you visit the bathroom, pay attention to the design bathroom in yellow. Yellow has a positive effect on emotional condition person, improves mood, helps get rid of the state of melancholy and depression.

yellow bathroom also has a number of indisputable advantages. Firstly, it visually adds volume to the room due to its own brightness and deep radiance. Secondly, it adds some amount of light on its own. This is relevant, because the bathroom in the apartment is most often a room without windows.

Yellow goes well with large quantity shades, but usually it is combined with white, cream and pastel colors, brown and the color of young green grass. Of course, yellow goes well with all shades of gold. Therefore, in yellow bathroom use shades of gold and copper where chrome is used. This rule applies to faucets, towel warmers, showers, various handles and hooks, as well as other small details. bathroom in yellow.

If you are thinking of making your bathroom in yellow, we recommend that you decorate the walls with a series of different colors. At ideal, the floor should be darker. The dark floor of other colors also looks good: most often for design bathroom in yellow choose brown or chocolate shades. But the white floor will also fit well into the interior. yellow bathroom.

yellow tile often found on sale, it will not be difficult for you to find the desired shade. To choose just such a color for the walls, which will be closest to the desired shade, discard tile tiles, resort to specialized waterproof paint.

Bright and juicy tones in the design of the premises are always in fashion. And if you love the sun and prefer to start the morning in a good mood, then an orange bathroom is the solution for you. The correct placement of accents in the color scheme of the design always favorably emphasizes the individuality of the owner.

Bathroom in sunny colors

Orange color in the interior is the key to a good mood.

It’s always nice to start the morning with something warm and bright, especially if it’s raining and slushy outside, and you want to feel comfortable in the house. Orange tones in the decoration of the bathroom always have a positive effect on mood. Also, if the bathroom is orange, choose a colorful one. colors will help to emphasize the originality of your idea.

Terracotta colors often predominate in design. However, creating your individual style can be achieved by applying extraordinary solutions:

  • focus on space;
  • decorate the walls in orange tones in only one part;
  • separate the orange part from the entire bathroom with a plasterboard arch or makeshift curtains.

And to dilute the color scheme, you can always add white tones.

Color saturation of the bathroom

When designing the space in the bathroom, it is necessary to consider color features not to overdo it. Color, especially if it is bright, should be balanced through contrasts. So, if the bathroom is orange, it goes well with white, items made in which are absolutely not difficult to find for decorating a bathroom.

Advice! Color balance can be achieved in the following way:

  • white floor;
  • white ceiling.

In addition, an accent in contrasts can be achieved on the walls:

  • line one of the walls with white tiles;
  • add white accessories.

So, you are guaranteed a comfortable feeling in an orange bathroom.

Also, do not forget about the color saturation of shades. If you are not a fan of bright colors, you should choose orange. warm shade possibly terracotta.

Orange accents in the bathroom

If you hesitate to fill all the space bright color, but you still want original accents, an orange bathtub will be a terrific solution. The choice is color palette will be a good accent on the overall white background of the bathroom.
Advice! Add some orange color details: soap dishes, towels, a mirror frame - the effect of the uniqueness of your interior is guaranteed. Bright accents dilute the monotony of space and add originality.

Other ways of accentuation:

  • window curtains;
  • shower curtain;
  • a bright orange rug on the floor;
  • paint old chair in a juicy orange shade and put in the bathroom.

Unobtrusive details will add zest and will not irritate. You won't even notice how these little things will decorate your bathroom.

Furnished accents

Bright furniture is also well suited for decorating a bathroom in orange. Choose bathroom shelves in juicy orange tones and attach where you feel the accent is needed. To do this, evaluate which part of the space merges into one and dilute it with an orange detail.

Also, the best solution would be to purchase orange furniture in the form of bedside tables, mirrors and chairs. They will look especially good in a contrast ratio. Advice! Add a minor color detail:

  • green vase;
  • glass for toothbrushes;
  • soap dish.

Invisible at first glance, but essential, will be the selection of towels, which will unobtrusively highlight the idea if the bathroom is in orange.

Furniture accents in the bathroom

orange plumbing

If you are a fan of non-standard solutions and creative ideas, then suitable option design will be a bathtub in orange. A bright and clear accent is best viewed against a contrasting background.

The following colors go well with orange:

  • white;
  • light green;
  • green;
  • black.

They give the bathroom freshness and playfulness, and are also pleasing to the eye.

Playing with color

Bright colors always inspire non-standard solutions. For example, if the bathroom is in orange tones, it is recommended to use smooth lines in extraordinary shapes. This idea is best seen in the design of furniture: all kinds of shelves and coasters.

Rounded lines give the impression of fluidity and softness of space. Since the bathroom is primarily a place to relax, the use of flowing lines is especially important. In addition, the bathroom in orange tones already has its own expressive accent. Now you need to enter it properly. For this:

  • use rounded accessories;
  • shelves and furniture with rounded ends.

This will give softness to the sunny orange color.

Smooth lines in bright colors

orange ornaments

So that the bathroom in orange does not hurt the eyes and looks harmonious, you can always find optimal solution for accents. Choose a tile with an orange pattern and lay it out on the floor.

Also, the ornament of one of the walls or a separate piece of space will also become a good accent: above the washbasin, bathroom or bedside table.

For an urban, modern person, a bathroom is not just a room for hygiene. But a place to get away from the hustle and bustle. Here everything should contribute to peace, relaxation and accumulation of strength. Palette - including.
But before heading to the store for tiles of your favorite color, it is worth remembering general rules to avoid common mistakes.

Room size. This rule doesn’t just apply to the bathroom: too intense, saturated coloring can make a small room feel too small and gloomy.
Furniture or plumbing non-trivial, bright color is also able to "eat" the area, visually reducing the footage of the room.

Amount of light. Despite the fact that in the bathroom, as a rule, there is a lack of natural light, it is here, in front of the mirror, that people wash, comb their hair, shave, apply makeup ... Therefore, the main, base color should not absorb lighting, but, on the contrary, multiply it and scatter it.

Room specifics. Also in the bathroom high humidity, therefore, paints are also required not to aggravate the feeling of dampness, chilliness.

Location. The bathroom can be shared, or it can be adjacent to one, separate bedroom. In the second case, it must be in harmony with the room stylistically and in color.

style matching. If you have decided on the general style of the apartment (house), then the bathroom, of course, should not stand out from it. Too modern, “fancy” bathroom will be alien in a country-style house, and a lush bathroom with pretensions to luxury will look ridiculous in an apartment furnished in the spirit of minimalism.

The number of colors and shades for the bathroom

Before the purchase facing tiles and paints, a decision should also be made in favor of a monochrome or multi-colored scale (see).

The first option means that you will need to decorate the bathroom in one color, but in several of its shades.
In the second case, you can combine different, sometimes contrasting colors.

What number of tones is just right for a bathroom?
Designers believe no less than three and no more than six. At the same time, the bath itself, other plumbing, furniture should not merge in color with the floor and walls. Such a mistake will make the room faceless and lifeless.

A common, classic palette is a three-color interior, consisting of the most light tone, more saturated (mid tone) and bright color as an accent.

A multi-colored bathroom, pasted over with colorful mosaics, is an option, as they say, for an amateur. A person with a moderate temperament can feel irritation and anxiety in such an interior. In any case, the discordance of colors can interfere with relaxation.

Color in the interior of the bathroom

  • White color is considered universal: it does not darken and does not reduce the room, does not cool it, does not irritate the eyes.
    In addition, white is associated with cleanliness, freshness and renewal, which is especially appropriate in the bathroom.
    However, this color has a significant drawback: an all-white bathroom looks too insensitive, reminiscent of surgical box.
    Therefore, firstly, it is advisable to choose for the base not a snowy white color, but shades of baked milk, ivory or vanilla. Secondly, it needs the support of other, accent colors.

    But it can be argued that white, in one quantity or another, will ideally fit into any interior style, from classic to "Scandinavia", minimalism and.

  • Black - often it is he who acts as a partner of white, forming a strict but impressive tandem with him.

    Interspersed with "golden" fittings, additives in the form of gray, golden-sand shades, plus scarlet, fiery red, purple or bright green fragments raise the status of such a bathroom to an exclusive level. However, such a dream can only be realized in a spacious room: a small bathroom will lose and “shrink” if you decorate it using white and black as the main components of the palette.
    emphasize characteristics styles such as gothic, hi-tech and.

  • Gray doesn't mean dull. Skillfully picking up various shades gray color, you can realize a completely boring interior!
    The indisputable advantage of gray is that it serves as an ideal background for any interior, any, the most violent colors.
    Note that gray does not reduce the room, by no means, if we are talking about silvery, weightless shades, it can add volume.
    Most willingly, gray is used by people who want to get a calm, but ultra-modern bathroom. At the same time, it is combined with brown, white and black tones.
    Ash gray is a great "diplomat": it is often resorted to, combining temperature different colors. It reconciles orange and blue, red and green.
    And in a team with burgundy and malachite, pearl gray is able to make the atmosphere emphatically refined and fashionable.
  • Brown . The color of wood makes any room cozier and warmer. What if it's an imitation? valuable breeds, then also "more expensive". bathroom in various versions Brown color- a timeless classic.
    True, too much "chocolate" and "coffee" will make the room look smaller and gloomy.
    To insure against this, dark brown is combined with milky, beige, pistachio, peach, grayish shades. Gets along with brown and with blue, cobalt, turquoise, pink, lavender, light green, yellow, brick orange tones.

    It is difficult to do without brown in any case, but the bathroom is especially generously decorated with it in, and rustic ().

  • Beige is the perfect frame for white sanitary ware, glass and metal parts. The beige color has several bonuses: it is neutral and can be a background, it “gets along” with almost all tones and shades, and finally, beige color the most practical.

    Complementing white faience and black tiles, beige brings a note of warmth to a strict, solemn scale. Neighboring with orange, red or yellow, it restrains their imperious pressure. And combined with shades of blue, beige color compensates for their chill.
    Beige is suitable for all styles, and.

  • Blue is valued for its anti-anxiety and stress-relieving effect. It evokes the idea of ​​the vast expanses of the sea, which, of course, is suitable for the bathroom.
    Aquamarine color, one of the properties of which is to create perspective, is ideal for compact spaces. In alliance with white and silver, it will enlarge the bathroom, fill it with cleanliness, and give it nobility.
    But there are also “pitfalls”: in order for blue to relax, and not evoke melancholy, it should not be too dark, without a touch of grayness. And do not forget that shades of blue cool the room. A room decorated in a monochrome blue spectrum will become especially cool, icy.
    If the latter is not included in your plans, “make friends” blue with warm tones: add coffee, beige, sand, orange, egg, natural wood color to it.

    If there is a desire to arrange a bathroom in Roman styles, add grandeur to it, Blue colour will come to your aid. It will also harmoniously combine with hi-tech and loft.

  • Blue, as a sign of the commonwealth of the elements of water and air, as if created to decorate the bathroom.
    Most often it is diluted with white and episodes of saturated tone, blue, for example. If such a combination seems too hackneyed and boring to you, then instead of blue, use beige, orange, bright green color a. Such a palette, firstly, will balance the temperature balance of the room, and secondly, it will remind you of nature, its natural beauties.

    Complement the interior with artificial greenery and get a personal island with azure sky and water, greenery of palm trees and golden sand...
    By the way, using blue color you can visually increase the space of the bathroom - if you paint (or paste over) the tops of the walls and the ceiling with it.
    welcome where embodied, Moorish, interiors. He is loyal to the majority historical styles(Renaissance, Rococo, Art Deco), and modern.

  • Red has a strong, ambitious character. Even in small quantities, it will draw attention to itself.
    The advantages of red are well known. It nourishes vitality, invigorates and stimulates. This is very useful for those who like a morning, energizing shower more than a relaxing evening bath.
    However, one cannot ignore the property of the red color to make objects more voluminous, closer. small room with an excess of red "spots" it will seem smaller, and walls with red cladding will completely squeeze the room.
    Shortage of footage, however, is no reason to abandon the cheerful red color. Just follow the measure and “thin out” it with light, calm tones - white, milky, sandy, light green.

    It is important to correctly distribute all the “players” of the palette: for example, make the walls red and white with the addition of pearl gray, cream, lilac or light green shades, pick up silver accessories, and install traditional white plumbing.
    Red is hard to go without if your goal is to get a bathroom in or African styles.

  • Pink color is perceived with tenderness, associating it with romance, affection and tenderness. For this reason, many believe that a bathroom in pink colors is combined, perhaps, with a girl's bedroom.
    But the fashion for pink men's shirts and other wardrobe items that is not losing ground has convincingly proved that the femininity of this color is just a stereotype.
    In addition, when it alternates with gray, purple, silver, neutral white or, on the contrary, black inserts, the room becomes truly chic.
    like anyone bright shade, pink, when combined with other tones, requires compliance with exact proportions. If the choice fell on plumbing Pink colour, then it is better to let the surfaces and facades remain white, powdery or cream. And chocolate or burgundy soap dishes, dispensers, coasters, dryers, curtains and other attributes will play the role of accent details.

    Even a monochrome bathroom in pink can look restrained, without excessive glamor and outrageousness, if you balance the frivolous character of this color with white faience plumbing and the impassive sheen of metal fittings.
    Pink is indispensable when you dream of an interior or want to add a pinch of Indian, Arab exoticism to your decor.

  • Orange is as active as red, but less dramatic. The presence of orange in the bathroom symbolizes the sun: it makes the room lighter, warmer and more joyful.
    But, as in the case of red, orange objects, especially glossy ones, seem closer, larger. Therefore, painted orange wall or furniture facades will definitely reduce the room, provoke a feeling of constriction.
    But orange is a great companion for other popular shades. It is often combined with blue, light brown, mint. Such combinations are associated with tropical colors, holidays in the south.
    In the monochrome version, the orange color is complemented by peach, cream, pale yellow nuances. Such a palette does not excite, but imitates sunlight, which is known to promote the production of serotonin, the happy hormone.

    Orange is used when they implement such trends as art deco and pop art, and country; used in Indian, African, Mexican homes.

  • peach shade- one of the most popular options when it comes to the bathroom. According to psychologists, it enhances the feeling of trust and security, and also has a soft energy that helps to accumulate mental strength.
    Peach color in combination with milky, muted yellow, terracotta and “splashes” of chocolate creates an intoxicating ensemble caressing the eyes. In such an environment, a person with any temperament is sincere and comfortable.

    Another advantage of the peach shade is its flexibility, thanks to which it easily adapts to any style. The peach tone looks especially direct and cute in retro, Provence,. He will also add sensitivity, cordiality to a cold-blooded Scandinavian style, will soften the severity of minimalism.

  • Yellow is a godsend for rooms that need more light and warmth. This color actively fights depression, instills optimism, self-confidence.
    And blue, green, white and brown partner colors will help to dose yellow impulses. In fact, all shades yellow color literally cling to shades of brown - from coffee to caramel.
    Cherry, purple or orange details will help to add liveliness, originality to such an interior. Such a palette will resemble a flowering meadow: it seems to be colorful, but comfortable for the eyes.
    Want something more?
    - Please: combine lemon with radical black. Such an unbanal duet, diluted with gray and white, will give the interior graphic, expression.
  • Green color is a favorite of many, and therefore is often present in the bathroom. It is identified with foliage, enhances the feeling of freshness. At the same time, the green color has so many tones and shades that they can be used in rooms of any size.
    Green has an interesting quality - the ability to take on the character of the neighboring color. For example, in conjunction with blue or gray, green will seem cool, and paired with yellow, orange, coffee, it will seem warm, warming.
    Green is able to create configurations that everyone likes. For example, this: two shades of green, wooden and milky shades. Procedures in such a bath will gain healing power, because this coloring is emphatically natural, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
    Those who like brighter colors can enrich the calm with carrot or purple accessories. Just a few of these "strokes" will add picturesqueness and audacity to the atmosphere.

    An ordinary, not very gloomy green color will fit into all modern styles, emerald and jade will suit historical ones. A turquoise hue will decorate, Greek, interiors, and an olive will be good in a country style.

  • Light green tone combines the properties of a pacifying green color and a cheerful yellow. Often it is combined with rich green and yellow colors, getting a monochrome, very summery color. It will be primarily appreciated by those who suffer from a deficiency sun rays and feel the need for extra warmth.
    The rest, however, eye-catching combinations of colors can tire. You can avoid psychological discomfort if you muffle the light green with gray, beige, brown, olive shades.

    Light green is acceptable in and in many decorative ones - in the sea, for example, or in the tropical.

  • Purple is not just a living room favorite these days; This color "registered" in the bathrooms. However, nothing surprising, because its potential is huge.
    With the support of milky white, chocolate, gray or beige, as well as elements of gold, purple will make the room a standard of exclusivity. Such a bathroom can become an object of pride for the owners and envy of guests.
    An important nuance: dark purple paints should not occupy large surfaces (especially if the room is not too spacious), because an excess of this color can cause blues and anxiety.

    Violet is suitable, first of all, for modern styles - from to and eclectic.

  • The lilac tone absorbed the energy of blue and shades of pink. It is a little cool and at the same time carefree, relaxing. Besides purple colour does not hide space, which gives it access even to very small bathrooms.
    If lilac is supplemented with shades of alabaster, cappuccino and wood, you get a relief, relaxing color. And by combining lilac with jet black, gray, white and silver, you can get a luxury interior, elegant and stylish.

    - the color is two-faced, it gets along with luxurious styles(empire, art deco), and with the simple-minded (Provence, country, shabby chic).

What is the most important thing in choosing a color for a bathroom? Room dimensions? Design style? Color psychology?
Yes, all this is important, but the main thing is the personal perception of color. The bathroom will not relax and heal if the colors and shades are not to your liking.

Usually, more traditional colors are chosen for the bathroom than orange. However, there is nothing wrong with the novelty and unusualness of such decor. FROM right approach orange bathroom design will add cheerfulness and warmth to the home.

Pros and cons of orange

Solar colors help:

  • Get rid of feelings of loneliness;
  • Improve mood;
  • Get warm;
  • cheer up;
  • Get creative.

An excess of this shade can interfere with:

  • Make the bathroom visually spacious;
  • Focus on your thoughts;
  • Feel relaxed and calm.

The negatives are fixable. You just need to think carefully about which varieties of orange to use and which palettes to combine.

Color variations and their features

International orange is the most intense of all shades. Thanks to this, it best conveys the pros and cons of color.

Peach, apricot and salmon are gentle tones. Not too bright for the eyes and does not distort the size of the room.

Pumpkin, tangerine, coral and carrot pretty soft varieties, but brighter and richer than the previous ones.

Terracotta, rust, ocher, and copper add to the design oriental style. These colors help to find peace and wisdom.

Combination with other colors

There are several ways to combine colors correctly:

Monochrome. In this case, you need to use only orange. Do not be afraid to oversaturate the bathroom with them. As you can see from the list above, there are many shades of it.

The main thing is not to get hung up on one. Use dark, almost brown tones, add sunny and bright, dilute with delicate colors and you get a completely unique bathroom.

The basic rule of this kind of design is to prioritize. The owner of the bathroom needs to decide which of the shades is the main one and will be used more often, and which ones are needed to dilute it or vice versa to enhance it.

Contrast. The complete opposite is added to the main color. For orange shades that are closer to yellow, the contrast is blue and cyan. For bright, almost reddish shades - green.

You need to be careful with this design option. The contrast should be less than 30%. It is needed to emphasize those parts of the room that should be more visible. If it is used equally with the base tone, the design may suddenly turn out to be an unpleasantly cutting look.

The triad is a kind of contrast. But softer. In this case, in addition to the basic one, blue and green are used at the same time. It seems that such a set of colors can be unsuccessful. However, in fact, if you use two contrasts instead of one, this will make the design softer and more harmonious.

The principle is similar to the usual contrast - the orange color is the base, and the other two highlight the decorative elements of the room.

Analogy. In this case, there is no risk that the contrasting color will be too rough. Here, instead of contrasting palettes, similar ones are used. Shades of red, pink and yellow look great next to orange.

In this design option, as in the first case, it is important to determine what effect the owner of the house wants to achieve. Should the colors be bright, pale or deep? What is the main color, and what shades only emphasize its brightness?

It is worth remembering that red in large quantities seems aggressive and difficult for nervous system. If you overdo it with yellow, the mirror at the sink will upset the owner, it distorts the appearance of a person. This does not mean at all that these colors should be abandoned, but everything needs a measure.

analogy with contrast. This is the same as the first option, just for underlining decorative elements one of the contrasting tones is used. Usually it is blue, it should be a small percentage in the decor.

We figured out how to combine colors correctly if orange is the main one. But it is possible and vice versa - to make it additional by choosing the base one from the listed variety.

For any of these options, black and white colors. They can be used to make a room a little lighter or darker.

Decoration features

How to design an orange bathroom correctly? There are a couple of tips that can help in the design:

  • A large mirror will make the room look bigger.
  • If you find bathroom furniture or sanitary ware in desired color hard - you can always either paint it personally, or choose the classic white and black options.
  • Lighting should not be too bright. Otherwise, the shades of the primary color will become intrusive.
  • You should not use a lot of furniture to avoid clutter.
  • brightly orange shades it is better to use less than 50%.

Given all these nuances, and correctly combining colors, you can make a real masterpiece of design at home. And in order not to be mistaken, you can see the photo of the orange bathroom in this article.

Photo of an orange bathroom

Green color in any room creates a feeling of freshness. In the bathroom, it helps to completely relax and get the maximum benefit and pleasure from water treatments. It has long been proven that this color helps to overcome irritability, overcome stress. It sets up a positive perception of reality. Since every day begins in the bathroom and ends there, green is the one to choose as the basis for interior design. Moreover, such paints can become the basis for almost any style in the interior.

Bathroom design in green colors: how to decorate the room.

When designing a bathroom in this direction, you need to remember the following:

  • do not use one shade of this color;
  • it is better to make it white;
  • the floor should be light or lined with contrasting tiles;
  • a combination of light shades with darker ones will be ideal;
  • dark colors and shades should occupy a smaller area than light ones;
  • in large bathrooms for decorating walls, it is worth using at least two different materials - heat-treated wood and so on;
  • furniture should be light;
  • here the most successful accessories will be indoor plants.

What shades to choose for a green bathroom.

Green has many tones and shades. But not everyone is suitable for decorating the bathroom.

If you decorate the walls of the room in dark green or poisonous green, then no matter how modern the panels and tiles are, you will still not be able to get rid of the feeling that you have just moved into an apartment in a house built in 60-80 years.

Each shade of green brings its own characteristics to the interior:

  • for modern styles the main one will be light, possibly with a hint of marsh, in some cases a brighter, more saturated light green;
  • for more suitable mint, turquoise, olive;
  • for rustic styles more often choose emerald, the color of forest vegetation, jade;
  • muted light shades that visually expand the space will be appropriate.

It must be remembered that green tends to visually mix with other colors and shades located nearby.

The combination of green with other colors in the design of the bathroom.

Possibly in the bathroom a large number of most different combinations shades of this color both with each other and with other paints. When compiling different combinations it is necessary to take into account the size of the room and the intended one.

To make the room bright, you can decorate three walls in different shades of green, moving in a circle, each next wall is made lighter than the previous one, and the fourth is decorated in white.

Light green goes well with bright yellow or orange. But this combination is more suitable for a fairly large room, decorated in one of the Mediterranean styles.

The color of marsh duckweed with light brown creates a feeling of warmth and comfort. Black can be added to any combination of green and white, placing the necessary accents with it.

Unexpected combinations are in vogue now. Muted green goes well with purple and brick. Usually in this color they withstand one wall or decorative partition in shared bathrooms.

For lovers of the East, the main addition to green will be gold. And the basis is malachite, emerald, jade paints.

Bathroom with green tiles.

Tiles are a traditional material for decorating walls and floors in the bathroom. You can lay out the wall above the bathroom with green tiles, and decorate the rest with other materials.

The whole bathroom, including the floor, can be decorated with tiles. At the same time, it is worth remembering that it is better to lay it out with light large tiles or (in large rooms) alternate in a checkerboard pattern dark and light. In this case, dark may not necessarily be green, but, for example, black. And as a light to dark green, you can use a gray, muted yellow tile.

The walls can be laid out like mosaic tiles, which are successful in a combination of different shades of green and light brown or yellow. Mosaic soft waves different shades can be laid out both on one and on all walls of the bathroom.

Large tiles are more suitable for one wall in the bathroom area. It is arranged in rows, using different shades and combining with tiles of a different color: yellow, lilac, gray. In this case, the rows can be both horizontal and vertical.

Above the bathroom, you can lay out a panel by purchasing a special kit for this purpose. Now they produce tiles with a pattern. It will help to avoid the feeling of sterility, in the case when all the walls are decorated with it.

Green bathroom in Khrushchev.

In small bathrooms, it is worth choosing light colors. They have the ability to visually expand the space of small rooms.

A combination of light green with soft yellow would be appropriate here, bright yellow colors will make the room warmer, but reduce it visually.

If you really want to take a darker, for example, bottle shade as a basis, then you should generously dilute it with white matte or white milky. It is these soft warm colors that will smooth out the cold bottle color and make the room brighter, which means more spacious.

It is not necessary to decorate all the walls with any version of green. The interior looks good, where only one wall is green, and the rest are decorated with white. An interesting option is when the four walls have different shades of light green.

If in a large room you can use different materials, then in a small one you should not resort to this decor option. It is better to limit yourself to one type of material, in extreme cases two. For example, ceramic tiles on one wall and painting the rest.

Plumbing and furniture in the design of a green bathroom.

Here it is important to correctly beat the colors and details, given the size of the room.

AT small room, decorated with green of any shade, the best option there will be white plumbing and furniture. At the same time, it is clear that the minimum amount of furniture can be placed here. These can be towel dryers, shelves or shelves for cosmetics; they are often installed in a large room. small closet for towels and other bath accessories. You can not do without a basket for dirty laundry and clothes hangers.

If the walls are dark, then the furniture and plumbing can be light green. Dark green plumbing looks gloomy, so it's best if this color is used here only as a border or individual small details. Furniture and plumbing can be light brown.

How to arrange the lighting in the bathroom.

The lighting in such a bathroom should be arranged in such a way as to resemble natural as much as possible. The traditional option would be to mount on the ceiling. In this case, lighting is necessary to and at the sink. Usually this Wall lights and . The light can be white in a bright interior, especially when combined with rich green and yellow, or when creating a feeling of transparent colors, bottle shades with grays and pale blues. In other cases, yellow warm light is preferable.

What accessories are best suited for this design.

Do not load this room with numerous accessories. If the bathroom has a window, then it is worth putting a pot with one large indoor plant or several pots with small flowers. If the bathroom is decorated in a minimalist style, then instead of traditional indoor plants you can put a container with bamboo seedlings.

Small clear glass vases with small branches also made of glass look good. Mirrors are an essential accessory in any bathroom. There may not be one mirror, but two or even three.

In a small bathroom, the mirror can be replaced with mirrored cabinet doors.

Small photographs of landscapes, bouquets on the walls look interesting. If only one wall is decorated with green, then such photos are best placed on the opposite wall. Directly above the bathtub, you can hang a large, almost the size of a bathtub, photograph of wet foliage or grass, a garden in the rain, and so on.

If the floor is tiled, then it is simply necessary to put a small oval or round carpet on it, depending on the size of the room. It should be darker than the floor.

Green color gives a lot of imagination. Everyone can create their own special interior where he will be comfortable.

Photo of a green bathroom.