Path of exile farming secrets. Buy orbs in Path in Exile (PoE Orbs). Fast delivery of any spheres

A dark multiplayer Action RPG called Path of Exile became an instant hit. Even fans of other games have abandoned their accounts to roam the unique worlds. But regardless of localization, you will need Path of Exile (PoE) Exalted Orbs - an analogue of the more familiar game currency.

The Path of Exile online game trading system is unique in many ways - mysterious Exalted Orbs are widely used here, which you can buy on our exchange - FunPay. In the game, these items are often referred to as Path of Exile Orbs or Exalts. Artifacts can be knocked out of mobs, exchanged with merchants and other gamers.

Spherical artifacts are used as local currency. You can sell them, or use them to improve your arsenal and ammunition. By the way, there are several types of spheres in the game, it's easy to get confused. It is important to understand that only in this game do spheres have circulation on servers as a universal currency. Now with their help you can buy anything - from a good sword to a useful magic fragment.

Benefits of the FunPay exchange

  • you get the opportunity to buy Path of Exile Exalted Orbs directly from another gamer;
  • spheres are delivered to the new owner almost instantly;
  • competition between sellers leads to free pricing;
  • exchange commission is negligible;
  • security of transactions is provided by a guarantor.

To purchase PoE Exalted Orbs from sellers on the FunPay exchange, you need to follow three simple steps:

  1. Choose your favorite lot.
  2. Contact the seller.
  3. Order currency.

Exalted Orbs are delivered to players without delay, since the currency is in the hands of the seller. We keep order, and technical support quickly comes to the rescue. Good luck and carefree play in Path of Exile!

FunPay does not own Path of Exile or any of its component parts. Official website of the game:

Fast delivery of any spheres

Delivery of spheres during working hours takes from 5 to 20 minutes. The maximum delivery time for orders is 1 hour. We work from 11:00 to 01:00 Moscow time.

From us you can purchase not only the spheres of Exaltation or Chaos, but also any other types of spheres - just write to the operator in the online chat, in the lower right corner of the screen.


We resort to a number of procedures to ensure the maximum degree of security of transactions. This reduces the chances of being sanctioned by the administration of the game to almost zero.

Buying Orbs

  1. Select the league, the type of orbs (ascension or chaos), the number of orbs, specify the nickname of the character to deliver the orbs to, and also select the place of delivery: your hideout or the city of the first act
  2. Pay for the order in any way convenient for you
  3. Expect delivery in the hideout or city of the first act
  4. When you are invited, accept the invitation to the group. Then accept the offer for the exchange and exchange 1-2 items of rare quality (see example below), in exchange for the purchased currency

Compliance with 4 points is mandatory for all transactions. This is for the security of your account.

If after paying for the order, you have any questions - write to the operator in the online chat, indicating the number of your order (it comes to the mail specified when placing the order).

Example of obtaining spheres

When buying orbs, you should always exchange 1-3 items of rare (yellow) quality.

The following types of items are not suitable for this purpose: other currency, scrolls, essences, common (white), uncommon (blue), unique (legendary) items, essences, cards, divination cards, etc.

We have a very well-coordinated team of boosters.

We actively play Path of Exile, and are well versed in all aspects of it. You can always contact us with a question or ask for advice on the game - we will always be happy to help. If you're new to PoE, we have a service to learn how to play with top Path of Exile players.

We are always ready to take on the upgrade of your account

  • We will buy the necessary items or complete the build of the character
  • Help with killing Uber bosses
  • Let's help you complete league challenges

Buy Orbs in Path in Exile (POE Orbs)

One of the main differences between Path of Exile and other games is the unique in-game currency and crafting system. Instead of gold, the game uses a special currency - orbs (spheres, orbs). In total, there are about ~23 types of spheres in the game. The cheapest spheres are spheres of transformation (orb of transmutation), they are found in the game most often; the most expensive spheres are Mirror of Kalandra (Mirror of Kalandra), they are also the rarest. However, the most popular are the spheres of chaos (chaos orb) and the spheres of exaltation (exalted orb). They are used as the main currency when trading in poe. You can buy PoE Exalted Orbs from us and buy Chaos Orbs for any of the leagues. Vendors (merchants) can exchange your orbs for you, but usually other players offer a better exchange rate.

Item creation (crafting)

Spheres are used not only for trading, but also for crafting (creating items). Each sphere has a unique property. For example, an exalted orb adds one additional modifier to an item, while a chaos orb resets all modifiers of a rare item and grants new (random) modifiers. It is with the help of crafting that the best equipment in Path of Exile is created. Crafting is quite difficult and requires a lot of orbs of different types, if you want to do it - you can buy orbs on our website and craft without worrying about the presence of orbs :)

How to farm PoE spheres

Most beginners try to just sell as many rare quality items to vendors as possible. It is worth noting that identified items are more expensive, but even if you identify all rare items before selling, you will receive few orbs. You will need to constantly move to the city to sell items, and this is a waste of time. At the start of the league, it makes sense to sell rare items only if you turn them in according to the recipe for chaos orbs (chaos orb recipe). To get one chaos orb - you need to bring the vendor a full set of rare items (weapon, helmet, chest, gloves, belt, boots, amulet and rings), but this is a rather dreary process and you will need a lot of free space in the cache (stash). It is much easier to buy Chaos Orbs poe on our website and get them in any quantity in any league.

For most players, the main way to farm is trading. This method is very good if you farm maps (maps) at least 5-6 levels and above. Most beginners believe that only unique (unique, unique) items are worth something, but this is not entirely true. Even though they don't have any unique properties, rare items are used at the expense of "generic" stats like resistances, maximum health, etc. You must be able to determine how much a particular rare item costs - this is one of the required skills for a merchant in PoE. Even if you get an average item worth a few chaos, it makes sense to sell it. The main thing is not to worry too much about unique items, about 70% of them are worth nothing, and you can spend quite a lot of time trying to sell them.

If you are not lucky with the drop (loot) - you can always resell items. Many do not know the real value of the item that they got and, along with the trash, they try to sell really good things. The main thing is to quickly determine the approximate cost of the goods and immediately write to the seller until the item is bought by another merchant :)

On our website, you can buy Path of Exile orbs in any league, including Standard (Standard), HardCore (One life) and new temporary leagues Legacy (Legacy) and Legacy HardCore (Legacy One life).

Words from the video:

Hi all. I will give you a couple of tips, following which you can earn decent currency in Path Of exile.

First. English version of the game. Why? Will explain. After the transfer of Garena to Europe, now the main trading community is Europeans. Hence, every time they write to you that they want to buy this or that thing, you just hesitate, while wasting time and may lose a valuable buyer.

Farm priorities. You must learn to correctly determine who you should kill, and who is better to just get around and here the problem is not in danger, but in time. It makes no sense to kick white mobs. Hit only magic/rare and uniques. Don't waste your time. time for us is quality and currency
Also, farming priorities include farming places, which are divided into
There is no stable farm in poe. Precisely pharma(self-knocking out things)
Let's take a look at these two methods:

2. - Uberlaba, Aziri, Uberaziri, Shaper, small mfing, serious mfing. if you missed something, then forget about other “farm” methods - this is rubbish.

Uber Laba is an excellent almost stable income. At least one enchantment can be climbed if you use the right item bases. Here, too, good luck plays. As with Izar chests, they drop Currency, divination cards, T9+ cards, corrupted, tobish stuff, pieces of Aziri victims, items of high lvl item and little things, rare bruises and uniques. Also in the labyrinth, boots can fall out, which fall only in the maze - Death's door - or in Russian the door of death.

Aziri is a great income, and on the way to Aziri it’s also an excellent farm for a level 75+ hero, I strongly advise you to run on Aziri only in the first week or month of the league, then it’s not relevant in terms of farming things, only for the sake of pieces for Uber Aziri. At the beginning of the league, Aziri sets pay off by 150-250%. So you can buy without hesitation.

Uberaziri - everything is the same as with Aziri, only the relevance comes just after the 2nd week of the league has passed, it also pays off only at the beginning. I strongly do not advise you to run on it often, I myself am already stepping on this rake for the 3rd league in a row, hoping to climb on it .. everything shamelessly goes into the red.

Shaper is an ideal income throughout the league, you can calmly swing yourself on t16, knock out pieces, swing on the way to the shaper, they will also give you clothes, which can cost a lot. Definitely a great way to farm

Small mfing is ideal at the beginning of the league, all small uniques are valuable, in order to quickly unwind at the beginning, small mfing will help us - 50-100% mf is enough for us and just swing on maps sharpened by 20%. Get profit from this. Definitely a great way.

Serious mfing - I don’t want to talk about it, but it’s not bad, yes there is a chance to knock something out, but I stopped believing in such luck, because it doesn’t make much difference with or without mfing. Here are the items for + the number of dropped items - this is definitely cool, I advise you to try to cram a couple of these into your build

The farm of game currency and useful items in all modern online games is always built on the fact that you have to spend a lot of time to dress your character so that in the future there will be an opportunity to earn even more. But you can do it the other way, since competently planning your own schedule, choosing the right places and the right way to extract resources will allow you to very quickly overtake your competitors who do not bother with this.

The isometric MMORPG Path of Exile is no exception, and here players will have to devote a lot of time to learning all kinds of aspects of the game regarding obtaining the best items for their character.

The first thing to understand is that the farm is built on a unique system that combines several ways to earn money. These include standard grinding, local market trading, and using the trading chat bookmark. The first option turns out to be known and accessible to everyone - here we have to travel through the game universe, simultaneously cracking down on hordes of monsters, getting new and rarer items. The second option is most suitable for those who like to speculate on the cost of game items. Every second a lot of ads from sellers and buyers rush through the trading chat, but even here there are some nuances that you need to know in order not to spend your entire budget on an unreasonable operation.


Farming in PoE using the grind method is the simplest, but time-consuming approach. The most useful type of loot for each participant in the gameplay are spheres and scrolls. These materials are consumed in incredible quantities, so absolutely everyone needs them in a permanent form. But various rare armor, weapons and inlay items will also always find their consumer. The main thing is to show the thing by setting a reasonable price for it.

In grinding, the main point is to determine the place with the fastest "exhaust". That is, you need to analyze in which locations you spend the least time, but get a lot of useful loot. These places include "Oasis", "Dunes" and "Beach", as there is an open area without confusing corridors and cramped rooms. Monsters spawn in hordes, and you can easily use your AoE skills to destroy dozens of enemies at the same time.

The second important point in this type of farming in PoE is the right equipment. Your character must confidently lay out crowds of enemies, using 1-2 skills for this. It makes no sense to run after a single enemy if it is possible to destroy a dozen at once, getting a mountain of valuable things from them.

Trade items

If you are the type of player who prefers quiet and calm trading instead of destroying millions of monsters, then the developers have prepared a comfortable way for you to spend your time. True, the local market in Path of Exile is dominated by that still atmosphere that is very easy to equate in intensity of passion to the combat segment of this MMORPG.

Here, of course, you can’t do without grinding either, since in the early days of a new league, the main task of a successful trader is to extract and identify unique items in order to sell them further. And if you managed to get a truly valuable item of equipment, then consider that an extra couple of hundred "chaos" is already in your pocket.

Once we figured out the items that the current market needs the most, you should go to the Poe.Trade website, where all deals for in-game items are made. This service is a separate marketplace where ordinary players can list their items as a lot for sale, or vice versa, they are looking for an item to buy.

This site shows all the characteristics of items, their graphic representation, the presence of bonuses to abilities and other details that are of interest to each player. Of course, far from everyone will be able to farm in-game currency in this way, since such an approach requires serious knowledge not only in the economy, but also in the chance of dropping all items. But if you consider yourself a guru in Path of Exile, then this option will be a real gold mine for the extraction of in-game values.

Trade chat

The trade chat is the place where all the traders gather who don't want to wait for a long period until their item is bought on Poe.Trade. But, as a rule, in this chat, you can often stumble upon ads with very high prices, designed for not very experienced players. So, if you are just starting your gaming journey in Poe, then you should refrain from trusting the first player you meet and making any personal deal with him.

Some players prefer to use Exiled coins instead of the standard Chaos currency, but the problem with the latter is their colossal rarity. Accordingly, if you want to quickly acquire the best items, then you will need to get these very Exiled coins somewhere, which every trading partner will be happy about.

In general, all players in Path of Exile are faced with the need to farm mobs for the financial enrichment that comes from selling rare items. You can use what you find exclusively for yourself, or you can put it on a special resource, where within an hour (if the thing is in demand) it will be purchased from you at a very reasonable price. To make money on resale, you will need to spend a lot of time studying the in-game market. But with perseverance and determination, you will be able to comprehend all the intricacies of trading, which will bring significant profit, and you will get rid of the need to constantly travel around the map in order to get an extra couple of dozen "chaos".