How to fix a mirror sheet on the wall. How to hang a mirror on the wall, closet. At what height

Mirror and mirror surfaces are often used in the interior of apartments and houses, not only for practical purposes, but also as a decorative element. Its reflective properties allow you to adjust the space, giving depth and volume to the room.

A small room in an apartment can be changed, visually enlarged, if one of the walls is installed large mirror. You can do the same in the corridor. Long narrow corridor, along which mirrors are hung, visually expands in volume.

Installing a mirror on a wall, especially a large one, is not very easy, the glass itself is heavy. Incorrect or loose fastening can cause it to simply peel off, fall and break.

In addition to the material side of the issue (mirror surfaces are not cheap), there is also a superstitious aspect.

Installation methods can be divided into two types:

  • On an adhesive base.
  • Mechanical fastening.

mechanical method

What tools will be needed

The mechanical fixing method includes fixing mirror glass with dowels or brackets. metal mounts must be firmly attached to the wall. To do this, you need to drill one or more holes on the wall surface. This fact is both a disadvantage and an advantage.

The unpleasant side of the issue is the need to spoil the wall and drill holes. If after a while you want to re-hang the mirror, the holes on the wall will remain open. For a putty surface, this is not a problem: a little putty, a spatula, skillful hands - and there are no holes.

But if the mirror hung in the bathroom, which is tiled, it will not be possible to completely mask the holes. It is necessary to either hang some decorative detail, a hanger, a shelf, a picture on a “leaky” place, or carefully putty and paint over the tiles to match. But the place will still be noticeable.

A positive nuance is that the mounting on dowels and brackets is reliable, plus everything - the mirror is easy to replace with another one of the same size.

Read more: Laying tiles on drywall: step by step instructions

For work you will need: fasteners, a drill, a hammer, a screwdriver, a pencil and a ruler.

Using a ruler and a pencil on the wall, mark the place where it will be attached mirror glass. Separately, there are marked places where it is necessary to drill holes for fasteners.

Holes are drilled with a drill.

Tip: The hole should be slightly smaller in diameter than the dowel, so that it "sits" tightly in the hole.

The dowels are driven into the holes with a hammer. Dowel with outer side has ruffiness, and with the help of these antennae, it sits tightly in the wall.

A self-tapping screw is screwed into the dowel with a screwdriver.

If the mirror has a rear protective panel, then rings are placed on these panels for hanging the mirror. Just a mirror surface, if it does not have any holes for fasteners, is pressed against the wall from below, from the side and from above with brackets (p-shaped or l-shaped plates).

For beauty and decorative finishes you can fix just a beautiful metal bar on the screws, and install mirror glass on the bar. In addition, there are for sale a large number of diverse decorative fasteners which are fixed with self-tapping screws.

Gluing method

Fixing the mirror to the wall with various adhesive bases. In fact, there can be two such bases: adhesive tape and glue.


Glass tape is a double-sided adhesive. It's easy to work with him. On one side, peel off the protective film and stick the tape to the wall. Then take off the outer protective layer. Apply a mirror surface and press.

When working with adhesive tape, you can easily make a mistake and stick the mirror crooked. Then it will be difficult to tear off the mirror surface in order to re-glue it. To prevent distortions, you can cheat a little. After you glue the adhesive tapes to the wall, on the sides, next to them, squeeze out a small amount of transparent sealant.

Read more: Wall waterproofing - what and how to do it?

Tip: When working with sealant, try not to go beyond the mirror so that it does not “squeeze out” later.

When you apply the mirror to the wall, it will first come into contact with the sealant. It turns out that the glass seems to be stuck, but it can still be moved to evenly “set”. After you adjust its location, press the mirror so that it sticks to the tape.


Glue for gluing the mirror is chosen from a number of silicones, sealants, such as "liquid nails".

The order of work is as follows:

Remember that the surface on which the mirror will be glued must be cleaned of all kinds of contaminants. Also, wallpaper must be removed from the walls.

Below we present to your attention a video of mounting the mirror as mechanically as well as glue.

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Since ancient times, a mirror has been an indispensable attribute, without which no home can do. If the mirror has a frame with fasteners or is built into furniture, it is not difficult to install it. However, few people know how to hang a mirror without a frame on the wall. Regardless of its size and shape, the method of fastening in this case one. In this article we will tell you how to hang a mirror without a frame and, accordingly, without mounting it on the wall.

Mirror selection and design features

In addition to its main function, the mirror is often used to complement the design, visually increase the space. For example, a narrow corridor with a wide full-length mirror on one of the side walls will appear slightly wider. A large oval mirror will visually increase the height and width of any room.

A rectangular mirror, elongated in width, will increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, and a vertical mirror will increase the height of the ceiling.

It is also recommended to hang the mirror strictly vertically. A mirror set at an angle will slightly, but still distort the image. It is not recommended to hang the mirror in places that are constantly exposed to sunlight. From ultraviolet light, the product can quickly fade, the reflection in it will become cloudy.

It is better to hang a large and high mirror in which you want to see yourself in full growth so that you can step back 1.5-2 meters from it. The bottom edge of the product should be at a height of no more than 40 cm from the floor, and the top at a height of at least 170 cm. So you will perfectly see yourself in full growth.

You should not choose thin mirrors less than 5 mm - they distort the image. Also, when choosing, pay attention to the surface: it should not have bumps, roughness and air bubbles.

Installation Requirements

You will have to hang a mirror without a frame once and for all (well, or until the next repair), so you need to determine exactly where you will hang the product.

As mentioned above, it is not advisable to place a mirror in front of the window itself, so that it falls on it for a long time. Sun rays. Since hanging a mirror without a frame on the wall will take forever, this place should be carefully considered, otherwise it will be impossible to change its location without damaging the finish.

Second no less important point is the evenness of the base on which the product will be hung. The walls must be covered finishing(wallpaper, paint, decorative plaster). Also, the surface should be as even as possible, without significant differences, so the product can tightly adhere to the base with its entire area.

Foundation preparation

The basis for the mirror can be concrete, tile, chipboard or a plastered wall. But still, plywood, chipboard or OSB is not recommended for gluing mirrors, since the wood in the composition does not tolerate temperature and humidity changes, it can “lead”, which is fraught with the mirror peeling off.

The optimal base is a plastered or concrete wall. If there are roughness, cracks or irregularities on the wall, they must be eliminated with a putty composition. Before gluing the mirror to the wall, it is pre-primed. Primer - milestone surface preparation and should not be abandoned. It is the primer that protects the wall from moisture and condensation, and, therefore, from the appearance of mold and fungus.

What glue to use

Accurately determine the composition with which the mirror will be attached. For this use:

  • liquid Nails;
  • special glue for mirrors.

For the installation of mirror sheets, it is necessary to choose a special adhesive, which does not contain components that damage the amalgam (mirror layer). The most popular and commonly used mirror adhesive is Bostik 2750MS. The advantage of this adhesive is that the wall can not be primed under it. Glue has good operational characteristics and adhesion and can be used for bonding various surfaces.

When mounting a mirror on a ceramic tile in the bathroom, it is better to choose a polymer and moisture-resistant glue

How to hang a mirror without a frame and without wall mounts

A mirror without a frame is hung on the wall using special adhesive mixtures or liquid nails. Regardless of the fixing material, the bonding principle is the same. To make it easier for you to navigate, we have grouped all the steps into a detailed step-by-step instruction.

  1. Markup. for completed and flat wall it is necessary to make notes by which you will further navigate, exposing the even position of the product. This is done using building level and pencil. With light strokes, we mark an even vertical and horizontal. Thus, you can easily hang the mirror without distortion.
  2. Displaying supports. This step is only necessary when installing a large mirror, which is located almost from the floor itself. In the case of a small mirror located at head level this step inappropriate. All you need is to take two wooden beams of the same length and fasten under the future mirror. They are needed as supports that will hold the product until the glue sets.
  3. Mirror preparation. At this stage, the mirror is turned to the back side (for convenience, you can use special devices - handrails on suction cups). The surface of the product must be thoroughly cleaned of the slightest traces of dust with a barely damp cloth. After that, glue or liquid nails are applied to the back of the product (necessarily with a neutral composition, it will not spoil the amalgam). Applied adhesive composition dotted, every 15-20 cm over the entire area of ​​​​the back side. If the product is heavy, for greater reliability, glue can be applied in strips.
  4. Between the strips of liquid nails should be glued Double-sided tape, which will help hold the mirror until the glue dries.
  5. We hang the product. Now it remains to fix the mirror on the wall. We apply the mirror to the wall, not forgetting about the auxiliary markings, which will help to achieve an even position of the object. Press the mirror firmly against the wall and hold it for 2-3 minutes. If the mirror is large, then it will stand on pre-prepared wooden poles, you can additionally fix it with tape.

If the mirror is small, while you press it against the wall, the other person should support it from below with something and also fix it around the edges with tape. This is necessary so that the mirror can hold still until the glue is completely cured. It will grab only after 30-40 minutes, so holding the mirror with your hands all this time is almost impossible.

Suction cups for mirrors and glass

How to hang a mirror on a ceramic tiled wall

In many houses and apartments, the bathroom is almost always finished with ceramic tiles. In this case, the mirrors are not mounted on the tile itself, but between it, resulting in a flat surface without protrusions. That is why it is worth choosing a mirror of the same thickness as the tile.

To hang a mirror without a frame on a ceramic tile wall, the same glue is used. It is applied to the back of the product, only not pointwise, but in the form of a lattice, retreating 1-2 cm from the edges. Further, the mirror is still pressed against the wall and adheres until the adhesive composition is completely solidified.

To grout the seams between the tiles and the mirror sheet, it is necessary to leave a gap, which means that the mirror should be slightly smaller than the “niche” for it.

The edges of the mirror must be covered with sealant or grout, since the bathroom is a room with increased level humidity, and the ingress of moisture under the mirror is unacceptable.

In addition to fixing the mirror between tiles, it can also be mounted on the tile itself. The gluing technology is the same, only in this case the mirror will be “imposed” on top of the tile. At the end, the seams between the mirror and ceramic tiles must be covered with sealant.

Where do we usually use mirrors? Bathrooms, showers, toilets, dressing rooms or bedrooms. Yes, just there modern designer uses mirrors more and more in wall panels, when facing columns, on the doors of sliding wardrobes and wherever from mirror surface will be good, not harmful. Buying mirror, the installer is faced with an urgent and rather serious problem: "How to install a mirror on the wall?". There are several ways, and the most common of them is installation mirrors via fixing accessories and mounting the mirror with glue. Today we will look at the last method, and you will find out what materials are required for gluing mirrors and how to do it right.

First of all, in order to install mirror you need to cut it to size. Usually, our customers order end face processing mirrors polishing or facet, including preliminary cutting of the canvas according to the required dimensions. But if you happen to buy mirror without edge processing, and its area and shape are larger than necessary, then the canvas must be cut to size. For example, you need to glue a mirror in a bathroom niche, and its area is larger than this niche.

  1. Lay the mirror with the amalgam facing up and mark the cut lines.
  2. Wet the amalgam along the cut line with water or a vinegar solution.
  3. Attach the rule and trace over the amalgam with chalk.
  4. After that, take the needle and cut through the amalgam exactly along the cut line.
  5. Turn the mirror over and use the glass cutter to trace the cut line symmetrically to the cut line on the amalgam.
  6. Tap on the cut line metal part glass cutter and, noticing the chip of this line, break off the excess part.
  7. Dry the amalgam with a hair dryer.

Mirror ready to stick. Now let's start preparing the surface of the wall.

Gluing surface mirrors should be even. If the size of your mirror is 1200 on one side, then gluing it to uneven wall can play a cruel joke. The mirror will take the form of a wall, as it tends to sag. One or two millimeters is enough to put you in the realm of curves mirrors. This will be fun at first, because crouching in front of a mirror will change your body proportions. But the fun will be gone when you have to dismantle mirrors, which is possible only by crushing the canvas.

To stick mirror correctly, avoiding such an unpleasant factor, you need to choose glass of greater thickness or bring the wall surface into an ideal plane.

The material of the base surface is different. Concrete is the best ceramic tile. If you paste mirror to DPS, plywood, OSB board or DVP, then mirror can fall off with changes in humidity in the room. In this case, fasteners are used.

Preparing the walls for gluing the mirror.

The wall surface is treated with Ceresit CT 17 deep penetration primers or oil paint MA-15. This is required for bonding sand dust with base surface and to prevent moisture from entering the thickness of the wall, and, as a result, the growth of mold and bacteria. In addition to walls, the surface is also cleaned of dirt. mirrors. Dust, dirt and any organic pollution prevent the adhesive from adhering to the amalgam, which can cause the canvas to peel off the wall.

Attaching a mirror to the wall.

To stick mirror to the wall use a special Belgian adhesive company Soudal. They call it Mir-o-bond. But, not having so quality material, you can use liquid nails of any manufacturer. VipGlass specialists use only glue well-known manufacturers because quality is our top priority. The glue sets for two hours, and so that the installer does not have to hold it for two hours mirror Use double sided tape. Double-sided adhesive tape is glued onto the amalgam in vertical strips at a distance of 10-14 mm from each other. Glue is applied between them with pyramids, 2.5–3.5 cm in diameter. The distance between the pyramids ranges from 15 to 20 cm. With glued adhesive tape and applied glue mirror put on the wall and put away. The adhesive tape has the function of setting the mirror to the surface for the period of adhesion and hardening of the glue. After that, remove the protective tape from the adhesive tape and make the final installation of the mirror on the wall. While the glue sets, double-sided tape will hold the glass.

To make an installation mirrors on the wall you need to use suction cups to install mirrors.

After gluing, mirror do not touch six hours.

Good luck with your repair, and remember the gluing instructions mirrors written for private use only.

VipGlass, mirror gluing, 2012.

You can hang a beautiful mirror with your own hand on the wall beautifully and reliably in many ways. It all depends on the parameters, the material of the surface on which you will fix this product, as well as the operating conditions in the room where you plan to install it. There are many installation methods that everyone can do and do not require special knowledge. We understand how to fix the mirror to the wall.

Features of fastening to different surfaces

Much during installation depends on the material from which the walls are made. For different bases different rules mirror installation.

Basically, the differences are concentrated in the fixtures (different fittings and different tools are used), the weight of the mirror, which is acceptable for these walls.

Let's consider the main ones.


Concrete is the main material of many house floors. To build a hole in such a wall, you need a puncher. Glue the mirror concrete wall it is possible with a special glue, however, it should first be coated with a primer that increases the adhesion of the mirror to the base. Not every massive mirror will hold securely, so glue alone won't be enough in some cases.


This material is in high demand. To mount a reflective product on a plasterboard base, it is necessary to drill a hole using suitable tool(regular screwdriver, professional drill). Must be used at work special types fasteners (for example, a dowel in the form of a butterfly or an anchor bolt). The fastening technology is subject to weight.

If a mirror canvas not too heavy and has a mass of up to 10 kg, for fixing to the base, you can use liquid nails, construction tape with two adhesive sides. If the weight of the mirror canvas is large, additional wall reinforcement will be required. However, strengthening is not always effective: drywall is not good foundation to accommodate massive mirrors.

If an excessive load is placed on it, it can crack and even crumble.

PVC wall panels

PVC panels - a building material used in wall cladding bathrooms and toilets. It is sometimes not possible to mount a mirror on these panels; it is more expedient to look for another place before mounting to fix the accessory. By itself, this material is not suitable for fixing large mirrors, so small items are often attached to it. The base of wooden bars will help to qualitatively install a small mirror canvas.

You can stick an oversized product weighing 1-2 kg on it. If the distance from the facing part to the main side of the wall is small, it is advised to make a small hole in the plastic coating, drill the wall itself behind it and then install a mirror on it.


Tile is another type of cladding; you can fix a mirror on it in many ways. You can punch tiles with a concrete drill, but it is better to take a glass drill. You should not fix the product only on the tile: you need to deepen the hole in the wall itself well. If the location of the mirror is initially known, you can leave space under the mirror even at the stage of laying the tile itself.

To make height differences invisible, another layer of plaster is applied between the tile and the mirror sheet or the product is fixed on fasteners in the form of a plasterboard shield that is not afraid of moisture. Joints are treated with special glue for mirrors and glasses.

To fix the product on the wall with wallpaper, you just need to use a standard dowel. But after repair work you rarely want to make holes in new walls to install mirrors. Don't forget: once you want to change its location, and when you move it, a hole will be visible in the same place, which will be quite difficult to hide. Therefore, in some cases, starting from the dimensions of the mirror, it is glued to the base with double-sided tape, glue with polyurethane and hidden plugs are used.

If the products have large decorative elements, due to which products become heavier by 2 kg or more, it makes no sense to glue them to the wallpaper: they can fall and break.

How to hang?

There are many ways to fix a reflective object well on a selected surface. Mirror fasteners should be distinguished by reliability, simplicity and discreet appearance. It is often possible without much difficulty to attach a mirror in any room of your home with your own hands, without involving a specialist. Let's consider several methods.

With glue and sealant

decorative item small size(weighing up to 10 kg) can be safely fixed with glue, sealant. The composition of the adhesive helps to install the product well without damaging the walls. This is the most popular way for those who want to install small mirrors in their home without violating the integrity. wall covering. This method should be used for materials with a low bearing capacity.

This method is useful if you don't feel like drilling new wall tiles or furniture surfaces. If the walls themselves are even, the mirror sticks to them easily and looks even.


Apart from adhesive bond you can use decorative holders, which are sold in construction stores. Such mounts cannot withstand the weight of massive panoramic mirrors, but they will securely fix small accessories on the surface of the walls. In this case, the mount will be not only reliable, but also beautiful.


You can purchase brackets with through fasteners that will support the product from below or from the side. Today you can find many kinds of mirror holders of this kind. They differ in the material of manufacture, the complexity of the design and the original appearance.

These are extremely convenient elements for which you do not need to drill holes in the mirror sheet, which is important for those who often rearrange furniture.


Mirrors can be fixed by means of pendants in the form of 2 screws, a thread glued to a solid substrate (panel).

Hole drilling

If the previous fixing methods are not suitable, the mirror sheet does not have a frame, it is worth creating holes in the mirror sheet itself. Holes are drilled in it, then it is fixed to the wall, cabinet doors. You can use the usual self-tapping screws or special fasteners with plastic expansion joints that prevent cracks in the product.

In addition to the main methods, there is still the use of a profile. It is mounted on the wall, then a mirror is installed, fixing the top in one of the ways described above. sticker on double sided tape inappropriate in this case.. Special hardware will do. Holders in the form of brackets, strong brackets and metal strips help to easily fix the product on the desired wall.

The mounting sequence is the same in most cases. First, mark the place on the coating where the fasteners will be fixed. You will have to use 2 fasteners at the bottom - they will have the biggest load. You will also have to use 2 fasteners at the top. You must understand: the heavier the canvas, the large quantity fasteners must be used.

With plates

Option suitable for mounting frameless mirrors. This method has almost no downsides. The product is securely fixed on the wall, it will look great in the interior of any room. This hidden fastener will create the illusion of floating.

These plates are made from steel sheets having a thickness of 0.7 mm. steel coating strengthens the plate, makes it resistant, so it is not afraid of various damages. Special glue will provide good fastening these plates on the surface of the product, the unusual composition of the adhesive will not damage the coating of the product. Before applying the adhesive, the surfaces must be well degreased, then the mount will serve for many years.

Framed mirrors

Usually framed mirrors have their own fasteners when purchased. Even if they are not there, it will not great work buy hinges, fix them on the frame and hang the mirror using screwed screws. For heavy canvases with massive frames, it is best to purchase special types of plates. They are made of high-quality metal, a number of available holes for self-tapping screws will help to securely attach the plates to the frame.

Products without a frame

Many ordinary people choose mirrors without frames, since it is almost impossible to find massive frames with ready-made fasteners in stores. In such models, applicable different ways mounts:

  • The easiest way to securely fix mirrors without frames on the walls is to mount them using special fittings. You can choose interesting clips, original metal strips, where the canvas is placed without the drilling process.

  • Installation is carried out via special tape for mounting. So more often they mount the canvas on walls made of tiles, PVC panels, laminated chipboard. Good adhesive tape fastens light mirrors glued into furniture.
  • More often used for small mirrors special glue. It is sold in tubes, this is glue for a thermal gun, which becomes viscous when heated, and hardens when solidified. It does not contain acids, so it does not damage the amalgam. For models big size you can use liquid nails by treating the wrong side of the product with a sealant. This glue is sold in tubes and bottles for a construction gun. The mass quickly seizes, the connection will be especially strong.

  • Fixing the mirror small dowels requires drilling through holes. If you are inexperienced, it will be difficult to drill neat holes without damaging the mirror. First, select the method of attaching the mirror (at the time of purchase). If you opt for the dowel method, you can ask the store to drill holes for the fasteners in the mirror.
  • The more massive the mirror, the more durable the mount should be. You can try to fix a product with a diagonal of more than 40 cm with glue, but no one can guarantee that it will be a good fastening. For massive mirrors, you can use a more familiar method (2 plugs and 2 screws).
  • If the product on the reverse side does not have a base made of pressed cardboard or plastic, you need to glue it to it homemade screen cardboard or wooden plank. For mirrors with a diagonal of 50 cm or more, you need amplification from a small wooden base in the form of a rail - it is for it that the frame of the product is fixed on the surface of the wall. The rail is fixed with glue at a distance of one fourth of the height of the glass. After that, at a distance of 5-6 cm from its ends, one self-tapping screw is screwed. You do not need to screw them all the way into the rail, it is important to leave 2 mm.

When choosing a method of mounting a mirror, based on the material of the wall, its reliability, do not forget about the place where this mirror will look the most advantageous. It is no secret that sometimes it is not possible to place the mirror canvas where you want. The reason may be design features premises, lack of space.

AT small apartments each piece of furniture has its own place, which limits the space for the mirror itself. To simplify the task, you can pay attention to some nuances:

  • In a small darkened room, it is worth placing a mirror opposite the window opening to give more light to the room. The mirror on the entire wall of the bedroom will push apart small room twice.

  • You should not hang a glass product in the kitchen by the stove: heat and couples will provoke frequent care, will be reflected in appearance mirrors.
  • Before hanging a canvas-panel in the bathroom, cover its ends and rear with a special sealant.

Cover the mirror in the children's room with a special film that will not allow the product to scatter to the sides if it breaks.

No need to prove that the interior of any room with the help of mirrors can be made more expressive. In the hallway it is good to place a large mirror in which you can see yourself from head to toe, in the living room a mirror of any shape will create a mood of splendor, and for the bathroom you will need a special waterproof canvas. True, in this article we will not talk about mirrors, but about how to fix them.

Fixing the mirror to the wall.

You can attach a mirror to the wall in different ways. If it is without holes, then we take plywood 6-10 mm thick and U-brackets from galvanized steel. We fasten the strips to plywood with screws so that the length of the end of the strip bent to the edge of the mirror is 6-7 mm. After that, we screw hinged loops or ears to the back of the base.

Many factories make mirrors with mounting holes. Mounting kit includes mounting anchors and cone nuts. In this case, we apply a mirror to the wall and mark the location of the anchors with a pencil. Then we make holes in the wall and install on the alabaster anchor bolts. Between the wall and the mirror, lay soft cardboard or dense fabric to smooth out any unevenness on the wall. After the mirror is hung on the bolts, we fix it with conical nuts screwed onto the threads of the anchor bolts.

AT recent times Double-sided foam-based adhesive tapes are increasingly being used to mount mirrors. The double-sided tape for attaching mirrors is adhesive tape based on fine-mesh polyethylene foam coated on both sides with acrylic adhesive layer solvent based. Due to the fact that the base of the tape has a significant thickness (about 1 mm) and a specialized adhesive composition, which is highly adhesive, the tape can be used on rough and non-smooth surfaces.

Surface areas to which the tape is applied must be dry and free from dust, grease and dirt. It is better to use pure solvents (isopropanol, hexane, etc.) to remove contaminants. Mounting of the mirror should be carried out on a flat horizontal surface.

The tape is applied evenly over the entire area of ​​the mirror in several parts in order to ensure good ventilation back side of the mirror. It is desirable that the number of strips of tape on the top of the mirror be twice as many as on the bottom. The protective layer of the tape should be removed immediately before attaching the mirror. Immediately after gluing to the surface, it is necessary to strongly press the mirror. To remove the mirror from the surface, it is necessary to cut the base of the tape with steel wire or fishing line and then remove the remaining tape. When re-applying, it is recommended to apply the tape to the places next to the places of the previous fastening.

Approximate consumption of tape for mounting mirrors up to 6 mm thick.

L \u003d (a x b xc / d) x 0.25

where L is the length of the tape required to mount the mirror, see Fig.

a - mirror width, cm.

b - mirror length, cm.

c - mirror thickness, mm.

d is the width of the applied tape, mm.

Fixing a mirror in the bathroom.

Many install a mirror after finishing the cladding. In this case, as a rule, it is fixed in the same way as in ordinary room. However, since the bathroom is constantly high humidity air, the mirror becomes unusable within two or three years. Therefore, in the bathroom it is better to install it in the cladding process.

Before ordering a mirror, it is necessary to mark the wall into tiles, taking into account the thickness of the seams. Then, the desired size of the mirror and its placement on the wall are determined so that its edges coincide with the edges of the tiles in length and width, and there is a seam between the mirror and the cladding, the thickness of which is equal to the thickness of the seams between the tiles.

Only after such careful marking can the mirror be ordered in the workshop, and in the meantime, the bathroom can be tiled.

Before hanging the mirror on the wall surface, cakes are applied from a cement-sand mortar with a composition of 1: 3-1: 4 with a distance of 60-100 mm from each other. After that, take a plastic film with dimensions wider and higher than the mirror by 40-50 mm and apply it to the back of the mirror. A well-pressed mirror will crush the cakes, distributing the solution evenly over the surface, and after the solution has set, it will lie on an ideal surface. flat surface. Polyethylene film will protect the protective layer of amalgam from destruction by moisture. The edges of the film protruding along the perimeter of the mirror are carefully cut off, and the seam between the mirror and the tiles is sealed cement-sand mortar composition 1:4 with the addition of a small amount of PVA glue.

If the mirror is fixed with brackets, holes-nests should be drilled in the places of their installation and plugs of well-dried hardwood should be inserted on the glue. The brackets are attached to the plugs with galvanized screws. If the mirror is small, it can also be glued with mounting tape. Only in this case we choose waterproof adhesive tape so that exposure to moisture does not affect the reliability of fixation. By the way, some manufacturers tiles they also produce waterproof tapes for mirrors under the same brand.

The mirror is mounted as follows: on rear surface mirrors, strips of adhesive tape are glued (along the perimeter or vertical stripes), then the protective film is removed and the mirror is glued to the previously cleaned tile. The mounting tape has a foam structure, so it not only sticks, but also clogs all the bumps and grooves that arise. Given the harmful effect of moisture on the amalgam, it is worth treating the edges of the mirror with a sealant to prevent the mirror from darkening.

Attaching a mirror to furniture

Consider attaching a mirror to a cabinet door. The main methods of fastening are using metal U-shaped legs (or plastic stops), screws, double-sided mounting tape. It is best to mount the mirror in a horizontal position to the door, removed from the hinges. When using screws, holes are drilled in the corners of the mirror. (it is better to use diamond drills, and constantly moisten the surface). A layer is laid under the mirror soft tissue or soft cardboard. Plastic washers are inserted under the screw heads.

When using feet, you need to check the accuracy of their manufacture in height and, if necessary, install gaskets under them. The height of the legs should ensure that they fit snugly against the glass, but without tension. After marking the holes for fastening the legs, it is recommended to remove the mirror and screw the legs, then bend them, insert the underlying soft layer into the mirror and crimp.

When using adhesive tape, you need to degrease the surface of the back of the mirror and the cabinet door, stick the tape in vertical stripes on the back of the mirror, remove the protective film and stick it on the door. If the mirror large sizes, then the space between the adhesive tape is smeared liquid nails. True, in this case it will be almost impossible to dismantle the mirror without damaging it, but such a mirror, if it falls, then only together with the door. To all cabinets and hallways with mirrors presented on our website, adhesive tape already underway included. Mounting on stops is less commonly used, as, for example, in dressing tables.