How to make wooden tables. How to make a practical table from ordinary boards without being a “wooden craftsman. How to make a wooden table with your own hands video

From the abundance of furniture offered, they remain popular everywhere wooden tables and chairs. Natural materials ensure environmental friendliness, safety and durability of models. Solid wood furniture can be found in any country house, apartment or office.

In addition, wooden furniture can be made independently.

Wooden kitchen tables

Before you buy a table, you should consider a few nuances. It is on them that the comfort and mood of the household in the kitchen depends.


Due to the fact that in small apartments there are usually small kitchens, do not forget about ergonomics. First of all, when choosing a dining wooden table, you should take into account the comfort of staying near kitchen items furniture.

It is not comfortable when you rest your elbows or legs on a neighbor or on the legs of a table. In addition, there should be optimal distance from the table to other pieces of furniture. The table should be approximately 80 cm away from walls and other items in the kitchen.

The height of the table also plays an important role. It should be selected depending on the height of the persons sitting behind it. Low (70-74 cm) tables are recommended for short people. Those who are between 1.6 m and 1.7 m tall should buy tables with standard sizes(75-76 cm).

Appearance of the tabletop

Before choosing a countertop design, you need to calculate how many people you usually need to place behind it. Forms are found: oval, round and rectangular and square.

Tables that do not have corners should be placed in spacious kitchens. Tables with a square or rectangle shape fit perfectly into small spaces. See if it fits appearance table under general interior.


There are many models that carry additional functionality, namely replace the cabinet, can be folded and unfolded if necessary.

The wooden extendable table is perfect solution for those owners who suffer from a lack of space in the room for eating.

Like any furniture, these products have a number of positive and negative qualities. Wooden tables in the kitchen have the following advantages:

  • the uniqueness and originality of the wood texture, which cannot be recreated;
  • the ability to withstand shock and everyday use for a long time;
  • environmental safety, thanks to natural material that does not contain glue and does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Negative characteristics include: high cost, vulnerability to moisture and dampness. At elevated temperatures, the material can dry out, thereby forming cracks and loosening of the table. Over time, the surface may darken or be attacked by pests.

Wood table in the living room

Recently, it has become fashionable to decorate a living space in white tones. A combination of white furniture and light design walls and windows. dark and White color can also be combined in furniture.

For example, the table top can be white, while the legs and edging of the table are dark. Such furniture is often used when decorating a room in a minimalist style. In a spacious living room or studio, a white wooden table is a great solution.

The glass and wood table is often placed in front of the sofa, is small in size and is used as a fashionable piece of furniture in the hall. It is intended: for drinking tea in front of the TV, storing books and magazines, as well as for working in front of a laptop.

Table made of solid wood in the country

On a personal plot, the most important place for gathering loved ones and guests is a gazebo or space on outdoors.

In nature, one is drawn to everything natural, so a wooden table for a summer residence is a combination of beauty and practicality in one item. In addition, this piece of furniture goes well with the overall rustic style.

Wooden tables for a summer cottage should be not only durable, but also moisture resistant. If the table is often exposed to moisture, you should choose a larch product.

Country tables should have the property not to deteriorate under the scorching sun. Due to its density, best material for a country table, walnut or oak is considered. This wood is considered hard and expressive. To resist pests, the oak is seared, that is, it is kept in water for a while. Such material is more expensive than its counterparts.

You can save if you choose a table made of coniferous wood. They have lightness, pleasant color, smell and moisture resistance. The increased resin content resists water absorption.

How to make a wooden table yourself?

Some summer residents make tables themselves. Creativity and diligence will allow you to save money and create a unique thing in your summer cottage. Making a wooden table with your own hands is not at all difficult. It is enough to have in your arsenal the necessary materials, tools and a little time.

Tools and materials needed for manufacturing:

  • plane;
  • grinder or paper;
  • screwdriver with a set of bits;
  • jigsaw or saw;
  • chisel;
  • means for staining and varnishing;
  • metal corners;
  • yardstick;
  • building level;
  • fittings for fastening (screws, bolts, self-tapping screws);
  • boards 40 or 50 mm thick;
  • 4 bars for wooden table legs measuring 50x50 mm;
  • auxiliary boards 40 mm thick for attaching the tabletop.

Procedure (step by step instructions)

  • Decide on the dimensions of the future homemade product. For table lengths greater than standard values at least four racks are required.
  • Boards for the countertops are pre-cut and sawn to the desired size.
  • Place five boards in parallel, fasten them from below with self-tapping screws to the auxiliary transverse boards. Leave room for table legs.
  • Install the leg rails with metal corners and attach them to the tabletop.
  • To prevent distortions and stability of the legs, skip the planks around the perimeter under the tabletop. If the table has more than four legs, an additional cross bar must be strengthened in the middle.
  • Clean the edges of the tabletop with sandpaper from all sides.
  • Cover the product with pest control (stain) and, if desired, apply a layer of varnish.

There are many ways to create a table with your own hands. The final version of the home-made wooden table proposed by us can be seen in the photo.

Wooden tables for kids

When a young child grows up and begins to sit on his own, the time comes for him to feed him with various complementary foods.

A wooden table for feeding is the most successful version of furniture designed for a comfortable meal. Tables are usually made together with chairs and have general design.

There are several types of children's chairs:

  • transforming chairs
  • chairs with adjustable back.

In the first case, the seat height is adjusted according to the purpose. The child can not only eat at the table, but also play if you remove folding table out of wood and lower the seat.

In the second case, the adjustable seat height allows you to raise the baby higher or lower it to a safe distance from the floor. Even in the event of an unsuccessful maneuver, the child will not be able to harm himself and will allow the mother to do her daily chores in the kitchen.

When buying wooden tables for feeding, parents may not worry about the health of the child - he will not have allergic reactions. Therefore, natural wood material is most often used for the manufacture of children's furniture.

When buying a table, pay attention to sharp corners which may cause unwanted damage to its little owner.

Finally, I would like to say that thanks to wooden furniture There are many possibilities to equip your home with different designs. Especially popular is the rustic style with the use of natural materials and copying the antique interior.

Safety and personal health directly depends on the type of materials that are in your home.

Another important fact is that wood is such a material that you can work with without using complex tools and equipment. Thus, any man is able to create beautiful things on his own for reasonable money.

Photo of a wooden table

One of the mandatory attributes of human habitation is a table. It should be in the apartment, and in the cottage, and summer house in the country.

Making a wooden table with your own hands is not such a difficult task as it seems at first glance. simple design, which is suitable for giving, can be assembled by absolutely anyone, even if he first picked up a carpentry tool.

More complex models, which will decorate the kitchen or living room, will require creativity and certain skills, but this work is also doable if certain rules are followed.

Possible options

Despite its simplicity, the table is considered a variable product and, with the right approach, will organically fit into any room. Manufacturers of wooden furniture usually offer the consumer the following types of models:

  • with the correct geometry - rectangular, round, oval;
  • corner - help save interior space;
  • transformers - multifunctional structures;
  • folding and sliding - allow you to place a large number of guests;
  • "Books" - a common modification of a folding table.

It is noteworthy, but all of the listed options for tables can be made in artisanal conditions, literally from improvised materials.

Regardless of the design and shape, a homemade wooden table must meet two requirements. Firstly, to match the interior of the room, if you do not follow this rule, even a beautifully designed carved tabletop will look unpresentable. Secondly, the width of one seat must be at least 70 cm, otherwise people will experience discomfort.

Otherwise, the width and height are selected individually, depending on personal preferences and the intended use of the table.

Preparatory stage

Even a simple rectangular table with four legs cannot be made without some preparation. Let's figure out what's required home master during the production process.


This is a prerequisite that will allow you to visualize the future table, determine the size and amount of material. Ready-made drawings can be searched on the Internet: many craftsmen willingly share the results of their work with Web users, describing in detail each stage of production.

If we are talking about a unique table design, which is planned to be created according to own project, without a drawing is indispensable. You can draw a future model with a simple pencil on a regular notebook sheet. It is recommended to pay special attention to the following points:

  • external dimensions (length, width, height);
  • fixing the legs to the tabletop. Round models usually have one support post located in the center, rectangular designs require 1 support at each corner;
  • mechanisms (relevant for folding options and transforming tables).

It is necessary to carefully consider how all the details of the table will be assembled together, what additional processing of the wood will be required before assembly or after it.


It's no secret that wood different breeds has different properties and not the entire array is suitable for artisanal processing. Depending on the species, all wood can be divided into 3 groups.

Soft. This includes almost all conifers (spruce, pine, fir, cedar) and many hardwoods (linden, aspen, poplar, alder). Such material is easy to process, but the table made will require additional protective coating, especially if it is supposed to be used outdoors. Coniferous wood is dependent on external factors, prone to deformation and cracking. An exception, perhaps, is larch, which is used in construction wherever possible, including for the manufacture of tables.

Solid. This group includes birch, oak, walnut and fruit trees: plum, pear, apple, apricot. Such a beam, even without impregnation, is resistant to a humid environment and the effects of direct sun rays, but in the process of processing you can not do without a power tool.

Heavy duty . This category includes boxwood, acacia, hornbeam and yew. The material has high consumer properties, but requires professional processing, which is possible only in the workshops of industrial enterprises.


Simplest rough table from the boards you can assemble with your own hands with just a hammer, nails and a hacksaw. But for a more accurate execution, additional tools will be required:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • grinder;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • drill with a set of drills of various diameters;
  • roulette;
  • simple pencil;
  • square.

In addition, wood is recommended to be pre-treated with special antiseptics, which will make the finished product more durable and resistant to moisture. If you plan to cut a pattern on the legs or sidewalls, then you will need special cutters. A great help to the master will be a turning or milling machine for wood, but not everyone will find such tools.

Homemade tables for a summer residence

The simplest and most practical option for arranging a summer cottage is a table made of wooden pallets. Unnecessary, at first glance, pallets are ready-made raw materials that require little to no additional processing, but offer several options for use. For example, from 2 pallets you can make a small hanging table with wall mount, which can be used as a rack or for small friendly gatherings.

Such a design is made elementarily. One pallet is attached to the wall with nails or self-tapping screws. Installation height is selected individually. The working part - the table top - is attached to the fixed base. The elements are articulated with each other by two chains that will perform a supporting and supporting function. For ease of use, 2 loops are placed at the junctions of the pallets; in addition, a locking mechanism can be installed, for example, a hook that will hold such a table in the closed position.

A more complex option is a pallet coffee table that will look organic on a veranda or terrace. In this case, the pallets are carefully disassembled into their component parts, polished, painted. After that, the boards are knocked together into a rectangular tabletop, fixed around the perimeter with vertically arranged elements. The function of the legs is performed by 4 square bars. This design is made in 3-4 hours and is quite suitable for evening tea parties and family holidays.

Using leftover building materials

Almost on any personal plot there are boards left after the construction of a house or outbuildings. This material is quite suitable for creating a simple rectangular table, which can be placed on the veranda or in the garage, used as a dining or utility room.

Here you need to follow the following instructions:

  • assemble the frame. To do this, you need 4 boards: 2 long and 2 short. The sides are fastened together with self-tapping screws, forming a regular rectangle. To save the geometry, we use a square. At the junctions, you can put iron corners, which will give the structure rigidity and reliability;
  • fasten the legs. For these purposes, 4 boards or bars are suitable. The length is chosen arbitrarily: 80-100 cm. Support posts are installed with inside frame, fastened with nails or self-tapping screws;
  • stiffening rib . Approximately in the middle of the legs, an additional crossbar made of wood is nailed. A cross member is installed on both sides, making the structure more durable and stable. In addition, these crossbars can later be used to install a shelf where you can place dishes or other little things necessary in the household;
  • countertop . The remaining boards go here, which are best placed across the frame. The material is sawn with a hacksaw along the width of the table, attached to the frame with finishing nails.

At the final stage, all surfaces are treated grinder primed and varnished. You can paint the table, in this case, the tree will last much longer. And if you walk along the boards with a brush for brushing and apply a stain on top, you get an antique table.

Table with benches

This option is great for a garden, a wooden structure is installed permanently, depending on the chosen size, it can comfortably accommodate 8-10 people. A garden table and benches are made of boards separately, then the elements are fastened together threaded connection: steel studs.

The manufacturing process begins with benches. To do this, the boards are sawn to size, according to the drawn up drawings. To assemble the bench, you will need:

  • 3 long boards that will go on the seat;
  • 4 short pieces, cut at the edges at an angle of 45 ° - the length of these elements should not exceed the width of the seat;
  • 4 boards 40-50 cm high - these will be the legs;
  • 1 board is shorter by 25-30 cm of the length of the seat - a stiffener.

note that all the listed elements are duplicated, since there are supposed to be 2 benches for such a table.

Shops are assembled according to this scheme. A longitudinal stiffener is attached to two short crossbars. Legs are installed, which are clamped by the remaining segments. For reliability, short parts are drilled through and, together with the legs, are pulled together with pins.

Seat boards are nailed on top of the frame. It is not necessary to put them close, it is better to leave small gaps.

The finished seats are interconnected by four boards 160-180 cm long. The fastening is carried out at the bottom of the legs in such a way that the support posts are clamped by the boards on both sides.

After preparing the base, a table is assembled. The tabletop and areas for mounting the support posts are made according to the principle similar to benches. The legs themselves are made cruciform, fixed to the longitudinal supports that connect the benches. The result is a handy DIY wood kitchen table that can be used for family reunions.

Round tables

Despite the specific geometric shape, making a round table with your own hands from wood is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In particular, if in the yard high-rise building or next to the backyard there is a felling of old trees, you can get an original round tabletop without extra effort. For this, a saw cut of a tree made in the thickest part of the trunk is quite suitable. Such a round shape 5-7 centimeters thick is varnished and can become a key table installed in the hallway.

If you are unlucky with fallen trees, you can create a round-shaped countertop on your own. This will require 4 boards of the following sizes:

  • length - 2000 mm;
  • width - 250 mm;
  • thickness - 40 mm.

The boards are tightly interconnected (not fastened), a circle is drawn on the surface desired diameter. After that, the boards are cut with an electric jigsaw exactly along the intended line. A rectangular or triangular frame is assembled under the legs from the bars. The shape is selected depending on the number of legs. If 3 support posts are supposed, the frame is made in the shape of a triangle. The elements are fastened together with self-tapping screws, the legs are fixed in a similar way. The tabletop is installed with the help of corners, after assembly the entire structure is varnished. If you make such a table carefully, then it can be installed in the apartment in the kitchen or in the living room.

By a similar principle, they collect oval table. The only difference is that on the interconnected boards, not a circle is drawn, but 2 semi-ovals along the ends. Boards are cut with a jigsaw along the line. The frame is also made of bars, but has a strictly rectangular shape. Ideally, the frame should be located 10-20 cm from the edge of the countertop. Small tables are often used as coffee tables and look especially interesting on curly legs. However, for the manufacture of carved supports, certain knowledge will be required, so it is better to order such elements in furniture production.

Transforming tables

A folding table made of wood, made with your own hands and capable of changing its original shape, is a real masterpiece. Folding designs look equally advantageous in the country and fit into the interior of a city apartment. The easiest option is to make a transformer for the backyard, and this task can be done on your own.

To surprise guests and get a comfortable wooden picnic table, you need to assemble 2 benches with high backs. The seat is made of 3 boards, interconnected by crossbars. There is one caveat here: the edge of the crossbar, which is located on the back side, should protrude 10-15 cm beyond the edges of the seat.

Table legs are available in different lengths. A short support post is placed on the side of the seat, the long one will serve as the basis for the backrest. Note that the recommended height of the backrest should vary between 60-90 cm. Closer to the seat, a hole is drilled in the rack, where the latch for the back will be inserted.

After completing all the operations, they get 2 benches, on which you can sit quite comfortably, discussing last news or watching the sunset. If you raise the backs of these benches and move them towards each other, you get a table with two rows seats. Given the width of each backrest, a tabletop measuring 120-180 cm is obtained.

Computer desk

If we are talking about a factory product, computer desk appears to be a rather complex structure. It has a pull-out keyboard shelf, storage boxes for discs and other items that require experience to make. However, the model of a table made of wood can be significantly simplified, leaving a minimum of parts necessary for working at a computer.

Here you can try something like this:

  • steel frame in the form of a welded rectangle made of corrugated pipe with 4 support posts. On the one hand, a frame is immediately made under the shelf where the system unit will stand, and two similar elements from the other end;
  • the countertop is made from cut-to-size boards or a fiberboard sheet;
  • shelves are made of a material similar to the countertop.

All elements are interconnected by a threaded connection or a corner. Of course, such a design is inferior to factory counterparts in terms of external design, but it is many times cheaper and does its job quite well.

Processing and exterior finishing

In order for a home-made wooden table to have a presentable appearance and retain its properties for as long as possible, all parts are impregnated with a water-polymer emulsion before assembly begins. It is better to repeat the treatment 2-3 times with an interval of 5 days. After the installation is completed, the surfaces are carefully polished, small flaws are masked with putty. Then varnish is applied: it is better to choose compositions on acrylic base that are safe to work with.

To prolong the service life, wooden tables are recommended to be protected from strong wetting and direct sunlight. In the garden in the country, it is better to install them in a shaded place, and cover them with foil during rain.

If you dream of having a good time on your personal plot, then you just need big table, behind which the company of your friends and relatives can be accommodated. And you can do it yourself, spending quite a bit of time on it. In some cases, you may need an assistant, sometimes an extra pair of hands will not hurt.

This article is a detailed step-by-step instruction for making a wooden table for a summer residence.


  • A - Legs: bars 5×10 cm, 106 cm long (2 pcs.), 43 cm long (2 pcs.) and 56 cm long (2 pcs.);
  • B - Frame: bars 5 × 10 cm, 87 cm long (2 pcs.);
  • C - Table top: boards 5×15 cm, length 180 cm (6 pcs.);
  • D - Table top base: boards 5x15 cm, length 87 cm (2 pcs.), bars 5x10 cm, length 62 cm (2 pcs.).

The first stage of the project is the manufacture of table legs. Saw off the bars of the required size. To speed up the process, you can use a circular saw. Smooth out the edges of the bars and saw-off lines with sandpaper.

Connect the bars so that you get an X-shaped structure, and fasten them with 60 mm self-tapping screws, remembering to pre-drill the pilot holes. Lubricate the joints with glue. Make sure there are no cracks or gaps left.

Fasten each pair of legs with a horizontal bar using 60 mm self-tapping screws for this purpose. Cut off the ends of the bars, as shown in the figure.

Lay the boards intended for the manufacture of countertops on a flat surface. We advise you to place pieces of 6 mm plywood between them, this will allow you to form uniform gaps. Place the assembled table sides on the table top and secure them by screwing in the self-tapping screws at an angle of 90 mm. Before fixing, make sure that the legs and the tabletop are perpendicular using a spirit level.

Post on bottom side tabletops sawn pieces of 5x15 cm boards and fix them with 60 mm self-tapping screws.

Saw off the ends of the bars, which will act as reinforcing supports for the structure, at an angle of 45º. Install the supports in their place and secure with 90mm self-tapping screws at an angle.

And finally, last but not least: check if the heads of the screws protrude above the wooden surface, and fill all the cracks and holes with wood putty.

Tip: To protect wood surfaces from the damaging effects of atmospheric moisture, coat them with several coats of exterior paint or stain.

Table with benches. Instruction with drawings


  • A - Legs: bars 5x10 cm, length 95 cm (4 pieces);
  • B - Crossbeams: bars 5 × 10 cm long 160 cm (2 pcs.);
  • C - Tabletop fastening: bars 5×10 cm, 75 cm long (5 pcs.);
  • D - Inclined supports: bars 5 × 10 cm long 84 cm (2 pcs.);
  • E - Worktop: boards 5×10 cm, length 180 cm (14 pcs.).

It is worth starting work with the manufacture of legs. Since the legs of this table will be inclined, the ends of the 100 cm long bars should be cut at an angle of 30º. Connect the elements with 90 mm bolts.

Make sure the surface you are working on is fairly level. The mounted sidewalls of the table must be identical, only in this case you can hope for an excellent end result.

When the sides of the table are ready, you can start making a wooden tabletop. We recommend that you put it together on the ground (floor), and then fasten it to the legs with self-tapping screws.

Tip: Don't forget to check the verticality of the side walls of the table with a spirit level, otherwise the end result of your work is unlikely to satisfy you.

Rigidly fix the entire structure with inclined supports. Their ends must first be cut at an angle of 26º.

Now it remains only to build benches. Saw the boards to the desired size, place them on both sides of the table and, having previously drilled several pilot holes at a distance of at least 1 cm from the edges, secure with self-tapping screws.

Tip: To keep the seat boards evenly spaced, place studs or pieces of plywood between them before fixing them. Thanks to this little trick, all the gaps will be the same.

At the end of the work, pay attention to small, but very important touches. Fill all cracks and holes with wood putty. After the putty has dried, sand the wooden surfaces with medium-grit sandpaper.

Tip: Be sure to apply several coats of paint or stain to protect wood surfaces from water and sunlight.

Round table. We do it on our own in the country


  • A - Base: bar 5x10 cm long 102.5 cm (1 pc.) and 47 cm long (2 pcs.), bars 2.5x10 cm 9 cm long (4 pcs.);
  • B - Racks: bars 10 × 10 cm, 60 cm long (4 pcs.);
  • C - Tabletop base: 5x10 cm bars 82.5 cm long (1 pc.) and 52.5 cm long (2 pcs.), 2.5x10 cm bars 47.5 cm long (4 pcs.) and 60 cm long (2 pcs.) ;
  • D - Tabletop: boards 2.5×15 cm long 195 cm (9 pcs.).

The first stage of the project is to create the base of the table. To articulate its constituent elements, use waterproof glue and self-tapping screws. Make sure that the corners formed by the joined beams are straight. To protect the assembled table base from rotting from rainwater, place it on small stands made from 2.5x10 cm board scraps.

Now you need to attach four posts made of square bars to the base. Before fixing, make sure they are vertical with a spirit level. The height of the legs may differ from those proposed by us, in this case, you should, first of all, focus on your own needs.

The most difficult stage of the project is the manufacture of countertops. Place boards on flat surface and mark the center of the square. Fasten one end of a 60 cm rail at this point. Rotating the second end of the rail, mark the outlines of the circle. A jigsaw with a sharp blade will allow you to make circular cuts at a high professional level.

After sawing the boards of the future tabletop, we recommend that you fasten them together with waterproof glue and additionally fix them with a few clamps. Attach the bars that serve as the base of the tabletop, as shown in the picture (yellow elements should be made from 5x10 cm bars, green - from 2.5x10 cm bars).

Tip: Use waterproof glue and galvanized self-tapping screws (30mm self-tapping screws for 2.5x10cm bars and 50mm screws for 5x10cm bars) to fasten the bars to the countertop.

After the glue has dried, you must attach the legs to the base of the tabletop with 90mm self-tapping screws, pre-drilling pilot holes. Use a spirit level to check the perpendicularity of the legs and the tabletop.

To ensure that the result of your work corresponds to the high professional level, make sure that the heads of the self-tapping screws are recessed deep enough. Cover all cracks and holes with wood putty, after it dries, sand the surface with sandpaper.

Tip: Apply several coats of outdoor paint or wood stain to protect the table from moisture damage. To ensure that the base supports are also untouched by water, place the table on a concrete surface and insulate them hermetically.

Now you know how to make your own picnic table. One has only to make a little effort, which will subsequently be rewarded with enthusiastic exclamations of friends and pleasant summer evenings spent with the family at a large table.

Let's analyze practical advice, which facilitate the process of assembling the table with your own hands and help to achieve the best results. The construction of a country house is divided into several stages. A serious step is the arrangement of the cottage. Furniture plays an important role in the comfort zone. A wooden table complements the overall interior and improves the functionality of the room. But its purchase may not always be successful, so we suggest considering a home-made option. It can be placed outdoors or indoors. Such furniture plays an important role in the arrangement.

As building materials We use either pallets or wooden boards. An unforgettable requirement for the material is the absence of moisture. With sufficient funds and desire, new boards will be very effective in construction. The quality and long service life of any furniture depends on the quality of the materials purchased for its assembly; how well they are treated before use. After a successful purchase necessary materials, and in this case these are wooden boards, fold them in rows and leave to ventilate. This type of material, the longer it stays and ventilates, the better it will serve in the future.

Any furniture is primarily made only from dry wood.

As mentioned above, tables are suitable for a variety of places and serve as a complementary element of furniture literally everywhere. For each table, individual manufacturing methods are selected. For example, you set out to decorate the gazebo with a wooden table. And this is quite convenient and correct, since spending time in the summerhouse without a table is somehow uncomfortable. Just homemade furniture won't interfere at all. In the process of work, it is not necessary to glue the boards. It is enough to fix with the help of special fasteners. This approach greatly simplifies the manufacture of countertops for the street. Or you can buy them on the website First, you don't spend a lot of time building. Secondly, it is quite possible to replace the glue with others. effective means, which means financial expenses decrease.

Pallets, like wooden parts, are highly distinguishable in color. Accordingly, you visually decorate the table the way you want. Pallets have side parts. They are used as a framework. True, before this, the material must be sanded properly. It is worth considering that all the material is not used up. The remaining strips can serve as fasteners for the countertop. The place of fastening is in the area of ​​​​the joints of the boards. To join the board, you need only two self-tapping screws. For the last whole - one.

Sidewalls and two boards will go to the construction of the frame. At the end, we fix the parts of the frame with self-tapping screws. The frame does not have to be attached with screws, just glue it on. Since the length of the screws is large, we drill individual holes.

Our table will be out soon. It remains to turn it over and do the grinding. Use coarse grit sandpaper at first, then fine grit later. The turn comes after the installation of the legs. To do this, you need four boards with exactly the same size. If necessary, of course, you will have to adjust the wooden boards in order to achieve an overall positive result. In this case, grinding is also an integral part of the work. Then each leg must be screwed. To do this, you need two self-tapping screws, which are important to place diagonally from each other. Installing a jumper will help ensure maximum stability. The distance between the floor and the jumpers should be at least 10 cm. When everything is fixed, we begin to drill holes for self-tapping screws. Thus, we fix the material so that it does not crack.

Now you have a complete design. Naturally, it does not hurt to somehow decorate it. For example, start with painting. Of course, with the first time there will be a hard pile. There is no need to be afraid, it is in the order of things. Again we take the sandpaper and begin to grind the surface until it becomes smooth. Due to such work done, dust is definitely generated. Accordingly, you will have to get rid of it. Then again we take up the varnish and cover the surface with it. It may be necessary to sand a third time, as the varnish will not lie flat the first time. In general, it all depends on the type of wood. So it’s better not to neglect unnecessary grinding, but to provide your wooden product with beautiful view. Having completed all of the above necessary procedures, we get a beautiful wooden table made by ourselves.

Let's say the option of manufacturing from a newer material, if you do not want visible traces of nails or planks to be frightened by their heterogeneity. The tabletop is made in a variety of shapes: rectangular, square and round. The result depends on your personal preferences.

Table from leftover materials

Sometimes it happens that at the time of construction or the next repair of the dacha, extra boards of various species remain. Instead of throwing them away, it is better to use this leftover material for more significant tasks. Make the same table. To do this, we select pine boards that will go to the frame (thickness 25 mm, width 50 mm). For the legs, we leave planks 15 mm thick, 50 mm wide. As for the size of the frame, everything here is purely at your personal discretion. This table is well suited for the veranda. And since this room is not large, it is advised to make it narrow (60 cm - width, 140 cm - length, height - 80 cm). Of course, if family members are not tall, it is quite acceptable to play around with the size of the countertop.

Next, you need to assemble the frame and fix the boards that act as legs. It is necessary to cut two boards 140 cm long. The width parameters are 60 cm. It is necessary to subtract twice the thickness of the used board - 5 cm. That is, the used bars should be 55 cm. Now fold the frame by twisting the screws. As the bars were folded, everything needs to be double-checked. Worthy of attention is the diagonal arrangement of the bars. If something does not converge, it should definitely be transferred, since the design of the countertop itself will suffer in the future.

Cut four boards and fasten them inside the frame (80 cm long). Use four self-tapping screws for each board. The lower shelf can become a complementary element of the countertop. For her equipment, fix the crossbar in the middle of the two legs. It will serve as a frame for the future shelf. In a similar way, work is done with other pairs of legs. In addition to the fact that the shelf will give more convenience, two jumpers significantly increase the level of rigidity of the structure as a whole. Fastening of jumpers should be carried out strictly at a right angle (check with a special square).

Now the frame is ready, it remains to check it. If the design is properly made, the frame does not stagger. It remains to polish it. Next up is the assembly work. Perhaps you have boards of different colors. Why not apply them to right direction. For example, arrange planks on the surface in such a way that they alternate in color.

The last stage in the manufacture of countertops involves fastening the boards with nails. We fix the shelf from below with nails or self-tapping screws. Again, you need to polish the assembled product. And in the end it remains to paint. But it happens that they made a mistake with the choice of varnish or paint. And then what to do? If you want to change the look, you will have to re-sand the surface. Next, you need to re-take for painting with a new color.

Table with glued surface

The difference between the previous options is that the legs of this design go with the letter "G". Their assembly comes from boards of the same width and thickness (20 mm thick). Since the volume of the legs here is larger than the previous ones, accordingly, more self-tapping screws (5 pieces) will be required. In advance, you need to drill holes with a diameter of 1-2 mm (the hole should be smaller than the diameter of the screw itself). The second time you need to drill a hole with more large diameter. It is intended for the head of the self-tapping screw, which is then closed with a furniture plug. In other cases, the rod is preferable to choose a furniture color.

Another one great idea- This is furniture putty. In the mixture with which you will putty, add wood dust (take the remnants of sanding). When the putty dries, traces of holes will not be easy to find.

Working on the legs

When assembling the legs, you need to carefully ensure that the angle is 90 degrees. If there is no pattern, use a regular bar. To join two boards, spread one and the other with wood glue. Install the screws in the right places. When the glue dries, cover each leg with varnish. But before that, do not forget to polish.

Table top assembly

As the legs were made, the turn goes behind the top of the table. The tabletop is made of boards of the same thickness. Choose the sizes you want. Boards can be of various widths. It is important to observe the organic appearance. It is important that the side parts of the boards are evenly joined to each other without gaps. We also grease the side of the boards with glue. Then lay them flat on the surface.

To avoid possible gaps, tighten the boards with clamps. Leave the table surface overnight. As the day passes, remove the clamps - the countertop is ready. As before, we grind the surface and align the edges. Start trimming with a jigsaw or saw. Sometimes a grinder is also used, but in this way it is difficult to ensure the evenness of the line. And now the grinding stages are over, and a completely flat tabletop of a diligent look is obtained.

Glued plank top

Using the above method, make a round, oval or any other tabletop in shape. Of course, you can achieve evenness of the cut-out tabletop if you draw in advance the lines along which its shape is cut out. Frames can give an attractive look, but make them better with my own hands. Take a thin bar and sand it down. Fasten according to the perimeter of the tabletop. Finishing nails and glue are suitable for fixing (first of all, you need to process the planks with glue). The glue will dry, and the bar will need to be sanded at the joints.

There is no table without legs

The tabletop is ready, which means it remains to put the table on its feet. To attach the legs to the main part of the table, you will need a frame made of boards. It is attached to the back with glue. But this is not enough, because you need to fix it from above, using confirmations. First, on the countertop, you need to drill holes with a diameter for a hat. And then mask them, like the previous holes. Now the table frame is firmly fixed, start attaching the legs. The docking point must be inside the frame. For fasteners, we use ordinary self-tapping screws. The table is ready!

Table and benches in the garden

In the manufacture of tables and benches, boards of different sizes can be used. To connect the benches with the table, 16 cm studs are used (in addition to them, washers and nuts). Other connecting fasteners - no longer than 80 mm. So, each part of the garden table is installed in its right place. Then the drill is drilled through holes. And then, as you yourself already understood, the turn goes for washers and nuts.

When tightening nuts with washers, it is better to use a wrench. Thanks to this approach, winter period you can easily unwind the design and take it to a warehouse, garage, shed or any other place to store such things.

Each board should be carefully sanded and trimmed. To fasten the three boards that are intended for the seats, you need to cut short bars. We cut each of them at 45 degrees. The first step is to start assembling exactly the part of the structure that is below. We take one large board (in the amount of 160 cm) and attach small bars to it. At the time of joining, they must be fastened in the middle of one large one. Now we add legs to this design (fasten with nails). Adding short boards again. All these elements must be tightened with studs, bolts and nuts. Thus, a support node is obtained, which secures the seat from below.

And it remains to attach the boards for the seats. By the way, if this design is intended for the street, it is not at all necessary to make a narrow gap between the boards. At least 5 mm is enough. The planks are fixed to sawn supports. We have two shops. It does not hurt to fix them with four boards 160 cm long. To fix all four legs, we use 2 studs for each leg. Install them either at the same level or diagonally.

Table in the garden

The principle of assembling the table is completely different from the previous options. The tabletop is held on boards that are cut down on the sides at 52 degrees. The sawn supports must be positioned so that the legs for the table can enter between them. Secure them with finishing nails. If you do not want to allow good visibility of the caps, drive them deeper. Just cover the surface with a special lubricant as a mask.

The legs of the table here are not standard, but look like crosses. To assemble them, take two boards and cross in such a way that the gap between the objects at the bottom is 65 cm. In the middle of the boards, leave a mark for crossing the boards. The mark is drawn in the form of a square and half the thickness of the board itself. Do the same for the other board. We get two materials of the same plane. The connection process takes place with the help of four nails. By analogy, the second pair of legs is made.

Now to assemble the table as a whole. First of all, the most important thing is to fix two pairs of legs into the main structure on which the benches are placed. We place the legs parallel to each other in the middle. Naturally, they need to be fastened with studs so that they do not fly off in the future. The tabletop is attached in a similar way. If the studs are screwed in, proceed to grinding and painting. Paint the design in any color that suits you. In addition to this design, those options are also acceptable that imply a separate table from the benches. The assembly of the structure takes place in a similar way. Of course, except for the seats.

Making a wooden table with your own hands, as it turned out, is not so difficult. There are moments that require utmost attention to some things in the manufacture. If you follow the above recommendations, your table will turn out perfect. Choice good materials and proper performance of work will ensure a long service life of the product. The design will be able to impress with its functionality and decent appearance.

Video: DIY wooden table

Photo gallery: DIY table

The interior of any home will be decorated with crafts made with your own hands. Not the most difficult option for individual creativity - home table from wood. Designing your own is easy. Here the flight of fancy is unlimited, but you need to start with the choice of design, purpose and design features that you plan to implement. At the very beginning, you need to create drawings and drawings, according to which it will be possible to assemble the finished table.

Drawings and diagrams

Initially, work out each element in detail, especially decorative additions if they are planned. This is just the case when embellishment will not be superfluous. It is best to draw a drawing according to actual dimensions, choosing the appropriate scale on paper.

The type of the table can be the most diverse, from the usual written to the children's massage. It is also possible to make a table with your own hands for a bath. One of the easiest to make is a corner table.

It is not so difficult to create a small transformer or a table-book. It takes up little space in the room and is functional in many situations. The sliding design will help save some space. For home construction, a carpentry table is very suitable. And, of course, a table on the veranda, where you can gather with the whole family for an evening tea party.


Decorating will greatly improve the appearance. Almost any table design will be decorated with carved legs, especially if you decide to implement the project in rustic style. The addition of the countertop decor with LED lighting will look elegant. A luminous table in the corner of the living room will add warmth on a cold winter night. There can be an infinite number of options, but the main thing is not to overdo it and not go too far with decorations.

Style and design

There are no restrictions and strict limits for your own creativity. The easiest way to make an original thing is to perform it in an "antique" style. This is the most common and not too difficult craft to perform. Imitation of antiquity will decorate almost any interior.

Design homemade table Ideally, it should organically fit into the interior of the room in which it is planned to use it. Various forms and artistic solutions are possible. Wood products allow you to experiment with geometry.

How to make an unusual table, see the following video.

The form

Such a table can have different angles and will not lose functionality at all. For each side of this design, you can fix permanent places for family members. The smaller sides are for children. The larger sides are for adults.


The tree is convenient to use in any condition. The secondary use of wooden structures is also quite suitable. It is very good to use old boards. Many breeds only get better with time.

It's no secret that a floor made of valuable breeds that has served a century is sometimes used to make musical instruments. Must be removed for reuse upper layer which will give the final product a cleaner look. Products made from such material, without exaggeration, will last forever.

Combination of dissimilar materials

Combinations of wood and metal look original. The massive plane of the table will be decorated with iron, and ideally, cast-iron legs. The combination of oak and cast iron will achieve an excellent result. Heavy cast iron pairs perfectly with oak or ash.

The combination of hard African breeds and metal structures. The result will amaze anyone, even the most demanding connoisseur.

Glass and wood are the perfect match

Graceful wooden stand will be the best decoration for a glass table. Modern fastening devices will ensure a reliable articulation of these materials. The round shape of the final product with this combination is the most optimal solution.

You can combine different materials

It is quite possible to install a wooden or glass top on a lightweight concrete base. coffee table. Quite a modern solution that will add a light industrial touch to the interior design. The combination of glass and concrete, as well as pine additions, will look great.

How can natural stone be used?

Quite an elegant combination, if everything is done in moderation. Do not overload the table structure with too heavy elements. Try to find a suitable base made of natural stone. The design of the wooden top will be prompted by the stone itself. Put a massive wooden surface on it and you will get a table that no one else has.

Beautiful examples and options

With your own hands it is quite possible to make very beautiful, original things that will look no worse than those of famous masters. Homemade items will always be your pride and topic of discussion among friends.

What can you make yourself?

Almost any table is within the power of each of us. This simple household item does not require special knowledge and special professional skills. We start making wood products at school, at labor lessons. Therefore, the simple wooden design of the laptop table will be quite on the shoulder. Both chairs and a bench for a country house can also be made independently.

You can come up with your own design of home crafts. The folding table will not constantly occupy living space. It can combine several functions. From baby changing station to work surface for home crafts.

A wide field for creativity will give a combination of wood and other materials. Don't be afraid to experiment. Combine dissimilar objects together, and you will achieve amazing results. Even if you decide to combine rarely combined elements, do not be afraid to try. Any ideas can be realized.

How to make a table?

Home design should start with a small coffee table. The design can be quite simple. work surface can be purchased at the grocery store.

Glued pine is best. The glued array is less prone to deformation with changes in humidity and temperature changes. It is most convenient to pick up legs for your crafts in the same place.


It is better to assemble it from ready-made wooden panels- quite a reasonable start to home needlework. Ready-made elements or entire blocks are easiest to order with delivery on a site that sells components for such work. Here you can find all the necessary accessories. It remains only to spend a little time on the assembly. Additional processing and fitting will not become too complicated, the main thing is that you will get the necessary experience for further creativity.

Table for the kitchen

It's not that hard to make your own kitchen utensils. You can start small kitchen table from pine. Legs are easiest to buy ready-made, pine is the most a budget option. The working surface is easier to choose according to the planned dimensions. It remains only, in the literal sense, to put the table on its feet.

Kitchen set

Assemble the kit kitchen furniture according to their own drawings, the wave is within the power of everyone. You need some skills to install opening doors, but this simple science can be comprehended by watching a few videos on the Internet.

Required Tools

You can start with a small set. A hammer, planer, chisel, wood saw, nails and screws can be found in every home. You will also need a ruler and a pencil. If it is possible to purchase an additional power tool, be sure to do so.

An electric planer in the house or a jigsaw will come in handy for the following crafts. Such a tool must be of good quality. He will last long years even if you don't use it every day.

Special tool

For achievement High Quality it is better to use special equipment with an electric drive. Acquisition costs will not be significant, and you will have the opportunity to move on to more complex projects in the future.

What can be purchased in addition to an existing electric drill:

    electric jigsaw - will allow you to make a high-quality cut of any materials;

    electric planer - will make the surface of the tree perfectly flat;

    a circular saw- provides a longitudinal or transverse cut industrial quality;

    mechanical device for milling work- will process the edges of your craft with an intricate pattern and help you cut decorative elements on a wooden surface;

    machine for grinding work- makes finishing a wooden surface a simple and pleasant experience that does not require significant effort.

It is best to purchase a combined power tool that combines several different functions in one device. This will reduce costs and allow many design ideas to be realized. By the way, a home electric drill can be supplemented with various attachments, which will expand its capabilities.


If you decide to make a trip to the needlework store, stock up on everything you need right away. For your craft, you will need additional components to securely fasten the wooden parts. Protozoa steel corners make the design more reliable in operation. Do not skimp on additional decorative elements. They will not be superfluous, but only decorate the appearance.

Greater grace wooden crafts will give ready-made kits that can be purchased at the store. It will look very nice homemade desk for the child if used metal legs from any ready-made furniture set. It is easy to make a bedside table for him from the same standard kits. Handles and accessories can be picked up in the same store.

Fastening of wooden structures

The ancient technology of wood joining without iron nails and glue is almost lost. But it won't hurt to try. Adjust all wooden joints with minimal gaps, drill holes in the joints with a diameter of six to eight millimeters and hammer a dried wooden spike into it.

If all wooden parts are excessively dried before assembly, then over time they will gain the required amount of moisture and increase their size. The connection will become strong enough, and the swollen wooden spike will give additional strength.

Traditional mounting options

The easiest and most reliable option is to drive a screw into a tree. Now they make special self-tapping screws for wooden joints, which, unlike a conventional screw, do not require precise hole for screwing. If the thickness of the connection is not very large, then additional holes can be dispensed with. The wood screw will do everything by itself, especially if you use an electric screwdriver. Such a connection will last a long time without glue.

Why is glue needed?

To give a wooden structure additional strength, it is best to glue the articulating surfaces. You need a little glue, but the result will be excellent when combined with self-tapping screws or nails, glued wood connection will remain strong for many years. Glue is best used on a water basis. There are many varieties of reliable wood glue.

How to make an original home table?

It is not so difficult to create crafts of your own design. The material is found in any forest.

A unique craft will come out of an array of wood. But this will take a little effort. The ideal base big tree, whose diameter is more than eighty centimeters in circumference. If you manage to use part of the root system, then a reliable base for the table will come out and additional legs will not be needed.

You need to understand that it will not be easy to deliver such a blank from the forest, but the result will pay off all the work, such a table cannot be compared with anything.

Table for summer cottage

A street table for a suburban area certainly needs to be done by yourself. The ideal material is the same log brought from the forest. The base is conveniently made from birch logs of small diameter. They need to be dug into the ground about fifty centimeters.

Then align their upper parts by sawing off the excess wood. The working surface can be made from a log of large transverse diameter by sawing it longitudinally. The flat part will just be the surface of the street table.

All outdoor additional buildings are best made of wood. This natural natural material perfectly transfers both moisture, and heat, and frosts. It is also better to make a bench for a summer cottage yourself from the same wooden components. A homemade bench will look organically near your handmade table.

Why is it better to use an array tree?

The structure of the tree is such that its durability directly depends on how intact its integrity is. Therefore, since ancient times, solid logs have been used to build houses. With minimal processing, when the whole structure is preserved as much as possible, wooden structures can last for hundreds of years without collapsing or changing its shape.

What can be made from solid wood?

For starters, you need to be patient. Cutting down a tree and delivering it to the house is not the most difficult task. It is important to properly prepare the material for subsequent processing.

Preparation of a wooden blank

Be sure to rid the tree of excess moisture. If it is not possible to agree to do this at a woodworking enterprise where there is special drying equipment, then it is quite possible to do the drying at home.

Logging is usually done in the spring, when the trunk has not begun to absorb moisture from the soil, that is, before the thaw. Usually it is March. Drying naturally lasts from several months to a year, depending on the type of wood.

Why is it important to use only dry material?

A raw tree will certainly crack as soon as the bark is removed, unless, of course, this is planned by your design idea. Some breeds greatly change shape when dried improperly.

Dry wood should be well cleaned and sanded, a light layer of texture varnish or stain will not interfere to give more texture to the product. If the diameter of the circle is large enough, and part of the root system has become a reliable support, then the table is almost ready. The upper part must be well sanded and varnished. Here is the perfect design for a laptop.


If you want to make a large dining table out of whole log, you will have to work hard and make a longitudinal cut in the middle of the trunk with a chainsaw. You will get two almost identical halves. If the width of one part is a meter or more, and the length is at least one and a half meters, then there is already a base for the dining table. You can leave the bottom semi-circular or even out by cutting off the semi-circular bottom.

It remains to build reliable legs and treat the surface of the table with any convenient way. It is not necessary to make the table absolutely flat, especially if used valuable breeds tree. Moderate irregularities will give the craft an additional charm.

How to use the second half of the log?

A little extra effort, and - a strong bench for the table is ready. If the width of the log is of sufficient size, then two strong benches can be obtained on both sides of the table. It is best to rigidly connect them into a common structure, or make two separate strong seats for several people. The bench, of course, will have to be leveled and all irregularities removed. Ideally, sand well and varnish or stain.


Do not be too zealous in painting wooden products. If you decide to enhance the natural color, then coffee tones are best suited for any breed. It is best to use water-based varnishes and paints. They are less toxic and interact well with wood.

It is perfectly acceptable to use undyed materials with natural colors. Cast iron without additional coating and wood in natural color will become original decorative solution that does not require additional color shades.

Very well combined raw aluminum and dark woods. Natural silver color and dark oak texture look very original. Elements with natural flowers good for additional decoration.

But iron components, unless, of course, it is stainless steel, in any case, you need to paint. Even if your table with iron legs will always be indoors, the metal must be covered with any coloring composition. Iron corrodes even in dry and warm rooms and needs painting.

Wood coloring

When using planed wood products outdoors, painting is required, not only for decorative purposes. good coverage protect the tree and prolong its life. In this case, are used special formulations for outdoor work. The color scheme can be any. The most acceptable are all the same dark coffee shades.

Useful little things

  • The wisest thing is not to rush. Any work requires thoughtfulness and accuracy of execution. Don't set any deadlines for yourself. Do work when you feel like it.
  • If something does not work out, put the craft aside and return to it after a while. Such work will only be a joy, and you will achieve a good result.
  • Don't take it right away complex project start with a simple job. You need to gain some experience for subsequent more complex crafts. Using power tools will make your job easier. Be sure to follow all safety precautions when working with any tool used for woodworking.

  • Even a small splinter can become a problem if you do not pay attention to it at the time. Follow the safety regulations. Always wear goggles when working with wooden products especially if machining is used.
  • If you have little experience, but there is a desire to make at least a wooden table in your own house with your own hands, start by going to a building materials supermarket. There you will find everything you need for individual creativity. Design solutions materials suggest.
  • To begin with, use wooden blanks that require minimal post-processing.
  • Carry out all work in a spacious room. A small workshop in the country is ideal. Painting should be carried out in a well ventilated area, even if low toxicity products are used. Observe everything necessary deadlines drying glued and painted parts.

Advantages and disadvantages

Handmade crafts do not always look perfect. But don't get upset about it. Minor flaws will be compensated by absolute satisfaction from the work done by oneself. Such disadvantages can be attributed rather to advantages. Product industrial production will not keep your hands warm.