Features of the use of fiberglass webs. Painting fiberglass web: application What is fiberglass for the ceiling

Fiberglass is produced as a material for painting. This is a canvas made of glass threads without interlacing. They are given different thicknesses, thanks to this, with very high temperatures they stretch without breaking. The finished threads are arranged randomly and glued together. It turns out non-woven material, which has a soft, but at the same time shape-holding surface. Its thinnest threads look like a cobweb, which is why fiberglass is called so. It is widely used for finishing external and internal walls.

Advantages of fiberglass canvas

The production technology involves a pressing stage, so the canvas turns into extremely thin material, having the following technical properties:

The fabric has good reinforcing properties. Thin fiberglass web is used in finishing work to obtain a high-quality surface for painting. Properties of putty to develop cracks under conditions high humidity or air dryness are neutralized by the use of fiberglass. So even inexpensive repairs have ideal quality walls and ceilings. Note decorative properties fiberglass: chaotic combinations of threads allow you to give the walls a surface of extraordinary beauty.

How to use fiberglass correctly?

Before starting work, the walls are treated with a primer. It removes dust from them and ensures high-quality adhesion of materials. The standard canvas is 1 m wide, and the strips are glued end-to-end. For the work, a special glue is used, sold in the form of dry powder in packs or in ready-made liquid form in plastic buckets. It is quite economical: 1 package containing 300 g. dry glue is consumed per 50 m2 of fiberglass. This amount of powder is diluted in 11 liters cold water and mix thoroughly.

During gluing, please follow temperature regime indoors +18ºC + 25ºC. Additionally, it is necessary to ensure that there are no drafts and no contact with the material. sun rays. The roll is cut into strips, the length of which is equal to the height of the wall plus 5 cm. The glue is applied only to the wall, the fiberglass is applied to it dry, the excess is cut off with a wallpaper knife.

In exceptional cases, if the side edge is torn and a gap has formed in the canvas, the canvas is glued with an overlap. To do this, glue is applied to the wall and to the edge of the previous strip. The overlap area will have a double layer of material 3-5 cm wide. It will become noticeable after painting: in this place the color will be brighter and the strip will be visible from a distance.

Therefore, the overlap should be cut (preferably in a wavy way) with a wallpaper knife, then the excess layers of both strips should be removed. The result is gluing the panels end-to-end. The surface of each strip is leveled with a wallpaper spatula. He presses it against the wall and distributes the remaining glue evenly.

After the canvas has dried (this will take about 24 hours), it can be painted with any paints: acrylic, water-based, and other interior paints. It is recommended to apply 2 layers of paint, the second after the first has completely dried.

How to achieve a mirror surface?

To obtain a polished surface, fiberglass is puttied. This is done with a rubber spatula and the putty diluted to a more liquid consistency than usual. The solution is applied in a thin layer; it is enough to evenly cover the canvas with it. Processing cured fine-grained putty sandpaper carried out very carefully to avoid damage to the threads. Puttying is not a mandatory procedure, especially since the thread pattern will be hidden by the solution. But if it is weakly expressed or you need to achieve perfectly smooth, mirror surface, such work is being carried out.

The use of fiberglass is justified by many advantages. Low price, ease of gluing, excellent performance properties allow surface repairs to be carried out even by people without experience. In this case, finishing puttying and grouting with sandpaper is not required, except individual cases plastering the material itself.

Progress does not stand still, and every time we hear about something new in a variety of fields and industries. Relatively recently appeared on the market new look finishing coating for walls - fiberglass. This type of coating is usually called cobweb glass wallpaper because of its appearance.

Painting fiberglass web finds its application in reinforcing surfaces before finishing work. This material is not a finishing type coating, it is, so to speak, the basis for further finishing of walls and ceilings. The cobweb can be called an effective assistant in the fight against such serious problems as cracks on the surface of ceilings and walls.

Quite often, problems with cracks arise in new houses that were built relatively recently, because the house shrinks over time, painting fiberglass cobweb, the use of which is appropriate in in this case, is best assistant in the current situation.

It should also be noted that this type finishing coating for walls is gaining popularity in the market today finishing materials, and with quite serious speed. In the species under consideration " preparatory wallpaper“There are similarities and differences. We will also compare the manufacturing process of paper and fiberglass.

Technical characteristics and scope of material

Painting fiberglass canvas consists of fiberglass threads, like glass wallpaper, but the difference is that the web is not made on machines. The manufacturing process of the “wallpaper” in question is as follows: fiberglass comes under a press, as in the process of manufacturing sheets of paper. The result of such pressing is smooth, thin sheets, the surface of which is very smooth. The density of compressed fiberglass is 25-50 g/m2.

Although the process of making fiberglass webs and paper are to some extent similar, the difference between them is colossal - unlike paper sheets, they do not accumulate statistical electricity on their surface, and they are also not afraid of water, mechanical damage, or chemical reagents. Dust is also not attracted to them and, among other things, they do not burn. It is difficult for some to imagine what such a finishing material looks like, therefore, you can watch a video showing how to use fiberglass for painting in this article.

Similar characteristics of cobwebs and paper include their composition, namely, the ingredients included in its composition are exclusively natural, as in paper, they are also a non-allergenic material, and they allow air to pass through perfectly. The difference between fiberglass and glass wallpaper is the absence of a wicker pattern and relief on the surface of the former. But this also has its advantages, if there are no prominent elements on the surface, then they can be painted unlimited quantity once, there is no relief - no problem.

How to properly glue painting fiberglass

In order to stick the material on the walls or ceiling, you do not need to have any special skills or knowledge. You just have to find out how it's done and get to work. If you don’t want to pay a lot of money to craftsmen for a fairly simple finishing process, then just follow the recommendations that will help you do everything correctly and quickly.

How to glue fiberglass webs with putty onto drywall video

  • To begin with, glue is applied to the surface of the ceiling or walls; you don’t need to apply a lot; it will be enough to apply glue one strip wide. The substance is absorbed quickly enough, so there is no need to remove it from under the finishing material.
  • There are no standards for the width of the strips, you can cut them as you wish, the main thing is that it is convenient to work with them. With the finishing of the walls everything will be simpler, so you can cut the strip to its full length, but for the ceiling a strip of one and a half to two meters will be enough. Before gluing, check where the front and back sides are. They look very similar, but there is a difference in them, so you will find all the necessary information about this on the label.
  • Painting fiberglass canvas: the use of which is suitable for all surfaces in the room, and even for plasterboard structures, after fitting to the wall, it is smoothed out carefully with your hands. You need to make sure that the corner of the room coincides with the edge of the web. After that, it is necessary to run a spatula over the surface so that no air remains under the coating.
  • When the sheet is firmly attached to the wall, you can start cutting off all the excess that sticks out or hangs. Then apply glue to the surface again. To understand that the sheet is well soaked, it should become dark from moisture.
  • We glue the next sheet, the same size as the previous one, to the wall, making sure to overlap. If the material is glued to the ceiling, then it is better to glue it along the room.

Glue consumption per 1m2

The question of glue consumption when finishing walls or ceilings with fiberglass paints arises quite often, because such a process will require a lot of it. The fact is that there are no standards in this regard. It is impossible to accurately calculate the amount of glue that will be used per square meter of surface, because it will depend on who will apply this glue to the surface.

If there is little glue, you will see it yourself; if there is too much glue, it will also be difficult not to notice. In order to sufficiently saturate the surface with glue, you must monitor the color of the fiberglass web; as soon as it darkens from moisture, there is a sufficient amount of glue on its surface.

  • After we have glued the second sheet with an overlap, we saturate it with a layer of glue and mandatory press well against the wall. In order for the seams between the sheets to be invisible, you need to cut a strip through both glued layers, even if your cut turns out to be uneven, there is nothing wrong with that, we strive to ensure that the surface is smooth, and these unevenness of the strip you cut will not be visible on wall or ceiling.
  • After 24 hours, the glue on the surface will dry completely, and you can proceed to the next stage of finishing.

Painting fiberglass web application: how to paint

If you decide to paint the canvas, then we recommend using water-based paint for such a surface. Such paint will retain the properties of the finishing material itself and, moreover, more than one layer of paint can be laid on it in an even layer.

Using painting fiberglass, how to paint correctly video

For painting you will need the following tools:

  1. a tray where the paint will be poured;
  2. roller (you can use a paint brush, but then the painting process will take a long time).

It is necessary to paint the fiberglass spider web twice, that is, apply two layers of paint. It is worth noting that the time between applying layers should be at least 12 hours. To roll a seam, you need to use a “wing”; if you do it with a roller, the result will not be optimal. In principle, these are all the features of painting such a finishing material.

Do I need to putty on fiberglass paint before painting?

A positive quality of the web is that after gluing it to the wall, you can immediately begin painting the surface of the walls or ceiling. In this case, the word immediately means. After the surface has completely dried, simply without preliminary and preparatory work.

Fiberglass web application on the ceiling video

It is necessary to putty only if you want to have a completely flat surface walls or ceilings, or you want to hide the texture of the finishing material, in this case, cobwebs.

The best option for preparatory work before gluing would be to prime the fiberglass with glue, thereby reducing paint consumption. This is correct and profitable, because glue is much cheaper than paint.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper onto fiberglass webs?

To begin with, I would like to say that painting fiberglass is a material that serves to reinforce surfaces, and it is glued to secure plaster, putty, and also to avoid the appearance of cracks on the walls. This material is excellent for painting.

As for wallpaper, in the case of fiberglass, you can glue it, but before that you will have to treat the surface of the wall or ceiling, and only then start gluing the wallpaper onto the surface.

Since painting fiberglass web, the use of which is protection against cracks, does not finishing coat, you can either paint it or glue wallpaper on top, but after pre-treating the surface.

If the gluing process seems difficult to you and somewhat incomprehensible, then we recommend that you watch the video on our website, which describes in detail and shows how to properly glue fiberglass webs to various surfaces.

As new trends flow into interiors, they dictate their own rules. And they apply not only to appearance surrounding space, but also on it high-quality finishing. Currently special meaning When decorating premises, in particular residential ones, they give perfectly flat main surfaces, such as walls, ceilings, corners. Several methods are used to achieve such effects. One of the most common is fiberglass. The use of this type of building material allows you to create a flat surface, while simultaneously acting as a reinforcing coating. It is intended for interior decoration and can be used even in newly constructed buildings that have not yet shrinked. This is what influences the formation of numerous cracks, and installing fiberglass on the surface will almost completely eliminate their occurrence.

Fiberglass - what kind of material is it?

Fiberglass is a modern finishing material that forms a completely environmentally friendly coating. Thanks to this quality, it can be used in rooms for any purpose: bedrooms, kitchens, children's rooms. It consists of fiberglass threads and organic resins. Painting fiberglass is made by gluing fibers in a chaotic manner. The fabric turns out to be quite dense without any special pattern, pleasant to the touch. Thanks to such plexuses, this material is simply called cobweb.

Based on thickness, fiberglass is divided into classes, each of which has a specific density, which varies from 20 to 65 g/m2. Depending on the selected indicator, the weight of the canvas, resistance to mechanical loads, the strength of the coating and its reliability change.

Many people are mistaken when they think, when comparing glass wallpaper and fiberglass, that they are exactly the same material. This is wrong. Painting spider web can be puttied and painted with high quality many times, and is an excellent reinforcing material.

Advantages of fiberglass

The advantages of this finishing material are quite significant:


As a rule, any type of finish has disadvantages. Fiberglass is no exception. What kind of material is this that would not have some disadvantages? However, it is very important to correctly weigh their relationship with the benefits. The main disadvantage of the canvas is the small particles that can cause a very serious wound. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to carry out cutting only with gloves. When working with fiberglass, it is very important to protect your eyesight and wear special clothing. Such safety measures are necessary to ensure that small particles do not get on the skin, as they can cause unpleasant itching.

Fiberglass: application and surface covering

Any surface, be it a ceiling or walls, needs finishing, and gluing fiberglass can simplify this process, completely replacing the need to use starting putty. Surfaces that are often subject to mechanical damage and cracking are especially in need of such finishing. This strength of this material is due to specific reinforcing properties. Fiberglass is most suitable for the ceiling. It can be glued to any surface: concrete, drywall, plaster and others. At the same time, its appearance will be perfectly smooth and even. Fiberglass is also used for painting; any material is suitable for these purposes. paint material. However, in order to carry out this work correctly, it is necessary to become familiar with a certain technology. It is as follows:

  1. Gluing fiberglass.
  2. Surface treatment with a primer.
  3. Applying putty.
  4. Surface painting.

It is very important to choose the right glue and primer. The strength of the structure will depend on this. It is also important to maintain the required time interval between gluing and painting.

Glue properties

When choosing glue for fiberglass, you will need to take into account its type. This point is very important, since the strength of fixation and durability of the cladding completely depends on it. As a rule, there are many brands of glue, for example Wellton, Pufas, Bostik. Such compositions are made according to a special formula and contain only high-quality components that are completely safe for humans. They also form a film that prevents the formation of mold and mildew.

Scope of application of fiberglass

  1. Used to create a waterproofing layer. Fiberglass web is often used for processing polymer canvases.
  2. Roofing works. Some species serve as the basis for bitumen mastics.
  3. Drainage systems.
  4. Pipeline protection.
  5. Included in high-quality finishing materials such as wall panels, floor coverings etc.
  6. Wall reinforcement. Painting fiberglass forms reliable protection from the formation of cracks, even those that appear due to shrinkage of the house.
  7. Saving money. Thanks to the strength of this material, you can significantly increase the time between renovations in a room.

Fiberglass gluing technology

There is a certain technology for gluing fiberglass. Step by step description:

  1. Treating the surface with starting putty to level out rough differences.
  2. Grouting obvious defects and coating with a deep-penetrating primer.
  3. Applying glue to the surface, optimal thickness layer - 1 mm. To do this, you can use a spatula, brush or roller.
  4. It is necessary to start gluing fiberglass from the corner of the ceiling or walls. The joints are additionally smoothed for better adhesion.
  5. Subsequent canvases are applied with a slight overlap. This place is pressed well along the entire length and after that a cut is immediately made.
  6. The cut parts must be immediately removed and the ends of the canvas pressed tightly to the surface.
  7. After gluing the last strip, you need to prime them. Dilute the glue for fiberglass thin enough so that it saturates the entire surface well.
  8. Withstand certain time until completely dry.
  9. Putty with finishing solution and clean until perfectly smooth.
  10. Prime the entire surface.
  11. Proceed directly to decorating.

When gluing the fiberglass and until it dries completely, it is necessary to maintain the same temperature in the room and avoid drafts.

How to paint fiberglass?

Fiberglass glued to the ceiling or walls serves as a starting surface. It can be covered in various ways, however, the most common is coloring. This process, unlike gluing, is quite complex and time-consuming both physically and psychologically.

The first difficulty lies in the specific structure of the canvas. Since fiberglass is produced by pressing fibers under high pressure, there is some distance between the threads. Therefore, the paint will not apply evenly and may require further application. large quantity layers. And this, in turn, quite significantly increases paint consumption and, accordingly, financial costs.

The second nuance is glass shavings. This is what can cause a lot of problems. During staining, these particles fall off, and if the body is not protected by clothing, they will cause unpleasant itching upon contact. It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to get rid of it. It is better to immediately protect yourself by wearing a specially designed uniform for this purpose at the beginning of work.

Weighing all the difficulties associated with painting, many ask a well-deserved question: “Why use fiberglass? What will this give, what advantages?” However, the answer is clear. Surfaces with this finish are quite durable and reliable, their service life is significantly increased compared to other types, which will save on frequent repairs.

Summing up

Fiberglass web is an indispensable thing during finishing work in premises for various purposes. Its significance is quite great:

  1. The canvases qualitatively strengthen the surfaces of walls and ceilings from the formation of cracks, even in buildings that are shrinking.
  2. Alignment is possible without additional work related to plastering and puttying. And they, it is worth noting, are quite labor-intensive, take a long period of time and, importantly, create a lot of dirt and dust.
  3. Fiberglass can act as an independent textured coating or be a reliable basis for applying finishing materials.

In the process of finishing concrete ceilings Often you have to deal with cracks and irregularities. To ensure that the screed is strong and does not crack, the base of such a surface is reinforced with a painting “web”. To achieve good quality of the procedure, before carrying out it, you need to understand why it is needed. In the previous publication, the issue of working with fiberglass was deliberately not addressed. This topic was planned to be considered in a separate article, which is now offered to your attention.

Main characteristics of the material

The basis of this material is glass: during the manufacturing process it is melted, drawn into threads and twisted into fibers: these serve as the basis for obtaining fiberglass by weaving. Along with tensile strength, glass threads are characterized by elasticity, which protects the finished fabric from deformation. At the final stage of manufacturing, the “web” is treated with a special impregnation that increases its stability. The density of the finished material is in the range of 25-65 g/m2.

Fiberglass has a number of advantages:

  1. Environmental safety. To make the material, only natural ingredients are used that do not cause allergic reactions.
  2. High strength and durability. Fiberglass copes well with both mechanical and temperature influences.
  3. Does not collect dust. Electrostatic inertness makes it possible to avoid attracting light debris to the finishing surface.
  4. Fire safety. Exceptional resistance to fire allows the use of fiberglass for finishing the corridors of large buildings through which people are evacuated in case of fire.
  5. High reinforcing abilities. The web-trimmed base provides strength for the finishing layer.
  6. Biological inertia. Fiberglass is not nutrient medium for microorganisms, including fungus and mold. This is facilitated by the fact that glass fibers are not afraid of water and do not rot in conditions of constant humidity.
  7. High vapor permeability. This makes it possible to avoid “clogging” of reinforced bases.
  8. Excellent interaction with most building materials.

Despite the great similarity, reinforcing fiberglass and are two materials with different purposes.

As for the disadvantages of the “cobweb”, the main one is some inconvenience due to small glass particles that arise when cutting the webs. It is recommended to work in protective clothing, gloves, goggles and a respirator.

Where is the “cobweb” used?

Why do you need fiberglass:

  1. Reinforcement of walls and ceilings. With its help, you can strengthen concrete, brick and other foundations in premises for various purposes. This is especially true in cases where the surface is being prepared for painting. Thanks to fiberglass reinforcement, the base is well leveled, without the threat of subsequent cracking.
  2. Corrosion protection. The presence of anti-corrosion characteristics in glass fibers allows them to be used to protect metal pipelines for various purposes.
  3. Manufacturing of building materials high quality. Wall panels are often reinforced with fiberglass. In addition, it is part of the composition, indispensable when arranging a soft roof.
  4. Arrangement of waterproofing protection and drainage.

What is fiberglass?

The most commonly used types of webs are:

      1. 25 g/cm2. The best fiberglass for ceilings for painting, which is facilitated by its light weight and strength. The ceiling “cobweb” has low absorbency, which allows you to save paint material.
      1. 40 g/cm2. Universal material, twice as strong as the previous version. It is used to reinforce surfaces subject to increased operational loads (rooms with high level vibration). As for strengthening with a universal “web” ceiling surfaces, then this is justified only if there is dilapidated plaster and cracks.
      1. 50 g/cm2. This durable material is designed to strengthen large cracks. In addition, it is often used to reinforce enclosing structures in workshops, workshops and garages to protect against mechanical damage. Increased cost of work of this type due to the high cost of the material and the increased consumption of glue for its fixation.
      1. Wellton. This Finnish material Withstands numerous repaints very well.
      2. Oskar. Less expensive Russian analogue, which can be repainted several times with little material consumption. Domestic fiberglass TechnoNIKOL also has similar qualities. .
      3. Spectrum. This Dutch company offers high-quality fiberglass in various densities.
      4. Nortex. Chinese manufacturer, offering a fairly high-quality “spider web”. However, its choice is limited only to the universal variety (50 g/cm2).

How to glue fiberglass to a concrete ceiling yourself

To strengthen a concrete ceiling, the so-called “ceiling web” with a density of 25 g/cm2 is usually used. Great value have optimal conditions work, since it is recommended to use fiberglass at an air temperature of +15-25º and a humidity of no more than 60%.

Surface preparation

  1. Before gluing fiberglass to the ceiling for painting, its surface must be completely cleaned of whitewash, wallpaper and old putty- a bare concrete slab should remain.
  2. If base defects are detected, they must be eliminated. All protrusions are knocked down with a pick, and the depressions are sealed.
  3. If possible, it is better to concrete surface lay a leveling layer of starting putty.


  1. Primer. After the ceiling is completely dry, it is impregnated with a deep penetration primer. Acrylic compositions are very good in this regard. Thanks to this, the ceiling surface acquires the necessary adhesion for subsequent application of the adhesive. The primer should be allowed to dry completely (usually 30-40 minutes).
  2. Preparation of glue. For this it is recommended to use special compounds, since it will not be possible to properly glue fiberglass for painting with conventional wallpaper materials. As for PVA, it holds fiberglass well, but subsequently its surface may become coated yellow spots. It is best to use special glue for fiberglass and glass wallpaper, which is sold in dry or finished form(usually good brands painting canvas are equipped with mounting adhesive from the same manufacturer). A pack of dry composition is diluted in a 10-liter bucket of clean warm water: this volume is enough to glue a “cobweb” with an area of ​​50 m2.

Cutting and gluing

  1. Having measured the length and width of the room, then cut the required number of pieces of “cobweb”. This is not difficult to do, since the material is sold in rolls for convenience. The length of the strips is taken with some margin (about 10 cm). The same applies to the width - here you should take into account the fact that the strips are glued with a slight overlap (up to 20 mm). When cutting, be sure to wear a respirator, safety glasses and gloves to avoid getting sharp particles on the skin of your hands, eyes and respiratory organs.
  2. The first strip is mounted from the edge of the ceiling, having previously coated this area with a generous layer of glue (the canvas absorbs a lot of it). For convenience, it is recommended to cut a line the width of the strip along the entire length of the surface. Having placed the edge of the canvas along the line, it is necessary to smooth it from the center in all directions, expelling air bubbles and excess glue. This operation is most conveniently performed with a plastic wallpaper spatula. Excessive force should not be used when pressing the tool so that the fiberglass does not tear (at this stage it is very vulnerable).

How to properly glue fiberglass strips

The next strip is glued next to the first with a slight overlap (it is immediately cut using sharp knife, removing unnecessary parts). For best quality It is recommended to additionally coat the joint areas with glue. As you glue the fiberglass, it is important to maintain the continuity of the process by gluing the sheets one after another.

The painting canvas has an inner and outer side - it is advisable not to confuse them. Outside usually rolled inside the roll (it is smoother to the touch).

After the entire ceiling is sealed, excess pieces of material are trimmed along its entire perimeter. Next, the entire area of ​​​​the laid canvas is covered with a layer of the same glue (it is usually diluted slightly). The fiberglass for putty should dry well (1-2 days).

Features of finishing

The painting cloth creates a unique texture on the surface of the ceiling: therefore, it is advisable to putty the fiberglass “cobweb” before painting. 1-2 layers of a soft gypsum solution (Satengypsum) or ready-made (acrylic) mixture are enough. Such a ceiling should be sanded very carefully, without exposing the fiberglass. As for painting, you can use regular water-based, acrylic or latex paint, which is applied with a fabric roller in two layers.

You can skip the putty, but for high-quality painting in this case you will have to use 5-6 layers, since fiberglass has significant absorbing characteristics.


Properly glued painting fiberglass guarantees excellent quality of the ceiling screed: cracks and chips will not appear on it even in conditions of strong vibration. Such a surface can be painted many times. The decision to use or not to use a “web” is influenced by the initial state of the rough foundation.

To save effort during the next repair on leveling the surface of a ceiling or walls with numerous small flaws, you can simply use fiberglass, the use of which is increasingly important when finishing and strengthening internal surfaces.

Painting fiberglass is a modern environmentally friendly pure material, which is created from mineral and organic resins. This is a continuous non-woven fabric without a pronounced pattern, which has enormous tensile strength. Painting fiberglass has fibers that are not intertwined, like glass wallpaper, but are simply glued together randomly, representing a homogeneous web of fiberglass threads located randomly.

Fiberglass, the price of which is quite reasonable, is often called fiberglass. And among the people such building material acquired the name “cobweb”, thanks to its pleasant and soft texture.

This building material is divided into several classes, according to its density (thickness). Now you can buy fiberglass with a density from 25 to 65 g/m2. Its density directly affects the cost: the thicker the canvas, the more expensive it is. Experts recommend choosing fiberglass for the ceiling with a density of about 25 g/m2 to guarantee a reliable and lightweight coating. But a material with a higher density is able to withstand more severe mechanical loads, inhibiting the appearance of cracks.

It is wrong to assume that cobwebs and glass wallpaper are the same material. Fiberglass wallpaper is a decorative roll covering made from fiberglass using the weaving method. And fiberglass is special material For wall covering, created by pressing glass fiber threads. Painting fiberglass canvas has a thinner, smoother surface than glass wallpaper. The web has no pattern, which makes it possible to color it an infinite number of times. Fiberglass, the price of which is at least 2 times less than the cost of glass wallpaper, is a 100% environmentally friendly material.

Among repair and finishing materials The repair non-woven fabric, which does not require puttying and can be applied with almost any paint, deserves well-deserved respect.

Fiberglass web: price, properties, advantages

If you buy the building material fiberglass, the repairman is guaranteed to receive an environmentally friendly finishing and reinforcing fabric approved for use in residential premises. Products from such manufacturers as Wellton (Finland), Spectrum (Holland, China), Oscar (Russia), Samtex (Sweden), etc. are very popular.

Ordinary fiberglass for painting, the price of which ranges from 500 rubles. up to 800 rub. for 1 roll (25 m2 or 50 m2) depending on the manufacturing company, most often it has a width of 1 m.

  • features increased fire safety
  • has heat, water and acid resistance
  • hypoallergenic, durable
  • Excellent leveling and finishing
  • allows for finishing work in rooms with high traffic levels due to high density

Modern oscar fiberglass made in Russia-Sweden is a fairly wear-resistant, strong material. It is almost impossible to damage the glued panel unless you cut it with some sharp object. Fiberglass Oscar comparatively inexpensive material, which can be painted with any type of paint with a consumption much less than when painting only a puttied surface. VVG, Oscar, Velton fiberglass can be re-painted.

Fiberglass painting web has the following advantages:

  • doesn't light up
  • not subject to corrosion
  • moisture resistant
  • “breathes”, allowing water vapor to pass through
  • does not cause allergic reactions
  • easy to clean
  • prevents mold growth
  • does not accumulate static electricity
  • does not attract dust
  • does not emit substances harmful to human health, etc.

TO important features When using fiberglass, it should be noted that small particles of glassy threads can seriously injure your hands when cutting. It is strictly forbidden to work with painting fiberglass without gloves. It is recommended to use eye and respiratory protection, as well as thick rubberized overalls, to prevent tiny glass “shards” from coming into contact with the skin, which can cause itching.

Fiberglass: use in repairs

Smooth fiberglass painting web is recommended for use in houses plastered or finished with plasterboard, effectively replacing finishing putty. The material is widely used on surfaces that are prone to cracking to prevent the appearance of small cracks and imperfections in the finish.

Fiberglass web additionally reinforces the surface of the wall or ceiling, making the base more durable. It is rational to use fiberglass when leveling slabs ceiling: fiberglass is glued to the ceiling when it is not possible to cover it with plasterboard.

When you don’t want to wallpaper the room embossed wallpaper, you can buy fiberglass, having previously prepared the surface for painting. In this case, the fiberglass painting serves additional means to strengthen the ceiling and walls. It is glued with a special ready-made glue, then it must be primed, puttied, and then painted.

Painting fiberglass can not be puttied, but only primed with a liquid glue solution, allowed to dry, and painted. But in this case, you will not only need a lot more paint, but also time, because you will have to paint at least 3 times, but you still won’t be able to paint it evenly with a roller.

Durable fiberglass web allows you to protect walls from the appearance of network-like or single cracks on the painted surface, which can appear from defects that appear on drywall, plaster or putty due to shrinkage or heating of the building. Often cracks appear on the painted base, which only happens if fiberglass is not used, the price of which is much less than the cost of new repairs.

The structural features and elasticity of the fibers of glass painting canvas allow it to withstand destructive changes, preventing their occurrence on the surface of the ceiling or wall. Fiberglass, the use of which depends on its main property – surface reinforcement, is used regardless of gluing “serpyanka” onto the joints of plasterboard sheets. Often, drywall in stores and bases is stored in improper conditions, collecting unnecessary moisture during storage, which after installation begins to evaporate and the structure begins to crack.

Fiberglass: how and with what to glue and paint

The process of gluing the panel to the wall begins with its preparation: the surface is cleaned of dust and dirt, processed large cracks. The answer to the question: “How to glue fiberglass?” simple enough. Gluing the “cobweb” is much easier than any wallpaper, because the glue needs to be applied only to the wall, and not to the canvas. Moreover, it is advisable to use special glue for fiberglass, for example, from Wellton.

Most often, the canvases are laid end-to-end and carefully leveled with a spatula. How to glue fiberglass that has received damage to its edges due to improper storage or rough transportation? Such a canvas can be safely glued overlapping, as when working on curved, broken surfaces, where you need to apply the coating in parts.

So, there is fiberglass, how to glue it correctly? The gluing technology or installation of fiberglass is quite simple:

  • rough filling of the surface is carried out using “Start” grade material
  • the ceiling is treated with a deep impregnation primer such as Ceresit, Condor primer
  • Special glue is applied to the walls (ceiling) with a roller or spatula
  • the first sheet is glued from the corner of the ceiling, it should be smaller than the surface area, slightly smoothed along the edge of the “joint” to improve the quality of the reinforcing material
  • glue is applied to the base with a slight approach to the just glued piece
  • the next part of the fiberglass is applied, slightly smoothed with a spatula in the area of ​​“overlapping” of the two canvases
  • a cut is immediately made between two sheets using a regular stationery knife
  • the cut parts of the lower and upper fabric are removed, and both parts are smoothed at the junction with a spatula
  • then the surface is primed with diluted glue (special primer)
  • after complete drying, the walls (ceilings) are puttied finishing putties, cleaned with N150 abrasive mesh, primed with the same primer
  • Now you can decorate the surface at your discretion: paint acrylic paints etc.

When gluing fiberglass, it is important not to miss a single millimeter of area so that the entire canvas is evenly saturated with the adhesive. Using a spatula, remove excess glue. It should be remembered that it is better to apply the glue in a not too thin layer, the most best option about 1 mm.

Important: drafts must be avoided until the material has completely dried.

Properly glued and successfully painted fiberglass painting web creates a perfect look smooth walls. Such material can be used as a basis for decorative plaster. If you follow the technology of working with the canvas, the canvas will reliably protect the ceiling or walls from cracks. Remains of glass painting material are disposed of along with construction waste.

Fiberglass: versatility of application

It is interesting to use glass interlining as an intermediate layer to ensure high-quality adhesion of polymer or vulcanized rubber roofing materials using bitumen mastics to the working surface.

So that such a coating has good adhesion of the waterproofing sheet and building structures, rubber or polymer fabric is duplicated on one side with fiberglass.

Painting fiberglass is also used in the manufacture waterproofing materials, in the production of floor and wall panels from PVC materials. The fabric is used as excellent anti-corrosion protection for pipelines, in the device drainage systems etc.

Multi-faceted fiberglass web ideally solves many problems that arise during DIY home repairs related to uneven walls and their minor defects. Its use will significantly increase the interval between repairs in the house, which will have a positive effect on the thickness of the wallet. Successful repairs to everyone!