Finishing the dressing room from a log frame, photos. Finishing the bathhouse inside: photos, stages of installation work and choice of materials. Everyone's favorite Finnish sauna

Construction of a bathhouse is a complex, expensive and long-term process. Interior decoration requires a special approach. Most of this work can be done with your own hands. It is necessary to carefully select finishing materials; the comfort of bath procedures depends on this. We will give tips on finishing, photos of the steam room, washing room and other rooms of the bathhouse inside.

The steam room is considered the most complex and demanding in terms of material selection. This is where the highest temperature and humidity will be. Taking this into account, it is necessary to choose finishing materials only from natural raw materials.

Plastic is definitely excluded from the list of possible options. In a steam room, it can cause serious harm to health. Tiles cannot be used for this room either. When heated, it can crack; touching a very hot ceramic surface can cause serious burns.

Steam room finishing

The most widely used material for finishing a steam room is wood. It is preferable to use only hardwood lining. Since the board is made of coniferous species Trees release resin when heated. Contact with it is very dangerous due to burns. For a steam room, it is better to choose one of the following types of wood:

  • linden;
  • ash;
  • birch;
  • alder;
  • maple;
  • aspen.

Advice. Although larch is a coniferous tree, it is excellent for cladding a steam room.

These tree species differ somewhat in properties, complexity of processing and appearance. Their cost and manufacturing technology also vary. finishing board and other parameters. But they are united by a number of important characteristics for a bath, such as:

  1. Resistant to hot steam and humidity.
  2. Uniform, moderate heating without the risk of burns.
  3. Hygiene.
  4. Practicality.
  5. Durability.
  6. Healing properties.
  7. Hypoallergenic.
  8. Durability.
  9. Decorative.

Never use synthetic materials for the steam room.

The quality of the steam room lining must be of the highest quality. It is advisable to select material without knots, defects and other natural defects. Processing the board is also very great value. Since the operating conditions of the room are characterized by serious loads, the lining should not swell at high humidity and not dry out when the bathhouse is not heated.

Do-it-yourself finishing of the washing room

The finishing requirements for a washing room are slightly less stringent than for the arrangement of a steam room. But although such high temperatures do not occur in this room, the humidity is always very high. Thus, finishing materials may not differ in heating characteristics without burns, but moisture resistance is a mandatory criterion. Experienced bath attendants advise to give preference to natural, environmentally friendly, breathable materials here too. Wood, such as lining, can boast of these properties good quality. But other materials are also often used, for example:

  • stone;
  • tile;
  • plastic.

Tiles in the washing room

Plastic finishing materials must be approached with extreme caution. They must be only of the highest quality, preferably certified. Because in a bathhouse, heated plastic can emit a far from pleasant odor, or even release toxins.

The choice of wood for finishing a washing room is much wider than for a steam room. Coniferous species can also be used here. The temperature in this room is no longer so high as to provoke the release of resin. Pine is one of the most affordable materials among its analogues. It has many advantages. For example, such wood contains phytoncides, which are very beneficial for health. The pine smell has a healing effect on the nervous system, heart, and lungs. But with intensive use of the bathhouse, pine lining may lose its decorative effect. Its pleasant color can darken.

What is the best way to decorate a relaxation room in a bathhouse?

When choosing the type of decoration for a given room, you can pay more attention to the design side than the practical side. Although, of course, the material must meet a number of requirements:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • aesthetics;
  • durability.

Rest room in the bathhouse

The floors in this room must be very well fitted so that they are pleasant to walk on barefoot. Russian tradition also involves the use of wood in the decoration of recreation rooms. But this is not prerequisite. You just need to remember that high air humidity remains in all rooms of the bathhouse, even in the rest room. Along with wood, you can give preference to the following materials:

  • porcelain stoneware;
  • decorative plaster;
  • natural stone;
  • glass wallpaper.

It is advisable to take care of the powerful ventilation. The rest room area should also have healthy air circulation. The very atmosphere of the room is designed in such a way that everything in it is conducive to relaxation and rest.

Advice. It is better not to use linoleum in the bathhouse. Despite its practicality, this synthetic material is capable of releasing harmful substances and quickly deteriorating at high temperatures and humidity.

Much attention should be paid not only to the decoration of the walls, but also to the ceiling. Must apply high-quality vapor barrier. The ceiling next to the stove is additionally insulated with a metal sheet.

When using wood as a finishing material, it is important to bring it into the room in advance. Preferably two days before the start of work. This simple technique will allow the lining not to swell so much at high humidity and not to crack when drying. While the material is curing, you can begin installing the sheathing. Most often it is made from 50 x 50 timber. But you can also use a metal profile. The standard pitch of the sheathing posts is 70 cm. It may vary depending on the finish used.

Installation interior decoration in the bathhouse

Important stage– thermal insulation. Neglect for the bath good insulation under no circumstances is it possible. A layer of waterproofing is also necessary. The direction of the lining can be either vertical or horizontal. The location of the sheathing should be perpendicular to the sheathing boards. It is recommended not to use regular nails for fastening. They can quickly rust and thereby ruin the appearance of the finish. It is better to purchase copper or brass nails.

Floors can be wooden, concrete, or less often tiles are laid. If any materials other than wood are used, gratings must be made to prevent burns and slipping. If you decide to use tiles, it is better to choose a glazed bath type that has a rough surface.

Advice. It is better not to make the bath floor out of oak boards. Although it is a very durable wood, it slips when wet. And under constant exposure to steam, it can become somewhat distorted.

Decorating a bathhouse with your own hands will save you significant money. And besides, you can be absolutely sure that everything is done with high quality, to your own taste and all the little details are taken into account. Fastening the lining usually does not cause any particular difficulties and does not require special knowledge and skills. This board has locks and fits tightly to each other.

Interior decoration of the bath: video

The traditional Russian bathhouse has a centuries-old history. While in enlightened Europe royal courts invented perfumes to mask the smell of unwashed bodies and died from lice, our man carried out a weekly washing ritual. Entire families went to the bathhouse mandatory on Saturdays. This day was not chosen by chance. On Sunday it was necessary to attend church in its pure form, and on weekdays the Russian person worked by the sweat of his brow from dawn to dusk and waited for Bath Day.

From history

Initially wooden building was primitive and they drowned it “black”. The stove did not have a chimney, so the inside of the wall was covered with a dense layer of soot. The interior of the bathhouse of those times left much to be desired, there was no question of any aesthetics, only functionality mattered. It was not very convenient to steam in such a room, but at that time there was no alternative. Over time, the buildings became more and more monumental. Stoves began to be equipped with chimneys, and the ritual of ablution became more and more complex and overgrown with traditions. For example, in each bathhouse, according to legend, there lived a special “brownie”: an always dirty lover of doing dirty tricks on those who did not butter him with a gift in time.

Despite the main purpose of the building - cleansing the body, people associated it with dirt. Icons were never hung here and fortune telling was carried out, which were considered unclean. The bathhouse was placed on the outskirts, as far as possible from the house: in vegetable gardens and “hollow places.” Requirements fire safety? Not at all, as a dirty building, the bathhouse should not have been in contact with the house. Utensils made from it were never brought into living quarters.

Steam rooms have become popular in Ancient Rome, whose citizens carefully monitored their appearance. On the ruins of the once great empire, the remains of these complexes have been preserved, which speak of high culture their creators. In Rome, baths were used not only for washing, but also for holding debates and lively conversations on political and philosophical topics. Now the baths have a modern look, and they work on their design no less than on the interior of the house. The building will become a real decoration summer cottage plot. A country house cannot do without this addition, pleasant in every sense. The bathhouse is usually built behind the yard near the recreation area: gazebos, summer kitchen, barbecue and garden. Unfortunately, combining this building with other structures into a single complex is prohibited by regulations that regulate the minimum distance between buildings on private property. A typical bathhouse is supposed to have three rooms:

  • Steam rooms;
  • Rest rooms or dressing rooms;
  • Wash room.

IN various designs the number of premises can be reduced or supplemented. For example, if there is direct access to a pond or swimming pool, then there is no need for a shower (washing) room. In summer you can take a dip in the cool water, and in winter you can organize a plunge pool in the ice. Some luxury options may have entire pool complexes inside. In this way, owners provide an alternative to hot “bathing.” On a site, a bathhouse can not only be a separate building, in some cases (small site), the owners, in order to save space, arrange a sauna in their basement, attic or ground floor. Before starting construction, the building design is prepared in advance. Since it is classified as a fire hazard, it would be useful to consult with professionals. Sometimes complex two-story structures are erected with a miniature fence, veranda, porch, toilet, billiard room and courtyard. To build such complexes, it is better to contact a professional designer-architect. He will prepare individual project. With their own hands they start construction of more than simple designs. So, let's try to sort out the types of baths, the features of their construction and common mistakes that novice decorators make.

Bath area

It depends on the size of the bath performance characteristics. If the area of ​​the room is calculated incorrectly, then a steam room that is too large will have to be heated for a long time, and the heat will quickly evaporate. When calculating the size of a building, they primarily focus on the steam room. This is the most important room, the rest are just its addition. You should take into account:

  • The number of people who will simultaneously visit the bathhouse.
  • Dimensions and features of the location of the furnace (outside or inside).
  • Fuel type. The best option For uniform heating of the room, a stove and firewood are still considered. However, some use gas and electric heaters, the operational capabilities of which must be comparable to the size of the bathhouse.
  • Number of shelf seats: follows from the first point.

The area also depends on the size of the plot. If the building is too dense, then the bathhouse will turn out to be small, since it must be located at a certain distance from other buildings. Most important nuance- financial capabilities of owners and construction budget. After all, the larger the bathhouse, the more the purchase of materials for it will deplete your wallet.

The optimal size for the average family is considered to be 5x5 (25 sq.m.). In such a building there is room for a medium-sized steam room, a fairly spacious dressing room and even a shower room for one person.

Sauna capacity

The capacity of the bathhouse is perhaps its main characteristic, which must be taken into account at the design stage when preparing the drawing. Layout, location of windows and doorways, communications - all this will be calculated later. The smallest barrel sauna can accommodate two or three people at the same time. Its dimensions on average vary from 2x2 to 3x3 and 3x4 meters. So that a family of four or an equally small company can relax in a bathhouse at the same time, a building measuring 4 by 4 meters is sufficient. 16 sq.m. refer to optimal sizes, which represent " golden mean": construction is not very expensive, and the premises do not resemble cramped closets. For a large number of visitors, spacious bathhouses 6X4 or 5X5 m are equipped. The buildings can have a square or rectangular shape. The steam room usually occupies the farthest place, and in front of it there is a relaxation room, dressing room and showers.

Types of baths

Almost every country has its own bath traditions. To an unaccustomed person, many of them may seem exotic. Each type of bathhouse creates its own unique microclimate. You can spend at least a whole day in some, while others recommend visiting no more than once a week due to excessively aggressive conditions that can negate the entire healing effect. The main types include:

  • Russian bath (steam sauna). Usually this wooden buildings either made of timber or decorated with rounded boards. Apart from their design and characteristic “scenery,” modern Russian baths bear little resemblance to their ancestors. Traditionally, their hot “heart” is the heater, but in lately Electric furnaces and gas heaters that are easier to operate are increasingly being used. The air in a Russian bath is hot, but humid. The human body tolerates such an environment with greater difficulty than dry steaming in a Finnish sauna. First, the stones with which the stove is lined are heated, and then water is poured onto them, which evaporates instantly. Traditionally, in Russian bathhouses, the steaming process is accompanied by “whispering” of birch brooms over the body. For greater effect, bunches of medicinal herbs are soaked in water: nettle, thyme, chamomile, celandine. IN winter periods the procedure is interrupted by “bathing” in snowdrifts or dousing ice water. It is recommended to heat a wood-burning stove with birch or alder logs.
  • Finnish bathhouse (sauna with dry air). This type has gained popularity in the West. The average room temperature can reach 100 degrees, and the humidity level does not exceed 20-30%. Thus, vaping occurs due to dry air. You can spend a lot of time in a Finnish sauna, but brooms cannot be used, as you can get severe burns. Based on size, this type of bathhouse is classified into mini-variants and “family” buildings. The first ones can be installed even in your apartment. Ready-made mini-baths are purchased in specialized stores.
  • Roman version. Their standard “equipment” includes two rooms: a tepidarium and a laconium. In one it’s just warm, and in the other the temperature reaches 70-90 degrees, and you can really sweat. Usually their visits alternate.
  • Hammam (dry air). You can sit in this oriental type of bathhouse for at least a whole day. The air is hot and dry, but the temperature is not increased above 50 degrees.
  • Ofuro (water bath). Steaming in barrels of heated water is actively practiced in Japan. Essentially it's just very hot bath unusual shape.

In addition to the above options, more exotic buildings are installed much less frequently: Egyptian sand baths (vertical and horizontal), Czech “beer baths”, Japanese sento (the same ofuro, but for the whole family), Swedish bastu, Indian temazcals, English ones made of hot stones, Moroccan and Indian (ancient) steam rooms.

The type of bath is chosen based on the permissible dimensions. A barrel bathhouse will fit in a small corner of the site, but a Roman washing complex will require a large area.

Interior styles

The style solution is a combination of external design(exterior) and interior decoration(interior). Unlike the design of an apartment or house, a minimum of furniture is used in a simple bathhouse. In the relaxation room, armchairs and sofas are replaced with spacious benches that are installed around the table. In the steam room, even less decor is used. The most common option is rustic style. This interior solution recognizes only simplicity bordering on primitivism. Untreated surfaces and the most “wild” look of the building - this is the calling card rustic style. For decoration, carvings are used that adorn the exterior of the house. Baths designed according to the principles French Provence, have a more elegant look. The decoration and surfaces are an imitation of antiquity. In such a room, the furniture is painted white, and the porch is decorated with a bench with a blanket and pillows in a cheerful flower pattern. Antique style belongs to the “ancient” trends: it managed to preserve its characteristics, having passed the test of time. For interior decoration, tiles are used, and the room is decorated with fountains and decorative columns that support the domed vault. You can use antique amphorae and figurines as a highlight of the interior. Country style is characterized by a touch of recklessness. Brickwork or its imitation (prohibited in the steam room), metal elements and untreated wood. The strict loft breathes with unobtrusive luxury. The dressing room and rest room are decorated in style: expensive carpets on the floor, pillows on the benches, multi-level lighting, perhaps even a bar counter. The chalet style came down to us from the Alpine slopes: it is simple but elegant. The situation prevails rough wood and wide windows, which creates an almost homely feel.

Finishing materials

In Russian baths, steam had a special healing effect due to contact with the interior decoration made of logs. Wood has “breathable” pores that emit a unique aroma when high humidity. For this reason, bathhouses are not built from coniferous trees, as they emit resin. It is not recommended to use for interior decoration artificial materials which can release toxins when heated: PVC panels and tiles, artificial stone, brick, MDF, and chipboard. The latter seem harmless, since they are based on waste from the woodworking industry, but the adhesive that holds the sawdust together can release harmful substances when heated. External walls are clad with clapboards. The interior is finished with thermolipa boards ( special material for baths) or a block house. The floor is laid with planks or tiles, and the ceiling is lined with clapboard. To required temperature regime has been preserved in the building for a long time, it is necessary to properly insulate it. For these purposes, three layers of different materials are used:

  • Vapor barrier. Foil insulation is used.
  • Mineral wool. Lightweight and non-flammable material.
  • Waterproofing film.

The resulting layered insulating “cake” is covered with finishing materials that perform a decorative function.


When organizing lighting in a bathhouse, it is necessary to take into account two main features of the microclimate of the building:

  • High humidity;
  • Elevated temperatures.

Moisture is considered a more dangerous “enemy” of wiring, as it can cause a short circuit in the network, which often causes a fire. Light bulbs, switches, wiring and distribution panels are selected from special options. In bathhouses, the entire lighting system must be qualitatively protected from the aggressive effects of the internal environment of the building. In the washing room and dressing room you can use ordinary light bulbs, but for the steam room you will have to purchase special sealed ones that will reliably protect the “insides” of the device. The lampshade and parting body must be waterproof. The lighting in the steam room should not be too bright, as this will not promote relaxation.

Steam room

The steam room is the central room of the bathhouse. The main healing process takes place in it and interior design usually begins with it. The furnishings in the steam room are modest. Main element furniture - benches. In primitive versions, they are placed around the perimeter of the steam room. In more complex interiors, multi-tiered compositions are made that allow the whole family to sit comfortably. The central position in the steam room is occupied by the stove, which is decorated to match the overall decoration.

The dressing room can be called a “waiting room.” A couple of benches, a closet or a separate fenced-off dressing room are installed here. His main task- preventing cold air from entering the steam room. It serves as a kind of intermediate zone between the street and main room. In the waiting room, people usually relax while waiting for the room to heat up or for their turn to visit. In more modest options with a lack of space, it is combined with a recreation room.

A bathhouse is a mandatory attribute of any country house or dachas. People relax there after a working day and spend holidays. How comfortable the pastime will be depends largely on the coziness and organic nature of the interior. The design of a bathhouse with a relaxation room inside can be made beautiful and cozy.

We analyze the best materials for finishing a bath

The finishing of this building is subject to increased requirements due to special conditions. Therefore, next we will consider the best options for designing different departments of the healing complex.

Features of the steam room finishing

The steam room is a room with special requirements for the materials used. This is due to high performance humidity and temperature. Therefore, this area must be finished with materials that can withstand such harsh conditions.

Remember the main thing: you cannot use pine boards. The fact is that when heated, they begin to release the resin contained in their structure. As a result, during bath procedures, hot drops will begin to fall on your head, which can lead to serious burns. Unpleasant streaks will also appear on the walls and ceiling. Hence the conclusion: you cannot use resinous wood. There are a number of other requirements for finishing a steam room:

  • The material must be moisture resistant and dry quickly. Only in this case it will not rot.
  • Have a smooth and even structure, that is, there should be no roughness or nicks on the wood. This is especially true for the finishing of shelves.
  • Low thermal conductivity. If the wood gets too hot, it can cause burns.

The best option is linden. Traditionally, Russian baths are decorated with this kind of wood. Lining made from it has zero resinity, low thermal conductivity, and its surface is easy to process. In addition, when heated, linden releases essential oils and a pleasant smell. This will make your vacation not only enjoyable, but also healthy.

What is the best way to decorate a dressing room?

Let us note right away that if the bathhouse is built from round logs, then it is better not to decorate it with anything, this will only spoil its natural appearance. If the building is made of other materials (laminated timber, brick, log house, cinder block type of construction), then it is advisable to make internal wall cladding.

Walls made of round timber in combination with wooden furniture will give the room a touch of antiquity and comfort.

Almost any materials can be used to decorate the dressing room. The best option is PVC panels. They are inexpensive and moisture resistant. Thanks to the variety of models, the room can be decorated in any style (for example, Provence or chalet). Moisture-resistant lining is also suitable.

For flooring it is better to use ceramic tiles. It tolerates high humidity and temperature changes well. It is unacceptable to use synthetic-based coatings (laminate, linoleum, etc.). When exposed to moisture, such materials quickly deform and begin to emit harmful fumes. The floor can be covered with wood after pre-treating it with an antiseptic.

Nuances of shower design

The best option for finishing a washroom (i.e. shower) is ceramic tiles. However, not everyone likes this design, because the main credo of the bathhouse is lost - environmental friendliness. Perhaps many people want to see wood trim in the room. But not every tree can be used in these conditions. The following breeds are allowed:

  • cedar;
  • abashi;
  • larch;
  • linden.

To make your sink creative, you can place the lining in different directions(vertically, horizontally and diagonally). However, this will require the ability to work with wood (you will need to cut boards at perfectly precise angles).

If you have the desire, and most importantly, the opportunity, it is best to turn the bathhouse into a full-fledged recreation area. The idea of ​​​​creating a terrace (in other words, a veranda) and a swimming pool is especially popular.

Features of creating a terrace in a bathhouse

The veranda does not have to have the right rectangular shape. The extension can be made in the form of an oval, semicircular or triangular structure. It will look beautiful and non-trivial. Such a building will become the highlight of the entire dacha. Conventionally, there are 2 types of bath terraces:

  • open - a small building with a roof, used only in the warm season;
  • closed - a full-fledged extension with windows, doors, thermal insulation, in which you can spend time even in winter.

If you give preference to the second option, it is advisable to make an attic or loggia on top (i.e. on the second floor). This is acceptable when allowed design features buildings (solid foundation, sufficient area, etc.).

It is not at all necessary to make the veranda from the same material as the bathhouse itself. The combination of brick and timber will look organic. Naturally, the best option is to build a terrace along with a bathhouse. However, if you think about building an additional building later, you will have to carry out the procedure of fastening the two foundations. Then the extension is made frame.

If you plan to downtime open veranda, it can be designed like a gazebo - railings trimmed with balusters. If necessary top part(i.e. above the railing) can be sheathed with a structure of slats arranged crosswise.

Example unusual design bath veranda. Making railings from bars is not only beautiful, but also cheap. They can be made from the remnants of lumber left over from the main

As for the arrangement, you don’t need to place a lot of furniture on the veranda. Availability is sufficient large table and benches (or chairs) on which guests can be seated. Pay attention to the insulation of the sockets: if the terrace is open, then when it rains, drops of water will get inside the room. So that they don't call short circuit, you need to purchase lockable sockets.

Features of the pool arrangement

Perhaps the most desirable extension for a bathhouse is a swimming pool. A sharp change in temperature has a positive effect on well-being (increases the immune system, causes the release of endorphins, etc.). We will highlight 3 types of sauna pools:

  • Ready external structure. We are talking about plastic products installed outdoors. This solution is the most economical. Depending on the size and manufacturer, the tank will cost 10-100 thousand rubles. In addition, it does not require much time for construction - it is enough to assemble the structure, it will only take a few hours.
  • Tip: if you have the proper skills, you can make a pool yourself from scrap materials, for example, from a barrel.

  • Outdoor monolithic pool. These are full-fledged structures, buried 1-2 m into the ground. But they are only suitable for warm climates. Therefore, they are not very popular in Russia (in most regions they can only be used for 3-4 months a year).
  • Closed type. The most optimal and at the same time expensive option. If the size of the bathhouse and financial resources allow, it is advisable to make a separate room with a swimming pool (usually it is combined with a steam room). So it can be used all year round(if heating and water heating are provided).

An example of the design of an indoor pool with mosaic tiles and slope under water. This style is bright, but it does not allow you to relax.

Regardless of the type of construction chosen, the pool must be located as close as possible to the steam room. Thus, people after hot bath procedures will be able to immediately cool down by jumping into cool water. It's better to cut through additional door from the steam room directly to the pool.

Bath interior design: the most interesting styles

Next we will consider the most interesting ideas for a bath with your own hands. Depending on your preferences and needs, this room can be decorated in different styles: Russian, Finnish, Turkish and others. Below we will talk in detail about each of them.

Features of a Russian-style bathhouse

The modern interior of a bathhouse in the Russian direction involves finishing with wood (lining, boards, etc.). The room is decorated with wood, additional accessories (shelves, furniture, etc.) are purchased. This style is distinguished by naturalness and environmental cleanliness.

The main component of the bathhouse is a Russian stove with a stone chimney, which can be decorated with special plaster or tiles (the most expensive option). Tables and chairs made of wood with carved elements, brooms on the walls, etc. will fit well into the interior.

Rustic (i.e. country) style is also distinguished separately. A feature of the premises is simplicity and practicality. Country music can be different, but common features can be identified:

  • light, polished furniture;
  • the presence of decorative elements made from natural materials;
  • cotton textiles;
  • decorating walls with ceramic tiles or eurolining.

It all depends on your preferences and needs. Having shown a little imagination, they design unique interior. Some in order to create more cozy atmosphere Instead of a stove, a fireplace is installed.

Everyone's favorite Finnish sauna

A Finnish sauna means a dry-type bath (humidity - no more than 25%), in which the air is heated by an electric boiler to 100-110 degrees. Due to the low humidity, heat is tolerated much easier than in a traditional Russian bath, which has a positive effect on the condition of the body.

A mandatory attribute of a Finnish sauna is wooden shelves. It is also advisable to take care of low lighting and the presence of thermometers.

Because of technological features Finnish sauna has a number of requirements for the design of such a room:

  • It is not recommended to use wood for finishing the floor, as it will quickly begin to rot. The best option is ceramic tiles laid on a concrete screed. This flooring will last for many years, even with constant use saunas.
  • Advice: it is better to use for the floor clinker tiles because it doesn't slip.

  • A pit for collecting water is required. The liquid must be discharged into a reservoir or sewer system through drain pipes. It is advisable to install the base with a slope of several degrees in the direction of the pit.
  • For cladding walls and ceilings, it is permissible to use eurolining, but only of high quality (grade 1). The requirements for wood are the same as in the case of a Russian bath.

A Finnish sauna requires a stove. You can use a regular heater - in most cases it is sufficient. However, the best option is an electric oven. It is safe, compact and functional.

Electric ovens are made of stainless steel and galvanized steel. Thanks to this it is achieved high level environmental friendliness of the premises. Such devices provide uniform and, most importantly, rapid heating of the air. The temperature is adjusted using the control panel. There are also models with an installed steam generator. Among the manufacturers, HELO and Sawo should be highlighted. Such stoves will cost a little more than their domestic or Chinese counterparts, but they are different high quality and increased functionality.

Turkish type of bath

Hamam is widespread not only in Turkey, but also in Iraq, Syria, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and other Muslim countries. The layout of this type of bathhouse resembles the human palm: a large central hall (serves as a relaxation room), from which several small rooms with different temperature conditions extend.

Interesting: the locker room in the hammam is called jamekian.

Luxurious hammam decorated with marble and black ceramics.

The central hall usually has high ceilings, and its vault is in the shape of a dome. It also has small windows. In the relaxation room, people relax and undergo massage treatments. TO architectural features hamam should be attributed:

  • Availability of pools with different water temperatures. Initially, hammams were built next to hot springs. Today thanks modern technologies there is no need for this.
  • Designer fountains. Such designs give the room an oriental charm and create a favorable atmosphere inside.
  • Wall cladding made of tiled mosaics in bright colors. This is the main visual feature of this type of bathhouse.

The construction of a hammam in a private cottage will cost a large sum (at least 10 million rubles). Therefore, such buildings are erected primarily for public use. However, you can style an ordinary bathhouse as oriental style by adding appropriate wall decoration and installing a small fountain.

If the bathhouse is of sufficient size, a room for relaxation is allocated in it. People relax there after visiting the steam room or shower. The comfort of the room depends on the interior of the room. Therefore, special attention should be paid to design.

Decor of a relaxation room in a bathhouse

There are no special requirements for the design of the rest room. However, in such a room it is necessary to provide the following elements:

  • hooks for bathrobes and towels;
  • rugs outside so guests can change their shoes comfortably;
  • cabinets or shelves for storing things (phones, wallets, etc.);
  • a mirror, preferably a full-length one, so people can clean themselves up.

This photo shows an example of the design of a relaxation room in Scandinavian style. His distinctive feature– calm tones and minimalism in the interior.

It is advisable to design the room in soothing colors so that guests can relax after bath procedures. It is not necessary to use the same finishing materials as when decorating the entire bathhouse. The main thing is that they have sufficient moisture resistance (for example, ordinary drywall will not work).

If the size of the room allows, the recreation room can be divided into several zones: kitchen, living room (area where tables and chairs are located), playroom (for children). In the case where it is assumed large number guests, it is advisable to create an area with sun loungers or a compact sofa in which you can lie down if a person is very tired after bath procedures.

Choosing suitable furniture

The list of necessary furniture depends on the size of the room. The standard ones include:

  • armchairs and sofas for relaxation;
  • tables for feasts;
  • wardrobe or shelves for storing personal items.

If you plan to have a kitchen, you will need a set (on which food will be prepared). To add additional comfort, you can equip the room with a fireplace (it’s easier to use an electric one).

To create a modern bathhouse interior with a relaxation room, you need a competent approach to design. Important to use quality materials, remember about functional features each room. Taking into account all the subtleties, you can create a room for good rest and recovery.

The main rule when laying the coating is to ensure the outflow of water from the bathhouse. Modern builders prefer wood or tiles. The work is not difficult; you can do it yourself. You can use several tips from professionals:

  • Before laying, the wood must be treated with an antiseptic, which will protect against the formation of mold and mildew;
  • during installation tiles choose grout with moisture-resistant properties;
  • Wooden grates can be laid on the floor, which should be dried after bath procedures. This will prevent slipping on wet surfaces.

Methods for installing heated floors in a bathhouse

Modern construction requires maximum comfort for people, including when constructing bath complexes. After all, this is not only an opportunity to take a steam bath, but also to relax. The need for the device arose when they began to be made of concrete, due to the fact that the service life is 3 times higher than that of wooden ones.

You can install both water and. Water ones require preliminary and connection to heating equipment. This is not always possible. Therefore, more often the choice is made in favor of the second system.

Electric floors are safe in bath complex. The system is mounted in a screed. You should first prepare concrete base. It is important to avoid mistakes during installation that will later be impossible to correct. Therefore, the work needs to be transferred to specialists.

You can do it yourself by laying additional thermal insulation from the following materials:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded clay;
  • felt;
  • polystyrene foam

To do this, you will need to pour 2 layers of concrete, between which thermal insulation should be laid.

Insulation and waterproofing of walls in a bathhouse

Steam rooms are a must. This will help save useful heat. You can use mineral wool, which is laid on the sheathing. But this is not recommended for stone or concrete walls, since an additional device will be required. The insulation needs to be cut with an allowance of about 5 mm. The joints must be secured after installation. mounting tape. Used as aluminum foil or plastic film.

The video below shows the process of interior finishing of the bathhouse.

The nuances of interior decoration with your own hands, clapboard baths

Lining is a favorite and often used material for the interior decoration of baths. Many people love the pine smell in a steam room, but the use of such species is not recommended. The maximum that is possible is to finish the dressing room with pine.

The following tree species are also suitable for lining:

  • cedar;
  • larch;
  • aspen;
  • linden.

You can lay the boards vertically, horizontally, or make patterns from slats. It is important to lay a foil layer of vapor barrier before work. If desired, the interior decoration of the bathhouse with clapboard can be done with your own hands using a herringbone pattern or, similar to parquet, using clamps. The gaps at the joints are covered with plinths.

Advice! For a steam room, you cannot use material with knots. Their density is higher than that of the array. When exposed to high temperatures they will fall out.

Interior and interior decoration of the bathhouse: photo gallery

Modern baths are a whole complex, the layout of which includes not only a steam room and a dressing room with a wash room, but also a font, a swimming pool, a relaxation room with a billiard room, and sleeping places. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the owners and personal preferences. Each of them is subject to special conditions when choosing finishing and filling with furniture:

  • The dressing room is intended for changing clothes, so keeping warm in it is especially important. In addition, the conditions should be comfortable; for this purpose, furniture and clothes hangers should be considered;
  • The steam room is a place for relaxation and enjoyment. The main requirement for materials is environmental friendliness and safety;
  • For finishing the washing area, choose practical materials that are resistant to high humidity.

Let's take a closer look at their selection with a photo selection of the interior decoration of each bathhouse room.

Steam room design in a bathhouse

The steam room is the main room of the bathhouse. As a rule, she small size, which causes certain difficulties during registration. The filling should be stylish, inexpensive and simple, leaving an area for steam to circulate.

For walls and floors, it is optimal to use linings as finishing materials. These are the most environmentally friendly clean materials In addition, they have natural thermal insulation. The ideal option is linden; it is not exposed to high temperatures and retains its pristine purity for a long time. You can combine stone finishing with wood or. For finishing the oven ideal option– natural or artificial stone, brick.

Advice! Coniferous species are not suitable for a steam room due to their increased resin content. You cannot use chipboard, fiberboard, or linoleum as they are toxic when exposed to high temperatures.

Furniture for the steam room should be strong and well polished. Should be installed on the ceiling spot lighting. We suggest you take a look beautiful photos finishing of the sauna inside.

Interior of a wash room in a bathhouse

The wash room can be a separate room in the house or combined with a steam room. In this case, wood finishing is acceptable. High temperatures kill mold. If the washing room is located in a separate room, you should consider exhaust system. With good air circulation, you can choose coniferous species for finishing that are resistant to high humidity.

Advice! Synthetic materials that emit toxic substances should not be used for washing.

Tile is an excellent material for finishing in conditions of high humidity. It is durable, practical, easy to care for. Besides, great variety textures and patterns allows you to choose interesting solutions. In the washing room it is necessary to provide for the installation of shelves, benches or sun loungers. You can put a wooden grate on the floor.

For a modern person, a bathhouse is a place of rest, communication with friends, relaxation, and only then, although this is no less important, a place for hygiene procedures. Bathhouse is great way psychological relief, it improves sleep, normalizes blood pressure, and removes toxins. Neither shower combination cabins nor jacuzzi and other plumbing delights with all the technical progress are unable to shake the wide popularity of the bathhouse.

Interior design options for a bathhouse

The classic version of the bathhouse consists of only three rooms: a locker room (dressing room), shower room (washing room) and steam room, although in a traditional Russian bathhouse the washing room and steam room can be combined. Everything else - swimming pool (font), relaxation room, toilet, game rooms (billiards), smoking room, kitchen - this is a matter of personal preferences and financial capabilities of the owners. Interior modern bathhouse– this is a flight of imagination of the designer, adjusted for the specifics and features of the bathhouse.

But still, the most popular decoration remains in the traditional Russian style - laconic, restrained, without pomp, even a little puritanical, antique utensils, massive table, beds and benches. Add a little modernity TV or billiards.

When decorating a bathhouse in an antique style, in the dressing room (rest room) you can emphasize embroidery, forged elements, decorate wooden household items and utensils with carvings, decorate the walls with various brooms - birch, oak, and bundles of aromatic herbs.

When finishing a bathhouse with your own hands, you can consider such an option as bath house. More precisely, the use of a bathhouse as a guest house, when the rest room (dressing room) turns into a bedroom. At the same time, guests receive their own, albeit temporary, living space, without embarrassing the owners and at the same time feeling more relaxed and comfortable. And the owners do not have to sacrifice their own habits and comfortable accommodation. To do this, it is worth considering the installation of a sofa that can be transformed into a full-fledged sleeping place.

Finishing the bathhouse inside: selecting materials

For interior decoration, materials must meet the following conditions:

  • resistance to temperature changes, immunity to high temperatures, high humidity and water ingress
  • safety – does not cause allergies or burns upon contact with human skin, absence of toxins released from materials in the heat
  • hygiene - the material should be easy to wash without reacting with household chemicals
  • durability and strength
  • aesthetics and decorativeness, the finish should be non-irritating and pleasing to the eye.

In this regard, a tree that meets all the specified requirements, is absolutely environmentally friendly, and has aromatherapy properties is almost ideal (especially for a Russian bath). The main thing is to choose the right type of wood for each room.

Steam room

Only hardwood is suitable for finishing the steam room. Such wood does not heat up (you cannot get burned), does not emit resins, and also, which is very important, even with a little ventilation it dries quickly, preventing fungus from developing:

  • linden is attractive in appearance, does not darken over time, it is characterized by low heat capacity and density: it warms up quickly, but you cannot get burned when touched. When heated, it releases an unobtrusive, delicate, pleasant aroma. It is quite common, therefore it has affordable price, especially in the southern regions
  • aspen is a traditional material for steam rooms in the northern regions. Durable wood, difficult to split or splinter, has bactericidal properties
  • alder is aesthetically attractive, pleasant to the touch, resistant to hot and cold water, steam and condensate, washing solutions (acid, alkaline), easy to process
  • abash is just beginning to gain popularity, a tree native to the African tropics. This type of wood is especially good for making shelves - even in very hot conditions, it practically does not heat up, maintaining a temperature close to the temperature of the human body. Does not darken under the influence of steam, water and temperatures

Wood cannot be painted or varnished, no matter how high quality they are - when heated, they will give off an unpleasant chemical smell. When installing, the screws (nails) must be deeply recessed and closed at the top - otherwise, when they heat up, they can cause burns. The lining should be filled vertically - drops of water formed during condensation will drain faster. To protect the joint gender and the walls are installed with high plinths made of waterproof material.

Wood, as a material, is beautiful in itself, which makes it number one on the list for finishing a steam room