Brutalist kitchen. The most masculine style is brutalism. Raw texture and shape of wood

Brutality is a word that has firmly entered the vocabulary of a modern person, and this is on condition that many people do not know the meaning of the word. In fact, brutality is rudeness, masculinity, strength. All this is harmoniously and fully combined in the interior in the style of brutalism. Of course, you might think that this is an exclusively male, bachelor design option that will not suit everyone.

Of course, you need to know the secrets of creating decor in this style. Only in this case will it be possible to fully reflect brutalism in the interior and do it efficiently and as efficiently as possible.

Brutal interior chic or what to look out for?

Brutalist interior: general mood

Brutalism arose in the middle of the last century, as a reflection of military events taking place in the world. Most often, brutalism is almost completely devoid of decorative elements, restrained and calm. At the same time, if a person lacks some kind of "peppercorn" in the interior, he can always add unusual and bright shapes for furniture.

The most popular and elementary materials, such as glass, stone, wood, are used as decoration materials. All this together creates an inimitable image that reflects the brutalist style in all its unforgettable features.

Perhaps this is a limited style that is difficult for a non-professional to work with, and yet, brutalism is a complete reflection of its time. That is why modern people like it so much, because brutalism is somewhat similar to minimalism, which is now very popular with customers, owners of residential premises.

Interior in the style of brutalism: selection of furniture

Furniture should fully reflect the mood of this style. If it was said above that brutalism is a style that originated after the war, then it is not at all necessary to select decorative elements that correspond to the post-war mood.

Most often, the furniture in the house is rectangular, standard shapes, without originality and extravagance. This style is too sensitive to everything original, and with such things it can be easily spoiled. It is also great if the furniture is black, white or brown. Standard colors are another sign of this. You should not think in advance about the selection of the most unusual and striking options, since they will look completely irrelevant.

Furniture, as well as decorative elements, should be kept to a minimum. At the same time, even if the furniture looks ordinary at first glance, it should attract maximum attention and seem unique and unrepeatable.

Brutalist interior: color variations

It has already been emphasized above that in terms of color variations this style is not very conducive, because it is sometimes very difficult to work in it even for professional designers. Most often, experts recommend decorating brutalism in the interior in bright colors, because then it will look optimally attractive, and at the same time, the style concept will not be damaged. Of course, it is difficult to work only with light colors, so a person can pick up small bright inserts that will help divert attention to themselves.

In fact, brutalism fits perfectly into the concept of modernism of the 50s. Here, attention should be paid rather not to the color schemes in the interior, but to the squareness and roughness of the forms in terms of furniture. In this case, it will be possible to make the design simply unforgettable and fully attractive, despite the limited color range.

Brutalist interior: lighting solutions

Like most styles in the interior, this option requires intensive work with light. It is great if a person arranges furniture so that it is close to the window and is well lit.

It is also worth thinking about the correct selection of lamps and other lighting elements. In no case should they be too extravagant and unusual. Brutalism similar to minimalism, which requires the selection of the most elementary lighting fixtures. It is necessary to select lamps of the same rectangular shapes and light shades. They will look just great, complementing the image of the whole house and the interior as a whole.

It is possible that such a style as brutalism is not suitable for everyone and not every person who wants to change their interior for the better. That is why you should carefully work with the details and pay attention to every little thing and to all the features of the decor. Only in this case it will be possible to achieve a full and high-quality result.

Most orders in the style of brutalism, of course, come from bachelors who are happy to choose this option for decorating their home. And yet, women may also like this style, because it has more advantages than disadvantages, and working with it is very easy and simple, especially if you carefully study all the nuances before that.

It is good if a person is familiar with neo-brutalism, because it is also popular, but differs significantly from brutalism in the formation of many details.

The search for non-standard solutions and more modern ideas in design leads to a young trend called brutalism. But in order to create a room in office or in such an extraordinary style, some courage and special taste preferences are needed. For whom is such an unusual design suitable and what are its features?

Characteristic features of brutalism in the interior

The direction originated in Europe after the Second World War and at first belonged to architecture. The destroyed buildings required restoration as soon as possible, so it was not possible to devote much time to work. So in the 50s of the last century, a style reflecting military events came into fashion.

The founder of brutalism in design is considered Paul Evans who used rough metal to create furniture. At first glance, the brutalism style is similar to the loft: the same rudeness, simplicity and deliberate imperfection.

However, brutalism is interesting due to the combination of warm ocher tones with large unfinished surfaces. Brutalism style is characterized by:

  1. The monumentality of the materials used, including metal, wood and concrete.
  2. Spacious interior and high functionality of each decor element.
  3. Straightforwardness and simplicity with deliberately rough forms, devoid of all sorts of frills and decorations.

Obviously, the pronounced masculine character of the direction will appeal to strong, purposeful natures. The main concept of brutalism is sculptural and strict lines. The exposed texture of raw concrete is a kind of contrast with bourgeois trends.

Finishing materials for brutalism or loft

The peculiarity of finishing when creating brutalism lies in the absolute "honesty". I.e Brick wall does not hide behind a smooth and even layer of drywall. Reality should not be embellished; style is characterized by a reflection of reality in full. All structures in the room are specially weighted, becoming more massive and significant. Therefore, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room should correspond to this direction.

Important! It should be borne in mind that small rooms will not be able to provide the space that the style requires. In addition, large decor items will look bulky..

The exposed texture in the form of open brickwork is used for wall decoration. will look like a more glamorous option, and the character of the style will not be fully conveyed. Concrete is also often used for both walls and floors. Polished concrete pavement can be decorated carpets in identical gray or black shades maintaining a cold atmosphere.

Wood and metal will help to complement the image, which add a touch of ocher and enhance the color and texture contrast. Metal frames, smooth surfaces and glass harmoniously build the style of the room. Recommended for cold gray shades of concrete add copper elements, contrasting brutality with glamour.

Advice! Concrete or brick walls are most appropriate in the kitchen or hallway. Perfect for flooring tile.

Furniture and colors in the style of brutalism (photos and examples)

Furniture, like all other design components, must fully convey the general idea. Spaciousness and visual lack of comfort require a minimum amount of furniture.

Important! There should be nothing superfluous - complete asceticism and only the most necessary.

Upholstered and cabinet furniture of straight and strict forms without the slightest hint of frivolous decoration with frills or ruffles. Built-in design is perfect. Compactness and practicality is focused on achieving the effect of inconspicuous presence. The main rule when choosing is natural textures and natural materials.

Similar to finishing, a combination of materials is used, for example, metal with wood for cabinets and glass with concrete for countertop. The color palette is concise and neutral. In this style, furniture is not used for color accents, so when choosing a shade, you need to take into account the complete fusion of all objects with the decoration of the room.

As a rule, the decoration of walls made of concrete or brick sets a certain color for the entire interior. It is not surprising that in most rooms, made in the style of brutalism, prevail. Naturalness and neutrality are welcomed. You can make a bright contrast by highlighting one wall with a lighter shade to bring freshness to the interior.

Brutal style began to take shape in post-war Britain. The formation of the style covers the period from the 50s to the 70s of the last century.

Theorists describe brutalism as a direction of "post-war modernism". The name "brutalism" is derived from the French words, which means "raw concrete".

The founders of brutalism were the British architects Smithsons. They tried to express the entire complexity of the post-war world in new compositional solutions, to derive strict poetic forms from powerful structures. Brutalism opposed the ideology of mass production and consumption.

The ideas of brutalism have spread in European and Scandinavian countries, America and Canada, Japan and Russia. Among our compatriots, the architect Igor Vinogradsky was known for his works in the field of brutalism.

An example of architectural brutalism in St. Petersburg is the building of the Rus Hotel on Artilleriyskaya Street.

Canons of style

The brutal style is characterized by straightforward forms and sharp compositional solutions. Brutalism style was formed as a result of the search for new expressive means. Brutalism is characterized by plastic rough forms, pronounced textures, local colors. Brutalism cultivates the functionality of the elements.

The goal of brutalism is to maximize the use of all the resources of the room and minimize the amount of detail. The principle of "honesty of materials" implies that textures and surfaces are not processed and decorated. Communication pipes are put on public display.

The interior in a brutal style is characterized by clear planning solutions, strict symmetrical compositions, and monumental structures. The main materials in brutalism are concrete, brick, stone. A rough wooden board, microcement or porcelain stoneware are suitable for finishing the floor.

The color palette is restrained, the introduction of one "bright spot" is allowed. Furniture in a brutal style is massive and concise, tends to primitive forms, is not subjected to unnecessary decoration. Lighting is predominantly natural through large windows.

Decor elements

The founders of the style deliberately abandoned embellishments and showed concrete walls. The rejection of decoration has become an independent artistic device. The interior maximizes the possibilities of texture in its original form.

Decorative meaning is attached to the structural elements of the building, for example, floor beams, water supply and heating pipes. In a brutal interior, gadgets and a stack of scientific journals will look good.

The nature of the style

A brutal interior is chosen by ascetic and rational natures. Brutalism chooses truth and fidelity to natural beauty. The interior of the apartment in a brutal style is ideal for a bachelor. Emphatically rude and independent, the style acquired masculine features. Brutal style is a concise, clear and rational solution for a modern interior.

The embodiment of the idea

Brutal style is embodied in. Separate elements of brutalism are used to create . Actual directions for repair and design are the decoration of offices of large companies and the repair of real estate in the . SK repair in St. Petersburg provides a comprehensive service - with.

♦ Heading: .

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The direction, based on a radical rejection of decor and uncompromising "honesty" of expressive means, requires strict asceticism and fidelity to natural simplicity from its followers.

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On the picture:

Brutalism and new brutalism (neo-brutalism) is a trend in design and architecture that originated in England and developed in the 1950s and 1970s. last century. The term "brutalism" comes from the French betonbrut (raw concrete) and was coined by the creators of the direction - English architects Alison and Peter Smithson.

Pictured: Smithson, Peter (1923-2003) and Alison (1928-1993)

Neo-brutalism as a trend of post-war modernism arose in an era of rapid construction of apartment buildings and industrial enterprises, quickly spreading from England around the world.

Today, in its pure form, neo-brutalism is not common, but some of its elements are successfully used in modern eclectic interior design and especially lofts.

. Ascetics and rationalists who value simplicity and clarity.

. Fanatics of purity and bachelors who do not want to spend extra time cleaning up. In strict interiors in the neo-brutalism style, devoid of decor and small details that collect dust, general cleaning will take half an hour.

. Uncompromising purists despising sentimentality and embellishment.

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On the picture:

Elements of neo-brutalism are especially often used in the design of lofts.

Finishes and materials

open structures. Based on the principle of "honesty of materials", on which brutalism insists, decorative coatings are the same or not much different from the material of the structures themselves. Concrete walls, beams and ceilings, brick walls are not hidden under layers of drywall, but they can be covered with colorless varnish.

Wooden frames, rafters and steps, metal frames emphasize the harsh character of the interior. Glass and sheet metal elements help to emphasize the juxtaposition of textures (an individual image is built on this): for example, one partition is made of frosted glass, and the wall next to it shows rough brickwork.

New high-tech materials. For example, plywood with a special waterproof impregnation can be used to cover the walls, floor and ceiling in the bathroom. Microcement, porcelain stoneware, self-leveling floor, solid board are optimal as floor coverings.

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On the picture:

Microcement, porcelain stoneware, self-leveling floors are welcome as flooring in neo-brutalism interiors, and concrete walls are often not lined with other material, but simply varnished.

Color spectrum

natural colors. From the predilection for open surfaces follows the selection of colors. It is dominated by natural colors: shades of gray concrete, brickwork - or white, painted in black (rarely white) beams, pipes, as well as stainless metal. Blots of color are allowed to better "reveal the volume", for example, one wall can be painted red.

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On the picture:

The color scheme of neo-brutalism is dominated by the natural colors of building materials - such as shades of gray concrete and red brickwork.


Simple, strict and functional. Neo-brutalism is limited to the bare necessities. Most of the items are built-in and merge with the walls. Free-standing objects have deliberately elementary and rough forms, massive and solid. Preference, as in designs and finishes, is given to natural textures and textures. The tabletops look like boards laid on the surface of the table, the bed is just a low podium, the bedside tables are prismatic “boxes”.

The contrasts of different materials, the juxtaposition of their expressive possibilities, the combination in the "architecture of small forms" are expressed in such combinations as a cast concrete worktop base covered with glass, or a wooden cabinet with metal doors.

Color accents are created selectively, usually limited to one or two colors - say, a sofa and armchairs with yellow upholstery, a purple carpet.

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On the picture:

Rough forms, massiveness and simplicity of designs characterize furniture in the style of neo-brutalism.

Accessories and light

Plenty of natural light essential to neo-brutalism. Sunlight enters the interiors through large windows in the walls and ceiling. It is living light that is delegated the main decorative role: the play of chiaroscuro on a concrete wall becomes an object of contemplation.

For artificial lighting, lamps on suspensions, ceiling lamps made of glass and metal, as well as plastic are used. The forms are simple - prismatic, spherical or resembling plates. A chandelier in the form of a large light bulb, as well as long tube lamps suspended on cables, are very organic for this style. The so-called "industrial" lighting is less commonly used: railing lamps, "office" lamps.

Examples of lamps in the form of lamps in the style of neo-brutalism.

Technical elements as decor. A corrugated exhaust duct, cast-iron radiators, piping and exposed beams make up for the lack of showcases with souvenirs and art objects. A stack of books and a useful ingenious gadget will replace an exhibition of figurines and photos on the shelves.

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View from the hall to the living room and kitchen. Sofa, Minotti. Side tables, Walter Knoll. Floor lamp, Zeitraum. Interior doors with hidden boxes are made to order according to the sketches of architects. The floor is Chaletino oak plank by Boen.

“From the very beginning, my customers and I jokingly dubbed this project the “Magic World of Concrete”. That was the name of the book that dad read in the Peppa Pig cartoon, the architects laugh. “The owners of the apartment are a young family with a child, so this reference was close to both parties.”

A four-room apartment with an area of ​​170 square meters is located in a new building, where the customers invited architects at the stage of buying real estate. “This is a very practical approach, in the future it allows both architects and clients to avoid many problems,” Alexander and Anna note. - Especially considering the aesthetics of minimalism we have chosen. This style implies close attention to the play of textures, the amount of natural light and the logic of the layout and puts forward rather high requirements for the initial parameters of the room.

“Between ourselves, from the very beginning, we called this project “the magical world of concrete”
Kitchen, Eggersmann. Leather sofa, Walter Knoll. Accessories, Michael Verheyden. Bar stools, Piet Boon. The floor is Chaletino oak plank by Boen.

The laconic and maximally functional layout is made taking into account the preservation of the panoramic view from all points of the apartment. At the same time, everything superfluous is removed from sight. Interior doors, for example, have built-in boxes, which visually merge with the wall. Luxurious leather paneling draws attention in the living room. It turns out that they are sliding and hide a home theater behind them. The effect of textures is enhanced by architectural lighting on tracks with spotlights.

Dining room. Glass table with metal I-beams and concrete base, Roche Bobois. Chairs, Piet Boon. Leather sofa, Walter Knoll. Pendant lamp, Stéphane Davidts. Textile, de Le Cuona and Loro Piana. Kitchen, Eggersmann. Vases, Michael Verheyden.

“Even at the concept stage, the customers and I determined that the main color would be gray, and the leading material would be concrete,” Krause continues. - Therefore, the color scheme of the interior is all shades of gray, and the textures imitate concrete and traces of wooden formwork. By the way, one of the most difficult moments of the project was the desire to achieve a realistic concrete effect from the decorative coating. Architecture is primary for us, straight lines, thoughtful lighting and brutal forms are very important to us.”

View from the kitchen to the living room. The kitchen island, Eggersmann, is completely finished in granite. Sliding leather panels hide the home theater screen. Decorative painting with concrete imitation is applied not only to the ceiling, but also to the speaker boxes. Architectural lighting on tracks with spotlights enhances the play of textures. Sofa, Minotti. Side tables, Walter Knoll. Floor lamp, Zeitraum.

However, this does not mean at all that only micro-concrete and decorative plaster were used in the interior design. The already mentioned natural leather, metallized panels, wood, natural stone became a logical addition to them. The huge kitchen island looks monolithic due to a single granite cladding. The bathroom, entirely lined with marble, seems to be carved from a single piece of stone.

The design of the second bathroom is built on a combination of natural stone and concrete. Mixers, Vola. The master bathroom is completely lined with marble. Mixers, Vola.

In the bedroom, bronze wall paneling is paired with rough concrete that retains traces of timber formwork. But don't believe your eyes. Upon closer inspection, this concrete turns out to be warm-to-the-touch wallpaper from a Dutch brand known for its incredible photo print quality. “Thanks to these wallpapers, as well as wool and linen of the most delicate dressing, the brutal interior of the bedroom turned out to be very cozy and complex in color,” say the architects. - As for furniture, we chose objects of simple, straight shapes, but complex colors and textures. One of the most unusual items was a French table with metal I-beams, massive concrete legs and a thin glass top hovering above them.

Hall. All interior doors with hidden frames are made to order according to the sketches of the architects. The floor is Chaletino oak plank by Boen. Bedroom. Wallpaper, NLXL, imitates concrete with traces of wooden formwork. The bronze wall panels are made according to the sketches of the architects. Pendant lamp, Zeitraum. Bedspread and pillows, de Le Cuona.

In this project, we managed to implement a large number of exclusive solutions, according to our sketches, doors, a shelving sheathed in leather, metallized panels, decorative concrete, which even finished home theater speakers, were made according to our sketches. But most importantly, we managed to assemble this interior not so much due to furniture and decor, but due to the textures and architectural lines of the interior space. As a result, The Magical World of Concrete turned out to be really magical and not at all boring.”

Architects Alexander and Anna Krause, ,, @krauzearch

Hanging rack, Lago.