Hide the pipes in the bathroom with plastic panels. How to close the pipes in the bathroom - the easiest and most effective ways to disguise. Find out which pipes can be hidden

July 31, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and outdoor decoration(plaster, putty, tile, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, repairs in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all necessary types works.

I will say right away that the piping scheme in the bathroom can only be fundamental, since it directly depends on the size of the room, the number and types of plumbing units, as well as on the combination or separation of the room. But, nevertheless, there are certain principles for the installation of water supply and sewerage, which should be observed in any circumstances.

I will try to tell you now how this is done, and for clarity of information, I suggest you watch the video in this article.

Sewerage and plumbing

2 ways to mask pipes

There are two common ways masking pipes and that's first of them:

  • since you can lay the pipes in the bathroom right along the wall, fixing them with brackets, then hide them under ceramic tiles it will not work until you close them with drywall;
  • and here there may be fundamental differences - the fact is that wall cladding with drywall implies a crate, under which, in fact, pipes will be hidden. And such an arrangement requires space, that is, reduction usable area premises;
  • the minimum distance that will be moved away from the wall is 27 mm, now add to this the thickness of the moisture-resistant sheet 12 mm, the thickness of the wall tile 4-9 mm and the adhesive layer 5-6 mm. As a result, you will get at least 5 cm of loss on each side of the bathroom, and in some cases this may be an unacceptable luxury;
  • but here you can make another decision - use the same drywall, but only in certain places. That is, make vertical and horizontal boxes and lay water supply and sewerage in them at the same time;
  • the disadvantage of this method is that the hidden piping to the faucet in the bathroom is this case will be carried out by chasing so that you can hide them under the tile.

  • under drywall, pipes are usually fixed with brackets, although I do this with perforated hangers - the installation price is less, and the strength is higher;
  • but here it is important to fix the end fitting - this can be done with a water socket or a clamp- on the top photo both options are shown;
  • for the faucet, you need the edge of the fitting to be flush (± 2-3 mm) with the tile, so it is best to use a clamp in such cases, anyway, I always do this.

The second way is as follows;

  • in the wall with the help of a grinder with diamond disc and a puncher, a strobe is made, that is, two lines are cut to the width of the groove. Then middle part removed with a puncher or even with an ordinary hammer and chisel;
  • the depth of the strobe, as a rule, should correspond to the diameter of the pipe - for plumbing it is 20 mm (PPR), and for sewerage 50 mm (PVC);

The principle of fixing pipes: brown the wall is indicated, the strobe is gray, the pipes are red. White - suspensions, cross - screws

  • in order to fix the pipes in the strobe for subsequent plastering, it is best to use metal perforated tape hangers;
  • pay attention to the diagram above - you just press the pipes with a hanger, and fix the hanger with screws and dowels;
  • the distance between the hangers can be set arbitrarily - it depends on the urgent need and is intended only to hold the pipeline at the time of plastering.


Laying pipes in the bathroom begins with the wiring of the sewer at the place of installation of plumbing units. This is due to the fact that the diameter of the pipes in this case is larger than the water pipes and, by solving the issues of their disguise, you simultaneously prepare the ground for hiding the water supply.

Table of optimal and minimum slope for sewer pipes

Let's start with the fact that the sewer needs a slope, regardless of how the pipeline will be installed. For internal wiring, you may need only two diameters from those indicated in the upper table - 50 mm and 100 mm.

Although 100mm pipe is usually used for either riser or outdoor. There is no diameter of 32 mm in the table, but it is used for dishwashers and washing machines, where the drain is forced, therefore, if technically necessary, you can even allow a counter slope.

The order of installation of different nodes is indicated in the upper diagram, but this is for an apartment. And in a private house, where the bathroom may exceed the size of the living room, this principle may change.

In addition, you may need to connect a dishwasher or washing machine and the tie-in of these units can be done in any place suitable in your situation. But tie-ins can be avoided - for bathtubs, cubicles, sinks and sinks, siphons with an additional outlet are sold (in the photo above it is indicated by an arrow).

To be honest - for me the most difficult thing in installing a sewer in an apartment is dismantling a branch from a fan tee - it can be a tee with a reduction or just an extension. It is quite difficult to remove this fitting - it is located in the socket and is sealed cement mortar, tow, tar and so on.

And if we add to this caked sludge with corrosion, then the seal there is excellent - created by time.

Some remove such taps with a burner - they heat the joint red-hot so that all organic matter in the seal zone burns out, and then they are removed by scrolling and loosening. Personally, I am against this method, because:

  1. firstly, the smells from the sewer will spread not only in this apartment, but in the neighbors;
  2. and, secondly, it takes time for the metal to cool, and this is at least 20 minutes.

I prefer to pull out the seal with an old chisel - there are less smells and you get the result faster - I usually do this job in 20-30 minutes, although in some cases it can take more than an hour.

In this situation, it is very important not to damage the funnel tee socket - otherwise, you will have to change it. But in order to replace it, it is necessary to disassemble the riser. This is impossible to do, then you will have to replace part of the riser or even the entire pipe, from top to bottom (replacement of the riser in old houses is necessary - the instruction provides for its operation for no more than 50 years, but it is not always possible to agree with neighbors).

Water pipes

Approximate plumbing scheme in the bathroom: marked in blue cold pipe, and red - hot

Now let's figure out how to run pipes in the bathroom for cold and hot water supply and for this we will use the most popular one (it's also the best for household services) material - polypropylene (PPR). Docking here takes place by welding with a special soldering iron, but we will not focus on this (only in passing), since this is a topic for a separate article.

To clear my conscience, I’d better give you a table that shows the depth of pipe insertion into the fitting and the holding time. Compliance with these rules ensures good cross-country ability and one hundred percent (!) Reliability of docking.

Section (mm) Weld seat depth (mm) Heating time (sec) Cooling time (sec)
20 14 to 17 5-6 2-3
25 15 to 19 6-7 3-4
32 16 to 22 8-9 4-5
40 18 to 24 12-13 5-6
50 20 to 27 18-19 6-7
63 24 to 30 24-25 7-8
75 26 to 32 30-31 8-9
90 29 to 35 40-41 9-10

Soldering depth and time depending on dimensions

In addition (I will not give the tables), the PPR pipe is divided according to the wall thickness and the presence of a reinforcing layer. So, if PN-10 and PN-16 do not have aluminum foil, then it is present in PN-20 and PN-25. Therefore, such a marking indicates the possibility of application for hot water and heating.

And here, again, doubts may begin to overcome you, because, in fact, any of these markings can be used for domestic needs, distributing them into a hot and cold sector.

In such cases (you will have to trust my experience) it is best to use PPR PN-20 (the number indicates nominal pressure in bars, that is operating pressure here 20 bar, 2 MPa or 20.4 kgf / cm2) is a universal pipe that is suitable for hot and cold water and even for heating.

Of course, you will use half-inch pipes, but for PPR it will be 20 mm in the outer diameter, and -13.2 mm in the inner diameter from a 3.4 mm wall. In fact, PPR PN-20 can be operated at a temperature of 95⁰C, but you don’t need it - for both domestic hot water and heating, the maximum working temperature you are unlikely to exceed 80⁰C.

I also want to draw your attention to the connection of hot and cold water to a boiler or column, regardless of where the installation was made, in the bathroom or in the kitchen. Most often, fittings for connection are brought out under such a heating unit.

The connection itself is made with a metal-plastic, metal corrugation or, worse than that, rubber in a metal sheath. But, based on personal experience, I can confidently state the fact that it is best to do this with the same polypropylene, using American women on the inlet fittings. This option will never (100%!) Leak, unless, of course, the soldering is done correctly.


You can no doubt make such a wiring with your own hands, if at the same time you have necessary tools, desire and increased attention to the tips in this article. But if you still have questions, then ask them in the comments.

July 31, 2016

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To new interior the plumbing room was not spoiled by passing communications, consider in advance the masking of pipes in the bathroom. They do this at the beginning of the repair, since a lot depends on the final decision. First, decide on the design of the room. Secondly, it will affect the location of plumbing and furniture. Thirdly, you will need Additional materials. But which method is better to choose so that the cost-benefit ratio becomes optimal and the design rules are not violated.

The lack of visible plumbing fittings makes the interior of the bathroom attractive

Requirements for the location of communications

Many methods are used to close pipes from view, but not all follow predetermined standards. Life is unpredictable, so prepare for it. Therefore, there are requirements that do not allow corny to hide communications in the wall. Free access to them is provided, in particular it concerns key elements: connections, taps and valves, water meters and pressure regulators.

For free access make sure there are opening parts. First of all, we are talking about the viewing hatch. For example, a door or just a removable structural element.

What is hidden under the tile should be physically accessible

In terms of approach to pipes, tiling loses, because in some cases there is not enough inspection hatch, and for more it is necessary to destroy part of the structure.

Masking methods

There are many ways to hide pipes in a bathroom. They differ in the materials used, the shape of the structure and its purpose and, above all, in appearance.

Consider popular methods:

  • under the tile;
  • a box of drywall, plywood or wood;
  • under plastic;
  • with furniture and fixtures.

The most popular way using tiles, because it disguises communications under the cladding. How to close the pipes in the bathroom with tiles? Initially prepare the surface for finishing, for this purpose, structures made of moisture-resistant GKL are used.

Plasterboard sheathing with tiling is an effective way to hide communications

Benefits of pipe masking tiles:

  • perfect combination with other cladding in the bathroom;
  • the possibility of providing access to communications;
  • aesthetics;
  • fits perfectly into general interior premises;
  • the tile makes the pipes almost invisible;
  • created additional space for storing household chemicals, cosmetics and other small items.

Consider the process of hiding communications in the bathroom in more detail.

To lay the tiles around the pipes and thereby hide them, you first need to build a box in the bathroom. For this purpose, plywood, wood, chipboard sheets, but it is best to use a more modern, easy-to-use material - drywall. Be sure to take moisture-resistant sheets of blue or green.

The shape of the box is determined by the passage of communications and how you want to close them. Build a ledge to hide sewer pipes in the bathroom adjacent to the toilet, a built-in cistern which is comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. A border is also displayed if communications pass along the bottom. Alternative option- removing the box to the level of the sink. This will not only hide the pipes, but also create additional storage space for jars and tubes.

The sewer is hidden in a box

Drywall attached to metal carcass, consisting of U-shaped profiles and corners. Sheets are cut in place according to taken dimensions and then fastened with self-tapping screws. The joints are puttied, and the entire surface is treated with a special primer.

Consider a viewing window and install a door.

Tile installation

After you managed to hide the pipes under the drywall, proceed to laying the tiles. It is better to use special adhesive mixtures designed for such a surface.

First treat the wall with an antiseptic. After dilute a small amount of glue. Apply it with a notched trowel and start laying the tiles. When the box goes vertically, a support bar may be needed, but if the height is small, then they do without it. For corners, both ordinary tiles and special corner ceramic elements are used.

To seal the joints, in addition to grouting, it is recommended to use silicone at the corners. Also on sale there are special plastic lining.

Alternative ways

In addition to tiles, other materials are also used. For example, perfect solution locker installation. It is suitable for masking communications, and for storing various items, it can be mounted and located below. A popular solution is a built-in chest of drawers or a sink with a cabinet.

During redevelopment or capital, many have an irresistible desire make communications less visible. It's quite natural, because thin pipes passing on almost every wall can cause deep irritation. Needless to say, how much they can mess up even expensive and modern interior? Of course, you can make the room more aesthetic and tidy, but you need to be smart about the workflow. So that you do not have any questions after reading this article, we will take a closer look at what types of pipes can be used in the bathroom, regulations them disguise and most used ways to hide pipes In bathroom.

1. Types of pipes and their purpose

material quality, from which are made or , directly affects their strength, reliability and wear resistance. Not all types of pipes can be used, for example, for hot water, or for, if available in the bathroom. The whole variety of pipes can be divided into three categories:

metal pipes

which, in turn, share on the two kinds:


Exist three varieties of this product:


In order to perform plastic sheathing, it is necessary to make base frame. As materials, you can use wooden planks, metal profiles or plastic U-shaped corners. The process is very similar plastic ceiling installation technology. Before attaching the frame, be sure to mark it with a plumb or plumb line. Now fasten all the planks around the perimeter of the selected area. If the area is large, do not forget to add a few elements in the middle to stiffen. Now cut the plastic panels into pieces of the required size. The first panel will be attached to the profile. They should be screwed into the locking part. Then simply connect the panels to each other using special latches. The last element is also fastened with a fixing screw. For reliability, you can screw in a self-tapping screw in the middle of the first and last panel, top and bottom. But not on each, otherwise it will be difficult to disassemble the structure as needed. Now, to give the screen a neater look and hide all the fasteners, use decorative corners.

Installation of the screen under the bath will have similar technology. The lower bar is attached directly to the floor, and the upper one at one end to the wall, and then held with the help of spacers, which must be placed at a distance of no more than 40 cm from each other. Plastic sheathing is done in a similar way. With the help of the screen, you can also hide the communications that fit the sink itself and if it is nearby. And if you equip it with a small window, then also store it there household chemicals. And the bathroom, designed in this way, looks more aesthetically pleasing. In the same way hiding and pipes passing over most floor and even counters. Such a step will be narrow and neat. It can even be used as a small shelf.

No. 4. Drywall box or false wall

It's already over difficult ways disguises that require large financial costs and time to complete them. With the help of a box from, you can hide pipes that oriented as vertically, so horizontally. And just like plastic, they can wrap a bath. The only difference is that drywall needs further additional cladding. Please note that in rooms with high humidity should only be used moisture resistant materials!

Actions will be similar to those described above. A frame is mounted from metal profiles required size in the desired location. Naturally, before this, the straightness of all faces must be checked using a level. After that, drywall fragments are cut the right sizes, and with the help of self-tapping screws suitable for mounting this particular material, they are attached to the frame. When the frame is assembled, it is necessary to prime the surface, stick a special mesh on the joints and apply a layer of putty. After that, you can perform finishing facing suitable materials. Such frames trimmed look very good. Thanks to their small size they do not spoil, but, on the contrary, complement the interior rooms and create additional accents in it. Thus, even imperfections can be turned into something beautiful and useful.
Concerning false walls. It is most appropriate to erect in front of the location of the risers, especially if it is set in front of them, as it happens in most cases. There is no need to transfer it. After all modern models suggest installation close to the wall, in which we will hide the lower volumetric corrugation. the only disadvantage such an element is usage useful area of ​​the room. Here you already have to choose - aesthetics or dimensions. Such a ledge will have a maximum width of 30 cm. But behind a false wall, you can hide both filters and counters. It is not recommended to make her deaf. Above the toilet, you can make a cutout, equip it with hinges and hang a beautiful door. A box is made of metal profiles, which will enclose the pipes from the general space of the room, and is sheathed with drywall. Further finishing is strictly according to your taste.

No. 5. Tiled frame

It means not just drywall surface sheathed tiles, namely collapsible design from tiles. It is good because at any time you get access to problem areas without the need to destroy walls. Dismantling can be done using the usual, and then collect everything as it was. In addition, if you finish the cladding with the same tiles as on the walls, then no one will understand that something is hidden there.

For building a frame to you you will need:, tile cutter or hacksaw, metal profiles, plastic corners, self-tapping screws and herself. From the profiles, a frame is installed, which is attached to the floor, and to the ceiling, and to the adjacent walls. For this, there are special metal brackets. After the frame is ready, it is necessary to make measurements of its edges, on which the tile will be attached, and cut the tile. Do not forget to take into account the thickness of the tile if you want one side to go over the other. Now, using a drill and pen drills, it is necessary to drill two holes for self-tapping screws along the edges of the tile. Then attach the tile to the frame and make marks with a marker on the profile in the center of these holes. So you will definitely get to the right place and complete the installation without distortion. But please note that the holes in the tile should already be such that the self-tapping screw can freely pass through them. While in profile, they should be smaller. Otherwise, you just won't screw them up. When all the tiles are in place, the corners and attachment points are closed with decorative plastic corners. In the right place, you can make a gap between the tiles and install a neat plastic door there, in case there are water meters.
At work with tile tiles don't forget about own safety. When cutting, the tiles have very sharp edges, so it is recommended to work with gloves. A little advice - if you wet them before cutting, you will reduce the likelihood of chipping at the edges or cracking. Don't forget safety goggles too. Glazed in case of destruction upper layer crumbles into small sharp pieces and scatters over a long distance. They can cause irreparable damage if they come in contact with the eyes.

No. 6. Plumbing shutters

Blinds or blinds- it is very unusual way disguise, which is rarely seen in apartments. However, he is very comfortable and original. This design can provide the most full and easy access to pipes almost along their entire length in seconds. There is a special version of them - two options for raising / lowering - electric and mechanical. The choice should be based on the size of the canvas. With a width of the overlapped opening up to 52 cm inclusive, it is enough manual system cord-operated controls. If the surface area is larger, then such systems are equipped with a spring mechanism. The only thing condition, which is mandatory must be done in the presence of an automated lift - the engine housing must be located in a sealed housing that does not get moisture and dust. AT as a framework a drywall construction, a plastic box or a false wall can serve. To provide stable performance roller shutters, it is necessary that the sides of the frame structure are strictly parallel to each other. Otherwise, jamming is inevitable, since a skew, even a slight one, will not allow the rollers to slide freely along the grooves.

There is two mounting options- when the roller shutters are located on top of the box or when the box is located around the leaf. First option is suitable in case the risers are located in a natural niche. Then, along its perimeter, a profile is simply installed, on which the blinds are attached and form a single plane with the wall. The second option implies protruding structures, the side parts of which are sewn up with plasterboard and lined with appropriate materials, and the front part is closed with shutters. When mounting the canvas with a cord mechanism, it. Significant plus this method - maintaining the size of the room. Please note that according to the generally accepted building codes, not allowed to grind and thin-walled partitions panel houses. Main disadvantage of this method is to restrict access to pipes in case of an accident. Therefore, before giving preference to this type of disguise, once again carefully read paragraph 2 this article and strictly adhere to it. And necessarily before starting work draw on the paper wiring plan. When you have precisely determined the location of all the elements of plumbing, you can start chasing the walls.
To avoid distortions and other irregularities, draw preliminary lines on the walls and try to stick to them. Depending on the material of the walls, you can get by with a punched drill, in extreme cases, you will have to use it. Will be very a lot of dust, so use a respirator and goggles. When all the strobes are ready, remove debris from them, open them with a primer and lay pipes in them. Wait a few days to make sure all connections are tight. After that, fix their position with cement mortar. Only after complete drying is it allowed to begin facing work.

5. Pros and cons of masking pipes in the bathroom

Naturally, like any process, there is both positive, so negative sides. Let's start with good:

  • Primarily - aesthetic interior your room.
  • Hiding in the wall area conservation premises.
  • When masked by furniture elements - the occurrence extra bed for storage and the possibility of creating a beautiful interior.

Now oh sad:

That's all basic moments. But you should not completely abandon such an idea. After all, she only requires literate and responsible approach to yourself.