Mirrors in the interior of the apartment are new facets of design. Mirrors in the interior. The use of mirrors in the interior. Choosing bathroom mirrors

The mirror is an integral part of everyday life, which has a variety of universal properties and can give originality to the interior. Agree, we simply cannot do without it in Everyday life, and designers, with the help of it, work wonders with interior decoration premises.

AT modern world there are many different types of mirrors, thanks to which you can create a beautiful element of decor and increase the space in the room, or vice versa create a ridiculous accent. Therefore, it is important to know: how to choose the right mirror for your interior.

Reasons to use mirrors in decor

Remember how beautiful royal palaces looked with mirrored ceilings. Together with the walls, the brilliance of which was reflected and gave the space more light, the illusion of endless space was created. It is for this reason that designers use mirrors to visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and hide layout flaws.

To play the imagination, you can set the mirror at a certain angle, which will create the effect of endless mirror corridor. It also gives the impression of a lot of things in the room, which creates a certain zest in your interior.

The mirror is indispensable in decor due to the fact that it scatters light rays. You can place mirrors in certain places so that the reflected rays illuminate the corners intended for this. A good option there will be a large mirror installed at an angle near the window.

Thus, this solution will create a good and bright mood for your interior.

If you want to create a sense of security, then a mirror installed so that you can see what is happening behind your back can help you with this.

Note that the mirror is the most practical and original solution. With the help of such an ordinary, in essence, thing, you can create an unusual and Beautiful design your interior.

Techniques for using a mirror in the interior

In today's world, there are many types of mirrors. Their diversity is not only in the creation of original frames for framing, but also in the beauty of the glass itself, which can make it magnificent. To give it originality, you can use the technique of painting, mosaic or fusing. Multi-colored mirror glass will bring new colors and a cheerful mood to the room.

Sandblasting the mirror is perfect for those who have a minimalist interior. If, on the contrary, your decor focuses on luxury, then a mirror in a stained glass frame will be a great solution for your room.

Also, a mirror can be installed above the fireplace. This decision will add light to the room or, on the contrary, will give an atmosphere of calm and relaxation in the evening, with the help of candles placed on the shelf. Additionally, it helps to view items on the mantelpiece from all viewing angles.

Such an unusual decorative element as mirror wall, visually can increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba small room. The logical solution would be to install a large solid mirror or mirror tiles on the wall, rather than installing a cabinet with mirrored doors.

And you can visually increase the height of the room by installing mirrors by inserting on the ceiling. If your room has high ceilings, then a mirror gallery will help to “fix” this problem. It is enough to place a few beautifully framed mirrors on the wall. This unpretentious decor will make the room much more comfortable.

If the room already has a large mirror installed, then you can use the compositional design technique. Just hang pictures around it interesting framework. Everything ingenious is simple!

A mirror can decorate not only walls and ceilings. The trend, which came to us from Venice, suggests decorating with mirrored glass not only the surface of furniture, but also creating separate objects from it for your interior. On the this moment this is a valid and popular method of decorating decor.

These certain styles of mirror decor are very bright and original fit into the interior. This can be seen in the photo at the end of our article.

Choosing a mirror for a certain style of interior

The mirror confirms the fact that it is indispensable in decor. Therefore, you need to know how to advantageously decorate your interior with this simple item.

Fake mirror window bold decision. You can arrange it according to your taste, for example, send it to a white frame and get a window in french style. You can also create an effect normal window, decorating it with original curtains.

For each style, you can choose your own mirror. If your room is made in country style, then the mirror should be geometrically proportional, and decorated either original way(rattan, shells) or framed in a regular frame. large mirror- most best option in the interior, which is made in the style of minimalism. In the Art Nouveau style, the mirror should become a bright detail, so it can be decorated with a colorful frame with floral elements. It should be done in smooth lines.

The interior in the Baroque or Rococo style can be decorated with mirrors decorated in gilded frames, and standard ones made of wood will do. ethnic style. The most versatile are mirrors made in the style of art decor. They will perfectly fit into any interior.

The superstitious nature of the mirror

As we said earlier, the mirror is incredibly popular in the occult. With it, you can perform rituals or fortune telling. It can also attract a certain energy, or even have its own. There are many signs and superstitions associated with the mirror. We have been taught since childhood that one should not break a mirror, let alone look into it.

Or eat while sitting in front of a mirror. It turns out that if this is true, then the looking glass has the right to exist? Of course, realists and science will say that this is nonsense, but most of us really try not to go beyond mirror rules.

Despite the mysticism, the most important thing is that the surface of the mirror must be smooth and intact. If it bursts or is chipped, if it tends to "half" or distorts your body in reflection, then it should not be installed. It's not even a matter of superstition, but of aesthetic considerations. It looks unpresentable and awkward.


The mirror ceases to be an ordinary piece of furniture. Now it can participate in both simple and exciting design solutions. You can make an ordinary wall mirror in your bedroom or living room a work of art, just frame it in a beautiful frame and use the painting technique.

And here is a beautiful and easy to perform, and most importantly, a useful item that pleases you every day. Don't be afraid to experiment! After all, after this, real beauty is born.

Photo of beautifully designed mirrors in the interior


Bright wallpaper, neutral paint, raw surface - which is more suitable for wall decoration in small apartment? Our choice is any material in combination with a mirror that can be used to decorate an accent wall. If you do not spare space for the mirror panel, the room will grow before your eyes. By the way, the mirror in the interior of the room does not have to be a single canvas: if you want variety, order it in the workshop geometric carving, as in our example.


Narrow passages between rooms and extra corridors can be visually moved apart with the help of mirror cladding. The reception will work especially effectively if the panels pass both along the walls and the ceiling, and the reflection “glues” two isolated rooms.



Who does not dream of additional windows in the apartment?.Hack facade walls Of course, no one will allow you, but playing with the resemblance of a window and a mirror is quite affordable entertainment. Frames with a mirror instead of glazing look especially expressive where the viewer least expects to find them - for example, at the head of the bed or in the bathroom. However, such a romantic accessory will not spoil the living-dining room.


A worthy alternative to the gallery of paintings will be a collection of mirrors. Hang a few horizontal shelves on an empty wall and arrange small mirrors in random order. Modern models it is not forbidden to dilute with accessories from a grandmother's chest or from a flea market - retro-style in small accents is relevant today.


Mounting a reflective panel on the ceiling is a pleasure that cannot be saved on: a heavy accessory requires reinforced supporting structures. But what an effect: with a mirror along the upper horizontal, you will forget that you do not have the highest ceilings.


Are you afraid that dark colors in the decoration will visually reduce the area of ​​​​the room? Choose a worthy company for them in the form of light elements and mirrors - and the problem will be solved by itself. If there is nowhere to hang the mirror, you will have to master the lower tier - for example, the wall of the kitchen island.



Registration kitchen apron- a tricky task: on the one hand, there is heat-resistant glass, but not everyone likes its cheerful shades and psychedelic drawings, on the other hand, designer ceramic tile, which has only one minus - high cost. To facilitate the choice, you can use the third option - lay out the apron with a mirror panel. She has a lot of advantages - including the same increase in space and insolation. True, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to wash such an apron more often - both fingerprints and splashes are clearly visible not in the mirror.


Have you always wanted a sink by the window, but didn't know where to hang the mirror? The idea lies on the surface - on the window itself, while partially closing the opening. The benefit of the solution is that water procedures can be performed in natural light, while the sun will not blind too much - because there is an obstacle in its way.


The reflective ability of mirrors in the interior of the room is advantageously used by the owners of the collections: if you mount a mirror in the sideboard for decor instead of the back wall, the accessories will visually “double”.


There are many ways to turn typical furniture into an art object, and one of the most successful is to veneer the panels with a mirror. With small items that have drawers and handles, a person without experience will fiddle for an unreasonably long time, but with heavy artillery like a cabinet, you can figure it out on your own if you choose the right glue that can withstand the load.


Mirror in thick wooden frame is not only a stylish, but also a practical accessory, because the frame is easy to adapt for storage. In the hallway or dressing room, a mirror with hooks will take on the load of umbrellas, light scarves and belts; in residential areas will allow to place additional decor- most importantly, make sure that the load on the hooks is not unbearable for them. Unusual frame for a mirror with your own hands.


Large mirrors in the interior of the room have a feature that can be considered both an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time: they reflect literally everything that happens in the room, including a heap of decor and disorder. If you like minimalist interiors and are careful to keep everything in its place, take a chance with a large-format mirror. After all, sometimes the best decoration of a room is its reflection.

Mirrors are good because they can create an effect additional spaces. However, they reflect Sun rays, so they are installed in dark corners to fill with light. Often mirrors are installed to control unviewed spaces. Mirrors in the interior - 50 photos design ideas. And of course, mirrors give the interior lightness and elegance.

Many people have a habit of hanging mirrors in the interior on built-in furniture. Yes, it's convenient, but too banal. If we're talking about narrow corridor, then large mirrors in the interior on built-in wardrobes will play a plus. They will expand the space and allow the owners to meticulously inspect themselves before leaving the house.

AT large rooms- nurseries, bedrooms, living rooms - such use of mirrors simplifies the interior too much.

Mirrors in the living room

Let's say you want to create a classic living room. First, you should remove the TV in the corner, and put a false fireplace in front of the sofa. Make it easy. And the room will immediately look like the center of the hearth.

Above the fireplace, it would be quite logical to look at large mirrors in the interior. Firstly, it will complete the design of the fireplace, beat the classics, and secondly, it will create the effect high ceiling rooms. Let the proportions of the mirror in the interior be elongated vertically. It is important here that the mirror is narrower than the fireplace or its console.

If you do not want to put a fireplace, then a mirror can be hung next to paintings and photographs. Mirrors in the interior of a photo among paintings or instead of paintings can be several and of very different shapes.

Sun mirrors look especially impressive. In the living room, you can hang one mirror or a whole group. In a modern minimalist interior, mirrors in the form of lines look great. Sometimes real art objects are made from mirrors. And it's great!

Large mirrors in the interior of the bedroom

If you do not want the whole room to be reflected in the mirror, it is enough to organize a small dressing table. Sometimes bureau tables are already equipped with mirrors. But if you show creativity, then you can pick up a mirror on the wall in front of the table yourself.

Designers recommend taking a closer look at Venetian mirrors. Venetian mirrors in the interior of the apartment are unusually aesthetic. A bit of iconic classics will not hurt even in the most modern bedrooms. In this case, a classic photo frame is selected for the Venetian mirror and - voila!

It's great if the table with the mirror is next to the window. Part of the window and curtains will be reflected, adding space and light. Another option is to hang identical mirrors in interior design on both sides of the bed above bedside tables. You can put a lamp on each bedside table, and then their reflection will double the light.

Mirrors in children's rooms

In the children's room for girls, you can repeat the reception with a dressing table and a mirror, only in small version. For the future princess, it will be both beautiful and useful.

In the boy's room, the emphasis on mirrors is not necessary. There, if you hang mirrors in the interior of the photo, then it is better to mix them with photographs, hang them on the cabinet door, on interior door or above the bed as an element of decor.

Mirrors in interior design classical style really get along well with modern furniture. Rhythm in furniture is supported by frames and shapes of mirrors. This article only suggests what mirrors can be in the interior of an apartment. The goal is to awaken the fantasy. Create, create and create. The main thing to remember is that the interior should be filled with love!

Mirrors in the interior - 50 photos of design ideas - their use

From time immemorial, mirrors have accompanied people in interior design. They looked, they were used to increase the space, to demonstrate their status. The use of mirrors in the interior can make the design more unique and unusual.

  1. Mirrors used as an art gallery. In this case, you can use several large mirrors in the interior or a composition of small ones. Properly selected shapes and combinations can add zest to the interior.

  2. Mirrors in the interior photo in full growth. The use of full-length mirrors for cabinet cladding is nothing new. But now wardrobes are popular, the doors of which are completely mirrored. This way of using mirrors will help to increase the space and make the room brighter.

  3. The mirror is a fisheye. This form of mirror has only an aesthetic function. The effect of a "crooked" mirror can add a finishing touch to the interior. The use of such a self-sufficient decor element requires conciseness in the interior so as not to overload it with details.

  4. Mirror mosaic. very interesting and unusual way use of mirrors. With such a mirror mosaic, you can lay out a small area, or use it for an entire wall in the bathroom.

  5. Antique mirror. Patina on the mirror is a new trend. Such an interior detail will add a touch of antiquity to the interior. This approach would look great on accent wall. But it is not at all necessary to look for a mirror that has existed for several centuries. You can also age the mirror surface at home, just purchase the necessary tools in needlework stores.

  6. Mirror ceiling is a unique solution. This solution will visually raise the ceiling and add light to the room. But this approach also has disadvantages. Firstly, such a design move is not cheap; secondly, with a mirrored ceiling in the room, perfect order should be maintained, since such a ceiling will reflect not only the beauty of the interior, but also the clutter of individual sections.

  7. Mirror window. Mirrors in the interior do a great job of adding light to the room. Therefore, if the window in the room is not large, it is worth using mirrors. So the room will become lighter and brighter.
  8. Mirrors in interior design in the form of stripes. This format of mirrors will help reshape the space of the room. For example, horizontal mirror stripes can expand the room, while vertical ones can increase the height.

  9. Unusual forms. The use of mirrors is not limited to their geometric shape. Squares, ovals, rhombuses - all this last century. Indeed, in the workshop, the canvas can be cut into any shape. For example, for a bedroom it is ideal in the shape of a heart, and for a nursery - in the form of a star, sun or flower. In the living room, it would be appropriate to look at a mirror abstraction or letter decor.

  10. Mirrors in the interior of the apartment with unusual functionality. In the interior, you can use, for example, a mirror in the form of a large dial. Thus, in addition to its usual functions, the mirror will play the role of a unique clock that will decorate the interior of the room.

The use of mirrors in the interior is very an exciting activity. As in any design, a sense of proportion is important here.

The ideas for using mirrors in interior design, outlined below, can not only decorate your home, but also transform it. Mirror furniture, full wall mirrors, bathroom mirrors and more - over two dozen ways to use mirrors to create the illusion of space, accentuate proportions, reflect light and add more charm to your decor.

Decorating the alcoves with mirror glass creates the illusion that the chimney is located right in the middle of the room. The interior of the room, reflected in the mirrors, makes it seem much more spacious and brighter.

Two large windows fill the entire wall with light. A large mirror in an elegant frame makes you look up, emphasizing the height of the ceiling and architectural details design.

The soft, muted tones used by the decorator in this living room reflect off the mirrored surfaces of the fireplace - the focal point of the room - and create graphic reflections. This arrangement of mirrors - directly opposite the window - makes the room much brighter.

4. Door decorated with mirror mosaic

In this home, the designer separated the kitchen from the dining room with a door decorated with antique mirror mosaics. When the door is closed, it appears to be an ordinary wall mirror.

Mirrors are an effective assistant in many difficult decorating situations. They can visually make the space of a room twice as large, emphasize the proportions of interior elements in a spacious room, create an “extra” place, reflect both natural and artificial light or the fire of candles, and give attractiveness and showiness to the whole room or an inconspicuous corner. Mirrors can be arranged in groups or separately, have absolutely flat surface or ingenious inlay. They can even become a piece of art when they are adorned with patina, engraving, painting, eglomise technique or other finishing.

In this bathroom, the designer used sleek mirrored panels at different angles to each other to create a kaleidoscopic effect.

The designer gave this art deco room a new character with a wall cladding with built-in wardrobes in aged mirror glass.

London-based designer Emma Piskod combines the traditional eglomise technique with fine Japanese washi paper to create a contemporary decorative finishes for interior and architectural projects. Emma's unique mirror finish can transform anything from a small piece of furniture to an entire interior.

Finisher Dominic Schuster and designer Hugh Griffith teamed up to create these aged mirrored wall panels For bathroom. The reverse side of the mirror panels is finished with a patterned fabric, which has created a unique effect antique glass.

Hallways can be cramped, like a closed box, but this cleverly placed patinated mirror panel with eglomise finish makes the space much more open and stylish.

Bring a touch of surrealism to your interior decor with some large, industrial-style convex mirrors.

Comprised of several small mirrors, this panel combines an aged mirror glass and glass with an eglomise finish to create an unusual reflection.

And this mirror repeats geometric shape prism, creating a similar effect of light reflections.

One of the greatest masters of the use of convex mirrors in the interior was the architect of the XIX century. John Soane - he used them to manipulate light and create optical illusions. His London home, now turned into a museum, has an array of mirrors that light up even the darkest corners. If the interior of your home is not as minimalist as this one, curved mirrors will make it even more interesting.

Six thin mirrored panels with a gilded frame arranged in a row on dark wall create a fragmented reflection of the interior - a ready-made spectacular decor element in itself.

The designer of this living room used the decoration of the fireplace and chimney mirror panels as an alternative to the traditional mirror above the mantelpiece. Creating a sense of open, airy space, mirrors reflect walls that are not occupied by shelves.

In this hallway, one of the walls is occupied by a large mirror consisting of two inclined panels. In a fairly narrow, cramped room, the mirror magically pushes the walls apart, makes the ceiling appear taller, creating the illusion of space, and reflects the stairs and the living room opposite.

By judiciously arranging three mirrors in massive frames in the living room, which overlooks the magnificent landscape, the designer has given each of them the opportunity to reflect a part of this landscape, making the room even more spacious and open.

The composition of several hanging lanterns, reflected in the mirror nearby, doubles the impressive effect, surprising during the day and enchanting at night.

The area above the mantelpiece in this living room is decorated with a group of vintage star-shaped mirrors. They look especially stylish next to the paintings.

This cozy bedroom with a neutral interior, it boasts many interesting details, including a magnificent composition of mirrors in wicker frames above the bed.

Make the bathtub the focal point of your bathroom interior by choosing individual style decorating, and hanging a mirror over it.

These vintage mirrors are not only creative, they also create the illusion of more space and fill the room with light: what you need in a narrow corridor.

Mirrors aren't just for interiors and can look great hiding among greenery on a garden fence. This wonderful mirror creates the illusion of a window.

Mirrors in the interior design of the living room allow you to realize the most interesting and original design ideas, change and complement the style, solve visual and spatial problems...

  • increase the amount of light;
  • hide flaws and emphasize the dignity of the room;
  • expand the room, etc.

About the functions of mirrors in the interior of the living room

Often mirrors are placed in such a way that certain beautiful things are reflected in them. AT narrow room mirror can be placed on long wall giving the room a square shape.

The lack of natural light is also overcome by right choice place for a mirror. This does not require direct lighting - it is simply positioned to reflect the highlighted objects.

Equally important are the decorative functions performed by this element of the interior, since mirrors (or compositions created from them) can not only serve as an addition existing style but create your own original style.

Options for placing a mirror in the living room

As for the options for placing a mirror, there are a huge number of them. Of course, the personal taste of the owner and his imagination play an important role. Nevertheless, certain rules must be observed so as not to spoil the interior drawing with an incorrectly chosen position. For example, it is undesirable that mirror surface reflected a lot of small objects, otherwise there will be a feeling of a certain chaos and disorder.

You can list the options that are most often used today when they plan to place a mirror in the living room interior:

  • above the sofa;
  • Above the fireplace;
  • leaning against the wall (in the form of a heavy structure);
  • composition on the wall;
  • mirror wall (usually located behind a sofa or armchairs);
  • mirror tiles;
  • built-in furniture (trellis, wardrobe).

Mirror in the living room - photo

For example, classic interior may be embellished with heavy mirror construction, leaning against the wall. Framed by a tree, in color in harmony with room furniture, this design can look rich and stylish. As a rule, such a mirror is placed close to some decorative object: an elegant chair or a large plant in a pot. Sometimes two such structures can be placed - one opposite the other.

When placing a mirror in the living room above the sofa or fireplace it is also desirable to arrange it in a beautiful frame and give it a horizontal position. Thanks to this technique, an atmosphere of airiness is created in the room. The vertical position can also be successful if the ceilings in the living room are too low.

If we talk about mirror compositions, they can be composed of elements having the same shape, but different size. It is recommended to use the same frames.

Mirrors can be very significant element living room interior, performing not only decorative, but also practical functions. That's just for this they need to be placed properly.