What to do with not too decorative objects? How to disguise ugly corners of the garden and plot - ideas and options How to hide an ugly wall

How to cover up ugly fences that disfigure the landscape. Such fences with an ugly inside should be duplicated with hedges. There are many options for different tastes and budgets.

AT last years the country was engulfed by a real epidemic. Around suburban real estate fence high iron fences from a profiled sheet, which displace the usual picket fence and chain-link mesh. These misanthropic structures have a lot of drawbacks. On the small area with such a monumental fence, the microclimate changes, the natural system ventilation, from here in summer it is several degrees hotter, and in winter, respectively, colder.

But besides this, such fences themselves are rather unsightly, and our suburban villages are becoming more and more like an industrial zone. Sooner or later, the question arises of how to cover up the ugly fences that disfigure the landscape. Such fences with an ugly inside should be duplicated with hedges. There are many options for different tastes and budgets.

Vesicle viburnum
The most economical is the hedge of the viburnum vesicle (Physocarpus opulifolia). This unpretentious shrub grows rapidly, in 3 years it grows up to a height of three meters, it is sheared, it is drought-resistant, it does not get sick. There are several varieties with leaves of different colors. For example, "Diabolo" is very showy variety with dark purple leaves. It blooms with pinkish inflorescences, which then turn into bright red brushes of fruits resembling small tulips.

Because the dark bushes in in large numbers look gloomy, it is good to "dilute" them with other varieties, for example, yellow-leaved "Aureus" ("Luteus").

But remember that both purple and yellow leaves even with light shading, they change color to normal, green. They need open sun. Therefore, if you wish to cover up the ugly "insides" metal fence, try to plant vesicles on the south side. The distance between the bushes should be at least 2 m, so that adult plants do not crowd and oppress each other.

Derain white
Spectacular hedges are obtained from white deren (Cornus alba), of which there are also many varieties. For example, ‘Elegantissima’ with white-green leaves forms a very elegant hedge.

The "Spaethii" variety is also very decorative - the border on its leaves is not white, but very elegant, golden yellow.

But! Such a hedge needs regular and fairly strong pruning, which will give it a neat appearance - all derens unsystematically dissolve their branches in different sides. But the haircut definitely suits them - the hedge is getting thicker every time. In addition, pruning stimulates the growth of bright young shoots that adorn the garden in winter.

If you are concerned about the safety of the site, plant thorny shrubs, such as barberries, on its borders. There are a great many varieties, you only need to inquire about the height of the shrub in adult form when buying. Good for these purposes b. Ottawa (Berberis x ottawensis) ‘Superba’, which grows up to 3.5 m tall. The foliage is purplish purple, turning purple in autumn. Blooms with yellow catkins with a rather sharp bad smell attracting insects.

Hawthorn is traditionally used for hedges. All its types are quite unpretentious, resistant to freezing, durable. edible fruits useful in cardiovascular diseases, they can be used to make a valuable tincture. In spring, the hedge stands, as if in lacy foam - it blooms so profusely. It is no less decorative in autumn, all covered with scarlet berries of delicious fruits.

It is also regularly formed, and when the “legs” are exposed, the bushes are cut to a stump, from this procedure the hawthorn is rejuvenated for another 10 years ahead. The only drawback is that it will take at least 10 years to form a full-fledged hedge.

park roses
An option that does not require large labor costs for care is a fence of park roses. The only condition: these roses must be self-rooted, capable of producing shoots that replace old shoots. From time to time, you need to remove dried branches, and once every few years in the spring add compost or stale manure.

An important point: in no case should this hedge be cut and cut, otherwise it will not bloom. And roses eventually form a wide sprawling shaft of fragrant bushes up to 2 m tall, which bloom from June until frost.

Good for hedges are prickly or femoral roses (Rosa spinosissima, R. pimpinellifolia), modern hybrids of the river. wrinkled (R. rugosa). This is enough winter-hardy varieties who do not need shelter.

To create a living fence, you can also use the old proven varieties of park roses - Maiden's Blush, Konigin von Danemark, Rose de Rescht. of roses, do not be stingy: for each running meter it is necessary to plant in 1 row 1 bush of the same variety.

But the most presentable option, perhaps, would be a thuja hedge. For these purposes, as a rule, columnar varieties are chosen: "Smaragd" with bright green needles, "Columna" dark green or thuja western "Brabant" with golden tips of the branches.

It must be understood that such a fence is very binding. She does not fit in with the typical wooden house on 6 acres with a greenhouse and a garden. She is more in line with an estate with a perfect lawn, a mixborder, a large paving area and a representative stone house. Such a barrier does not require care, thuja do not burn from spring sun, do not drop foliage, keep their shape (young plants for the winter need to be tied with ropes so that the snow does not deform the branches).

A more economical, a kind of folk alternative to an expensive and pretentious hedge from a thuja can be a dense planting in a row of an ordinary spruce brought from a neighboring forest.

When cutting spruce growths by 1/3, Christmas trees eventually turn into dense pillows. published If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project.

Most of us want to have in our apartment or house an interesting and original interior. Usually the walls attract the main attention, since their area is the largest, so today the article will be about how to decorate or decorate them with your own hands. There are many ways to do this, including .

We decorate the walls with wallpaper and other materials

In addition, other combinations of materials are often used, which makes it possible to expand the spheres of influence of each of them. Everything, of course, depends on imagination, and today there are plenty of materials for its implementation.

You can combine with each other, for example:

  • wallpaper made from natural materials;
  • vinyl wallpapers;
  • moldings;
  • frescoes;
  • composite panels of a large range of shades, colors and patterns.
  1. Wherein necessary condition is the observance of unity stylistic direction to maintain coziness and harmony in the interior of the room. As wall decoration for this use different kinds wallpaper with the same shade, but with a different texture.
  2. One more aspect should not be forgotten - combined wallpaper make it possible to functionally improve the room, for example, the kitchen. Working area near the stove are often made of other coatings so that they can be cleaned and washed more often, unlike other places.
  3. Separately, you should talk about how to decorate the wallpaper of different color shades . In this case, we are talking about a graphic “color wheel”, which has 12 primary colors that interact with each other. They are located in two adjacent sectors, they are related, and their joint use in the design of the room makes it possible to create the impression of harmony and relaxation.

Tip: if you do not have enough energy in the room, use combinations of colors located in opposite sectors.

decor rules

When using a combination of wallpapers in the interior, one should not forget about the rule - they must have design elements that overlap with each other. It can be shades of the same color or a single pattern style.

For example, floral ornament goes well with wooden patterns, and abstraction - with any geometric shapes. When choosing certain style interior, to make the border between the wallpaper best with the help of decorative polyurethane pilasters, painted in desired color or wooden planks, such as halves of bamboo stalks.

Tip: when choosing a way to decorate a room, remember that any combination of wallpaper should not stand out from general style rooms, be a continuation of its purpose and reflect the specifics. Then the used design of the room will be harmonious and not irritate those living in the apartment or house.

We decorate wallpaper for painting

Possess interesting feature- they are allowed to be painted. In this case, you do not need to specifically guess the repair time in order to change the annoying color. wall coverings, the effect can be achieved without removing them.

However, you should start with wallpapering. interesting effect can be obtained when painting walls or canvas on the reverse side, when the paint begins to show through the interlining. Combined with a relief surface, this will enhance the wall decor.

At the same time, remember, if painted:

  • wallpaper - the paint will be brighter and more contrasting;
  • wall - the color scheme will be more restrained.

You can significantly highlight the texture of the coating by using different coloring of the depressions and protruding parts.

You can do this in two ways:

  1. With a slight movement of the roller, apply paint to the surface so that only the protruding parts are painted. In this case, try not to put a lot of dye on it.
  2. First, paint over the entire surface with a light-colored paint, and after drying, apply a more saturated paint to it, then wipe it with a rag or sponge. The protruding elements of the texture will be painted in this case. light color, at the same time, the depressions are in the dark. Such a surface will look embossed and beautiful.

Decor options

When you can apply the most unexpected ways.

  1. For example, paint the wall in a bright color and apply azure with colored or white flakes on top of it. Wait until it dries and spread them evenly over the surface with a dry brush. Pure azure applied to painted wallpaper will give the surface a sheen with a mother-of-pearl tint.
  2. An interesting effect is obtained from the use of a patterned border that matches the shade in which the wallpaper is planned to be painted. In this case, the color below and above the curb may be different or the same. For example, below are yellow. And from above beige wallpaper, and the border itself represents a pattern of these colors.
  3. If you need to apply a picture on the wall, you can use the stencil technique. When straight lines prevail in it, a stencil can be made on the wall from masking tape.
  4. The simplest and most ingenious option is to use two layers of paint in succession. After applying the first with a special roller, let it dry and apply the second. If you need to choose a complex shade, it is better to use machine tinting. By the way, this method will help in the event that you make a mistake with the amount of material, the machine makes it possible to accurately repeat the selected color.

Repair and decoration of old wallpaper

Above, we considered options that are largely associated with new coatings. In this section, we will focus on the repair and decoration of old ones. Usually this happens when it is necessary to restore the coating from abrasion, stains, children's art, if they were torn off by a cat, or simply in some places the wallpaper suddenly began to bubble and diverge.

In this case, it is not necessary to make a grandiose repair, it is enough to carry out a partial restoration of damaged places.

Below is a guide on how to do it right:

  1. Prepare materials and tools - glue (wallpaper, for joints, PVA), pieces of old remaining wallpaper, scissors, dry rags, a medical plastic syringe, a soft sponge, a hair dryer and a brush.

Tip: do not use PVA glue for light wallpaper, they may have yellow spots.

  1. If peeled off - bend the edges, take a dry rag and wipe their surface to remove dirt. Apply glue in an even layer on the canvas and wall, especially carefully smearing the edges. Press firmly to the base after they are saturated with glue. Smooth the surface from the center to the edge and immediately remove the excess with a sponge.
  2. You can close the seams as follows - carefully unscrew the seams and remove the remnants of putty from the canvas, vacuum the wall and wallpaper, clean off the tubercles. Coat the joints with glue and smooth them with a rubber roller. Take a hair dryer and warm up the joints so that the glue grabs faster.

Tip: repairing joints is best done special glue, which has the best adhesion and fast time setting.

  1. If stains appear, some of them can simply be washed off, while being careful. For paper wallpaper use soapy water or detergent. You can also use a stain remover for clothes.

oil, greasy spots remove with dishwashing liquid, from pens and ink - with nail polish remover or alcohol. Paint very small spots with a brush to match the canvas.

Tip: before removing stains with aggressive products, test them on a separate piece so as not to spoil the surface.

  1. If the cat has peeled off part of the wallpaper, they can be replaced with a similar piece by carefully removing the old one and gluing a new one in its place. Make sure there are no air bubbles underneath.

Some Ideas

When old wallpapers are tired, but they are still firmly attached to the wall and you are not planning repairs yet, use the following ideas:

  1. Post on plain wallpaper facing the sun in the morning - a metal mirror panel. Although its price will be rather big, but in the morning you will be met by sunbeams.

spoil the view garden plot can old foundations, massive monotonous fences, old buildings, sheds, compost heaps, places with all sorts of rubbish - and this is only a small part of the possible "unsightly" objects. But it does not always make sense to get rid of all this, purely for practical reasons, economic objects are always needed. And if these are not frankly old, dilapidated structures, then they are successfully disguised. And yet - there is an ugly view outside the site. And he often gets in the way, because he fits into general form garden. After all, the site is difficult to separate from its surroundings, we cannot see selectively. Garden camouflage has two tactics: hide or decorate.

Garden disguise: playing hide and seek Of course, places with all sorts of rubbish definitely need to be cleared. Do not block them with anything, plant tall plants. Clutter has no place on the site, moreover, such blockages interfere with changes on the site. Sort everything by suitable places, and what you have not used for 2 years, throw away without regret! The exception is metal. It can be used to reinforce the base for paths and playgrounds.

Garden disguise: play hide and seek Disguise an ugly view outside the perimeter of the site

The "ugly look" has different variants. Firstly, the “natural” setting itself outside the perimeter of the site may not be too impressive: an empty field or an ugly ravine, a valley with weeds, a washed-out road, a drying tree, etc. But this is not the worst option, you can also see neighbor's barn or toilet, "warehouse" building materials, or high voltage pole.

1. Close unwanted views
It is necessary to arrange tall trees and shrubs, and also so that, if possible, from different significant points plot, as well as from the windows of your house, such "beauty" was not visible. It is worth noting that if you mask an ugly view outside the perimeter and use trees and shrubs for this, you should strive to harmonious composition. In other words, use those views outside the site and which are visible from the site. This will completely mask the unwanted look. For example, if there is a birch nearby, the best thing is to plant several birches on the border of the site, then together they will make up a natural, eye-pleasing and reasonable composition. Notice, not pines, but birches. If you use something atypical, then the eye will involuntarily be drawn to the object that is covered by these atypical plants for this area.


2. Distract attention
Sometimes it happens that an unwanted view cannot be completely closed due to its location or if it is too large. Then there is only one way out: to distract, not to let the gaze concentrate on this view or object. To do this, you need to make your site emphatically decorative, at least with a few catchy, sometimes even bizarre elements and. In a word, this is exactly the case when some “bust”, even “kitsch”, is good. For example, a fully mirrored flower bed, a support for plants in the form of a huge floor lamp, or a fence for a flower garden made of colored concrete columns. As a result, the eye will be attracted to unusual, catchy elements, and, most likely, all unwanted views will simply be suppressed by them.

Fence decoration

1. Plant your plants
It is best to combine perennials, especially flowering ones and those with ornamental foliage, with climbing plants. For fence the best way- climbing perennials. All you need is to fix the supports for them on the fence. In addition, the fence can be masked by a parallel planted hedge, spruce or linden is perfect.

Garden disguise: play hide and seek 2. Paint the fence artistically
The fence can be painted new color, paint on a stencil and make inserts or overlays from any interesting materials.

3. Arrange a multilayer fence in some places
This means that the fence, as it were, is duplicated by some other, lower and more purely decorative hedge, for example, wattle, and the third layer can be planted even lower hedge. The principle is such that all three hedges are visible at the same time and give the impression of a single hedge. In this case, the volume characteristic of multi-layering will appear, the effect is amazing.

Garden disguise: play hide and seek 4. Zone the fence
Not only the garden, but also the fence has zoning! For example, paint different parts of the fence in different colors or even stripes. Or you can make inserts - gabions, or even bicycle or cart wheels.

5. Make fence overlays
The fence can be decorated by hanging numerous shelves on it (on which containers of flowers can be placed) or directly hanging pots of bright flowers. In addition, mirrors can be fixed on the fence, empty picture frames, small decorative birdhouses, flat figures made of plywood, decorative overhead elements (bells, forged rosettes, lattices) can be hung on the fence. You can combine several items together by creating "modules" for the fence, for example, connecting a bright plywood circle, a picture frame and a flower pot, or a frame and a birdhouse, etc. together.

6. "Attach" various "additions" to the fence
You can “attach” gazebos, beautiful themed corners or flower beds to the fence.

Garden disguise: play hide and seek Decorating outbuildings

If you are just starting construction, consider all the practical points in advance. In fact, the garage should be located separately, and best of all at the entrance to the site, and the summer kitchen - not far from the house. The same can be said about garden shower. Of course, in these cases, these buildings should be located separately. Can design a structure unusual shape or with the original roof arrangement. And if, for example, your small barn or cellar is "built into" the slope - this is a great opportunity to style it "under the grotto"!

If there are already buildings, they are solid and it is impossible to somehow combine them, - decorate!

1. Cover them with vertical gardening or hide them behind curtains of green plants, hedges, pergolas or trellises.

Garden disguise: play hide and seek 2. Decorate each of your buildings as small house- with a porch, windows, hanging flower pots. And also, arrange a small “mini-estate” near the house. Not a hozblok - a toy!

3. Repaint or paint. You can completely cover your shed with patterns or paint all or one wall a different color. It will play the role of a background or screen for the exposition you have thought up. For example, one wall can be painted very dark color, and then against its background, high bright flowers planted around the perimeter of the barn.

Garden disguise: play hide and seek 4. Arrange a wall - an exhibition. Make one of the walls of the outbuilding, as a rule, the one that you would like to hide, make it light and arrange an exhibition of household items, a “hobby” exhibition, an exhibition of teapots, mugs or fishing lures on it - here everyone can choose their idea. And a lot of old unnecessary things may well be of particular benefit, bringing some originality to the design of your garden.

5. Make an inlay on the wall of the outbuilding. Lay out one (or more) walls of the barn, summer kitchen, workshop, etc. colored bat mosaic ceramic tiles and utensils. You can make an abstraction, or you can lay out some kind of drawing, ornament.

Garden disguise: play hide and seek 6. Decorate the wall of the building as a "collection". Decorate the wall (it is better if it is alone in this case) with some items of the same type: rattan napkins, plates, or even. Decoupage on outdoors possible when using several other materials than indoors. For example, or boat varnish, or colorless azure.

7. Make false "windows" on the wall of the building. Make them out of picture frames, paint them brightly and attach a pot with a bright flower to each of these windows.

Garden disguise: play hide and seek 8. Use overlays on the walls of buildings. As in the case of a fence, various decorations can be hung on the wall, for example, a garden panel, wicker elements, and even beautiful hot coasters, or even taken from another building, but decorated with “antique” door. Can also be mounted on the wall beautiful snags. Also, if the style suits you, you can hang your old blinds on the wall.

9. Decorate ... .. with firewood. For example, the best decoration for woodshed- the wood itself. Simply completely cover one or three of its walls with stacks of firewood, leaving "window niches" in the firewood.

Garden disguise: play hide and seek 11. Use for decoration old wall tinted branches of trees or shrubs. You will need long branches without knots, painted with multi-colored acrylic paints. In order to fix this decor on the wall, you will need two ropes stretched on studs parallel to the wall - top and bottom. Under these ropes, painted branches are placed vertically, if necessary, the rope is additionally fixed with nails in the right places.

12. Arrange a voluminous "still life". This method differs from the wall "exhibition" in that it is three-dimensional. For example, you can use the wall to hang some items, put a table next to it with some kind of composition, and bouquets with dry plants, and even a mini bench. You will not only be able to beat a boring building in an unusual way, but also create a nice relaxation corner at the same time.

Garden disguise: play hide and seek 13. Surround the object with a garden maze. There was a building - and there is no building. Now she's hidden in garden maze. The labyrinth can be made from any structural material, in particular made of bricks or natural stone, from perforated metal panels, you can use ready-made reed screens that will need to be installed on the frame, you can also plant a low hedge in the form of a labyrinth. And in the center of the labyrinth is an object that needs to be hidden. The labyrinth is suitable for those buildings that are no longer subject to any decoration.

Decorating withered trees

Dry trees are sometimes style attributes, and in many cases they can be decorated, turning into a real decoration of the site.

1. Paint them.

2. Hang beautiful bird feeders, hanging flowerpots, wind chimes, lots of small decorative birdhouses.

Garden disguise: play hide and seek 3. Engage vertical gardening- wilt them with clematis, girlish grapes or morning glory.

4. Insert garden lights into them.

5. Turn them into pieces of furniture.

Well, if such options do not fit into your garden, then, of course, they need to be uprooted.

Home in a person's life- This special place in which he should feel like in paradise: relax, gain strength, love, hide from external problems. Everything in it should please the eye, thereby creating good mood. However, there are little things that can spoil the whole interior. These are sockets, pet bowls and other items.

Editorial "So simple!" will tell you about little tricks with which you can easily hide ugly things in your home.

Creative ideas for the home

  • If a pet lives in your house, then take a separate box for his bowls. Very interesting idea!

  • You can also hide your pet's toilet in the nightstand. And your eyes are not callous, and the animal feels calm.

  • If you are planning a renovation or building a new home, then be sure to consider the idea of ​​pull-out lockers in the steps of the stairs. Very functional!

  • use fake diamond to hide trash cans or watering systems.

  • In order not to clutter up the walls with large shelves, put books on invisible stands. Very convenient and always arouses the interest of guests.

  • Do it in one drawers a small charging station for your gadgets.

  • Use self-adhesive tape to decorate household appliances.

  • Decorate old refrigerator wallpaper that can be easily removed if desired.

  • If it seems to you that the router does not fit into the interior, hide it in nice box or the cover of a book.
  • Make from a picture small locker. It can store jewelry and other small items.

  • Great idea to hide the wires.

  • wires for computer desk can be hidden with a curtain.

  • Decorate dangling wires with different decorative clips.

  • Just a little creativity and you'll hide the paper towel container.

  • Hide the alarm panel with an opening picture.

  • You can create more comfort if the TV is placed in a frame.

  • An original solution to hide the TV and add variety to the interior of your home.

  • With the help of such simple ideas you can give your home more comfort and remove annoying objects from view. You will not spend a lot of money and time, but you will certainly raise your mood.

    There is a bookcase, it does not touch anyone, and suddenly - a rearrangement! The closet is moving, preparing to move to a new place, and there - the priests! Part of the wallpaper lagged behind, part was torn, over the years of standing it also became dusty and dirty. Or another plot of the thriller: a switch, a short circuit - a black mark on the wall. Scary?

    There are situations when troubles happen to the walls. Where - a flood and streaks, where - children's hands, there - cat's claws, here - a hole. And it would be nice if the wallpaper of the same color were in stock, but no, and you won’t find such in the store. What to do?

    People with the means and opportunities solve the problem radically: peel off the wall, prepare it, glue it with new wallpaper or paint it. And there you look - and a reason to update the repair in the whole room, and then the apartment. But if there is no such opportunity yet, either because of time (after all, you can’t buy a loaf of bread in a store), or because of funds?

    A wall in almost any condition lends itself to disguise. To begin with, you can return the cabinet to its place and do not suffer, and decorate the switch / socket along the contour. The hole is closed high with a picture decorated with a beautiful baguette www.bagetmaster.com.ua, a shelf, a photograph, a hole below - with a sticker, a picture. What feats people don’t go to just to decorate their walls, what materials they don’t use. But such measures are suitable in our case. We are not shy, we experiment, and then we just say that it was intended that way.

    If there is no way with creativity, you can call a herd of neighborhood kids from five to ten, give out a plane, paints and not interfere. Young Picassos will paint the wall so that it remains only to arrange everything in wooden slats, outlining a joint masterpiece with a homemade frame. True, for some it will be bold enough.

    Fans of extravagance (and at the same time, the owners of fabric cuts) decorate the wall with drapery made of fabric or curtains. Or hang fabric roleta. Curtains hanging to the floor look great on the windows. On the walls - the visual effect is no less successful. They can be hung on baguettes or simply fixed with carnations, gathered in folds or pulled onto a frame. And if you take a walk, then the room can be completely turned into a fabulous oriental tent from the inside.

    Plant lovers are not left out. If the wall is sufficiently lit, then densely growing vines are let through it. creepers, ivy. They will close the flaws of the wall, and draw attention to themselves.

    In any case, the trouble of the wall is not a problem for lovers of comfort and coziness. There is always a way out.

    P.S. Leave your comments on the article, I will be glad to answer them. If the article turned out to be useful for you, then share it with your friends by clicking the buttons of social networks.