Daylily pink spider. The most spectacular varieties of daylilies. Daylilies purple-black

Thank you for the excellent quality of the planting material! The order was made in the autumn of 19, the order was received in March of the 20th, all the bulbs are of excellent quality. I will order more.

Hello. I ordered fertilizer and seeds for seedlings. Everything was delivered on time, lifted to the floor. Before that I ordered rose seedlings. Good quality planting material, varieties matched and roses...

Hello. I ordered fertilizer and seeds for seedlings. Everything was delivered on time, lifted to the floor. Before that I ordered rose seedlings. Good quality planting material, varieties matched and roses are already blooming in my garden. I am waiting for another order for roses, I hope that this time the Compound will be on top. Thank you very much

I ordered seedlings in the Podvorye online store on March 1, 2020. The order came quickly, the seedlings are of good quality. I will order again. Natalya Moscow region

Received the gladiolus bulbs today. I ordered 12 varieties of 2 bulbs. Opening the box. smelled a musty smell. Turned out to be a moldy bottom at 4 bulbs. a few bulbs...

Received the gladiolus bulbs today. I ordered 12 varieties of 2 bulbs. Opening the box. smelled a musty smell. Turned out to be a moldy bottom at 4 bulbs. several bulbs were with lateral children and ... already germinated. Another 6 bulbs sprouted 3 cm and an arc! The rest is a feeling of moisture, so I think they will begin to germinate earlier than they should. Last year there was the same story, but not in such quantity, I ordered more, so there was no such disappointment as this year.

I ordered 7 types of clematis in packages. All alive, with sprouts. One has a lot of dead roots, removed about 2/3, but I hope there will be dmt. The other has all the roots caked, with mold, the sprouts are dead ...

I ordered 7 types of clematis in packages. All alive, with sprouts. One has a lot of dead roots, removed about 2/3, but I hope there will be dmt. In the other, all the roots are caked, with mold, the sprouts are dead. I washed it under running water, found 4 living kidneys. Treated with fungicide. I also think it will survive. The rest of the plants are healthy and looking good.

Received the long-awaited rose within the agreed time frame. The work of the staff of the center is distinguished by clarity and composure.

Report admission

Report admission

As usual, I quickly stopped by at a working lunch, quickly took the order, and bought something else I needed.

Always a pleasure to receive orders from this online store. The parcel arrived very quickly. In the Tver region in two days. Plants are all live, with good root system and small buds. It is better...

Always a pleasure to receive orders from this online store. The parcel arrived very quickly. In the Tver region in two days. Plants are all live, with good root system and small buds. It is better not to wish. Very satisfied with the order. Thank you!

Thank you very much for the seedlings, they are all excellent. I have been using your services for many years and I am very satisfied, thank you. Deev V.B.

Today, daylilies have entered a new round of their development. To date, more than 70 thousand varieties have been registered, and more and more new ones appear every year. New bizarre shapes, new types of coloring, new fantasy drawings on the petals, as if created by a talented artist's brush. No culture has such a variety of shapes, colors and sizes of a flower, the height of a bush. How to understand all this diversity in order to make the right choice? The official classification of daylilies will help us with this.

The American Hemerocallis Society (AHS), founded in 1946, is the official world registrar of varieties. This Society has developed a classification of the daylily, which reflects all its possibilities as an ornamental garden plant.

genetic ploidy

This characteristic tells us about the number of chromosomes in a daylily. Diploids (DIP) have 22 of them, tetraploids (TET) have 44. At first, all daylilies were diploids, but in the middle of the last century, a method was found to convert diploid daylilies into tetraploids. Parts of the daylily were treated with cell division-blocking colchicine (isolated from autumn colchicum - Colchicum autumnale L.) and as a result of this conversion, daylilies with 44 chromosomes (tetraploids) were obtained. The first tetraploids were obtained in the early 1950s. It was then that there was a breakthrough in the selection of daylilies. Due to the increase in the number of chromosomes, limitless possibilities have opened up for breeding new varieties.

If a diploid variety has a great potential for breeding work, then it is transferred to a tetraploid version. Daylily conversion is a complex and lengthy process, and therefore very expensive. A tetraploid version of the same variety will cost significantly more than its diploid version. Also, the high price of tetraploid versions is often due to increased demand among hybridizers who actively use this variety in their breeding work. For example, in 2014, a TET version of Rose F. Kennedy (Dorakian/Stamile) was $2,500, while a DIP version of the same variety was only $50. Tetraploid Time Stopper (Gossard/Stamile) costs $300 and diploid costs $65.

Sometimes nurseries sell both versions (TET and DIP) of the same variety. You most likely will not notice any special external differences between different versions of the same variety. Therefore, it makes no sense to overpay.

Now let's see what is the fundamental difference between tetraploids and diploids.

TET flowers are much larger. They have a more intense color. The texture of the petals is denser. The plants themselves are more powerful. Peduncles are stronger and do not collapse under the weight of flowers, which is important for huge spiders. However, DIPs also have a number of advantages. They have more refined flower forms, and they tie seeds much easier.

In fact, it is not so important for a daylily lover to know which daylily, DIP or TET, grows in his garden. However, this is very important information for those who want to try themselves as a hybridizer. Only varieties with the same set of chromosomes (the same ploidy) can be crossed with each other; TET pollinate only TET, and DIP only DIP. Now, knowing all these subtleties, you can easily make the right choice.

Vegetation types

There are three main types of daylily vegetation:

  • sleeping (dormant)- In the fall, the leaves of such daylilies wither and die. In winter, the plant sleeps until spring. In the spring, when the temperature rises, daylily growth begins.
  • evergreens (Evergreen)- in warm regions remain green throughout the year. In cold winters, the tops of the leaves freeze. During the thaw period, they wake up and can begin to grow. In the absence of snow, subsequent frosts can destroy awakened buds. But not everything is so scary. Usually in the spring, new, replacing buds wake up on the root collar, and the daylily successfully grows and even blooms. True, there are also unpleasant situations when the root neck completely rots. Fortunately, this rarely happens.
  • semi-evergreen (Semievergreen)- daylilies of this group occupy an intermediate position. They adapt well to the climate. In a cold climate, the foliage partially dies off for the winter, the tips of the leaves remain, growth does not slow down completely. In warm climates, these daylilies will behave like evergreens.

To get a more complete picture of the behavior of daylilies in a particular climate, American scientists identified three more intermediate types that are not included in the official classification:

  • sound sleepers (Hard Dormant)- lose foliage very early, after the first frost. They sleep soundly in winter. They start growing very late. Such varieties definitely need a dormant period. Otherwise, they will not be able to prepare for the flowering season - they weaken and stop blooming.
  • semi-dormant- fall asleep very late at the beginning of winter, after a long period of cold weather. They sleep in winter. In the spring, their foliage begins to grow very early.
  • soft evergreens or soft evergreens (Soft Evergreens) - in In our climate, the leaves freeze completely below the soil level. All growth buds freeze. New replacement kidneys do not wake up. The daylily dies.

It is sometimes difficult for a novice florist to understand all these subtleties. In addition, the type of vegetation is not a reliable indicator of the frost resistance of a daylily. In this situation, it is better to rely on the experience of domestic collectors who adapt new varieties of daylilies in their gardens and will always give truthful information about how a particular variety winters in the Moscow region.

Flowering time, remnant

  • EE - very early (beginning of June)
  • E - early (mid-June)
  • EM - mid-early (end of June - mid-July)
  • M - medium (mid-July - early August - flowering peak)
  • ML - mid-late (mid-August)
  • L - late (end of August)
  • VL - very late, which bloom in mid-September. In the conditions of the Moscow region, with the onset of early cold autumn, these varieties do not have time to flourish.

Almost all modern tetraploids are repairing (remontant). This means that the hybrid is genetically predisposed to re-flowering under favorable conditions. This is one of the important characteristics of the variety. After the main flowering and a short dormant period (usually 2-3 weeks) the daylily again throws out a flower arrow. However, re-blooming in the conditions of the Moscow region can only be expected under the condition of early spring, hot summer and very warm autumn. Factors such as planting site (sun, shade), soil nutrition, rainfall, amount of sunlight, seed setting, etc. also affect re-blooming. There are very few varieties that consistently re-bloom in the Moscow region. However, there are varieties with such characteristics as "Instant rebloom" (instant re-bloom). This means that new peduncles grow immediately, after the first ones, nonstop. Sometimes 2-3 peduncles grow from one fan. Such varieties are likely to have time to re-bloom in the Moscow region. The photo shows an example of an instant re-bloom.

flowering type

As you know, the daylily flower lives only one day, but the opening of the flower can occur at different times of the day. Therefore, three types of flowering have been identified:

  • day type of flowering (Diurnal)- the flower opens in the morning and fades by the evening of the same day.
  • night type of flowering (Nocturnal)- the flower opens in the afternoon or evening, stays open all night, and fades the next morning or afternoon.
  • long-flowering (Extendedflowering) - an extended type of flowering, when the flower remains open for at least 16 hours, regardless of the time of day. At the same time, such flowers can open both day and night. To date, there are few such varieties. Breeders are working in this direction, working mainly with varieties of the night opening type. They try to ensure that the flower remains open all the next day.

Daylily breeders, when describing varieties in which flowers are fully opened early in the morning, use the term Early Morning Opener (EMO). This is a very valuable quality of the variety. Such varieties, even with heavily corrugated petals, open well after cool nights. Nocturnal night daylilies should not be confused with EMO varieties. Night varieties open the night before and stay open all night.


Many flowers have a fragrance. And here the daylilies did not let us down. The flowers of some of them are odorless. Many have a slight odor. But there are those who are able to fill the garden with a charming aroma.

All varieties of daylilies are divided into:

  • fragrant (Fragrant)
  • very fragrant (Very Fragrant)
  • odorless.

flower size

Varieties of daylilies have a wide range of flower sizes. Three groups are distinguished:

  • miniature (Miniature)- flower diameter less than 3 inches in diameter (up to 7.5 cm). The height of the peduncles can be different - low, medium or high. The Donn Fischer Memorial Award (DFM) is awarded annually.
  • small-flowered (Small)- flower diameter from 3 inches to 4.5 inches (7.5 to 11.5 cm). The height of the peduncles can also be different. The Annie T. Giles Award (ATG) is awarded annually.
  • large-flowered (Large)- flower diameter from 4.5 inches (from 11.5 cm).
  • Another group of daylilies was selected to judge at AHS shows Extra Large- for varieties registered with a flower size of 7 inches or more (from 17.8 cm), but which are not registered in the category of spiders and UFo. Since 2005, the Extra Large Diameter Award (ELDA) has been awarded in this category.

Peduncle height, peduncle branching

Florists love daylilies not only for their unpretentiousness. Another indisputable plus when using daylilies in garden design is the different height of flower stalks. Here you can find real dwarfs for rockeries or alpine slides, as well as majestic giants - for the background of the flower garden. Daylilies are divided into four groups according to the height of the peduncles:

  • dwarfs (Dware)- height of peduncles up to 12 inches (30 cm)
  • undersized (Low)- peduncle height from 12 to 24 inches (30-60 cm)
  • sredneroslye (Medium)- peduncle height 24 to 36 inches (60-90 cm)
  • high (Tall)- peduncle height from 36 inches (90 cm) and above.

There are currently just over 40 registered varieties with a height of 68 inches (from 173 cm). Among them are varieties with a height of more than 74 inches (188 cm). These varieties of daylilies look great in solitary plantings on the lawn.

The ratio of the height of the peduncle to the size of the flower can be very different. On a low peduncle there can be large flowers, and on a high one - small ones.

When registering varieties of daylilies, the branching of peduncles is necessarily indicated - the number of side branches, each of which contains a group of buds. Also at the top of the peduncle there may be a branching in the form of the Latin letter V. The higher the branching of the peduncles, the better.

On well-branched peduncles, several flowers can open at the same time, and they will not interfere with each other. In such daylilies, the total number of buds on one peduncle can reach 30-50, so flowering will be plentiful and long. For example, the variety Heavenly Angel Ice (Gossard, 2004) has a 5-position branching of peduncles and up to 30 buds on each. By the way, in 2013 this variety received the highest award in the "world of daylilies" - the Stout Silver Medal.

flower coloring

All sorts of shades and combinations of colors make the daylily very attractive for our climate, where bright colors are so lacking. To date, there are no daylilies of only pure white and pure blue, although American breeders are moving quite successfully in this direction. Almost white varieties are becoming whiter every year, and there are already plenty of varieties with blue and blue eyes. They are especially pronounced in cool and cloudy weather.

Primary colors of daylilies:

  • yellow- all shades from pale lemon, through bright yellow and gold to orange.
  • red (Red) - various shades of scarlet, carmine, tomato red, maroon, wine red and black and red.
  • pink (Pink) - from pale pink through deep pink to rose red.
  • Violet (Purple) - from pale lavender and lilac to dark grape or purple.
  • melon or creamy pink (MelonorCream- Pinkdotfrom) - from pale cream shades to dark melon. Brown, apricot and peach colors are considered variations of pink plus yellow. White daylilies can be with shades of yellow, pink, lavender or melon.

Daylily flower in its color can be:

  • single color / single color (Self)- the petals and sepals are of the same color, while the stamens and throat may be of a different color.
  • multicolor / polychrome (Polychrome)- a mixture of three or more colors, for example, yellow, melon, pink and lavender, without a clear rim above the throat. The stamens and throat may be of a different color.
  • two-color (Bicolor)- inner and outer petals of different colors (dark top, light bottom). As well as reverse bicolor (Reverse Bicolor).
  • two-ton (Bitone)- outer and inner petals of different shades of the same base color (top - darker shade, bottom - lighter). As well as back two-ton (Reverse Bitone).

The petals of many modern hybrids glisten and sparkle in the sun. This effect is called "spraying". Distinguish diamond dusting (Diamond Dusting), gold plating (Gold Dusting), as well as silver plating (Silver Dusting).

flower shape

In terms of the variety of flower forms, the daylily is unlikely to be equal among other ornamental crops of our climatic zone. According to the structure of the daylily flower, the following groups are officially distinguished for registration and exhibition purposes: simple (Single), double (DOUBLE), arachnid (SPIDER), unusual shape (UFo), polymers (POLYMEROUS) and multiforms (MULTIFORM).

1 group -Simple single flower (Single).

It has three petals, three sepals, six stamens and one pistil. In recent years, due to abnormally hot weather, some daylilies give out small the number of flowers with more petals than usual. But this is just a manifestation of the tendency to multi-petalled typical daylilies.

The shape of a simple flower can be:

  • round (Circular). When looking at a flower in front, it seems round. The segments are short, wide, and usually overlap, giving the appearance of a circle.
  • flat (flat). Seen in profile, the flowers look completely flat, like a saucer, except for the concave throat.
  • informal (Informal). Flower segments do not have a specific shape. The arrangement of the segments may be irregular, widely spaced or hanging freely.
  • back-curved (Recurved). Flower segments are directed forward, and the tips are bent back or tucked up.
  • star-shaped / star-shaped (Star). Flower segments are long and straight. There is a distance between the segments, and the shape of the flower is like a star.
  • triangular (Triangular). Flower segments form a triangle. The petals are directed forward, the tips of the sepals are bent back. The inner segments of the flower form a triangle.
  • tubular / ruper / lily (Trumpet). When viewed in profile, the shape of the flower resembles that of a tubular lily. The segments rise from the throat upwards with a slight bend.

Group 2 - Terry flower (Double).

Doubleness - a significant increase in the number of petals in a flower. Most often this happens due to the degeneration of stamens into petals.

There are two types of terry:

  • peony terry type (Peony Type Double) - when the stamens are reborn into additional petals (petaloids).
  • flower in flower (Hose-in-hose double) . Usually a daylily flower consists of two levels of petals. This type of doubleness suggests that the flower consists of more than two levels of petals.

Among terry varieties there are miniature, small-flowered and large-flowered varieties.

When registering, the hybridizer indicates the percentage of doubleness. If a variety is registered as 80% double, then 8 flowers out of 10 will be double. However, in our climate, in some varieties, the declared percentage of terry can vary significantly. This is influenced by cool weather, the age of the bush and other factors. This group has an annual "Ida Munson Award (IM)".

Group 3 Unusual Form - UFabout).

This group includes daylilies with an unusual and exotic flower shape. To be assigned to this class, it is enough for a variety to have three petals of an unusual shape. The Lambert/Webster Award (LWA) is awarded annually. When registering varieties of an unusual shape, the type of flower must be indicated. According to the shape of the petals and sepals, three types of flowers are distinguished:

1 type - C rispate (curly, curly, frizzy, crispy) - quite a large assortment group. It is subdivided into three subtypes (when registering a variety, the subtype is not always indicated):

  • pinched crispate - pinched / squeezed / squeezed. The petals are pinched at the tips. Variety: Coit Tower (P.Stamile - G. Pierce, 2010)
  • twisted crispate- twisted . ALL petals are twisted along the length like a spiral, a corkscrew, a skewer. The largest subgroup. Cultivar Apache Beacon (N. Roberts, 2005)
  • quilled crispate - tubular/rolled. As a rule, the outer petals are folded along the entire length into a tube. Quite a rare form. Variety Dooty Owl (Roberts, 2006)

2 type - C ascade (cascade, twisted) - narrow cascading petals have a pronounced twist, reminiscent of wood shavings. Most varieties of this group are characterized by large, and sometimes just giant flowers, tall peduncles and bright tropical color. Variety: Purple Tarantula (Gossard, 2011)

3 type - S patulate (spatulate / spatulate / spatula) - narrow inner petals widen considerably at the ends. The tip of the petals is wide and rounded, resembling a shoulder blade. This group is small. Variety: Ruby Spider (Stamile, 1991).

Quite often there are varieties of daylilies in which various combinations of the shape of the petals and sepals are combined - UFo Crispate-Cascade-Spatulate. Variety Heavenly Curls (Gossard, 2000)

4 group- Spider.

This group of daylilies includes varieties with narrow long petals that do not overlap each other when leaving the neck. The petal length to width ratio should be 4:1 or higher. Until 2003, there was a division into spider variant (Spider Variant) with a ratio of petal length to its width from 4:1 to 4.99:1 and actually spiders with a ratio of 5:1 or more. They are called "classic spider". At present, all narrow-leaved cultivars with a ratio of petal length to width of 4:1 or more constitute a single group of Spiders. For measurement, choose the longest of the blossoming petals and straighten it in length and width. The narrower the petal width, the higher the spider is quoted. The Harris Olson Spider Award (HOSA) is awarded annually.

Quite often, the word spider is present in the name of varieties, but this does not mean that this variety belongs to the group of spiders. For example, the popular Ruby Spider variety belongs to the UFo group.

5 group- Polymers/Polymerous (Polymerous)

Multi-petal varieties (not to be confused with terry). In 1995, when AHS was introduced into the classification of this group, it was called "polytepals". This term was then recognized as botanically incorrect, and in 2008 this group of daylilies became known as Polymerous.

A typical daylily flower has three sepals, three petals, six stamens, and one three-chambered pistil. A polymer such as 4x4 will have 4 sepals, 4 petals, 8 stamens and 1 four-chambered pistil.

It is believed that if a variety exhibits these characteristics in at least 50% of flowering, then such a daylily is a true polymer. When registering polymers, the hybridizer indicates the percentage of multilobe. It may vary depending on climatic conditions.

The difference between polymers and terry varieties:

  • in polymers, the extra petals and extra sepals are evenly distributed in the respective layer. In terry varieties, additional petals are formed due to the degeneration of stamens, or additional petals are located between normal petals.
  • polymers always have additional stamens, and their number corresponds to the total number of petals and sepals. In addition, the number of chambers in the pestle increases proportionally.

The multipetal gene is extremely dominant.

6 group- Multiforms (MultiForm).

Undoubtedly, this group is the most exotic and exclusive. More recently, classifiers have had to add a new group for varieties that do not fit into any of the previous groups, because they combine the characteristics of two or more common groups at once. For example:

  • terry spiders,
  • terry unusual shape (UFo),
  • polymer spider,
  • polymer UFO,
  • UFo or spiders, at the same time terry and polymers.

There is no judging for this group at exhibitions.

The group is small. In the last 15 years, only 87 varieties of terry unusual forms (UFo) and 5 terry spiders have been registered. Another 100% terry spider, Ashee Dashee, was registered by Diana Taylor in 2006 in the terry group.

The pioneer on this path was Jane Joyner. Having crossed her seedlings, in 1999 she registers the variety Fluttering Beauty, which is both 98% terry and UFo Crispate. So far, this variety is the #1 parent for double UFo.

When registering multiforms, the hybridizer indicates the percentage of terry and multi-petal.

In the photo of the James Gossard variety of the last years of introduction:

  • Dr Doom(2013) terry spider UFo cascade
  • PowerpuffGirls(2013) terry UFo cascade
  • DrOctopus(2014) - terry spider UFo cascade

I hope that now it will be easier for you to navigate in such a diverse world of daylilies.

It was not a whim for me to choose spider daylilies (“spiders”). In our north~ west, it is varieties with this flower shape that are truly promising. They endure rain well, their petals do not cling to each other and open even in the wettest weather, the buds do not rot. In addition, they actually have very bright and pure colors and a wonderful light and graphic shape of the flower itself. They are good not only near and in a bouquet, but also from afar.

The first daylilies with an unusual shape, which later received the name "spider" ( Spider), were bred back in the 1940s, but then they did not cause a stir even among devoted lovers of daylilies. It's just that none of the breeders of that time were carried away by them enough to delight the public with a series of wonderful varieties.

The film Starship Troopers, released in 1997, fueled interest in the “arachnids” a little, where “arachnids” - aliens from outer space threatened the Earth. The attention of the mass consciousness was drawn to the topic of spiders, but this interest was rather with a minus sign. And only with the release in 2002 of the superhero "Spider-Man" with Tobey McGuire as Peter Parker, people began to think positively about spiders, and the word "spider" itself did not cause that disgust, but rather, on the contrary. So the cinema in the minds of people, thanks to the open and ingenuous look of Peter Parker, gave a good and human meaning to the previously vile.

The background of the appearance of daylilies spiders

In the early 2000s, as a result of the work of James Gossard and his wife Diana on their family farm Heavenly Gardens in Ohio, a series of spider daylilies and “spider” UFOs appeared with amazing characteristics - bright and pure, bewitching shades of giant-sized flowers, abundance and duration of flowering. Their bushes are proportionate - giant brushes of bright flowers are balanced by luxurious dense fans of foliage.

Fortunately, with a chance, about a dozen "freshly baked" Gossard varieties of that period ended up on St. Petersburg soil in 2008. Since then, they have been studied by our amateurs, and now we can already talk about their undoubted advantages over the numerous novelties of other breeders of those years.

And the most important of them for our damp and not very warm climate is that they bloom unusually abundantly and for a long time, creating luxurious color spots in flower beds, filling the gardens with joyful, lively and bright colors. Moreover, neither rains, nor dews, nor fogs interfere with them in flowering. And August in the north-west of Russia alternately enchants with amazing warm days and cool nights, and then suddenly begins to hint at the proximity of autumn with lingering rains and cold night dews.

And not all beautiful modern varieties of daylilies are able to withstand this prolonged moisture. Often, the buds of many varieties, especially those whose edges of the petals are decorated with delicious thick corrugated frills, do not open well during prolonged rains, and sometimes they simply rot before they open up.

And since weather deterioration at this time is by no means uncommon, it is possible to admire the luxurious floral baroque in St. Petersburg in August at rare moments of bright and warm days. Spiders and related UFOs lack this shortcoming.

Neither rains and colds, nor dews and fogs interfere with them in flowering.

Especially good are the "spider" daylilies selected by James Gossard. In addition to phenomenal resistance to dampness and cold, they also have outstanding decorative qualities. The shapes of the flowers are unusually beautiful and varied. The petals of many twist into their own figurative curls, while others, on the contrary, shine with sharp bright rays, and some have a beautiful wavy corrugation along the edge of the petal.

For the first time in the characteristics of Gossard's variety, we are faced with such parameters as the number of branches of the peduncle and the number of buds on each branch. By multiplying these values, we can find out how many flowers will bloom on each peduncle, and this gives an idea of ​​​​the total duration and abundance of flowering.

I would like to say a few words about those varieties that I managed to observe and which amazed and made me admire.

Varieties of arachnid daylilies

Heavenly Flight of Angels (2003)- the oldest variety of Gossard from all that we managed to get in 2008, but still at the level. The fully expanded petals can span up to 26.5 cm, but they are twisted into curls, and therefore the size seems modest.

Each flower lasts 2 days and changes color as it matures - on the first day the color of the petals is more saturated, from greenish-yellow to yellow. On the 2nd day, the yellow color is preserved only in the center of the petals, while the edges are bordered by an almost white edging. Even on very hot days (although they are infrequent in August, they do happen), the flower still does not completely whiten, but retains this spectacular contrast.

Among other characteristics of the variety - rather high growth, up to 90 cm, semi-evergreen. The number of buds on each branch of the peduncle is 15. In 2007, the variety received a laudatory review from the AHS (American Daylily Society).

Radioactive Curls (Radioactive Curls, 2004)- differs in very twisted petals. It has 3, sometimes 4 branches of the peduncle and 24 buds on each branch. The variety is profusely flowering, but did not make such an indelible impression.

Heavenly Angel Ice (2004)- one of the best varieties of James Gossard, and perhaps one of the best white varieties in the world of daylilies. And although it was bred a long time ago, every year its value only increases, as evidenced by the highest ratings at numerous exhibitions in the United States and Canada.

The variety has received many prestigious awards, including in 2009 the first Lambert and Webster Award (Lambert - Webster Award) awarded to the best varieties in the Unusual Forms of Daylilies (UFO) group. And finally, in 2013, the highest award in the world of daylilies - the Stout Medal for outstanding decorative and economic qualities.

The variety really makes a lasting impression with its crystal clear almost white flowers of delightful shape, appearing in endless abundance, sometimes until frost.

Each peduncle has up to 5 branches, and each of them carries up to 27 buds, that is, each peduncle is capable of producing more than 100 flowers! I simply cannot remember a more perfect white daylily. Moreover, each petal is whimsically decorated with an elegant fine corrugation, which does not prevent the flowers from opening even in the rainiest weather.

Heavenly Energizer (2005)- a beautiful daylily of a pleasant pink color with large flowers (the span of fully deployed petals reaches 24 cm). Flowering is long, due to the fact that the peduncles are branched three times or even into 4 branches and each of them has 20-24 buds.

Heavenly Free Spirit (HeavenlyFreeSpirit, 2005)- in many ways similar to the beautiful white Heavenly Angel Ice, but in a radiant bright yellow color. It blooms just as long and abundantly with large 20-centimeter graceful flowers and looks like a flock of sunbeams, enlivening our boring northern landscape.

And the last variety, which is simply impossible not to mention - Great Red Dragon, 2006). Of all the varieties obtained in that batch, it did not bloom longer than others, and at first it seemed to us that it was not at all suitable for our climate, and apparently it lacked our meager warmth. However, at last it bloomed together with everyone who got it ... I don’t remember a greater shock. Its peduncles were a head taller than all the others, and at the same time, marvelous flowers of indescribable beauty were very vertically uplifted. They looked like fancy red hieroglyphs floating in the air. The variety requires time and good care to form a powerful bush that can provide fantastic flowering in its showiness.


Spiders - what is it?

At the exhibition near the stand with daylilies, I heard the grower's question about spiders. I also wondered how much they are in demand, how they grow in the middle lane?

Olga Antonyuk, Samara

This is a group of daylilies, the flowers of which are with narrow long petals. The variety is recognized as a spider when the ratio of the length of the petal to its width is 4:1 or more. The narrower and longer the petal, the more valuable the variety. By the way, for measurement, choose the longest petal, straighten it in length and width. Such daylilies are also called spiders or arachnids because of the similarity of narrow petals with the legs of this creature.

Are spiders in demand?

Among professionals and collectors - yes. After all, spiders are highly decorative, have a variety of colors and combinations of colors. Unfortunately, our flower growers are still wary of these exotic beauties and are afraid to settle them at home, thinking that they require increased attention. To fully appreciate the spiders, you need to see them in the garden, when magnificent huge flowers soar on tall peduncles like exotic butterflies, creating an enchanting spectacle.

How do night frosts, which occur in April-May, affect plants? What activities to take for their health?

Nina Komova, Istra

The key to the successful cultivation of all daylilies and spiders in particular is proper planting and adherence to simple agricultural practices. In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, I inspect the plantings, collect all last year's rotten leaves. At the time of new growth, I carry out preventive treatment of flower beds. I spray with "Fitosporin" (according to the instructions).

I get rid of thrips or daylily mosquito with the help of systemic insecticides. As soon as the earth warms up enough, I feed the plants with complex fertilizer. And I systematically water to the depth of the suction roots, since daylilies love water. And spring frosts down to -7 degrees, this year they endured with dignity.

Spider daylilies - photo


How do spiders withstand our difficult climatic conditions? They have tall peduncles. Do they fall under the weight of the flower?

Olga Kruk, Krasnogorsk

Modern spiders "stand firmly on their feet." Peduncles are strong, stable, and even during rain or strong winds do not lean to the ground under the weight of numerous flowers. Plants are unpretentious, reliable, hardy, more resistant to drought and adverse conditions, have the highest winter hardiness. And most importantly, these elegant flowers have high decorative qualities, they open up beautifully even after cold nights and in cloudy weather, showing themselves very well in the difficult conditions of the middle lane.

In the spiders from my collection, several flowers open at the same time on the peduncle. Flowering is abundant and long. You just need to wait a bit after planting, let the bush grow and in 2-3 years the daylily will show itself in all its glory.

When creating a flower garden, the main thing is to choose partners who do not pretend to be leaders, who are able to emphasize the grace, individuality and beauty of the spiders. For these purposes, perennials that create a vertical are suitable. Plants with basket inflorescences will be appropriate (I really like the combination with dill). You can create amazing compositions with phlox by matching them to the color of the spider's eye zone.

: WE WANT DAYLILYS, BUT ONLY SMALL What ...: Cultivation of daylilies for beginners: ...

Lushly blooming daylilies are a spectacular decoration of the garden. In modern horticulture, there are a great many varieties of daylilies. The varietal variety of flowers is so great that it pleasantly amazes the gardener's imagination and forces him to acquire more and more new plants. With the right selection, daylilies are able to bloom in the Moscow region from early July to mid-September.

Daylilies evergreen, semi-evergreen, dormant

Daylilies marked evergreen (EV) not worth buying. It is understood that in warm climates, their leaves do not die off, as a result of which they are not adapted to harsh winters.


Varieties of evergreen daylilies: photo

Photo: Evergreen Daylily Alice Stokes

Photo: Calico Jack Evergreen Daylily


Varieties of semi-evergreen daylilies: photo

Like evergreens behave and semi-evergreen daylilies (SEV) . They are also unstable in the conditions of the Moscow region.

Photo: semi-evergreen daylily Pejis Peñata

Photo: semi-evergreen daylily Tuskavilla Tigress

Photo: semi-green daylily by Elizabeth Salter


Varieties of sleeping daylilies: photo

The best option would be to purchase varieties of daylilies marked dormant (DOR) . Such daylilies winter well and annually delight the gardener with an abundance of flower stalks, despite the difficult climate and unpredictable winters.

Photo: sleeping daylily Macbeth

Photo: sleeping daylily Sorry mi

Photo: sleeping daylily Frans Hols

Photo: sleeping daylily Enchanted Forest

Varieties of daylilies spiders

Among daylilies, a special place is occupied by a group spiders . Their petals have an elongated shape, the tips of the petals are bent outward. At spiders the largest flowers, located mainly on a long peduncle, which justifies their name.

Daylily cultivar Ruby Spider

Ruby Spider is not quite a typical representative of this group. The variety has a relatively short stature, a compact bush shape, as well as almost straight petals. The flower itself is distinguished by its bright color and large size, its diameter reaches 18 cm. The variety winters in the conditions of the Moscow Region without shelter, the bush grows well.

Daylily cultivar Free Villin

Variety Free Willin , perhaps the most famous of the group of spiders. He has high peduncles up to 80 cm, large flowers of contrasting color, a combination of yellow and burgundy, green throat. In the conditions of the Moscow region, it is not the most stable variety. In harsh winters it can freeze, for the winter you need to sprinkle with a bucket of earth.

Varieties of dark daylilies spiders

Among the dark-colored spiders, spectacular varieties are:

  • catchin Raze,
  • Prairie Blue Eyes,
  • Cherry Swisler.

Photo: Prairie Blue Eyes Daylily

Varieties of white spider daylilies

Particularly spectacular are white spiders with the thinnest petals curved outward:

  • Heavenly Angel Eyes,
  • Heavenly Flight of Angels.

In my garden, dark-colored spiders show the greatest winter hardiness, while light-colored spiders are subject to freezing and soaking.

Varieties of dwarf daylilies

Dwarf daylilies will be a worthy decoration of a miniature garden, they will look spectacular in a small garden or in a natural type garden. Thanks to the abundant flower stalks, the plants look very elegant.

Group dwarf daylilies has the following characteristics:

  • moderate growth,
  • compact bush,
  • small flowers up to 6-7 cm in diameter,
  • the presence of abundant peduncles, on each of which up to 5 flowers bloom at the same time,
  • as a rule, they have narrow straight leaves, similar to pointed grass.

One of the most spectacular, but, unfortunately, not winter-hardy daylilies in the Moscow region is the Lacy Dolly variety. The remaining varieties of dwarf daylilies are distinguished by good winter hardiness.

Photo: dwarf daylily Gamma Quadrant

Varieties of terry daylilies

When choosing varieties for your garden among daylilies, you need to remember that terry daylilies and daylilies with geometric designs are the most whimsical. After hard winters, they may not bloom or bloom with simple flowers, or even completely freeze out. group terry daylilies it is good to plant where there is free access to plants, you want to admire their flowers endlessly.

Terry daylilies will be the pride of any collection :

  • dark cherry Knight Ambers ,
  • orange-red Paprika Flame ,
  • contrast Rosuita ,
  • luxurious Explodid Pumpkin .

Varieties of Terry Daylily by Susan Pritchad Petit

There are among the group of terry daylilies and the most fragrant is the variety Susan Pritchard Petit . It has very high peduncles - up to 1.5 m.

Terry daylily variety Kwanso

One of the most common terry daylilies is the variety Kwanso. It has a reddish color, grows well and winters, flower stalks are high - up to 1.5 m. kwanso and with variegated foliage, which looks very interesting. However, in my garden in 5 years the leaves with white stripes have completely turned into ordinary green ones.

Photo: terry daylily Longfields Maxim

Photo: terry daylily Happy Hooligan

Top 8 varieties - the best daylilies in my garden

1. Of the spiders, the undisputed leader is a bright variety. Ruby Spider .

2. From contrasting daylilies - variety Moussaka .

3. The largest flower stalks of the variety El Desperado , their diameter reaches 18 cm.

Photo: Daylily El Desperado

4. Variety with the most delicate pink tone of peduncles Pink Damascus occupies the 2nd place in terms of flower size, their diameter is 15-16 cm. The variety is distinguished by an abundance of buds, ideal for creating a romantic garden corner.

Photo: Daylily Pink Damask (Pink Damask)

5. vintage variety citrine with lemon flowers is good when planting near a pond. It blooms in the evening, filling the garden with the aroma of citron, it has the strongest smell.

Photo: daylily Citrina (Hemerocallis citrina)

6. Contrasting variety with tall peduncles Wild Horses creates a festive mood and decorates any flower bed.

Photo: Daylily Wild Horses

7. I have a particular weakness for daylilies with a wide contrasting corrugated border. The leader among such varieties John Peet , does not grow much, but winters well.

Photo: Daylily John Peat

8. Of course, it is impossible to ignore the well-known variety with dark flowers and light green throat - Bella Lugosi . No matter how many daylilies there are in my garden, guests invariably ask for a shoot from it.

Photo: daylily Bella Lugosi

It is known that wild daylilies, although very beautiful, are very different from those luxurious hybrids that we admire today in gardens. Natural species have more modest flowers in all respects, both in size and color. The petals of most savages are rather narrow, and some are even very narrow. In some species, small flowers, in others they generally bloom in the evening and fade before noon. But it seems curious and instructive that in these imaginary shortcomings, nature has laid a huge potential, which people, to their credit, were able to appreciate and reveal.
Talented and passionate hybridizers chose different paths, according to their aesthetic preferences. Some sought a huge size of the flower, while others, on the contrary, sought to minimize it. While most daylily enthusiasts liked round shapes with wide, overlapping perianth lobes, there were those who appreciated the elegance and originality of the narrow-petalled species.

The latter direction gradually led to the establishment of a new group in the classification of daylilies - the so-called spiders. Spider - transliteration of the English word spider (spider). The association here is inspired by the similarity of the narrow curved petals of a flower with the legs of an arthropod, which, as you know, has exactly eight of them. But for many spider varieties, the multi-petal phenomenon is characteristic, when instead of six petals eight are formed (for example, this happens with the Wildest Dreams variety). Who knows, maybe it was just such an example that prompted someone's rich imagination in due time ...

Already in the 1920s, a certain LeMoine Bechtold from Missouri was carried away by the hybridization of narrow-petaled species. From 1949 to 1952, he registered several hybrids, among which Kindly Light, which later became very popular and received in 1989 the first special award for spiders.

Until the mid-1980s, the spider group did not officially exist (that is, it was not recorded by the American Daylily Society, which has become a generally recognized legislator in this area). After a more or less lengthy debate, the supporters of the spider daylilies and the leaders of the Society came to a compromise regarding the classification of such varieties. It was decided to distinguish three groups in accordance with the proportions of the petals.

* Actually spiders. The ratio of the length and width of the petals of such daylilies should be no less than 5.0:1 (that is, it can be 5.2:1, 7:1, etc.). The longest of the blossoming petals is selected, straightened in length and width and measured in such a flat state (unlike round large-flowered varieties, in which the diameter is taken in a horizontal projection). Examples - yellow solid Kindly Light (7.7:1) - one of the famous ancestors of modern spiders, yellow with a red chevron eye De Colores (6.0:1), coral-pink Wildest Dreams with a large stretched olive-green throat ( 6.8:1), Skinny Minny Green-Yellow with Mustard Halo (5.0:1), Fluttering Beauty Ivory Terry.
* Spider Variants - this group used to include those who just missed the required proportion: the ratio of length and width is not less than 4.0:1, but does not include 5.0:1. This group includes the popular red-black Black Plush (4.6:1), pale lilac Cerulean Star (4.0:1), yellow-green Green Widow (4.1:1), mauve Yabba Dabba Do.
* Unusually shaped daylilies - this includes varieties that do not fall into the parameters not only in any of the previous groups, but also in the large-flowered group (due to the too unusual or “exotic”, according to experts, flower shape). This type is characterized by great diversity - the petals are twisted along (Lola Branham, Magic of Oz, Lake Norman Spider) or twisted across (Navaho Gray Hills), longitudinally compressed (Primal Scream, Mynelle's Starfish), spatulate (Golliwog, Dancing Summerbird,) or falling (Judge Roy Bean). There are novelties with corrugated and jagged edges (Heavenly Beginning), terry. The English abbreviation UFO (unusual form) is assigned to a group of these varieties, maybe it will be more convenient for us to call them UFO, there is even some allusion in this - they really look a little fantastic.

However, in 2003 the first two groups were merged into one - actually SPIDERS, so now there are two groups - SPIDERS and UFO.

The coloring and pattern of spiders and UVIs are becoming more and more diverse. The diameter of the flower reaches 25 cm, and in some novelties even 30 and 35 centimeters (Jan's Twister, Long Tall Sally). Many varieties are characterized by long flowering, sometimes flowers last almost 2 days even in hot weather, these varieties are more resistant to drought, which is noted by American lovers.

Many well-known hybridizers in the United States deal with spiders and UVR, but this is not their main line of business. So far, only one Jack Temple from Florida has devoted himself exclusively to this group of daylilies.

Recently, the most famous American hybridizers (Bob Schwartz, Ken Durio, Dan Trimmer, Patrick Stamile, Mort Morse) have been working on obtaining tetraploid spiders and spider variants. They have already managed to convert many old diploid varieties into tetraploid forms, which will certainly serve as a real breakthrough in the hybridization of spiders and UFOs. After all, thanks to a doubled set of chromosomes, the potential diversity of future hybrids increases many times over. The newest direction is the breeding of terry UFO and (as a result of crossing spiders and terry varieties). Ian Joyner, the creator of the fantastic daylilies Fluttering Beauty, Firefly Frenzy, especially excelled here.

The American Daylily Society established special awards for the winners of exhibitions for each group - separately for varieties with large flowers, with small ones, with miniature ones, with terry ones. Spiders and UFOs are judged separately.

As for the use of such daylilies in garden design, one must take into account the unusual outlines of their flowers. In addition, in most varieties they are very large. Such extravagant plants are used to create a "tropical effect". Their huge flowers resemble some kind of exotic plants, especially against the backdrop of large hosta foliage. You can plant spiders as tapeworms or in small uniform groups.