The value of the dot on the forehead. Bindi: what does a dot on the forehead mean for Indian women

The vast majority of mature Indian women walk with a scarlet dot in the middle of their foreheads. This sign symbolizes the confession of Hinduism by a woman and the fact that she is married.


More often this mark is called bindi.

The bindi of Indian women is one of the types of the sacred symbol of tilak, applied to the bodies of Hindus in the form of decoration and a sign of adherence to religious teachings.

More often, bindi can be seen on the forehead of women, but it is also found in men.

The points on the foreheads of the inhabitants of India, depending on their adherence to one or another direction of Hinduism, vary in shape, size and raw materials used.


The ritual of applying bindi to the face is several thousand years old.

According to legend, the dawn goddess Usha began to depict a miniature red circle on her forehead as a symbol of the rising daylight as a sign of greeting to her husband Surya, the god of the Sun.

According to another version, the red color symbolizes blood and sacrifices to the gods in the hope of their mercy.

A lot is said about tilak in folk legends and myths. For example, among brave heroes it burned with fire, and in moments of deep sorrow and despair it could spontaneously disappear.

The central part of the face above the bridge of the nose is considered to be the location of the ajna chakra, better known as the third eye. It is believed that through ajna a person loses valuable vital energy kundalini, and bindi blocks its evaporation, protecting its owner from the influence of evil forces and attracting good luck.

For a married woman, a red dot promises well-being and prosperity, and also reminds her of the sanctity of the marriage union.

In ancient times, girls, unmarried women and widows were only allowed to decorate themselves with black dots.

Raw material for bindi

The method of applying bindi is extremely simple: Indian women dip the tip of their finger into cinnabar and, having captured a little product, leave an imprint between their eyebrows.

Without certain skills, it is not always possible to apply a point evenly. In this case, improvised items will help out - metal circles or coins with a round hole.

As a raw material for bindi, lead oxide, blood livestock and other natural dyes of a pronounced red hue.

Bindi today

Bindi has already lost its original sacred meaning. dots different sizes and flowers adorn their faces of women of different ages, marital status and religion, living in the countries of South and Southeast Asia.

Felt, plastic or metal tilaki stickers became very popular. The adhesive base does not cause difficulties in their application, and big choice allows you to change them at least every day.

Extravagant beauties prefer gilded or silver-plated bindi, decorated with sparkles, rhinestones, inlaid with precious stones.

In other countries, women with Indian roots or those who have decided to convert to Hinduism also adorn themselves with bindi.

Tilak is often seen as a style detail. At one time, many celebrities, far from India and Hinduism, appeared in public with a red dot between their eyebrows.

What does the dot on the forehead of Indian women symbolize? There are black, green, red.

Issue resolved and closed.

    Is she married or just engaged. so that others don't get carried away.

    it is called bindi in women, tika in men. This third eye is considered to be, well, something for good luck. Men definitely. And for women, it is connected with marriage. If this dot is dark, burgundy or brown, then this means that she is married. Orange - was recently in the temple. And other colors, just for good luck or success. men only for success, of course :)

    Maybe a defective monitor. Maybe the video card is dying.
    It depends on what they are ... these points. What they look like when they appear.


    red - stop
    green - you can go or cross the road
    blue - sky
    yellow - lemon
    white - ceiling
    black - night
    purple - plums
    orange - tangerines

    one of your avatars is also green-red)

    A dot on the forehead of Indian women. When we watch Indian films, the first thing that catches our eye is a strange red dot on the forehead of an Indian beauty.

    What does the dot on the forehead mean. No, this is not a mole or birthmark at all, as many would think. This dot is called bindi (chandra, tillak, tika), which translates as “point”, “droplet”. And in Hindi it is “full moon”, “ full moon". It's great when your forehead is decorated with a full moon ....

    No one knows exactly why they began to put this point. However, according to Tantrism, it is commonly believed that this place is the "Third Eye" (the eye of Shiva), symbolizing "hidden wisdom." It is said that bindi saves from the "evil eye" and evil ailment.

    Teak is applied between the eyebrows. Why? It is believed that it is there that the “sixth chakra” is located, in which all life experience is concentrated. Trusting the tantric custom, we can believe that when a person thinks, all his latent (hidden) energy (“kundalini”), “making a journey” from the spine to the head, passes through this very red dot. The purpose of the bindi is to conserve energy. Also, it "participates" in activating the improvement of concentration.

    In Christianity, it means the temptation of the flesh (sweet singing and black plumage). In the temptations of Saint Benedict, the devil appears in the form of a blackbird.
    In general, here is the link:

    Yes, they also think so, it has gone from ancient times ..

    The black flag was also used by pirates, known for their love of freedom and defiance. And the skull is a symbol of death! The uniform black color of this flag symbolizes the rejection of all oppressive structures. A simple black flag is almost an anti-flag (states tend to use colorful flags). In addition, the white flag is traditionally a sign of surrender to the mercy of the conqueror, and thus the black flag can be seen as the polar opposite of surrender. It is also assumed that the black color of the flag symbolizes grief for those who died as a result of the struggle for a just cause.

The mysterious East attracts Westerners with its cultural characteristics, centuries-old traditions and the splendor of jewelry and dresses, the beauty of women. Of particular importance is the point on the forehead of Indian women, which is called bindi - this is one of the secrets that excites many tourists and haunts: why do women in India draw this point for themselves? Is it a decoration or a method to convey some information to everyone around you? It should be noted that today bindi is popular not only among Indian women, but also among residents of other countries as a traditional spot and decoration that has its own specific meaning.

What can bindi tell you?

Today it is not known exactly where the tradition of drawing a colored spot on the forehead of an Indian woman came from, but it is a fact that this dot has been drawn on the forehead of Indian women for a very long time. If you look at bindi from the point of view of the cultural heritage of India, then it should be noted that, first of all, a red dot on the forehead adorns the foreheads of only married women. A special meaning is invested in bindi, which is known only to the Indians themselves.

From Hindi, "bindi" is translated as "point", "drop". Bindi also has names such as chandra, kumkum, tika, tilakam, sindor, sweat. By tradition, bindi is drawn in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows in the area of ​​the so-called "third eye".

Bindi is a type of tilak. Bindi could be different shapes and colors. The most traditional option is a round or drop-shaped dot on the forehead in burgundy or red.

Since ancient times, a deep meaning has been invested in bindi. Bindi had the following meanings:

- By bindi in ancient times it was possible to judge caste. For example, by a black dot on a woman's forehead, one could identify her belonging to the Kshatriya caste, while by a red one - to the Brahmins.

- From a Tantric point of view, bindi is the third eye, which means hidden wisdom, this forehead area is a symbol of the "eye of Shiva."

- Applying a red dot, as before, is the prerogative married woman. Thus, a woman demonstrates her social status. Bindi in this case is intended to give her prosperity, peace in the family and happiness. If a woman has become a widow, she does not wear bindi, which means that she does not have a husband.

- According to another point of view, the sixth chakra (Ajna) is located in the forehead area, in which all human experience is concentrated.

Oct 20, 2016 Julia

Tilaka or tilak(Skt. तिलक, tilaka) is a sacred sign that followers of Hinduism apply with clay, ash, sandal paste or other substance to the forehead and other parts of the body. Types of tilaka differ among followers different directions Hinduism and, among other things, serve identification mark, speaking of belonging to a particular religious tradition. Tilaka can be applied daily or only on special occasions.

Shaivites usually they use sacred ash - vibhuti. And they apply tilaka on the forehead in the form of three horizontal lines, which are called tripundra.

Tripundra is a symbol of Shaivism. The red dot in the middle symbolizes Shiva's third eye. The red dot under the three lines is a symbol of the connection of Shiva with Shakti (Parvati).

Vaishnavas They use clay from sacred rivers (such as the Yamuna) or holy places of pilgrimage (such as Vrindavan), which is sometimes mixed with sandalwood paste. They apply tilaka in the form of two vertical lines joining together between the eyebrows, this form symbolizes the feet of Vishnu. The red dash or dot inside symbolizes Lakshmi.

Followers of some branches of Vaishnavism also put tilaka on the bridge of the nose in the form of a tulsi leaf. Vaishnava tilaka is called urdhva-pundra.

Shaktas- adherents of the path of worship of the Divine Mother - use kumkum, or red powder from turmeric. They apply tilaka in the form of a red vertical line or just a dot.

Followers of Ganesha use red sandalwood paste - rakta-chandana. Ganapatya (Skt. गाणपत्य, gāṇapatya) is the Hindu religious tradition of Ganesha worship. Traditionally, Ganesh is depicted with a tilaka in the form of an Indian trident - trishula (Skt. त्रिशूल triṣūla "three spears"). Ganesha in Hinduism is the deity of wisdom and prosperity, the "eliminator of obstacles."

The cult of Ganesha for many Hindus complements the worship of other deities, so there are various tilakas both in the images of Ganesha and among worshipers.

The image of Ganesha with three horizontal stripes and a red dot symbolizes that Ganesha is the son of Shiva and Parvati.

Shiva, Ganesh, Parvati. Shiva's tripundra symbol (three slightly rounded horizontal lines connected at the sides). The drawing is applied with red paste on the forehead of Ganesha. The red dot of Parvati is the symbol of the Mother.

The mysterious East attracts Western people with its traditions, cultural characteristics, splendor of dresses and jewelry, beauty of women. For example, a dot on the forehead of Indian women, called bindi, is one of the secrets that attracts us, and sometimes simply haunts us: why do Eastern women put this mark? What is it: unusual decoration or a way to convey some important information to others? Today, bindi is both a decoration that is popular not only among Indian women, but also among residents of other countries, and a traditional stain that carries a certain meaning.

What does the dot on the forehead of an Indian woman mean?

What can bindi say?

Today it is not known exactly when the tradition of drawing a colored spot on the forehead of an Indian woman appeared, but,

Definitely, it has been around for a long time. If we consider bindi from the point of view of the cultural heritage of India, then you should know that, first of all, a red dot traditionally adorns the foreheads of married women. It is especially interesting what meaning is invested by the Indians themselves in bindi.

The very word "bindi" from Hindi is translated as "drop", "point". There are other names: tika, kumkum, chandra, sindor, tilakam, pottu. Traditionally, it is drawn in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows in the area of ​​the so-called "third eye".

Bindi is a type of tilak.. It can be of different sizes, shapes (but most often round) and colors. The most traditional option is a round or drop-shaped dot of red or burgundy.

A deep meaning was originally invested in this speck on the forehead. Consider the interpretation of bindi:

  • In Tantrism, they believe that applying bindi to the area of ​​the "third eye" denotes hidden wisdom, as this area of ​​the forehead is the symbol of the "eye of Shiva" .
  • Another interpretation, closely intersecting with the previous one. In the center of the forehead is the sixth chakra (Ajna), which contains all human experience.. According to Tantrism, when the thinking process takes place, the latent energy (kundalini) moves from the spine to the head, passing through the sixth chakra. Bindi is drawn in order to save this energy and accumulate wisdom.
  • Bindi can also be translated as "full moon" or "full moon". This mark protects its owner from evil spirits and evil eye .
  • Applying a red dot before, and today is the prerogative of a married woman. So she demonstrates her social status, and bindi is designed to give prosperity, happiness and peace in the family. If a woman is widowed, she does not wear bindi at all, thus showing that she no longer has a husband.
  • AT old times by bindi, one could even judge caste. For example, by the black dot on the woman's forehead, one could recognize her belonging to the kshatriyas, and by the red - to the brahmins.

Today applying bindi is not only a tradition, but also original decoration . You can find points on the forehead and red, and yellow, and golden, and of blue color. Now there is no limit to fantasy.

If earlier bindi was applied with a special coloring mixture, today other options have been invented for fashionistas - colored henna with sparkles, pebbles, rhinestones, bright stickers, etc.

Features of applying sindoor

Drawing bindi on the forehead today can be done with a variety of colors and materials, but the traditional red dot is done by sindoor.

Sindur is a special powder that has a red color and stains, respectively, exactly in this color the skin.. This coloring matter is obtained from cinnabar (mercury material) or red lead and is used in Hinduism.

The presence of a sindoor on a woman's forehead is a sign of her marriage. The first sign of the red bindi is applied during the wedding ceremony. With invited guests, the groom performs sinduradana (sumangali), that is, he puts sindoor on the head of his bride, and at the same time pronounces the words of blessing.

A married woman should apply sindoor not only as a bindi, but also on her parting in her hair.

Where did this tradition come from?

There is a mythological assumption. According to him, red symbolizes power and strength. Sindoor itself personifies the patronage of the goddesses Parvati and Sati. Parvati gives happiness and blessings to all women who put sindoor on their parting. Sati personifies the standard of a married woman - faithful, loving her husband. But there is also a practical side to the tradition of applying sindoor. It is believed to help fight premature aging, wrinkles and skin problems. In addition, it is a protection from evil thoughts.

Indian Muslim women also wear sindur. For them, it is also considered an indicator of marriage.

This powder is also used to identify wives and brides. Sometimes you can find ritual objects, doors and even roadside stones decorated with sindoor. Especially if they are all dedicated.

Sacred Hindu sign tilak and its meaning

Hindus believe that in this way they not only identify themselves with some school, but also get closer to God, receive protection from him. On the forehead at the point between the eyebrows, the Lunar and Solar energies merge, therefore, by applying tilak to this area, a person clears the mind and, as it were, "tunes in to the wave" of divinity.

Tilaka can consist of red powder, abir, yogurt, rice flour. Also, the sign can be applied with clay, sandalwood paste, ashes and some other substance that dictates their religious direction. So, tilak can be of different colors.

Tilaka - both a distinctive sign and decoration. Depending on the specific religious direction of Hinduism, it can be different:

  • For followers of Vaishnavism (followers of Vishnu), tilak is applied in the form of two vertical stripes connecting between the eyebrows. This is the symbol of Vishnu's foot. Sometimes a sign in the form of a tulsi leaf is superimposed on the bridge of the nose. For this clay (sometimes mixed with sandalwood paste) is used, taken from sacred places (for example, Vrindavan) or rivers (for example, Yamuna). Tilaka in Vaishnava is called urdhva-pundra.
  • Rakta-chandana - tilaka, with the help of which they show the worship of the god Ganesha. Red sandalwood paste is applied.
  • Tripundra - looks like three horizontal lines created with ash applied to the forehead.
  • Vira tilaka and raja tilaka. A person applies the first tilak if it belongs to the winning side in a game or war. The second tilak is also used on special occasions: for example, when receiving distinguished guests or at a coronation.
  • Followers of the Madhva Sampradaya apply tilaka, which looks like two vertical lines. They personify "" Krishna. If a person performs daily "yajna-kunds" (fire sacrifices), he adds between these lines a black strip of ash, obtained precisely after the act of burning. A red or yellow dot is applied under the black line, symbolizing Radha or Lakshmi.
  • Shaktas demonstrate their religious school by applying tilak in the form of a red dot or a vertical line.. To do this, use the coloring matter turmeric, obtained from the root of turmeric.

For several millennia in India, there has been a tradition of applying tilak. Bindi is one of them.

No matter what religion a woman belongs to, she has the right to wear tilak as an ornament with a sacred meaning.

Bindi is known far beyond India. Girls and women from Western countries are gradually adopting the tradition of decorating their foreheads with these beautiful marks.

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