What can I do to make time fly by faster? How to make your day go by faster. In a healthy body healthy mind

Boredom can become unbearable, but it is easy to overcome it with the help of a mass of tricks and means. Sitting in the waiting room, standing in line, idle at work, school or at home, people now and then do not know how to kill time. Everyone sometimes gets free minutes that they want to do something, but because of fatigue, lack of motivation or a bad mood, nothing comes to mind. Simple Tips help pass the time in a fun and useful way and pull out of the fetters of boredom. Some of them are suitable for the office, others for the home, others are universal and can be used in almost any environment!

Close your eyes and dream. Teenagers are especially good at this form of relaxation, but many adults completely forget about it. They are too serious, tense and hasty to simply relax and escape from the daily hustle and bustle. Anxieties and worries of any kind should not be attributed to dreams. You should not plan how to live on, you should just let the mind take flight. Some people are by no means dreamers. So there is no need to force yourself, because there are millions of other ways to kill time in the office or at home.

Knowledge is power

Read a book - this should be the first item on your to-do list for free hours. Being well-read is a quality that will come in handy repeatedly and will help in many cases. If you need to wait for someone or something, it will be useful to take a magazine or a paperback book with you. Electronic devices also counts - but is it worth it to look at the screen so often? A traditional book can give you a special feeling with its texture, smell and your own associations. Don't like to read? Move on to the next item!

In a healthy body healthy mind!

How to kill time with health benefits? Do exercises - it will strengthen the body, bring a charge of vivacity and help to lose extra pounds. Exercise can be done both at home and in the office: doctors recommend breaking away from sedentary work at least every hour to stimulate blood circulation and keep muscles in good shape.

  1. Stretch your neck, shoulders, back, arms, legs, fingers.
  2. Perform hand claps behind your head.
  3. Move on to rotation of the arms at the elbow and shoulder joints.
  4. If exercising at the office gets too much attention, try isometric exercises (tensioning and relaxing muscles in certain static positions).
  5. Get back to business with renewed vigor!

With music for life

If the playlist of 15 favorite songs has not changed since 2003, it's time to bring something new to it. Finding music today is much easier than ever. Thematic Internet services are able to offer new artists to listen to, and you can freely download songs from many known resources. Friends can help too by sharing their best finds.

How to kill time at work

Sometimes there is nothing better than to forget about the performance of official duties. For example, when Friday comes to an end and it is completely impossible to concentrate on work. It's not worth making a habit out of this, but you can come up with something better than just staring at the ceiling for the rest of the day. Since many people work at a computer, this task is solved quickly, and an Internet connection maximizes the effect. Talk to friends, find out latest news, play mind-developing games. Access to chats and social networks is closed? Don't forget to pay your personal bills, shop online, or read an interesting article. If at work you constantly think about how you can kill time, quit and find a new occupation. Life is too short to waste it: appreciate your strengths and use opportunities effectively.

Creativity in your spare time

Write - it can be notes in personal diary, notes or letters to friends. The notebook will not take up much space in a bag or folder, you can even put it in your breast pocket. With the advent of SMS and Email hand-crafted letters have become something special for many people. There is no need to be verbose if you are not in the mood for it: just make a simple drawing and write to your friends how wonderful they are.

Many hobbies allow mobility - to make the hours fly by unnoticed, you can keep your hands busy doing what you love. Create sketches and sketches, knit, weave macrame bracelets. Another option is to start your own blog. It doesn’t have to have followers, a particular theme, or a seasoned style, just create a place where you can always take your soul away. Perhaps someone else will read and comment on your blog, not knowing, in turn, how to kill time otherwise.

Order is the key to productivity

Always keep in mind a list of possible activities that can help organize your space. These can be routine things that are always put off until later and do not need special conditions to complete. Perhaps in free time you will want to go to one of them. Here are some examples.

  • Update the scheduler. Today, many prefer to keep it on their mobile device: old entries can be deleted, and new entries can be organized.
  • Clear your phone of unwanted messages and contacts. If a lot of old information (calls statistics, files, music, images) has been saved on your mobile, it's time to get rid of them.
  • Organize your bag or wallet. Be careful, hide from prying eyes large sums of money and valuables. When there are people around, you can arrange business cards, bank cards and other items that will eventually be easier to find.

How to kill time at school

It is worth thinking several times before moving on to extraneous activities in the lesson. In the short term, the student runs the risk of spoiling the relationship with the teacher, getting a bad mark and causing parental dissatisfaction. On the whole worse - he may not get knowledge that seems useless only in this moment but might be useful in the future. Attentiveness and interest in the words of the teacher make time go faster, but you should not count the minutes until the bell rings, otherwise they will seem like long hours. If boredom in the classroom is simply unbearable, you can do something fun. It is necessary to understand how to kill time competently: to benefit from it and not harm your reputation. Draw, write notes, plan ahead, and make to-do lists. Sitting at the last desk, it is much easier to pass free minutes - visit your favorite sites, communicate with friends and family.

The price of time

Imagine that every morning you receive 86,400 rubles in a bank account, but the unused balance of funds burns out daily. How would you manage your money if you couldn't leave anything for tomorrow? Naturally, you would take advantage of every penny. Every person has such an account, and his name is time. Every day, 86,400 seconds appear on it: by the end of the day, they will be lost, regardless of whether they managed to invest them in a good cause. Killing time in vain is the personal choice of everyone, an irretrievable loss and missed opportunities. Invest every minute of your life in health, happiness and success. Reflect on the value of time when you are bored, doing useless or inefficient work.

Diana Raab

American writer, psychologist, teacher, and motivational speaker.

Why does time go faster with age?

The endless summer of childhood ends, time begins to move faster and faster. Everyone faces this sad fact sooner or later.

Exist various theories, why is this happening. The most logical is that in childhood and adolescence we are constantly doing something for the first time. The first kiss, the first sleepover, the first love, the first day at school or university, the first car... Each such first event fascinates and makes us remember the smallest details. And the more we remember it, the more intense it seems.

When we experience such an experience again and again, there is no longer that novelty. So time is speeding up.

We experience a similar state in . The first few days don't go by as fast as the next. This is due to the fact that in the second part of the trip the surroundings become more and more familiar.

Neuroscientist David Eagleman, who studies the perception of time, calls it an elastic thing that changes depending on how closely we interact with our experience. The stronger this connection, the slower time moves.

Time slows down if we are attentive. Because we just start to notice more.

This is especially common during emergencies or some kind of traumatic event, as in this case we are more likely to focus on details. If you've ever been in a car accident, you probably remember the feeling that the ambulance takes forever.

How to slow down time

If time depends on our perception, then we are able to slow it down.

A good way is to train mindfulness.

This can be done while eating, slowly and for a long time savoring each bite of food. This is called mindful eating.

Another way is to be in nature, watching water or trees and listening to birdsong.

Here are a few topics you can use for this exercise:

  • Write about special moments from last year.
  • Write about all the moments associated with birth or death that have affected you.
  • Write about achievements you are proud of.
  • Write a letter of thanks to someone who has done something good for you.
  • Write about a new passion.
  • Write about any positive transformations in your life.

Other ways to develop mindfulness are described in these articles.

Are you alone at home, bored, waiting for some event or just waiting? If you are like most of us, then you have moments in life that you would like to experience forever. But there are also days when time itself seems to stretch on forever. The next time you feel like climbing walls out of boredom during a business meeting or class, a very long drive, or while waiting for someone, try these techniques to speed up time.



    Take a walk. Go outside, take a breath fresh air, it will help pass the time, as well as relieve stress. Try taking a quick walk around the neighborhood or just around the office. Even if you only have 10 minutes to spare, walking is a great way to pass the time.

    Meditate . At first, it may not seem like it speeds up time in any way, but once you get comfortable with meditation, you can enter a timeless state. It is your mind that keeps track of time, and meditation is the purification of the mind.

    take a nap . A short nap may not seem like a very entertaining activity, but it will help you kill time, as well as give you energy. When you start to nod off during the afternoon office slump, when you work the night or double shift, when you struggle with sleepiness while driving, short naps in safe place will make you more alert and productive.

    • Try taking a 20-minute nap to recharge your batteries, or take longer naps to kill time.
  1. Write in a diary or start a blog. Records are great way sort out your thoughts, which will also help speed up the passage of time. Try journaling about what's on your mind or start a blog about things that interest you. You can create a blog about creative writing, cooking, video games or whatever your hobby is!

    • Take time every day to write in your diary or blog. This can be done in the morning for 30 minutes or right after school.
    • Thanks to sites like Wordpress and Blogger, starting your own blog is easy, but it will still take some time, so it's a great way to speed up the time. You can modify your blog with color schemes, fonts and images to make it special.

    Entertain yourself

    1. Chat with friends. Spend a few hours talking, joking, or doing your favorite activity together to kill time with friends. Boredom is afraid of company, so the more people, the merrier. Even if you find only one person to communicate with, it will be much more interesting than being alone.

      Listen to music. Whether you're at home, at school, or at work, music can make the day go by faster and more enjoyable. Try listening to music during the day to speed up time, or listen to a new song or your favorite song between lessons or assignments.

      • For example, if you are studying, you can listen to some fun, electronic music to make time go by faster.
      • And if you're at work, you can listen to the song and use it as a small reward after completing each item on your to-do list for the day.
    2. Watch your favorite old TV show or movie. If you're at home and want to kill some time, pick a show and go on a TV binge! This will help speed up time, as it will not let you get bored.

      • Turn on YouTube or Netflix and revisit childhood favorite TV shows: Charmed, Friends, Secret materials", "Beverly Hills, 90210", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Charles in Charge", "Are You Afraid of the Dark?", "Quantum Leap" - see how the shows you loved as a child have stood the test of time .
      • Or watch a new movie you missed at the cinema, like the latest Marvel Comics superhero movie or an award-winning movie your friends were talking about.
    3. Play games on your phone. Most phones have at least one free game, such as Tetris or Pac-Man, which can distract you for a much longer period of time than you probably want to kill. But this option is not recommended when you are at school or at work.

      • If you're at home and have a game console or PC games, these are another great way to pass the time.

    Be Productive

    1. Work on what you love. One of better ways pass the time - choose a project that will be interesting for you. If you are at work or school, see if you can do something that is more enjoyable and interesting than the rest of your assignments. If you're at home, think about what you like to do just for fun and do what will be the most interesting for you.

      • For example, if you are at work or school and you have creative project that you can work on, then pull it out and work on it. If you're at home, choose a hobby or activity you love, such as knitting, baking, playing the guitar, or playing video games.
    2. . For big interesting book time can fly by! Learn more about Amelia Earhart, the history of Rome, or read a book about a foreign land. Whatever you read, you will acquire new knowledge.

      Do your homework. Who would have thought that doing algebra or reading about Grigory Pechorin would help pass the time? You may not like to do homework, but once you get involved in this activity, you will not notice how quickly time flies. And if we turn the execution homework to kill time, into a habit, it will make you the best student of the class!

      Tidy up your room . First, throw away all the wrappers, carton boxes, junk you can't donate, and anything else that clutters up your space. Then go through your belongings, one piece of furniture at a time, until you've got your bed, desk, chest of drawers, closet, and so on, neat and perfect. And if you only need to kill an hour or two, then choose one part of your room, clean it up and be proud of the work you have done.

      Learn a few phrases in a foreign language. Of course, you won't learn in a day. foreign language, but you can learn to say "Hi, my name is..." and "How are you?" in just a few minutes. Pick the foreign language you've always wanted to learn and spend a few minutes (or more) learning the most common phrases.

      • Try keeping a "phrase a day" calendar on your desktop, at home, or in your backpack. Set aside five minutes each day to read the phrase silently and out loud. This will give you a rest and something to look forward to every day.
    3. Reply to old emails. Do you have a pile of emails waiting for your response? If so, it might be time to turn on your computer and reply to all those people—teachers, friends, business associates—who have been waiting for you to respond. You will feel relieved that you have finally dealt with a bunch of letters, especially if you already had nothing to do.

When you have fun or are passionate about work, your favorite thing, time flies by. But if boredom has overcome you, minutes turn into hours, it seems that the hands do not move. Scientists have found an explanation for these phenomena.

French scientists believe they are closer to answering this question. After tracking the brain activity of 12 volunteers, they came to the conclusion that the perception of time by the human brain depends on the degree of our focus on a particular task.

When a person has nothing to do, he wants time to go faster. This causes the brain to turn on a function that makes us think that the clock has practically stopped.

The results of the study, conducted by experts from the French Laboratory of Neurology and Cognition, are published in the journal Science.

During the experiment, volunteers were given different tasks. Once they were asked to focus only on the extent of a certain visual object, another time only on its color, the third time both the extent and the color at the same time.

Concentration of attention

As a result, it turned out that when a person pays attention to the length, a network of brain zones called the “cortico-striated loop” (cortico-striatal loop) is activated.

It is believed that if the brain is busy analyzing several aspects of one task at once, it has to "scatter" resources, which is why it is much less attention pays attention to how much time has passed.

Thus, time passes almost imperceptibly. That is, quickly.

And when the activity of the brain is not stimulated in this way, it concentrates all its energy on observing the current seconds, minutes and hours. And a person feels how time turns into molasses.
However, experts say, it is this perception of reality that is probably the most plausible.

As evidence, they point to the fact that the more the volunteers concentrated on the length of the images, the more accurate were their definitions of this length.

As lead researcher Dr Jennifer Kull told the BBC, many of the areas of the brain responsible for telling time play a key role in controlling movement and preparing for action.

And that, she says, suggests that the brain probably defines time as intervals between movements. This is how the musician beats the beat with his foot or the athlete waits for the starting pistol to fire.

Professor Tonmoy Sharma, Director of the British Clinical Center neurosurgical research, in an interview with the BBC, she called the work of her French colleagues very entertaining.

“Interestingly, the same areas of the brain that are involved in determining time are involved in the implementation of motor functions,” she said.

According to Professor Sharma, scientists have all large quantity evidence that work on specific functions is not performed exclusively by one or another area of ​​the human brain, but is complex system interactions between different areas.


Since the time machine has not yet been invented, it is virtually impossible to speed up the passage of time. If someone says that they want the day to go faster, it means that the person feels that time is running slower than usual. This is not the most pleasant situation, but there are many ways to make time go faster in any circumstance.


1 How to speed up the morning

  1. 1 Sleep longer. Everyone loves to sleep in from time to time. If you want your day to go by faster, turn off your alarm and sleep as much as you want. Sleep is one of the most effective ways pass the day. If you are lying in bed and want the morning to pass quickly, it will be enough just to do nothing.
  2. 2 Spend more time in the shower. The shower is one of the most enjoyable moments of our day. Many people try to shower as quickly as possible, but if you have time, take your time. Stay underwater and enjoy the warmth.
  3. 3 Read the morning paper. Sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee and reading a newspaper when everyone is in a hurry may seem like a trite thing, but it really will help you pass a couple of hours unnoticed.
  4. 4 Leave early for work or school. You probably leave the house around the same time. Try to leave 10-15 minutes earlier. The brain perceives everything that happens in fragments, and if you leave early, this part days will pass faster. You might even enjoy arriving early to prepare for the day's work.

2 How to pass the time at work

  1. 1 Take on tasks that you've been putting off for a long time. Of course, the amount of work will depend on the nature of the job and your position, but you certainly have things to do. Do something that you have been putting off for a long time. Take on a pending project or go through your mail. All your goals are already in front of you, and when you do everything, you will have one less problem.
    • To make time pass faster, you need something to do with yourself. Find tasks for yourself so as not to sit idle.
    • The work may not be the most pleasant, but it will keep you busy until the evening.
  2. 2 Sooner or later, there are new tasks at work, and if you have little work, it's time to do something new. Planning a new task is a very exciting process. Take a look around - for sure you can do something useful.
    • If you are an extrovert and like to interact with colleagues, team up with someone.
    • If you cannot start something without the approval of the manager, discuss it with him. If you are busy, time will fly by quickly, and you will have a reputation as a hardworking employee who is ready to take the initiative himself.
  3. 3 Listen to music. Music will be useful in many work situations. It will take you at least for a while and will not let you get bored.
  4. 4 Take frequent breaks. If you have little to do at work and want to kill time, try taking breaks more often. This will allow you to relax and your perception of time will change. Go get some coffee. Go to the restroom. But remember that all these activities are unproductive, and if you rely on them entirely, the effect will be the opposite of what you expect.
    • Frequent breaks are a distraction from work, but if you need to kill time, they can help you relax. Of course, this is not an option for those cases when you do not have time to do the work on time.
  5. 5 Browse social networks. People spend hours of their lives watching how others live, and most often they have no purpose to pass the time. Social media help you get through your day at work faster. But make sure that such a pastime does not become a habit with you, otherwise your work will begin to suffer.
    • How more people trying to distract himself, the slower time goes. To make the working day fly by quickly, keep yourself busy with useful things.

3 How to fill free time

  1. 1 Get some sleep. Sleep will allow you to pass the time if you are bored and tired. If you have nothing else to do, take a nap. Sleep will help the body recover. Falling asleep during the day can be more difficult than in the evening or in the morning when you're still in bed, but it's the easiest way to pass the time.
    • When you wake up, you will be more motivated to do something useful and spend the day the way you want.
  2. 2 Read a good book. There are many ways to spend free time. A person does not notice the time if he is busy with something that he likes. Read a book to take your mind off time. You may even regret that there is so little time for reading in the day!
    • The choice of book is extremely important in this case. A boring or poorly written book will slow down the passage of time.
  3. 3 Watch the whole season of the show. Watching the series "binge" will take you a lot of time. There are series from which it is difficult to break away (for example, "Game of Thrones" or "Breaking Bad"). If you have a free day that you would like to spend unnoticed, turn on the series and sit back in your chair. If you like the series, you will not notice how time flies.
  4. 4 Write an article for wikiHow. If you are good at something, try writing an article for our site. Writing instructions about something you know well can be a lot of fun. Once you're immersed in an article, you'll stop noticing the time.
    • If you don't know how to write informative texts, choose an article on a topic that interests you and learn a new skill. Studying is a great way to pass the time. You will be carried away new information and you will not notice how time passes.

4 How to pass the evening

  1. 1 Watch a movie. Curling up on the couch and watching a movie at the end of a hard day is great fun. When a person watches a movie, he does not notice the time (unless the movie is boring or the person needs to go to the toilet) because he is absorbed in what is happening on the screen. Watch a movie in the evening - you will like it.
    • Get comfortable on the bed or sofa. If you are relaxed, time will fly by.
  2. 2 Cook something new for dinner. When a person tries something new, time passes unnoticed. This is due to the fact that consciousness is so busy with a new task that it ceases to notice time. Your stomach will thank you, and if you like the recipe, you can use it again in the future.
    • At the same time, studies have been conducted that prove that time passes faster when a person is doing something that he already knows how to do. This applies to familiar recipes as well. Whatever it is, it's important to keep yourself busy. anything.
  3. 3 Go to bed earlier. Sleep helps to kill time. A person cannot keep track of time when he sleeps. If you get enough sleep, it will be easier for you to get through the new day, and this will be a big plus if you are very tired.

5 Perception of time

  1. 1 Think about why you want to speed up the passage of time. People who want time to go faster usually fall into two categories. The former are looking forward to some event, while the latter simply cannot decide how to manage their time. If you want to adjust the time because you are waiting for something, your desire is understandable and justified. If you're bored, you want time to go faster because you don't know what to do with it.
    • If you find something that captivates you (maybe even something from this article), the problem of the slow passage of time will disappear by itself.
  2. 2 Stick to your usual schedule. Psychologists who help people slow down time usually recommend getting out of your comfort zone and trying something new. You need to do the opposite. A measured schedule will be your assistant. Your mind will begin to speed up the passage of time and work on autopilot if you surround yourself with repetitive familiar tasks.
  3. 3 Keep yourself busy all the time. The speed of time is a relative concept. It doesn't matter if you're doing something new or doing something you're used to. The speed of the passage of time depends only on how busy you are. If you are immersed in some business, even a simple one, you will not think about time.
  4. 4 Relax. Scientists have found that the part of the brain that is responsible for the perception of time is excited in stressful situations. To prevent this, try to relax more often. It will also help you focus better on your business.
    • If you have migraines or headaches, try to find relief from this problem. A migraine can turn even a pleasant activity into torture.
  5. 5 Don't look at the clock. To speed up the passage of time, you need not think about time. If you look at your watch, you will constantly remind yourself how much time has passed. Time will be your focus. If you want your day to go by quickly, don't look at your watch and think about how much time has passed.
  • Do something and be an optimist. The right mood will allow you to enjoy your activities, so that you will think about them, and not about how much time has passed.
  • The older a person gets, the faster time passes for him. With age, you will begin to worry about the approaching old age, so you will no longer want to speed up time.
  • If you take a thick book, it will last until the evening.
  • Download computer game which you will be interested in playing.


  • Don't waste your time. You may think that time has little value if you need to kill a couple of hours, but every day is fraught with many opportunities. It is better not to adjust the time, but to find a way to use it correctly. In old age, you will regret that you once pushed the time.