You need to donate blood as a donor. Department of blood transfusion. Federal Research and Clinical Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology named after Dmitry Rogachev

Human blood is an irreplaceable material. No matter how many modern medicines are created, it is impossible to replace it. Terms, unfortunately, are limited, so these components require constant replenishment. Not a single complex operation, recovery after severe blood loss or chronic pathologies is complete without donated blood. Of course, donation is an important and generous thing. However, not everyone can be a donor. This is subject to certain conditions and laws. Below we will consider what are the rules before donating blood for donation, what you can and cannot eat, what is the cost and possible consequences of this procedure.

Who can be a donor? According to the current laws, donating blood as a donor is possible only on the condition of gratuitousness and voluntariness. Absolutely any person, regardless of gender, between the ages of eighteen and sixty years old, who has no contraindications to the procedure and has undergone a full examination, can be a donor.

One of the important conditions for donating blood is the body weight of the intended donor - it cannot be less than fifty kilograms. In addition, the opportunity for someone, are eligible and foreigners. To do this, they must be completely legal in our country for a year.

Male donors are allowed to donate blood only five times a year, and women only four. In both cases, the interval between blood donations must be at least two months. This period is reduced to thirty days, if only delivery was carried out.


What are the conditions and rules for donating blood to donors. It is necessary to carefully prepare for such a procedure. The donor at the time of blood donation should not feel any pain or discomfort. Before donating blood for donation, the rules provide for filling out a special questionnaire. As a rule, these are not difficult questions. The survey should indicate whether a recent surgery was performed, whether antibiotics, drugs were taken, whether a potential donor visited a dentist, and much more.

Unconditional contraindications are the presence of possible contacts with HIV-infected people. Some minor illnesses, as well as trips to other countries with long residence in its territory, may become some obstacle. This is especially true for some regions of America, Asia and Africa.


In the beginning, you should go through the simplest procedure for a donor -. The material is taken from the finger. Thus, a number of indicators are checked, for example, the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Doctors carefully examine the patient to identify various abnormalities. At this time, the results are being prepared for testing for, A, B, syphilis and.

It should be taken into account that a complete examination is necessary every six months. If you do not show up for examination and testing on time, the donated blood will be destroyed. Only with positive results, the material can be used.

Donors who have a decent experience and donate blood every year regularly undergo a complete examination. It is very important. The therapist must provide a certificate of the diseases suffered by the patient during the year. Women should obtain a health certificate from a gynecologist.


In this situation, there are some rules for donating blood to donors, which guarantee not only a comfortable and passing procedure without negative consequences, but also guarantee that the donor blood will not harm the patient. Consider what you can and cannot eat, the main thing.

Preparing the donor before donating blood:

  • Three days before, it is forbidden to use drugs that have a blood-thinning property - this is analgin, no-shpa and so on. It is best to tell your doctor about all medications you take.
  • It is strictly forbidden to take alcoholic beverages 48 hours before the transfusion.
  • It is worth giving up on some food groups - these are kefir, sour cream, yogurts, in a word, fermented milk products. The same list includes various smoked meats and sausages, chips, carbonated drinks, spicy, fatty and fried foods, as well as citrus fruits and even bananas.

Designed specifically for donors. Her diet should include cereals, broths, fresh vegetables, fiber. It is allowed to eat some fruits - apples, peaches, plums. Even a small amount of sugar is allowed. It can be, say, 1-2 teaspoons of honey.

It is also worth taking into account some practical tips:

  • sleep well the night before the procedure;
  • in the morning you can have breakfast, drink a cup of tea or juice, during the day you can drink drinking water;
  • you should refrain from smoking a few hours before and after the transfusion;
  • From dizziness will help a cup of tea, juice or mineral water, drunk immediately before the start of delivery.


During the donation of blood, the patient is in a comfortable position, the most comfortable conditions are created for him. Blood is taken from a donor using sterile instruments. After four hours, you can safely remove the bandage.

The time taken for the procedure can be completely different. If this is the usual standard procedure, everything takes no more than fifteen minutes. If blood is donated for individual components, this requires the use of special equipment, so the process takes much longer. For example, it will take about thirty minutes, and for platelets - more than an hour.

What to do after the procedure

  • Firstly, during the first fifteen minutes you should not get up abruptly and worry, it is better to calm down and breathe deeply.
  • At the first sign of dizziness, you should immediately inform the medical staff.
  • During the day, it is not recommended to wet the bandage and take baths, as well as get involved in heavy physical exertion.
  • For several weeks, eat properly and satisfyingly, drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, and do not drink alcohol.


There are many contraindications to donating blood for donation. Such a responsible process requires a special approach.

Some diseases include:

  • syphilis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • radiation sickness;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • AIDS;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • eczema;
  • ulcers and more.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is worth noting that a blood donor has the right to provide time off and this does not require the consent of the employer at all, it is enough to warn him about it.

Donating blood for donation provides for a day off for one working day, during which the material will be collected. The employee also has the right to one additional day of rest, which he, at his discretion, can use during the calendar year.

Such pluses of donors include the provision of monetary rewards for the collected material. In each country and in each region, the cost varies. Donating blood for donation and its price, respectively, also depend on the general health of the donor, blood type and the presence of bad habits.

As far as you can see, donating blood for donation is a truly noble act. Blood collected within fifteen minutes can save someone's life. In addition, the donor completely changes his habits, reconsiders his lifestyle, constantly controls the state of his body, and has the ability to prevent many diseases!

Blood donation is a voluntary, conscious donation of blood or its components. It also means all manipulations that allow you to organize and guarantee the safe procurement of materials to be handed over.

Depending on who they are going for, donation happens:

  • directed, when blood is given for a specific person, mainly family members, this procedure is rarely carried out, only if there is no supply of the required blood;
  • allogeneic (homologous), in this case it is taken from the donor, stored for some time in a special bank, and then transferred to the recipient in need, it is also used for the production of medicines;
  • autologous, when it is given up for future use in the same person.

Who can donate?

A blood donor is a person who voluntarily underwent a medical examination and donated whole blood or its formed elements, plasma. In Russia, there is the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 125-FZ of July 20, 2012 “On the donation of blood and its components”, it explains what donation is, who can be a donor, what duties and benefits he has.

According to Art. 12 of this law, a capable citizen at least 18 years old can become a donor:

  • he has Russian citizenship;
  • he is not a citizen of the Russian Federation (foreigner or stateless), but he has been living here legally for at least 12 months;
  • passed the medical examination;
  • who has no restrictions on donation.

How to become a blood donor

It is necessary to come to the blood transfusion station, show a passport or other document that allows you to uniquely identify a person, fill out a questionnaire about well-being and existing and past pathologies, about traveling abroad, taking medications, women need to indicate the date of the last menstruation, the presence or absence of pregnancy.

After that, you need to undergo a medical examination. It runs for free. The candidate is examined by a therapist who measures pressure and pulse, and collects an anamnesis. Blood is also taken from a finger and a vein.

It is rented in order to determine its group affiliation, the Rh factor, to identify anemia, syphilis, HIV infection, hepatitis B and C. If a person wants to undergo plasmaphoresis, then he is prescribed a more advanced analysis, which allows you to determine whether he is ready for the procedure.

If everything is fine, you can donate blood.


Contraindications to blood donation are either permanent (absolute) or temporary (relative).

With absolute contraindications, a person can never become a donor at all, regardless of how long ago he had this or that illness, what results were after therapy.

These include the following bloodborne diseases:

  • Hansen's disease;
  • HIV infection;
  • tularemia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • typhus;
  • Bang's disease;
  • viral etiology hepatitis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • dracunculiasis;
  • sleeping sickness;
  • filariasis;
  • leishmaniasis.

Of the somatic pathologies, the absolute restrictions on blood donation are:

  • hemolytic diseases;
  • deaf-mute;
  • organic lesions of the central nervous system;
  • psychical deviations;
  • alcohol and drug addiction;
  • cardiovascular diseases (arterial hypertension of 2-3 degrees, ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, thrombosis with inflammation of the walls of blood vessels and the formation of blood clots, spontaneous gangrene, Takayasu's syndrome, heart disease and inflammation of its membranes);
  • pathology of the respiratory system (bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, emphysema, decompensated extensive pneumofibrosis, bronchitis with obstruction);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (achilia, stomach and duodenal ulcers, chronic liver diseases, inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts);
  • pathology of the kidneys, stones in them;
  • severe connective tissue diseases;
  • severe endocrine disorders;
  • fetid runny nose, acute and chronic bacterial otolaryngological diseases of severe degree;
  • radiation sickness;
  • eye pathology (myopia from 6D, trachoma, absolute blindness, inflammation of the vascular, iris, ciliary body, retina);
  • mycoses of the skin and internal organs;
  • dermatological pathologies (scaly lichen, eczema, bacterial skin lesions);
  • osteomyelitis.

Also, a patient who has had any internal organ amputated or transplanted will not be able to become a donor.

Some people are not allowed to donate for a certain period of time:

  • after drinking alcohol - 2 days;
  • after taking analgesics, salicylates - 3 days;
  • women after the end of menstrual bleeding can donate blood after 5 days;
  • after surgical treatment of teeth, the introduction of an inactivated vaccine - 10 days;
  • after vaccination against rabies, antibiotic therapy - 2 weeks;
  • after the introduction of a live vaccine, autonomic dysfunction, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, after relief of acute attacks of inflammation, violation of the ratio of protein fractions - 1 month;
  • after relief of an allergy attack - 2 months;
  • after contact with a patient suffering from Botkin's disease, completion of breastfeeding, with an increase in alanine activity by a maximum of 2 times - 12 weeks;
  • after traveling abroad for at least 2 months, surgery, blood transfusion - six months;
  • after applying a tattoo, a course of reflexology, contact with patients suffering from hepatitis B and C, typhoid fever, delivery, vaccination with immunoglobulin against hepatitis - 12 months;
  • after suffering from malaria or after a trip to countries where it is common - 3 years.

Blood donation rules

A person who is going to become a donor should know how to prepare, what not to eat before donating blood.

There are certain requirements for donating blood that must be met:

  1. At least 48 hours before blood donation, you should not drink alcohol, including drinks with a low alcohol content.
  2. Smoking is prohibited 2 hours before.
  3. For 72 hours, you can not take pharmaceuticals based on metamizole sodium and medicines that reduce blood viscosity.
  4. The diet before blood donation should consist in the rejection of fatty, fried, spicy, finished products, dairy products, eggs, nuts, dates, butter and vegetable oil, meat, chocolate. They must be excluded from the menu for 24 hours for blood donations. Vegetables and fruits are allowed (except bananas and tangerines, lemons), cereals, pasta and bakery products, jam, fish cooked in a double boiler. When donating blood for donation, the rules read:
    • Before donating blood, you need to have breakfast, you can eat porridge without milk, with the addition of honey (but not more than 1 teaspoon), fruits, dried fruits, drink sweetened tea with jam, jam, bun, cookies, dryers.
    • To make up for blood loss, it is necessary to ensure that the body receives a sufficient amount of minerals and fluids. You need to drink before and after the procedure. It can be juices, fruit drinks, mineral water, sweet tea, coffee. Dieting is especially important if blood components are donated, otherwise it is difficult to separate them.
    • The use of fatty and fried foods can distort the results of the examination, chilesis is possible, in which the content of fatty particles in the bloodstream is higher than normal. Such a result can be, for example, if you drink a glass of kefir on the day of delivery. Moreover, even if coffee with milk is drunk in the morning, it is better not to come for blood donation, since, most likely, the analysis will show an increased fat content in the blood, and it will be forbidden to donate it.
  5. It is forbidden to take it during intense mental and physical exertion, for example, before the state exam. Before donation, it is imperative to get enough sleep.
  6. It has been proven that blood loss is replenished faster if blood is donated in the first half of the day; only active donors can do this in the afternoon.

How often you can donate blood depends on your gender and whether you are donating whole blood, formed elements, or plasma. In the case of donating whole blood, the interval between donations should be at least 2 months, when donating its components - 1 month. For men, it is permissible to donate blood a maximum of 5 times in 12 months, for women - 4.

Stages of blood donation

  1. After the doctor issues a conclusion that a person can become a donor, he sits in a special chair.
  2. The upper limb above the elbow is pulled with a tourniquet, the skin is wiped with an antiseptic.
  3. A disposable catheter is inserted intravenously and whole blood is collected. The volume of the taken material is 450 ml, in time it takes no more than 10 minutes. When donating blood components, plasma (600-680 ml) or platelets (200 ml) are separated using special equipment, and then the rest of the blood is poured back into the body. This procedure takes 45 minutes. During blood donation, the donor can not only lie down, but also sit or reclining.
  4. The resulting biomaterial is collected in a special bag, from where a part is sent for research. After the procedure is completed, a bandage is applied to the elbow. It is allowed to remove it after 4 hours.
  5. The donor is given a certificate that he has passed the blood donation. After the procedure, he is supposed to have lunch and rest.

Blood donation can take place according to various schemes. The procedure for collecting plasma and platelets is quite complicated.

In the case of donating platelets, you need to undergo an additional examination. They are collected in two ways:

  • hardware, in which blood is taken continuously, while it is taken from one limb, and poured into the second in parallel;
  • intermittent, and in this case, one portion of blood is taken, the formed elements are separated, and everything that remains is poured back, then the next portion is taken and everything is repeated.

Plasma donation occurs in exactly the same way, but with the use of other devices, and there is no need to undergo an examination before donation. When the material is taken, the plasma is separated, a larger volume of blood flows back into the body.

Upon completion of the procedure, a number of rules must be observed:

  1. After the procedure, you need to sit for a quarter of an hour, then go to the buffet and drink tea with sugar. If you feel unwell and dizzy, you need to tell the medical staff about it. To cope with dizziness, you can lie on your back and raise your lower limbs, or sit and tilt your head so that it is between your knees.
  2. Refrain from cigarettes for an hour.
  3. For 24 hours, limit physical activity and do not take alcohol (except Cahors, but not more than 100 ml).
  4. Nutrition in the first two days should be enhanced, you also need to drink a lot. Preference should be given to protein foods of plant and animal origin. It can be meat, fish, beans, lentils, eggs. The diet should contain foods that help prevent the development of anemia. To make up for the iron deficiency, pomegranates, shellfish, buckwheat, mushrooms, offal, kelp should be added to the menu. Least of all it is found in milk, bananas, tomatoes, corn. To improve the absorption of iron, it is necessary to consume foods containing ascorbic acid and vitamin B12. Also, during blood sampling, a loss of calcium may occur, in order to make up for its deficiency, you need to consume dairy products. You can take pharmaceutical preparations prescribed by a doctor. For better absorption, be sure to take vitamin D, which is also produced under the influence of UV rays from the sun.
  5. After donation 10 days it is forbidden to be vaccinated.
  6. You can drive a car immediately, a motorcycle - after two hours.

How much do they pay for blood donation?

Some potential donors are interested in how much it costs to donate blood. Blood sampling is free. You can donate it for free or for money. How much a donor is paid depends on whether he donates whole blood or only plasma, formed elements.

In 2013, the Ministry of Health established the following rates for blood donation:

  • if there is no blood cell antigen or a rare blood phenotype, then you can get 800 rubles at a time, the amount of payments can be 8-45% of the subsistence minimum, it depends on the blood type and demand for it;
  • when donating with the use of apheresis for 600 ml of plasma, you can get 1.5 thousand rubles, for erythrocytes - 2.5 thousand rubles, for platelets - 3.5 thousand rubles.

Blood taken before donation for testing is not covered.

If a person donates blood for money, then he is not entitled to free food. Those who donate blood for free are required to feed for free. Sometimes it is possible to replace free meals with money, in which case the amount of payments is 5% of the subsistence minimum.

Benefits for Honorary Donors

Often people are interested in how many times you need to donate blood in order to receive the title of “Honorary Donor”. For its assignment it is necessary for free:

  • donate at least 40 times blood;
  • donate plasma at least 60 times.

If a person is an honorary donor of Russia, then he is entitled to the following benefits prescribed in Art. 22 and 24 of the Federal Law "On the donation of blood and its components":

  • preferential vouchers to the sanatorium;
  • if blood donation occurs during a vacation, holiday or weekend, then he is entitled to 1 day of rest with double payment;
  • paid holiday;
  • the ability to seek medical help without a queue;
  • once a year - cash benefits that are constantly indexed.

Benefits and harms of donation

There are many misconceptions about whether it is useful to donate, whether it is harmful to donate blood to donors.

In general, donation is harmless to the body, since the amount of material taken is small and does not disturb the functioning of the body. In addition, he recovers quite quickly. Yes, and the candidate undergoes a medical examination before the donation, and if experts believe that the donation is dangerous for his health, the person is not allowed to donate blood. The selection of donors is quite strict.

Moreover, scientists have proven that donation is good for the body.

So what are the pros and cons for the body from the procedure? Pros:

  • People who regularly donate blood recover more easily from blood loss, which, for example, may open as a result of trauma or surgery, as their body has already become accustomed to them.
  • They are less likely to experience myocardial infarction, and the heart itself, blood vessels are healthier. Blood donation is a good prevention of pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Regular blood donation activates the overall recovery of the body and improves blood circulation. Increases immunity, unloads the liver, prevents the development of disorders of the spleen.
  • Donors regularly undergo medical examinations, and, therefore, they can identify health problems at an early stage and take timely measures to eliminate them.

But you can’t donate blood often, since the body does not recover immediately after donation. Minuses:

  1. The main undesirable consequence of blood donation is a drop in the level of red blood cells, which provokes anemia. Therefore, patients who often have low hemoglobin levels are not recommended to undergo the donation procedure. However, before the main blood sampling, the candidate takes a hemoglobin test, and if the results deviate from the normal values ​​by at least 1 unit, then he will simply not be allowed to donate blood.
  2. The platelet concentration after apheresis usually recovers fairly quickly. However, during the procedure, sodium citrate is used as a preservative, which prevents the biomaterial from curdling, and the procedure is faster with it. But the fact is that it binds and removes calcium from the body. To reduce the risk of the mineral being washed out of the bone tissue, intravenous calcium gluconate is administered several times to the donor during thrombocytopheresis. If this is not done, then hypocalcemia may develop, in which tingling in the lips, cramps or increased pressure can be observed. To avoid this, after donating platelets, it is recommended to take calcium supplements for some time, for example, Calcemin, Calcid, Complivit D3. It must be remembered that it is useless to take calcium gluconate tablets, since without vitamin D it is not absorbed. Also, with frequent and blood donations using thrombocytopheresis, a citrate reaction can begin in a person, which consists in the fact that the donor is difficult to tolerate the introduction of another dose of a preservative into the body, there is a deterioration in his well-being both during the procedure itself and after it. Therefore, it is recommended to donate platelets no more than 1 time in 2-3 months.
  3. Donation of granulocytes began to be carried out not very long ago. This is a rare procedure, and it has not yet been studied how it affects the donor's body. Some people have concerns because Neupogen is used to stimulate the bone marrow. However, doctors believe that a single use will not provoke any negative consequences in the future, clinical trials on the topic of safety are still underway. Donors who donated granulocytes almost 10 years ago were examined; they did not reveal any prerequisites for the development of pathologies, including cancer. For some time after the collection of granulocytes, mild body aches or weakness, reminiscent of flu symptoms, may appear, but the appearance of these signs is a natural response of the body to stimulation of the bone marrow, and they do not last long. More severe adverse reactions after the procedure are rare. Instead of sodium citrate, heparin is used, so there is no calcium deficiency after the procedure.
  4. A hematoma may appear at the site of insertion of the needle for sampling material; after the procedure, weakness and loss of consciousness may occur.

In general, the blood donation procedure is not dangerous for the body, if all the doctor's recommendations are followed.

Doctor-therapist, candidate of medical sciences, practicing doctor.

Blood donation (according to the standards of the Blood Service) is harmful to the donor's body.

Lies! Donating blood is not harmful, but even useful! Those who do not have contraindications, which will be known during the initial examination. No need to mislead people!

Michael, why all of a sudden?

This article is for those who have decided to become a donor, but have doubts. Of course, blood donation is a noble and voluntary act. But can anyone become a donor?

  • What should a person who decides to become a donor know about?
  • Are there age restrictions?
  • What diseases are absolute and relative contraindications to blood donation?
  • What tests do you need to pass in order to become a blood donor?
  • Is blood donation dangerous and are the doubts of people who decide to become a blood donor justified?

Discuss with a therapist Evgenia Anatolyevna Kuznetsova .

How to become a blood donor

There is blood donation, donation of plasma and blood components. Now, whole blood is rarely used for transfusion due to the large number of complications, mainly plasma and blood components. And if you have already decided to become a donor, then you should be not less than 18 years old and not more than 60 years old(although the upper age limit is not as strict, it depends more on the health of the donor). Your weight should be not less than 50 kilograms.

When the state of health meets the standards required for blood donation, those wishing to donate blood must come with a passport and a military ID (for men) to the blood transfusion station and undergo a questionnaire, as well as take blood tests: general, biochemical, hepatitis, RW, HIV infection, and be examined by a general practitioner. Not only a citizen of the Russian Federation, but also a foreign citizen who has lived in the territory of the Russian Federation for at least one year can become a blood donor.

Where to donate blood

So, to become a blood donor, you need to contact the blood transfusion station in your city.

According to the law “On Donation of Blood and Its Components”, since 2013, private medical organizations cannot take blood, or even procure, store, or transport it. This law was adopted in order to tighten blood testing, its storage and transfusion, thereby protecting recipients from possible infection and complications associated with blood transfusion.

In order to donate blood, let's say, in Moscow, it is enough to enter in the search engine "Where can I donate blood in Moscow?" to display a list of blood transfusion stations in the city of Moscow.

According to the list, you can choose a blood transfusion station that is closer to you in terms of territorial location. In this example, you can easily find a list of blood transfusion stations in your city.

Which blood types are more in demand?

Donation of any blood type and Rh factor is necessary, however, it should be noted that the rarest blood type is the fourth negative, because it is the most difficult to find: only 7% of people on the planet have this blood type. The most common blood type is the first positive, but there is a law according to which only identical blood can be transfused from a donor to a recipient by group and Rh factor. However, since this is the most common blood type (45% of the world's population has the first positive blood type), more people need it. Therefore, no matter what blood you have, do not hesitate - it is your blood that is needed.

How often can you donate blood

Men can donate blood no more than five times a year, women only four. There must be at least sixty days between two blood donations. Plasma can be donated more often - up to twice a month, but if you donated whole blood, then you can donate plasma only after a month.

As we have already said, in order to become a blood donor, you must pass blood tests:

  • General
  • Biochemical
  • For hepatitis

Preparing to donate blood

Before donating blood for donation, it is necessary to refrain from fatty, spicy, excessively salty foods, drinking alcohol and smoking for three days. On the eve of the dinner should be light, in the morning before the procedure, it is advisable to drink sweet tea with bread.

Donation procedure

The procedure itself for the convenience of the donor takes place in the donor chair. With the help of sterile instruments, from 400 to 500 grams of blood is taken from the donor for 15 minutes, starting from 50 drops per minute. Part of the blood is sent for tests for infections, group and Rh factor. Plasma donation lasts about 30 minutes, platelets - 1.5 hours.

Immediately after blood sampling, you can not engage in physical labor, drive, drink alcohol.

Is donation safe?

Yes. Donating blood is absolutely safe. Sterile instruments are used to take blood, the feeling of weakness and dizziness during and after the procedure quickly disappears.

However, there are relative and absolute contraindications for blood donation.

Absolute contraindications for blood donation

Absolute contraindications for blood donation are diseases such as:

  • Viral hepatitis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Syphilis
  • Infectious diseases
  • Malignant tumors
  • CNS diseases
  • mental illness

Relative contraindications are temporary contraindications, they include certain diseases and conditions in which donation is temporarily contraindicated. Relative contraindications are:

  • Operations, minor surgical interventions (tooth extraction)
  • Pregnancy, lactation
  • SARS, tonsillitis
  • Menstruation
  • Allergy in the acute stage
  • And etc.

After blood donation

After blood donation, there is a decrease in the number of red blood cells and subsequently hemoglobin - the most common occurrence. If your body is prone to anemia, then you cannot become a donor.

Platelets can be donated no more than once every three months, because when donating platelets, sodium citrate is injected, it leaches calcium from the bones. Therefore, platelet donors need to use vitamins containing calcium.

After donation, there may be nausea, chills, weakness, dizziness, which soon disappear. It is these symptoms that most often scare potential donors and raise doubts that donation is safe for health. But if, according to the results of tests and examination by a general practitioner, there are no absolute and relative contraindications, then there is no need to worry - donation is absolutely safe, and the symptoms of weakness and dizziness will soon disappear on their own. However, it must be remembered that after donating blood, you must sit for 15 minutes, as well as eat and exclude physical labor on this day.

Can I get money for donation?

Do not forget that the life you save has no price, but you should know that the donor has the right to refuse food in favor of a monetary reward. The legislation provides for 2017 for 450 grams of blood payment in the amount of 8 to 45% of the subsistence minimum, depending on the blood type and demand for it, monetary compensation for food in the amount of 5%, two days off with pay. There is also the title of "honorary donor" - in order to receive this title, one must donate whole blood at least forty times or plasma at least sixty times. However, donation money is not required. If you have been awarded this title, then by law you will receive an annual payment in the amount of 12,373 rubles (the amount for 2017).

Exist compulsory benefits :

  • Free hot meals
  • Two days off with pay
  • Vouchers for sanatorium-and-spa treatment are provided to donors in the first place

The attitude of the Orthodox Church towards blood donation

The Orthodox Church has a positive attitude towards blood donation.

If you decide to become a donor and are thinking about how to do it, or if you still have questions and doubts, then you can refer to the official sites about blood donation:

Myths about donation

There are myths about donation . The most common myth is that donation is harmful. This is a myth, because when you donate blood, the body is forced to produce blood, thereby renewing blood cells, activates the immune system, the body begins to work in an enhanced mode, the work of internal organs is activated, and it “trains” in case of blood loss.

There is a widespread myth that a donor can become infected during blood sampling. This is also a myth, because only sterile instruments are used for blood sampling.

It is also important that donation concerns everyone.

More Donation Myths

So, we can conclude that in the absence of relative and absolute contraindications and satisfactory health, blood donation is absolutely safe and even beneficial for the body, because it leads to the renewal of blood cells. Donation reduces the risk of heart attack by several times, activates the system of red bone marrow cells, and improves immunity. Donation helps to "unload" the liver and spleen, which has a beneficial effect on the body. According to some data, blood donation reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, thrombosis and coronary heart disease.

It is worth parting with the fear of becoming a donor - it is honorable, safe and even good for health. Donate life - become a donor!

Donated blood and its components have a limited shelf life and are constantly required. It is impossible to do without them during complex operations, during childbirth, the treatment of severe injuries and burns, massive blood loss, anemia, sepsis, blood diseases and other pathologies.

Being a donor is an honorable and noble cause, but not everyone can become one. The rules for donating blood, its preparation, storage, and transportation are established by the law “On donation of blood and its components”. It is designed to ensure the safety of blood transfusions and protect the health of not only the recipient, but also the donor.

Who can donate blood?

You can become a donor only on a voluntary and gratuitous basis. This is a person of any gender from 18 to 60 years old, who has been examined and has no contraindications. The body weight of the donor cannot be less than 50 kg.

According to the new law of the Russian Federation "On blood donation", which entered into force in 2012, not only Russians, but also foreign citizens who have been legally in our country for at least a year have the right to donate blood.

Women are allowed to donate no more than four times a year, men no more than five times, while the time interval between whole blood sampling must be at least 60 days. In the case of donating blood components, this period is 30 days.

Contraindications for donation

Contraindications are absolute and temporary. Persons suffering from certain diseases and carriers of pathogens of a number of diseases cannot become donors. These include:

Temporary contraindications include some conditions, as well as recent diseases and procedures:

  • flu, tonsillitis, SARS;
  • vaccination (must be at least 30 days after the procedure);
  • piercing, tattoo, permanent makeup;
  • abortion;
  • menstruation (one week after its end);
  • pregnancy (not earlier than one year after the birth of the child) and breastfeeding (not earlier than three months after the last feeding);
  • allergies in exacerbation;
  • tooth extraction (not earlier than a week later);
  • surgery;
  • taking analgesics (should take three days) and antibiotics (at least two weeks);
  • long-term residence in the tropics and subtropics.

Where to donate blood and what to bring with you?

As a rule, in every city there are blood transfusion stations where this procedure is carried out.

The donor must present a passport (military ID, other identification) with registration in the same region where the blood donation point is located, or a temporary registration document.

How to prepare?

Every donor should know what rules to follow before donating blood. It is mandatory to fulfill a number of requirements. Typically, prospective donors receive the following recommendations:

  1. Two days before the procedure, you can not drink alcohol.
  2. Smoking is not allowed two hours before the test.
  3. For three days before the procedure, you should not drink medicines with analgin and aspirin, as well as other thinning drugs.
  4. On the eve of the procedure, you need to eat right, that is, give up fatty, spicy, fried, smoked foods, as well as dairy products, bananas, citrus fruits, butter, eggs, nuts.
  5. It is recommended to eat vegetables, fruits, cereals, bread, jam, pasta, crackers, steamed fish. You can drink mineral water, sweet tea, juice, compote, fruit drink.
  6. In the morning on the day of delivery, you must definitely have breakfast, it is not recommended to undergo the procedure on an empty stomach. A proper breakfast should look something like this: buckwheat, oatmeal or rice porridge on water with the addition of honey, dried fruits or fresh fruits, sweet tea with crackers or a slice of white bread with jam.
  7. You can not go to the transfusion center as a donor after a sleepless night, for example, after night duty. You need to be well rested.
  8. It should not be taken during the period of intensive work (on the eve of the exam).

During the procedure, the donor is in comfortable conditions in a comfortable chair

How is the procedure?

  1. At the reception, you must fill out a questionnaire in which to report on habits, lifestyle and general health.
  2. In the laboratory, you need to take a finger test to determine the main indicators (leukocytes, hemoglobin, etc.), blood type and Rh factor. They test for syphilis, hepatitis, HIV.
  3. The general practitioner examines the questionnaire, asks additional questions if necessary, conducts a visual examination and decides whether a person can be a donor on that day.
  4. Before donating blood, you need to visit the buffet and drink sweet tea with a bun or juice.
  5. The donor sits in a comfortable chair (you can donate blood while sitting, reclining or lying down), the arm above the elbow is pulled together with a rubber band, the skin is treated with a disinfectant. During the procedure, only disposable instruments are allowed. Blood is taken from a vein in the amount of 450 ml (if it is whole blood). Blood or components are collected in a special bag, which is connected to the needle with a thin tube. Some of the blood will go for analysis. At the end, a bandage is applied to the elbow bend for 4 hours. The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes.
  6. The donor receives a certificate stating that he donated blood. Then he was given lunch and rest.

It should be said that blood sampling can be carried out according to different schemes. In the first case, whole blood is taken, and in the future it is used at the discretion of physicians. In addition, not whole donor blood is transfused, but any of its components (plasma or platelets). In this case, the procedure is rather complicated.

The blood is collected in a special container, which is connected to the needle with a thin tube.

Before donating platelets, a thorough examination is necessary. Platelets are taken in two ways: hardware and intermittent. In the first, blood is taken continuously, while both hands are involved: blood is taken from one, immediately poured into the other. In the intermittent method, a portion is taken, platelets are separated from it, the rest is poured into the donor, then the next portion, and so on. By law, it is forbidden to donate platelets many times due to the complexity of the procedure for donors.

Plasma donation is similar to the process with platelets, but different equipment is used and no screening is required. Plasma is separated during collection, and most of the blood is returned to the donor.

What to do after the procedure?

The donor memo contains not only recommendations for preparing for donation, but also rules of conduct after the procedure. A person may have low blood pressure, dizziness is often observed, which is associated with a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. At the end of the procedure, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Immediately after donating blood, you need to relax and sit for about 15 minutes, then go to the buffet to drink sweet tea. If weakness and dizziness persist, call a healthcare professional for help.
  2. Do not remove the bandage from the hand for about 4 hours and do not wet it.
  3. You can't smoke for about an hour.
  4. Avoid physical activity throughout the day.
  5. Do not drink alcoholic beverages for 24 hours.
  6. In the next two days, you need to eat well and try to drink more fluids (tea, water, juice).
  7. No vaccinations are recommended for 10 days after the procedure.
  8. There are no restrictions on driving a car, a motorcycle can be driven after 2 hours.


Future donors have the right to know whether it is harmful to donate blood. Doctors say that if you strictly follow the recommendations of doctors before and after the procedure, then you can not worry about your well-being. In addition, the rules of donation with all restrictions on the amount of blood taken at a time and the frequency of the procedure are enshrined in law.