Creative project on the technology "Plant in the interior of the room". Flowers and indoor plants in the interior: tips and tricks for the design of phytodesign The purpose of the project is a plant in the interior of a residential building

Using compositions created with the help of indoor plants, in compliance with the rules and requirements of phytodesign, you can give the interior new life filled with purity, freshness and comfort. Houseplants in the interior help to focus attention on strengths environment, mask the imperfections of space, fill it with soulfulness and beauty in every centimeter. Thus, phytodesign not only improves the microclimate of the premises, but also makes it possible to radically transform any home without serious financial investments.

Interior design with indoor plants

If you choose the right flowers and plants and correctly place them in the room, you can make your interior play with new colors. Here are some examples of how you can effectively use indoor plants at home:

  • Vertical gardening can divide big room into two different functional areas, for example and .
  • The presence of green decorative elements will help create an elegant backdrop for delicate and romantic designs.
  • Climbing plants will solve the problem of low ceilings, visually lifting them, giving the space extra volume.

Starting the green improvement of your home, first of all, you need to correlate the proportions.

Advice! When decorating the interior of small rooms, you should not use large species plants. For cramped spaces, ampelous plants placed in and placed in the background are perfect.

Greenery, stretching upward, is able to visually lift. But don't overdo it, as it can have the opposite effect.

As a rule, modern apartments are associated with multifunctional spaces, which often require unobtrusive zoning. A similar problem is easily solved by indoor plants whose photos are posted below in our article.

For creating harmonious design the interior can be used both wood and herbaceous vegetation. tall palm trees, elegant ferns, graceful ficuses, unpretentious cacti, climbing ivy - perfect for these purposes.

You can also use lined plants with different stem heights and leaf textures. Such indoor plants include hibiscus, monstera, philodendron, chamedorea and others.

Tillandsia- This perfect tool for zoning free space. It belongs to epiphytes, which, as you know, do not require soil. This plant feeds on microparticles and moisture droplets present in the air.

Tillandsia usniforma allows you to create amazingly beautiful living curtains that perfectly delimit the space.

Where and how best to place indoor plants

Both and can serve as a background for plants. Given this, it is advisable to use large-leaved plants in rooms with wallpaper decorated with small patterns.

As for small-leaved plants, the role of the background for them can be played by plain walls, preferably in light colors. The composition will logically complete the composition with room decor and textiles, selected taking into account the colors of flowering plants.

Contrasts of small and large plants will look very advantageous. No less appropriate will also be crops with different textures and leaf shapes.

Important! A sense of proportion is vital necessary condition when choosing possible combinations of interior landscaping. If you neglect this rule, you risk turning your home into a tropical greenhouse or jungle.

For example, if you take a monotonous background, interspersed with several cultures with bright and multi-colored foliage, then this option will be much more advantageous than mutually overlapping colorful plants.

The formation of a holistic look and the creation of a good mood are facilitated by containers of various sizes, flower pots and pots. Their selection must be done both under the style and under.

  1. Single, as well as flowers and plants collected in a single composition, can be planted in containers with unusual shapes and original design.
  2. Bright, eye-catching plants are best used in inconspicuous pots. The inexpressiveness of the latter will additionally emphasize the attractiveness of cultures.

In addition to the spatial and compositional aspects, you also need to take into account the rules of maintenance, growing characteristics, the environment and the requirements for caring for plants. That is why the purchase of crops must be made only when there is full confidence that suitable conditions have been created for them.

Vertical gardening - newfangled design trends

For modern apartments the ideal solution in terms of perception is vertical gardening. Ceiling, as well as wall plant installations not only have an unusual appearance, but also the ability to harmoniously fit into modern interior solutions.

Today distinguish the following types vertical compositions:

  1. Ceiling installations;
  2. Phyto pictures;
  3. Green walls;
  4. Phytomodules;
  5. Suspended and mobile compositions.

Vertical gardening- can be created from ivy, tradescantia, stabilized moss, dracaena and other plants.

The selection of colors for compositions is usually carried out according to one's own tastes and preferences.

Phytomodule from plants - a stylish way to decorate a wall

The available range of flowers of indoor plants consists of a large number of shades, ranging from rich emerald green to delicate light green tones.

Advice! Such compositions will become brighter if you use flowering orchids, arrowroot, phytonia and other similar plants.

If desired, the recreation area can be turned into a real botanical garden, the main thing is to maintain a sense of proportion

Phytodesign basics - do-it-yourself interior landscaping

Today there is a large number of companies specializing in phytodesign and creating appropriate interior gardening solutions. However, if desired, vertical gardening can be arranged independently, for which there are many on the Internet. useful information, photos and videos on this topic.

When choosing the plants that will be used to create indoor compositions, it is advisable to use not only attractive, but also useful crops. These are not only practical, but also acting as a joy for the eyes of the plant.

Advice! Create good mood, relieve anxiety and improve sleep will help lavender, valerian, citrus fruits, myrtle, gardenia, begonia, laurel, geranium and rosemary.

If there is a noisy highway near the house, the dwelling has recently been renovated, there is high humidity or rooms are furnished with new products from wood materials, so-called filter plants should be used.

Them salient feature is the ability to extract from the air chemical compounds, toxins, hazardous fumes, heavy metals, urban smog, dust and other unwanted inclusions.

Good to know! Indoor filter plants can also kill disease-causing microbes and prevent the spread of mold.

Useful indoor plants

Best of all, the “work” of the filter to purify the air from household toxins is performed by the following types of indoor plants.

plant photo plant name

Chlorophytum (lat. Chlorophytum)

Spathiphyllum (lat. Spathiphyllum)

Crassula (lat. Crássula)

Ivy (lat. Hedera)

Scindapsus (lat. Scindapsus)

Kalanchoe (lat. Kalanchoë)

Pelargonium (lat. Pelargōnium)

Ficus (lat. Ficus)

Sansevier (lat. Sansevieria)

Dieffenbachia (lat. Dieffenbachia)

Anthurium (lat. Anthúrium)

Aloe (lat. Áloë)

Philodendron climbing (lat. Philodendron hederaceum)

Hamedorea graceful (lat. Chamaedorea elegans)

Advice! You can place "filtering" plants anywhere in the premises. It is more expedient to use them where people living in the house spend the most time.

Indoor plants in the home interior (photo)

Indoor plants with proper selection of their varieties and placement not only serve worthy decoration rooms, but also bring in them a sense of comfort. It is important to take into account the recommendations on the possible harm to health by some flower crops that have toxic properties or negative energy.


The kitchen is the warmest and sunniest place in the house. In addition, the air in this room is always moderately humid and ventilated more often than others. Therefore, the kitchen is ideal for a very wide range of indoor plants and flowers.

However, natural favorable conditions do not at all guarantee that your green pets will grow almost on their own. They also need proper care and good conditions content.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to place indoor plants in the immediate vicinity of a refrigerator, stove or oven. Hot air, just like cold air, is detrimental to most species of flora.

It is also not recommended to put flowers near the sink, as splashes of grease and drops can get on them. detergent. If used for washing dishes Dishwasher- you should not be afraid, the bright colors of green pets will only emphasize the beauty of the working area.

In a small kitchen, as a decoration, it is better not to use big plants with a spreading crown or lush forms. If the room is large, voluminous greenery opposite will look very advantageous.

Hanging shelves - perfect place in the kitchen for potted plants

Living room

The living room is considered to be the standard of quality and the main indicator of the impeccable taste of the owners of the house. This is a kind of center of attention, so the interior design of the living room must be approached responsibly. It should be functional, comfortable, beautiful and cozy.

Availability ornamental plants in the living room - will emphasize the individuality of the room, becoming a stylish accent in general interior. The principle of their arrangement is still the same, at the windows - loving light, in places where the sun practically does not fall - shade-tolerant.

As a rule, the living room is quite large in area, so most often it houses indoor trees or plants in large flowerpots. This is great way dilute the interior and create an incredible feeling of lightness of space.

Numerous ideas about how to decorate the living room interior with houseplants can be found on the Internet.


The bedroom belongs to the premises, the atmosphere of which must be absolutely safe. Favorable climate promotes relaxation during sleep, which allows you to relax and rejuvenate.

  • When choosing indoor plants for the bedroom, it must be borne in mind that they begin to absorb oxygen at night, saturating the air with carbon dioxide.

Important! The acquisition of colors that cause allergic reaction or toxic. Exotics with sharp intoxicating aromas are also not suitable for this.

In order not to cause a constant feeling of lack of air, the appearance of morning dizziness, this room should not be turned into a greenhouse. It is enough to place three pots on the shelf with slow-growing plants that do not produce large buds.

The following representatives of room flora are considered the most favorable:

  • capable of absorbing formaldehyde from the air - harmful substance present in particle board products;
  • Usambar violet, bringing a spectacular decorative sound to the interior;
  • valued for its ability to purify the air from many harmful substances;
  • Chlorophytum, characterized by unpretentiousness, elegance, the ability to effectively purify the air;
  • Geranium, which releases healthy phytoncides;
  • Fern, unpretentious appearance plants with medicinal properties;
  • laurel, acting soothingly, improving the quality of sleep.

Indoor fern - perfect choice bedroom

Canarian date - exotic plant with large bright green leaves

Plants must be carefully looked after, preventing rotting, the appearance of midges and other pests. Dust is constantly wiped off the leaf plates, when watering, all the moisture that seeps into the pan immediately pours out.

Among the plants that cannot be used to decorate the bedroom, it should be noted dieffenbachia, which has poisonous juice. It is not recommended to grow lilies and orchids. These flower crops absorb a lot of oxygen, causing headaches and depression.

Ecology of life. Interior Design: What's the Secret cozy interior? In skillfully letting in living space some wildlife. And the first thing that comes to mind is to use indoor plants for this: it is they who delight us with emerald greenery and bright colors even in the cold season, they create a favorable microclimate, give the interior completeness and real comfort.

What is the secret of a cozy interior? In artfully letting a bit of wildlife into the living space. And the first thing that comes to mind is to use indoor plants for this: it is they who delight us with emerald greenery and bright flowers even in the cold season, create a favorable microclimate, give the interior completeness and real comfort.

They can be used in any room and achieve with their help a variety of decorating purposes. Quartblog has prepared some tips on how to decorate the interior with the help of the easiest houseplants to care for.

First of all, it is worth listing a few basic rules for placing plants in the interior. First, there is no shade-loving plants, there are shade-tolerant. This means that some plants can get by with less daylight and the sun, which allows you to place them away from the window. But for life, any plant still needs light, so in most hallways and bathrooms of our standard apartments, not a single plant can survive without bright artificial lighting at least 10 hours a day.

Secondly, our houseplants are evergreen natives of the tropics who need warmth without sudden changes temperature. This means that they cannot be left in the winter at an open window or hung over cooker. In the first case, the plant will get sick and die from the cold, in the second - from the heat. Above the battery central heating the plant will also be uncomfortable, place it a little to the side.

How can plants be used for decoration? Let's look at some of the most common techniques that are traditionally used when decorating interiors with indoor plants.

Flowering plants will brighten up any room. They look great on the windowsill open shelf, on the coffee table in the living room, on the dining table and on the desktop. There are types of indoor plants that are great for this purpose - they bloom often and for a long time with the most simple care: delicate graceful violets, lush bright geraniums, modern large-flowered fuchsias. On sale you can find a huge number of their delightful varieties with flowers of very different colors, shapes and sizes. Caring for all these plants is the easiest: they need enough light, regular watering and the introduction of mineral complex fertilizer about once a month. When watering violets, you need to use a little warm water and make sure that water does not get on the leaves.

If you are not afraid to experiment with plants that require a more serious approach, you can get a Phalaenopsis orchid, azalea, cyclamen, Decembrist. Each of these species also blooms delightfully, but has its own special care requirements, which, however, are not difficult to fulfill.

Ampel (climbing) plants will help to revive the central part of the window or wall, decorate the pieces of furniture from which they hang, add a little comfort to soften the cold ascetic interiors. Fuchsia and some varieties of geranium often take on an ampelous form. Of the non-flowering houseplants, the easiest to care for are chlorophytums familiar to everyone since childhood, indoor tradescantia, openwork asparagus, ivy and ampelous ficus species. Caring for them is very simple: regular watering and periodic application of complex mineral fertilizer once every 2-3 months.

Decorative leaf plants look organic in the interior of any room and do not burden complex care. Dieffenbachia, ficuses, ferns, croton, shefler, coleus, arrowroot, cordilina, aspidistra, zamia - all these wonderful species are very attractive due to their beautiful foliage. Yucca, dracaena, and cycas are compact houseplants that look like palm trees, although only the cycas is a true palm. These plants will add zest to any interior, if you skillfully beat their extraordinary appearance. Caring for them is not at all difficult - the same regular watering and periodic fertilization.

It makes sense to place large-sized plants only in very spacious rooms. They magnificently decorate halls, halls, stairs, greenhouses, winter gardens and pools. Most of the large different kinds palms, large ficuses and monsteras. In the conditions of an ordinary city apartment, it is reckless to start such large plants: most likely, both the flower and the owners will have a hard time.

The garden in the kitchen has long gained popularity around the world. People like to grow spices and medicinal herbs in pretty little pots. It decorates the interior, benefits and serves as great entertainment.

Original plant compositions can transform the interior if you find a worthy place for them and show your imagination. So that the composition is not disturbed due to the loss of plants, select species with the same requirements for care and environmental conditions.

The first sign of any residential interior is the active use of houseplants. Regardless of which plants you choose, green pets are important tool creation cozy atmosphere. Long gone are the days when flowers were just a backdrop for the rest of the furnishings.

Today, living decor has become an independent direction in interior design, and floristry has moved into the category of filigree art.

Functions of plants in the interior

All plants have their own personality, character and "talents". They not only contribute to harmony and pleasant arrangement of life, but also solve other important tasks. Designers distinguish several roles of greenery.

The way the space is divided

Zoning can be carried out using a hedge of vines, the shoots of which are fixed on special lattice screens or supports. Large single plants in floor pots placed in a row will also do the job just fine.

Maintaining a favorable microclimate, air purification. The leaves of indoor plants (sansevieria, aloe, dracaena, philodendron) serve as a "factory" for the production of oxygen, maintain the necessary humidity in the room.

Spathiphyllum, chamedorea and ficus will purify the air of toxins, benzene vapors and other volatile fractions that enter the house from the street through opened window. Geranium will help destroy bacteria and viruses, enriching air environment phytoncides.

All plants act as natural antidepressants that help to cope with nervous disorders and improve the quality of sleep.


Greenery will perfectly cover empty spaces in the interior, giving it a finished look. When filling small corners or niches, choose one showy plant, which will complement color scheme interior. For large areas, complex compositions and still lifes are suitable. You can disguise not only voids, but also repair defects.

Bright visual accent

exotic flowering plants, including orchids, tuberoses, Amazonian lilies and other flowers, attract the eye and emphasize the individuality of the home.

In order for plants to delight and delight guests and hosts, it is necessary to provide them with comfortable conditions existence. Determining factor rapid growth is the side of the world:

North. Dieffenbachia, cyclamen, anthurium, aspidistra, ficus, aglaonema, fittonia, clivia and monstera are suitable for cultivation.

South. It is worth considering succulents (opuntia, haworthia, schlumbergera, crassula), as well as jasmine, hibiscus, rose and citrus. Plants need to be shaded from direct sunlight to the best, to arrange ventilation.

West. Suitable asparagus, sansevieria, cissus, eucalyptus, codeum, cattleya, saintpaulia, fuchsia, reo, spathiphyllum and ragwort.

East. This is the most optimal side for green pets. You can install a planter with stephanotis, clerodendrum, myrtle, geranium, etc.

Transplantation of indoor plants is carried out in the spring (end of February - April). At this time, they wake up from a state of rest and begin to grow shoots. You can not transplant greens at the time of flowering and immediately after purchase. A universal scheme for the process: young plants up to 3 years old are moved to a new flowerpot annually, adult specimens - after 2-3 years.

It is better to transplant flowers into a pot slightly larger than the previous one than immediately into a large container. Some plants (orchids, hippeastrums) prefer cramped containers. An overly spacious place of residence can cause a lack of flowering. Transshipment is considered the least painful method of transplantation. In this case, the earthen clod is transferred to a new flowerpot with the addition of soil on the sides of the pot.

Choosing plant stands

An extensive collection of green pets is not always possible to place on the windowsill. The ideal option becomes a flower stand. A well-chosen design will save space and be a creative interior detail.

According to the location, floor and wall stands. Both types of accessories can be made of metal, plastic, wood, stone or glass. Forged metal pedestals in the form of a medieval carriage or bicycle are popular. They fit perfectly into vintage design premises.

To decorate the interior in the style of a loft or Provence, you can use wooden stands-shelves. Set lush and large bushes of greenery down, and on upper shelves place graceful flowers small size. So the room looks spacious and elegant.

For small rooms, we recommend choosing wall stands. The simplest of them can be done by hand. To do this, you need a wooden blank for the base, a pair of straps and fasteners. In rooms with low ceilings place elongated flowers in a narrow floor vase.

flower feng shui

When planning interior decoration with flowers, consider the specifics of the rooms. A photo selection of indoor plants in various rooms is given below.

For spacious living rooms, tall plants - palm trees, hibiscus, monstera, abutilons, zamiokulkas will be a worthy choice. If the living room has a colorful wall covering, then choose broad-leaved flowers, with plain design walls, you can choose greens with small leaves.

In the nursery, you can put a planter with violets or dracaena. They replace the ionizer, moisturizing the air well. In the interior of a children's room, plants that are poisonous and dangerous for babies should not be placed - spurge, oleander, cacti.

In the kitchen, those plants that are adapted to temperature extremes will feel good. These are aloe, ficus and asparagus. The traditional kitchen inhabitant is chlorophytum, it absorbs all odors during cooking and absorbs fumes.

For the bedroom, representatives of the flora are suitable, actively releasing oxygen. And for the hallways - unpretentious, shade tolerant plants(sansevieria, aglaonema).

Fashionable interior floristry ideas

In the top of fashionable interior novelties in 2017, indoor plants placed in glass florariums. This is stylish decoration for the home in the form of a mini-garden enclosed in a bottle, aquarium or jar. To create such a decor are suitable dwarf plants, succulents.

It should be noted that landscapes glass containers- This is a temporary decorative element. Green spaces are growing, and one day they will become crowded in the florarium. In such a situation, they must be transplanted into a larger vessel or a regular flowerpot.

Artificial flowers have recently been a symbol of bad taste and mauvais ton. But modern technologies production made it possible to produce decorative compositions that look almost indistinguishable from living ones. Such decorations have many advantages: they do not need to be watered and replanted, they are not susceptible to diseases and do not cause allergies.

Photo of indoor plants in the interior

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4. Choosing the best idea. Orchid. Description. Orchids are like works of art, they delight and enrich us with their beauty. And the shapes of these flowers are the most exquisite. They resemble birds, butterflies, lizards, swans. Subtle aromas of these flowers are dizzying. Perhaps, orchids are one of the most perfect creations of nature, and it is not without reason that many call them "aristocrats" among plants. Orchids grow all over the globe. But in the north they are modest and discreet. Most orchids grow in the tropics, most often they are epiphytes, and settle on other plants, but do not feed on their juices. Many of the orchids are vines, their stems climb the tree to great heights. They are attached to the tree with antennae, hairs and thus bring their flowers to the light. Luxurious garlands sometimes hang from the trees - inflorescences of beautiful large fragrant flowers.

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MBOU "Rodomanovskaya secondary school"

research project

Indoor plants in the interior of a residential building

Completed by: Gribanova Marina,

6th grade student



My parents and I moved to new apartment. We like the apartment very much. It is spacious, each member of the family has their own room. So far, only one thing is upsetting: my room is not very comfortable yet. At the technology lessons, I learned a lot about the use of plants in the interior (about phytodesign) and decided to try myself as a phytodesigner.


Objective of the project: explore the issue of using plants for home decoration and purchase a plant that matches the interior of our house.

Project objectives:

  1. Visit a store that sells indoor plants.
  2. Select several plants for their further acquisition, find out their biological name.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the help of Internet resources with the technologies for growing these plants.
  4. Choose from the studied plants one that is most suitable for the conditions of our home.
  5. Use your research data to further care for the selected plant.

Design means artistically project activities on the creation of industrial products and the formation of an integral subject environment, human environment(including apartments).

Interior in translation from French means “internal”. In other words, this inner world Houses. This is a planning solution that allows you to assemble into a single whole inner space premises (rooms, hallway, kitchen, bathroom) and furniture, decorations and various equipment.

Decorative decoration combines utilitarian (necessary in Everyday life) and decorative elements decorating a person's life: carpets and floor coverings, dishes, flowers, paintings, musical arrangement.

When decorating a home Special attention focuses on three main features:

Functional, when the dwelling contributes to normal living conditions. Each room serves its own purpose. Rational layout rooms, conveniently arranged furniture make housing more comfortable.

Hygienic, the totality of which is taken into account during construction: sound insulation, air exchange, heat-shielding qualities, the operation of sanitary equipment, etc.

Aesthetic, that is, the harmony of things and space, their integrity and consistency.

Apartments correspond to the character of the owner, his habits, worldview. This is the main condition in the development of the interior, which can strictly correspond to some already established historical or ethnic style.

Style is a historically established community of artistic and expressive means expressed in the content and form of household items, in architecture and art.

  1. STUDY

I visited flower shop. Diversity beautiful plants struck me. There are decorative flowering - begonia, violet, decorative leaves - ficus, dracaena, and there are also cacti.

Most of all I was attracted by ornamental flowering plants.

At home at the computer, I continued my research, visited sites about indoor plants. From them I learned a lot of useful information: what kind of care these plants need, what kind of lighting they need, what size they can reach.


In the process of collecting information, a number of options for indoor plants were considered: I liked four flowers. These were rose, chrysanthemum and violet. I had a difficult choice, but in the end I chose a rose. I hope she grows up with me.

Indoor plant

Option #1 Option #2

Option number 3

Based on the results of the assessment, option number 2 is the most optimal, since it is less expensive (it was presented to my mother for a holiday) and you can see all stages of growth.


Roses are one of the oldest and most magnificent flowers known since ancient times. The genus of roses belongs to the Rosaceae family and unites more than 300 species growing in temperate climates, varieties, forms and more than 20 thousand varieties. Cultivated roses belong to the most numerous of the genus - the rose, which includes 135 species. Roses are deciduous, rarely evergreen multi-stemmed shrubs from 35 cm to 2-2.5 m high and short (up to 12 m) strongly branched vines with thin shoots creeping along a support or creeping along the ground. shoots and leaves different sizes and forms, however, there are forms without thorns, flowers are double, semi-double, of the most diverse forms, colors, single or collected in corymbose or paniculate inflorescences, fragrant and odorless.

Care-watering once a week.

Reproduction - cuttings.

Diseases - the main disease of roses is powdery mildew.


There were roses from the store.

The roses have bloomed.