Small bathroom cabinets. Aesthetically pleasing bathroom cabinets. Which bathroom cabinet to choose

Many modern apartment layouts do not boast a large bathroom. Due to its modest size, only a minimal set of items is placed there: a washbasin, a washing machine and a shower stall. You can make the room functional and cozy with the help of cabinets.

Requirements for bathroom cabinets

All products, regardless of their size, design and materials of manufacture, must meet several criteria:

Moisture resistance. The bathroom is a place where there is a frequent change of microclimate. Furniture comes into contact with water drops, steam.

Therefore, its surface must be reliably protected by polymer coatings that are not afraid of such exposure. The best option in terms of price-quality ratio is facades made of chipboard, MDF or plastic.

Tightness. To prevent dampness and moisture from penetrating inside and spoiling the contents of the locker, the doors must be closed without gaps, as tightly and reliably as possible.

Anticorrosive properties of metal elements. Fittings, including handles, hinges, opening mechanisms, must resist oxidation and rust.

Capacity and practicality of lockers. Due to the small area of ​​​​the room, the organization of storage of things must meet the requirements of compactness, accessibility and convenience.

Aesthetics. The design of cabinets should follow the style of the bathroom. The color palette is dominated by calm pastel colors - white, cream, pale blue or pale green. They go well with plumbing.

But you can play in contrast by installing bright red, orange products. The facade is decorated with photo printing, milling or spraying.

Types of bathroom cabinets

The classification of cabinets is based on the principle of their division according to the place of installation and design features. There are wall and floor (built-in under the sink and separately taken out) cabinets.

The wealth of choice can be appreciated with the help of photo bathroom cabinets.

Mounted structures

Under them understand the items that are mounted on the wall. A wall cabinet is a smart choice for small bathrooms, because the space on the floor remains free to accommodate other utensils. At the same time, the room does not look cluttered.

Manufacturers offer a huge range of sizes and various ways of finishing lockers. On sale are closed, open and combined designs.

The first type involves the presence of two hinged or one hinged sash. Open cabinets are used for decoration purposes; vases, ceramic figurines and cute trinkets are placed on their shelves.

Combined models are the most widely used. Hygiene products, replaceable towels are placed inside, and shelves serve to arrange cosmetics.

Floor structures

When buying a floor cabinet, you must first determine its location. Special knowledge and installation skills are not required.

There are 3 types of such models:

  • With leg support. The space under the cabinet is easy to clean with a mop.
  • On wheels. High mobility lockers allows you to easily move them from place to place.
  • No legs. The bottom directly touches the flooring. Such designs are fraught with several inconveniences. If pipes break and water leaks, the product will quickly swell and exfoliate. And for wet cleaning, you will have to constantly move the cabinet.

A private type of floor cabinets is a cabinet under the sink. It not only serves as a storage place for household chemicals, cosmetics and things, but also hides unaesthetic sink drain pipes.

Mirror cabinet

Without what it is impossible to imagine a bathroom? Without a mirror. It can be a separate element of decor, or it can be built into a closet.

A mirror cabinet is an example of multifunctional bathroom items. Glass is not demanding on the conditions of maintenance and care. And the visual illusion of expanding space will turn a tiny room into a full-fledged place for taking water procedures.

The mirror cabinet with lighting looks unusual. For safety, the socket must be closed with a special cover.

A good option is to purchase a narrow but tall cabinet-pencil case with mirror elements.

Corner structures

Corner cabinets save a lot of space. It can be both suspended and floor mounted. The optimal placement is above the washing machine or above the sink.

The floor version is characterized by sufficient capacity and large dimensions. The elongated shape of the cabinet with a height of up to 190 cm allows you to install it in a small bathroom. Behind the door can be hidden not only shelves, but also hooks, laundry baskets.

Care of lockers

Extending the life of the locker is possible only with proper operation and timely care. No matter how moisture resistant the material is, it is still not suitable for prolonged contact with water.

An additional measure of isolation of the cabinet and the water source is screens, curtains and partitions. Chrome fittings should be wiped with a soft cloth that does not leave scratches or scratches. Denatured alcohol or glass cleaner will help to bring the mirror in order.

Photo cabinets in the bathroom

The arrangement of the interior of the bathroom is not limited to spatial optimization and installation of only the most necessary fixtures. But this is the most common mistake. People pay maximum attention to finding a place to install a bathtub or sink, select the most convenient and original forms, but completely forget about auxiliary accessories.

As a result, we start thinking about choosing the type of bathroom cabinet at the very last moment, and sometimes we forget to provide the right place for it. How to choose this accessory, what varieties exist, you will learn from our article.

Types of structures and selection of material

High humidity in the bathroom, temperature fluctuations, the need to comply with hygiene standards - all this places special demands on the accessories and fixtures that will be installed there. Modern bathroom cabinets fully meet these criteria.

They may have different designs:

  • open - without doors or with separately mounted shelves;
  • closed - equipped with reliable doors, curtains or hermetically sealed boxes;
  • combined - with the joint use of closed and open cells.

To make the cabinets original, manufacturers provide for the most diverse door designs. They can be of standard geometric shapes, broken, folding or sliding.

For access, several solutions are also used - from the front side or from the end. At the same time, the mounting method itself provides a wide range of choices:

  • hinged;
  • embedded;
  • with separate installation;
  • with installation in the design of sanitary equipment and fixtures.

Varieties of materials for manufacturing

The possible design of bathroom cabinets is determined not only by the wishes of the manufacturer or customer, but also by the characteristics of the material used for the arrangement. If you want your locker to last for a long time, avoid materials that are susceptible to the ravages of water.

Chipboard and laminated chipboard are considered the least resistant to such influence. MDF products will be more reliable. In order to increase moisture resistance, this material must necessarily be coated with special varnishes and treated with water-repellent compounds. It is with this treatment that these cabinets are allowed to operate in wet rooms.

Some manufacturers provide models made of durable plastic. Such samples are quite functional, compact and hygienic. But glass or metal is used to a greater extent for finishing already made samples.

Which option to choose?

Bathroom furniture is able to decorate any room. But the choice for small rooms is somewhat limited. It is necessary to choose those options that best match both the overall design and the availability of free space.

It is not difficult to choose the best option for spacious bathrooms - there are many types of cabinets both in design and in the method of fastening and placement.

Suspended models

The wall cabinet is used in the bathroom, where all the flooring is already occupied by accessories and fixtures. This solution will help you maximize the limited space.

Hanging products vary in size and design. They can be placed above the sink, bathtub or anywhere on the wall. They are very comfortable and will fit perfectly into any interior.

You can hide a lot of useful things in it, preventing the accumulation of accessories in open space. But at the same time, the placement of heavy objects should be avoided, in order to avoid a break.

Mirror cabinet

Using this design solves several important problems:

  • functionality increases - it is difficult for both men and women to do without a mirror in the bathroom;
  • space is saved;
  • The mirror helps visually enlarge the room.

The simplest design is to arrange a variety of shelves around the mirror above the sink. From above, you can install wall or built-in lights.

A more modern solution is a full-fledged mirror cabinet. The mirror itself is attached to the doors or replaces them. The reflective surface can occupy the entire frontal plane of the cabinet or only part of it.

Inside, the shelves can be used to accommodate a variety of hygiene items. They are also great for LED lighting.

A more complex design has a pencil case with a mirror. It is installed on the floor next to the sink and often clutters up the space. Although a woman will have the opportunity to consider herself from all sides.

Floor structures

If the bathroom space allows, then you can purchase and install a floor cabinet. It is easy to install and quite roomy. It can be placed either separately in the room, or next to the washbasin. But everyone who chooses such a design needs to calculate the free space and prepare it in advance.

In not too spacious bathrooms, it is recommended to use a column wardrobe. It is narrow, rather compact, but roomy. In height, as a rule, it can be from floor to ceiling. It is easy to adapt even in an already furnished room with limited space.

Another good decision is to buy a cabinet. It is installed under the sink, provides storage space and at the same time hides the communication elements.

True, you need to choose models with drawers that are located below. This will make things easier to access. A certain disadvantage is not very convenient location near the sink. Similarly, you can use the cabinets under the bathroom.

Lockers placed in the corner

Not every floor or wall cabinet can fit in a small bathroom. But the corner cabinet can fit into any interior. It not only allows you to conveniently place all the necessary hygiene items, but also decorates the interior of the room. Well, if your washbasin is also placed in the corner, then this solution will be the most optimal.

This design has a large usable volume, without taking up the necessary space in the bathroom. In addition, the absence of corners can be a useful feature to reduce the risk of injury when showering.

You can choose any design you like, focusing on the presented photos of the cabinet in the bathroom. But some recommendations should be taken into account:

  • Choose models that match the overall style of the bathroom.
  • Strive to harmonize color matching with walls or other pieces of furniture.
  • For glossy walls, a cabinet with a similar effect is suitable, but more embossed walls will look with a wooden cabinet decorated with drawings.
  • Consider the spatial orientation and layout of the bathroom.
  • Choose functional models.
  • Focus on the quality of the material and manufacturing technology, as well as the potential durability of operation.

Without a well-chosen cabinet, the design of the bathroom cannot be considered complete. This piece of furniture is not only of great functional importance, but also helps to significantly decorate the appearance of the room, make it original.

Photo cabinets in the bathroom

Bathroom cabinets are a practical solution that allows you to place all the necessary accessories and make the rooms clean and tidy. Today it is very difficult to imagine the interior of a bathroom without this type of furniture. It helps to find its place for every little thing and save precious space.

In Moscow, you can find various models of such products for sale. However, in our online store, the buyer will be able to see exactly the version of the product that he will like. The price of our products allows everyone to get this furniture and furnish the bathroom interior with it.

Bathroom cabinets - how to choose

If the bathroom has a large space, then here the buyer is not limited in his choice. He can buy products that are more spacious, which will have several wings. You can purchase a cabinet in the bathroom with open shelves. Large floor-type products have not only shelves, but also a compartment for a laundry basket.

Looking through customer reviews, we can conclude that hanging models are very popular. They are very compact, which allows them to be installed in a room with little space. They can be fixed on the wall near the door or on either side of the mirror. Even in the smallest models can be fully placed on the shelves:

  • shampoos;
  • gels;
  • toothbrushes and pastes;
  • all for shaving;
  • cosmetics;
  • other hygiene items.

An excellent solution would be to install a cabinet in the bathroom directly above the washing machine. All products are highly resistant to moisture.

On the website of our store, the buyer can choose the best model for himself from the photo. If you have any questions, please call our consultant who will be happy to answer all your questions.

The bathroom is no longer considered a place to perform hygiene procedures. This is a place for relaxation and comfortable rest. Therefore, the design of the premises is always given great attention. The interior of the bathroom should be stylish, neat and practical.

Cabinet in the bathroom: the main purpose

Often the design of the bathroom is complicated by its minimum area. Therefore, a closet in the interior of the bathroom must be present. This is an opportunity to make the space more stylish and functional. Such furniture allows you to solve the problem of storing household chemicals, various bath accessories.

Bathroom cabinets are incredibly diverse. They may differ in material, shape, size, additional functions. Visually expand the space allow designs with a mirrored facade.

One of the most practical solutions can be wardrobes with a built-in laundry basket. Their use allows you to compactly place and organize personal items, hiding them from prying eyes.

Material selection

When deciding which cabinet is best for the bathroom, it is worth considering many nuances. One of the key selection factors is the material. The ideal solution would be furniture made of moisture-resistant materials.

In addition, the cabinet must be durable, wear-resistant and visually attractive. Such furniture will delight with functionality and stylish design for a long time.

The most budget option is plastic furniture. You can install it anywhere in the room, even in the immediate vicinity of the bathroom.

Cabinets made of laminated chipboard also have excellent performance characteristics. However, the greatest attention of buyers is attracted by high-quality MDF cabinets with a special protective coating. Such designs:

  • resistant to microorganisms;
  • not afraid of moisture and steam;
  • very easy to use.

Particular attention when choosing a cabinet in the bathroom should be given to the quality and design of fittings. Chrome-plated steel handles are an excellent choice. They are very easy to care for and can retain their original luster for a long time. Plastic, unlike steel, breaks down fairly quickly.

Main varieties

The photo of the bathroom cabinet is the main confirmation of their huge variety. Today, each person can choose the most successful and practical plumbing for the bathroom.

Most often, bathrooms are equipped with stylish cabinets under the sink. They can be standing or hanging. Their main task is to hide the pipes. They can come with a stylish sink that complements the overall design.

Bathroom cabinets are in high demand. They are recommended for owners of small bathrooms. When using them, it is possible to free up space on the floor as much as possible.