Victorian era furniture. Victorian style in the interior - luxury and chic in the spirit of old England. Victorian home - affordable luxury

The modern world is replete with many interior styles and it is sometimes difficult for a person to decide which style he likes best. In one style he is attracted by the classic color palette, in another - by exotic elements, in the third - by objects from a long time ago. days gone by" And in such a situation, a Victorian-style interior will help him bring together all his whims. However, there is one “but”: a person who wants to decorate the interior of his apartment in the Victorian style must have enough large funds, because a Victorian-style apartment is an expensive pleasure. What is this original Victorian style?

The history of the Victorian style in the interior

The second half of the 19th century is considered the beginning of the formation of the Victorian style. The name “Victorian” style was given in honor of the reign of the English Queen Victoria, who reigned during this period. Its appearance is explained by the fact that it was during this period that the English bourgeoisie, thanks to rapid development industry in the country began to grow rich at an accelerated pace. Wealth gave rise to a natural need for luxurious apartments, expensive interior. The opportunity to travel that appeared during this period gave the British a chance to get acquainted with various cultures, life, way of life and art of other peoples. The British gladly introduced the foreign styles of home interiors they liked, which was a sign of the owner’s good taste, his solidity and wealth. As a result of this, the Victorian interior style arose.

Victorian style interior and its characteristic features

  1. high quality, reliability and high cost of interior items
  2. the presence of ancient classical objects in the interior
  3. a combination of elements of several styles in the interior - classical, exotic (Chinese, Indian), Gothic and Rococo
  4. respectability, a sense of proportion in all interior details
  5. the interior of each room is made in a separate style, but most often it is the execution of interior items in several styles simultaneously
  6. Furniture in red-brown and light brown tones is made from valuable wood.
  7. the presence of flowers, plants, not necessarily living ones
  8. availability of a rich library
  9. heavy curtains made from the best curtain fabrics, necessarily in harmony with tulle lace curtains

Rules for interior design in Victorian style

To properly decorate an apartment in the Victorian style, its owner should have at least an idea of ​​the elements of the interior styles that he would like to see in this apartment. Using elements of exotic styles, do not make them predominant, otherwise it will no longer be a Victorian-style apartment.

How to decorate walls in Victorian style

Victorian style in terms of wall decoration it differs from other interior styles. It provides for wall decoration only with fabrics or wallpaper. At the same time, they must have a certain pattern: stripes, realistically depicted flowers, birds, animals. Volumetric ornaments in the form of bas-relief are used much less frequently.

Wooden panels made from valuable species are used, decorated with all kinds of ornaments. There should be no more than a third of the wall height. This element is often used gothic style like multi-colored stained glass windows in the form of arches. Stained glass is the most striking and easily recognizable element of the Victorian Gothic style.

The classic style provides for a respectful attitude towards family heirlooms and valuables. This manifests itself in paintings and portraits. Portraits and paintings are hung on special slats.

The color palette of the walls is not rich. In general, preference is given to dark red-brown tones and light brown. Light gray wall color is used partially and rarely.

Often in the interior of one room you can find several styles at the same time. So the Rococo style is welcome large mirrors. Full-length mirrors are preferred, but this is rare. The Gothic style can be presented in the form of stained glass, a fireplace with a carved frame

Victorian style flooring

Victorian style does not provide great variety in floor design. Most often, preference is given to parquet floors made from natural wood. Currently, linoleum with a parquet pattern is used. The color of the floor should be combined with the color of the walls and furniture.

Artistic ceramic tiles can also be used as flooring.

However lately Laminate flooring has become popular. In this case, the floor can be covered with inserts of a different pattern and color, naturally compatible with the surrounding color background.

Of undoubted interest for fans of the Victorian style will be carpeting the floor. The red color of the carpet goes well with the classic color of this style – light brown.

Features of interior design of rooms in Victorian style

The Victorian style in the first stages of its development represented a rather bulky interior with a lot of fancy patterns and ornaments. The furniture also had quite massive look and many carved decorations. But over time, this style began to be distinguished by a sense of proportion, although echoes of previous motifs can still be found.

A mandatory attribute of the interior is a fireplace. His presence is mandatory in the living room. Elements of the Rococo style fit perfectly. They are presented in the form of furniture made of mahogany. Furniture legs are necessarily curved, and the furniture itself has carved decorations.

The furniture is made from natural wood valuable species: walnut, mahogany, bog oak. Often the furniture has carved decorations, sometimes inlaid with precious stones and metals.

The Victorian style is unthinkable without a library, and its contents should not leave indifferent any person who is not indifferent to literature.

Since the interior in the Victorian style incorporated elements of several styles, there is a certain dependence of these styles on the purpose of the room. Elements of the Gothic style can be found in figured stucco molding, huge windows, high ceilings, and in a mandatory attribute for Gothic - a fireplace. The presence of a carpet with intricate designs indicates the presence of Indian style.

Victorian style combines perfectly with Rococo elements, which are characterized by pastel colors, furniture with curved, carved backs. Here you can also find Gothic in the form of a massive metal chandelier and metal cabinet handles.

Pastel colors, the presence of flowers and plants in the room, massive candelabra above the table give out elements of Indian style.

The Victorian style design is also based on a combination of walls and ceilings in pastel colors (cream, pale yellow, light green, etc.) with warm tones parquet, furniture, characteristic of the classical style.

The interior of a Victorian-style kitchen is determined, first of all, by the presence of a massive table in the center of the room. The kitchen is illuminated by a massive chandelier and several additional lamps. And of course, walls and furniture should be in soft, calm tones. There is a minimum of textiles on the windows.

Since the English living room was mainly intended only for meetings with family members over a modest dinner (the British do not like the presence of strangers in their apartment), this room looked accordingly. The table is round in shape. Chairs or soft sofas are placed around it. And, of course, a massive candelabra in the center of the table. An English apartment without candelabra is unthinkable. After all, without it it is impossible to create comfort and warmth in the room, to feel the breath of past centuries.

Victorian style is an exemplary style for lovers home comfort, for those who like to gather in the evenings by the fireplace in the living room according to family tradition. If you are one of them, if you are a fairly wealthy person, then this style is probably for you.

The era of Queen Victoria's reign in Great Britain is one of the most significant and even revolutionary. The second half of the 19th century was a time of rapid transformation in all spheres of English life, and this could not but be reflected in architecture. Let's talk about what the Victorian style in architecture is, what its specifics are and what variants there are.

History of the era

In 1837, the young Queen Victoria ascended the throne. She faced various trials, she remained in power for 60 years and was able to make the country prosperous, cultural, and civilized. (years - from 1837 to 1901) is not a homogeneous period of history. At this time there was a rapid development of industry, culture, and economy. Over the years, Britain has completely changed its way of life, its mentality. The country becomes one of the most powerful empires in the world, increasing its influence in Asia and Africa. IN recent years Victoria's reign begins to slow development, but many of the achievements of that era are still important for modern Britain. was an active promoter of strict morality, which is perhaps the main sign of this period. She also considered technical modernization and cultural development important. Therefore, it was during this period that the rapid flowering of English literature and architecture occurred.

Victorian culture

Features of the period of Queen Victoria's reign are the absence of wars and a technological boom. The British are becoming a fairly wealthy nation, and the growing middle class is the main locomotive social development. During this period, there was an active development of education, such a phenomenon as tourism appeared, new image thinking among the inhabitants of the empire. Following the example of their queen, the British have strict and conservative moral views, they are abstinent in entertainment and hardworking, and all this is another reason for the country's economic growth. A new worldview becomes the basis for a breakthrough in art. The ideological basis of Victorianism was a fusion of utilitarianism and evangelicalism. English literature played an important role in culture. Charles Dickens, W. Thackeray, K. Doyle, the Bronte sisters are typical authors of that time. The visual concept of the era is embodied by the Pre-Raphaelites. Special significance for world architecture, it acquires the Victorian style in architecture. The British of that time paid great attention to their homes. Therefore, architecture and decoration are becoming a very important part of the new lifestyle.

Common features of Victorian architecture

The term “Victorian style” is used to describe a huge period of time, which is characterized by strong heterogeneity. Therefore, in a strict architectural sense, there is no such single phenomenon. IN English speaking countries That era was dominated by eclectic retrospectivism, which united several similar, but still independent trends. This is the Italian style, neo-Gothic, the style of the period of the Second Empire, the Indo-Sarancin style and other varieties.

The architecture of the Victorian era is permeated with practicality, like all culture, and eclecticism. It is characterized by such features as the combination of elements from different historical eras. The buildings were made using a large number of details, rich colors, and carvings on the facade. Towers, balconies, friezes, peaked roofs, many windows of different sizes, terraces, high entrances with porches, an abundance of textures and decor - all this is Victorian.

Periodization of Victorian architecture

The so-called Victorian style in architecture arises as a response to previous eras - Georgianism and Queen Anne's style, which were distinguished by great severity and restraint. Victorian architecture is traditionally divided into three main periods:

1. Early (1835-1855). This is a period of neo-styles, passion for historicism. At this time, options appeared with the prefix of neo-well-known styles such as Gothic, Rococo, Moorish, Byzantine, and Chinese.

2. Middle (1855-1870). This time marked the heyday of the Pre-Raphaelite movement and the work of the artist W. Morris. During this period there is a return to the value of uniqueness and self made as opposed to the early period when things dominated mass production. Once again, individuality is recognized as the main value.

3. Late (1870-1901). This period is also called the Victorian Renaissance. There is a rethinking of the traditions of Baroque and Gothic. Architects remember the Tudors and use some techniques from the 16th century in new buildings.

Gothic Revival

In the architecture of the whole world, after the era of “great” styles, there was a periodic return to one or another architectural tradition; England did not avoid such “returns”. The 19th century, especially its second half, is a time of rethinking and unusual reading of techniques and solutions different styles and historical eras. In the 40s, a wave of neo-Gothic style swept through. Lancet windows, spiers and turrets, arches in the spirit of the Middle Ages are becoming extremely popular. Moreover, various elements of medieval temples were now actively used to decorate residential and commercial buildings. In England, during the reign of Queen Victoria, many buildings were erected in the neo-Gothic style. The most famous of them are the London Parliament with the famous Big Ben clock tower, the Royal London Court complex, which looks like a fairy-tale medieval palace, and the bright red brick St. Pancras Station. This style was so popular during the Victorian era that the two terms are sometimes synonymous.

Italian Victorianism

The Victorian era is characterized by eclectic architecture that seeks to combine details of different styles and national characteristics. At this time, the Italian style became popular, especially in residential architecture, country houses in the USA. Its main features are a low, wide roof, colonnades, arches, Roman pediments, as well as rich decor of the facades. This style was ideal for decorating cottages built by the middle class in the provinces and suburbs of London.

Second Empire style

French culture and architecture different periods had a significant influence on world architecture. England could not escape this influence either, where the 19th century became a time of fascination with the Empire style, the so-called Second Empire. Despite the complex relationship between English and French cultures, in the period from 1855 to 1885 the British paid tribute to the architecture of the times of Napoleon III. The main sign this style of steel mansard roofs, which were considered very functional, as well as tall, narrow doors and large curved windows. The style did not last long in England and was mainly used for decoration public buildings and apartment buildings.

Queen Anne style

The reign of Queen Anne is the beginning of the 18th century. This was the heyday of the English Baroque, with its passion for wealth and luxurious decor. The architectural masterpieces of that time were reinterpreted during the time of Queen Victoria. The main ideologist of the revival of the style of the times of Queen Anne was the architect Richard Norman Shaw; through his efforts, many residential buildings appeared in England, which became true classics of British architecture. These include the Swan House in Chelsea, the first apartment building in the area there are several houses on St. James's Street, much of the development of the suburb of Bedford Park, many cottages in different parts Great Britain, as well as in New Zealand and India.

Romanesque style

The Victorian era tried to find new interpretations of the finds of architects of bygone times. At the end of the 19th century, architects remembered the ancient Roman tradition of building temples and castles of the 11th and 12th centuries. In Victorian times, brutalist stone buildings were mainly created for human habitation or public use. Later, Henry Hobson Richardson actively promoted this style in US residential construction. The main features were laconicism, monumentality and integrity. The substantial houses with towers made of gray stone were very much loved by representatives of the emerging bourgeoisie.

Folk style

The folk (folk) Victorian style in architecture became organic combination old ones for the construction of cottages for working families and new technologies at that time. This is how mansions appeared, decorated wood siding or wooden shingles(shingles). This style took root most of all and became enormously widespread. Emigrants from Britain wanted to build a piece of good old England on the new land, and that’s how spacious wooden houses with turrets, balconies, terraces and cornices. Cheap materials allowed workers' families to obtain separate houses and move closer to the middle class in terms of living standards.


In the Victorian era, especially the later period, architects sought to find new combinations of elements from different styles. Thus, at the junction of Gothic and the style of the times, stick - a type of half-timbered construction - appears. Architecture, as the art of combining ancient traditions and new technologies, sought to find new solutions for beautiful and comfortable housing. Stick style houses were built almost entirely from wood using frame technology. But to simplify and reduce the cost of construction, rack technology was mainly used. This style has become more widespread in the USA.

Indo-Saracenic style

British architecture not only sought to interpret the styles of European architecture, but also turned its attention to the national traditions of the colonies. This is how the Indo-Saracenic style appeared in British India, with the help of which the colonialists wanted to show their continuity in relation to the indigenous rulers of the country. The British are building luxurious residence palaces, stylized as Mughal buildings. This tradition was readily taken up by the local aristocracy, who began to build their palaces in this pseudo-national style. Later, the motifs of Indian and Saracen architecture began to penetrate into residential construction, especially in cottages for the provincial middle class in Britain and the USA.

Victorian style in the interior, luxurious and full of life, will be an excellent choice if you want to decorate your home elegantly and tastefully. Despite the fact that the Victorian style dates back to the mid-19th century, it still remains extremely popular. So, historical background, which tells about the background to the emergence of the Victorian style in Britain two centuries ago.

First of all, Britain was the epicenter of the Industrial Revolution, and this boom in industry meant not only that society as a whole became richer, but also that new class rich businessmen. Money was no longer concentrated only in the hands of the landed nobility, the new class earned large sums of money that could be spent on luxurious decoration of their mansions to show off themselves. The nouveau riche of the time often boasted of their wealth by decorating their homes with extravagant interiors.

Second important event The heyday of British colonization was a major influence on the formation of the Victorian style. The new colonies meant an additional increase in income for the merchant class, but not only that, the people of Britain suddenly had access to exotic goods from all over the world. The fabrics, colors and styles of the British Colonies definitely express themselves in the interior design of English homes.

The Victorian era (which spans the 19th century and is centered in Britain) presents many contradictions. In terms of cultural values ​​and traditions, people tried to shake off what they saw as the excesses of the Romantic era of the previous century, and society as a whole became largely more conservative, and in many ways, repressive.

Any manifestation of frivolity and frivolity was met with disapproving glances from others, and hard work and discipline were put at the forefront. During the reign of Queen Victoria, practicality and strict moral standards were valued. You wouldn’t think it when looking at the Victorian style in the interior.

As society became more humble and submissive, interior decoration the house became more and more magnificent and luxurious. A number of events explain this boom in extravagance in interior design. Most historians divide the Victorian era into three periods, early, middle and late, and each of these periods had a significant influence on the development of the Victorian style. IN general outline, the early and middle periods are characterized by floral patterns and bright colors, while the later Victorian period becomes more Gothic.

Characteristics of the Victorian style are a house or apartment in the city.

The Victorian style, a photo of which will allow you to get a clearer and more vivid idea, is distinguished by the following characteristic features:


Color is incredibly important when decorating a Victorian space. In particular, the Victorian style was characterized by the use of bright colors, but there were some factors that influenced how these colors were selected.

City houses used a rich palette, and the basis for this was dirty air industrial cities, lightly painted walls became dirty too quickly. Bright, saturated colors were typically used for living rooms and bedrooms, while lighter colors were used in libraries and dining rooms. In most cases, a special finishing coating to highlight colors and add texture to the surface.


At the dawn of the Victorian era, it was common to cover the walls of the entire house with floral wallpaper. The wallpaper used was mostly red, blue or green with a tan accent.

In the later Victorian period, floral patterns gave way to stylized foliage patterns, and colors were used in so-called "earth colors", muted tones of brown, yellow, green, gray and ochre. Such a change of mood occurs in favor of the gothic fashion, which, by that time, was becoming very popular.


When it came to furniture style, Victorians often looked either to the past or to their overseas colonies. Curved, rounded edges and curlicues a la 18th-century French furniture were popular in early and late Victorian furniture. In the later period of the Victorian era, upholstered furniture made in an oriental style came into fashion.

Characteristic features of the Victorian style in the interior - country house

What does an interior decorated in English style mean to you? country house? Flower beds near the front doors? Relaxed informal atmosphere filled with comfortable sofas and windows, covered with curtains with a floral pattern? In principle, you will be right, the style of a country house includes all these points, but, at the same time, is not limited to just this.

The Victorian style interior, which is used in English country houses, includes the following characteristic features:

Victorian style color scheme in the photo

English country house style calls for a palette of darker colors than those used in most modern houses. For the floor, brown or red colors are predominantly used, while the walls are covered with wallpaper with a pattern, most often floral motifs, which are also used as colors for curtains, pillows and tablecloths. The Victorian color scheme is a mirror to the riot of autumn colours.


In English country houses it is not customary to paint the walls. Wallpaper is used instead, and it should not be forgotten that more dark wallpaper with floral colors.


Wood is the most commonly used material for furniture, and everything here is made of wood, including tables, chairs, bookshelves and cabinets with brass accent pieces. Soft, comfortable padding covered with leather or corduroy is used for sofas and chairs. Another important point is that the furniture should look somewhat worn - the house should give the impression of living rooms.

A key element in the design of a country house is a traditional fireplace. Cozy atmosphere the living room is created by a crackling fireplace, a massive leather sofa and oak bookshelf, overflowing with books in expensive binding. Even if you can't build yourself real fireplace, as an option, you can consider an electric one, but you can’t do without a fireplace at all, since it is an integral part of the atmosphere of the living room, made in the Victorian style.

Paintings and decorations

If you are thinking of decorating your home in this style, firstly there are pictures on the walls, and secondly you should go to antique shops in search of tables, cabinets and cupboards so that you can display your collection valuable items and figurines in the best possible condition. It may seem slightly cluttered, but remember, your own comfort comes first. If the room is overflowing with porcelain figurines and you are literally afraid to enter it, so as not to accidentally break something, then you have overdone it with decorations.

Overall, the country house, decorated in Victorian style, gives the impression of coziness and a warm atmosphere, where every detail of the interior has been selected with care and love!

Victorian style in the interior- this is discreet luxury and beauty,

This style gives a person a feeling of comfort and stability - the smell of good cigars, strong coffee and fresh morning newspapers. This style corresponds to ideas about prosperity; it conveys a kind of confidence in the future of the person who has given preference to it. Most of the materials used are difficult to replace if you want to save money. As for the numerous accessories, they must be real, i.e., in fact, they are antiques of appropriate value. But if a person is willing to bear the expense, they can ultimately enjoy the comfort of a warm, welcoming home


Preference for the Victorian style of apartment interior is, as a rule, given to connoisseurs of traditions, bourgeois quality, accomplished middle-aged people, businessmen, cultural figures, and university teachers. To young people, interiors in the Victorian style seem too pretentious and “complicated,” but it often happens that with age, yesterday’s lovers of high-tech and modernism sincerely fall in love with massive oak furniture, strict stucco on the ceiling and striped fabric wallpaper


Victorian style does not imply cheap interior items and finishing materials- everything should look expensive, reliable, stable and with dignity. No Victorian interior is complete without indoor plants. They are placed on the floor (in no case on the windowsill or on the table), grouped in one corner. The pots are mostly clay and plain, in harmony with the overall decoration of the room.


In a true Victorian apartment interior you will find many flowerpots, ottomans, screens, boxes and ashtrays made of expensive stones or metals, stands for pens and pencils.


Since the early 1980s, neo-Gregorian buildings have come back into fashion in England, with sash windows being the de facto standard. The windows did not have any aesthetic appeal, but even the fact that they also imposed certain inconveniences practical use did not in any way influence the decisions of post-modern architects and builders. Thus, lift-and-slide windows are quite susceptible to “sticking” and are difficult to clean. They rattle when exposed to strong gusts of wind. On the other hand, drafts penetrating through an imperfect design from a medical point of view have a beneficial effect on the health of the British nation, because Due to constant air circulation, a fresh atmosphere is maintained in the room


Victorian style elements:

Decorative elongated windows

Decorative verandas

Dormer windows

Complex intricate patterns on the cornice

Combination of a large number of colors

The Victorian style is characterized by the richness of the elegant ornamentation that forms the roof and walls of the house. Being widespread in 1837-1901, this style is characterized by neo-Gothic - the roofs have elongated multifaceted turrets. The walls are decorated with multi-colored ornaments.


Roof covering here is selected in combination with the colors used on facade decor. Rich colors are suitable here - red, green or mixed gray, which will provide a strict contrast to the exterior of the house facades.

The British call the Victorian period briefly: “Victorianism” and believe that in aesthetics it meant the triumph of pragmatism and materialism, which, however, is generally characteristic of the “English style”. The Victorian style is characterized by presentable and heaviness of forms, massive decorations, and careful finishing of details. The eclecticism and stylistic diversity of Victorianism are also explained by a natural reaction to the Puritan style, the severity of the previous era of the “Queen Anne style” and the “Georgians”.


In addition to traditional materials, new ones were also used, such as iron and glass, but metal structures usually hidden with decor. The furniture is usually heavy, dark, and covered with abundant carvings. The interiors create a mood of “romantic twilight”, which is enhanced by accessories in pseudo-Renaissance, oriental and other styles.


Characteristics The Victorian style is eclectic, combining Gothic, Rococo, exotic and classic. Exotic at that time meant Indian and Chinese styles. In addition, the Victorian style is a combination of unsurpassed quality and ancient, classic canons. Victorian style in the interior has gone through several stages of development. At the dawn of its development, the Victorian style in the interior was a bulky neoclassicism, the decor of which was distinguished by the whimsicality and ornateness of the patterns, ornaments and motifs used. And finally, this style turned into what we now call English classics, characterized by a sense of proportion and respectability. This style is known to us from the film about the well-known detective hero Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes


In addition, it should be noted that the Victorian style is characterized by a certain degree of deconstruction. Deconstructivism is a house in which each room is finished and decorated in a separate interior style. Offices and libraries are usually decorated in the Gothic style, ladies' rooms (boudoir) - in the Rococo style, and dining rooms and hallways - in the "oriental style". The Victorian style combines plaid and floral patterns, which are mainly used on curtains. A single piece of furniture can be made simultaneously in several styles


The main elements of Victorian style in the interior:

a mixture of Gothic, Baroque and Renaissance styles;

a combination of ancient traditions and impeccable quality;

primary colors: brown, burgundy;

characteristic lines: straight and arcs;

characteristic shapes: vertical elongated planes;

characteristic elements of the interior: cluttering of the interior with trinkets;

window shape: Gothic, arched, rectangular;

doors: solid rectangular, with brass trim.

History of the Victorian style

The Victorian style was formed in England during the reign of Queen Victoria, namely in the second half of the 19th century. At this time, thanks to the rapid development of industry and colonies around the world, the bourgeoisie began to get rich and emerge as a class that sought to surround itself with the attributes of a “luxurious life.”


Many interior items, previously not available to everyone and considered luxury, have gained mass popularity. Decorating, arranging and furnishing houses acquired a demonstrative character of status and wealth. The use of certain interior items has come to be considered a manifestation of excellent taste, solidity, prestige, wealth and respectability of the home owner. People at this time began to travel a lot, coming into contact with various oriental and exotic cultures on trips, which they began to introduce into the interiors of their homes.

There are three stages in the art of the Victorian period:

Early Victorian, or Neostyle period (1835-1855);

Mid-Victorian period, 1855-1870);

Late Victorian, or “Free Renaissance Revivals”, 1870-1901.

The early Victorian period is characterized by the parallel development of the “Neo-Greek”, Neo-Rococo, Neo-Gothic, “Byzantine”, “Moorish”, “Chinese” styles. The decline of art was inevitable.

“Gothic has long been defaced to make it suitable for commercial buildings. The facades of Greek temples were decorated residential buildings and banks. Roman baths were visible in the appearance of railway stations.” Eclecticism was accompanied by the negative influence of the first results of the industrial revolution. Neo-Gothic forms were used for churches, universities and government agencies. In the construction of residential buildings, they were guided mainly by classicism with an admixture of motifs from Byzantine, Renaissance and Baroque styles

By machine it was possible to make quickly and cheaply any “ historical decor”: “baroque carvings” made of papier-mâché, or painted plaster, “gilded rocailles” made of tin. Ceramics imitated metal; “Victorian furniture” in the “Louis XIV” style was combined with “Gothic” decor. And all this against the backdrop of heavy curtains and blackened academic paintings in gilded frames.

The late Victorian period was characterized by a mixture of “ historical styles”: “Louis XIV”, Rococo, “Elizabethan Renaissance” and Tudor-Renaissance (“Tudor style”), as well as the Baroque styles of the “King James” and “Stuart Restoration”.

The art of the Victorian era was eclectic and therefore did not constitute a single artistic movement or style. Consequently, the name “Victorian style” should be put in quotation marks, understanding it figuratively.

In the 1890s, during the Art Nouveau period, a critical attitude towards this “style” gave rise to the movement of Edwardian neoclassicism.

Features of Victorian interior style

The main qualities of the Victorian style of apartment interior - comfort and diversity - perfectly meet the needs of a modern person in a comfortable, high-quality and at the same time elegant apartment.

The harmony of a Victorian-style apartment is that everything in it is balanced, symmetrical, imbued with a sense of proportion, but at the same time rich.

Most often, for a room made in the Victorian style, furniture is chosen in light brown tones or dark red-brown. Accordingly, everything else will be from pale pink, almond, lilac shades to, again, red-brown. An important place is occupied by gilding and rich colors in draperies of ruby ​​red or emerald green.

In most cases, furniture used in Victorian-style furnishings is made from natural wood of valuable species. Gilding, inlay with precious metals and other materials are often used in decoration.

Natural wood parquet is used for the flooring. Do not forget that the use of natural wood in the design and decoration of premises from time immemorial was considered a manifestation of excellent taste, solidity, prestige and respectability of the owner of the house. In addition, tiles with an original ornament or pattern can serve as floor covering. Windows are also made of natural wood, pointed in the Gothic style or rectangular with lintels. The doors are also made of solid wood with decorative brass details


All shapes are vertical, elongated, lines are straight and arched.

The walls are decorated with plaster, striped fabric/wallpaper or with round blooming roses, realistically painted birds and animals. Often the walls are decorated with tapestries or wallpaper with a complex ornamental pattern, often voluminous, reminiscent of a bas-relief. British-made wallpaper that imitates fabric is especially popular. Images of leaves are used - maple, oak and birch, ferns, as well as forest flowers and berries: lilies of the valley, clover, strawberries.

Panels made of valuable wood are attached on top of the wallpaper, measuring a third or half the height of the wall. They do not have carvings, but are decorated with ornaments in classic style. By the way, it is strictly not recommended to varnish the panels: glossy shine is alien to the Victorian style


The ceiling can be with dark beams or stucco with a lampshade (a reproduction of a painting). A ceiling chandelier with imitation candle lighting plays a decorative role. The main light comes from table and floor pair lamps with fabric lampshades.

The furniture is massive, heavy, decorated with carvings. Sofas, armchairs, chairs are voluminous with thick upholstery. The bed in the bedroom should not have a canopy. Chests of drawers, chests and grandfather clocks are popular. An integral part of the living room is a fireplace (even an electric one) and all kinds of accessories for it.


Use allowed unlimited quantity“trinkets”: Chinese vases, Indian boxes, stuffed animals, paintings, etc. All kinds of horizontal surfaces should be covered with richly ornamented textiles, the floors should be covered with thick carpets with images of birds and plants.

Widely used in Victorian era interiors floral patterns, burgundy draperies made of soft plush, in general, everything that helps to recreate the atmosphere of home warmth. Bedspreads, canopies and, of course, curtains play a big role here. As a rule, Victorian-style curtains use the best curtain fabrics, skillfully assembled and decorated with braid with soft pom-poms. A typical phenomenon is several curtain rods for several types of fabric on one window, while the window is, as it were, “wrapped” in curtains. Heavy fabrics must be combined with lighter, tulle or lace curtains


Indispensable attributes of a Victorian apartment interior are paintings and wall clocks. Works of painting are hung on a special rail made from the same type of wood as the panels, and therefore practically invisible against the background of the wallpaper. Frames in the Victorian style, on the contrary, are chosen to be voluminous, heavy, but in no case gilded. As for the content of the paintings, they must correspond to the atmosphere of the Victorian style - portraits, landscapes, plot sketches and in no case abstractions. And so that they do not get lost against the general background, the tones of the works should be contrasting


Full-length mirrors with the same frames as paintings will also look extremely appropriate in a Victorian interior - as a rule, they are placed opposite the fireplace, windows or doors and are often tinted yellow, red or green


Another frequent hero of the Victorian interior is the fireplace, made of granite, black or red, and always in a classic style, matching the panels. It is better to cover the fire with a screen, and the fireplace itself should be fenced off with a metal fence with Gothic spiers, painted black, 40-50 cm high.






Modern interior design solutions full of variety. The Victorian style stands out from the rest with its elegance, combining elements of Eastern exoticism with classic and noble color palette. However, when choosing it as a basic solution for home furnishings, it is important to understand that such decoration is not a cheap pleasure.

Victorian design originates in the second half of the 19th century in England. It combines the high cost and elegance of the era, comfort and its traditions. Queen Victoria is considered the founder of the style. It was during her reign that the bourgeoisie began to prosper, thanks to the development of English industry and the colonies under English rule. As a result, the English nobility received sufficient funds, which were spent on luxury goods, improving their homes. English subjects were given the opportunity to travel, thereby opening up the boundaries of interior design solutions and coming into contact with the cultures of the East. Thus, noble families acquired exotic objects that were used as interior design accessories, art objects, and household items.

As a result, the style became collective and included accessories of Chinese and Indian exoticism, rococo, and gothic. These elements became a complement to the classical canons and eclecticism, which represent the basis of the Victorian interior.

Distinctive features of a Victorian interior

Straight, vertical and arched lines, elongated stripes distinguish the English interior. The Victorian style stands out from the rest by its use of deconstruction. This technique combines various interior solutions for the whole house, but a specific style for separate room. So, for example, an office can be made in a classic english style, the dining room is in Gothic, and the bedroom is Rococo.

The materials used to decorate the rooms are natural valuable wood, expensive textiles, marble and other types of precious stones. All these elements emphasize the wealth and status of the owner of the house. None of the materials can be replaced with a more economical analogue. Despite large number details and richness, everything in the house is imbued with a sense of proportion. Every detail speaks for itself.

Beautiful Victorian interior design

Wood in the interior of a Victorian apartment

Victorian apartment interior

Distinctive features of the Victorian interior:

  • presence of classic antiques;
  • all items are distinguished by quality, high price and reliability;
  • combining several styles;
  • a large number of accessories (candlestick, figurines, paintings);
  • furniture made of natural wood of valuable species;
  • respectability;
  • separate interior design for each room;
  • presence of a large library;
  • lace tulle and heavy curtains;
  • the rooms are decorated with plants and flowers.

Victorian style in the interior of the room

Victorian style room design

Features of the design of secular style

Floor coverings used in Victorian interiors:

  • natural wooden parquet, the color of which should be in harmony with the decoration of the walls and the color scheme of the furniture;
  • carpet red or burgundy color, combined with classic light brown colors;
  • ceramic tiles with relief patterns;
  • laminate with a parquet pattern or eye-catching inserts that harmonize with the overall mood of the room and the color background.

Ceilings are also given special attention. Often their height exceeds 3 meters, sometimes they have a dome shape. The ceiling is decorated with stucco or frieze. Painting can also be used, wooden beams or regular painting. Wall decoration in secular room design involves exclusively fabric finishing or wallpaper. The design, in turn, is made in the form of even stripes, birds, or realistic flowers, a three-dimensional relief ornament. A distinctive feature is symmetry. Wood panels with various patterns are also used in wall decoration. These inserts are located one third of the wall height. An important wall attribute are paintings or portraits of family members.

One of the most striking elements of the Gothic style in a Victorian interior is the multi-colored arched stained glass window.

Beautiful Victorian interior design

Wood in the interior of a Victorian apartment

Victorian apartment interior

The window design is made in the form of high arches using colored stained glass. Interior The windows are decorated with wooden cornices and heavy curtains. Curtains can be decorated with lambrequins, pleating and gathering. The following fabrics are used for curtains in offices and living rooms:

  • silk;
  • Damascus;
  • velvet.

The following light fabrics could be used in the bedrooms:

  • muslin;
  • chintz;
  • cotton.

Color solutions for secular interiors

Victorian style in the interior is made in traditional soft colors pastel shades, green, pink, lilac, brown and burgundy. Massive furniture made of natural wood can be inlaid with precious stones or metals, and upholstered in red-brown colors. This makes the design more chic and expensive.

Victorian style in the interior of the room

Victorian style room design

Furniture in a Victorian interior

The British gave furniture one of the most important places in the house. By modern standards, Victorian style is different a large number furniture, massive in nature. It was made exclusively from natural wood. The most commonly used were yew, mahogany and bog oak.

Furniture in secular design is quite diverse. Here you can see chairs with high carved backs and wide soft chairs with curved legs. The upholstery is also replete with variety. However, expensive, heavy fabrics and genuine leather are used for this purpose. Leather inserts are especially appropriate on small sofas.

Beautiful Victorian interior design

Wood in the interior of a Victorian apartment

Victorian apartment interior

The cabinet is decorated using velvet fabrics and silk. When children's bedrooms and dining rooms can be decorated with chintz slipcovers with floral prints.

Victorian style in the interior includes such accessories and furniture solutions as a grandfather cuckoo clock, a massive sofa, a large dining table, and shelves for china. However, in modern use it is difficult to fit all these elements into a room without overloading it with furniture. That's why modern designers those working with English design try not to overload it with furniture variations.

Fireplace as an essential element of an English interior

The fireplace, during the reign of Queen Victoria of England, was the most important element of the house. None of the residential premises could do without this attribute. Distinctive features fireplace of the English era are:

  • cast iron grate;
  • mantel made of natural stone, for example, marble.

The fireplace represents peace and comfort in the home, providing a place to relax. Tile patterns are laid out on the sides of the fireplace. Today, this attribute can be made in a classic form, performing its main function, or be electric, being a designer accessory.

Victorian style in the interior of the room

Victorian style room design

Wood is the main element in decorating an English-style room

Wood inserts and panels are a must-have element in a Victorian interior. In the classic version, these shelves occupied the entire wall. However, today this approach is rarely used.

When decorating walls, wooden panels with various patterns are often used. They are located 1/3 of the wall from the floor. Wallpaper with a symmetrical pattern is glued on top of such panels.

Massive wooden furniture, stairs, parquet – distinctive features classic Victorian style in the interior.

Beautiful Victorian interior design

Wood in the interior of a Victorian apartment

Victorian apartment interior

Victorian style lighting solutions

Thanks to high ceilings, it became possible to use voluminous chandeliers made of brass or natural crystal with ornate patterns. They create a soft and dim light that perfectly complements overall design rooms. Chandeliers play the role of decorating a room and do not act as the main source of light. Floor lamps, sconces, and table lamps are used for this purpose. Floor lamps have fabric lampshades made in a common color scheme premises.

Victorian interior decorations and accessories

Flowers are the main decoration of the house. Bouquets with fresh flowers are located in each room. During the reign of Queen Victoria, gardens and greenhouses gained great popularity. It has become an integral part of every home. IN modern times Not everyone can afford their own flower garden. Therefore, flowerpots will perfectly fulfill this role. Flowers are also a decorative element of fabrics used in the interior of the house.

Victorian style in the interior of the room

Victorian style room design

Other decorative elements include art and home crafts, as well as china. Porcelain products in those days were collectibles and occupied display cases in living rooms. Satin stitch embroidery was also popular and was used to decorate textile elements of the room.

Victorian style involves a large space, so those with a small area should refrain from such an interior solution. It looks most advantageous in country houses, creating an atmosphere of comfort, homely warmth and tranquility. This style is very popular among connoisseurs English traditions and romantic personalities.