Wood tiles. Wooden shingles (shingles) made of larch and its types. What is a wooden roof

Wooden larch shingles are made from selected wood. The butt part of the tree, which has virtually no small knots, is most suitable for making shingles. Wood is selected that has high density annual rings. During processing, the younger part is removed from it, since it is susceptible to decay processes. For the production of roofing material, round timber is selected, the diameter of which is from 30 to 60 cm.

Roofing shingles are divided into two types - split shingles and sawn shingles. The logs are sawed into pieces 40 cm long, from which blocks are made, 8-10 cm thick. Next, the blocks are sawed or split into shingle plates, the thickness of which is 8-10 cm. Splitting is done manually using tools - a vice, a blade and a mallet. The block is clamped in a vice, a blade is pointed at the part of the future coating and a blow is struck.

Roofing shingles come in different sizes - larger products are used to cover larger areas. The grade depends on the presence and size of knots. This shingle roof is an environmentally friendly material. Unlike traditional roofing, shingles are lightweight and can be used to cover any roof. Shingles have a high decorative value; they are not afraid of temperature changes and retain heat remarkably well. Larch tiles serve for decades without needing replacement or restoration work.

Roofing material prices

The price of wooden shingles depends on the type and type of wood, as well as on the method of its processing. Products processed by splitting are more valuable. The BiG House company sells shingles made of larch and Angara pine - the most durable wood. The quality of our products is valued not only in Russia, but also in countries far and near abroad. From us you can order any volumes of wooden tiles, as well as other products made from Angara pine and larch. Call us, we are waiting for you quality products at the best price.

Wooden roofing (shingle) - features of shingles

Larch shingles are a roofing material that breathes and condensation does not form underneath. One of the many advantages of wooden shingles is their sound-absorbing properties - even if there is rain outside the window. heavy rain or hail, there will be no noise in the house. A house with a shingle roof made of wood has an aesthetically pleasing exterior. It looks harmonious against the backdrop of a country landscape, reminiscent of the unity of man and nature.

After mechanized or manual processing the material is dried in special chambers. At the same time, it is strictly observed temperature regime and product holding time. The amount of moisture in wood is reduced to the optimal level of 18%. Shingle production involves impregnation of the material with fungicidal substances that prevent wood rotting.

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It is also impregnated with a special compound that makes the wood fire-resistant.


  • Installation of finished products does not require the installation of bulky truss structures- the average weight of one square meter of material is 15 kg. Since wooden roofing is lightweight, there is also no need for heavy lathing. There is no need to lay roofing felt as a waterproofing material - it covers natural ventilation, which has an adverse effect on wooden shingles.
  • After installing the rafters, boards are laid, then an under-roofing film made of breathable material. For the sheathing, poles and timber are prepared, the cross-section of which is 5x5 cm. They are nailed at a distance of one third of the total length of the covering. The tiles are laid at an angle of 18-90 degrees.
  • For shingle roofs with slopes up to 70 degrees, a different type of tile is used than that used for roofing with an angle exceeding 70 degrees. Wooden elements are laid in three layers, with the next layer covering the previous one by 6-24 cm.

If you are interested in such a material as larch shingles, then you will probably be interested in learning about the method by which shingles are produced.

The process of making larch shingles itself is much longer and more difficult than it seems at first glance. This is due to the fact that the quality of the final product depends fifty percent on the correct choice of wood, which is subsequently used for production.

This is precisely what can explain the preference of many companies whose activity is the production of larch shingles to this species of coniferous trees.

Those species that grow in Siberia are especially valued because of their special strength, almost equal to the strength of oak, which gives them special resistance to mechanical damage.

Due to the presence of gum in larch wood, it is reliably protected from damage.

Wooden shingles (shingles) production

She is also not afraid of high humidity(under the influence of which, larch becomes even more durable), nor the influence of rodents and bugs.

Another advantage that sets this tree apart from others, for example, beech, oak, ash, is a wide range of colors, which consists of 12 shades.

It is thanks to these properties, as well as the environmental purity and natural shine of the wood, that Siberian larch shingles are a unique roofing material that is in high demand among true connoisseurs of all that is best and perfect.

Experts at the plot select mature material, determined by the density of annual rings on the trunks. The more there are, the better.

The presence of knots and other defects is simply unacceptable, since their presence will significantly deteriorate the quality of the products that will subsequently be made from this wood.

At the end of the selection, the craftsmen cut the round timber into hemp blanks of a certain length, which are then subjected to splitting. As a result of this process, wooden tiles are obtained, which can be called shingles, shingles, or shingles.

Another serious point that needs to be given sufficient attention is that the most durable shingles are obtained from split, rather than sawn, blanks.

Wooden shingles made using the splitting method, due to the fact that the integrity of the wood fibers is not violated, will last 30% longer in comparison with sawn shingles.

In addition, only through splitting is it possible to give the surface of the roofing shingles a special relief, due to which a roof with such a coating will effectively dampen the noise of rain, hail, and wind.

Regarding the sizes of wooden shingles used for roofing work, then on roof areas of 100-500 m2, it is most convenient to use shingles 40 cm long. If we talk about the width, it can range from 6-20 cm. At the end, the planks take a wedge-shaped shape.

Considering the quantity required material for roofing work, you can adhere to the average statistical data - laying in three layers per 1 m2, as a rule, will require from 75 to 80 planks.

To sum it up briefly, I would like to say that making larch shingles is a responsible process, the correct execution of which will determine the durability of the roof covered with this material.

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Criteria for evaluating wood for planks
Making tiles with your own hands
Features of a wooden shingle roof
Advantages of wooden roof tiles

The modern market is saturated with a variety of metal and polymer roofing materials, among which wooden tiles are very rare. Previously, when timber extraction was carried out throughout the European part of Russia, wood was the most available material, which could be used to cover the roof. The advantages of shingle roofing allow it to become a serious competitor to expensive roofing materials.

Criteria for evaluating wood for planks

A reliable wooden roof can only be made from suitable wood. Only tiles made of hardwood with a dense structure can provide good protection of a building from wind and precipitation. A suitable raw material can be larch, which contains large number phytoncides that prevent the formation of decay processes.

In general, wood used for making roof tiles yourself is assessed according to the following criteria:

  • Presence of knots. This indicator should be minimal, so it is recommended to make blanks for assembling a shingle roof from the butt part of the trunk, where there are no small knots.
  • Density of annual rings. Only wood with thin and dense rings will reliably protect the structure from moisture.
  • Round timber diameter. High-quality tiles can be made from round timber, the diameter of which is no less than 30 and no more than 60 cm.
  • Rock hardness. Roof tiles high quality, impermeable to water, made from wood hard rocks, which is characterized by a tight fit of the fibers. High-quality and durable tiles are made from larch. Shingle roofing made from such wood is highly expensive; in this case, you can save money by making wooden shingles yourself and assembling the shingle roof.

Making tiles with your own hands

Wooden dies, which are elements of a shingle roof, can be purchased at finished form, their sale is carried out by specialized construction stores, or you can make it yourself. In progress self-production dies, you can get finished elements of high quality, since it is possible to control not only the quality of the wood, but also the production process.

Before you start making dies, you need to prepare the wood:

  • The larch needs to be cleared of bark and left as an even round log with a diameter of 0.3 to 0.6 meters.
  • The workpiece is dried until the wood moisture content becomes optimal, 19-21%.
  • Dried round timber is cut into pieces, the length of which is 0.4 or 0.6 meters. The specific value depends on the length of the slope.
  • To prevent rotting of wooden dies, the young part of the tree must be cut off.
  • From cooked round timber they make individual elements, the thickness of which is 8-10 mm.
  • Each die is impregnated antiseptic and a fire retardant, which reduces the fire hazard of a wooden roof.

It is recommended to directly produce tiles from wood by splitting or sawing round timber. According to experienced craftsmen, the splitting process does not disturb the structure of the fibers, which makes the wood more resistant to rotting.

Features of a wooden shingle roof

Wooden larch tiles are a piece of roofing material made from larch.

Wooden tiles - manufacturing and installation technology

This coating can be used for any roof whose slopes have a slope of more than 18 degrees. For roofs with a slight slope, shorter dies are used. The roof of a non-residential building can be covered with one layer of tiles; the roof of residential buildings must have at least two layers of wooden tiles.

The plank roof structure looks like this:

  • Rafter system. The light weight of the shingle roof allows you to make rafter legs from edged boards with a section of 5*15 cm, installing them in increments of 0.5-1 m.
  • Waterproofing layer. The water protection should be located perpendicular to the rafters, and it is important to ensure that the waterproofing sags up to 3 cm. This will prevent ruptures of the material under water pressure. It is very important to use vapor-permeable waterproofing; this material allows the roof to breathe, contributing to the formation of a normal microclimate in the room under the roof. Other waterproofing materials create a greenhouse effect, which leads to wood rotting.
  • Counter-lattice. Along the rafter legs directly on waterproofing material slats 2-3 cm thick are attached. In this way, a gap is formed for free air circulation in the under-roof space.
  • Lathing. Wooden shingle roofing is laid on a continuous sheathing. If necessary, a step of no more than 10 cm is allowed between elements. For the manufacture of lathing, it is most often used edged board or square bars.
  • Roofing covering. The shingle roof is laid directly on the sheathing. To fix the dies on the base of the roof, take long nails, which are first boiled in drying oil.

Advantages of wooden roof tiles

Wood roofing cannot be a worthy competitor modern materials, which are characterized by durability and excellent performance characteristics. However, those who value antiquity choose this material due to its attractiveness and original appearance.

Other advantages of wooden roofing include the following:

  • Ease. Wood is a durable and at the same time lightweight material, therefore, the rafter system for such a roof and the foundation of the house do not require additional reinforcement.
  • Possibility of making it yourself.
  • Environmental compliance and safety. Wood is the most environmentally friendly material, completely safe for the health of people and animals.

Wood shingles, made from high quality wood, are a beautiful and practical roofing covering. Thanks to the combination with different styles shingle roofing complements the exterior of the home and enhances its appearance.

Aspen and its characteristics

Aspen - view deciduous trees for which the most favorable growth is moderate and cold climate Europe and Asia.

If you give brief description Aspen, then it is worth saying that it is distinguished by the softness of the wood with its inherent light colors, which is why any products made from aspen look very noble and elegant.

Thanks to the fineness of the fibers, aspen is easy and pliable to process, and for its almost complete absence of knots, this type of wood is loved by carpenters and craftsmen who work with this natural material.

Wood shingles

An important role here is played by the fact that aspen is not prone to cracking and warping, and is also not afraid of high humidity.

Application area of ​​aspen

Since the characteristics of aspen indicate wide area its applications, we list only the main ones.

  1. If aspen is practically not used in the construction of wooden houses and cottages, then for the construction good quality bath This type of wood is quite good, so an aspen bathhouse is a worthy option that deserves consideration.
  2. Very often, aspen is used in the production of pulp, plywood, containers, etc.
  3. The production of wooden tiles, shingles, shingles, shingles for roofing and facades also involves the use of aspen.

Roofing and facade shingles made of aspen

Currently, modern developers are showing increasing interest in wooden roofs and shingled facades, so we would like to talk about what properties they have if aspen was used in their manufacture.

Aspen shingles perfectly tolerates the most difficult conditions, since it is not afraid of either high humidity, temperature changes, or sun rays. That is why aspen shingles can be used both as roofing and facade material, showing only its best side.

Wooden planks and aspen tiles, presented in the form of shingles or shingles, do not crack or dry out over time, so both the roof and the facade will look like new throughout the entire period of operation. The only thing that can reveal the age of aspen materials is a light silvery tint, giving them a special nobility and beauty.

In the event that you plan to use natural and environmentally friendly materials when carrying out finishing and roofing work clean materials, then wooden shingles, shingles or aspen shingles are the right approach to furnishing your home.

Split aspen shingles

Connoisseurs of natural materials used in construction and decoration believe that split aspen shingles are the only right choice.

This is explained by the fact that this production method does not violate the integrity of wood fibers, which significantly extends its service life and makes it less susceptible to the effects of negative environmental factors.

There is no evidence yet as to how true this statement is, since previously shingles were made only by splitting wooden dies into planks.

Specialized machines and equipment for the production of shingles have appeared relatively recently, and not enough time has passed before we can say that the chipped production method is really much better than using equipment.

Sawn aspen shingles

If you want to use wooden shingles for installing a roof or finishing facades, sawn aspen shingles can be considered as an affordable material, the characteristics of which allow you not to worry about quality and durability.

It differs from the crushed one by being more perfect geometric shape and exact dimensions, affordable price. All the boards are as chosen, even and smooth.

Additional surface treatment special compounds allows us to provide them additional protection and extend service life.

If you have a limited budget for purchasing materials, sawn aspen shingles are one of the best options that are really worth considering.


Aspen wood has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when producing wooden products from it, including when producing shingles:

  • Density and uniformity, almost complete absence of knots;
  • Not prone to cracking and warping;
  • Easily pricks in the longitudinal direction;
  • Can be processed well with mechanical and sharp hand tools;
  • Dried aspen wood contains substances that kill bacteria and mold;
  • It has poor thermal conductivity;
  • It has a noble grayish-silver color;
  • Roofs covered with aspen shingles dry quickly and well after rain, so they do not rot and last for many decades without repair.


Currently, the installation of chipped and sawn aspen shingles is carried out for roofing work, as well as for finishing facades and walls indoors.

Laying shingles on the roof, as a rule, is carried out by professionals, since the implementation of these works entails the expected result only if they are performed by experienced roofers.

Few people succeed in covering a roof with shingles with their own hands without the participation of specialists, so it is better not to install a wooden roof yourself.

If you really want to, then you need to get instructions for laying aspen shingles from material sellers who will not only give necessary advice, but will also provide special booklets, photo and video materials.

Photos of works

The desire to surround your life with environmentally “healthy” designs and materials has a lot of weighty justifications. Along with great achievements and interesting developments in the field of construction, there has arisen the danger of environmental pollution and the logical deterioration in the quality of life that follows.

The threat is created by toxic emissions, volatile allergens, and the formation of condensation, which promotes the spread of harmful mold fungi. Therefore, humanity remembered the old, centuries-tested technologies that eliminate the listed negatives. On their basis, a wooden roof is constructed, the construction of which we will try to understand in the smallest details.

Wooden roofing is definitely preferred by people who care about their own physical condition. Ancient methods and techniques for installing wood roofs are actively used in the construction of eco-houses.

However, the focus is not on the fashion for naturalness, but on the specific advantages of using natural organics in roofing:

  • Strong environmental benefits. Wood does not spread toxins, natural materials ideally “neighbor” with living organisms. It is safe, disposed of naturally, without clogging the environment.
  • Excellent insulating properties. Roof coverings made of wood prevent the passage of sound and heat waves.
  • Vapor permeability. Due to the ability of wooden tiles to freely remove fumes that appear in rooms as a result of standard life processes, there is no need to install a vapor barrier using polymer films.
  • External attractiveness. Even the most biased critics will not argue with the aesthetic priorities of roofs constructed from piece elements with a unique structural pattern.
  • Lightness. The specific gravity of the roofing covering, distributed per 1 m² of projected structure area, varies from 15 to 17 kg, the exact figures depend on the roof slope and rock density. The light weight compared to slate and ceramics makes it possible to avoid the construction of complex and bulky rafter frames.

There are no clear opinions about the durability of timber. Competently arranged system can last more than half a century or more. There are monuments of Russian wooden architecture in Kizhi, for example, that have maintained the height of aesthetic and technical indicators for several centuries.

In Rus', wooden roofs adorned the houses of wealthy peasants, the mansions of boyars and churches. Naturally, carved domes and patterned structures were not created for a couple of decades. Ordinary people could afford a simpler roof: with shingles or even logs, like in Siberia. The service life of such coatings averaged 20 years.

A properly constructed roof can “stand” for about a hundred years, but this requires strict adherence to time-tested folk techniques and tricks. At correct device It will require routine repairs no more often than tile and metal roofs, and the duration of operation will be no less.

Classification of wood roofs

The assembly of a wooden roof is always made from piece elements. The laying technology and the principle of construction depend on the shape and size of these elements, which include:

  • Schindel. Planks obtained by “splitting” or chopping logs along the grain. Produced both manually and mechanically. Products handmade Differences in shape and thickness are acceptable within the same batch. It was used on the territory of the German principalities.
  • Shingles. According to the manufacturing method, it is similar to a shindel, but thinner. Geometric dimensions piece elements by analogy may differ. It was used in Rus' in the arrangement of peasant huts.
  • Shingle. Figuratively sawn planks with a swallowtail shape in the cut. The narrow side edge, which plays the role of a tenon, is inserted into the edge of the adjacent element with a characteristic groove, thereby creating an almost airtight connection. Used in Western European countries.
  • Ploughshare. Lens-shaped parts, reminiscent of the working part of a spoon. Convex elements are made with a smooth or patterned bottom edge, made in the form of peculiar steps. The ploughshare was laid on the domes wooden churches, towers and boyar mansions covered them.
  • Tes. Simply full-size boards, they are also gorges. Stacked lengthwise or crosswise rafter system or on slegs - logs resting on males. In Rus' in the old days they were used to construct roofs over the huts of rich merchants and wealthy peasants.

How smaller size element, the more often a sheathing is built under it. The spacing between the laths is calculated so that there are at least three supports under each longitudinal row of piece elements.

The size of the block for shingle or shingle covering is 50×50 or 40×40 mm. If the length of the roofing part is more than 800 mm, a thicker bar or pole will be required.

For laying gorges, the sheathing is made from a bar with a cross-section of 60×60 mm or poles with a diameter of approximately 70 mm. The poles are hewn into two edges. The laths are attached to the rafters in increments of 60 - 70 cm.

General rules for constructing such a roof

Wooden roofs are laid only on pitched roofs, the slope of which cannot be less than 80% or 45º. This is necessary so that precipitation does not linger on the coating, posing a threat to moisture-sensitive wood. The specified limit is allowed in the construction of plank roofs. It is recommended to build steeper structures for laying shingles or shingles.

Direct contact between wood and building structures from asphalt or cement concrete. If contact is unavoidable, waterproofing must be installed between the wood elements and the concrete base.

It is important to note that a wooden roof is not stable. That is, when wet from heavy rains, during snowmelt or the traditional increase in atmospheric humidity in the off-season, wooden elements swell, and when humidity decreases, they shrink in size. Moreover, these changes can occur over decades, and not in the first year or two after the device.

According to the principle of operation, the roof is made of wooden elements similar to a spruce or cedar cone. When heavy rainfall occurs, its “scales” tend to cover as much as possible. more space to prevent water from getting inside.

By shrinking in dry weather, they open up natural ventilation pathways to remove excess moisture from underneath them. As a result of the described movement, condensation does not form under the wooden roof, it is well ventilated and perfectly protects buildings from precipitation.

The laying of wooden planks is carried out with the overlap of each element, i.e. with the overlay of the overlying part or the lower one so that the water flowing down the slope from above has no opportunity at all to seep under the roof. To speed up drainage on planks and shingles, for example, longitudinal grooves are selected.

Let's summarize the above information. Competently arranged roof With wood covering must provide:

  • Impeccable protection against atmospheric water penetrating from above. It is formed due to the swelling and closing of the edges of the elements when moistened, as well as due to the multi-layer system of the wooden covering itself.
  • Unobstructed ventilation. The free passage of air flows is created by reducing the size of wooden shingles and having numerous channels for the flow of air flows.
  • Impeccable water flow down the slopes. Non-stop water drainage is created by a special technology for laying wooden tiles and creating grooves on its surface for drainage.

However, there are significant differences in the device technologies that home craftsmen and owners of eco-houses who want to acquire a roof with a wooden covering that is a priority in an ecological and aesthetic sense should understand.

Laying and installation technology

In order to understand the specifics of the construction of all types of wooden roofing, we will consider each option, breaking down the blocks of information into parts about the manufacture and installation features.

Shindel roofing

When manually splitting hemp into planks, the natural structure of the tree is preserved, attracting not only its natural beauty, but also maximum protection from moisture. Correct division of the workpiece into spindle elements is extremely important in terms of the wear resistance of the coating. Therefore, it is better to entrust the workpiece to an experienced craftsman.

If you do not intend to use manual labor in production, it is better to buy the material from safe place, whose reputation in the market leaves no doubt. The shingle ready for installation must be pre-dried; according to the standards, its humidity must be 18%.

This type of coating is supplied in packaged packs, each of which is designed to lay a roofing area of ​​1 m². You need to purchase in such a way that the eaves overhangs are taken into account, the width of which is usually 40-50 cm.

Both coniferous and deciduous species are used in production. The priority is larch, red cedar and oak. Before purchasing, it is important to check the location of the annual rings; in a high-quality coating, they are located at an angle of 30º.

The pitch of the sheathing constructed for laying planks depends on their length. They are laid according to the “checkerboard” principle so that the adjacent side edges of the elements laid in the longitudinal row do not coincide with the edges of the overlying longitudinal row.

In order to ensure the “spreading” of the elements, each starting board in the second row is divided in half. The starting board for the third row is cut into three parts. The trimmings are not lost, they are used in further installation, the location of the joints as a result of such division can coincide only after 3 rows, which is quite enough to create a non-leakage coating.

Each plank is closed 2/3 at the top, only a third remains outside. As a result of this installation, the result is actually a three-layer roof, which does not allow water to pass through when snow deposits melt and rain falls, and then “opens up” on its own to dry.

The laying of wooden elements begins with the eaves overhangs and then moves upward. Small gaps of 2-3 mm are left between them horizontally, which are necessary to ensure expansion of the wood at the time of swelling. The specified gap is observed over the entire area of ​​the wooden roof.

The planks do not close along the ridge line; there should be a gap of 2–5 cm between the slopes, through which household fumes will escape. From above, this gap is closed with a shell, two boards connected to each other, or short boards assembled in a special way, the “rear” of which is turned to the windward side.

Shingled roofing

Shingles can be safely associated with shingles: in terms of the method of production and installation, they do not have too many differences. True, it is made mainly from wood. coniferous species, because The elements of the shingles are thinner, therefore, it is wiser to chop it from pieces with a soft, pliable structure.

It is also made on machines, but knowledgeable homeowners prefer hand-made material. To produce such a roof, hemp without knots and similar defects is selected. They manually prick into peculiar plates with a wedge-shaped instrument, influencing it with a mallet. The work is carried out carefully, trying not to damage the natural fibers and capillaries.

The thickness of the shingle plates is 0.3 - 1.0 cm, the thinner, the more layers the roof will have to be constructed from. On average there are 7 – 9 of them. Simultaneously with this circumstance, the number of air gaps Between the layers, as a result, the thermal insulation qualities are improved, and ventilation is also optimized.

The width and length of the plates, in principle, are not standardized. The length of the elements can vary from 30 to 100 cm, and the width from 9 to 15 cm. The main thing is that in one batch prepared or purchased for roofing, the shingles are approximately the same size.

In contrast to the material described above, shingles are placed on a continuous sheathing made of boards. The plank slats are fixed with a gap of 3–5 mm between each other, which is necessary for the formation of air ventilation flows. All other installation details are identical.

Shingle roofing

Shingles are one of the most structurally complex types of piece elements for assembling a wooden roof. On the side or top it is equipped with a “tenon” connected to a “groove” located at the bottom or in the side of the mating element. The most complex options shingles supplied additional lock, arranged according to a similar tenon-groove principle.

To cut shingles, blanks made in the shape of a parallelepiped are used, which are sawn diagonally. After that, all types of planned locks are selected in the sawn parts: from above, from below, and, if necessary, from the side.

The standard length of shingles does not exceed 50 cm, on average 35 - 40 cm. Width from 7 to 14 cm with some differences in the case of manual production.

In the manufacture of shingles, pine is mainly used; aspen, which has excellent moisture resistance, is used somewhat less frequently. The presence of knots, cracks and softened areas along the contour of the elements prepared for laying is not allowed.

Shingle roofing is most often laid in two layers, less often, and only if necessary in three. Single-layer shingle covering is only permissible over summer verandas and cabins.

Before laying, a sparse sheathing is constructed with a step depending on the length of the covering elements. Let us note once again that under each shingle there should be three supports, similar to the usual ceramic tiles. A bar with sides of 50 or 60 mm is used as laths.

Laying starts from below eaves overhang and moves up to the ridge. The arrangement of the rows follows the principle of running. The first row is assembled from shortened planks. The shingles are secured at the top with a nail to the lath. The element laid on top covers the attachment point, masks it and protects it from rusting.

Ploughshare roofing

The ploughshare is significantly ahead of its wooden rivals in terms of aesthetics and price. All elements of this coating are truly unique. They are sawn and turned from aspen by hand, and are made specifically for arranging certain buildings according to precise dimensions. It takes quite a lot of time and effort to produce a kit for laying such a roof, which is reflected in the cost.

According to technical and technological essence Plowshare roofing is not much different from any type of wooden shingle. However, the frame for laying is much more complicated. For its construction, and for laying the patterned covering, skills and fundamental knowledge in the field of wooden architecture are required.

Board roofing

The plank roof is made from boards with a thickness of 19 to 25 mm. The width of the elements varies from 16 to 22 cm. The board is laid both along and across the rafters, but is mainly used longitudinal direction. In this case, the lower edge of the plank roof rests against the water jet - a wooden gutter.

To improve the drainage of water from the slopes on the outside of the board, a pair of longitudinal grooves is selected using a plane. Note that there can only be one gutter on the board. Its width is approximately 2.5 cm, depth is about 1 cm. It is worth remembering that boards with selected grooves are used in the construction of all layers of plank covering.

Often, the plank covering is laid in two dense rows with the joints spaced apart. This is the so-called folk technology"to the card." The joints of adjacent boards of the lower row are overlapped by the middle of the board of the upper row, thus achieving tightness to protect against precipitation.

The second option for installing a plank roof is more economical than the first, but less practical. It is not used in the arrangement of residential pulpits. In this case, the board of the bottom row is laid with a gap equal to half the width of the board used in laying. The top row is laid so that the boards cover these gaps.

To lay a plank roof, a sheathing of timber with sides of 60 or 70 mm is constructed. The laths can be made from a pole with a diameter of 80 mm, hewn into two edges. The pitch between the laths is 60 - 80 cm. It is believed that two-layer plank roofing was previously made from transversely and longitudinally installed layers. The lower tier supposedly served as a continuous sheathing.

The construction of the plank covering begins with the edge of the ramp that is convenient for work. First, three or four strips of the bottom row are fastened, then they are covered with the top layer. The boards are fastened with nails, driving two of them into each lath. As fasteners, it is advisable to use hardware that is factory galvanized or boiled in drying oil yourself.

If the length of the board is not enough to completely cover the slope, the plank covering is laid with a “skirt”. First, the gorges are laid in the lower part of the slope, then the deficiency is completed at the top. An additional sheathing is installed under this very “skirt”, which is placed flush with the part of the roof that has already been installed.

A traditional ventilation gap is left at the top between the slopes along with the coating. The ridge is covered with a pair of boards fastened together or a cover is placed. It will press down the gorges with its weight and beautifully decorate the wooden roof.

Video example of the construction of a three-layer shingle roof:

Wooden roofing varieties are attractive not only for their environmental advantages, but also for their incomparable aesthetic qualities. The coating created from them is unique and most favorable for home improvement. A significant advantage of the listed materials is that you can install it yourself, guided by the information we offer.

Such roofing material as wood tiles has seriously lost its position with the advent of modern roofing materials.

But if the task is to create an atmosphere of antiquity, Russian traditions, then you will not find a better option. It is clear that a wooden roof requires special care. This is due to the strength of this material and vulnerability to moss and mold.

The quality, as well as the service life of such tiles, largely depends on the strength of the wood itself. In general, absolutely all wood does not have good performance when tested, but aged trees have very high strength, unlike fast-growing trees.

In order to protect wooden shingles from the so-called negative impacts The roof must be treated frequently. One of the most common dangers for such a roof is drying out.

Under the influence of wind and sun, the tree begins to lose moisture, as a result of which it deteriorates. appearance(becomes gray), in addition, various cracks may appear. Not only dryness is dangerous for tiles, but also excessive moisture. Wet wood begins to swell and deform, and due to the increase in volume, the laying of the tiles itself begins to be disrupted. For maximum protection against so-called humidity changes, protective compounds are usually used.

Today, treatment with penetrating translucent oils is very popular. There are also various special roofing oils that completely saturate the layer, thereby covering the wood texture, and this ensures protection of the material for many years. The oil should be applied to a slightly rough surface.

Treatment with peculiar water-repellent preservatives is less effective than others. These preservatives are transparent impregnations, based on wax or acrylic resin. This treatment almost does not change the original appearance of the wood, but it also lasts much less, which, of course, requires frequent treatments. It is better to apply protective compounds using the so-called immersion method. In cases where this is not possible, then you can apply it with a regular brush, or using a sprayer, but in such cases there will be slightly fewer guarantees, since such methods do not guarantee absolute protection.

Coatings are practiced with paints and varnish, but this is against wood roofing technology.

Wood- this is a material that reacts very sensitively to the slightest fluctuations in humidity and temperature. But if you cover it with a so-called film-forming composition, then top layer It will crack quite quickly due to the expansion and contraction of the base. Water will begin to penetrate into these cracks, and at this time its evaporation will be difficult. This place is a favorable environment for mold and rot.

With the loss of popularity of this type of roofing, every day it is becoming more and more difficult to find a specialist for installation. The nature of the wood usually determines all the features of laying the tiles. When it rains, the boards begin to swell and get wet, tightly closing against each other, and thus not allowing water to pass through, and when they begin to dry out, cracks begin to form between them, this allows the space to be ventilated.

In residential premises, a three-layer roofing method is usually used, while for gazebos and various canopies a two-layer roofing method is used. Thus, with the three-layer processing method, each row of boards fits two-thirds under the previous row.

But with a two-layer one - about half. Wooden tiles are considered to be a material of average so-called heaviness - somewhere from 15 to 17 kg per square meter. m. For such a roof, installation is quite possible only if the roof angle is more than 18 degrees. Today there are no state standards or standards for wooden roofing, so craftsmen always rely only on experience.

An experienced craftsman will even lay the tiles with various patterns or, for example, lay out a pattern on the roof.

Proper installation, good raw materials, proper care and treatment of the roof can guarantee a service life of wood tiles of thirty years. But processing and editing are not everything. Wood roofing requires special attention during operation. It is necessary to regularly clear debris and leaves that accumulate on the roof, and not allow various branches or vines to overhang; these places are perfect for the growth of moss. To protect against mold and moss, copper and zinc solutions are usually used. These solutions are usually applied with a brush.

Thus, wooden roofing is an environmentally friendly and natural material. It will allow the roof to “breathe”. It also creates the color and atmosphere of a peculiar antiquity and is perfect for roofing popular wooden log houses. For good owners, such a roof can last almost like a modern one, and at the same time have individual decorative features.

Each part of the tree has its own characteristics, which affects where it is used. For example, roofing shingles are made from the lower part of a tree - a trunk without branches and knots. The presence of the latter sharply reduces the quality of the material and calls into question the possibility of making shingles in compliance with production rules. If we consider the capabilities of shingles in more detail, its special properties are revealed, thanks to which an excellent shingle roof is obtained.

Wooden shingles have their advantages and disadvantages. However, despite the presence of disadvantages, shingle roofing continues to be used to this day. The disadvantages include:

  • increased fire hazard of the material;
  • short service life;
  • complex production technology;
  • Labor-intensive DIY installation.
At the same time, you can fight the first factor. Nowadays, shingle roofing is treated with fire retardants, which were previously unavailable. A short service life can be made longer, but in this case the production technology becomes more complicated, which, given the use of manual labor, is not always rational. Among the advantages, shingle roofing has a high environmental friendliness of the material and its availability in many regions. The shingles are made from hard varieties of trees, both deciduous and coniferous. However, it differs in quality and manufacturing method.


Wooden coverings come in several types:
  • Timber (hewn board, the length of the entire roof slope).
  • Chips (a smaller version of shingles).
  • Ploughshare (a spade-shaped version of shingles of regular shape with a figured outer edge).
  • Shindel (European version of shingles with a beveled outer edge).


Trees for shingles, ploughshares or shindels of different species are sawed each in its own season. Aspen is harvested at the end of spring during the period of active sap flow, so aspen shingles are more pliable. Cedar and pine are prepared in winter period. In addition, oak can be used as a base material due to its hardness. Larch shingles are in demand. In rare cases, use more exotic varieties wood due to its high cost. Next, after sawing, the workpieces are sent for drying. Depending on the type of wood and the dimensions of the workpieces, the drying process lasts from 6 months to 3 years. Therefore, in order to make this process shorter, before drying, the tree trunk is sawn into smaller elements no less than the length of the finished shingles, with a reserve for shrinkage and adjustment. Thus, the shortest length of the workpiece is 45 cm with the length of the finished product being 30 cm. During the production process, not all the material is used to make the product. Some raw materials are lost, including the core of the tree and its bark. Remains of bark lead to the onset of rotting of the elements, and the use of the core reduces the quality of the product, increasing its cracking into splinters. Unnecessary elements are removed after drying, which is carried out in stacks with oppression placed on top of them, which prevents the workpieces from twisting during drying. Do-it-yourself work like this will not take much time. With the manual production method, the bark is removed with an ax, and with the automated method, using electric saws. Division into elements is carried out using the same tools. It is believed that roofing shingles or ploughshares made manually, are of higher quality, since the wood fibers with this production method are not greatly damaged and their service life is preserved. When cutting, the fibers are damaged, resulting in the formation of pores that absorb moisture and lead to rotting and drying out of the finished elements. The sawn elements are calibrated to size and, if necessary, polished to give a pleasant appearance. In some cases (when making a spindle), the blanks are additionally processed from the edges, giving them a streamlined shape with your own hands. The manufacturing is completed by drilling mounting holes to prevent the product from being destroyed during the installation process.

Installation and installation options

Chips, ploughshares or shingles are installed on the roof after the rafter system and sheathing have been erected. Mounted on top of the sheathing roof covering. You can do this yourself or with the help of workers. For lathing, use bars or boards with a cross-section from 40x40 to 40x70 mm. The sheathing does not fit tightly. A gap is left between its parts, the size of which is selected individually.
Do-it-yourself installation of the sheathing is done parallel to the edge of the roof, and the shingles, ploughshare or shindle are laid on top of it. There are not many options for laying a shingle roof - straight and diagonal. In the first case, a flat roof with clear, straight, parallel rows of elements is obtained. The second option involves laying at an angle with a series of changes in direction, resulting in a coating that resembles scales in appearance. It is this kind of shingle roofing that decorates wooden temples and carved gazebos.
When laying straight, the elements are laid one to one, nailed with your own hands to the sheathing and to the element of the previous row (except for the first row) with nails. Previously, special nails with thin legs and wide heads were used for this, but now it is quite difficult to find such nails, so they use a version with a size of 1.5x70 mm. In some cases, they resort to laying waterproofing. For these purposes, modern vapor-permeable membranes or more are used. simple options, for example glassine. They can be laid on top of the previous row, overlapping to the depth of overlap with the next layer of shingles in the case of using narrow strips of material. Or such a covering is laid over the entire surface of the rafter system before laying the wooden roof.
Depending on the desired thickness of the coating, chips, shingles or ploughshares are laid in a layer of 2 to 5 elements. For example, to obtain a 2-layer coating, the next row begins to be laid from the middle part of the previous element. For 3-layer - from the lower third, etc. It is worth noting that roofing with a thickness of more than 2 layers is used only for buildings that require high-quality warmth and waterproofing. A 2-layer coating is sufficient for light buildings such as gazebos and other summer structures. After laying the last row, production is completed wooden roof installation of ridges and tides.
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All more people strive to make their homes natural. Moreover, we have materials that our ancestors used. The first one is wood. Many technologies have come down to us from them. So, for example, when installing log houses, we still use the techniques that were developed centuries ago. The roof was no exception. Today, wooden roofs can increasingly be seen not only on old houses or domes, but also on well-built houses and bathhouses. Both wooden buildings and wooden roofs are becoming increasingly popular, even as new, faster and much cheaper technologies emerge.

With the production of roofing and roofing wooden materials it will take a long time to get there. It takes a long time to make the wooden roofing materials themselves, and the flooring of such a roof is a long process. But you can do everything with your own hands, with an axe, a hammer and a couple of blades. Of course, it will take a lot of time, patience and wood.

From the name it is clear that this type of natural roofing material was once torn by hand. This was done using a long wedge-shaped blade and a hammer or mallet, which was used to hit the blade.

We used coniferous wood when working with the blade: it is softer and easier to split. At the same time, they chose straight, knot-free trunks that were kept for at least 3 years to dry. After which they sawed them into logs about 40 cm long. The bark was removed from them and they began to make shingles.

But shingles are not only coniferous; they are made from aspen and linden. Their wood is denser and you can’t split it with your hands. For this purpose they used a special “machine” - mahalo. These are two logs of small diameter (12-16 cm), fastened together with a king pin. On the lower one they made a device for wedging logs, on the upper one a blade was attached horizontally. The distance from the blade to the log determines the thickness of the shingles.

This is a fragment of the work of the “machine” - the wave

You can chip on dry or soaked wood. To make it easier to make thin shingles - no more than 3 mm, the prepared logs were soaked overnight.

The prepared log was secured in a transverse position, after which the top log began to be waved from side to side. The blade first cuts the wood, and then it splits off along the grain. To make it easier to swing, you could tie a rope to the handle and throw it over your shoulder. This way your hands drop lower and it’s easier to work.

It is by appearance that one can distinguish whether shingles are made manually or on a machine. At handmade upper part it turns out smooth - the blade cut it, and the bottom one is wavy - as if it was torn off along the fibers. Made on machines, it has a flat and smooth surface along its entire length.

If we talk about which is better - hand-made or factory-made, then preference is given to hand-made. It may not be ideal (many people like imperfection), but it lasts longer. The fact is that when the fibers split, they do not collapse, and therefore such shingles can, as they say, last 100 years. When sawn, the fibers are cut, water flows into them and the decomposition process begins.

Method and order of installation

Masters claim that with proper installation, no additional layers are needed. After all, shingles are laid in three to five layers. So no rain can wet it. Wood itself does an excellent job of both waterproofing and ventilation. Films will only interfere with natural ventilation.

The length of the shingles is approximately 35-45 cm, width 5-12 cm, thickness - 3-8 mm. It is laid in several layers one on top of the other. There are from three to five layers. The colder it is in the region, or the stronger winds, the thicker the roof should be.

Depending on how many layers there will be, choose the lathing pitch. In principle, it can be solid, but with 5 mm gaps between the slats - for good ventilation.

It is convenient to align the edge along the lace stretched from edge to edge. The planks are laid one next to the other, sometimes with a slight overlap. Each is nailed with a roofing nail, preferably galvanized. When the use of tribute was widespread, special nails were made that were thinner than regular nails. Before use they were boiled in drying oil. Such fasteners did not rust for decades.

Lay the shingles from the bottom/up, the first row along the eaves overhang. It should extend beyond the sheathing (stick out) by 3-5 cm. This way the shingles will also protect the sheathing, otherwise it will darken from moisture and may begin to rot. Planks of different widths should be alternated, so the thickness of the roof will be more uniform.

Turn the shingles so that the fibers face down. This way the water will roll off and not flow into the wood. If done incorrectly, it will quickly turn black and disintegrate. The direction of the fibers is clearly visible if the board is slightly bent.

Shorter planks are placed under the shingles of the first row. If you don't do this, it will end up bent down. Because there, firstly, they nail additional beam(if the sheathing is not solid), and secondly, two additional layers are laid. You can see how it looks in the photo.

Having reached the ridge, the shingles are cut to the required size. After all the necessary dies have been secured, the ridge is covered with two long boards.

Shingles and shingle roofing

It can be distinguished from all other wooden roofing materials by its triangular profile: one side of the plank is significantly thicker than the other. To obtain this shape, the wood is split in a radial direction.

This is a shingle - it has a triangular profile and a groove at the wider end

A wedge-shaped recess is made on the thickened side into which the narrow edge of the next plank is inserted. This results in a very reliable roof. Roofing on residential buildings is done in two layers, above outbuildings- in one.

The dimensions of the gontines are approximately the same: 30-45 cm in length, 6-12 cm in width. It is not easy to determine the thickness due to the triangular shape.

Shingles can also be sawn or chipped. Sawn is less durable, although it looks neater. Larch and spruce performed best when using such roofs. Slightly worse are pine and aspen.

Bars 50*50 mm or 60*60 mm are used for the sheathing. And all because the weight is considerable, especially if it is covered with two layers of shingles.

There is no need to use shingles that are too dry: when wet, they may swell and lose their tightness. If the wood is too dry, soak it for several hours before laying. Only purchased material cannot be installed immediately: not all grooves and ridges will fit together. That’s why they first go over and trim him.

Laying begins from the roof overhang. A board is nailed to the cornice; it should protrude slightly - the first row of wooden tiles will rest against it. It is laid from shortened boards - 30 cm, at the top it is attached to the first bar of the sheathing. The second row is laid so as to overlap the joint of the first, and the head of the nail must also be covered (it is also advisable to find them thinner than usual, but with a wide head).

There are many ways to lay shingles; in any case, they look very decorative. Sometimes it is painted, but then the painting must be done before installation. Without treatment, the wood soon turns gray, but does not lose its water-repellent properties. Our ancestors, in order to preserve the appearance of the roof, impregnated it with melted resin. The question is where to get enough resin today.


This is one of the shingle options, but with its own characteristics. He came to us from Europe. It is made from large diameter saw logs - from 40 cm to 805 cm. More often - from larch. Trunks without knots are divided into logs, from which the sapwood is removed. Then they are divided into quarters, each of them into blocks. Already the blocks are divided into shindels with a blade and a mallet - wood plates from 6 to 15 mm thick.

Then each plate is trimmed so that the ends are even and the planks fit tightly. But that's not all. Now the part that will lie under the top rows is planed - it is made thinner. The outer edge of the board may also change. It is either chamfered at approximately 45° or given one of the following shapes.

After the shingles are finished, they are bundled and left to dry. The ideal humidity for styling is about 25%.

It turns out that each board is processed by hand, and more than once. It is clear that such roofing material is not cheap. Is it possible to do it yourself? In principle, it is possible. But it will take a lot of time.


This too handmade, but even more complex: the ploughshare has a nonlinear shape. It is made specifically to decorate the domes of churches and chapels.

There are special patterns for each row of wooden shingles. The process is also not easy. Watch the video to see how they do it today in one of the monasteries.

Board roofing

Tes are coniferous boards that were also initially split and then trimmed with axes (hence the name) to more or less even sizes. It behaves normally with a roof slope of 18° to 45°.

Today, you can also find split planks or make them yourself, and then cover the roof of the bathhouse. The technology is no different from those described above, only in the size of the blocks: they should be around a meter. The dimensions of the board are about a meter long, 15-20 cm wide. It is better not to make it wider: they warp more and crack more often. Often one or two grooves are made on the front surface of the boards through which rainwater flows.

Split the wood radially - from the edges to the center. Then all the irregularities that were formed during the split are removed with an ax. The side and end edges of the boards are aligned.

There are two installation methods:

  • Two rows of boards, closely fitted to one another. The top row is laid so as to overlap the seams of the first.
  • Laying with vacuum. The boards are not laid closely, but at a distance of ½ or 2/5 of the width. The second row is laid on top. This method is more economical, but there is a greater chance of getting a leaking roof during drying.

But when laying planks with your own hands, there are some tricks. The first row of boards is laid with the convexity of the annual rings up, the second - on the contrary, down. The first row is fastened with a nail in the middle, the second - with two at the edges. This way, when it dries out and warps, you will get a more even roof.