Ceiling tiles. Seamless Ceiling Tiles - Luxurious DIY Decor Ceiling Tiles Seamless Views

A seamless ceiling tile made from expanded polystyrene attracts many with its lightness, strength, moisture resistance and durability.

Provided that the installation is carried out correctly, the seams between the tiles are almost invisible.

The installation of such products allows you to get a flat ceiling with or without a relief pattern.

This finishing material can often be found in hardware stores.

It looks good on the ceiling.

It goes without saying that there are seams between the tiles to be laid, but they are not visible.

Ceiling seamless tiles are characterized by: a special shape of the edges and a sufficient level of softness.

It is these qualities that make it possible to obtain a dense and almost invisible joint between individual elements.

Currently, seamless ceiling tiles are usually made from expanded polystyrene using a heat stamping machine.

On its surface there may be a large or small relief pattern.

In appearance, it may resemble plaster moldings or wood carvings.

The standard size of products is 500x500 mm with a thickness of 5 mm.

They are sold in packs of 8 pieces, that is, one pack is enough to finish 2 m 2 of the ceiling.

For the installation of this decorative material, a special technology is used, and the installation is carried out using a special quick-drying adhesive composition.

The benefits of this finish

The great popularity of the material is due to the significant number of advantages that are characteristic of it.

The most attractive qualities are as follows:

  1. The material is an excellent heat insulator and has good soundproofing properties.
  2. The weight of the tile is very small, and it itself has a high level of decorativeness, so that it can be selected in such a way that it matches any interior.
  3. Such a finish is not afraid of either moisture or dampness, it will never rot or become moldy.
  4. The use of this material makes it possible to hide minor defects on the ceiling.
  5. The material is easy to use, its laying does not cause difficulties even for a person who has practically no experience in interior repair. When working, special tools are not required, and cutting products is possible using a conventional knife.
  6. An important advantage of seamless ceiling tiles is its affordability.

However, any medal has a downside: this material is not without some shortcomings.

So, the ceiling, finished with such tiles, is not as durable as we would like.

First of all, this is due to the yellowing of the foam, especially under the influence of direct rays of light.

In addition, the material has a rather low level of fire resistance.

These important nuances must be taken into account when carrying out repairs.

So, for example, pendant lighting fixtures should be 30 cm or more away from the ceiling finish.


How to choose a seamless ceiling tile?

In order for the tile selected from the catalog to turn out to be of really high quality, when purchasing it in a store, you should:

  • check the quality of the surface, on which there should be no sags and depressions;
  • make sure that there are no defects on the edges, since if they are present, it will not be possible to ensure high-quality joining of the elements, which will negatively affect the appearance of the entire ceiling;
  • carefully examine the reverse side of the products in order to evaluate the structure of the source material (polystyrene granules must be evenly ground, there should be no foreign inclusions and voids on the tile elements);
  • make sure the strength properties of the material (for this, the product must be taken by the corner and held horizontally, if it breaks or bends very strongly, then it is better to refuse it).

Possessing high quality, the seamless Russian tile of the Format brand is very popular.

Perfect whiteness and clarity of embossed patterns are the main distinguishing features of the material of this brand.

Plates "Format" are made in such a way that it is possible to form a single ornament that does not fall apart into separate cells on the ceiling.

Price range

As already noted, seamless polystyrene foam tiles differ from other similar finishing materials in a very affordable and affordable price.

Naturally, prices may differ for goods from different manufacturers, but the principle of affordability is always preserved.

As an example, it is quite possible to take a ceiling tile of the Format brand, the price of a package of which ranges from 250 to 300 rubles.

Thus, since each package contains 8 tiles measuring 500x500 mm, the spent 300 rubles makes it possible to provide an excellent finish for 2 m 2 of any ceiling.

Mounting order

As with any other work, when installing ceiling tiles, a certain sequence of operations must be observed, which we will consider in their order.

Calculation of the amount of material needed

In order to correctly calculate the required number of slabs required for finishing the ceiling, two rather simple rules should be taken into account:

  • marking and calculation of the required number of tiled products should be done on paper;
  • when calculating, it should be taken into account that the tiles are always laid from the center of the ceiling towards its edges in such a way that the width of the wall rows is equal;
  • the location of each of the tiles is determined with great accuracy on a paper plan, which, after marking is completed, is transferred to the ceiling.

In order to make the calculation of the required number of tiled elements more clear, let's take a specific example.

Let's say you have to finish the ceiling with an area of ​​​​17.86 m 2 and dimensions of 4.7 m by 3.8 m.

If you make a plan, while observing a clear scaling, then you can calculate that 63 whole tiles will be needed.

To this quantity it is necessary to add those incomplete slabs that will be required along the edges of the ceiling.

If the gaps along the edges do not exceed half the size of one tile (up to 25 cm), then one piece will be enough to close the gaps on both sides.

If the gaps are more than 25 cm, then one whole slab will be required on each side.

Returning to the plan and taking into account what has been said, it can be determined that the number of required full tiled elements will be 80 pieces.

Surface preparation

When preparing the surface of the ceiling, it must be assumed that it must be strong, smooth, even and dry.

For this purpose, crumbling old whitewash or old wallpaper must be removed.

In the presence of surface differences, it is necessary to level with putty, and the cracks should be repaired.

Tiles will adhere better if the ceiling surface is pre-primed.

The preparation of the plates consists in the fact that they should be unpacked three hours before the work, so that they rest in the room.

Laying process

Ceiling tiles can be laid parallel to the walls or diagonally, starting from the center of the room.

To accurately determine its center, you should connect the opposite corners with threads.

The crosshair of threads will be the center of the room.

Before starting work on the back of the products, you need to find the arrow that determines the direction of installation.

All plates should be installed so that the arrows on each of them are oriented in one direction.

The adhesive composition must be applied along the contour, and also on convex places in the center of the tile, maintaining it in accordance with the instructions.

The slabs are laid along the lines drawn in accordance with the previously drawn up plan, and their edges are closely pressed against each other so that the seam between them is almost invisible.

When placing tile elements on the ceiling, they try to guess in such a way that the place of the chandelier suspension coincides with the junction of four tiles.

If this succeeds, then the corners of these products can simply be cut.

Video about seamless ceiling tiles:

The sticker process itself is not labor intensive and, subject to all the recommendations and lack of haste, allows you to get a smooth and beautiful surface.

The range of materials for finishing the ceiling, presented today on the building materials market, is striking in its diversity. Products can easily satisfy any, even the most original desires, since they are made from a wide variety of raw materials, can be regular or irregular in shape, and also differ in color, cost, service life, quality and other characteristics.


Among the varieties of this specialized material, seamless tiles are very popular. The main advantages of such products include light weight, good strength indicators, long service life, moisture resistance and a huge selection of shapes, colors and textures.

Expanded polystyrene is used for the production of seamless ceiling tiles. When finished, it has slightly curved edges. It is due to this feature of its shape that the surface of the ceiling, decorated with this material, looks like an integral canvas, with visually imperceptible seams at the junctions of elements. This means that the finished surface will more harmoniously fit into the interior and will look much more aesthetically pleasing due to the visual absence of seams and joints.

To produce such products, polystyrene foam is used, which undergoes a certain processing, which provides the product with a perfectly white surface. The texture of the tile can be smooth or with a relief pattern. A variety of textures allows you to implement many options for non-standard decoration of the ceiling surface in rooms for various purposes - it can be a kitchen, living room, corridor or bathroom. Products perfectly imitate the texture of natural materials, such as wood carvings, as well as options for decorative plaster and stucco.

The thickness of the elements varies between 3-15 mm, so that such a ceiling finish does not reduce the height of the room, in comparison with other building products used for the same needs. Installation work does not take much time - the products are easily and quickly glued to the base.

Tiles, as a rule, have dimensions of 50x50 centimeters, which allows even one specialist to perform laying work using a minimum of auxiliary tools. However, it is produced not only in a square shape, so that various original patterns can be laid out on the ceiling.


Products of this type are produced using three different technologies, albeit using the same material. The classification of seamless tiles is based on the method of production. The following types of products are distinguished:

  • Pressed tiles. It is made by stamping under the influence of high temperature. During production, polystyrene sheets are compacted. Elements released in this way have a thickness of 7 mm and a square shape - 50x50 centimeters. This tile is sent to the shelves in a package of 8 pieces.
  • injection products are produced with a thickness of 8 to 14 mm, regular geometry, with a deep pattern on the surface. The production process of this type consists in the sintering of raw materials in special containers of a given shape at high temperatures.
  • Extruded tiles produced by mixing polystyrene with substances that acquire good foaming properties under pressure and high temperatures. The resulting mass in the form of strips is processed with a film and divided into separate elements. The film allows you to repeat the color and texture of natural materials - wood, stone or plaster and various metals. The thickness of the extruded tiles is 2-5mm. This product has a high cost, the cheapest tile is presented in white.

According to the shape, the ceiling tiles are divided into two types:

  1. with even edges - products in the shape of a square, due to the peculiarity of the edges, as closely as possible adjacent to each other during the installation process;
  2. with irregular edges - this category of material is represented by products of designer brands. The use of such tiles allows you to give the interior of the room a unique and original style.

How to choose?

To buy a really good material for finishing the ceiling, experts advise you to follow some rules:

  • Products must have an even and smooth shape, unless otherwise provided by the presence of a certain pattern and edge design options. If the tile has a pattern, then it must be clear and without any defects.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the edge of the elements. The quality of this component determines the state of the finished coating on the ceiling, as well as its visual appeal and the invisibility of the seams.
  • The reverse side of the tile should be checked for any dents or bulges. Such defects are formed due to the heterogeneity of polystyrene foam granules.
  • The strength level is tested by a very simple method: you need to take the product by the edge and hold it in the air for a couple of seconds. If the product is of poor quality, a crack will form on it.

The ceiling, which will be finished with seamless tiles, in addition to its excellent aesthetic properties, will also favorably differ in affordable and affordable cost. The price range for this type of finishing material may vary somewhat depending on the tile manufacturer, but in general, its cheapness remains unchanged.

Design and texture

Seamless tiles are guaranteed to be a beautiful solution for decorating the ceiling surface in any interior. The tile has many options for textures, color solutions attract with their diversity. Therefore, it is worth considering the issue of texture and color compatibility well so that the result does not disappoint and is acceptable in each case.

In particular, this applies to small rooms, the decoration and design of which should visually increase their area. Colored products can serve as an excellent assistant in solving this problem.

There are a number of win-win ways to visually increase the space of a room, which are used by many designers:

  • a combination of tiles and mirror panels on the ceiling, as well as on walls or wardrobes;
  • wall decoration with wallpaper in light colors;
  • decoration of the ceiling with tiles of light shades.

As for harmonious color compatibility, for example, blue is best combined with warm colors, and bright red shades are best not used when decorating ceilings, as they create the effect of a low ceiling in the room.

Elegant stucco molding looks very luxurious on the ceiling, and it is seamless tiles that can imitate such decor.

In this case, it is better to opt for light and warm shades.

A wide range of colors and textures of seamless tiles allows you to decorate the ceiling in any style, which is an obvious advantage of the material.

Extruded tiles are presented in a wide variety of various types of decor, among which imitation of natural materials, mirror surfaces, as well as a modern 3D format are in great demand.

Reading 3 min. Published on 03/30/2017

Preparation of the ceiling and materials for work

If there are seams between the tiles, it does not look very nice overhead. Ceramic tiles without seams on the ceiling will not hold, as the seams level out the errors in its geometry and compensate for the difference in temperature expansion of the tile and its base.

In this case, the emphasis is on the absence of seams, because this gives the ceiling a more aesthetic and presentable appearance. Manufacturers of decorative tiles have come up with a new technology for seamless installation. Expanded polystyrene ceiling tiles will make the surface even, because it hides the height differences in the surface. Laying tiles without seams is a simpler process than the preparation for work itself.

Before laying, it is necessary to carefully prepare the ceiling: wash it well, remove paint, wallpaper, glue residues. Next, the most serious defects should be eliminated. This can be done with plaster or putty. Then the surface must be primed.

Two to three hours before installation, the material should be unpacked, laid out on a flat surface and allowed to lie in the room. To get a smooth and beautiful ceiling without seams, the tiles must be sorted, because it happens that defective copies come across in a batch.

Ceiling tiles without seams - correct marking and careful gluing

Before gluing ceiling tiles without seams, it is necessary to correctly mark the zones. First you need to find the center. To do this, mark the middle of the length and width and draw two mutually perpendicular lines, their intersection will be the center. Thus, the ceiling will be divided into four parts.

It is also worth checking the diagonal of the room itself. With visible deviations, it is recommended to choose a tile with a small relief pattern. It can be laid in two ways: parallel to the walls and diagonally. With parallel installation, it is necessary to sequentially fill in all four parts of the ceiling markings; with a diagonal one, the first tile should be glued to the center so that all its corners clearly coincide with the marking lines.

For laying ceiling tiles, it is recommended to use a transparent water-soluble adhesive or liquid nails. The adhesive composition must be kneaded, clearly following the instructions. Glue is applied around the perimeter and diagonally of the tile with a fine comb or a narrow spatula.

Further, each element is glued according to the markup and pressed against the entire plane for 10-15 seconds. After that, you need to remove excess glue with a clean cloth. Gaps between tiles should be avoided during subsequent installation.

Ceiling tiles

We remove sudden misses - close the seams

Although the technology is called seamless, tight seams are only in theory. They are still present with a thickness of up to 1 mm, and if the ceiling does not have a clear diagonal, then even more. Over time, the seams between the tiles will become darker and more conspicuous. To avoid this, you need to seal the seams.

This procedure will not take much time and effort, and dark cracks will subsequently not be evident. Before you seal the seams on the ceiling tiles, you should choose the right composition. Seams can be sealed with special grout, acrylic sealant or putty.

Silicone sealant is not suitable for these purposes, as it turns yellow over time. The seam is filled from a tube if you use a sealant, or with a narrow spatula if you use mixtures.

It is necessary to ensure that the entire seam is carefully filled, without gaps. After that, remove the excess of the composition used with a clean rag. The final touch is to glue the ceiling plinth, decorative rosette under the chandelier and paint if necessary.

Tiles used for finishing ceiling surfaces have one unpleasant property: when laid, they form very noticeable seams. Sometimes this is not a disadvantage and even emphasizes the stylistic decision. But, as a rule, they try to get rid of the latter. An alternative is seamless ceiling tiles that form a flat surface.

Types of ceiling tiles without seams

Seamless tiles are made from polymeric materials and in terms of user qualities, they are not much different from ordinary ones. Its peculiarity is in the production technology. The edges of such a product are slightly bent so that when laying the seams between them are not visible.

The back side of the tile is smooth, which makes it easy to attach to the surface. A relief pattern of varying complexity is embossed on the front, although there are also smooth models. It is worth noting that the ornament also contributes to the formation of a uniform surface, as it distracts attention from the seams.

Important! Seamless PVC ceiling panels are thinner and less durable than comparable wall cladding products. Therefore, they cannot be used for finishing vertical surfaces.

Classification by manufacturing technology

Plastic trim is produced in several ways. Depending on the manufacturing technology, the properties of the product change:

  • pressed - the most affordable, the material is fed to a stamping press, where it takes the appropriate shape - with a smooth or embossed surface, the thickness of the product does not exceed 5 mm, the mechanical strength is low;
  • injection - plastic is sintered in special forms and it acquires high strength, the thickness of the product varies from 8 to 15 mm, this allows you to form a complex texture and pattern;
  • extrusion - during production, foaming compounds are added to the polymer mass, and then blanks are formed under the influence of high temperature, a protective film is applied to the strips, which also performs an aesthetic function: it imitates metal, wood, stone with high accuracy; the thickness of the product is not more than 5 mm, but its strength is very high.

Extruded ceiling tiles are the most expensive. However, it is durable and provides a huge selection of patterns and textures.

Form classification

The classic tile is a rectangle or square. Modern technologies allow you to get more interesting seamless plastic tiles for finishing the ceiling:

  • curved edge panels- the ends of the tiles have a complex shape: wavy, zigzag, with recesses of a different configuration, it is these "irregularities" that provide a stronger and tighter joint, the seams are invisible even at a short distance;
  • variant with calibrated edges– ideally precise geometry of the product creates a smooth, seamless ceiling, even with the use of completely smooth tiles;
  • decorative ceiling panel- this is the name of models with a catchy and very embossed decorative pattern, more often these are injection tiles, in which the thickness allows you to reproduce stucco molding.

The complex shape not only masks the seams, but also hides some defects in an uneven surface.

Pros and cons of seamless ceiling panels

Ceiling tiles without seams have a considerable number of advantages:

  • seamless finish has a very low weight and does not load the ceiling surface, it can even be mounted on plasterboard ceilings;
  • the same feature ensures high speed of installation and ease of installation;
  • when joining seamless tiles, minimal gaps remain; if products with calibrated edges are used, you can get a perfectly flat ceiling;
  • polymer products are resistant to direct action of water, the combination of high temperature and humidity causes difficulties, as in the bathroom, laminated products must be used there;
  • the cost of even the most expensive extrusion model is still lower than most other finishing materials;
  • despite their small thickness, plastic ceiling panels have good soundproofing and heat-insulating properties, this is a useful quality when noisy neighbors live upstairs;
  • the decorativeness of the material is very high - a variety of textures, patterns, imitation of natural material, allows you to design a room in any style.

There are also disadvantages of a seamless finish:

  • good sound insulation is ensured by the impermeability of the material, ceiling panels have very low water permeability and do not remove moisture, because of this property it is undesirable to use them for ceiling cladding in wooden houses, since as a result moisture will accumulate in beams and boards and lead to decay;
  • seamless panels are treated with antipyrines, this provides self-extinguishing properties in case of fire, however, at the same time, the tile melts, and harmful substances are released during melting;
  • due to the low thickness, the plastic lining is prone to brittleness, especially for pressed material;
  • incorrectly selected or poor-quality adhesive can negate all the advantages of seamless tiles.

Finishing properties largely depend on the method of manufacture. For example, the extrusion material has high mechanical strength and is free from such a disadvantage as brittleness.

Rules for choosing seamless ceiling panels

When choosing, you need to pay attention not only to decorativeness, but also to the purpose and properties of the material. It is worth considering a few rules.

  1. The trim should be inspected. The relief must be without chips, a smooth surface without deformation, the edges are completely intact and even, without damage.
  2. The back side of the ceiling panels must be flat and uniform, no dents or roughness are allowed.
  3. Even the pressed material must have sufficient strength. To check the quality of a tile, you only need to hold it by the corner for 10 seconds. Poor finish cracking.
  4. Laminate tiles are suitable for rooms with high humidity: bathroom, kitchen. Not laminated and without painting are used only in dry rooms.

Important! Seamless panels can be painted independently in any color.

Seamless ceiling tiles in the interior: photo

A variety of finishes provides it with a very wide application in the design of premises. Different styles, different heights of rooms, different colors are not a problem for seamless panels.

The ability to imitate stucco is indispensable when decorating rooms in the baroque or classic style.

It is possible to perform more complex work - to reproduce a luxurious coffered ceiling.

Finishing combines relief and exquisite pattern.

Patterned seamless ceiling fits into the modern style.

You can choose the material and with a pattern in the Art Nouveau style.

The possibilities of finishing are very extensive, it is not surprising that the material is so popular.

How to glue ceiling tiles without seams

The creation of a seamless ceiling is carried out in several stages.

  1. Calculate the required amount of material. The area of ​​​​the entire ceiling is divided by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tile and at least 10% is added for possible trimming.
  2. You will need tile material, skirting boards, decorative sockets for lamps, glue for laying plastic panels, a primer for the ceiling. Everything should be purchased and tested.
  3. If the ceiling surface is uneven, contains rusts, drops, long cracks, then it is first leveled with putty. The ceiling is then primed to improve adhesion.
  4. Mark the surface from the center point. This eliminates installation errors.
  5. Seamless tiles are glued parallel or diagonally. Glue is applied to each product around the perimeter, applied to the ceiling and pressed tightly for 10 seconds.
  6. The next panel is applied as close as possible so as not to leave a gap. Residues of glue are immediately cleaned.

Important! So that the tiles do not disperse when dried, the joints are sealed with adhesive tape.

After laying the tiles, skirting boards and sockets are mounted.

How to glue a seamless ceiling tile is shown in the video.


Seamless ceiling tiles form an even, smooth ceiling when laid. The decoration is very diverse, it reproduces not only a different ornament, but also different materials - wood, stone, metal.

Seamless tiles on the ceiling allow you to create a relief coating, spending a minimum of finance and energy. At the same time, the surface acquires a presentable and sophisticated appearance. The main thing is to choose the right materials, skillfully perform the work, and the result will please only positive emotions.

Features of Seamless Tile

Correctly glued ceiling tiles without seams forms a monolithic surface with hardly distinguishable transitions from one component part to another. Thanks to this characteristic feature, such a building material is especially fond of interior designers, because. it looks an order of magnitude better than surfaces that are lined with traditional tiles.

There is still a joint between the tiles, but structurally it is practically not noticeable.

Ceiling tiles without seams have the following characteristics:

  • production material - foamed polystyrene, which is processed mainly by hot stamping;
  • standard thickness - 5 mm;
  • standard panel size - 50x50 cm;
  • it is packaged mainly in packs of 8 pieces, which is 2 m2;
  • the outlines of the contours can be very different (smooth, wavy, etc.), while the panels are made in such a way as to simplify the selection of a pattern in the future and make these joints little or invisible;
  • a rich assortment of textures, moldings, colors and imitations of wood or stone, providing extensive opportunities for the designer's imagination.

Mention should be made of some technical features of seamless ceiling tiles made of expanded polystyrene. In the construction market, you can purchase panels, both domestic and foreign manufacturers of various types. The price range between them is small, but they can vary greatly in quality.

The results of a selective study of polystyrene panels are presented in the table:

Trademark NMC sa Decoplast Format Marbet NMS Lagom format
Tile type extruded injection stamped
Manufacturer CJSC "Timbex" VTM Holding LLC OOO "Format" Marbet Sp.zo.o IP “Korikov Yu.N.” CJSC PF "Lagom"
The country Russia Russia Russia Poland Russia Russia
Declared dimensions 50×50 50×50 50×50 50×50 50×50 50×50
moisture resistance for wet rooms washable washable not washable not washable not washable
fire safetyThe degree of toxicity of combustion productsSmoke generating capacity moderately burning, moderate, high normally lit, moderate, high low burning, moderate, high moderately burning, moderate, high

After analyzing the main indicators, it can be said with certainty that expanded polystyrene does not have sufficient environmental characteristics. According to research results, some samples of polystyrene panels are characterized by an increased content of the harmful substance styrene released into the air, especially when in contact with fats.

Due to poor safety performance, seamless ceiling tiles are not recommended for high temperature ceilings.

Therefore, if you purchase such panels for decoration, then it is better extruded, more in line with sanitary and hygienic standards.

Interior Design

Seamless tiles look attractive in any interior, transforming the room beyond recognition. But due to specific conditions, such as high humidity and temperature, experts do not recommend mounting it on the ceiling in the bathroom and kitchen.

As noted above, the range of textures, color palettes and textures of such panels is really rich. Therefore, it is more practical to talk about the compatibility of color and decor elements to achieve the desired result.

This is especially true for small rooms, in the design of which, the main goal is to visually increase the space.

This can be done in the following ways:

  • use mirrored wall and ceiling panels, wardrobes with sliding mirror surfaces. They seem to expand visually the material boundaries of the room;
  • paste over the walls with wallpaper of light solid colors and vice versa, a large pattern on the wallpaper narrows the room;
  • the vertical direction of the pattern on the wallpaper visually adds height to the room, in contrast, the borders “fix” the height;
  • painting the ceiling with dark colors reduces the size and creates a false impression that the ceiling is low, in contrast, light colors seem to “raise” the ceiling;
  • rich red shades create an electrified, energetic atmosphere, such colors create the illusion of a low ceiling;
  • yellow shades create a calming, cheerful atmosphere;
  • blue shades are best combined with warm colors.

Well-chosen elegant stucco molding looks quite interesting in the interior. It is better to paint such a ceiling in light colors, giving rigor and sophistication at the same time.

A variety of colors and textures, as well as the ability to decorate the ceiling with aristocratic stucco, make it possible to design a room in any style direction, which is an obvious advantage of seamless ceiling tiles.

A complete catalog of building materials, including seamless ceiling tiles, can be found in the Leroy Marlene hypermarket network, in addition, on the company's website you can find all the necessary information about the features of working with seamless panels.

Mounting Features

The installation of the panels itself is not difficult. There are different ways to glue seamless ceiling tiles, but the most common types of masonry are diagonal and parallel.

Ceiling preparation

Before performing the main work, you should carefully prepare the surface, because the final result largely depends on this:

  • clean the surface of old materials, i.e. remove old wallpaper with a spatula, brush off the paint, wash the whitewash to the ground;
  • remove lamps, insulate wires;
  • cover the ceiling with a primer in several layers.

Ceiling primer greatly contributes to further adhesion to the tile

You can do without priming, but in this case, there is low adhesion. Sometimes additional leveling is required, especially if there are depressions or concrete overflows on the surface of more than 5 mm. Minor defects do not need to be repaired.

After the preparatory work is completed, you can proceed directly to the installation.

Mounting Features

Experts recommend before installation, hold the seamless tile in a dry room to remove residual moisture, otherwise, directly on the ceiling, it may shrink and cracks may form on the panels.

  • mark by drawing a diagonal with a pencil or marker and connecting the marks on opposite sides;
  • it is better to start gluing from the center (the point of intersection of the diagonals) or from the place where the chandelier will be subsequently mounted;
  • grease the part with glue specially designed for polystyrene foam and attach it to the ceiling. It is better to apply glue pointwise in all corners, especially if the thickness of the panel is small;
  • hold the panel for a few minutes, being careful not to press too hard. Otherwise, dents may form;
  • so we mount all the seamless tiles on the ceiling, focusing on the markup;
  • it is better to remove excess glue immediately, when it hardens, in the future, it is practically impossible to do this.

It is good to fix the glued rows of tile panels with construction tape, so that the parts do not move apart during the polymerization of the glue.

Finishing work

The final work consists in the processing of tile joints. For these purposes, experts recommend using acrylic white sealants. Silicone options are not suitable, because. yellow over time. Myself installation is not so much laborious as energy-intensive.

Price of seamless ceiling tiles

Seamless ceiling tiles are the golden mean. Its cost is slightly higher than traditional whitewashing, but lower than the stretch ceiling, although in appearance it is not much inferior.

The price of a seamless foam ceiling tile, on average, ranges from $ 0.75 to $ 1.7 per 1 m2, from expanded polystyrene - $ 1.2 - $ 2.7, you can buy it at any hardware store.

Advantages: low price, ease of installation, wide choice. Disadvantages: low environmental friendliness, labor-intensive process.

For more information on installing seamless tiles on the ceiling, see the video: