Dry penoizol. Penoizol - independent reviews of the owners. Fill rules. consumption rates. Pros and cons of liquid thermal insulation for home insulation. List of materials and manufacturing technology

Liquid thermal insulation based on carbide resins has been used to insulate houses since the 70s of the last century; this material is known to the consumer as penoizol. In fact, this is another type of foam, but it is made and hardens directly on the construction site. Optimum scope includes pouring inner space in well and layered masonry of bricks and frame structures. Reviews about this insulation and about the technology itself are ambiguous, they cannot be classified as universal and without restrictions. When choosing this method of insulation, it is important to use high-quality raw materials and equipment, work is carried out exclusively in warm time of the year.

Penoizol belongs to the group of foam plastics with an open cell structure, which allows it and insulated structures to breathe. The flip side of the coin is its hygroscopicity: moisture is passed through, while limiting the application. The permeability of penoizol is confirmed by the reviews of the owners of private houses, it is noted that it gets wet easily, but does not accumulate, but removes condensate. To useful properties include resistance to biological threats (rot, fungus and even rodents), safety and good adhesion.

The main performance characteristics of penoizol include:

  • Thermal conductivity coefficient - within 0.028-0.04 W / m K.
  • Specific weight - from 6 to 35 kg/m3.
  • Combustibility group - G2.
  • Compressive strength - no more than 0.5 kg / cm2. In this regard, penoizol is inferior to conventional and compacted foam, bearing capacity he has minimal.
  • Hygroscopicity - up to 10% per day.
  • Noise absorption - up to 65%.
  • Temperature Range operation: -50 to +120 °C.
  • Shrinkage within 1-4%.

According to the statement construction firms, in the first days of polymerization, the insulation emits a small amount of formaldehyde, after which it becomes completely inert. Reviews of the owners of private houses confirm this, the presence of a smell for more than 2-3 weeks is a sign of poor-quality thermal insulation.

Appropriateness of use

In terms of fire safety, the insulation does not raise questions: penoizol is charred under the influence high temperatures, but does not melt, does not support combustion, and does not emit smoke or toxins. But, despite the attractiveness of its application (non-flammable + a light weight), for thermal insulation roofing cake it does not suit private houses well due to destruction under the influence of sunlight.

It is important to understand what penoizol is and in what cases it is used. An unequivocal limitation are areas subject to intense moisture: basement, basement, foundation. There are two reasons: high hygroscopicity and low strength. Reviews show that penoizol itself can withstand repeated cycles of freezing and thawing without damaging the structure, but completely losing its insulating abilities. For the same reasons, it is not used on open and loaded structures: floors under screed or facades under plaster.

The best option is the thermal insulation of the inter-laying space, in this case, penoizol almost does not shrink (within 1%), is closed from rays, precipitation and ground water. Good results are achieved when filled with liquid foam internal partitions or mounted facade systems(Of course, subject to reliable hydro and steam protection). When choosing this method for warming a private house, it should be remembered that work is carried out exclusively at temperatures of +5 ° C and above. It is believed that, subject to all the rules for preparing foam and pouring, penoizol will retain its insulating properties for at least 70 years.

Overview of feedback on material and technology

“I ordered a service for insulating the interwall space with penoizol in a private house from silicate brick. Most of the time was spent on preparation, namely checking and updating the condition of the masonry, drilling holes. The filling itself took no more than 5 hours. Contrary to the reviews I read, the insulation did not leak near the openings, the smell went away within the first week. I positively assess the insulating ability of this insulation.

Pavel, Moscow region.

“I used penoizol when insulating a wooden house, I am pleased with the result. The walls are airtight and warm, heating costs have been significantly reduced. Of the minuses, I want to note the impossibility of controlling the volume of penoizol being poured, the actual bill for services was 1.5 times higher than the preliminary one. I advise you to check the flow or do the work yourself.

Vladimir, Krasnodar.

“I do not advise you to insulate floors in the attic with liquid foam, since practice has shown that shrinkage does not stop after it hardens. Perhaps I made a mistake and did not protect it enough from the sun's rays, but with mineral wool or expanded clay, there would be no such problems. The only plus I noticed is the high speed of work.

Nikolay, Moscow.

"Bought sheet penoizol to insulate a garage, on average, 1 cube costs 600 rubles. I chose it for reasons of fire safety, during the installation process I did not find any special differences from conventional foam, except that in the density of the structure it is closer to extruded. I did not notice any shortcomings during the year of operation, I consider the cost acceptable.

Alexey, Voronezh.

“I insulated the old liquid penoizol brick house did all the work himself. The equipment cost me 30,000 rubles, resin and hardeners - 20,000. I think that the investment paid off, according to my calculations, I even saved money, plus I am completely confident in the quality of the insulation. Shrinkage in the interlayer space was minimal, the smell lasted 1.5 weeks.

Eldar, St. Petersburg.

“When choosing a company that fills penoizol, I advise you to check both the certificates and reviews of those who insulated their houses before, and the material itself. Two organizations refused to provide me with samples, in another, the test foam was significantly reduced in volume. I was satisfied with the quality of the chosen company (the insulation did not settle and was white, it did not paint after solidification), but the smell in the house remained not for 2 weeks, but for about a month.

Andrey, Nizhny Novgorod.

Pros and cons of penoizol

The clear advantages of the material include: fire safety, low thermal conductivity, no load on the foundation, good sound insulation abilities, resistance to biological influences, environmental friendliness and safety. The main plus is the high speed of work (the inter-laying space or partitions in a private house of an average area are filled in 4 hours). The cost of pouring services is considered affordable, in some cases it is negotiable.

The disadvantages of thermal insulation include bad smell during polymerization, the complexity of pouring during vertical insulation, shrinkage and the need for protection from external influences. The main problem is the need to use exceptionally good raw materials and equipment that provides sufficient pressure. It is extremely difficult to determine the quality of insulation at home, there is only one way out - checking certificates and contacting credible firms.

To minimize shrinkage, many companies add special mineral additives to the composition and pay more attention to preparation (checking the integrity of walls or membranes, removing moisture). Rapid polymerization with vertical insulation is considered flagrant violation technology. Penoizol is applied in layers with an exposure of a clear period of time (it is definitely not worth counting on the completion of the process within 4 hours). Complete curing takes 2-4 weeks. The best results are observed when filling the space between the main walls, in this case, the pressure on the material completely eliminates shrinkage during polymerization, sometimes it even comes out through the openings.

In addition to liquid foam, penoizol insulation is produced in the form of sheets or crumbs, the latter variety is made by crushing to fractions with a diameter of 1-.5 cm. Backfilling such granules is considered a good alternative when building a building from scratch or overhaul, this building material fully retains the useful characteristics and qualities of penoizol and is filled up on its own. When thermal insulation of structures already in operation, the crumb is blown in like ecowool. Granular penoizol is positively evaluated by experts, the optimal scope includes floors along logs, attic floors, internal cavities.

The average price of crushed insulation is 580 rubles per 1 m3, sheet - from 600, installation or blowing services cost at least 50% of the cost of the material itself. The cost of warming a house with liquid foam insulation is usually negotiable, with self-training surfaces and structures, the owner pays at least 750 rubles per 1 m3. The most expensive are thermal insulation services with the simultaneous placement of the frame - from 1400 rubles per 1 m3.

Insulation penoizol (urea-formaldehyde foam, aka mettemplast) is a building material made on the basis of formaldehyde and urea. In fact, this is a foam plastic, but the technology for its manufacture is completely different and the characteristics of penoizol as a heater differ from those inherent in foam plastic.

Characteristics and features of penoizol

The technical process of insulation with foam insulation is attractive in that the thermal insulator is produced directly at the facility. The original form of penoizol is liquid foam (liquid foam) poured under high pressure into insulated openings.

The foam fills all the cavities, hardens, and an excellent insulation is obtained. This technology is quite practical and economical, and the insulation itself is relatively inexpensive.

The manufacturing procedure consists in mixing carbamide substances with water and hardeners. Then the process of polymerization (hardening) takes place. As a result, penoizol insulation resembles fine-mesh foam.

The thermoactive resins used in the manufacture, having reached a solid state, are not able to turn into a liquid mass again, which indicates the impossibility of melting the heat insulator.

Penoizol, whose characteristics are unique in their own way, is able to maintain its original structure even at temperatures above 100 ° C.

  • Density - 5-75 kg / m3;
  • Thermal conductivity - 0.028-0.047 W / m∙K;
  • Compressive strength at 10% linear deformation - 0.07-0.5 kg / cm 2;
  • Bending strength - 0.10-0.25 kg / cm 2;
  • Tensile strength - 0.05-0.08 kg / cm 2;
  • Water absorption by weight - 10.5-20.0% in 24 hours;
  • Humidity by weight - 5.0-20.0%;
  • Temperature of use -50 /+120 °С;
  • Operating period - 30 years.

In addition to the liquid form, there is sheet penoizol, as well as in the form of crushed crumbs. Crushed is sold in bags, and its use is comparable to liquid, since the granules perfectly fill the most inaccessible places.

Sheet penoizol has found its application in thermal insulation of predominantly flat bases - walls, ceilings, floors and roofs.

Provides good heat and sound insulation. According to its characteristics, 60 mm penoizol are equated to a wall made of timber 350 mm thick, brickwork 800 mm or 130 mm mineral wool.

If you insulate a wall with a thickness of only 100 mm with liquid foam, then the room will become noticeably warmer, which means that there will be a good opportunity to reduce the cost of heating the building.

Insulation with liquid foam does not negative impact- it is environmentally friendly.

Both sheet and crushed, and liquid penoizol, in terms of flammability, smoke generation and toxicity, received groups G1, D1 and T1, respectively, that is, the heat insulator is considered non-combustible, non-smoke-forming and non-toxic.

Flammability group B2 indicates moderate flammability. Upon reaching the temperature environment above 130 ° C, carbamide foam will not only not catch fire, but will not melt. In this case, it will tend to evaporate without releasing any toxic chemicals.

Although insulation with penoizol cannot be considered a 100% waterproof method of thermal insulation, but absorbing moisture well, it is able to “return” it without negative consequences.

In this way, it surpasses insulation in the form of cotton wool - once wet, they can no longer restore their previous shape, which results in loss technical qualities. The only thing to consider is ventilation gap providing ventilation.

The vapor permeability of mettemplast is also at its best, this property will prevent the formation of mold. Liquid penoizol is not afraid of not only fungal formations, but also pests, as well as chemically aggressive substances and organic solvents.

Unlimited service life, which has been established through field studies on service life, is another advantage.

The characteristics of penoizol as a heater speak of useful life service, estimated at 30 years. However, it can last twice as long - about 50-60 years, without losing its firmness and elasticity.

As such, there are no shortcomings in carbamide foam. The only caveat is that when purchasing low-quality mettemplast, made in violation of technology (in particular, the use of cheap low-quality carbamide resin), there is a risk of releasing pungent toxic substances.

Thus, the main trouble that a buyer may face is an unscrupulous manufacturer using raw materials. Low quality coupled with the wrong manufacturing process.

It is also worth emphasizing that, nevertheless, a slight toxicity of the heat insulator is observed, but only in the first seconds, that is, during the polymerization of the mass.

The chemical smell is due to the evaporation of formaldehyde substances. After hardening, it does not tend to emit formaldehydes.

Comparative analysis penoizol with other popular heaters showed that the penoizol insulation is in no way inferior to them, and in some respects even surpasses the now popular mineral wool and polystyrene foam, also called polystyrene foam.

IndicatorPenoizol insulationStyrofoammineral wool
Thermal conductivity value0.028-0.047 W/m∙K≥0.04 W/m∙K≥0.08 W/m∙K
Flammability groupG1 (non-flammable)G3-G4 (high flammability)G1
Bulk density8-25 kg40 kg and above80 kg and above
Sound absorption65% 45% 40%
Water absorption in 24 hours, by weight10,5% 1,5-3,5% 70%
Operating temperature-80/+120°С-60/+60°С-180/+400°С
Durability70 years and aboveUp to 50 years oldUp to 25 years old

Penoizol insulation

The quality of the insulation itself directly depends not only on the quality of the original material, but is also determined by the exact execution technological process. And it depends on the experience of the builders.

The first stage of using a heat insulator is applying it in the form of a liquid foam, similar to thick foam. The filling of space occurs due to the presence of air pressure.

Due high pressure penoizol fills all the joints and cracks of the surface. After polymerization occurs, penoizol takes the form of a light insulation.

Penoizol insulation will significantly save on heating costs at home. After 3 years, all the costs of insulation will fully pay off due to savings.

It is possible to fill under wooden and plasterboard walls, in the case when the wall thickness is at least 7 cm. Since during spraying (pouring) a unit is used that creates pressure up to 6 atm., thin walls they won't be able to stand it.

If you set a lower pressure, then there will be a risk of formation of cold bridges, scattering of insulation and its insufficient dispersal, which will significantly reduce energy efficiency and thermal insulation properties.

The characteristics of penoizol as a heater correspond to all GOSTs and SNiPs. With proper observance of insulation technologies and the use of only high-quality foam insulation, this thermal insulation is the best in quality, cost, duration of operation, and thermal conductivity.

Characteristics of penoizol as a heater, video

It is difficult to live in the age of innovation, every decade carrying a doubling of information - there is no stability! Things familiar yesterday, today or tomorrow, may well become an anachronism. Innovations in everything and everywhere, including in such a conservative industry as construction. New technologies, dozens of new finishing materials, fasteners and accessories, materials for walls and heaters. Fundamentally new window systems that changed the view of that window permanent source cold, now it can partially perform the function of a heat insulator. New ones appear almost every day Construction Materials, technology or tools. Unfortunately, not everything worthy of use in construction is widely known. And the purpose of this article is to introduce you to a rather little-known liquid insulation - penoizol (it can also be called Mipora, Unipor or Mettemplast).

So, penoizol

Penoizol (aka carbamide foam) is obtained by foaming and subsequent polymerization of urea resin. The uniqueness of this technology is that the production process takes place directly at the object of insulation, where the product in liquid form and under pressure is fed into the insulated cavities, allowing them to be completely filled with insulation. Save energy, time, money, transport, loading and unloading. There is no need to take up space for warehousing and storage of large volumes of insulation. No need to fasten the insulation to the wall and related work.

The whole difference in the use of penoizol from the usual heaters, in the order of the work. If soft rolled and solid sheet insulation is attached to the wall and only then covered (protected) with a steam-conducting membrane with a hinged facade or plaster, then for insulation with liquid foam insulation, they pre-build hinged facade and only then liquid insulation is poured into the cavity, under the vapor-conducting membrane.

Characteristics of carbamide foam

As a heater, penoizol can have a density of 10 - 30 kg / m 3 and has excellent thermal insulation properties with thermal conductivity - 0.028-0.038 W / m² C. Compare, the thermal conductivity of classic foam, depending on the density, varies in the range - 0.038 - 0.043 W / m °C. Mineral wool boards with a density of 125 kg / m 3 - 0.07 W / m² C (to prevent shrinkage of mineral wool during operation, a density of 120 kg / m 3 and above is recommended by manufacturers of mineral wool insulation for thermal insulation vertical walls), and with a density of 200 kg / m 3 - 0.08 W / m² C, i.e. penoizol as a heater retains heat better than polystyrene and is twice as good as mineral wool in this parameter.

Urea foam, at one time, withstood a number of tests and was repeatedly studied in various laboratories in our country and abroad. Government Services for certification and licensing Gosstandart, Goskomitet SEN, Gosstroy, after detailed studies for compliance with medical standards, certified carbamide foam. In addition, penoizol was tested for fire resistance at the State Enterprise TsNIISK named after. Kucherenko.

The conducted studies confirmed the thermal conductivity coefficient in the range from 0.028 to 0.038 W / m² C.

high enough and Fire safety penoizol, the material corresponds to the flammability group not lower than G-2. Penoizol does not support combustion, which in itself is unique, given the organic basis of the material. When exposed open flame, penoizol gradually loses mass by charring and evaporating without the formation of melt drops, without emitting either harmful gases or soot.

It tolerates significant cyclic changes in temperature and humidity well and without changes in its structure. At the same time, it has an enviable durability. Laboratory studies gave an estimated service life of 60 - 80 years. At the same time, the Institute of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, after studying penoizol for durability, wrote in conclusion that "the operating time of penoizol is not limited." This is confirmed by the study of samples of penoizol taken from walls insulated 60-70 years ago (the first experiments in the use of insulation). There are also no obvious signs of degradation.

The internal fine-mesh structure of the insulation effectively passes water vapor towards the lowest partial pressures. According to this indicator, penoizol corresponds to the best samples of heaters on the market. This characteristic refers it to the category of "vapor-permeable" heaters, which is prerequisite for insulation of walls and ceilings of the house.


The microcapillary, well-permeable water vapor internal structure of penoizol actively pumps moisture through its volume from the walls to the outside, constantly drying them and preventing condensation from accumulating and the appearance of mold accompanying it. Which is very valuable for any walls, especially wooden ones. A well-built and high-quality hinged facade with foam insulation, as a heater, guarantees long life wooden house.

Like most heaters, penoizol is an excellent sound insulator. Its five to seven centimeter layer reduces the midrange airborne noise three times, structural (transmitted through structural elements) two times.

Penoizol can be effectively used for insulation and sound insulation of walls, ceilings, floors and internal bulkheads of houses built from almost any modern construction materials. The efficiency, low cost and fire safety of penoizol made it attractive for insulating houses, as well as utility and industrial buildings.

Penoizol is an effective, if not the only, material for repairing a heat-insulating layer of a building that has been damaged during operation. The material can be used, for example, to fill cavities formed as a result of poor-quality installation or shrinkage of mineral wool, filling cavities formed from expanded polystyrene (polystyrene) destroyed by rodents, voids formed as a result of shrinkage bulk heaters- expanded clay, ecowool, etc.

Testing various heaters for blowing

Pouring penoizol into walls with settled mineral wool

Disadvantages of penoizol.

Like any other material, penoizol has advantages and disadvantages. In this article, I will give the main ones:

Penoizol has a rather low mechanical tensile strength compared to extruded polystyrene foam and it needs to be protected from mechanical stress.

With open water ingress for a long time, it can pick up a certain amount of moisture, which leads to a decrease in thermal insulation properties insulation. But I note that again, thanks to the capillary structure, it evaporates the accumulated moisture very quickly.

During polymerization and drying, together with water, it emits a small amount of gaseous formaldehyde, but already after 2-3 weeks, when the material gets rid of moisture, this indicator does not exceed the MPC.

Due to its hygroscopicity, penoizol cannot be used to insulate the underground part of foundations, and it cannot be used as a heater under a reinforced concrete screed.

In the case of pouring the material not into the main walls (brick, concrete), but, for example, into a frame wall between two films, due to the impossibility of creating high pressure in the frame wall, penoizol has an unpleasant feature - shrinkage of the material during the drying process, which can reach 1%, in on the main walls, shrinkage is leveled by the high pressure created in the wall during the pouring of penoizol.

To solve the problem of penoizol shrinkage in the lungs frame buildings, Armoplast specialists developed a set of measures:

The technology of micro and macro-reinforcement of penoizol with the help of mineral additives and additional preparatory special measures, which allows you to completely get rid of negative phenomena associated with shrinkage of the material in frame walls, ceilings, attics and guarantee the reliable operation of the insulation throughout its entire service life

Rapid drying of the material is unacceptable, because. penoizol during quick drying does not have time to polymerize sufficiently and gain sufficient strength, which leads to a high percentage of shrinkage of the material (penoizol should be between the vapor barrier and windproof vapor-transparent membranes and dry within 2-4 weeks)

Mandatory use of the "correct" components, the so-called "foam" EPSG resin and Mettemplast technology.

Below are pictures taken with an electron microscope (magnification 500x - 600x), which show the structure of conventional and micro-reinforced foam insulation.

Photo 1 Photo 2

Photo 1 shows an opened empty capillary of a unit cell ("bubble") of a conventional non-reinforced foam insulation, photo 2 shows reinforced foam insulation capillaries filled with mineral fillers, which helps to combat shrinkage during drying of the material, and also gives additional strength and fire resistance to foam insulation .

Thus, we see that penoizol has its own enough wide area applications, and many of the above disadvantages of the material can be eliminated technologically. Aenoizol must be protected from external mechanical and climatic influences (this requirement is the same for almost all modern heaters). Penoizol in frame housing construction and open castings must be reinforced, which will eliminate the shrinkage of the material and obtain an excellent monolithic seamless heat-insulating layer bound throughout the volume with reinforcing mineral fibers.

The effect of using penoizol to restore the thermal insulation of a brick house is perfectly demonstrated by a thermogram taken before (photo on the left) and after additional pouring of insulation into the walls (photo on the right).

So, choosing penoizol as the main insulation of walls and ceilings at home, you will get an economical, reliable and durable material. A material that does not burn "breathes" and mice do not start in it (a drawback of most modern heaters).

Penoizol is cheap, using it, you save at the construction stage, but you will get even more savings during the operation of the house on heating, since this insulation has one of the best thermal resistance characteristics. Penoizol is a combination of low price, good quality and high performance.

Since penoizol in its original form is a liquid foam poured under pressure, the free volumes in the walls of any configuration are completely filled. This eliminates their subsequent purging and the associated heat loss.

The material has low price, therefore, using it, you will get the opportunity without additional financial costs increase the insulation layer in the house, thereby automatically laying the foundation for its future energy efficiency.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude: penoizol has both positive and negative properties. But for a specific, narrow use of the material - wall insulation, floors and ceilings of the house, the pros outweigh its cons. Good heat resistance coefficient, durable, affordable price and beautiful operational properties make it one of the best heaters On the market. Subject to the material production technology, it can be recommended as a heater and sound insulator for walls, ceilings and partitions of almost any houses and structures.

The right choice of method and material for home insulation will determine on long years energy consumption for heating and the comfort of your stay. Damp walls, freezing, drafts and high costs to maintain the required temperature are the main problems with errors.

The main types of insulation in construction

There are three main types of insulation on the modern construction market: mineral wool and penoizol. AT last years as the cost decreases and the application technology improves, it is increasingly being used.

mineral insulation- a long-liver, and everyone is well aware of its advantages and disadvantages. It is based on mineral fibers (previously it was fiberglass, and the material itself was called “glass wool”), and phenol-formaldehyde resins are traditionally used as binders.

Expanded polystyrene and penoizol belong to foams and differ not only in their operational and technological characteristics, but also in the form of release and application technology.

Disputes about the disadvantages and advantages of insulation with penoizol and expanded polystyrene do not subside, especially along, but flare up with the development of the construction industry and the expansion of the scope of foamed materials.

Technical characteristics of heaters in comparison


unit of measurement







Thermal conductivity

(W/m) * C



Compressive strength (at 10 percent linear strain)




Linear shrinkage (with liquid foam technology)

Up to 4

Humidity (by mass)


to 10

Operating temperature range

-50 to +120

-50 to +80

Duration of self-burning


Flammability group



Flammability group


IN 2

Water absorption in 24 hours

% by mass


Up to 2.0

Toxicity group


Non toxic


at least 50 years old

at least 25 years old

Scope of penoizol

What is penoizol? Penoizol is one of the oldest foams and is based on urea-formaldehyde resins with a blowing agent. Carbamide foams are used to insulate walls, roofs and floors.

They are called " liquid foams» and application technology allows pouring insulation directly on the construction site into closed volumes, as a middle layer. The main thing is to choose the optimal density and filling pressure.

Some brands of this material provide for the manufacture of heat-insulating boards, the use of which is similar to the use of expanded polystyrene. But they have lower consumer characteristics and a high price.

Advantages of penoizol

Insulation with thermal insulation has gained popularity due to the advantages of this material, which are provided by the cellular structure and properties of the foam. By appearance penoizol reminds everyone of the familiar polyurethane foam, and its properties are also very similar:

  • does not burn,
  • easy,
  • high heat and sound insulation,
  • well fills all voids, cracks, gaps,
  • has good adhesion to all surfaces,
  • no seams,
  • resistant to microorganisms.

With proper sealing of the surface, penoizol has a service life of at least 50 years.

Disadvantages of penoizol

Compared with polystyrene foam, this material has the following disadvantages:

  • lower mechanical strength, so the coating is sensitive to impacts and other damage,
  • shrinkage from 0.2 to 4%, which requires the supply of a solution under pressure. Regulatory density and shrinkage are ensured by strict adherence to technological parameters - pressure and temperature during pouring,
  • during the pouring, polymerization and drying period, gaseous formaldehyde with a pungent odor is released. Therefore, good ventilation is required during work. Ultimately allowed values harmful substances achieved in 2-3 weeks
  • under the influence of direct sun rays and when heated, penoizol decomposes into formaldehyde and carbamides. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it in the under-roof space,
  • the structure with open pores determines its high moisture absorption capacity, which limits its use in the underground part of the foundations and requires moisture insulation in the aboveground.

The application technology requires special equipment and if the proportions of the components are violated, significant shrinkage is possible. Foam application should be carried out in one step, without frozen joint zones. The term of complete solidification is 3-5 days.

Thermal insulation properties are slightly superior to expanded polystyrene and a layer of foam isol 10 cm thick is similar in thermal conductivity to a sheet of expanded polystyrene with a density of 15 kg / m 3 and a thickness of 12.5 cm.

This material, unlike polystyrene foam, does not like to settle in mice. But this only speaks of its controversial environmental friendliness and the release of harmful substances from it. Therefore, the insulation of houses with penoizol requires careful insulation of all surfaces with applied polymer, for example, plastering.

Styrofoam and its varieties in the decoration of buildings using the "senergy" technology in Western countries have been used for a couple of decades. However, in our country, the practice of insulating walls and roofs in order to create comfortable conditions residence is only gaining momentum, especially since polystyrene boards there is a great alternative.

One of the types of liquid thermal insulators based on foamed and polymerized urea-formaldehyde resin was called penoizol, and its popularity is so great that the brand has become a household name for the whole group similar materials. The technology of home insulation is really unique and allows you to fill any hollow structures. At the same time, it is possible to produce a working mixture directly at the construction site from carbamide resins of special grades, acid and a foaming agent.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any thermal insulating material, penoizol has both pluses and minuses. Undoubtedly it positive properties are:

  • high thermal insulation ability. To ensure the same protection, it is enough to apply a layer of penoizol of 45 mm, while foam will need 75, and even more mineral wool - 125 mm;
  • environmental friendliness. Does not emit harmful fumes and odors;
  • restoration of the previous volume with slight compression;
  • resistance to temperature changes and humidity fluctuations;
  • the ability to pass vapor, that is, "breathe". Due to the vapor permeability, according to the reviews of those who insulated the roof and walls, condensation is never observed in the premises. That is why it is ideal for wooden houses and log cabins;
  • Fire safety. Despite the fact that penoizol is an organic material, it does not support combustion and, under the influence of an open flame, only chars, losing volume. And, which is not at all typical for organics, soot and carbon monoxide are not emitted.
  • indifference to all kinds biological factors- Animals-rodents and insects. Penoizol, unlike polystyrene, is absolutely “unappetizing” for unwanted satellites of civilization.
  • high adhesion and filling of all voids, due to which it is used in structures various forms where application sheet material technologically difficult.

No less attractive to consumers and the price. average cost 1 cubic meter is a little over 1000 rubles, which is quite comparable with the prices for modern mineral wool (ROKWOOL, ISOVER). And if you consider that you can pour penoizol yourself without hiring outside specialists, then the undoubted benefit becomes obvious.

Of course, it does not do without a “drop of tar”. And negative feedback about penoizol are often caused by the presence of components inadequate quality and makeshift installations for foam generation, which is a sin of small private firms operating without certification of production. This is precisely the reason for many complaints that the mixture solidifies extremely slowly, it crumbles during operation, and the insulation layer is subject to significant shrinkage and emits an unpleasant odor. Unfortunately, it will only be possible to establish the fact of falsification of the composition in laboratory conditions. Therefore, be extremely careful and try to buy penoizol from reliable suppliers.

With full observance of manufacturing technology, the following disadvantages are still noted:

  • seasonality: penoizol is used only at ambient temperatures above 5 ° C;
  • with vertical insulation, it requires applying it in several layers with a certain period of time for solidification;
  • "open porosity", which requires additional waterproofing. However, a similar property "sin" and classic materials, in particular, the same polyurethane foam.

Comparison of penoizol with other heaters

The technical characteristics of penoizol, when compared with other thermal insulators, differ high rates, and in some ways they are superior to traditional options, which is clearly seen from the following table:

Name of indicatorunit of measurementPenoizolExpanded polystyrene (styrofoam)Mineral wool
Thermal conductivity coefficientW/(m.K)0,028-0,04 ≥0,04 ≥0,08
Fire group G2 (does not support combustion, self-extinguishing)G3-G4 (high flammability)NG
Bulk densitykg8-25 40 and above80 and up
Sound absorption% 65 45
Water absorption in 24 hours, by weight% 10,5 1,5-3,5 70
Operating temperature range°С-80-120 -60-60 -180-400
Operating life 70 years and aboveUp to 50 years oldUp to 25 years old

If in some characteristics he is inferior to his opponents, then in terms of the convenience of performing work, he undoubtedly has no equal.

The main difficulty in pouring with your own hands is the availability of equipment for the production of a thermal insulator. Alas, the drawings of “miracle installations” for foam blowing that have flooded the Internet often lead to frank marriage, especially if it is produced by people who have a very limited idea of ​​​​the need to comply with the exact recipe of the mixture and the manufacturing technology of penoizol. And yet, if you have the desired foam generator or special pump at your disposal, as well as a certain scrupulousness, filling is quite simple.

In addition to the liquid insulator, the line includes plates and chips. The first are mounted most often when laying brick walls, in the future, the buildings are finished with siding, clapboard or plastered. The prices for sheet penoizol are quite democratic, and its scope, especially in the foil version, is extensive, ranging from baths and saunas to the arrangement of warm floors.

When reviewing penoizol, it is impossible not to mention such a variety of material as crushed crumbs. "Crusher" is blown into the inter-wall openings, interfloor ceilings, is used for pipes in the trench space and as a filler in the production of polystyrene concrete.