Drywall production as a business in Russia. Subtleties of organizing a plasterboard production business Technology of plasterboard production

Today, drywall is the most popular material in the construction market. Therefore, its production is considered very promising and profitable.
But such a business must have a clear plan in order to be profitable. This article will discuss the main points of wholesale drywall production, as well as the conditions for business development in Russia.

Drywall is a material consisting of glued together gypsum mixture cardboard sheets. Such a sheet (gypsum board) has reinforcement that gives it strength due to reinforcing additives.

Leaf structure

Thanks to this structure, gypsum boards have the following advantages:

  • ease and ease of installation with your own hands;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • moisture resistance and fire resistance;
  • mechanical strength;
  • good thermal insulation performance;
  • the ability to “breathe”, which allows the material to absorb excess moisture in the air;
  • plastic.

Because of these advantages, drywall took first place in popularity as a finishing material For interior works carried out with your own hands.

Scope of application

Due to its advantages, plasterboard is used everywhere today for covering walls and creating multi-level walls with your own hands. ceiling structures, columns, partitions, arches, niches and other furniture options. In addition, with the help of gypsum boards you can easily hide communications or surface defects with your own hands.
Thus, consumers of gypsum boards are a wide variety of construction companies, of which there are a great many in Russia. Therefore, this kind of business has every chance of being successful in Russia if the plan was drawn up correctly and taking into account all the nuances.


Today the undisputed leader in the manufacture plasterboard sheets wholesale is German company Knauf. It accounts for about 70% of the goods in the entire Russian construction market. The Knauf company produces wholesale not only drywall, but also all the materials necessary to work with it: putty, glue, profiles, fastening systems, etc.

If you develop the right production plan, as well as conduct a market assessment, then the business in Russia for the production of plasterboard wholesale will be profitable and will quickly pay off. Of course, such a business in terms of sales will not compare with the income of the Knauf company, but it will also be quite profitable and will occupy its niche in Russia.
The building materials market is so huge and in demand that assistance to such a giant as the Knauf company in Russia is simply necessary, since the production of drywall continues continuously and the number of consumers continues to increase every year. Therefore, the Knauf company and its plasterboard production plant cannot cope with the demand on the market and other manufacturers are entering it.
A business plan correctly drawn up with your own hands and brains, high-quality equipment for the production of drywall and qualified personnel will help you open a profitable and promising business for the production of this building material wholesale.

Where to start

To open plasterboard production in Russia and achieve here positive result, you must go through the following steps:

  • raise start-up capital. According to rough estimates, 5-6 million rubles are needed;
  • create a business plan;
  • rent premises for business;
  • buy equipment for the production of plasterboard;

Sheet production line

  • purchase raw materials;
  • take into account production costs - utility bills, employee salaries, etc.

The most important requirement here is a well-written business plan. If you do not have sufficient skills and do not understand business plans, you can always turn to specialists for help. They will quickly develop a business plan that will bring you the expected profit.
Pay attention! For a business to be successful and profitable, there is no need to open a mega concern. You can get quite a good income if you have a production facility that produces about 200 sheets per day.
A small business producing drywall wholesale has the following advantages:

  • low power consumption;
  • high profitability;
  • low costs of paying workers' salaries;
  • relatively small start-up capital required to start production.

Remember that with low productivity, the cost of drywall will be the same as with powerful production. And from each sheet you will get about 1.5-2 dollars! In such a situation monthly profit will be about $10,860 and in 1-2 years the manufacturer will fully recoup its costs.

Premises and equipment

The most important point for a wholesale drywall manufacturer at the start of a business is the choice of premises to launch the production line. Minimum size the premises are 600 sq.m. In this case, the ceiling height should be 4.5 m. A smaller room simply cannot accommodate everything. necessary equipment.

Production premises

In addition to the size of the room there are following conditions to start making plasterboard sheets:

  • availability of an industrial power supply network;
  • availability of running water and gas;
  • corresponding temperature regime. The room temperature should not fall below 15 ºС, otherwise it will lead to disruption of the technological process;
  • Hiring only qualified specialists with experience in this type of production.

One of the most important points in this enterprise is the purchase of equipment. With it, the drywall production line will be fully formed. This is the most expensive item in the entire enterprise.

Pay attention! You need to choose equipment very carefully, since production volumes directly depend on this. You should not save money here, as cheap equipment will break down more often. Therefore, it is better to immediately buy high-quality equipment that will definitely last a long time and in the long run will cost much less than frequent repairs cheap equipment.

Add to list necessary equipment to start the line includes:

  • device for producing gypsum mixture;
  • apparatus for continuous supply to the cardboard former;
  • the former itself, which ensures the molding of the gypsum sheet;
  • belt conveyor. It must be equipped with additional shapers in the thickness of the web and profile;
  • roller conveyor for cutting webs;
  • conveyor for transporting sheets;
  • cantilever conveyor;
  • dryer conveyor;
  • additional roller conveyor for final cutting of sheets.

Equipment for the production of gypsum boards

All this in mandatory must contain a production plan that you draw up yourself or order from specialists.

Necessary raw materials

Like any production, the wholesale production of plasterboard sheets requires the purchase of raw materials. For such production we need the following types raw materials:

  • gypsum (natural - 85% and artificial);
  • facing cardboard. The roll width is 1180 mm and 1250 mm, and the thickness is 0.3-0.46 mm;
  • 70% modified starch with 11-13% water content. Its alkaline level should be pH 6.5 - 7.5, dust - a maximum of 2% and protein - 3%. The water solubility of starch should be in the range of 73 to 78%;
  • a synthetic foaming agent having a concentration of mineral salts not exceeding 2.5%.

In addition, you will need borogypsum and phosphogypsum. Since both materials are waste from the chemical industry, their additional purification from impurities is necessary.
The list of impurities according to installed technology, includes:

  • table salt;
  • cellulose;
  • caustic soda, etc.

All these raw materials are necessary for the production of plasterboard that meets international level quality.

Production technology

The plasterboard manufacturing technology consists of the following steps:

  • preparing a mixture in a gypsum mixer, which includes water and gypsum powder;
  • supply of cardboard sheet to the line;
  • mixture getting onto the cardboard in the forming module;
  • leveling the mixture top layer cardboard coated with glue;
  • giving the canvas the desired shape.

As a result, we get a finished canvas, which is then cut into sheets the right size. Next, the sheets are dried and they are ready for sale.
As you can see, knowing the main nuances and stages of starting a business for the wholesale production of drywall, you can easily cope with the task with your own hands and your skills.

In this article:

Once upon a time, gloomy builders, accustomed to tinkering with heavy reinforced concrete and long-drying cement, looked askance at drywall, not trusting “foreign dummies.” Today, gypsum board is an indispensable material in the construction and decoration of buildings. Its unlimited possibilities allow you to implement the most original projects and development, including the creation suspended ceilings, internal partitions, shelves and racks, bar counters and wall cladding.

The elasticity of gypsum sheets makes it possible to model and obtain the necessary configurations and any arched surfaces.

The properties of drywall make it ideal material for equipping residential and office premises:

  • environmental friendliness, non-toxic and environmentally friendly;
  • ability to save energy and keep warm;
  • inactivation of sounds from neighboring apartments and street noise;
  • incombustibility and fire resistance;
  • ability to "breathe", that is, absorb excess moisture from the air;
  • light weight;
  • belonging to “dry technologies”: in contrast to “wet” technologies, which include traditional plaster with its inevitable construction waste and dirt, plasterboard sheets or panels provide quick, easy and “clean” installation, which can significantly increase labor productivity (saving time, labor costs and no downtime and smoke breaks while the cement “dries”).

Why drywall?

The explosive growth of construction in Russia and neighboring countries has led to a huge demand for drywall, which increases annually by an average of 20%. Over the past 2011, the volume Russian market plasterboard profiles amounted to about 350 million sq. m. However, even such an impressive number of meters does not cover the needs of the ever-growing “construction fever”.

The main supplier of drywall in Russia- German company Knauf is loaded with orders to capacity and will be glad for any “help” from outside Russian manufacturers. The second largest supplier of irreplaceable building materials is the French concern Compagnie de Saint-Gobain SA is also on the verge of a nervous breakdown due to the inability to embrace the immensity. That's why today and now is the best moment to grab the bull by the horns and run own production drywall.

Moreover, domestic figures speak for themselves: Russia produces only 4% of the global volume of this raw material. Who knows, maybe in a couple of years you will outshine the main plasterboard manufacturer - America (oh, those Americans!), which today produces 42% of the world's plasterboard market.

At minimum costs you will have a unique opportunity to create your own and quite profitable business.

Stable and fast-paying production of plasterboard has great prospects and in the near future will significantly improve (and strengthen!) your economic situation.

True, to start an enterprise you will have to reduce your bank account by 5-6 million rubles, which will cover the costs of renting premises, purchasing equipment, raw materials and directly producing drywall.

To become a millionaire, you don’t have to shell out money for a mega-concern. On the contrary, you will quickly approach Rockefeller status if you open a small factory producing only 200 thousand square meters. meters per year (200 plasterboard sheets per day).

What are the advantages of such mini-production?

Firstly, in his high profitability due to low power consumption and fewer workers. Due to these factors, the cost of drywall with low productivity will be the same as with giant power lines of 2 million square meters. meters per year. A sheet of gypsum 1.2 m x 2.5 m long and wide, 9.5 mm thick and costing $3.05 has a wholesale price of $4.86, which means $1.81 profit per sheet!

Secondly, average cost such a mini-factory does not exceed 160 thousand dollars, which is more than acceptable for a successful business start. If you issue 200 sheets per day and make $1.81 profit from each of them, your monthly revenue will be $10,860, and your annual revenue will be $130,320. This means that within one and a half to two years you will have a real chance to recoup all the costs of the equipment. In the case of a larger plant - an area of ​​1000 square meters. m, with a productivity of 800 thousand sq. m. m (about 888 sheets per day) and the same profit per piece - you will earn $1,500 per day, or $450 thousand per month!

From words to action! Premises and equipment

So, have you made up your mind? Then go ahead! Keep in mind that minimum area production premises - 600 sq. m, since your brand new equipment simply won’t fit into smaller volumes. Minimum height ceiling - 4.5 meters.

Required conditions: An industrial electrical network, gas and water supply must be installed in the workshop. Of course, tested and working. Make sure that the air temperature in the room is at least 15 ºС: this is necessary to comply with the process technology.

The selection of personnel with qualifications and experience is also of fundamental importance, since it is with their input that your products will be produced. By hiring professionals, you will not only save time and money on their training, but also insure the quality of the future product. Drywall production equipment- an expensive pleasure, so be careful when purchasing it. In this case, saving is not the best guide, since cheap machines will cost you more in the long run due to their constant repairs.

Structure of the new production line It starts with a sheet forming system, continues with an automatic conveyor, a dryer and ends with a sheet cutting installation (guillotine). The cycle ends with the packaging of drywall and its shipment to retail outlets. To get started, you will need production blocks, which are presented in detail in the following diagram.

  1. device for unwinding and feeding cardboard;
  2. sheet forming module, glue machine;
  3. belt conveyor;
  4. roller conveyor;
  5. conveyor with running acceleration;
  6. guillotine;
  7. transfer conveyor;
  8. reverse conveyor and distributor (cantilever conveyor 8.1);
  9. “six-tier” drying conveyor;
  10. sheet output conveyor;
  11. conveyor belt;
  12. cross conveyor belt;
  13. automatic machine for quick cutting of ends;
  14. surface for exiting finished products;
  15. bake;
  16. dryer;
  17. heat exchange device;
  18. dosing machine for dry raw materials;
  19. starch and water mixer;
  20. gypsum mixer.

Don't be intimidated by the long list of unfamiliar names! Everything is much simpler than it looks on paper! After commissioning and installation work the line can be put into operation.

To do this, you will need raw materials, which include the following components:

  • Natural 85% gypsum in powder form
  • Cladding cardboard with roll widths of 1180 mm and 1250 mm, thickness 0.3 - 0.46 mm, specific gravity from 170 to 220 g/sq. m, horizontal tensile strength - at least 3.5 kN/m, horizontal load resistance limit - from 12.5 kN/m.
  • 70% starch with 11-13% water content, alkaline pH level 6.5 - 7.5, protein - 3%, dust - maximum 2%. The solubility of starch in water should be between 73 and 78%.
  • Synthetic foaming agent with a concentration of mineral salts of no more than 2.5%.

Even before starting the line, make sure that it is completely grounded, gas pressure is stable, perfect job smoke exhauster and continuous current supply, since any malfunction can lead to poisoning of workers and the occurrence of emergency situations. To avoid contamination of the eyes and respiratory tract with gypsum powder, all personnel are required to work in safety glasses and a respirator.

Drywall production lines are as reliable and automated as possible, which can significantly reduce material consumption, labor costs and work process time. Most functions - feeding cardboard, forming sheets, applying glue, entering the dryer, maintaining a constant temperature in the oven, feeding gypsum powder and water into the mixer, final cutting of sheets - are carried out automatically.

For smooth and cost-effective production, you will need 12 operators, one of whom will be responsible for supplying gypsum powder, two for heating and supplying water to the gypsum mixer, two more for molding gypsum sheets, one for moving the web on a conveyor belt, two for feeding of cardboard, another one for the entry of sheets into the dryer, another for their exit from there, and, finally, the last two for removing finished products from the line. To periodically check electrical equipment, you will need an electrician, and to monitor the work process, a master technologist.

Drywall production technology

The devil is not as scary as he is painted, and in practice you will see for yourself how simple the technology for producing drywall is. The first step towards your cherished goal will be preparing a mixture of water and gypsum powder. This is done in gypsum mixer. Moreover, the finer the gypsum grind, the better the quality of the final product.

When the mixture is ready, the top and bottom cardboard sheets are fed onto the line. In the molding module, the gypsum mixture falls onto the bottom layer of cardboard from the gypsum mixer. Afterwards it is leveled and covered with a top layer of cardboard, pre-lubricated with glue.

Using a special device, the bottom sheet is given the required shape and width, after which both layers are rolled with a pressure drum.

Thus, a finished cardboard profile with gypsum filling is obtained, which is then conveyed through a conveyor into the guillotine for cutting. From there, sheets of the required size come out.

After that, they are sent by conveyor to a 6-tier dryer and remain there for about an hour.

Humidity of sheets when leaving drying chamber should not be higher than 7%. Then the dry slabs enter the device for high-speed (finishing) edge trimming, after which they end up on the finished product table. From there they are removed by workers and placed on pallets.

Finished products

So, your first batch of drywall is ready. It will be better if by this time you have already concluded supply contracts with trading companies or construction organizations.

Don't forget about advertising your product and keep in mind that modesty is not appropriate here. This should be extensive PR, designed not only for your city, but also for the entire region (at least!). In such cases, it is better not to skimp and immediately hire professionals advertising business. As a rule, successful advertising more than pays off in high sales.

Another tip that might make you your first million: try incorporating phase reversible materials (RPMs) into your technology. These include salt hydrates, paraffin and others. They increase the ability of drywall to accumulate heat, which helps save up to 40% of energy consumption in buildings, offices, apartments, etc.

The Russian building materials market is mainly crowded with products from four fairly large plasterboard manufacturers: English "Gyproc" (Gyproc), French "Lafarge" (Lafarge), German "Knauf" (Knauf) and Austrian "Rigips" (Rigips). Even if the products are manufactured at branch factories in Russia, and not in Germany, Austria or France, they are of good quality.

Knauf Corporation took a leading position among producers of dry building mixtures and drywall. This international group includes more than 120 factories in over 30 European countries, South America, USA and Asia. Two brothers (German by nationality) - Alfonso and Karl Knauf, about seventy years ago founded the Knauf company, which today is the leader in the construction complex of Russia, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.
The company is the largest German investor in the industry in these countries, which produces high-quality products using local personnel. For the first time in Russia, this company opened its TIGI-Knauf plant in the city of Krasnoyarsk, which produces tools and building materials for a full cycle of interior finishing. In addition, this company bought several more factories in Russia.

Gyproc company intended for production only gypsum materials and belongs to the group “BPB” (“British Plaster Board”). To date, experts have repeatedly recognized this brand of drywall as the most reliable among its analogues. Gyproc supplies products to Russia from factories located in Poland, Finland, England, Denmark and Sweden.

Rigips company (Austria) belongs to BPV, the world's largest group that produces gypsum products worldwide. The English "VRV" bought shares of the "Rigips" brand more than twenty years ago and quickly began producing dry mixes, construction plaster and drywall with that name. The company has 80 factories located around the world. VRV supplies its products to more than 35 countries.

Concern "Lafarge" (France) representative of a large manufacturer of building materials. The company owns factories producing plasterboard in Italy, France, Germany, Holland, Poland, and Turkey. In 2002, Lafarge installed German equipment in Poland and began producing products under the Nida Gips brand. Most of the products on the Russian market are supplied by the Lafarge Gips company, which is represented by the Lafarge Nida Gips department.

On the Russian market, in addition to the listed brands, there are also quite large and successfully proven plasterboard production factories. We invite you to consider their activities in more detail.

"Knauf gypsum Dzerzhinsk", Nizhny Novgorod region

The company produces dry building mixtures based on gypsum binders and gypsum fiber sheets. The company was founded in 1986 under the name "Avangard". In 1995, the company Gebr.KNAUF Verwaltungsgeselschaft (Germany) won a controlling stake in the Avangard company and pledged to invest in the enterprise by supplying equipment and funds.

In 1996, the company began modernizing the production line and major renovation. In 2004, the company was transformed from Avangard OJSC to Knauf Gips Dzerzhinsk LLC.

Products manufactured by Knauf Gips Dzerzhinsk:

  • gypsum fiber sheets;
  • building gypsum;
  • dry floor elements;
  • construction dry mixtures.

Today, Knauf Gips Dzerzhinsk is developing well in the building materials market.

"Knauf gypsum Kolpino", St. Petersburg

The Knauf company launched lines at the Knauf Gypsum Kolpino enterprise for the production of dry building mixtures, tongue-and-groove slabs, metal profiles for complex Knauf systems.

The Knauf gypsum Kolpino company is the main supplier of Knauf systems, as well as individual elements in Russia (North-Western region).

The main activity of the company is the production of gypsum. But besides this, the company also demonstrates other activities, such as:

  • development of stone quarries;
  • extraction of gypsum stone, chalk and limestone;
  • development of sand and gravel quarries;
  • production of concrete dry mixtures, etc.

"Knauf gypsum Chelyabinsk", Chelyabinsk

The company was built on imported equipment (contract with the Federal Republic of Germany). The company is located in the city of Chelyabinsk, in its industrial zone. There are convenient access roads near the enterprise and the company itself is located near railway station, which ensures uninterrupted supply of products and delivery of raw materials.

In 1985, the Knauf gypsum Chelyabinsk company produced a pilot batch gypsum fiber sheets, and in 1989 brought the production of gypsum fiber sheets to its designed capacity.

The company produces high-quality building materials for reconstruction and construction of facilities social sphere and housing: dry building mixtures (putty, adhesive and plaster), gypsum fiber sheet.

The Knauf company began operating at the enterprise in 1997. Plant employees together with Knauf specialists conducted a deep technical analysis activities of the enterprise and planned investment program. Thanks to the joint efforts of German and Russian specialists The production reconstruction program was successfully completed and the quality of products was improved.

The Knauf Gips Chelyabinsk company supplies its products to many regions of Russia: Far East, Urals, Siberia and others.

"Volma", Volgograd region

This enterprise is the largest manufacturer of plasterboard in Russia and occupies pride of place in the construction industry. The beginning of the history of this company can be called 1943, when they began to build the first enterprise, which later became part of Volma - the Volgograd Gypsum Plant. In order for the destroyed and liberated Stalingrad after the Great Patriotic War rebuild, built this plant (1943).

The company's production continuously gained momentum until 1991. This year saw the most high rate production of plasterboard sheets and gypsum. Further, the quantity of production gradually decreased. As a result, huge debts to the budget were accumulated, labor collective and suppliers, sales markets are lost.

In 1999, new owners acquired the plant and launched its modernization, thus giving rise to the revival of the plant. Since then, the company has confidently maintained a leading position in the Russian building materials market.

"Gifas", Sverdlovsk region

This plant is the largest in the Ural region and produces construction materials. Among the activities of this enterprise is that it processes environmentally friendly, natural raw materials (gypsum stone), which, in turn, is the main component in the production of plasterboard; tongue-and-groove gypsum boards and dry construction mixtures (plasters, self-leveling floors, putties).

The company produces components for street landscaping: side stones, concrete paving slabs, concrete slabs for tram tracks, curbs, concrete wall stones.

At each stage of production of this enterprise's products, quality control is carried out, which makes it possible to produce products that fully comply with the requirements of GOST and TU.

"Gipsopolymer", Perm region

The company began its work in 1953. In 1993, it was privatized and given the name OJSC GIPSOPOLIMER. The company maintained close contacts with leading enterprises, thanks to which it achieved positive development of the plant. It was distinguished by high technological discipline, qualified workers, experienced engineering and technical personnel, and production culture.

One of the main advantages of this enterprise is having your own raw material base. The company is actively investing in the development of its infrastructure and production facilities, the plant is dynamically expanding its area, increasing capacity, and modernizing production.

In 2007, the company carried out a large-scale reconstruction of production and launched a new rotating gypsum kiln.

The company, together with the Knauf company, modernized the plasterboard production line, and also built a mini-factory specializing in the production of dry gypsum-based mixtures.

Today, the production of drywall is one of the most promising businesses, because... This material is widely used in the decoration and construction of premises. Here we will look at the technology and equipment for the production of plasterboard.

If you are not yet familiar with this material, we will briefly talk about it. Drywall is a type of building material that consists of cardboard sheets glued together with a gypsum mixture, additionally reinforced with reinforcing additives. The characteristics of plasterboard are as follows: lightness, moisture resistance, environmental friendliness, noise reduction, fire resistance, mechanical strength, ease of installation. Gypsum plasterboard sheets (GKL) are more flexible than any natural material, do not contain toxic additives.


It is very diverse:

  • construction of partitions, columns, arches that do not bear loads;
  • wall corrections;
  • finishing of communication cavities (security systems, telephone facilities, etc.);
  • installation of ceilings at various levels;
  • construction of shelves and niches;
  • creation of theatrical scenery, furniture (racks, cabinets, etc.).

Main consumers

Consumers include various construction organizations involved in the renovation of premises, specialized stores, as well as ordinary citizens who use drywall for household needs.

Product range

Requirements for the use of drywall allow us to distinguish it into categories:

  • regular – used at humidity not more than 70%;
  • moisture resistant - due to the gypsum structure with silicone granules, it can withstand air humidity of 82-85% for up to 10 hours a day;
  • fire resistant - not subject to destruction under the influence of high temperatures thanks to the fiberglass content;
  • moisture- and fire-resistant - combines the properties of moisture-resistant and fire-resistant plasterboard.

The production technology of this material makes it possible to obtain gypsum boards of any size. However, for the convenience of builders and designers, sheets are produced with a length of no more than 2.5 m, a width of 1.2-1.3 m and a thickness of 0.8-2.4 cm.

Raw materials for production

For the manufacture of drywall, the following raw materials are used: facing cardboard, gypsum (both natural and artificial), synthetic foaming agent, modified starch. The use of chemical industry waste - phosphogypsum and borogypsum - is associated with additional costs for their purification from impurities. Variations in the weight and flexibility of the sheets are achieved by adding cellulose, table salt, caustic soda, etc. to the molding mixture.

Production equipment

Its manufacturing technology is fully automated. We list the necessary equipment for the production of drywall:

  • device for forming and producing gypsum mixture;
  • apparatus for continuous supply of cardboard to the former;
  • former – ensures the molding of the gypsum sheet and the connection of sheets of cardboard with each other;
  • belt conveyor, which is equipped with additional web and profile thickness formers to ensure exact compliance of the product with the stated dimensions;
  • roller conveyor – cuts the gypsum sheet into sheets using a guillotine;
  • conveyor for transporting plasterboard sheets - it transfers them from the roller conveyor to the cantilever conveyor;
  • cantilever conveyor – places sheets on the dryer conveyor;
  • dryer conveyor – gradually moves sheets until they dry;
  • additional roller conveyor designed for final cutting of the plasterboard sheet and its transfer for packaging and stacking.

Such a production line (machine), for example, GKL-0.2 brand, produces 200 sheets per day and its price ranges from 160 to 170 thousand dollars.

The whole process looks like this - video:


To organize the production of plasterboard, you need a building with an area of ​​600 m2 with a temperature maintained at no lower than 15 ° C and supplied with electricity, gas, water and wastewater.


When choosing a GKL-0.2 production line, you will need the following financial resources:

  • the cost of the mini-line itself;
  • line delivery;
  • formation of a monthly inventory of drywall;
  • preparation and repair of the building;
  • other expenses.

The initial capital for launching a business project will be approximately 7 million rubles.

Revenue and business profitability

Today, the average wholesale selling price for sheets is 150 rubles. Consequently, the revenue from such drywall production will be about 1 million rubles per month. With a profitability of 60-70%, the payback of the project will occur in a year and a half.

This article discusses the process of producing drywall. Drywall is a fairly popular type of environmentally friendly pure material in construction. It received this name due to the corresponding composition of the sheet structure - gypsum, and, accordingly, which is located on the sides. This material is not flammable, even despite the presence of cardboard. The reason for this is the lack of air between it and the gypsum layer. The sheet of this building material itself consists of 93% gypsum, 6% cardboard, and only 1% is various kinds of organic matter and moisturizers.

Technological process for the production of plasterboard

Making a layer of gypsum in a sheet is initial stage material production process. This one by itself natural material has excellent qualities, but its properties can be expanded by making gypsum mass with the addition of some other elements. The technology for producing plasterboard sheets is not that complicated, but it requires special equipment.

The first step is to produce large, flat, continuous strips. IN modern production For this purpose, high-tech conveyors are used, which also set a special section of the required shape. The conveyor is equipped with a special sheet former, onto which sheets of cardboard, both bottom and top, fall. Cardboard sheets are placed on a pre-prepared layer of gypsum mixture from a cardboard feeding machine, which are also automatically coated with a layer of glue along the edges. On the bottom layer, the edges are rolled, thus creating a plasterboard sheet. The shaper sets the perimeter of the canvas. In order for the sheets to be conveniently cut in the future, as the gypsum layer moves along the conveyor belt, it dries, becoming ideal for this process density.

Next comes the process of cutting the sheets using a roller conveyor. Since the sheets of cardboard had to dry before this, the tape moved slowly, but at this stage its movement accelerates. The device, whose operating principle is similar to a guillotine, cuts plasterboard sheets, which then slow down, reaching the next stage - the distribution process. Here, cantilever conveyors are used, which distribute the finished sheets to dryers. Usually, one canvas takes about an hour, so here the tape moves very slowly. After drying, they go to the next roller conveyor, where the sheets are subsequently trimmed. Next process it's already underway manually - stacking and packaging at this stage of production is performed by workers.

So, many are involved in the drywall production process. The facing cardboard gives the surface of the material evenness, and the prepared layer of special gypsum is quite durable. It is thanks to the combination of the qualities of both materials that drywall has become so widespread. Therefore, the equipment involved in the production process must fully comply with accepted standards. The strength of the gypsum must be tested; usually, three longitudinal and transverse sheets are selected for this purpose. This is usually done by quality experts. At the same time, despite the divergence in standards adopted in the country of origin of the equipment, the test results should give excellent results, in which case the conveyors are suitable for mass production drywall.

Demand and sales of drywall

In our country, the sale of this material is due to such factors as the growth of the construction market. In this regard, the demand for building materials is gradually growing. Drywall is used for constructing partitions, leveling walls, modeling ceilings, etc. Thus, this material is more than in demand in our market. However, the share of demand for the product itself domestic production extremely small. Many companies have completely different statistics on the growth of the plasterboard market, and indicators can also vary throughout the year depending on the season. One way or another, an increase in domestic production of more than 10% is normal indicator for our country. Specific gravity material from Moscow companies makes up a third of all drywall on the domestic market. If we compare production statistics around the world, Russia owns only 4%, compared with the more than forty percent share of the United States, the figure looks extremely unconvincing.

The leader in plasterboard production in the world is the Knauf company, which occupies 80% of the Russian market. It is worth noting that its statistics for Europe are half as much - only 40%. 10% of our market is occupied by other importing companies, and only 10% by domestic manufacturers. The sale of domestically produced plasterboard is complicated by the fact that foreign companies interested in that. to fill the shelves of Russia with their goods. Thus, the specifics of the plasterboard market in Russia are largely determined by the fact that domestic manufacturer There are good competitors who also have factories in our country.