Why am I not being hired? Tips for ideal employees. "Why didn't they take me?" Is it always worth beating yourself up for mistakes in an interview?

“I’m not being hired, what should I do” – familiar thoughts? Have you already passed all the interviews in the city, and are still unemployed? Or are you planning for a new one, but nothing works out? Let's try to figure out what's wrong.

Many applicants are tormented by guesses why they are not hired, because, it seems, they behaved correctly, and well prepared, and looked great. Some rewrote their resume several times, compared with others, but the result is still negative.

Employment is a complex procedure and it is influenced by many reasons, which do not always depend on the candidate. Consider typical problems that lead to failure. Some of them are the result of the applicant's mistakes, but there are also those that are independent of him.

The first and main problem is the problem with the resume

  • Quite often, refusals occur due to false information that the candidate sets out in his resume. Many people use to write ready-made templates found on the net, and this immediately catches the eye of an expert.
  • Excessive professionalism of an employee, truthfully stated in the resume, can also lead to refusal. An employee who is too smart runs the risk of getting bored in the proposed position, and labor returns will be low. After a while, he will demand a pay rise or more worthwhile work.
  • There are cases when the employer refuses, bypassing a personal meeting, only after reading the resume. This can be compared to communication in social networks when you do not see your interlocutor. Some cause rejection after the first sentences. The same is happening here.

The second problem is a bad interview.

An interview is a mandatory procedure, since it is required to verify the data indicated in the resume with the real ones. Therefore, candidates need to be careful about the information indicated in the resume, mentioning only the real advantages, so that they are confirmed during the conversation, and do not become a stumbling block. And then I didn’t have to say the annoying “I’m not hired because of a too good resume.”

Reason three - personal characteristics

  • An important advantage for applicants is accuracy and. Being late for an interview will undoubtedly cause a negative reaction from the host. If you feel that you do not have time for the appointed time, be sure to call and warn that you will be late. First good impression sometimes more useful than work experience and a great resume.
  • Watch out for the look! No one will communicate for a long time with an interlocutor who is unkemptly dressed, chewing gum, constantly waving his arms. People don't like gloomy types with round eyes. Simple excitement is acceptable, but the ability to control yourself will help win the favor of the employer.
  • Do you always come to interviews prepared and confident? Some people may dedicate the previous day to celebrating their birthday, and in the morning appear with traces of a hangover and lack of sleep. Failure in this case will be obvious.
  • Hold off on phone calls, no matter how important they are. Before entering the office, turn off mobile phone. A sharp unexpected call will knock you off the topic of the conversation and confuse both you and your interlocutor.

How not to make mistakes in an interview

  • During the interview, demonstrate to the interlocutor the motivation and interest in working for this particular company. If the vacancy in fact turned out to be uninteresting, then it is better to immediately thank the employer and leave.
  • Do not rush from the first minutes to ask the employer about the organizational issues of work: payment, conditions, bonuses. First, show interest in duties and rules, ask questions that come up during the conversation, and then inquire about other information. This will present you as a tactful and interested person. future work and not just its financial side.
  • If the job involves communicating with people, then the applicant must be able to correctly express thoughts and argue with reason. When applying for a position, excessive self-confidence or, conversely, stiffness interferes. Relax and be natural.
  • During the conversation, the candidate should not speak critically about his former leader and colleagues, wash their bones at length. So the employer will decide that a scandalous, conflicting person has come to him. It's not in your best interest.
  • Do not be critical of a recruiter, even if he is much younger and looks inexperienced. Its main task is to check the correspondence of the information written in the resume with the actual qualities of the candidate. If you pass this stage, the next one - the interview with the manager - will be even easier, since you will add positive feedback about you from a company employee.

The list of reasons can go on and on, but even the ones listed will help you check yourself and avoid basic mistakes. Subjective factors do not depend on us and remain on the conscience of employers. Learn to accept rejection stoically, not succumb to pessimism.

Stop worrying and puzzling over the question of why they are not hiring and what to do? Do not stop, work more on yourself and your professional baggage. While there is time for searching, you can set aside time for self-education. And if 5 vacancies have not come up already, the sixth one will do!

Sometimes it happens that a person has passed many interviews, but he is not hired anywhere. “We will call you back” - this is the phrase of the employer usually ends with an interview with such people.

And it's probably not the case little experience work. After all, the employer sees this work experience in the resume, and if it does not suit the employer at all, the applicant simply will not be called for an interview. So why aren't they hired after the interview? The point, most likely, is the mistakes that candidates often make during the interview.

The first reason is a lie

Every job candidate wants to present himself in the most favorable light. Sometimes this results in the indication of false information in the resume. Most often - about the nature and volume of work performed on previous work responsibilities. And the employee cannot answer the employer's questions about these duties correctly, he begins to “swim”. Of course, the employer can attribute everything to excitement. But if a person really did what he indicated in the resume, then even in case of excitement, it will not be difficult for him to answer questions about responsibilities.

The deception can be applied to other things as well. For example, size wages at the previous place of work (a person overestimates the figure in order to raise his price). Such a lie can be revealed after the interview, because the employer does not mind calling your previous job.

Applicants also lie about their hobbies, trying to appear as versatile people. And they do not take into account that the interviewer, perhaps, just has exactly the hobbies he named and will certainly ask about them in more detail.

You can't make a career with the help of deceit - that's a fact. Therefore, a candidate who is caught lying will never be invited to work.

Violation of the norms of decency

Many factors can be included here. For example, untidy appearance: unwashed hair, uncut nails, dirty and wrinkled clothes, the smell of alcohol. This includes being late for an interview, interrupting the interviewer during a conversation, chewing gum, using rude, foul language. Sometimes candidates do not even observe the elementary rules of decency: they do not say hello and do not say goodbye. All this indicates the applicant’s bad manners and may well be the reason for refusal to work.

Negative feedback about previous work

At any interview, they will definitely ask why the applicant left the previous job. This question needs to be answered in advance. Even if your previous boss was a tyrant, and former colleagues- real snakes, you should never talk about this at an interview. Most likely, you will give the impression of a person who simply does not know how to build relationships with other people. Employers don't need such employees.

We all know that it is important for an employee to earn money. But employers want to see first of all those who want to gain experience. Therefore, the question of salary and various benefits, asked immediately, from the threshold - can immediately put an end to work in this company.

The same applies to requests to establish a special work schedule, questions about the possibility of leaving work early, taking time off, and so on. It is better to ask about this when you have already been hired, and not at the interview stage.

You are not interested enough in the job

It happens that a person almost does not care what kind of work he gets. Accordingly, there is no interest, no sparkle in the eyes - and this is perfectly seen by the employer. Many employees do not even try to find out more about the company: about the structure, about the field of activity. But employers often ask this question: “You must have heard about our new project? We are hiring staff... And the applicant does not know what to answer, because he did not hear anything and did not even try to find out.

Often, at the end of the interview, the employer will say that you can ask your own questions. The absence of such can also alert him. At least for decency, you need to ask a few questions: more about the company, about duties, about the nature of the work. Disinterest is immediately visible, and it can be a reason for rejection.

Talk about personal

As a rule, the interview begins with the words of the employer “tell us about yourself”. It is always better to clarify what exactly the employer wants to hear: purely about professional experience or about the personal too. But many applicants immediately begin to tell the story of their life from birth and touch on topics that are not related to work: about their relatives, illnesses, religious views, pets ... It is acceptable if the applicant tells a little about his hobbies, if they are useful and interesting. It can be sports, drawing or something similar neutral. However, it is undesirable to say that free time you like to "hang out" with friends at a bar or strip club.


We offer you a video review of mistakes in the interview.

For some people, it takes no more than a week to find a new job. Others are forced to go to interviews for different enterprises longer. When they don’t hire for a long time, it’s worth thinking about the fact that this is not just bad luck, but the person is wrong about something.

Errors may vary. It is important to understand the cause of numerous failures and correct the situation. Employers, by virtue of their professional activity They see in a person what he himself may not notice.

Assumptions of the applicant about the reasons for refusal

Job seekers spend a lot of time searching new work and gradually come to the conclusion that they are simply unlucky. This is only partly true. To get the desired place, you need to show yourself with better side. Luck plays a role, but not the main one. Jobs are denied for a specific reason. It has nothing to do with luck.

Applicants believe that they are not hired without experience. A person is invited to an interview after considering his resume, which already indicates work experience in a particular field. Therefore, refusal to the applicant for this reason is unlikely. You need to analyze your unsuccessful attempts to find a job and understand what causes a negative reaction from a potential employer.

Employer's motives

Usually the reason for the refusal of employment is related to the applicant's mistakes at the interview. Everything matters: appearance, behavior, manner of speaking, etc. To understand the reasons for the refusal, you need to analyze everything that happened at the interview. The employer refuses the applicant for the following reasons:

  • negative personal characteristics;
  • unattractive resume;
  • mistakes during the interview;
  • bad reference from a previous job.

Applicants may tell lies in an interview if they want to get a job at a well-known firm. A person drives himself into a dead end: his words will be tested by potential leadership.

Candidates make mistakes in the first minutes of the interview. The recruiter asks the applicant to tell about himself. What a person says in response can spoil a favorable first impression of him. Interview rules:

- do not give too much information about yourself;

- talk about your attitude to work and hobbies;

Don't talk about your family and family workaholism.

Negative personal characteristics

The employer has certain requirements for the personal and professional qualities of a new employee. A simple example is an applicant being late for an interview. Every employer is looking for a responsible and punctual person. If the applicant is late, he can delete himself from the list of candidates. There are other reasons for rejection:

  • untidy appearance;
  • lack of self-esteem;
  • inattention during the interview.

The first impression of a person is his appearance. Communicating with a slovenly dressed person who chews chewing gum, the employer will not be long. It is important to think over all the details of clothing.

A calm and confident manner of conducting a dialogue will appeal to the employer more than nervous rubbing of the palms or a long silence instead of answering a question.

Inattention is manifested in the lack of interest in the interview. The person may leave the phone on during the interview or examine the items on the employer's desk.

Unattractive resume

A well-written resume is the first step to successful employment. The employer, before a personal meeting with candidates, can determine for himself a list of potential leaders. He makes his choice on the basis of submitted resumes and letters of recommendation.

A bad resume needs to be fixed. They refuse employment because the resume contains something that should not be:

  1. False information. During the interview, the qualities declared by the applicant, work experience and other information are easy to check.
  2. Template phrases. An experienced recruiter can easily identify such a resume.
  3. Information about excessive professionalism. A person who has already achieved a lot in his career is not needed by enterprises. Such an employee may become bored in the proposed position. He will quickly cope with his duties and ask for a raise in salary.

Problems with the resume can be discovered during the interview, after the interview or before the interview. The time to receive a refusal depends on the opinion of the employer about the resume. If he has doubts, the recruiter can meet with the applicant. If not, then the date and time of the interview will not be scheduled.

Mistakes during the interview

Regular invitations to interviews are a sign that everything is in order with a resume. You need to understand what goes wrong at the interview: does the appearance of the applicant correspond to the dress code of the company in which he came to get a job, does he behave with restraint and calmly. In addition to being late, there may be other errors:

  1. Unpreparedness for recruiter questions. "What do you know about our enterprise?" the recruiter will ask and get a vague answer. Or no response at all. This means that the candidate is not ready for the interview.
  2. Criticism of superiors or colleagues from a previous job. Such a phenomenon is not uncommon. It spoils the impression of the applicant. Criticism is characterized by experienced conflict situations. Nobody wants a conflict worker.
  3. Lack of interest in work. This indicates a lack of motivation in the candidate.
  4. Inadequate response to the proposed salary. This problem is the most dangerous, because high expectations indicate high self-esteem, and low ones indicate a lack of experience and self-doubt.
  5. impoliteness. Appears in people with a lot of experience. This phenomenon is similar to star disease. The employer won't like it.
  6. Refusal to answer questions or comply test. If a person refuses such a way to check his professionalism, then the employer will not consider his candidacy.
  7. Inadequacy of response to the features of the interview. Recruiters use innovative approaches to finding candidates for vacant positions: games, professional logic exercises, artificial recreation of the working situation, etc. The applicant may not be ready for such methods and make mistakes.

Look for every opportunity to correct your own mistakes. The sooner you do this, the better: soon you will be able to find a job.

Bad reference from a previous job

Failure awaits people fired from their previous jobs in the future. Serious violations may be reported to work book. It happens that the denial of employment is associated with a negative review of a person from a previous job. If an ex-employee has a bad reputation, the ex-boss can point this out to recruiters.

If a person is denied a job, then the reason is in himself. The rejection of potential management can be related to an unattractive resume, mistakes during an interview, and even appearance.

To find a place, it is important to work on the mistakes. The main thing is to show your professionalism and readiness to perform any tasks that the employer sets.

Work in modern world very important. And all children from the cradle are instilled with the opinion that without education, training, experience and special skills, it is impossible to achieve a place in the sun. In fact, this is a stereotype. But it still follows every new generation. After all, after spending 5-6 years at the university, it is very difficult to admit later that you could do without it. Working without education and without experience is far from the most a rarity. And you don’t have to think that the career of some kind of loader or cleaner is shining for you. Let's get acquainted with some vacancies that may be your "gold mine".

We evaluate ourselves

No education or experience? You need to start by evaluating yourself. More precisely, their strengths and capabilities. Maybe the job of a loader or cleaner is really more suitable for you. But often the problem of employment is faced by people who, for some reason, refused to receive special education. They are more eager to work right after school.

In this case, a job without education and without experience can be found quite quickly. But before looking for suitable vacancies, it is better to evaluate your health, skills, abilities and character. So, for example, if you are an ambitious, open, active person, then work in the tourism or sales field is more suitable for you. But it would be good for assiduous candidates with willpower to choose office work or something like that. After you can assess your skills and capabilities, start searching and analyzing vacancies.

Fast food cafe worker

Work without education and without experience can start from school. So, it is worth paying attention to the vacancies that are chosen by students. For example, a very popular place is a fast food cafe. Here you can earn not much, but enough to live on. Especially if you don't need to rent a house.

Working without education and without in a fast food cafe is not at all a shame, as many believe. The real shame is to get higher education and then become unemployed. Or go to a vacancy, where they take a university diploma.

To achieve success and a good salary, this work without education and without experience requires a lot from the applicant. For example, quick learning, stress resistance, activity and politeness. Be prepared for the fact that all day you have to run from the cash register to the kitchen, cook, smile, take orders, and so on - all the time. Basically, sometimes it's worth it. After all, over time, you can be promoted to a senior manager. And then you don't have to cook. Your responsibilities will include supervising newcomers.


Work without education and work experience, to be honest, is diverse. For example, if you have a hearing and you can easily and simply become a musician. True, for safety it would be better to graduate from a music school or go to some courses.

If you look closely, many creative people fill just vacancies without education and work experience. And with all this they receive millions for the performance of their duties. If you decide to become a musician, prepare yourself for the fact that at the very beginning you will most likely not succeed. But over time, you will definitely be able to become famous. For example, within your city. This, of course, is not world famous, but also quite a worthy indicator. And if you're lucky, you can hope for a world career as a musician.


Working in Moscow without experience and education, for example, sometimes offers nanny jobs for girls. True, in most cases, applicants are required to have teacher education. But there are exceptions, and quite often. For example, when there is a catastrophic lack of personnel, and also if the girl has her own child.

Nanny is not the best highly paid position. But only if you decide to become a private nanny or you managed to get a job in good company, you can count on a huge success. The average salary of a good nanny is 30,000. And all without education and without experience. If you have graduated pedagogical institute or college, you can hope to receive 45-50 thousand rubles a month. True, the selection in such prestigious firms is very tough.

Sales Manager

There is also such a job without experience and without special education, which suits most applicants. This is a job for a sales manager. It doesn't matter what exactly. This profession has become extremely popular among all ages. Especially when you consider the fact that you can independently regulate your own earnings.

As a rule, a good sales manager receives from 30,000 rubles. But in order to earn large sums, you will have to work, and not sit and wait for customers to come to you. All it takes is the ability to persuade. He can always learn. One has only to find a job, and then start promoting your product, and you will see the result of the work very quickly.

True, in recent times The salary for this job has gone down a bit. And it's not a crisis at all. The competition in the market for goods and services is intense. Therefore, you have to constantly prove that your products are worthy of attention. Sometimes it is quite difficult to do this. But giving up a career as a sales manager is not worth it.


A good job without experience and education exists. For example, another worthy vacancy is a photographer. In order to be called a real master, you can complete photography courses. They last for several months. After that, you can arrange your own career.

On average, a photographer receives from 45,000 rubles. It is good if you become a children's and wedding photographer. So, for example, you can get from 50,000 rubles for 1 day of shooting. As a rule, it takes little time to process a photo. And orders, especially in summer time, a lot of.

How to start a photography career? This can help you social networks. Create your own group, post some of your work and price list there. After that, wait. Also, ask your friends if anyone needs a photographer. Several successful photo shoots- and fame is guaranteed to you. In any case, such as to receive a fairly high income.


There are also several custom work no education and no experience. It's about a career as an actor. To be honest, many famous people never studied in cinematography before. Just finished school. That is, they received basic knowledge.

To become an actor, you need to have talent. And if you have one, then just go to different auditions and castings, send out your profiles and wait for the results. Over time, you will definitely succeed.

If in doubt, you can remember the famous actor Johnny Depp. This man admitted that he hardly graduated from high school and never studied at a university. And with all this, he makes very good money. So there is always an opportunity to become famous. And the level of education has nothing to do with it. The main thing is to have talent. And, of course, don't give up. Be prepared to fail at first. They will make you stronger. But if you really strive for an acting career, you can always achieve great success.


Is it possible to work from home without education and experience? Of course, yes. You just have to look hard for it. The vacancy of the writer will be very interesting. Now, perhaps, anyone can build such a career.

The main thing here is the ability to write. Imagine, come up with interesting stories and describe them. Try to start with small stories. Publish them online. This is how you grab the attention of your audience. After that, take up writing serious books.

There are several ways to become a writer. The first is to become famous through the so-called samizdat. A method when you publish and replicate books for your own money. Very helpful at first. The second option is to build a career through a publishing house. To do this, you will have to prove that it is your work that has a huge advantage over others. What exactly should it be released. And that your book will be able to bring in a good income. But get ready for rejection. The main thing - do not lose heart. Over time, you will definitely succeed. And if you write a bestseller, you are guaranteed a quick and huge income.


Another very popular move is the creation of IP. Now entrepreneurial activity every third person in Russia does it. And often this technique allows, without education and work experience, to receive a stable and good income. So you can try to do this activity.

The main thing here is to choose the right direction. You should not create legal offices or open clothing stores. It is best, for example, to open private salon beauty or service computer help. It will be possible to choose a good direction - and the money will go into your hands.

However, sometimes it is better to have an education. Or completed courses in economics and accounting. This will save cash and reduce documentation costs.


Well, the most popular way to build a career without work experience and education is nothing more than freelancing. To be honest, it is this occupation that everyone can earn - both children and adults. Even mothers with babies who are on maternity leave. Special education is not required, but professional skills should be. For example, in the field of writing articles, as well as in the field of editing computer graphics.

To start a freelance career, you will need to get an e-wallet, as well as find a suitable freelance exchange. For example, "Advego". Here you can easily and simply register, specify your wallet for calculations, and also find a job to do. You take an order, fulfill it, hand it over, receive payment and rejoice. Usually a freelancer receives an average of 20,000 rubles. But this is at first. In the process of work, you will be able to increase your income up to 100,000. And this is not a fairy tale. As you can see, work without education and work experience is a reality. The main thing is to be motivated to work independently.

Sometimes a person really wants to get this particular job, reads a million articles on how to successfully pass interviews, learns the history of the company by heart, studies the profiles of potential interviewers on Facebook and LinkedIn, impresses everyone with his knowledge of the profession. But after the interview, instead of an offer - silence. The candidate calls the HR department, and the girl who used to be so friendly says in office English: “You are overqualified for this position.” The Village found out from the recruiter what this really means and whether it is possible to somehow correct the situation.

Veronika Nikitina

headhunting company lead consultant
"Contact Agency"

Saying you're "too good for the position" isn't always meant to be taken literally. In the polite world of multinational corporations, the image of an employer is so important that the need to state an honest reason for rejection gives way to the desire to leave a positive impression on the candidate. Therefore, such a wording may mean that you simply did not fit - personally, by age, outwardly, by presentation skills, or for a number of other reasons. However, in most cases, this answer is still used for its intended purpose, that is, in some ways you really greatly exceed the requirements of the employer.

Why the company does not take a more qualified candidate

There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, a vacancy in a company means that there is an unfinished block of work that there is no one or almost no one to do. This block of work has its goals, its expected results and its compensation.
And yes, you can potentially take a person who can perfectly execute this block and five others of the same, but such a solution has nuances:

The person may be more competent than his manager, which will not allow him to work as efficiently as possible.

Candidate is likely to get bored quickly, as he is used to doing much larger amounts of work. Soon he may become distracted by other things in working time or ask for more work, distracting the manager and giving the impression of an upstart. And if in some companies constant initiative, activity and expansion of responsibilities are part of corporate culture, then in other companies (or within certain positions) there is no opportunity to realize the potential of employees with such needs. It is highly likely that in a couple of months such a bored employee will ask for a vacation, sick leave, and then bring a letter of resignation.

It is difficult for a recruiter or hiring manager understand the motivation of the applicant, and often there is a fear that a person comes for a short time to “sit out” until he finds something more interesting or highly paid.

Thus, it is easier for the employer to hire a person whose qualifications are most suitable for the requirements of the vacancy. Such a candidate is more likely to spend a long time in the company and at the same time feel comfortable. It is unlikely that such a person will ask in three months when he will be promoted or whether he can do not only his own work, but also someone else's.

How not to look "overqualified"

It is not always necessary to adapt to the vacancy. Because if the leader is purposefully looking for a performer who will never be able to sit in his chair, and you are an enterprising and active enthusiast with a lot of your ideas, then you will feel cramped within this position, and conflicts with the boss will become part of your work. FROM highly likely it will not make you a more effective employee for the company, and you will not be satisfied with your professional life.

But sometimes you really really want this particular job, but they tell you - overqualified. Most likely, your problem during the interview is the wrong placement of accents in the story about your work experience and motivation. For example, you are talking about how you were a marketer in a large international company with billions of dollars in budgets, and you are also used to doing large-scale projects to launch new products in Russia and throughout Europe. And you tell this whole beautiful story at an interview in a small Russian company, whose director immediately warned you that their target audience lives exclusively in the regions and there are practically no budgets: you need to negotiate small free advertising projects in small retail chains.
The hiring manager may get the impression that the company has not yet grown up (and, perhaps, does not want to grow up) to a specialist like you. It's even scary for him to think how much money you want - no matter what number you give, it will give the impression that it's better to look for someone with less experience, but cheaper.

In order not to get into such a situation, you need to clearly understand what kind of specialist they are looking for for this position and what skills they need to perform their tasks. Think about whether you want to do this, and first explain to yourself why you are the right person to complete these tasks and enjoy the process. Remember what your experience can prove to the employer that this is true.

In doing so, you may have to omit some facts from your biography that contradict the proof of your relevance. It makes sense to pay such a price if you really want to get into this particular position.

However, if you would like to find a job where you will be hired taking into account all your professional baggage, and not just what “you can say,” then it makes sense to take risks, sometimes getting rejected due to excessive qualifications, in order to eventually find a dream job.