Layout of hairdressing and beauty salons private. Economy class barbershop calendar business plan. Barbershop Business Plan: Planning

Hairdressing services are in demand on the Russian market all year round. Creating a middle or economy class cabin is a promising direction for small businesses. Requires only moderate investment and detailed business plan. Below is an example of a hairdressing salon business plan with calculations for an average Russian city with a population of up to half a million people.

Brief description of the project

  • Starting investment: 779,040 rubles
  • Payback period: 3 months
  • Profitability: 45%
  • Annual net profit: 3778800 rubles


Idea: organization of a middle-class hairdressing salon from scratch with a cash turnover of 1 year. Organizational form- IP or LLC.

Project goals:

  • Getting a stable income.
  • Satisfaction of the consumer market.
  • Provision of hairdressing services High Quality at reasonable prices.
  • Creation of a profitable company with a further increase in jobs, branches and expansion of the range of services.

Target audience: 70% women aged 16 to 65, 20% men aged 18 to 65 with an average monthly income. The remaining 10% are children under the age of 16.

Average number of clients per month: 600 people.

Types of services: haircuts, styling, coloring, hair care, manicure, pedicure.

Location: residential area of ​​the city

Working hours: 7 days a week, from 10.00 to 22.00. The total number of working hours per week is 80 hours.

The project is financed by attracting own funds in the amount of 779,040 rubles.


Before opening a barbershop, an entrepreneur makes a calendar plan. This allows you to gradually implement the project and protect the business from possible risks. The calendar plan includes limited time periods (month, quarter, year). detailed description every step. Here is a sample beauty salon calendar plan for 12 weeks:

Stage name 1-3 weeks 4-8 weeks 8-10 weeks 11-12 weeks
Drawing up a business plan +
Registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC +
Search for premises, conclusion of a lease agreement +
Obtaining permits +
Premises renovation +
Purchase of equipment, installation +
Search for colleagues +
Launch of an advertising campaign +
Beginning of the salon +

Organizational and legal base

The hairdressing business begins with the registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. To do this, a package of documents is collected and submitted to the tax office at the place of residence. The term for consideration of the application is 2-3 weeks, after which the entrepreneur receives ready-made documents in his hands. To quickly register as an individual entrepreneur, use the service for free.

Important! When filling out documents in the column "OKVED code" indicate 93.02 ("Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons"). This type of activity allows you to provide not only hairdressing services, but also additional ones: nail service, facial massage.

The next step is to choose a taxation system. For individual entrepreneurs, UTII or USN are best suited. How to decide on the tax system, read.

If applicable single tax on imputed income (UTII), a cash register is purchased and registered in tax office. Before starting work with cash register, it is necessary to notify the employees of Rospotrebnadzor. This can be done in the city administration.

A license to provide hairdressing services is not required. In the case of the provision of cosmetic services, a license is required.

The opening of the salon also involves coordination with the SES and fire department. They put forward their list of demands. SES requests documents such as:

  • Agreement on the disposal of fluorescent lamps.
  • Agreement on the removal of garbage and household waste to the appropriate places.
  • Contract for carrying out regular treatments in the premises (disinfection, deratization, disinsection).

Production plan


A room with an area of ​​40-50 square meters must comply with SanPiN standards:

  • Availability of water supply, communications, toilet, shower, ventilation systems;
  • Location - first floor.
  • isolated entrance.
  • Beauty treatment rooms are located in separate rooms.
  • At least 7-8 square meters are allocated for one workplace.
  • 15 square meters account for the waiting area and storage space.


The purchase of the main equipment for the salon is carried out in specialized companies. Additional consumables and accessories are purchased.

Equipment costs

Item of expenses Quantity Cost in rubles
hairdressing chairs "Solo" 4 things. 20500
Sushuar OT-05 4 things. 40000
Hairdresser's sink "Lena" 2 pcs. 26700
Sofa in the waiting area 1 PC. 13000
reception desk 1 PC. 25000
Hairdressing carts 3 pcs. 9000
KKM 1 PC. 15000
Drying cabinet for tools 1 PC. 14000
Work table with mirror and counter 3 pcs. 34000
Consumables (scissors, hair dryers, gloves, towels, hair coloring products, shampoos, etc.) 250 pcs. 45000
Total 242200

State formation

The minimum number of full-time employees is 5 people (3 hairdressers, 1 administrator, 1 manicurist). The salary of each employee is calculated individually, depending on qualifications and experience.

Important! Barbershop employees are required to periodically undergo a medical examination and have certificates for the relevant types of services.

The wage fund will be formed as follows:

Advertising campaign

In the process of organizing a salon, part of the investment funds is included in the estimate for advertising. The further demand for a hairdressing salon directly depends on this indicator. At the initial stage, about 10% of the total investment is spent on advertising. With the growing popularity of the salon, the advertising campaign requires less costs.

*The calculation was made taking into account the costs at the initial stage of the project. Monthly costs advertising does not include the production of a sign with the name and printing of banners.

Investment plan

This is the key point of the plan. The amount of investment can be influenced by factors such as:

  • Desired number of salons.
  • The level of prices in the city in the range of hairdressing services.
  • The number of services provided, employees.
  • The condition of the leased premises.
  • Rent price.

The article reflects the investment in a hairdressing salon equipped on an area of ​​40-50 square meters. That is, one-time investments will approximately amount to:

* The estimate does not include expenses in the form of utilities, Internet payments, household goods.

Annual planning of income and expenses

Annual costs are distributed in different proportions: wage- 40%, rent of premises - 16%, insurance premiums - 14%, consumables - 10%, advertising - 10%, other expenses - 10%. In order to understand when the hairdressing business will begin to generate net profit and pay off the investment, a preliminary calculation is made for the year ahead, broken down by months.

Monthly costs are determined by summing up all items of expenditure, taking into account fixed and variable.

The average daily attendance of the salon is 20 people, the size of the average check is 500 rubles. Accordingly, the monthly income will be approximately 300,000 rubles. This amount can change both up and down.

Projected annual income and expenses

Thus, by controlling expenses, incomes, tax payments and the amount of insurance premiums, ideally, an entrepreneur receives 3,778,800 rubles per year. net profit. Over time, the business expands by creating branches throughout the city.

Possible risks

To minimize the risks that arise when opening and operating a hairdressing salon, it is worth knowing the basic information about them. In the field of small business, there are several groups of risks that may adversely affect the implementation of the project.

  • Economic (inflation, insolvency of the salon owner, lack of a client base, lower prices for services). A flexible pricing policy, providing customers with high quality services, regular promotions and profitable offers will help to avoid such risks.
  • Production (equipment breakdown, disconnection of communications). If you check the equipment every month and pay on time utilities, these problems will not arise. The production risks also include the low level of professionalism of the staff. To control employees, certificates are checked and qualifications are improved.
You can download a business plan for a hairdressing salon with calculations.

Three months of accounting, personnel records and legal support for FREE. Hurry, the offer is limited.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - 240,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 64,175 rubles.
  • Initial costs - 415,000 rubles.
  • Payback - from 7 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will draw up a detailed business plan for a hairdressing salon with calculations.

Market analysis

If we talk about the hairdressing services market, then it should be noted that the crisis and various economic changes react to it, of course, but not critically. A person cannot go long without a haircut. And if a woman has dyed hair, then she will definitely run to the salon as soon as her roots grow back. And then the price will no longer be the same strong meaning, how is the quality.

In total, there are more than 35 thousand different beauty salons in Russia. By the way, almost 15% goes to the Moscow region.

It is noteworthy that the share of chain stores does not exceed 3%. Almost the entire market is based on the work of individual hairdressers. Each of them has its own consumer.

Entering the market for a new service provider is quite easy - it has no financial and competitive barriers. All competitors occupy a very small share of the market. In fact, they are not direct competitors. Is that the salons, which are very close. It turns out that each hairdresser serves its own segment of the market, most often determined geographically.

Almost 85% of the market are medium or economy class salons. When determining the cost of services, it is worth focusing on the prices of this particular market segment. Hairdressing salons VIP and luxury class can not be taken into account. They serve a separate layer of society.

Thus, the main competitor is small suppliers of hairdressing services with an average market price or below the market price. The influence of them separately on the sphere is not significant.

Of course, the most frequent users of the service are women. Men and children have a smaller share of consumption.

Portrait potential buyer: women with an average level of income, actively caring for themselves (age 18-55), as well as men with an average income or above average, aged 20-45. Children are also potential consumers, but, as a rule, parents bring them to have their hair cut in the same place where they use hairdressing services themselves.

SWOT analysis

When compiling a business plan, you need to take into account external factors that can positively or negatively affect the business. You cannot change them, but it is quite possible to minimize the threat. External opportunities include:

  • Hiring more qualified staff.
  • Increased external investment in the project.
  • Development of relations with suppliers of raw materials and equipment, the emergence of permanent suppliers.
  • The emergence of new technologies, the possibility of their implementation.

If we talk about external threats, then the following factors should be noted:

  • An increase in the level of competition and, as a result, a decrease in the average market price.
  • Changing tastes and preferences of consumers.
  • Complications associated with the legislative side of the project, the emergence of new requirements, the need to comply with them.

In addition, the barbershop has its own strengths and weak sides with which it will be necessary to work throughout the entire time. So, the strengths include:

  • Good location.
  • Qualified personnel.
  • Quality equipment.
  • Acceptable prices.
  • Quality service.

The weak points will be:

  • Lack of experience in this area.
  • Lack of customer base.
  • Zero image of the organization, they do not know about it.
  • Narrow range of services.

Opportunity Assessment

Number of working days in a week: 7.

Working mode:

In total, the barbershop will work 80 hours exactly every week. Recall that the maximum weekly hourly output by law should be no more than 40 hours. Thus, at least 2 hairdressers should work in the organization.

At first, 2 masters per shift will be enough. In case of high demand and a large number customers, you can hire an additional work unit. The room must be equipped in such a way that there is room for one more worker.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Official registration. IP or LLC. You only need to pay the state duty for registration, which is equal to 800 rubles. the leader can independently, if needed. Additionally, you can order a print and a printed version or USRIP, respectively. Remember that the type of activity must be indicated there. To do this, you need to find a suitable code for OKVED. In the case of a barbershop, it would be - 93.02 Provision of services by barbershops and beauty salons. It includes not only hairdressing services, but also manicure, pedicure, facial massage services. If you are additionally engaged in the sale of wigs or cosmetics, be sure to include this activity in the registry with the appropriate code.
  2. The tax regime can be selected either UTII or STS. Here the choice depends on the specific case.
  3. Remember that the lease agreement must be official! No verbal agreements. If the premises are owned, this fact must be confirmed by the presence of the relevant paper.
  4. It is not required to obtain a license to provide hairdressing services. However, if you provide cosmetic services in it, then a license must be required.
  5. It is necessary to purchase a cash register and register it with the tax authorities. This is provided that you do not apply UTII.
  6. Before you use the cash register for the first time, you must notify Rospotrebnadzor about the start of work. This can be done in the city administration. You need to have with you: a passport, an application, a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, a lease agreement, documents confirming the presence of a cash register.
  7. There are sanitary standards for hairdressing salons. They are clearly spelled out in SanPiNe, just dedicated to hairdressing.
  8. It is worth coordinating the opening of the salon with the SES and firefighters. Each of these instances, most likely, will put forward its own requirements. So, for SES it will be necessary to submit documents such as:
  • Agreement on the removal and disposal of garbage.
  • Agreement with a dry-cleaner for the washing of the necessary linen.
  • Contract for carrying out activities for the treatment of the premises, including deratization, disinfestation and disinfection.
  • An agreement that confirms that fluorescent lamps are taken out and disposed of properly.

You will also have to acquire a journal indicating that the organization keeps records of the consumption of disinfectants.

All workers must be familiar with the safety regulations. This is recorded in the relevant log book.

Take care of the presence of bars on the windows (if necessary), an evacuation plan, a ventilation system, means of fire safety.

Please note that permission is not required. However, failure to follow the rules in the future may result in a fine or the closure of your barbershop!

  1. All hairdressers must have not only a health book, but also relevant certificates of completion of courses in their specialty. In addition, they must undergo a medical examination every year.

Remember that certificates are required to provide the following services:

  • manicure;
  • pedicure;
  • makeup;
  • body, face and hair.

Drawing up a marketing plan

It is very important when developing a strategy to decide on the name of the organization. The style of the barbershop should be in tune with the name. Pay attention to interior details. The name is better to choose a memorable, catchy. It is good if it is immediately associated with the corresponding type of activity.

At first, customers will come, learning about your hairdresser only from advertising companies. Later, the word-of-mouth system will work.

It is worth using the following types of advertising:

  • Bright and eye-catching sign.
  • Distribution of leaflets and flyers on the street, as well as their distribution to nearby houses.
  • Carrying out promotions in shopping malls with distribution of discount coupons.
  • Advertising in newspapers, on television.
  • Internet advertising (including contextual advertising, creation and promotion of your own group in social networks).
  • Entering information about the organization in all available catalogs of the city.

As you work, you may want to create your own website. Remember that it should be not only beautiful and informative, but also easy to use.

Income calculation

Due to the fact that the initial Money we don’t have much, and the main competitors will be small hairdressers of the middle and economy class, the price must be set at the level of the average market. It is very important that the workers have sufficient qualifications. The quality of service should not be inferior to competitors. The average check at the hairdresser's is 400 rubles. A men's haircut can cost 150-250 rubles, but women's haircuts reach up to 800 rubles, and if with coloring, for example, it will turn out much more.

The average price of the service is 400 rubles. Average traffic - 10 people per day for 1 master. Total 2 masters for 4000 rubles. will make 8000 r. revenue per day.

Total monthly revenue: 240,000 rubles.

Drawing up a production plan

Work can be carried out in an ordinary one-room apartment. The main thing is that it be transferred to commercial real estate.

Remember that one hairdresser should have at least 7-8 m 2. We have 2 barbers. Considering that the area one-room apartment approximately equal to 40-50 m 2, then there will just be an additional reserve space that can be used to attract another hairdresser to work.

The room is better to choose already made repairs. In any case, some modifications will be needed. Especially if the apartment does not comply with fire safety rules (no ventilation, no evacuation plan). This also includes the installation of special sinks for work.

Of course, the most important component of any hairdressing salon is the equipment. This includes chairs, tables, necessary tools(curling irons, hair dryers, etc.), racks, mirrors, cabinets, drawers, bins, shelves, racks. In a word, everything that is connected with the work of hairdressers.

The furniture includes a chair and an administrator's table, hangers, armchairs for waiting visitors.

From the equipment you will need a laptop for work, a phone for receiving calls, and you can also install a music center to create an appropriate or relaxing environment.

Particular attention should be paid to the clothing of the staff. It is better to order a uniform in a special company. Let them make clothes in a certain color scheme, with the logo or name of the organization. Such a move will inspire confidence in customers. They will understand that the institution cares about its own reputation and pays attention to even the smallest details.

4 hairdressers will work in the organization. 2 people per shift. Work 2 through 2. There will also be 2 administrators who do wet cleaning several times during the day.

To attract professional hairdressers, it is worth considering favorable working conditions for them (perhaps a larger percentage of the cost of services, bonuses). The quality of services will directly affect the number of customers.

Initial Costs

Financial plan

Monthly income: 240,000 rubles.

Monthly costs:

Net profit before tax: 75,500 rubles

Tax amount (STS, 15% of the difference between income and expenses): 75,500*0.15= 11,325 rubles

Net profit: 64,175 rubles.

Payback: 415,000/64,175= 6.46. Therefore, the business will pay off in about 7 months, at least. But the first 1-3 months will be a promotion period and there may not be many customers. Therefore, on average, you can take 10 months of payback.


When starting a business, it is very important to consider everything possible risks and try to minimize them. When opening a barbershop, pay attention to the following risks:

  1. Economic risks . These include:
  • Possible insolvency of the business owner.
  • Decrease in demand.
  • Price reduction.
  • Inflation.
  • As a result, a decrease in income.

To combat them, it is necessary to develop a more flexible pricing policy, ensure high quality of services, work with clients, and conduct promotions.

  1. Production risks . They result in a decrease in income.

To avoid these risks, it is necessary to carry out the replacement and repair of equipment in a timely manner, and to have a clear schedule for the implementation of these works.

  1. Financial risks.

It is worth thinking about attracting investments, consider the option of taking a loan. If possible, it is possible to insure not only property, but also specific risks. It is very important to develop a competent and very detailed strategy that will help the organization get into the zone of profitable functioning.

  1. natural risks.

You can avoid them with the help of property insurance.

I would like to give a few more tips:

If you feel that customers are not coming to you, run ads. The most effective in today's age of technology is advertising on the Internet. Order contextual advertising, for example.

Don't try to save money on equipment. This will reduce the quality of the service provided. In addition, low-quality equipment can break down. Pay attention to finding a reliable supplier. Be sure to review all certificates. And when buying, do not throw away guarantees, receipts.

Raw materials are also better to buy in bulk. Find a local supplier or work with a professional cosmetics company directly. This is not only saving money, but also ensuring the reliability and quality of your products.

In the future, you can also retail beauty products. Just do not forget to include the appropriate OKVED code in the extract from the USRIP or USRLE.

Take the time to find professional craftsmen. Half the success of your business depends on them. Be sure to work with them, send them to new courses.

If you cannot find qualified professionals, please contact special schools that train future hairdressers. Select the most promising and offer them a job.

In order to reduce costs and increase control over the business, some entrepreneurs themselves act as an administrator in shifts. Thus, the expense is reduced by the amount of the salary of one administrator and goes to your net profit.

Together with hairdressers you can provide manicure services. To do this, check out.

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!

Do you often go to the hairdresser? Think about it. At least 6 times a year if you need a haircut. And if you take into account other services (hair coloring, styling), then there will be significantly more visits. This business is in demand.

How to organize the opening of your own business in order to invest only 400 thousand rubles? And in a year to return this money and make a profit?

Domain Analysis

If you are planning to open a hairdressing salon, you should familiarize yourself with the possible formats of establishments. They are like this:

  • Budget(economy class) - differ in a small range of services and low prices. Pricing can also be influenced by the quality of work, distance from the center, comfort of equipment and design.
  • Elite(business class) - designed for clients with high and medium income levels. Usually they are located in the city center or close to the transport interchange. They are distinguished by expensive repairs, the availability of high-quality equipment, the level of professionalism of the masters, the use of expensive styling and hair care products.

By type are distinguished:

  • Baby- These are highly specialized institutions that are rare. They are designed, as the name implies, for a special clientele. They are distinguished by the specific design of the room, the presence of multimedia devices, toys and other items in the interior that can distract and interest the child in the process of cutting.
  • Women's- designed to serve the female population. They can also provide manicure and pedicure services.
  • Men's- in them, the masters specialize in men's haircuts.
  • mixed hairdressing salons have a male and female hall. They also cut children's hair.

By the way, a beauty salon is a completely different topic, which differs in many ways from a hairdresser. Mainly, the range of procedures and services offered. In the salon, in addition to styling and cutting hair, various cosmetic procedures. But in this case, completely different requirements will be presented to the institution.

If you are interested in the idea of ​​​​opening a hairdressing salon for only 400 thousand rubles, consider the option of a mixed-type budget format. The project will be designed to provide various services hairdressing to the population with an average income and below average. The pricing policy will be loyal - within 150-500 rubles for one service.

Organizational events

Where to start opening: with registration or selection of premises? To do everything on time, follow the preparation plan:

  1. Finding suitable premises.
  2. Conclusion of a lease agreement.
  3. Obtaining permits.
  4. Development of room design.
  5. Carrying out repair work.
  6. Purchase of inventory and furniture.
  7. Personnel selection.

To reduce the cost of repairs, paperwork, it is worth choosing a room in a shopping complex. The most suitable location is on the ground floor. There is a large flow of visitors per day, so the number potential clients will be sufficient. The premises must comply with sanitary and fire regulations. It must be equipped with ventilation, a bathroom and other necessary communications.

When registering with the tax office, select an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneurship) according to the simplified taxation system. So you can pay 6% of gross income. : "93.02 Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons."

Variable and fixed costs of opening

To organize the launch, it is necessary to provide 400 thousand rubles. These funds will be required to pay rent, purchase equipment, and repair activities.

Estimated starting costs:

The biggest expense item is the purchase of equipment and furniture. For the amount of 200 thousand rubles. planned to purchase the following:

  • 3 dressing tables in the amount of 27 thousand rubles;
  • 3 armchairs in the amount of 14 thousand rubles;
  • 2 sushuars - 23 thousand rubles;
  • 2 washes - 26 thousand rubles;
  • a sofa in the waiting room for 13 thousand rubles;
  • reception desk for 27 thousand rubles;
  • inventory and cosmetics - 70 thousand rubles.

After opening, the monthly cost estimate will be 250-260 thousand rubles:

Item of expensesAmount (rub.)
Total:256 401
1. Rent payment45 000
2. Salary of six employees136 463
3. Deductions40 938
4. Payment under the contract to the accountant and cleaner11 000
5. promotional activities8 000
6. Expendable materials5 000
7. other expenses10 000

Detailed information about the opening of such an institution can be gleaned from the video:

Required personnel

In the estimate fixed costs included wages for one month to six employees in the amount of 136,463 rubles. At the same time, it is planned to attract two employees under the contract - a cleaner and an accountant. Their wages per month will be 11,000 rubles. Six masters will work two days in two to three people per shift. The administrator will work six days with one day off.

Job titleNumber of personsSalary (thousand rubles)Monthly salary fund (thousand rubles)
Total: 143,46
1. Administrator1 15 15
2. Master hairdresser5 40% of revenue121,46
3. Cleaning woman1 5,5 5,5
4. Accountant1 5,5 5,5

If you don't want to pay additional funds recruitment agency and plan to select employees yourself, take into account a few tips:

  • The remuneration of experienced high-class craftsmen for a start-up enterprise will be unbearable. Therefore, invite mid-level masters, three with experience and three beginners. All employees must have the appropriate education.
  • The selection of employees can be carried out by announcement. It is better to find young masters among graduates educational institutions, drawing attention to the assessment in practice. Experienced craftsmen can be lured away from such hairdressing salons by offering good working conditions.
  • The state of health of personnel should be reflected in medical books and should not interfere with work. Each employee will need to undergo an annual medical examination and do the necessary tests.
  • It is worth discussing with hairdressers official duties, having imputed to them the maintenance of cleanliness in the workplace during the day, tidy appearance friendly attitude towards visitors.
  • The cleaner can work several hours a day. For example, before opening and at the end of the working day. Once every two months, a general cleaning should be carried out.

promotional activities

Simultaneously with the registration and selection of premises, an advertising campaign should also begin. This requirement is due to the high level of competition that is seen in the beauty industry in busy cities. Plan to order flyers with information about the opening, pricing, contacts and opening hours. Run information in social networks or order the development of a website that will periodically update information useful to customers. Order a remote outdoor advertising, which will attract customers of the shopping complex. Directly before the first day of work, order an advertising banner and place an advertisement in local newspapers.

These methods must be used constantly, attracting new visitors and forming a permanent clientele. Another marketing ploy is to analyze the work of the closest competitors. Watch their work, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the establishments. Take the necessary note.

Planned revenue and payback of the project

  • number of people per day;
  • the number of services provided;
  • name and cost of services;
  • average consumer check.

It is planned to serve from 20 to 25 people per day at the start (750 per month). They will be provided with 25 to 35 services per day (1050 per month.) The average check of clients will be 395 rubles. Clients will be provided with the following services:

NameCost, rub.)
1. A haircut150
2. Washing head40
3. Drying40
4. Festive styling160
5. Hair coloring700
6. highlighting500
7. Evening hairstyle500
8. Perm500

Thus, taking into account the average payment of 395 rubles and the average number of services 30 per day, it comes out 11,850 rubles per day, or 355 500 rubles per month.

It should be taken into account that during new year holidays and summer vacations, a decrease in demand for hairdressing services is possible. With a good advertising campaign and the skill of employees, a constant client base which will provide a steady income.

The annual gross income of the enterprise will be 4,266,000 rubles, and including taxes - 4,010,040 rubles a year. The amount of fixed monthly expenses per year will be 3,076,812, taking into account the payment of salaries, rent, acquisition Supplies and others. Net income after the first year of operation will be 933,228. If we take into account the volume of initial investments, which amounted to 400,000, then the net annual profit will be equal to 533,228 rubles per year. Wherein initial investment will pay off within a year. The profitability of the enterprise will be 12%.

A novice businessman should also take into account possible risks, such as seasonality, low vocational training masters, uncommunicative administrator, ineffective advertising campaign. If you manage to eliminate all risks in time, the business will be successful.

“Where can I find a good business plan for my future business?” is a question that worries many aspiring entrepreneurs. In part, you already have our answer by going to this site. In today's post, I offer a hairdressing business plan - a sample that you can use as a guide to building your own business. Of course, you can download a business plan for a hairdressing salon for free on the Internet, but will it meet your expectations?


This business plan for a hairdressing salon is a project to create a hairdressing salon (hereinafter referred to as the Hairdresser's) with a payback period of 2 years.

The goals of creating a hairdressing salon:

  1. Implementation of a highly profitable project
  2. Getting a stable income
  3. Creation of additional jobs
  4. Satisfying consumer demand in the provision of hairdressing services

The form entrepreneurial activity: IP

Taxation system: USN

Project funding sources: own funds, or a bank loan at 18% per annum

Payback period of the project: 2 years

Payment of interest and borrowings starts from the first month of project implementation

Conditional life cycle project: 3 years

Stages of project implementation:

The implementation of the project begins immediately after the acceptance of the business plan by the Customer, or after the receipt of borrowed funds. The main stages of the project and the timing of their implementation are shown in Table No. 1:

Implementation stagesConditions for their implementationDeadlines for their implementation
conclusion of an investment agreement for obtaining credit funds1-30 days
obtaining credit fundsavailability of the required package of documents1-30 days
business registration. entry into the register, registration with the relevant authoritiesavailability of the required package of documents1-30 days
search for premises and conclusion of a lease agreement 1-30 days
search and recruitment of personnel 1-30 days
obtaining the necessary permitsthe availability of a lease and personal medical records of staff1-30 days
purchase and installation of equipmentobtaining credit funds1-30 days
conducting a marketing campaign 1-24 months

General characteristics of the object

Absolutely all segments of the population need the provision of hairdressing services. The consumer, through cutting, styling, washing, and other types of hair care, wants to become neat, attractive. We can say that a hairdresser is a private branch of a beauty salon, its a basic level of, which has the prospect, with proper management and appropriate investment, to develop into a salon for the provision of cosmetology services. Therefore, a hairdressing business plan is simply necessary for those people who decide to start their own business in this service sector.

The classic barbershop is visited mostly by people who live or work nearby, so the densely populated area when choosing the location of the Barbershop is one of the decisive factors. Hairdressing salon - an institution that provides services that can be called traditional, related to the economy class, their minimum range is haircut, styling, painting. An economy barbershop business plan is one of the most current projects to date.

As a rule, most clients in such hairdressing salons are permanent, having a “personal” master who often remembers the preferences of his customers. Unlike beauty salons, hair treatments at the Barbershop are inexpensive, and this has the advantage of a number of middle-class visitors who can afford to use the services of the salon infrequently.

The procedure for documenting the work of the Hairdresser is simple:

  1. Registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC
  2. Obtaining a certificate
  3. Rospotrebnadzor permission
  4. GPN resolution

The certification verification procedure by a special inspection commission consists of:

  1. Evaluation of the qualifications of working personnel
  2. Conformity assessments of workplace equipment
  3. Compliance of the working tool, used cosmetics, and other auxiliary materials

The hairdressing salon is planned to be located in a rented building. When looking for a suitable area, an economy class hairdressing business plan should take into account the following factors, mostly determined by sanitary standards:

  • The size minimum area in accordance with SanPin for the first workplace - 14 square meters, for each subsequent place - 7 square meters. m.
  • The following premises (zones) are obligatory in the Hairdresser's: a hairdressing salon (male and/or female), a waiting area, a staff room, a storage room.
  • The presence of a separate entrance.
  • The hairdressing salon has no right to be located in the basement or in the semi-basement.
  • Plumbing required (hot and cold water) and sewers. At the same time, water supply to the workroom should be organized.
  • There must be at least 40 lux for each hairdresser's place. In this case, the lighting should be mixed - natural and artificial.
  • Forced exhaust ventilation and air conditioning of workplaces should be equipped.
  • There must be a shower room for staff.
  • If the Hairdresser's will be located on the first floor of a residential building, the mandatory consent of all residents of this and adjacent entrances is required.

Another milestone organization of the enterprise is the arrangement of workplaces. When opening a Hairdressing salon for 2 workplaces, the following set of technical equipment will be required:

  • swivel chair
  • Barber counter with mirror and tool shelf
  • Mobile trolley for tools and auxiliary materials
  • One hair washer for 2 barbershops
  • Electric water heater without hot water supply
  • UV Sterilizer
  • 1 sushuar for 2 hairdressing places
  • 1 apparatus "Klimazon" for 2 workplaces

Another important point, defined by SanPin, is the presence of at least 3 sets of clothes and 10 sets for visitors per shift, consisting of:

  • 2 towels
  • 1 negligee
  • and 1 napkin

The material for linen used in the hairdressing salon must be natural - cotton or linen. In spite of high price such underwear, it pays off with the possibility of repeated processing and long-term use. Laundry must be done on the basis of an agreement with a company providing dry cleaning services. Laundry in the Barbershop will require additional costs for organizing a room for storing linen, and purchasing equipment for boiling it (according to SanPin rules).

Can also use disposable professional hairdressing plastic kits linen for clients - this will have a positive impact on the image of the Hairdressing Salon, which cares about its visitors.

It is necessary to order the same working uniform for the staff in order to create your own style of the Barbershop. If this is not possible, you can introduce a dress code system - a light blouse and dark trousers, or choose other colors that reflect the individuality of the institution.

In parallel with the work on paperwork, it is necessary to conduct a search and recruitment of personnel. Each of the hairdressers must have a personal medical book. The main criterion for admission to the staff of the organization is the availability of professional skills, confirmed by a diploma or certificate of appropriate training. The current legislation determines the number of hours required for employment as a hairdresser - 1040 training hours.

The staff should consist of both experienced professionals and young hairdressers. The former have a solid work experience that allows them to serve customers quickly and efficiently, the latter try to use new technologies in their work and monitor fashion news in the field of hairdressing. The combination of "new and old" will only positively affect the work of the Hairdresser.

In addition to the masters, you will also need:

  • managing administrator, he can also perform the functions of a cashier in combination.
  • cleaners - 1 person per shift. This point can be discussed with hairdressers, who, for an additional fee, can clean the premises themselves.
  • an accountant who can work under a contract if necessary.

With the masters, you only need to conclude a contract for a certain period, since there is an established steady tendency for hairdressers to leave after they gain some experience, and “acquire” a clientele, some of which will follow them to a new place if they leave.

It is also necessary to include a clause on mandatory annual advanced training in the contract. Given the huge competition in the hairdressing market, only true professionals who regularly follow the latest in the beauty world, improve their skills, and maintain a high level of service.

The working hours of the Hairdressing Salon should be determined based on the beginning and end of the working day in nearby organizations. The scheme of work of hairdressers should be agreed directly with them. For your convenience, here are a few options:

  • 10 hour shift - day after day
  • 6 hour shift - morning-evening
  • 10 hour shift - "2 days in 2"

Based on the performance of operating hairdressing salons of a similar type, one master is able to serve an average of up to 10 visitors per 10-hour shift. Although there are days when customers come more often, and those when they come less often. Considering the average service check of 350 rubles, one master is able to make a profit of 3.5 thousand rubles per shift.

Salary of hairdressers is usually 30-40% of revenue per shift. The duties of the administrator include, among other things, accounting and control of all clients visiting the Hairdresser, in order to avoid providing unrecorded services to friends, relatives, and acquaintances of the masters. Tips from clients handed over personally to the master are not included in the profit of the enterprise. To simplify the work of control and accounting, you need to use the software development of the company 1C - "Beauty Salon".

An approximate price list for the services provided by the Hairdresser can be seen in Table No. 2:

ServiceLead timePrice
Ladies haircut with hair wash

Short hair

Average length

Long hair


Classic men's haircut30 280
Men's model haircut

(with hair wash and dry)

40 420
Men's haircut under the nozzle30 220
haircut25 130
Creative haircut with hair wash

Short hair

Average length

Long hair


Trim hair to one length15 140
Bangs15 140
edging15 100
Beard care25-30 240
Mustache haircut15 80
Drying hair under dryer15-20 50
Drying hair with a hairdryer (without styling)

Short hair

Average length

long hair


Hair styling (+ 1 styling)

Short hair

Average length

Long hair



Short hair

Average length

Long hair


Evening styling (+ 2 styling products)

Short hair

Average length

Long hair


Curler styling (+1 styling product)

Short hair

Average length

Long hair

Hairstyle wedding or creative

Short hair

Average length

Long hair


Men's formal hairstyle40 500

The hairdressing business is a project with a quick payback, which does not require large investments, but with a mandatory special organizational approach for its successful implementation. The cost of equipment and other start-up costs will pay off in the first year of operation. Starting from the second year, the institution will begin to generate net income.

The implementation of this business idea is a rather complicated undertaking, so you must have a business plan for a hairdressing salon with calculations and determining the timing of the project. A ready-made business plan for a hairdressing salon will allow you to avoid all those mistakes that beginner businessmen often make.

Marketing plan

In connection with the economic sanctions imposed against our country, the ongoing crisis, the well-being of citizens began to gradually decline, thereby forcing them to resort to cheaper services, including hairdressing. During the first two quarters of 2015, about 25% of the existing beauty salons were closed, 20% of the remaining number were retrained into classic hairdressing salons with a slightly expanded range of services in the form of manicure and pedicure, solarium, and some cosmetic procedures.

However, due to lack of money, people did not get their hair cut less often, and therefore the number of visitors to hairdressing salons remained at the same level, even slightly increased due to the increase in the birth rate over the past 5-6 years.

The main problems of beginner hairdressing salons are unreasonable overpricing, the lack of a clear portrait of their client, and the separation of client categories. The closure of many establishments also leads to:

  • low level of training of masters and lack of experience of young specialists
  • lack of quality professional equipment
  • incompetence in matters of new technologies and fashion trends

These tasks can be partly solved by timely retraining of personnel, subscription to specialized printed editions— HAIR’S HOW, YOU Professional, Hairdresser Stylist Makeup Artist, Season of beauty, Beautiful Business, etc. Simultaneously with the elimination of these problems, the competitiveness of the Hairdresser will increase.

Graph No. 1 shows the volume of the hairdressing services market for several years:

It is the unstable situation in the market for the provision of hairdressing services that can help a start-up company win the trust of customers, provided that the quality of service is high and a bright positive image of the Hairdresser is formed. The following activities can help with this:

  • placement of advertisements on colorful posters on nearby residential buildings
  • distribution of flyers and mini-brochures by mail
  • advertising in local media
  • holding various promotions, organizing discounts and distributing coupons giving the right to a discount
  • creation of its own Internet resource, which regularly notifies its subscribers about upcoming events and tells about the services provided

Once again, it must be repeated that the success of the Hairdresser, including in competition depends on the competent marketing policy of the institution, the formed image, and on the organizational approach. A huge role is also played by the business plan of the hairdresser, or rather its presence. If you cannot write a hairdressing business plan on your own, or find an example of a hairdressing business plan on the Internet, use this description.

Production plan

The main equipment for opening a hairdressing salon:

  • working hairdressing chairs - stationary, screw, pneumatic, hydraulic
  • ceramic and plastic sinks
  • dryers, climazons
  • hair clippers, hair dryers, curling irons, tongs, etc.
  • scissors, combs, clips, curlers, etc. tool
  • consumables (towels, napkins, balms, shampoos, hair dyes, etc.)


  • master wagon men's haircut
  • female haircut master
  • administrator
  • cleaning woman

Financial plan

Forecast of volumes of hairdressing services for billing period on the example of the Gagarinsky district of Moscow is presented in Table No. 3:

a period of timeserviceimplementation plan (persons per month)pricerevenue (thousand rubles)
1-12 month8000 from 350 to 3000 rubles2800 - 24000
1-12 month10800 from 400 to 5000 rubles4320 - 54000
13-24 monthcustomer service weekdays9000 from 400 to 3500 rubles3600 - 31500
13-24 monthcustomer service on pre-holiday days (per year)12000 from 450 to 5500 rubles5400 - 66000


Despite the harsh conditions created for the existence on the market, the Hairdresser is a highly profitable institution that has great prospects for competent management. The number of people who want to look beautiful, stylish, and neat is not decreasing. A business plan for a hairdressing salon is a prerequisite for the implementation of the idea. Subject to investment in the project necessary funds, the implementation of this business plan is not difficult, and is available to almost everyone. The payback of the project within two years is confirmed by the analysis carried out in the project description. Consequently, financial investments in the implementation of the project are fully justified.

In this material:

Now we will look at how to write a business plan for a hairdressing salon with calculations; the example we will give will include 4 chairs for visitors (2 in the men's room and 2 in the women's room). These jobs are enough to open a barbershop with little investment. Thus, we will analyze all the costs step by step and in conclusion we will conclude how profitable it is.

Salon description

Before you start writing a salon business plan, you need to decide what it will be and make a short description of it.

So, as mentioned above, our example of calculating a business plan for a hairdresser will be for 4 jobs. The barbershop will be open to clients from 10:00 to 20:00.

What services will be provided upon opening:

  • hairstyles (male and female);
  • haircuts;
  • curls;
  • painting;
  • shaving.

To open a barbershop, that's enough.

In the future, for business development, it will be possible to introduce Additional services such as kids haircuts, pedicures, manicures, etc.

Salon room

Having decided on the number of jobs, you can calculate what area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises will be needed. For one master, 7 m² is enough. As a result, for four simultaneously working masters, we need an area equal to 28 m². Here we add a room for a waiting room (it can be a small corridor), a bathroom and an area for masters and an administrator, in total it is about 40-45 m². In terms of these figures, you will need to find such a room to open a hairdresser.

It is best that the hairdresser is located on the first or ground floor. But the second option is less preferable, as few will want to cut their hair in the basement.

The premises can be purchased or rented. The second option is more profitable, since renting will greatly reduce the initial costs. There is only one point here: be sure to conclude a contract with the owner of the premises for at least 5 years, since you will have to do repairs in the premises and it will take a lot of money. If you are lucky, you can find good craftsmen who will make the decoration of a hairdressing salon within 100 thousand rubles (without material costs).

If you rent non-residential premises, it will cost about 20 thousand rubles, and if you buy, then within 2 million rubles. This business plan is average in terms of prices, since in some village and in the center of a metropolis the costs will be very different.

Required documentation and equipment

If you have chosen a room, now you can begin to draw up the necessary documents. First you need to open an individual entrepreneur with a seal, as well as a bank account. If you do it yourself, you will spend 2300 rubles on everything. (state duty - 800, stamp - 500 and current account - 1000). Contacting a company dealing with these issues will cost you 10 thousand rubles.

You will also need permission from the State Fire Supervision Authority, SES and certificates of hairdressers. You will need to pay for the project engineering communications, therefore, the price of the document must be included in the finished business plan of the hairdresser. By doing it yourself, you will reduce costs, including opening an IP, up to 10 thousand rubles.

As for the equipment, you will need:

  • 2 women's chairs with a sink (32,000);
  • 2 male hydraulic chairs (16,000);
  • 4 mirrors and 4 bedside tables (40,000);
  • a locker for outerwear or a hanger (5,000);
  • 2 benches for those waiting in line (16,000);
  • office equipment (25,000);
  • TV with a dozen programs (15,000);
  • 8 cars (20,000);
  • 4 hair dryers (10,000);
  • 3 curling irons (6,000);
  • scissors, razors, combs (2,000);
  • creams, varnishes, shampoos (30,000).

As a result, we get the cost of purchasing equipment 207 thousand rubles.

Prices are for the beginning of 2019, so if you can find something cheaper, then, accordingly, the total plan for the hair salon will be slightly less.

Recruitment and advertising campaign

What else will you need to spend on? This is the salary of an accountant, administrator and craftsmen. It will be profitable for the latter to pay a percentage of the profit (20-40%). On average, the master should receive at least 20 thousand rubles. As a result, 6 masters with a shift schedule will be needed for 4 places, in total they will earn 120-150 thousand rubles per month.

You can perform the role of an administrator yourself. It is better to hire an accountant remotely, for 1-1.5 hours a day. You should spend 80 thousand rubles per year on this.

The last thing that should be in the business plan is the cost of advertising activities. The development of this paragraph is very important for future work institutions. Initially, it will be necessary to spend at least 30 thousand rubles per month on this. The more customers you get, the faster you will become popular, it will help " word of mouth". You also need to make a pillar. Its cost is about 2500 rubles. It is worth ordering the release of leaflets in the printing house, agreeing on advertising in radio and television programs. For our business plan, let's take the average figure for advertising campaign in the amount of 50 thousand rubles.

As a result, we get:

  • initial opening costs will amount to 410 thousand rubles;
  • monthly expenses included in production plan, amount to 190-220 thousand rubles.

Is opening a barbershop profitable?

Consider an example.

The most inexpensive men's haircut is 200 rubles, but for women the price is around 500 rubles. To make it easier to calculate, we take average price in the amount of 350 rubles. With a successful location of the salon in the first months, you will have at least 900 people per month. In the future, the number should increase by 50% and reach 1300 -1500 people. Total monthly revenue according to our business plan is more than 315 thousand rubles. Hence the net income is not less than 95 thousand rubles / month. The payback of such a project will be a maximum of 6 months.

Here we have given you an example of how to open a barbershop from scratch. You can use this business plan as an example.

Order a business plan

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Investments: Investments 1 300 000 ₽

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