Safe practices for plastering work. Safety precautions during plastering work. Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations

The most common cause of injury when performing plastering work is falling from accidental support (boxes, trestles, etc.) instead of using a plastering table.
If you work without protective glasses or gloves, your eyes or skin may be damaged from contact with the solution. Especially severe injury can be caused by the solution that flies out of a broken hose. Using a defective power tool may result in electric shock. You can also be injured by fragments of an electric lamp if a solution splashes onto its hot surface.
To prevent injury, it is necessary to strictly adhere to safe working practices. The mechanisms and pipelines for transporting solutions under pressure must be operated by specially trained, highly qualified workers in compliance with all the requirements of the instructions.
If malfunctions occur in the mechanisms and other elements of the system or plugs of solution form in the system, work should be stopped. Removing plugs is permitted only after the pressure in the system has been relieved.
It is prohibited to bend the hoses through which the solution is transported at an acute angle or in the form of a loop.
The joints of flexible mortar pipes must be secured with special clamps. The use of wire restraints for this purpose is not permitted.
The operator servicing the mortar pumps must be connected by sound or light alarms to the workplaces where the mortar is used.
Before applying the mortar using a mechanized method, the operator (senior level) together with the mortar pump operator must check the condition of the entire installation - mortar pump, compressor, hoppers, vibrating screen - and the strength of the hoses.
Internal plastering work should be carried out using durable scaffolding or special plastering tables. Ladders can only be used for small amounts of work. Plastering work should be performed with gloves. Before starting work, your hands should be lubricated with Silicone cream or IZR-2 protective paste, or, in extreme cases, Vaseline, rub well into the skin, and wear thin rubber gloves under the protective gloves.
Operators who apply the solution mechanically and workers who spray the solution manually must be provided with safety glasses.
When applying the solution, put on the NBT-1 main shield, a cap with a large visor, or a hat with a visor to protect the face from splashes of the solution, as well as safety glasses.
When working with power tools, the worker must ensure that the tips (scarpels, trojans, bush hammers) are securely fastened in the tool body, the compressed air hoses are securely attached to the hammer and compressor nozzles, and also have reliable butt connections. It is allowed to work in tightly buttoned overalls, gloves and safety glasses.
To work with hydrochloric acid solutions, workers must be provided with replaceable protective equipment: acid-resistant suits, rubber aprons, gloves and boots, as well as safety glasses

To create safe working conditions, construction sites are fenced and signs for passages and passages, smoking areas, placement of materials, installation of various machines and mechanisms, etc. are posted on the construction site. Driveways and passages are systematically cleared of debris, mortar, snow, and ice. Dangerous areas are fenced off and illuminated at night.

Window and door openings in the building are fenced off. Before work, plasterers must inspect their work areas, check the scaffolding and scaffolding, and remove all unnecessary objects, especially boards with protruding nails. All instruments must be inspected and corrected.

When working at height, be sure to use safety belts, securing the ropes from them to the strong structures of the building. When repairing houses with brick pipes on the roof, tie ropes, cradles, etc. to the pipes. is strictly prohibited.

When processing surfaces with various machines, workers must wear gloves, safety glasses or respirators.

When painting decorative plasters, it is strictly forbidden to use pigments that are harmful to health and contain lead additives. When working with materials containing toxic components, personal protective measures must be taken.

Only certified plasterers who have completed appropriate advanced training courses are allowed to service machines or mechanisms. It is prohibited to start the machine or machinery without a driver, turn on the electricity, or remove and put on drive belts while driving.

The plasterer's overalls should not interfere with the movements of the arms and legs. When working with alkalis and acids, you should wear gloves, and additionally lubricate your hands with protective ointments and pastes. The handles of the tools should be free of burrs, nicks and other defects. The tools themselves must be firmly attached to the cuttings so that they do not come off during work.

All tools and equipment must be placed in such places that they cannot fall. After work, they are cleaned of the solution, if necessary, washed and put away.

You should especially pay attention to the handles of the graters. They should not have sharp edges, which can often cause injury to wet hands. Handles must be made according to the hand of the worker.

Electrical wiring must be made of well-insulated wires, and the wires themselves must be suspended at a height of at least 2.5 m above the workplace, 3.5 m above the passage, 6 m above the passage. When laying wires at a height of less than 2.5 m from the floor or ground, they are enclosed in boxes or pipes. Connection of additional branches to the existing network is carried out only by electricians.

Portable lamps or luminaires should only be used that are factory-made. The network voltage for portable lamps in construction conditions should be no higher than 42 V, and in particularly dangerous places - no higher than 12 V.

All hand-held machines must be switched off when being moved to another location. Leaving machines temporarily switched on is prohibited. During any break, the machines must be turned off. Switches must have doors that can be locked. Leaving them open is strictly prohibited.

After finishing work, the devices must be turned off. Near each temporarily installed stove or heater there should be a box of sand, a tank of water or a fire extinguisher.

All electrical wiring must be carried out in accordance with safety and fire regulations. It is strictly forbidden to use electrical wiring with faulty insulation. After completion of work, lighting devices must be turned off.

Smoking should be in specially designated areas. It is prohibited to smoke or use open fire at a distance of less than 10 m from cylinders with acetylene and other flammable gases, as well as from gas pipelines and mobile acetylene apparatus.

Established gaps must be maintained between structures and storage areas for combustible materials, and there must be convenient access to any construction site.

Primary fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers, asbestos and rough wool cloths, boxes of sand, barrels of water) must be located in a visible and accessible place. In addition, there must be a minimum allowable supply of special fire extinguishing agents (powder, gas, foam, combined).

Workers involved in applying putty with finishing machines must be provided with protective clothing (overalls, safety shoes, gloves and safety glasses) and soap.

At the end of work, workers should wipe their hands with a rag and then wash with warm soda and soap.

For working with ceramic tiles.

Before starting work, check:

condition of lifting mechanisms, cables, hoses:

operation of equipment and hand-held electric and pneumatic tools at idle speed;

availability and condition of personal protective equipment for workers.

All equipment and tools used must be in good condition. Working on faulty equipment or using faulty tools is prohibited. Dangerous moving parts of equipment must be equipped with protective equipment, with the exception of parts whose guarding is not permitted by their design. The housings of all mechanisms and hand-held electrical machines must be grounded. Cable connections must be insulated. All starting devices are placed in such a way as to exclude the possibility of starting machines and hand-held power tools by unauthorized persons.

The shot blasting machine used to prepare the surface of structures for work on the floor element must be checked periodically. The shot blasting machine must be equipped with a safety valve, the failure-free operation of which is checked using a monometer before starting the device by supplying compressed air to the device. Percussion instruments must be securely mounted on handles of oval cross-section, with a thickened free end and secured to them with metal or wooden wedges.

The surfaces of the strikers of percussion instruments should not have cracks, chips, or burrs. Their surfaces should be smooth and slightly convex. Manual scarpels and tongues must meet the following requirements:

the length of the tool must be at least 200 mm;

The places where the tool is clamped by hand should not have sharp edges:

The back of the head should be smooth and free of cracks, burrs, and chips.

files. chisels and hacksaws must be firmly secured to a wooden handle with a ring attached to it. Do not use this tool without handles.

Working with an electrified or pneumatic grinder is only permitted if there is a protective cover over the abrasive disc.

The valves on the handles of air tools must be adjusted correctly, i.e. when you press the handle, they should open easily, and when you stop pressing, they should close quickly and not allow air to pass through. Hoses should only be connected or disconnected when the air supply is turned on.

The hose should be thoroughly purged before connecting to the tool. Air supply is allowed only after the tool has been installed in the working position.

In the process of performing work on installing floor elements, you should:

* daily check the serviceability of machines and mechanisms, the condition of the wires supplying current; condition of hoses supplying compressed air; Having detected voltage on the housing, immediately stop working, turn off the power and return the machine or tool for repair;

When there are interruptions in work or a power outage, disconnect the machine or tool from the network;

* while working with machines, electric and pneumatic tools, monitor the condition of the cable insulation, the absence of sharp bends, and the formation of loops:

When moving with a power tool from one workplace to another, it is not allowed to pull on the cable or hoses.

connect and disconnect hoses only after turning off the air supply;

at the workplace, store materials in quantities not exceeding shift needs:

working compositions of materials for installing floor elements, as well as compositions used to clean the surface from dirt, prepare for postcards! air or in a room equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation.

Persons must be allowed to service the mortar mixer in which compositions from mortar mixtures are prepared. who have undergone special training:

Load the mortar mixer with dry mixtures only after the mixing element has completely stopped:

turn on the starting switch of the mortar mixer only after warning.

Perform work in confined spaces with supply and exhaust ventilation running; there must be a duty officer on the outside at the entrance to enclosed spaces; a worker in a confined space must have a portable 12V lamp and a safety belt, the free end of the rope from the belt must be at the top of the second worker;

when operating a shot blasting machine, exhaust ventilation must be equipped inside the container (reservoir), the operator must use a gas mask, and the attendant must monitor the condition of those working with the device in a closed container;

When chemically cleaning surfaces with dilute acids, you must:

work only with glasses, rubber gloves, rubber boots and workwear made of acid-resistant fabric:

When diluting the acid with water, pour water into the acid in a thin stream with continuous stirring:

It is forbidden to pour water into acid.

Spilled acid or acid that accidentally gets on a worker’s skin should be neutralized with a soda solution; for this purpose, there should be a small supply of soda at the workplace:

when working with acid in a closed container, there must be supply and exhaust ventilation with a 10-fold air exchange;

When degreasing surfaces with solvents, you should:

Bring solvents to the workplace in galvanized or aluminum containers in quantities not exceeding the shift requirement.

work only when the supply and exhaust ventilation is switched on:

* rags used for surface treatment should be placed in a metal box with a lid; Clean the box of used rags daily.

Perform all work using personal protective equipment, including:

glasses according to GOST 12.4.029;

overalls according to GOST 12.4.029. GOST 12.4.100:

respirators type ШБ-1 "Lepestok" according to GOST 12.4.028;

* mittens according to GOST 12.4.010;

Safety footwear according to GOST 12.4.137;

* work clothes must be dust-free and washed in accordance with the operating instructions.

At the end of the work, you should turn off the electric and pneumatic tools, clean the hand tools and put them in the tool box, clear the workplace of debris; waste materials used when performing work on the installation of floor elements must be collected in containers and disposed of in accordance with the requirements of DsanPiN "National sanitary rules and regulations, hygienic practices for industrial wastes and those considered hazardous to health" "I am the population ".

Before eating and after completing floor installation work, you should thoroughly wash your hands with a brush and soap in warm water.

General requirements. Dangerous areas are equipped with signs, warning posters, light and sound alarms. Before starting work, check the condition of tools, equipment, scaffolding (inventory tables, collapsible scaffolding).

Workplaces should be well lit. When preparing surfaces, mechanized application of mortar, and processing decorative plaster, workers wear safety glasses.

Operation of machines and mechanisms. Mechanisms and tools must be in good condition.

There must be an audible alarm between the operator and the mechanic of the mortar pump so that the mechanic can turn the machine on and off in a timely manner.

During operation of the mortar pump, do not allow plugs from thickened mortar to form in the hoses or pipes, as well as bending of the hoses.

Workers who have a certificate for the right to operate them are allowed to work with construction machines, including manual ones." Personnel servicing the machine must be provided with instructions for operating the machine.

Only on-duty electricians connect (disconnect) auxiliary equipment (connecting devices, step-down transformers, protective circuit-breakers, etc.), and also troubleshoot them.

The housings of electric hand-held machines operating at voltages above 42 V (regardless of the current frequency) are grounded.

They repair, adjust (replacement of working tools, change attachments, etc.), clean and lubricate machines only after switching off and completely stopping.

When there are breaks in work or when being moved to another place, manual machines are disconnected from the network. It is prohibited to leave hand-held machines with the engine running or connected to an electrical or compressed air network unattended. It is not allowed to operate manual machines from ladders.

Connecting hoses to the compressed air pipeline is only permitted through valves installed on air distributors or outlets from the main line.

When using gas drying units for drying plaster surfaces, gas is supplied to the metal air heater through a metal pipeline under a pressure of no more than 5000 Pa. Heated air is supplied to buildings through a metal air duct through window or door openings with fireproof cuts. To dry plaster, it is allowed to use only factory-made gas burners equipped with an automatic lock to stop the gas supply when the burner goes out. The use of temporary metal stoves and braziers (barbecues) for drying premises at construction sites is not allowed.

Devices for performing plastering work at height. Scaffolding, scaffolding and other devices must be inventory, manufactured according to standard designs in accordance with the requirements of GOST 24258-80.

Loads on the flooring of scaffolding, scaffolding and lifting platforms should not exceed the standards established by the project. Congestion of people on the decks in one place is not allowed.

The width of decking on scaffolding and scaffolding must be at least 1.5 m, the height of passages on scaffolding in the clear must be at least 1.8 m. Decking of scaffolding, scaffolding, stepladders, cradles located above 1 m from the ground level or ceiling are fenced. The gap between the wall of a building under construction and the working floor of the plaster scaffolding (scaffolding) installed near it should be no more than 150 mm. During a thunderstorm and when the wind speed is 15 m/s or more, work on scaffolding is stopped. The cradles are lowered to the ground upon completion of work.

During parking, the rolling supports of the mobile scaffolding are secured, and the scaffolding itself is attached to the wall of the building or braced. It is not allowed to move mobile scaffolding in wind speeds exceeding 10 m/s. There should be no workers, materials, containers or debris on them during movement.

In places where people climb onto scaffolding and scaffolding, posters are hung indicating the dimensions and load placement diagram. At least every 10 days, the forest is inspected by the work foreman or foreman.

Internal plastering work and finishing of surfaces with sheet materials are carried out from scaffolding or mobile tables installed on floors or solid flooring along floor beams. The use of stepladders is allowed only when performing minor plastering work.

When performing work on flights of stairs, special scaffolding tables are used to ensure the horizontal position of the flooring.

Preparation of the solution. Some materials used for the preparation of plaster mortars have a harmful effect on the human body: boiling lime, fluff lime, bleach, fluorosilicic cement, gypsum, limestone, marshalite, slag in the form of dust, additives - potash, sodium nitrite, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, chlorinated water, ammonia water, hydrochloric acid, etc. To avoid accidents, strictly follow the rules for storing and using them.

Mortar units are equipped with general supply and exhaust ventilation and local dust extraction in accordance with the requirements of the Sanitary Standards for the Design of Industrial Enterprises. Workers service mortar units and installations wearing overalls, safety shoes, goggles and respirators. Premises in which they work with dusty binders (cement, lime, etc.), as well as installation sites for machines for crushing, grinding and sifting building materials, are equipped with ventilation or local devices that prevent the spraying of materials in the air.

The controls of mechanisms, valves, feeders, etc. in installations for processing boiling lime, fluff, cement and other dusty materials are placed in rooms inaccessible to dust.

The process of slaking lime is accompanied by a rapid release of heat, so in order to avoid burns and fire, certain rules must be followed.

Lime should be slaked using a mechanized method in lime slaking machines, since the effect of lime, although unnoticeable at first, can lead to serious burns to the hands and face. One of the most effective and safe machines for this purpose is a drum-type thermomechanical lime crusher.

When slaking lime in pits, the walls and bottom are concreted or lined with planed boards. The pits are covered with lids with a loading hatch and an exhaust device, and a fence is installed around the perimeter and walking boards are laid. Slaked lime dough and milk are pumped with a mortar pump, and for small volumes of work - with a bucket on a metal chain and rope. The bottom of the pit should slope in one direction.

Workers engaged in slaking and handling lime work in overalls, boots, rubber gloves, goggles, and when working with ground quicklime, in respirators. In case of a lime burn, wash the burned areas with clean water and then with a solution of weak acetic acid.

Ground quicklime is used in solutions mixed with ground additives (slag, ash, clay, etc.) in the form of lime-slag, lime-ash and other solutions, which significantly reduces dust formation, and the mixture must be moved in installations with local dust suction , preventing lime dust from entering the air of production premises.

Persons with damaged skin on their hands and face should not be allowed to work on the preparation of aqueous solutions and additives. Persons under 18 years of age are not allowed to work with sodium nitrite.

It is prohibited to use toxic pigments (red lead, lead crown, cinnabar, verdigris) for colored plaster solutions. The risk of toxic vapors and dust getting into the respiratory organs and mucous membranes of workers during the mechanized preparation of plaster solutions is significantly reduced.

Storage and warehousing of plaster mortar components. It is prohibited to store flammable and explosive materials, metal products, lubricating oils, compressed gas cylinders and food products in the same room with chlorinated water.

Ammonia water, which is an aqueous solution of ammonia with a concentration of at least 20%, releases toxic and fire-hazardous ammonia. Therefore, it is stored in glass bottles with ground stoppers in ventilated areas. Work with ammonia water is carried out in gas masks of brand K (green box) or M (red box).

Sodium nitrite, calcium nitrite, calcium chloride and their mixtures are stored in a separate warehouse. It is prohibited to store them in the same room with acids.

It is prohibited to smoke and work with open flames (gas welding, gas cutting, etc.) in the room where crystalline sodium nitrite is stored. Combustible materials soaked in a solution of this salt are easily flammable and difficult to extinguish. To extinguish these materials, use fire extinguishers or sand (water cannot be used).

In the departments for the preparation of solutions and additives, when using sodium nitrate, calcium nitrate, calcium nitrite-nitrate or calcium nitrite-nitrate chloride, natural or artificial ventilation is provided.

Containers for storing or preparing solutions of sodium nitrite must have the warning label “Poison”.

Workers involved in the preparation of solution additives are specially instructed and provided with special clothing, rubber boots, gloves, and safety glasses.

It is prohibited to eat food in areas where chlorine, ammonia, toxic solvents can be released, or where additive solutions are stored or prepared.

Section 3. Painting work

When performing plastering work, of course, it is necessary to comply with safety regulations. A novice non-professional plasterer must memorize these rules and warnings in order to avoid mistakes and protect himself and others from receiving dangerous injuries. In this article we have collected the most relevant and important tips for manual plastering work.

First of all, take care of protective ammunition:

  • Overalls should be comfortable and non-marking: overalls, a jacket with trousers or a work robe will help you act comfortably.
  • Safety glasses will prevent the solution from getting into your eyes when the reinforcing mesh vibrates.
  • A solution containing sodium aluminate requires the use of glasses, rubber boots, gloves and an apron.
  • Contact with skin of alkaline substances (such as cement and lime) is undesirable - use rubber gloves and goggles. If the solution gets on exposed parts of the body, immediately wash off the solution with soap and water.
  • When working with lime, which is an extremely caustic material, coat your hands with Vaseline.

Safety regulations

  • Before you begin plastering, remove all nails from the surfaces to avoid damaging your hands when smoothing the solution. If you can reuse the nails, put them in a box. It would be preferable to take the box outside the room intended for finishing.
  • Strictly follow the rules for storing and using materials used for preparing plaster solutions. It is especially important to follow the instructions when using substances harmful to the human body, such as: limestone, gypsum, fluff lime, bleach, fluorosilicic cement, potash, sodium aluminate, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, chlorinated and ammonia water, hydrochloric acid, etc. d.
  • Keep with you the necessary first aid medications, including neutralizing compounds of 1% acetic acid solution or 0.5% bicarbonate of soda solution.
  • When working with the dry mixture, try to prevent it from getting into the respiratory organs and eyes.
  • Keep your work tools tidy and clean. Make sure the handles of the plastering tools are smooth and firmly in place. Never use a tool that has lost its handle.
  • In order to avoid the appearance of calluses, try lightly burning the handles of tools over a fire - this simple operation will help keep the skin intact.
  • For external plastering, use scaffolding and scaffolding (wooden flooring on supports); for internal plastering, use the same scaffolding or mobile tables. Ensure the reliability of the supports of auxiliary structures.
  • You should not apply the plaster solution while standing on an unstable support such as a deck placed on barrels and bricks, or boards laid on trestles.
  • To perform small plastering work, it is allowed to use stepladders. Make sure the bottom of the ladder is securely supported to prevent shifting. Every extendable stepladder needs a strong device to keep it from collapsing unexpectedly during use.
  • The load on the decking should not be excessive: do not clutter the decking with all available materials and tools. When moving a heavy load, do it slowly and smoothly, protecting surfaces from impact.
  • If it is necessary to artificially dry the plaster (in rooms where it is impossible to use a central heating system), place electric air heaters or gas heaters in the room. The latter should not be left unattended when they are in operating mode.
  • When installing a gas heater, pay attention to maintaining safe distances:
    1. A distance of at least 1.5 m is required between the heater and the gas cylinder.
    2. Between the cylinder and electrical equipment (wiring, sockets, switches) - a distance of at least 1 m.
  • To heat the room, it is prohibited to use devices that emit combustion products into the atmosphere (braziers).
  • During artificial drying, do not stay indoors for more than 3 hours.
  • Remember that water is an excellent conductor of electricity - do not touch switches, sockets, or switched-on electrical appliances with wet hands.

1. It is prohibited to carry out interior plastering of premises without installing durable solid flooring on the floor beams.

2. In staircases, working at height from ladders is not permitted.

3. When performing plastering work, scaffolding on random objects: heating appliances, sinks, etc. is prohibited.

Plastering of individual small places (sealing holes after installation of sanitary equipment, etc.) is carried out from reliable scaffolding or stepladders.

4. Plastering of external window slopes in the absence of external scaffolding should be done from the floorings released from the window openings. When plastering internal slopes, measures must be taken against the possible fall of working openings.

5. When working from external scaffolding on several tiers at the same time, placing workers on grips located along the same vertical is prohibited,

6. When drying fresh plaster with a special machine or braziers, workers are prohibited from entering an unventilated room without a gas mask.

7. It is prohibited to add lead (red lead, lead crown, etc.), copper and arsenic-copper (verdigris, etc.) paints into solutions for colored plaster.

8. When plastering with a mortar pump and a cement gun, the operator must be equipped with safety glasses.

9. The location of the mortar pumps and the operator’s workplace must be connected by a properly functioning alarm system. The mechanic must carefully monitor the pump start and stop signals. Operation of the pump without an alarm is prohibited.

10. Before putting the mortar pump into operation, it must be tested to a pressure of 15 am. The test results are documented in a report. Exceeding the maximum pressure of the mortar pump during operation is strictly prohibited.

11. While the mortar pump and cement gun are operating, it is prohibited to bend the hoses and tighten the seals.

12. After finishing work, it is forbidden to remove the air valve and adapter pipe without making sure that the pressure has dropped to zero.

13. In places where workers pass, the hoses must be covered with transition bridges.

14. It is prohibited to increase the compressed air pressure in the cement gun above the limit for this design.

15. Blowing hoses with compressed air to remove plugs from the hoses is permitted only after persons not involved in the blow-out have been removed from the hazardous area.

16. Cleaning and repairing the cement gun is permitted only after disconnecting it from the compressor (by closing the air valves at the compressor and at the cement gun). After this, the pressure drop in the piping and hose system must be checked.