Slopes of the front door with plastic panels. Installation of door slopes: methods and features. Slopes for entrance doors

Installation door slopes- one of the final stages of door installation, which allows you to bring completeness to their design and successfully fit the doors into the interior. Door slopes perform not only a decorative function, but also allow you to complete.

Finishing door slopes can be done in several ways:

  • Plastering followed by painting or wallpapering;
  • Plastering with decoration with decorative panels for glue;
  • Finishing MDF panels, drywall, laminate, mounted on the frame.

The technology for making door slopes from all these materials is given below.

Preparatory work

Before starting work, it is necessary not only to choose a finishing method, but also to prepare the doorway, the door itself and the surrounding space for construction work so as not to damage them. Doors and the section of the wall on which they are located, it is desirable to cover plastic wrap by gluing it with tape. It is better to cover the floor with cardboard. It is also necessary to remove all protruding elements that may interfere with installation: doorknobs, constipation, chains.

Old plaster with poor adhesion must be beaten off, the slopes must be cleaned of dirt and dust. All gaps between the opening and the door frame on front door you need to foam with mounting foam - this will improve its heat and sound insulation. Before this, dust, residues are removed from the cracks construction debris and lightly dampen the concrete with a spray bottle for better adhesion. Fill the cracks with foam and wait for its full expansion and hardening during the time indicated on the package. After hardening, the excess foam is cut off with a sharp knife.

Also, at the preparation stage, you can lay electrical cable for lighting installed above the entrance, or other communications that need to be hidden under the slopes.

Plastering door frames

Plastering is performed before painting or finishing with decorative panels for glue. Plastering door slopes with cement-sand mortar, sometimes components are added to the solution that promote rapid setting, for example, alabaster. For painting, the plastered slopes are additionally leveled with putty.

  • Primer for deep penetration concrete;
  • beacon profiles;
  • Cement-sand mixture (CPS);
  • Leveling and finishing putty;
  • Alabaster;
  • Reinforcing mesh and sickle;
  • Building level;
  • Spatula and trowel;
  • Construction mixer for mixing mortar;
  • Primer brush.


  1. The prepared cleaned surface of the slopes is treated with a brush with a primer for concrete. Leave on for the time recommended by the primer manufacturer.
  2. Install beacon profiles according to the level. To install profiles on the slopes apply small areas solution, it is possible with the addition of alabaster - so it will grab faster. Align beacons in level in all directions. Wait until the solution sets.
  3. With a trowel, the solution is applied to the slopes and, using a spatula or a rule, align it with the beacons. Wait a day or two until the solution sets and sets strength.
  4. If you plan to paint the slopes with paint, they must be finally leveled using putty. First, a leveling layer with large particles is applied along the reinforcing mesh, then a layer finishing putty. Corners and joints are recommended to be glued with a sickle.
  5. The leveled surface can be painted with any wall paint or wallpapered.

Installation of slopes with glue

After plastering, the leveled slopes can not only be painted, but also finished with MDF, plastic, vinyl panels, gluing them to an adhesive suitable for these materials. This method of finishing slopes is good because it allows you to make uniform design doorway, choosing a material of the same shade and texture as the door covering.

Required materials and tools:

  • Selected finishing panels;
  • Plastic corner for finishing corners and joints;
  • platbands;
  • Glue recommended by the manufacturer of the finishing material;
  • Sharp knife or hacksaw for hard panels;
  • Roulette;
  • Level;
  • Putty knife.


  1. The slopes of the doors are plastered according to the above technology and after the plaster has hardened, they are coated with a primer and dried.
  2. Slopes are cut out of the selected material, applied to the attachment point and trimmed if necessary.
  3. Apply glue with a spatula in an even layer on the surface of the wall and decorative panels, stand for several minutes and tightly press the slopes to the wall. Excess glue is removed. If necessary, install spacers to support the panels until the adhesive dries.
  4. Install platbands and decorative corners.

Video - how to make slopes

This method is chosen when it is possible or necessary to avoid plastering works. Finishing with panels on the frame is somewhat inferior to plaster in terms of thermal insulation, but it allows you to quickly replace the finish of the slopes during repairs. In this case, the panels are attached to a metal or wooden frame with self-tapping screws. The frame is set according to the level, while quite large drops and irregularities can be smoothed out. Drywall, any panels and even laminate can be used as a finishing material.

Required materials and tools:

  • Selected finishing material;
  • Metal profile for drywall or wooden bars;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • For drywall slopes - putty and sickle;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Level and roulette;
  • Hacksaw, sharp knife.


  1. The surface of the doorway is prepared: peeling paint, plaster, dust and dirt are removed. Prime the surface to reduce dusting. It is not necessary to level it.
  2. Attach drywall guides or wooden blocks to the slopes according to the level. If the wall has large distortions, level them with pieces of plywood or boards. different thickness by placing them under the guide bars. Drywall hangers can also be used. When fastening the guides, the thickness of the finishing material is taken into account.
  3. Mineral insulation can be laid between the guides, this is especially true for entrance doors.
  4. Cut the finishing material to the size of the slopes, try on and adjust if necessary. Fasten the slopes to the frame.
  5. When fastening drywall, self-tapping screws are screwed around the perimeter of the slopes, slightly sinking them, after which the joints are glued with sickle and puttied in two layers. MDF panels can be mounted on liquid nails, dotted onto the guides.
  6. When finishing vertical slopes with a laminate, the bottom board is fixed, the next three are fixed to the lock, the fourth is fixed again with self-tapping screws or finishing nails. On a horizontal upper slope, each laminate board must be fixed.
  7. The corners of the slope and walls must be finished with platbands or decorative corners.

Do-it-yourself door slopes are not so difficult task. Selection suitable material and technology will allow you to do this job quickly and with minimal cost, you can use the remainder building materials from repair or substandard, bought at a big discount.

Creating door slopes is ideal option to complete the finishing of any opening - including exterior and interior doors. These works are the same milestone repair, as well as the process of installing the canvas itself. And the final picture, which can affect the entire interior of the room, largely depends on their quality. In order to do the installation of door slopes with your own hands, you should have certain skills, as well as decide on the implementation methodology and construction materials.

Structure classification

There are several options for how to make a door slope with your own hands, which are to use:

  • drywall suitable for surface finishing, the leveling of which will require a large number of solution. With the help of plasterboard sheets, the surface is easily leveled and, at the request of the contractor or customer, is covered with paint or plastered;
  • plasters, used in cases where it is possible to level the surface by applying a layer of mortar with a thickness of not more than 30 mm. This option is not the fastest, but profitable and simple;
  • laminate, which is suitable for doors or arches already finished with this material. Finishing door slopes laminated chipboard not suitable for rooms with high humidity and, moreover, for external doors;
  • MDF panels, resistant to both temperature extremes and high humidity, due to which it is suitable for any doors;
  • tree, a material that is not cheap, but has good aesthetic and strength characteristics. For slope finishing doorway while doing repair work different class(economy, standard or exclusive) you should use both ordinary wood and valuable breeds tree.

Choosing the option with do-it-yourself door slopes with decorative stone or tiles is a rare, but also a viable option. It is used mainly for the front doors of mansions. Looks especially good decorative rock in combination with a porch, terrace or path to the house made of the same material.

The variety of ways to finish door slopes allows you to choose suitable option for any conditions. One of the main selection criteria is compliance decorative features designs general interior. If several options are suitable for the design of the room, they choose the one that best suits the tastes and financial capabilities of the homeowner.

Do-it-yourself door slopes

During the installation process, surface preparation is required. And only then apply the chosen method of finishing. And it, first of all, depends on what kind of doors we are talking about - installed between rooms or entrance doors.

Slope preparation

In most cases, the surface is pre-levelled. To do this, the contractor must first prepare the right materials– plasters, primers, starting putties, construction mixer(or a suitable drill attachment), roller, mesh, masking tape and bucket. In addition, to prepare for finishing, the slope must first be completely cleaned of old finishing materials (such as mounting foam or plaster) and dirt. And then go to the alignment steps, which can be found on the network and even see the video of this process:

  1. Prime the surface;
  2. in a suitable container;
  3. Apply the solution, leveling it to desired thickness. The adhesion of the material can be improved by spraying the concrete with water. And, if the wall was badly damaged when installing the door, you should use a special mesh;
  4. using corners;
  5. Wipe the dried layer of the solution until cracks and irregularities disappear;
  6. Re-primer;
  7. Bring the surface to a normal state, using already
  8. Having leveled the surface, proceed to the final finish - painting (if the easiest option is chosen), wallpapering, laying tiles, installing drywall or panels.

Slopes for entrance doors

If we consider the options suitable for external doors, it is worth noting the top three, which have a sufficient margin of safety and withstand constant closing vibrations. Internal slopes finished with laminated chipboard or MDF. Panels are installed using mounting foam, liquid nails or using guide rails.

The exterior finish of the door is most often done using plaster, on which tiles or stone can be attached. The beginning of the installation does not differ from the leveling of the surface, however, it ends with the fixing of the finishing material with glue. If a additional finishing it is not supposed, the plaster is painted.

Slopes for doors between rooms

Slope finishing work interior doors DIY can be done using almost any material. The main thing is to observe the correspondence between the styles of structures facing the same room. MDF slopes look good in the living room - especially if you pick them up to match the interior. Suitable for decoration and slopes with wallpapering, visually continuing the walls and increasing the size of the room.

The bathrooms use ceramic tiles - again the same ones that were laid on the walls. Ceramic is glued to a flat surface. If the room is finished with plastic or metal plastic panels, it is worth choosing the same materials for slopes. The same applies to rooms, the enclosing structures in which are finished with drywall.

Among the options suitable for slopes of interior doors, panel and drywall constructions. In addition to the fact that they look more profitable, the cost of such a design will be more profitable than for wood and tile options. And the repair time is less compared to


The way to make door slopes from MDF panels is suitable for any door and consists in installing wooden frame, slats for which are purchased in advance and treated with an antiseptic. In the process of choosing a material, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the dimensions. It should be noted that the thickness of each plank in the process increases by the size of the plate attached to it;

Paneling begins with the selection necessary tools and materials:

  • panels with which finishing is carried out;
  • wooden bars;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette and level;
  • hacksaws.

The technology for finishing the slopes of interior doors with their own hands from MDF is as follows:

  1. Removal of peeling paint and old plaster;
  2. Primer surface, which does not need to be leveled;
  3. Fastening the frame from the bars according to the level with the alignment of the distortions on the walls (using boards or pieces of plywood);
  4. pad mineral insulation(especially true for the outer door);
  5. Cutting panels according to the size of the trimmed slopes, fitting or fitting.

The final stage of work is to fix the material on the frame. If self-tapping screws are used for fastening, they are screwed with a slight depth into the material and. Although when installing MDF panels, liquid nails are most often used, which are pointwise applied to the guides.

Approximately the same technique is also suitable for installation as a do-it-yourself laminate finish for interior doors. Work begins with fixing the bottom board with self-tapping screws and fixing the next three to the lock. The fifth board is also installed using fasteners or liquid nails, after which the frequency continues. For a horizontal slope, each plank is fixed. Corners between walls and slopes are finished decorative corners or cash.

Drywall constructions

The option of installing slopes for interior doors made of plasterboard sheets is suitable if the enclosing structures of the room are finished with the same material, and leveling the surface with only putty will require a significant amount of material. The choice of the two possible options is influenced, first of all, by the length and width of the slope.

Yes, for small assembly seams and minimal damage when installing the door, the first method is used:

  1. From drywall sheet elements are cut taking into account the slope angle;
  2. The surface of the slopes is cleaned and primed;
  3. Dry mix for gluing drywall is diluted with water according to the instructions;
  4. The finished substance is applied in a thin continuous layer on the element that needs to be pressed against the prepared slope;
  5. Panels are installed, starting from the side surfaces;
  6. After installation, the cut parts are fixed with masking tape.

The glue dries, after which the seams need to be puttied and cleaned with a fine-grained sandpaper. And after another layer of primer is applied to the slope, it is considered completely ready. Additional trim can be installed on top of the drywall.

A box with mounting foam and other details that should not be conspicuous. As a finishing touch to the installation. For this procedure, it is not necessary to resort to the help construction companies- You can make and install slopes yourself and at home. This will require building materials, tools, patience and free time.

Why are slopes needed?

The installation of door slopes does not begin with the acquisition or manufacture, but with an understanding main function. or wood detail, which hides fasteners door frame and other elements of the entire structure. Not only a decorative role is performed, but also a protective one - hinges and other details hidden under the panels make it difficult for intruders to break the door, thereby increasing the door's burglary resistance.

What are they?

Slopes of entrance doors can be divided into two types according to the material from which they are made. There are the following types:

  1. Wooden. Panels made of wood have an attractive appearance, high strength and reliability. The disadvantages include sometimes high cost, as well as partial unsuitability for installation in wet areas.
  2. Plastic slopes. Cheap and no less common option, unpretentious to the conditions of use. Slopes made of plastic are not very durable, however, with proper operation, they can last for more than a dozen years. Door slopes made of plastic can be made in different designs- suitable for any interior.

It is possible to make panels not only from plastic and wood, but also from drywall and MDF. All these materials have features, advantages and disadvantages that should be considered when choosing in order to independently make slopes for entrance doors.

The choice of slope material should be based not only on personal preferences, but also taking into account the conditions of use and other factors (for example, the available budget).

Getting ready to do the job

Before you start installing slopes on the front door, you should preparatory work. You need to prepare a tool that includes:

  • Electric drill.
  • Wide spatula (you can also take a narrow one).
  • Building level.
After preparing the tools, take care to protect the door and frame from dirt and deformation during the installation process. To do this, cover the canvas and the box with a film or wrap it with masking tape over the entire area. Also remove any irregularities in the doorway and frame.

We start making slopes

A popular method by which do-it-yourself slopes are made on the front door is plastering. Before forgetting to clean the surface on which the installation will be carried out, as well as primed it. Then follow the instructions:

  1. Install beacon profiles, along which the plaster will be leveled in the future. The position of the beacons is regulated using the building level.
  2. Using a mortar prepared in advance (one part of cement to four parts of sand), hammer in all potholes and the deepest places on the surface. Wait for drying.
  3. Focusing on the position of the beacons, level the slopes, while stretching the solution along the beacons. Repeat this action for each side and wait until dry.
  4. After the plaster has dried, treat the surface with putty and go over it with fine sandpaper to even out the texture.

On this, the plastering of the door slopes is considered complete. After finishing work, you can apply varnish, paint or wallpaper to the surface to give it an attractive look.

From drywall

You can make slopes of the front door with your own hands without plastering, using ordinary drywall. There are two paths here, one of which you can go:

  1. Attach sheets of drywall to glue.
  2. Screw drywall panels onto a wood or metal profile.

The first option is widely used, so we will consider it in more detail. The second will not cause difficulties - it will not be difficult to guess how to apply it.

For the installation of plasterboard slopes you will need the following materials and tools:

  • The required amount of drywall and glue for it.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Building level and rule.
  • Perfougol (special metal corner)
  • Putty.

The process of installing drywall panels is as follows:

  1. Pick up required dimensions sheets of drywall, mark them and cut off the excess.
  2. Dilute the glue in water according to the instructions (usually given on the package).
  3. Apply a sufficient amount of prepared glue to the back of the sheet.
  4. Attach the glued drywall sheet to the wall and press firmly. Do not forget to ensure that the slopes are located exactly at the desired level.
  5. Repeat steps 3-4 with each sheet, adjusting to size during installation.

After the drywall adhesive has dried, you can cut off excess pieces, provided they are available, and then putty the surfaces. This completes the installation.

Made of plastic

Installation of plastic slopes is in many ways similar to installation with drywall, but has its own characteristics. In any case, the installation process will not cause problems. It contains the following actions:

  1. Fasten the slats at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from each other (they are necessary for attaching the plastic panels).
  2. Install plastic elements with snap locks. If horizontal laying is carried out, start from the bottom, after which, panel by panel, go up.
  3. Fasten the strips around the edges to the topmost horizontal slope.
  4. Attach longitudinal strips along the edges and in the center.

You can make slopes with your own hands from plastic in a couple of hours. At the same time, installation should be carried out carefully - plastic is a fragile material that can be damaged by strong pressure or even if it falls to the floor. Be careful.

In order to quickly and without much expense to tidy up the doorway, you can put plastic slopes with your own hands. These structural elements are easy to handle, and therefore even a beginner can cope with the task. Let's look at the advantages of such a finish and how to properly install plastic slopes on your own.

Plastic slopes - a simple and inexpensive way to trim a doorway

Material Features

Plastic slopes - no less popular finish doorways than drywall or MDF. Especially good in decorative and functional terms are slopes from sandwich panels that you can make yourself. In general, ordinary PVC panels can be used for installation, as more a budget option. However, due to the fact that in the doorway it is often necessary to install a layer for insulation and sealing gaps, it is better to use various models sandwich panels. They are a material consisting of several layers: side PVC linings and a layer between them made of insulation, most often ordinary polyurethane foam.

Both conventional and insulated plastic panels can be used to finish the slopes.

Installation of slopes from sandwich panels has a number of advantages:

  • Ease. The material has a low weight, which allows you to install it, saving on fasteners. In addition, their installation does not weigh down the opening itself.
  • Availability. You can buy such overlays for slopes in almost any hardware store.
  • Range. Samples are available, different in color, texture, haze, size and content.
  • Ease of processing. Cutting PVC is very easy, it is especially good to use a jigsaw.
  • Easy installation. To make the finish of the sandwich panels with your own hands, you can do with mounting foam or liquid nails.
  • Price. Compared to other materials, the price of plastic remains low.
  • Thermal insulation. Sandwich panels, due to their filling, allow you to install a barrier to cold and drafts without the use of additional materials.
  • Simple care. In order to further clean the surface, it is enough to wipe PVC surface damp cloth.
  • Durability. Such slopes will last a very long time, as they resist shock and abrasion well, are not afraid of water and are very resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

Lightness and accessibility are the main advantages of plastic panels as a finishing material.

Pay attention to the quality of the material and the reputation of the manufacturer, not all plastic has the above properties.

Finishing methods

In order to make plastic slopes with your own hands, you need to develop a design project in advance. This is easy to do, just choose the right PVC and choose the way to place conventional or sandwich panels.

Usually, a simple white material is used to finish the slopes with plastic with their own hands, since this is essentially a neutral option, or a beige color. For wooden doors it is also important to select material in the appropriate color and with a similar wood pattern. Thanks to the range of modern finishing materials, this is not a big problem.

There are several ways to install plastic slopes. Finishing might look like:

  • Direct overlays. it the simplest option. In this case, you only need to select PVC pieces that are suitable in size and fix them vertically on the sides and horizontally along and above in the opening.
  • Horizontal arrangement. This method is suitable for those cases when pieces of plastic remain after the repair. They are laid on a frame across the wall, masking the joints as much as possible.
  • Lamels. If you want to highlight the slopes, then try this option with your own hands. To begin with, a frame is being built, and then plastic is put on the rails, located across, as in the previous version. In this case, it is better to use a relief material, like siding.

Options for finishing door slopes with plastic

Surface preparation

Making good PVC slopes with your own hands is quite simple. To do this, it is not even necessary to display a perfectly even perimeter of the opening.

Before you start making plastic slopes, you need to make sure that the surface quality is up to standard. In apartments and private houses, a frequent problem is the formation of gaps in the opening at the points of attachment of slopes, which lead to the appearance of drafts and freezing sections of the wall. In order to prevent this from happening, you should first check the opening for cracks and close up all the flaws. For this, mounting foam, sealant or plaster is used. Additionally, it is recommended to lay a layer of insulation on the sides to improve thermal insulation.

Before proceeding with the finishing of the slopes, it is necessary to close up all the cracks and, if necessary, insulate the opening

It is also important to prevent the formation of mold and mildew on the wall. To do this, the workspace is processed antiseptic impregnation. If you plan to pre-level the slopes, you also need to prime the surface. Then the places with the most noticeable flaws are finished with putty. Special attention should be given to corners, in particular external ones. For the convenience of removing them, use a sickle and special profiles. Before starting the laying of plastic, you need to make sure that there are no loose areas and construction debris left on the slopes.

Mounting technology

Installation of plastic slopes can be done by hand in several variations. To begin with, you should consider the simplest and most advantageous option, namely, slopes from ready-made sandwich panels. It is best if one of their edges has a protrusion with a corner, which will allow you to simultaneously fix the finish on the wall itself with outer corner and draw smooth contours of the opening.

The easiest way is to mount on foam. To do this, you need to attach the panels cut to the width and length of the opening to the place where you are going to mount them. Level and install spacers. Then you need to apply a small amount of foam into the gap. After the mounting foam has dried, the finish will be securely fixed in place. This can also be done in advance if the PVC trim blocks access to the back of the plank.

Another installation of plastic slopes on the door with your own hands involves the use of profiles. You can take the same PVC material or use aluminum as for drywall. First of all, you need to make a frame around the perimeter of the opening. After installing it with your own hands, front finishing can be performed. The plastic is screwed with self-tapping screws, and then the fastening points along the edges are closed with a PVC corner, planted on glue.

For additional insulation under the plastic, you can lay mineral wool or isolon.

Thanks to plastic slopes possible in short terms arrange a complete design of the doorway. This is a great finish for budget repair in the house.

After mounting the door between the wall and the door frame, most often there are considerable gaps, and the appearance of the walls located next to the box is far from ideal. To solve these problems, they came up with slopes on the doors. The name went, probably due to the fact that adjoining small sections of the wall are usually made at an angle - they are beveled. Do-it-yourself door slope installation is not the most tricky thing in repair and construction, but knowledge of the technology and the sequence of actions will allow you to avoid mistakes.

What are slopes made of?

Plastering is considered a classic for finishing a doorway. This method is still relevant today. The slopes are reliable, they are difficult to damage, there are many ways to finish: paint, stick wallpaper, attach any other finishing material. The disadvantages include only high labor intensity. There is one more thing: it will be difficult to achieve a perfectly smooth surface without skills, but you can level it for wallpapering.

A well-plastered slope is beautiful and durable

You can quickly and without any problems. There are even special "L"-shaped profiles. The installation of the slope in this case comes down to the correct marking and its inconspicuous, but reliable fastening. There is a little more work if slopes are installed from laminated or veneered chipboard:

  • The cut parts of the slopes are attached to the wall. There are three ways: to mounting foam and liquid nails plaster mortar or assembled frame.
  • In the gaps between the wall and the material along special rules foam is applied.
  • The platband is installed.

The finish of these materials is quite rigid, has a very attractive appearance. The installation technology is simple and does not require almost any special knowledge and skills. The result is at least good.

Another simple but popular method is. Even without skills, installing door slopes with your own hands from this material allows you to achieve good results: all work is elementary. It just takes effort.

There is another inexpensive way to decorate the slopes on the door - from plastic. If you have the skill to work with such material, you will not have any questions. The only disadvantage of this finish: low strength.

So there are many options for designing a doorway. Usually choose the one that best suits the design of the entire room.

Slopes on the front door

Of all the above materials for finishing the slopes of the front door, only plastering and MDF finish or laminated chipboard. These materials have a sufficient margin of safety to withstand the repeated impacts at the entrance are simply inevitable.

If we talk about finishing the front door from the outside, then there is essentially one option - only sealing the slopes with plaster. Another thing is that ceramic tiles, finishing stone, and other similar materials can be fixed on it. The sequence of actions in this case is as follows:

Internal slopes on the front door can also be made of MDF and chipboard. They can be installed on foam and liquid nails, or you can use guide bars. The installation of MDF door slopes is described in detail in the article “. It is better not to use other materials for the front door: they are fragile, brittle.

Slopes for interior doors

Any material can be used to design door slopes between rooms. It is desirable only to arrange all the openings facing the same room in the same way, or very close in style.

AT living rooms MDF slope looks good, especially if the finish is matched door leaf and the same colors are present in the interior. Plaster slopes, painted or covered with wallpaper, are also popular. Classic - always relevant.

In the bathroom or in the kitchen, you can arrange a slope ceramic tiles laid on the walls. Then the finishing technology is similar to that described above, only on last step glue the tiles on the appropriate glue.

If the room is finished with plastic panels, or metal-plastic doors are installed, the doorway can also be decorated with this material. The installation of plastic door slopes begins, as usual, with preparation: everything that can fall off is removed, dust is cleaned off. The next step is simple:

  • To the jamb around the perimeter of the door frame is installed start profile.
  • On the adjoining wall, dowels are screwed at a certain distance.
  • A special “L”-shaped slope made of plastic is inserted into the starting profile.
  • It is pressed against the wall, because of which the dowels go into special grooves.

If the room was finished with drywall, then it is logical to decorate the doors with the same material. This can be done in several ways. Quick and easy - stick on mounting foam. This method is only suitable if the slopes are more or less even. For curved slopes, it will be necessary to assemble the frame, and fasten drywall to it with self-tapping screws. Read more.