Colored curtains - selection of materials and color combinations in a single design format (113 photos). Colored curtains in the bedroom Bright curtains in the interior

If you are tired of the monotonous and monotonous interior of your room, but you want to transform the interior in a radical way?

Then, in this case, you should pay attention to the bright curtains.

Therefore, this article will help you make the right choice, and if it is problematic to make a choice, you can look at various options for photos of bright curtains.

What should be the curtains

Almost every apartment or house has curtains on the windows. However, someone will give their preference to blinds, but curtains are considered the most beautiful and unique way to curtain a window sill.

Curtains can give brightness and style to a room, and individual color shades of curtains can create the illusion of a large space in the room.

However, when choosing curtains, you need to focus on the following:

If the room has very bright natural light, then it is necessary to use curtains of slightly darkened shades. At the same time, it is necessary to find the right and even balance of letting in natural light, but at the same time not allowing the room to be completely darkened.

Use Roman-style curtains, here you need to pay attention to gilded or silver inserts, which perfectly perform a decorative function. It is preferable to install curtains of this style in the living room, which allows you to initially create a pleasant and kind impression.

Use curtains in the oriental style of Japan, here special attention must be paid to the illusionary ability of the curtain. In this case, curtains can increase or vice versa reduce the room itself or individual decorative elements. At the same time, curtains of this style can easily fit into any interior of the room.

What material to choose curtains from

The most preferred option when choosing a material for making curtains is cotton with the presence of polyester in its composition. This type of curtains is very easy to care for, besides, they are easy to wash.

But if you give preference to velvet curtains, this will greatly complicate the care of such curtains. The fact is that such curtains get dirty very quickly and easily become dusty, but they cannot be washed, so it is recommended to take them to dry cleaning. Which will require additional financial costs.

However, artificial silk fabrics or reptiles, in other words, satin, are very popular. Of course, satin curtains can easily fit into the interior of any room, which is undoubtedly a positive thing.

At the same time, such a fabric captivates with its irresistible brilliance and radiance. However, if you decide to sew a curtain yourself from such a material, it will look like a work of art. The main thing here is to give free rein to your imagination and imagination.

Not only fabric, but also rhinestones can decorate and accentuate

If you do not want to change your curtain to which you are accustomed, but at the same time you want to transform it. There is one most effective way that can radically transform absolutely any curtain, this is to use bright rhinestones.

However, in this case, this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. As a rule, many turn to the services of professional craftsmen, but if you read special literature on this topic, you can transform your bright curtains yourself.

At the same time, multi-colored beads and rhinestones can be used as decorative elements. Therefore, the design of bright curtains depends entirely on your imagination and fantasy.


If you want to make your life a little brighter and more fun, change your curtains or give them a second life.

Thus, it will create an atmosphere of lightness and freedom, where anyone will be amazed to the core by the unique beauty of your curtains, and the room itself will be able to look like a royal room.

Photo of bright curtains in the interior

The design of the window opening has a decisive influence on the interior of the room. Even the most sophisticated and rich environment looks unfinished and dull if it is not complemented by the right curtains.

What the design of the room will eventually turn out to be depends on the palette of compatible shades, which we will talk about in this article. You will learn what results can be achieved using curtains of different colors and what you need to build on when choosing a curtain color.

Colored curtains in the interior

The color of the window opening is a factor that determines not only the visual appeal of the curtains, but also their functional purpose. With the help of the right decor, you can smooth out the flaws in the layout of the room and highlight the design ideas used in the interior.

Each color scheme affects our perception of the geometry and space of the room in its own way:

  1. A warm palette - from purple to soft yellow - makes sense to use in rooms with small windows. This tonality has the effect of visually increasing the window opening and approaching the wall on which it is located.
  2. A cold palette, on the contrary, visually distances the window, thereby giving the impression of a longer room. Colored, turquoise, light green and light red tones are rational to use in small rooms;
  3. A spectrum of dark shades has a diminishing effect, while light colors make a room appear wider and more spacious.

Colored curtains on the windows look appropriate if they are matched to the style of the interior. Modern design trends, such as hi-tech, fusion, loft, involve the use of a palette of light pastels and grays, while classic design allows you to use bright, rich shades - from blue to burgundy and emerald.

Choosing the right combinations

The combination of shades in the interior is a whole science that does not forgive rash decisions. There is a set of design recommendations, following which you will choose the best option for window decoration. Check out the basic rules for combining the color palette in the interior of the room:

There are two ways to combine the color of curtains and other interior elements - the method of harmony and the method of contrast. With harmonious combinations, complementary shades are combined - pink, blue, beige, yellow, light green, turquoise. This is a win-win solution for any interiors and especially for small rooms.

Choosing colored curtains for different rooms

Specific variations of color combinations should be chosen based on the functional purpose of the room, in the same bedroom an overly colorful palette would be inappropriate, while in a children's room the brighter and more energetic the interior, the better.

  • Choosing colored curtains for the living room;

You can add panels using colored eyelets. On curtains of saturated shades - orange, blue, emerald, use white eyelets or products in the color of metal, on fabrics of light shades - eyelets of a color similar to the canvas.

  • Choosing colored curtains for the bedroom;

Designers do not recommend the use of overly bright curtains in the interior of the bedroom, since this room requires a seasoned, relaxing environment. When choosing a curtain for the bedroom, give preference to calm pastel colors - beige, blue, light green, purple.

Do not use contrasting combinations in the bedroom - complementary combinations of the shade of the panels and wallpaper will give the best result in terms of the atmosphere reigning in the room. Among the dark colors that are appropriate in this room, we highlight burgundy and coffee. They are successfully combined with any light base surfaces without creating a screaming heterogeneity of the interior.

  • Making a window in the nursery;

In the children's room, bright curtains look just right. For a good emotional well-being of the baby, it is important that the interior is decorated in a light but energetic range, without rich dark tones. You can use all the colors of the rainbow, except for bright red.

Multi-colored curtains in the nursery will give the room a positive atmosphere. To combine shades in one curtain, use curtains made of thin vertical stripes of different fabrics, or decorate ordinary curtains with a light pelmet of a different color.

  • We decorate the kitchen with curtains;

In the kitchen, a light, cheerful atmosphere is important. To get it, use translucent curtains of warm shades - orange, red, light green.

There are no strict design restrictions in the kitchen, everything should be comfortable and pleasing to the eye of the hostess, so you can decorate canvases with anything - ruffles, fringe, airy lambrequin, the main thing is not to compromise with the practicality of curtains in favor of their beauty.

In order to ensure the aesthetic interaction of a person with the surrounding space, the design of any interior involves the use of various decor items and accessories with a variety of shades and textures. Curtains are a vivid representative of those decor details that are capable of changing the interior of any room with minimal time and money.

What are curtains and curtains combined with

When choosing colored curtains for a room, compatibility with objects or other interior details is taken into account. At the same time, other important features of a particular dwelling, including internal dimensions, should also be taken into account. In practice, there are no strict rules that govern the choice of texture and color of curtains. However, it is important to consider the following:

In practice, colored curtains may not be in harmony with the surrounding objects in terms of shade, but they will fit well into the interior in terms of texture, ornament or style and look perfect in it. It all depends on the skillful design decision.

How to choose colored curtains for the interior

There are several simple and understandable rules that determine the choice of colored curtains and curtains when decorating a room. Firstly, in order to save curtains, it is recommended to match the tone of furniture textiles, since both of them will last for quite a long time without replacement. Also, colored curtains can harmonize well with the flooring, a large carpet or kitchen facade, as in the photo. Another important nuance when choosing a shade for window curtains is the presence of many colorful objects in the room. In this case, it is necessary to stop at the choice of plain curtains with a calm texture.

Colored curtains in rooms of various sizes

The dimensions of the room can be visually changed using various design techniques. Colored curtains are just the subject of decor, with the help of which a visual increase or decrease in the volume of the room is achieved. To do this, you just need to make the right selection of the color of the curtains:

  • Warm tones from yellow to bright orange create the effect of magnification and approach of the object.
  • The color scheme of the cold tones of the palette will visually distance the space, as can be seen in the photo. Such an effect can be created by light pearl, pale blue, lavender or pale green shades.
  • White and light colors can visually enlarge even a 6-meter kitchen.

In rooms with high walls, curtains with horizontal colored stripes or a pattern that has a long transverse texture will look better. Rooms with a large area should be decorated with curtains with a large ornament that matches the tone of the overall interior. This is mainly for the living room.

The combination of the color of the curtains with the functional purpose of the kitchen

For the kitchen, the shape and color of the curtains play an important role, because basically such rooms have a fairly small area. Designers advise choosing a transparent fabric of light colors for the main canvas - beige, pink, peach, blue, which will not prevent sunlight from penetrating inside. Dark curtains in the kitchen are possible, but mostly in the form of pelmets or Roman curtains decorating the window itself - this can be seen in the photo.

What is best for the living room?

The choice of curtains for the living room can only be limited by the owner's imagination. The main thing is that light tulle and curtains harmoniously fit into the overall color palette of the room. In the interior of the living room, it is possible to use bright and colorful fabrics of various shades that can emphasize the individuality and uniqueness of style.

Bedroom decoration

The bedroom is a special area in the living room, as it is designed for relaxation and sleep. Therefore, the design of such a room must be approached with special care and caution, thinking through every detail of the interior. When choosing curtains for the bedroom, you need to avoid the use of flashy colors and bright shades. A good relaxing effect can have such colors as:

  • creamy gray, which blends harmoniously with many shades;
  • light green colors with visual relaxation effect;
  • pearl tones are well combined with wallpapers of the corresponding shades.

It is easy to see that the appearance of curtains in the interior of the house indicates that the dwelling has an owner or mistress. Any environment is illuminated by comfort and becomes alive when curtains appear in it. They say: eyes are the mirror of the soul, books are the soul of the house, continuing the logic of reasoning, we can say that curtains are the warm embrace of the house. Whatever the renovation and furniture, the interior remains empty and lifeless until it is completed with draperies framing the windows.

In order for the image of the house to become complete, it is necessary to choose not only the style of curtains, the type of fabric, its finish, but also the right color of the curtains, the one that is necessary for the harmonious completion of the interior ensemble.

Color combinations

Where do the color combinations of curtains begin? What exactly can they be combined with? Are there any rules? There are no special rules, here it is best to rely on your own preferences. In the creation of any interior, there is a certain accenting thing from which the whole situation “dances”. For example, you can choose a chandelier, a sofa, a floor vase or a kitchen set as such a main note if you think over the color of the curtains for the kitchen. This is not so important, the most important thing is that after such a choice of the main motive, you want to be in the room, it becomes easier and you can relax. You can proceed based on classical techniques and set the tone for the curtains in harmony with the walls.

How to choose curtain colors

If curtains are selected in harmony with the furniture, you can try a related-contrasting combination, or a related one based on natural woody, beige, coffee-milk tones. Such a choice is practical if a fairly frequent change of furniture sets is not planned.

The same can be said about the choice of the main color background of the wallpaper. Plain wallpaper and curtains will look wonderful and win-win. What's the charm? Due to the lack of details on the wallpaper and curtains, they are relegated to the background and allow you to highlight furniture and other interior decor items. This solution will not let you down in any design style from classic to eclectic creative space organization.

As much as plain curtains and wallpaper are good at home, they will not let you down in the office. And then there is no need to forbid to riot. Plain walls will support both pilasters and African masks and earthenware jugs.

An interesting option is to combine curtains with large-sized interior items. It is especially convenient to think over the design of the bedroom in this vein, choosing a bed or a chest of drawers as the main batch, choosing the color of the fabric of the curtains for them.

For small design tricks, there is always a field of imagination and with the help of an accent on the curtains, you can hide the shortcomings of the repair or furnishings. Correctly using the color of the curtains in the interior, you can completely divert attention from small holes in the furniture and the like. Helpers will be bright colors of curtains, unusual prints, a cage, a strip of contrasting shades.

It happens that a person has doubts about the strength of his own taste, there is no craving for design, and there is no desire or no opportunity to go to professionals. There is a way out in this situation. The simplest solution would be to use one or two colors in the interior, or a black and white composition. It is impossible to miscalculate using only two colors. Monochrome interiors always look elegant and sophisticated, even if they are not full of details and creativity. Neat, strict and tasteful.

For the proper use of the space of the room, you can stop at the choice of warm or cold tones. According to the laws of color, or rather, its visual perception, warm tones visually reduce space, cold ones, on the contrary, increase it.

Curtain color spectrum and its meaning

How to choose the color of curtains? No matter what tips your head is filled with when curtains are selected, you need to remember one very important detail. Curtains are a piece of furniture that you have to look at every day, and therefore is it worth torturing yourself with too poisonous, bright shades, although preferences are the most important thing. After all, the decoration of any house is the state of mind of its owners, and therefore, it is up to them to decide.

1. White curtains enlarge the room and create a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. It is important to remember that too hot white is good for a hospital ward, and therefore, when it comes to a nursery, bedroom or kitchen, it is better to dilute the unbearable white with delicate pastel tones - pink, blue, magnolia or vanilla.

2. Yellow is the color of the sun, and therefore such curtains will surely warm and illuminate any room with joyful emotions. Gorgeous African design styles start with yellow. Good yellow for children's kitchens. Solar shades paired with grass green is a kindred combination of nature that is incredibly soothing. Orange and yellow - the colors of a summer sunset, are very relaxing and set in the mood for dreams. Yellow and purple are a bright, contrasting combination. As with any contrast with this combination, you need to be careful and be able to maintain a balance of color. Visually, yellow seems more, purple - less, you should not forget about this when choosing curtains.

3. Red curtains are an aggressive and very rich choice that is suitable for the kitchen, office and bright living room. Red is dangerous, very close to bad taste, and therefore you need to carefully approach this choice. It is better to supplement it with related combinations - walnut, oak shades, mahogany. In combination with black - very carefully, you can turn a cute and cozy kitchenette or bedroom into a hellish reception room in two movements. It is better for such an interior to consult a designer.

Correctly selected color of curtains in the interior

Curtains - perhaps not the most catchy, but undoubtedly an important part of the interior, a necessary element that crowns the overall composition of the room. To approach the choice of curtains in the bedroom - a space especially personal and intimate for the owner of the house, it is necessary to consciously and think through every detail. About creating the perfect image in the bedroom in order.


Colored curtains are an additional responsibility and risk, because miscalculations in choosing a color palette will inevitably lead to the fact that interior items simply will not be combined with each other and become unpleasant for visual perception. To prevent curtains from becoming a daily eyesore, before buying, you should decide on some points, namely:

  • With the style in which the bedroom will be executed. Whether it's classic or pop art, the main thing is that the curtains do not stand out from the general concept.
  • With the main interior item of the bedroom, namely, what occupies a central place in it. If this is a bed of bright colors, then you should not focus on the curtains, but hang them in soft, pastel colors. It is possible and vice versa - contrasting curtains that will be in the spotlight.
  • What exactly should curtains be in harmony with: with furniture or walls (maybe just with some accessory in the room, even with pillows).
  • With the role that curtains should play in this interior. It can be decorative (decorating the window and the room) or functional (in addition to decorating the room, curtains serve certain tasks and are blackout, heat-reflecting, noise-absorbing, motorized).


A particularly refined and sophisticated way to drape a window is curtains made of veils in two colors, which will look great in any interior. One solution is to make one color dominate over the other by choosing one veil that is the same color as the furnishings and leaving the other neutral.

There are several secrets for decorating curtains in two colors:

  • light colored veils it will be beneficial to visually increase the space of a small bedroom;
  • for large rooms an interesting solution may be a combination of dark and light fabric;
  • a combination of various patterns and ornaments in curtains perfectly emphasizes the theme of the bedroom (for example, light curtains with golden embroidery are suitable for historical design);
  • patterns are also used to visually change the skeleton of the room(vertical lines on long curtains will visually make the ceiling higher, a horizontal pattern will expand the room space and enlarge the window opening, a large bright print will bring the window closer, and a small print will move it away).

In any case, you should be guided by the advice of professionals, who, in turn, There are 3 key pillars for creating an impeccable bedroom design:

  1. Harmony. No matter what, the shade of the curtains must be in the same color scheme as the furniture and walls. It can be several tones lighter or brighter than other interior items, or create a contrast, depending on what the main focus will be on furniture or curtains. In addition, curtains and furniture should create a single ensemble, cooperating with each other. So, in order to correctly emphasize the dark shades of furniture, it is better to opt for light curtains.
  2. Moderation, or otherwise - caution when combining plain designs with patterns. If the wallpaper in the bedroom is monotonous, then you can successfully complement them with an expressive pattern on the curtains, but it is more correct to choose ordinary plain curtains if there are already expressive prints in the interior.
  3. Single concept. Each style has its own color palette: in classic-design bedrooms, colorful, rich-colored curtains look ridiculous, but pastel and beige shades are the most advantageous. And curtains in bright colors are ideal for bedrooms made in the style of Pop Art.

What color to choose?

Now, having understood the basic techniques for working with the color design of the bedroom, it's time to go directly to color combinations in various styles.

Classic options

Classic is always in fashion. It is calm and restrained, so you will not find bright colors and noticeable patterns in it. Beige, gray, brown and black and white tones rule here. Light beige and chocolate colors will go well together, and milky will suit literally anyone.

Minimal risk - the simplicity of the bedroom, executed in one color palette. In this case, neutral tones of fabrics for curtains are ideal. Snow-white curtains will always look elegant, creating some lightness and airiness in the interior of the bedroom. Even against the background of light walls, such curtains will not get lost, but on the contrary, they will visually make the room larger.

When choosing a print, it's time to stop at a floral or geometric pattern that perfectly complements a room with a light monochromatic design.

Creation of comfort

The climate of a room in which blue or blue curtains are present will be peaceful, conducive to self-contemplation and carrying a sense of security. It will be correct to combine blue curtains according to Feng Shui in bedrooms with predominant light and delicate colors - beige, sand, lilac. Blue is the right color for curtains in a beige room, as it can emphasize its simplicity and sophistication, giving the bedroom a sense of completeness.

Since the bedroom is a place where a person should feel calm and solitude, then it is necessary to choose the appropriate colors that create such an atmosphere. You should turn to the techniques of Feng Shui philosophy, which insists on choosing a blue palette in the bedroom.

However, it should be remembered that the blue color in the interior, although relaxing, makes the room feel colder. Therefore, in order to dwell on the general concept of the interior (after all, warm colors are rightfully considered cozy), it is better to soften this effect with shades of yellow and beige instead of combining blue with white. In addition, you should not use only monotonous blue, as it dims the light, making the room darker and visually narrowing it.

Warm pastel shades also contribute to creating a cozy, relaxing atmosphere in the sleeping space. It can be purple, peach, pale pink. Lilac color harmonizes well with creamy, creamy tones, additionally creating an effect of luxury.

A cozy, warm combination creates a mix of light-colored furniture and coffee-colored curtains. This is a completely unobtrusive contrast, referring to the classical style, but at the same time not letting you get bored with its monotony and formality of the palette.

As in the case of the classic design, it is better to avoid flashy blue, red, green and orange colors, as they will only “cut” the eye and excite the psyche, preventing the owner from fully relaxing and taking a break from everyday bustle.

joyful moments

The color spectrum gives vent to emotions, starting with a light olive and ending with neon green. Such curtains will go well with neutral interior colors - gray, white, as well as beige and pastel shades. But still, you should be careful with the green color, combining it with dark shades of interior items. Emerald green will clearly play out in a small bedroom against a background of burgundy or dark brown wallpaper.

Orange shades, as well as green, create expression in the interior, symbolize the spring and summer periods, and with them cheerfulness and growth. A stylish and noble solution is the terracotta shade, which is at the peak of fashion today. It can be successfully combined with any light wallpaper - from snow-white to cream and pastel. Curtains in orange tones will look great in a room with a predominant white color. Especially if you complement the interior of such a bedroom with bright accessories in the color of the curtains (these can be paintings, lamps or vases).

An interesting pronounced or abstract print, with the right combination with pieces of furniture, will also help create a festive atmosphere.

With two-tone curtains, you should be selective in combining two different bright shades so as not to overdo it with the intensity of the overall color scheme of the bedroom.

Feeling of freshness

Escaping from the summer heat, it is nice to enter a room made in fresh cold colors, as they, like an air conditioner, will create a feeling of comfort and desired coolness. These shades are turquoise, lavender, pearl, blue and mint, which create the perfect combination with white wallpaper.

However, such a combination can lose value if the bedroom is overloaded with a large number of fittings and accessories, while minimalism in the interior will only help create a feeling of freshness. In addition, this design looks modern and expensive.

An ideal example of a minimalist style is if, in the same white room, only curtains and bedding are highlighted in turquoise or blue tones.

Turquoise is simply indispensable when creating an interior in a marine style and, according to Feng Shui, stimulates creativity and helps to concentrate. The right combination for turquoise curtains in the interior - walls stylized as white marble - stylish and elegant. But it is best to use not just plain turquoise curtains, but along with some additional color accent in order to maintain a sense of proportion. In this case, a combination of turquoise with gilding is suitable.