How to open a children's shoe store? How to open a shoe store? Instructions for starting a business

  • Store location
  • Price policy
  • Suppliers
  • Conclusion
  • What equipment to choose for the store
  • Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business
  • What documents are needed to open a business
  • Which taxation system to choose for shoe store
  • Do I need permits to open a shoe store
  • Shoe Sales Technology
        • Similar business ideas:

The shoe business will always exist - there is no doubt about it. A person cannot do without shoes and clothes, unless of course he is an “African resident”. Each person is forced to update their shoes at least 1-2 times a year. Those who follow the traditions of fashion do it much more often. The demand for shoes, as for food, remains unchanged from season to season. Even in the face of fierce competition, a shoe store can bring tangible income to its owner.

How much money do you need to open a shoe store

If you want to create a competitive shoe store, you need to be prepared to invest a large amount of money into the business. We are talking about 1.0 - 1.5 million rubles only for the creation of an assortment and design of an outlet. The "golden years" of the 90s, when the business was spinning up from the sale of 20 pairs of shoes, are long gone.

As in any business, there are certain risks here: an unfortunate location, lack of customers, an error in selecting the assortment of the store, high competition, opening out of the sales season, and so on. All this is very hard on the pocket of a novice entrepreneur and discourages any desire to do business.

Reduce the risk of loss financial resources at the start of the project, you can buy a franchise. Fortunately, there are plenty of companies offering to work under their own brand today. The benefits of franchising are obvious. The entrepreneur does not need to think about the design of the outlet, assortment, equipment, train staff - the franchise company does everything for him. A businessman buys a ready-made and well-established business that brings income to its owner.

The downside of such cooperation is the lack of complete freedom of business, which many entrepreneurs pursue. Any deviation from the franchisor's rules may result in forfeiture of franchise rights.

However, if you decide to master the difficult path of the “shoe business” with your own hands, you need to start by drawing up a clear action plan - from finding investments to choosing suppliers of goods.

Store location

Having decided on the sources of financing for the project, it is necessary to choose the premises of the shoe store. And here, many beginners may have difficulty assessing the potential of a particular place. A successful retail outlet must have sufficient customer traffic. Estimating the flow of customers is an important step in business planning.

In this regard, large shopping centers or street retail with high traffic are considered the most profitable places. The external environment of the store is also important, which includes the convenience of approach and access of transport, the availability of parking spaces.

It is difficult for novice businessmen to break into the hyped shopping centers of the city - the price of rent in such places, as a rule, is "unbearably" high. This luxury can only be afforded by chain stores and famous brands. And even if you manage to get a "golden" place - the policy of property owners is such that at any time the rental rate can be increased significantly. New shopping centers are also a risky option - there is a chance of getting a low customer flow.

For small shoe stores good option is the lease of the first floors multi-storey buildings. There are plenty of such places in the sleeping areas of the city. And although the attendance here is not the same as in the city center, but the rent is much lower. Ideally, the premises for the store should be acquired in the property, so as not to depend on the owner's appetite. In this case, the residential premises must be transferred to non-residential premises, in accordance with the type of permitted use.

Well, if next to your store will be located grocery store, pharmacy, clothing store or bus stop. There is a great chance to lure visitors to these establishments to your outlet. The best advertisement in this case is an attractive shop window. It contains the most popular items of goods, for example, women's boots at discounted prices.

Sales area and assortment

The assortment of a shoe store directly depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises. Each quadrature has its own assortment matrix. When laying out, products are grouped by product groups: men's, women's shoes, children's shoes, bags and related products. Then within each group there is a division according to season, age and style.

Showcases located at the entrance to the store should be filled with the most popular products. These include women's shoes for the current season. The main goal in this case is to make the client stay in your store and purchase the product he needs.

Experts do not recommend clogging up most of the shelf space with mixed goods. Since the main buyers of the shoe store are women, best places must be given to popular women's goods - boots, shoes, and so on. All other products, including men's shoes should be located away from the entrance.

It is important, at the same time, to create a pleasant shopping atmosphere. The visitor should enjoy the very process of choosing a product. Availability a large number fitting rooms are a big plus for a shoe store. A comfortable atmosphere is created by installing soft sofas, rugs in the fitting area and musical accompaniment.

Price policy

When opening a shoe store, you should decide on the price segment. Who will be your main buyer, what is his income? The most popular stores in peripheral cities are economy-format stores, which are aimed at "middle" and "below average" income levels. The choice of shoe suppliers depends on which price group you will work in.

It will not be superfluous to hold all kinds of promotions, contests with gift certificates and other loyalty programs. You can create club discount cards for funded system- 5%, 7% and 10% depending on the number of purchases. This will increase the influx of regular customers and your profit accordingly.


Not unimportant when opening a shoe store is the choice of product suppliers.

As you know, most of the shoes on our market - about 50% - come from China. Chinese suppliers do not always offer quality products, but they bribe with their low price. Among the well-known domestic factories, one can single out the Chelyabinsk company "Unichel", the Moscow factory "Paris Commune". The production of footwear is well developed in the Rostov region.

If you order shoes Russian manufacturers, then there should be no problems with delivery times. What can you say about working with foreign companies when delays can be weeks or even months. This can create some problems when preparing for the shoe store sales season. In this part, it is necessary to optimize the work with transport companies and pre-calculate the entire supply chain.


The shoe business can bring stable income and develop only through constant optimization of costs and purchase prices. It is also necessary to learn how to increase sales - without it, no savings will help. Your store should be focused on increasing sales volumes in combination with increasing business efficiency. In this case, success will be in your hands.

Shoe store step by step plan

If a decision is made to open a shoe store, the first step is to study consumer demand and the competitive environment in this business and, based on this, determine the format of the future store. And then proceed to the next steps:

  1. Choose advantageous location location of the store and the corresponding premises.
  2. Equip retail space.
  3. According to the assortment, purchase goods.
  4. Hire staff.
  5. Organize store and product promotions.

How much can you earn selling shoes

Revenue of a small shoe store operating on average price segment, will be about one and a half million rubles (if the margin on the goods is on average 90%). Minus current expenses and net profit approximately will be about 250 thousand rubles. The profitability of the business is within 15-16%.

There are three fields of activity that are win-win for opening own business- food, clothing and other everyday goods. When it comes to children's shoes, it can be noted that parents often buy for their babies as they grow, and in fact, a new pair is required for each season for the first 10-12 years of the child's life (while the leg is being formed).

But the problem is that finding quality shoes at an affordable price, despite the existence of many stores, is very problematic, so the issue of opening your own store is relevant. If you've been thinking about starting your own business from scratch, this might be the way to go. Consider how to open a children's shoe store from scratch, what you need for this - what documents, costs.

Any business project starts with three things:

  • with the desire to create their own business;
  • collecting start-up capital;
  • creating a business plan.

If the first two points are purely individual, then the third one can somehow be generalized and get a general picture of the current situation. If you are not confident in your abilities and think that such routine work as drawing up a business plan is only within the competence of experienced specialists, then you can turn to them, eventually receiving detailed calculations. However, a detailed consideration of the process will be required to understand the picture.

Paperwork and paperwork is one of the milestones business start. The first thing you should pay attention to when starting your own business is the organizational and economic form of the enterprise. It could be a face individual entrepreneur or Society. In the first case, it is worth opening a small store with one or more employees, in the second, it will be possible to create authorized capital with other persons and organize the case.

Where to open a store

In principle, this is the first step in starting a shoe business. The level of your income largely depends on the choice of the place where the boutique will be located, so you need to approach it correctly. Consider some of the most convenient options for places that may be suitable for starting a business.

If this is a large shopping and entertainment center, then you should take care of creating beautiful and high-quality advertising so that it is bright, attractive and informative. A room on the ground floor of a residential building that has been converted for commercial use is also suitable. Such a building may be located in a residential area with a large number of inhabitants.

Note: you will get an advantage if you consider an institution in a new building, since it is there that apartments are most often purchased by young families.

The advantage will be the presence of parking in the area adjacent to the store, and it is also important to provide access routes so that it is convenient to get to you. The area depends on how you plan to locate the shop windows, as well as on how much money you are willing to invest in business development. This aspect is difficult for many entrepreneurs.

Read also: How to open a lingerie store from scratch

Usually the desire to open their own business covers people completely, but the lack of money makes itself felt. In this case, you can open a mid-level store for people with an average income. Will be enough small area equal to 50 sq. m with one or two sellers. In this area, you will place shelves with racks, and as a result, the buyer will be able to feel free in the room. If you use additional wall shelves and do not apply the island layout, it will be possible to meet 30 square meters. meters. In general, the cost of a medium-sized room will be about 100,000 rubles per month, and this amount refers to the initial costs.

Sleeping areas are ideal for trading these goods


What you need in a children's shoe store to be able to fit all types of shoes and still provide customers with comfort:

  1. Racks, showcases and shelves. In fact, the choice commercial equipment is currently huge, so the acquisition will be dependent on the imagination and financial capabilities. You can buy used equipment: this will save money, but limit your choice.
  2. An important role is given to the choice of lighting equipment, which should look good and show all your products from the most favorable side.
  3. You will need to purchase a cash register and other attributes for the sale of goods.
  4. Think over to the smallest detail the choice of air conditioners, ottomans for trying on shoes, spoons for ease of putting on. You can place children's toys around the trading floor.

In this way, total amount the cost of purchasing equipment will be about 100,000 rubles (for a store of 30 sq. m), for a retail facility with an estimated area of ​​50 sq. m. m. will need more financial costs, up to 200,000 rubles.

Expand your range as much as possible.

Work with suppliers and purchase of goods

The success of your business depends on the reliability of your supplier, so you should also pay attention to his choice. Due to the fact that children's shoes are produced in huge volumes, there are currently no problems with the supply of goods in bulk, so ordering shoes directly from the manufacturer will not be a problem. On average, to load a small store with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bup to 50 square meters. m will need to purchase shoes for 200,000 rubles.

Note: foreign brands offer a huge number of products that freely fit into all key aspects in terms of price / quality.


He can be anyone. It is important to decide on the specialization - will it be all children's shoes from the smallest to 13-14 years old, or will it be exclusively shoes for preschoolers. Consider specialization: winter shoes, summer footwear or off-season patterns.

Here we will consider an article on how to open a shoe store, what you need to open it, how to start trading in shoes - children's, women's, men's, consider finished example business plan. But, before you proceed with the study of the information presented here, you need to understand some very important points in the footwear trade, namely:

  • The hottest shoe sales times are spring and autumn.
  • The most popular product is children's shoes.
  • The least running - male.

If you decide to sell (additionally or mainly) in the store only children's and teenage shoes, then the pre-school period will be the hottest time for you, i.e. before the start of September 1st.

Why is it necessary to sell children's shoes?

  1. Parents will deny themselves pleasure, but they will buy a child.
  2. For ourselves, we buy shoes for 1-2 years, and for a child as his feet grow. babes in winter season they enter with size 36, and finish it with size 38, so sometimes during the winter it happens that they take 2 pairs, and plus, don't forget about shoes for slides - felt boots.
  3. What you bought in a shoe store in the spring is not enough in the fall, which means buying again.
  4. Children's shoes, unlike adults, are not given for repair, but simply bought new.
  5. Count how many pairs of shoes your child has and how many you have (street: boots - spring, boots - winter, boots, low shoes or shoes, sandals, sandals, sneakers, slates; for home and kindergarten / school: slippers, change of shoes, shoes for holiday, sneakers / sneakers, Czechs). And this is the bare minimum.
  6. Children, unlike adults, never go out of fashion, i. She has no trends for every season. Therefore, you do not need to arrange sales.

Business Plan Example

So, let's look at a ready-made example of a shoe store business plan for those who don't know how to open their outlet.

Overview section

The purpose of this project is to open a shoe store intended for a wide range of consumers.

The form of doing business is an individual entrepreneur. This is due to the fact that the consumers of the goods are private individuals, the size of tax rate and simplified bookkeeping. When monitoring the market, we took into account a large number of shoe stores in this category and assess the degree of success of the project as average, but with right choice niche degree can be rated as high.

Description of the enterprise

The store specializes in the sale of men's and women's shoes of foreign and domestic manufacturers different price categories. Opening hours of the shoe store from 10.00 to 20.00, seven days a week.

Description of services

The business plan provides for the implementation of trade and procurement activities, the opening of a shoe store that provides services:

  • Sale of men's shoes;
  • Sale of women's shoes;
  • Sale of children's shoes;
  • Sale of accessories;
  • You can also additionally trade socks and stockings.

Market analysis

In this section, you should give a detailed description of the shoe business in your region, choose a profitable place for a shoe store, taking into account lowest level competition, describe the mistakes of competitors in order to eliminate them in your business.

Production plan

A business plan for a shoe store should contain the following information: location, choice of premises, type of store, i.e. now we will consider the question of what is needed for it. Options:

  • shoe store in mall;
  • Shoe pavilion in the market;
  • Shop in a separate building.

The choice of option depends on many factors, including your financial capabilities, personal wishes, the specifics of the shoe market in your region, and the target audience. Each of the presented options has its pros and cons, first of all, you should focus on the financial capabilities of your target audience. To ensure a good display of goods, it is necessary to use a room for a shoe store with an area of ​​​​at least 50 m2. In addition, we need utility rooms for staff and warehouse. Necessary equipment: cash machine, mirrors, chairs, trade racks, counters.

as show latest trends, the buyer prefers to buy more expensive and high-quality shoes and shop in comfortable conditions.

Also, when choosing an assortment for a shoe store, you need to focus on the preferences of the inhabitants of your city and the climate.

When looking for a shoe supplier, you can limit yourself to one supplier, a franchise, or open a multi-brand store (which will expand your options).

Store staff should be selected very carefully. For a small shoe store, four sales assistants and a manager are usually sufficient. The role of sellers should be taken by people with a pleasant appearance. It is also advisable to spend time on their training, because good seller This is the key to your successful sales. Salespeople must be able to work with cash registers and know the basics of product placement. If the budget is not large enough, then you can work as a manager for the first time. Another important factor successful business is advertising and marketing, this should be addressed Special attention. About a month before the opening of a shoe store, you need to place ads in local newspapers and magazines, in crowded places, order several banners, if possible, you can order advertising on regional TV. Ad text should be informative and attractive. The day when the shoe store is open should not go unnoticed, you need to organize a bright reception for guests, distribute discount cards, you can also draw coupons and discounts. Stores that constantly support the interest of customers with various discounts and promotions have a stable flow of both old and new customers. It is important to pay attention to the quality of goods and fashion trends. Seasonal sales and constant updating of the assortment will ensure high productivity of the store.

Financial plan

In this section of the business plan for the shoe trade, the financial component of the project will be given.

  • Purchase of shoes - 2,000,000 rubles. in year;
  • Room rental - 1,500,000 rubles. in year;
  • Advertising - 100,000;
  • The salary of the store staff is 960,000.

Total: 4,560,000 required start-up capital.

  • RUB 4,000,000 in year.

Payback can be completely different, because. markup on shoes usually ranges from 100% to 300%. Sometimes less - about 50%. It all depends on seasonality, the pricing policy of your competitors, fashion, etc. factors. Also, the payback period fluctuates due to various factors, including an increase in purchase prices, growth rent. However, this type of business is considered to be very profitable, and this despite the emergence of large shoe chain stores. For a shoe business to be successful, you must be knowledgeable about suppliers, shoe brands and the latest fashion trends. Do not forget that any bulk purchases can now be made via the Internet.

In previous articles, we have discussed different topics concerning the opening of a children's shoe store. It remains to answer the question - a Is it profitable to sell children's shoes?

Almost any type of activity can be called profitable if you correctly draw up a business plan and strictly follow it. But for small businesses, it’s better to answer the question “Is it profitable to sell children’s shoes?” before learning business planning.

If viewed from the point of view of the inhabitants- the prices for children's shoes are gradually catching up with the prices for adult shoes, and in some places they even surpass them, so the answer to the question of profit lies on the surface - "of course, it's profitable to do this!"

FROM expert point of view- trade in children's goods is a highly profitable business, and with proper management, the payback period is 9-12 months. Children's shoes, like other goods for children, are constantly in demand - after all, the foot is constantly growing, and it happens that you have to buy several pairs of shoes in one season. Also, the fact that it is impossible to buy children's shoes for the future speaks in favor of a clear benefit - after all, you can never accurately predict how the size of the foot will change.

Babies grow up fast, so they need to be dressed up all the time.

However, very often we see how stores open and close before even a year has worked. It happens by different reasons: the place of sale was chosen incorrectly, the assortment does not meet the expectations of customers, etc. Therefore, it is worthwhile to think over everything first, and then start a business. To do this, I recommend reading the following articles:,.

What difficulties may arise?

  • sharp fluctuations in the dollar/euro exchange rate -> this will inevitably affect purchase prices;
  • filling the warehouse with slow-moving sizes -> a significant reduction in working capital;
  • unpredictable weather conditions - snow in September, etc. -> refusal to buy models of the current season;
  • the emergence of large chain stores in the neighborhood;
  • delay in shipments by suppliers;
  • detection of marriage after the return period regulated by the supplier.

The difficulties described above may lead to the closure of the store

What actions can be taken?

  • during periods of currency instability, it is more careful to control the process of replenishing the warehouse - this way you can reduce the risks of purchasing goods at too high a cost;
  • conduct promotions and promotional events for the sale of balances;
  • promptly respond to weather changes, track the change of season;
  • improve the professionalism of sellers, create comfortable conditions for buyers;
  • choose a reliable supplier;
  • check the entire batch of shoes after arrival for visible manufacturing defects.

Based on the foregoing, I work with the site company - this supplier has no delays in shipments, convenient working conditions with marriage, fast delivery always do everything on time. There are a large number of models, the choice is huge.

Company website is a reliable supplier

Is it profitable to sell children's shoes when opening a franchise store - pros / cons

When conducting market analysis, studying competitors and potential buyers, You will probably come across the question, which store to open - multi-brand or mono-brand, under the franchise of one of the manufacturers?

Pros and cons of a store opened under the franchise of one shoe brand

At the stage of business planning, it is necessary to consider all options and take into account the pros / cons of the chosen one. In the case of franchising, there is already experience and history, it remains only to adapt them to your business and draw conclusions. If the only negative is the brand restriction, there are franchises outlets representing several shoe manufacturers at once.

A point in a shopping center or a convenience store?

Many are well aware of the differences in these two options, let's dwell on the details:

high rent in the shopping center

Yes, this is one of the most powerful stop factors for start-up entrepreneurs, because in a shopping center it is quite difficult to estimate the volume of sales - and calculate the payback of high rent. The location of the shopping center itself and your point of sale in it, as well as the presence of competitors, is very important here. However, recent times, the cost of renting a room on the first line with good traffic in a residential area is almost comparable to the price of renting in a shopping center. The only question that remains is the size of the market – how much potential clients sleeping area are included in the same traffic.

The shopping center has a high rent

incoming flow of the shopping center and customers of the convenience store

The term “traffic” is becoming more and more popular, they are trying to estimate the volume of traffic within retail outlets. If we consider this term within the shopping center, then it will be radically different on weekdays and weekends, while the rental rate is the same throughout the entire time. Whether it will pay off with an influx of customers only on weekends or not, and remains to be calculated. At the same time, we understand that the increase in customers on weekends in the shopping center is directly proportional to their decrease in the residential areas of the city. Convenience stores have to work until 8-9 pm on weekdays in order to be accessible to customers who have come home from the center after work.

Attendance at the mall on weekends is higher than on weekdays

influence of weather conditions

In one of the articles, we already talked about the spontaneous nature of shopping for children's shoes - for example, rubber boots in rainy times, or felt boots during a sharp cold snap (in this article:). However, these same factors also have an opposite effect - in bad weather, customers tend to take refuge in the shopping center and spend time with benefit, and the number of customers of the retail point of sale "at home" is sharply reduced.

because of a large number tenants in the shopping center, opportunities for marketing and promotions are regulated by the administration of the shopping center and do not always work in full. A store in a residential area, on the contrary, has many options with which you can experiment almost daily. And also use non-standard areas for advertising (banners on residential buildings, stretch marks on the roads, drawings on the asphalt, etc.)

My name is Rodionova Daria. I am one of the authors of the blog site

After graduating from the institute, I came to work in the most demanded area of ​​recent decades - sales. I gradually increased my professional level and grew up career ladder. Gradually, I had a department of professional salesmen, which I managed for several years.

Today I own retail store children's goods - clothes, shoes, toys, transport - and two online stores. Ten years of experience in sales gave me strength at the start of my business, but there were many difficulties that I did not even suspect.