Why don't men wear open shoes. Summer exposure: shoes without socks. Unpleasant smell of shoes and feet

“We are greeted by our clothes, we are judged only by our clothes” was once sung in a playful German song. But time flies forward, customs change, and now fashionistas are also judged by their shoes. It is not surprising that stylish beauties are interested in their shoes and so carefully follow the change of shoe novelties. After all, it should be not only comfortable, but also fashionable. And with the onset of the warm season, many people have a question: is it possible to wear sneakers without socks? Will it be stylish and comfortable? And in general, how to wear sneakers this year? This article will analyze not only the fashion side of this issue, but also the recommendations of doctors.

Fashion from last year

Not every style of footwear generally allows the wearing of socks. But on the catwalks of Russia, the innovation “sneakers for bare feet” first appeared in the not so distant year of two thousand and fifteen. However, the novelty that came from sunny Italy was not appreciated. And only in the spring of last year bold experiments began to be carried out on the streets more and more often: young people, and then girls, again and again put sneakers, moccasins and other familiar shoes on their bare feet. But sneakers became the “leader of wearing”. So is it possible to follow the impulse of a spontaneously rising fashion wave? And how to wear sneakers: with socks, or without?

Are sneakers worn without socks?

Keds can and even should be worn without socks. Indeed, the fashionable “no-toe” bow is gaining popularity on the streets among both girls and boys. It is especially beneficial for beauties with slender ankles. In addition, the absence of a toe strip visually reduces the girth of the leg and seems to lengthen it. It also looks warm and elegant in summer, as if airy. So, you can and even need to wear sneakers without socks, because often, due to lack of air in summer, legs tied with socks begin to hurt, and the skin on them deteriorates. But even here it is not without difficulties ...

What can go wrong?

Alas, often exciting experiments turn into real torment. An ill-conceived hike in even the most comfortable sneakers worn on a bare foot threatens a fashionista with pain, corns, tumors and even an unpleasant smell that will surely eat into the material of the shoe ... Yes, the list is frighteningly long.

A couple of simple things to do before you boldly go out:

  • First, check if your shoes fit the structure. If the sneakers are light, made of breathable material, feel free to put them on and be sure: you are protected from all these problems. If the shoes do not correspond to some point - think, maybe it would be better to postpone the fashion experiment until a more suitable pair? Now the best companies in the world offer a wide selection of sneakers and sneakers, in which the upper part of the boot is made of mesh or just very light fabric.
  • Make sure that the skin of the feet is not damaged or rubbed already by the previous shoes. Otherwise, the slightest inconvenience threatens with great difficulties and unpleasant sensations from long-growing wounds.
  • Just in case, take a few band-aids and a pack of handkerchiefs with you. Even the most familiar and comfortable shoes can rub your feet and spoil your mood for the rest of the walk.
  • There is a little life hack that helps to avoid the occurrence of an unpleasant odor. To do this, before going out, thoroughly rinse your feet with clean water, wipe dry and treat the foot area with your ordinary deodorant. Attention! Deodorant should be used only proven, not causing you allergic reactions. Otherwise, there may be big problems with the skin.
  • Also, before you put on any sneakers and go out, make sure that your toenails are neatly trimmed. Irregularities will not just be broken off: they can also damage the fabric of the shoe itself.

fashion trends

This year, bright, stylish and, to some extent, even crazy models are gaining more and more popularity. Not only the styles of sneakers are radically changing, but also the fabrics from which they are made. Inserts made of light, thin and even lace fabrics are appropriate.

Many models with the most diverse patterns will please any fashionista. Here are bold color combinations, and rich shades, and pastel tenderness, and modest simplicity ...

Fans of traditional sneakers will also not be left without a pair or two of fresh models.

The style familiar to us is now often decorated with decorative straps, beads, pendants, zippers and stripes.

Sneakers in white, pale pink and blue are especially popular.


Young adults are very surprised by the fact that even in winter they do not wear socks. And he rolls up his trousers, revealing his ankles. Adults exclaim: it's just as cold! And unhygienic! And experts say that rolled up trousers are not an accident.

O nor make the leg slimmer. But to get this effect, when turning up jeans, you need to stop at the thinnest part of the ankle - only in this case, others perceive the figure as slender.

Walking without socks won't last long. So says stylist Sasha Karpova.

Petersburg youth without socks in 30-degree frost looks ridiculous, because this trend came from Spain and Italy, it is inappropriate here, and the main rule of style is to look appropriate. Rather, the rejection of hosiery is generally a French trend, French women have long believed that wearing tights - even transparent ones - is vulgar, no matter how they adorn their legs. It's cold - wear trousers, they say, and for several years they have supported the cult of bare legs.

Well, bloggers taught men to walk without socks. It is clear that young people do not watch fashion shows, but they read blogs describing life in European capitals and see in the photographs who wears what. And street fashion in European capitals very quickly keeps up with the catwalk. Three or five photos from Barcelona are enough for people in St. Petersburg to start walking without socks in winter.

But everything will change soon, because this is the fashion of the last season, and the main trend of spring-summer 2017 is socks, and at the same time with sandals. Previously, it seemed not comme il faut, and today fashion has lost its point of view. I think many men will be very pleased with this rule, and fashion designer Demno Gvasalia should be thanked for it. This is such a Georgian nugget that changed the Balenciaga fashion house, revolutionized the fashion world and turned everyone towards gop-chic. There was even such a term - the demofactor: it means that what was considered bad form has become good. Including socks with sandals .

A hundred years ago, the appearance of a respectable, not declassed man on the streets of a European city in shoes with open toes was completely unthinkable: the absence of socks demonstrated an extreme level of poverty and social decline. Times have changed: men in barefoot shoes walk the catwalks at Fashion Weeks, and women who are outraged by indecently bare male feet have to come to terms with this fact. figured out how the stronger sex won the right to wear comfortable summer shoes.

Sandals as a cultural phenomenon

April 2018 was unusually warm in the UK, and men in London swapped out their boots and sneakers for sandals and rubber flip-flops for the beach and pool. A similar liberty is the noisy indignation of users of social networks: British women on Twitter demanded that men put on shoes "accordingly to the urban environment." However, the men said that they would wear shoes the way they wanted and comfortable, to taste and according to the weather. One of the users even stated that he would be buried in rubber slippers.

It should be recognized that the modern champion of shoes on bare feet is not original in his impulse: archaeologists discovered the oldest sandals in the world during excavations of graves and tombs. No wonder: the first shoes in human history were all kinds of sandals - that is, leather or wood soles, fastened to the foot with straps.

In a cold climate, a piece of leather wrapped around the entire foot and was tightly pulled together with straps on top (the Slavs called such great shoes “pistons”), fabric was wound around the foot for warmth. As an option, something similar to modern socks was worn under the sandals: for example, in Japan, such socks made of fabric (knitwear were not known in the old days) with a separated thumb were worn with sandals with two straps: zori - on a straw woven sole or geta - on a wooden one.

In hot countries, on the contrary, the meaning of shoes was only to protect the foot from wounds and damage on rocky roads, so the sole was simply fastened to the bare foot with straps. For greater reliability, especially when it came to military shoes, belts were fastened not only on the foot and ankle, but also on the lower leg (the so-called kaligi, or “gladiator sandals”): losing shoes in hand-to-hand combat meant an almost inevitable fall, and with it - injury and death.

If you carefully examine the ancient Greek and Roman statues, you can see that the ancient shoemakers knew their job perfectly, and shoes on bare feet were no less diverse than modern boots and shoes. Straps of different widths were woven in different variations, and on top of the sandals were decorated with copper, precious metals and stones, embroidery and beads. Very wealthy men wore shoes made of gilded leather with precious overlays, and the fact that their bare toes were put on public display did not bother anyone. Moreover, sandals with wings were a symbolic attribute of the ancient Greek god of trade and travelers Hermes (in ancient Rome - Mercury).

Arabs and Jews

The same kind of footwear was worn by the inhabitants of North Africa and the Middle East - first the ancient Egyptians, then the Semitic tribes that replaced them - Jews and Arabs. During the Old Testament times, sandals were the most common and familiar footwear of this hot region. For example, in the book of Isaiah (20:2): "The Lord said to Isaiah, the son of Amos, this way: Go and take off the sackcloth from your loins and throw off your sandals from your feet." The poor prophet, by the will of God, was forced to walk barefoot on stones for three years as a sign of the fidelity of his prophecy, which indirectly indicates that the norm was just wearing sandals, and not walking barefoot.

It is in sandals, according to the ancient Christian canon, that he is depicted, as well as his apostles from among the Jews. God in sandals was painted on Orthodox icons and frescoes, in illustrations of Catholic books, laid out from glass on the stained-glass windows of cathedrals and from smalt - on mosaics. The Renaissance artists adopted the same tradition: Christ and their saints, unless the Gospel and lives prescribe otherwise (for example, life in a cave in the nude or vestments from animal skins), are depicted in long, picturesquely draped clothes and sandals on their bare feet. .

However, after the emperor Titus destroyed the temple in Jerusalem and sent the Jews into exile for two thousand years, the situation changed. Arab Semitic tribes in the 7th century began to profess Islam, and according to the prescriptions of Islamic law - Sharia, men's legs from the knees and below do not belong to avrat (parts of the body that should be hidden with clothes and shoes). Therefore, Arabs, even modern and very rich, can walk all their lives in sandals (expensive, of course), without hiding their bare feet and toes.

The Jews, on the other hand, must cover their feet: this is tzniyut, a requirement of modesty prescribed by Jewish religious law. One of the reasons for the emergence of such a rule is probably the desire to differ from the Gentiles, among whom the Jews were forced to live in dispersion: Muslims - residents of North Africa, Iran, Yemen and other countries of the Middle East.

In Europe, the climate did not favor the wearing of sandals. In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the nobles, demonstrating their status, put on boots of various lengths, decorated to the extent of the owner's wealth. In modern times, boots were replaced by shoes with red heels, with expensive buckles. The townspeople and artisans, who were not allowed by the estate to wear noble shoes, were content with simple shoes; peasants made wooden shoes (clogs and clogs); in Central and Eastern Europe they wore pistons or wove bast shoes. In the summer the poor went barefoot out of economy.

Sandals in Europe were worn all year round, like Christ, only by Christian monks - at first everyone, then only Catholic, members of certain orders who took a vow of poverty. Jews in Europe wore exclusively closed shoes. For wealthy people, shoes were a status symbol: in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the public exposure of the foot for a European was, of course, not a violation of the ban, but an act of social decline. Townswomen (except for courtesans, prostitutes and dancers) before the First World War did not expose not only their legs, but also shoes above the ankles.

Freethinker sailors

As is usually the case, declassed elements contributed to the liberalization of wardrobe customs, namely, in the case of open shoes, fishermen and, in general, residents of the Mediterranean and Black Sea coasts. In the middle of the 19th century, the development of railways and steamship communications made possible tourism in its modern sense: vacation trips to the sea, islands and resort towns.

There, vacationers naturally freed themselves from the harsh requirements of urban etiquette and tried on light shoes of local residents - sandals and espadrilles (canvas shoes with rope soles worn by fishermen on the decks of their vessels). Oddly enough, the liberalization of morals first affected women: they walked around in open sandals already in the 1920s and 1930s, not only along the beach, but also in the city.

From men, especially in women's society, correctness was required: they could not even take off their jacket without the permission of the ladies present. The only exception were the beaches. For especially hot days, shoemakers, originally Spanish and Italian, who are well aware of the needs of their clientele, came up with classic-shaped shoes, but woven from straps, like sandals, or figuratively perforated. Another option for escaping from the heat were shoes made of prunel - dense canvas. They were lighter and more hygroscopic than leather shoes, but they had to be worn, of course, with socks.

Sabras, hippies and mods

It's funny that the Jews were among the first to introduce shoes on bare feet into modern use. Israel gained independence in 1948, and one of its main ideas, along with the preservation of the national character, was the secular character. The country was founded by people who sought to overcome the "inert legacy of galut" (that is, centuries of dispersion) and break the tight fetters of religious norms, including clothing.

The young Jewish emigrants who settled in Palestine, which later became the state of Israel, and their children, who were born already in the country (natives of Israel are called "sabras" - after the local cactus), led a completely non-religious lifestyle, reducing adherence to tradition to a sentimental minimum, and almost defiantly wore European clothing, including shorts and open shoes. All this, of course, resented those natives of Palestine and Israeli repatriates who strictly adhered to traditions, but what can you do: a free country.

In the US and Europe, loose clothing took over in the 1960s, along with the sexual revolution and the movement of hippies who went about in whatever they wanted, often completely barefoot. Gradually, beach fashion "creeped" from beaches and resorts to the streets of megacities. Sandals, flip flops (in the English version - tonga), rubber slippers of all stripes flooded the stores. There are even brands that specialize in these shoes, for example, the brand of shoes made of synthetic materials Crocs: some consider them unimaginably ugly, others - scary.

Demand drives supply, and men's sandals have been launched by fashion, mass-market, and sports brands. Moreover, as befits authentic sandals, on the podium, where they appeared already in the late 1980s, sandals were worn on bare feet. Prada, Calvin Klein, Giorgio Armani and other well-known brands that set the tone for men's fashion offered their versions of fashionable shoes.

This combination, which, admittedly, exists to this day in the Russian provinces (for some reason, men believe that dirty socks are more attractive than dirty feet) gave rise to a funny phenomenon. Demna Gvasalia and, who made a name for themselves on an ironic interpretation of the Soviet understanding of fashion, released men in sandals with socks on the catwalk. To them, born in the USSR, it seemed funny, but in the West it was perceived as a trend. It got to the point that rapper and fashion influencer Kanye West took to social media new rubber slippers from the Yeezy collection in combination with socks, and he was naturally made to look like he looked like a patient in a hospital or a prisoner in a provincial prison in them.

It is difficult to judge how fashionable and appropriate it is for a man to walk in a hot summer city. Most likely, if you do not take into account the dress code, which is still uncompromisingly against sandals in banks and client offices of large corporations, the only measure should be the taste of a man and his commitment to hygiene procedures, including pedicures. There is nothing shameful in them for real men: in the story of Henri Troyat, for example, the manicurist married the devil because he did not refuse to elegantly polish his hooves.

Fashion trend - no socks

Recently, Hollywood stars, and domestic fashionistas who are in a hurry to keep up with them, ignore wearing socks, preferring to put shoes on their bare feet. A new fashion trend has even managed to form and a whole generation of young people (boys and girls) has grown up who do not recognize socks. They simply don't have them.

This fashion looks somewhat unusual, given that the lack of socks is complemented by cropped tight pants. But, even the great ones taught not to argue about tastes. But to consider this fashion trend from the standpoint of benefits and harm to health, the World Without Harm has every right. So, Why, after all, walk in socks and why blindly follow fashion, forgetting to put on socks, is not very good for health? Find out all about it right now...

Why You Shouldn't Wear Shoes Without Socks

Experts are unequivocal in their answer - wearing shoes without socks is not very healthy. And not too hygienic. In their defense, they suggest reading the following arguments…

Unpleasant smell of shoes and feet

As a result of the lack of socks, sweat evaporates worse, since it was previously absorbed by socks. If a young man does not wear them, sweat absorbs shoes. As a result, at the end of a day spent in shoes without socks, there is a whole cocktail of dirt, bacteria and sweat. Even if you wear high-quality natural leather shoes, you cannot avoid sweating your feet. And if earlier socks absorbed sweat, dust and dirt settled on them, and by changing socks daily you protected your feet, now you don’t have such an opportunity. And you put shoes on your feet that are not too clean (in terms of hygiene and health) every day.

Experts assure us that in one day the human foot is able to allocate up to 200 milliliters of sweat.

As a result, your shoes turn into a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, they start to smell bad despite your best efforts, and quickly lose their attractive appearance. And then you wonder where the fungus on your feet came from and how to treat it now ...

Calluses and corns

An alternative to the fashion trend - cropped socks

When developing closed shoes, the designers did not assume that such models would have direct contact with the skin. In the absence of socks, it is very difficult to avoid. And they, as you know, deliver not only discomfort, but can become a “gateway” for infection to enter the body.

Through a burst corn, all those bacteria and microbes that collect inside your shoes will enter the body.

Another nuance, often after a whole day spent in shoes without socks, the color of the shoes is imprinted on your feet. It is not very pleasant and aesthetically pleasing if you have to take off your shoes somewhere.

If your shoes are made of low-quality synthetic materials that prevent the skin from breathing, your feet will also sweat a lot. Without socks, this lack of shoes will increase, and sweat will constantly eat away at your corns and corns. One day you just won't be able to put on your favorite shoes because of the wounds on your feet.

IStock/ Image Source Today, men really care about their appearance, so they are increasingly showing a keen interest in fashion and trends. But if the right combination of shirt and trousers is not difficult, then with such details of the image as shoes and accessories, the situation is much worse! Their selection requires some knowledge and good taste.


Givenchy/Maison Margiela

In general, according to the rules of etiquette, men should not appear in the city in open sandals, the only exception is seaside resorts. But every day on the streets we see hundreds of examples of violations of this rule, which means that sandals in the city are more the norm than bad manners.

If you are not a victim of fashion, then it is better to do without socks. Fashionistas wear socks to match the shoes and never pull the elastic band of the sock high, lowering it by half the length (in combination with short trousers or shorts).


Paul Smith/Marc Jacobs The famous Spanish summer shoe is worn without socks. The natural fabric of the upper and the woven jute sole provide excellent ventilation and moisture wicking.


Tods These comfortable shoes are great for travel and leisure. Moccasins are made of soft leather or suede, so they do not rub the foot, which allows them to be worn without socks. Moccasins should be combined with loose trousers or shorts.


Brioni Boots, originally used by sailors and yachtsmen, have now become one of the most popular summer models. Like their "brothers" - moccasins, topsiders are also worn without socks.


The most ancient type of footwear comes from the East - leather slippers without a heel. Interest in them resumed in the 70s and still does not subside, thanks to fashion brands such as Gucci and Balenciaga. Mules today are considered predominantly leisure shoes, the lack of a heel makes it impossible to wear them with socks.


Gucci Elegant loafers suggest wearing socks. Ideally, the socks should match the trousers in tone, but you can, on the contrary, make a bright accent by wearing socks in bright colors or with funny prints that contrast with the suit. The main thing is not to wear sports socks, but choose high ones made of silky knitwear, and leave sports socks for sports!


Henderson baracco These boots are considered the most strict and formal model of shoes, so they require laconic socks in dark shades to pair with them.


Puma For every day, wear short socks with sneakers, now it is fashionable if the ankle is visible. But in the gym, give preference to special sports socks to avoid discomfort during exercise.


Santoni Slippers can be worn as oxfords with dark colored socks at the office, or as loafers with brightly colored socks at a friendly party. If the occasion is informal, then you can also wear monks with footprint socks to show off your ankle.


Alexandre Mattiussi With sports closed shoes, everything is simpler - there is a minimal chance of making a fashion mistake. Wear high tops with sports socks and shorts with cropped socks respectively.