Business at home breeding exotic animals. Animal breeding as a business - a business idea

Animal husbandry is one of the most popular varieties entrepreneurial activity, which is carried out by both those who live in rural areas and residents of cities. The only condition is that the livestock business, like any other, must be approached responsibly and thoughtfully, otherwise the whole idea will be empty. What animals are profitable to breed for sale, and how to organize your own business?


One of the most profitable and popular species livestock business - breeding rabbits. They have hypoallergenic, dietary and very healthy meat, which is in great demand, especially among residents of large cities, where every second suffers from allergic manifestations and problems with digestive system. The cost of meat ranges from 7 to 16 dollars per kilogram, and on average you can earn about 8-10 thousand dollars per year. Like any other type of business, rabbit breeding has its advantages and disadvantages that a novice farmer should consider.

The farmer will have to learn the basics of slaughtering rabbits and cutting carcasses
  • high fecundity of animals (one female gives about 25-30 rabbits per year);
  • the opportunity to receive income not only from the sale of meat, but also from the sale of fluff, skins, litter;
  • minimum costs for the maintenance of livestock.

Breeding cons:

  • considerable time and labor costs (animals require constant care, examination, vaccination, etc.);
  • rabbit susceptibility various diseases, which can destroy almost all individuals in a short time;
  • in some regions, it is quite difficult to find markets for the sale of products.

Rabbits can be kept in cages or pits, fed with compound feed, and enough hay can be prepared for them for the winter.

In order to start breeding rabbits for sale, you first need to find suitable premises. The best option- a separate shed in the courtyard of a private house, insulated, without drafts and holes into which pests can climb. Some breeders keep rabbits in garages, but with a large number of animals, they will in any case give off a smell that can disturb the neighbors.

To begin with, it is enough to buy 2-3 females and an unrelated male, the breed is chosen depending on the breeding purposes.

Livestock care is reduced to cleaning and disinfection of the premises, feeding and regular inspection of animals. If at least one of them has alarming symptoms, it must be isolated immediately, otherwise pestilence may go through the rabbitry.


Keeping chickens is a convenient and low-cost activity. Chickens are quite calm and peaceful birds, practically do not cause trouble for the farmer and do not require special care. Eggs and chicken meat are among the products that are in demand regardless of the season or where the farmer lives, and in the absence of markets, products can be sold to friends. Profit depends on the purpose of breeding birds and the selected breed. On average, poultry farmers earn about 7-10 thousand rubles per month from 30 hens, but this figure can be significantly increased.

It is obligatory to have a small courtyard where the birds can walk

Business Pros:

  • minimal costs for equipping the premises and food (for the sake of economy, chickens can be released for free range so that they find their own food on their own);
  • simple technology of poultry care, obtaining eggs and meat;
  • absence of business seasonality;
  • good opportunities for selling products - to wholesale and private buyers, shops, bakeries, restaurants, etc.
  • high business competitiveness;
  • chicken meat, and especially eggs, is a perishable product, and in the absence of established distribution channels, there is a risk of losing products;
  • the need to regularly care for birds, buy them special supplements and vitamins;
  • chickens, like all other living beings, tend to get sick and die, it can be extremely difficult to protect them from danger.

Chicks can be bought at the age of 4-5 months, when they are less susceptible to diseases and are already “ripe” for laying eggs.

Bird care includes regular cleaning in the poultry house, feeding a properly balanced diet, treating diseases if necessary, and collecting eggs. The number of chickens should be no more than 5 heads per square meter.

You need to buy roosters only if you plan to get new chickens - laying hens lay eggs well even without males.


Among farmers, ducks are the second most popular, as their meat and eggs are of higher quality. One of the significant advantages of breeding these birds is that you can choose special breeds of birds designed for liver and cooking popular dish foie gras, which is highly valued. The profitability of the business is about 65%, and given that one carcass costs an average of 270 rubles, the net income can be 100 thousand rubles a year.

Access for ducks to growing greenery and water is very important, as it creates birds natural conditions habitat
  • ducks are peaceful, behave calmly, rarely make noise and rush around the yard;
  • you can save money on keeping birds if you give them the opportunity to free-range;
  • individuals are omnivorous, consume and digest almost any food;
  • You can sell meat, eggs, liver, fluff, feathers, carcass waste (paws and heads are used to feed animals) and even droppings.

Breeding Disadvantages:

  • keeping ducks in cages, although it is the simplest, negatively affects egg production and the condition of birds, so it is better for them to equip a special room;
  • for normal growth and development, individuals need a natural reservoir.

The size of the house depends on the number of ducks - 3 birds can live on one square meter. The room should be insulated, equipped with additional lighting, protected from drafts and rodents. Be sure to put a thick layer of straw or hay on the floor so that the birds can nest. The main attributes of the poultry house are drinking bowls and feeders, and next to it there should be a yard for walking and a pond.

Ducks should be carefully examined to prevent the development of diseases

The feed is selected balanced, consisting of grain waste, greens, vegetables and mineral components (bone or fish meal, salt, etc.). The room where ducks are kept should be regularly cleaned, bedding changed and disinfected.

To save money, birds can be slaughtered before the first frost, as the cost of feed and other needs for winter time rise.


Turkey meat has an excellent taste and is valued higher than the meat of other farm birds, but it costs much more. Individuals are quite unpretentious, get along well with other inhabitants of the farm, in adulthood they rarely get sick and die. The cost of turkey meat is from 170 to 350 rubles per kilogram, the profitability of the business is at the level of 60–80%, depending on whether the novice farmer can properly organize the breeding process and establish distribution channels.

Be sure to need a courtyard where turkeys can walk, as they are prone to obesity, which can adversely affect their health
  • turkeys, unlike chickens, quickly gain weight and give more meat;
  • relatively low competitiveness of the business;
  • the possibility of selling down, eggs, feathers and chicks;
  • unpretentiousness of adults to the conditions of detention.

Business cons:

  • high mortality of turkeys in the first week of life (in the absence of proper care there is a risk of losing all the livestock);
  • in Russia, such meat is less in demand than in other countries;
  • breeding turkeys is a more complex process than keeping chickens;
  • birds are large in size, so they need a spacious room to accommodate them.

The most difficult period in keeping turkeys is the first week of the life of young animals, so it is better for novice farmers to buy older chicks. For livestock, you need a spacious poultry house (at least 45 square meters per bird), which is equipped in a dry, ventilated room. Special attention should be given to the absence of dampness, drafts and sudden changes temperatures.

In winter, the poultry house needs to be equipped with additional heating.

They feed turkeys with special feed or grains with the addition of soy, greens, chalk and vitamin E ( minimum set which is essential for bird health). In addition, individuals require a strict diet - 7 times a day for young animals and 4 for adults, meals should be at the same time.

Veterinary check-ups include regular vaccinations, and you should not save on it, otherwise the turkeys will get sick and die.


Nutria have tender, tasty meat and valuable fur, which is widely used in industrial scale and individual entrepreneurship. Keeping these animals is a simple process compared to raising more capricious animals, and the profitability of the business is quite high. A kilogram of nutria meat costs about 400 rubles, and the cost of the skin of one individual is 600–700 rubles, and with a well-established business, the net monthly profit can be about 200 thousand rubles.

The presence of a small pool is an important factor in keeping livestock

Benefits of animal breeding:

  • unpretentiousness of animals (they do not require special conditions, eat almost any plant food);
  • animals reproduce quickly and easily - the process occurs independently and does not require outside intervention;
  • nutrias are resistant to negative factors and get sick much less often than rabbits or other animals.
  • despite the fact that nutria rarely get sick, livestock require regular veterinary care;
  • animals have an unattractive appearance;
  • establishing distribution channels is more difficult than with more popular farm animals - this should be considered before buying livestock.

Nutrias need small houses, which can be bought, built or rented - one individual must have at least 1.5 square meter space. Animals are kept in special insulated cages with mandatory access to water. When arranging the premises, one must take into account the fact that nutrias like to gnaw holes and climb onto cages, which is why they are often injured.

The room should be equipped with additional lighting and ventilation, as nutria require good air exchange

Feed (vegetable raw materials) must contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals, otherwise the quality of the skins will decrease significantly. The room where animals are kept should be cleaned at least twice a day - nutria are clean and do not tolerate dirt. Residues of food should be removed immediately, the water in the drinking bowls and the pool should be changed as often as possible.

For disinfection of cells, it is necessary to purchase special chemicals and carry out the procedure regularly, as well as deal with harmful insects and rodents.

Raising animals for sale can be a lucrative activity, but it requires careful organization and a clear plan. Do not forget that a lot of work needs to be invested in such a business, but in the end, all the money and time spent will pay off with interest.

Ukrainian farmers, tired of endless unpredictable government initiatives to support the agricultural sector, relying on their own ingenuity and foreign partners, are beginning to master the breeding of unusual animals. Enterprises have been set up to grow red fish, fur-bearing animals, deer, grape snails, mussels, and even soil worms. At the same time, unlike their Western counterparts, domestic farmers are largely forced to look for original ways to sell their products. Not so many compatriots prefer exotic food, and European and Asian manufacturers of leather and fur clothes buy raw materials in warm countries because of their lower cost. Nevertheless, in the case of establishing contacts with Western processors, the profitability of an unusual farm can reach sky-high 300%.

toothy gifts

Ukrainian livestock breeders often offer their products as original gift business partner. For example, it is for presents to respected people that they buy crocodiles from the Kharkov veterinarian Karina Zhemchuzhnaya. According to the business woman, more than one thousand crocodiles live in Ukraine, and about a dozen small farms are engaged in breeding reptiles. “Over the years of our activity, we have sold more than one hundred caimans. Photographers are interested in them, they are purchased for exhibitions and at home. But most of the crocodiles were bought as a high-status corporate gift for a top manager,” says Karina Zhemchuzhnaya. The price of a small reptile (20–30 cm) starts at $150. It should be noted that in the capital a similar product costs $250-600.

Like some Western colleagues, with the help of breeding reptiles, Mrs. Zhemchuzhnaya solved the problem of disposing of waste from her own poultry farm - most of it is fed to crocodiles. The main part of the expenses (UAH 3.5-4 thousand per month) falls on the heating of the enclosure. “It is no secret that foreign crocodile farms generate income primarily through the sale of skins. However for me this species business is not acceptable for ethical reasons,” says Ms. Zhemchuzhnaya.

According to the expert's calculations, the organization of a crocodile farm requires a ready-made forage base and at least $50,000 - the purchase of a dozen individuals and the arrangement of a room with a pool will cost this amount. It will take at least 10 years for the further development of the enterprise. World experience shows that a colony of 900–1000 individuals is necessary for profitable operation. In Ukraine, no one has yet dared to do this. About a dozen small crocodile farms in our country are focused on selling reptiles as exotic animals. However, the organization of even a small enterprise could become a lure for tourists, at least, ostrich farms that are less exotic for Ukrainians are already included in many tourist routes.

And the crisis came

In the early 2000s The Ukrainian media reported that another businessman, tempted by exorbitant prices for snails in France, decided to start growing gastropods. However, attempts to organize a full-fledged snail farm in Ukraine have not yet been successful.

Kyiv businessman Konstantin Fedchenko, together with partners, tried to equip the production of shellfish in the Crimea. “None of us was involved in snail breeding, so a lot had to come by trial and error. However, the main problem is the lack of full demand for grape snail in Ukraine itself. The few restaurants involved in its preparation offer very low prices. We tried to establish contacts with Western companies, but the crisis began, and we had to freeze the project,” Konstantin complains.

Entrepreneur Alexander Ignatiev from Kovel warns that it will not be possible to manage with small investments when establishing a snail farm: “Logically, one could start with a small production, gradually understand the specifics of the business, then increase turnover and try to enter the European market. However, our fellow citizens, following national traditions, absolutely do not perceive the snail as food. Therefore, you cannot rely on the local market, you must immediately focus on Europe.” According to his calculations, when entering the French or Italian market, breeding snails can bring 150% profitability. However, in this case, for the purchase of shock freezing chambers, containers for transporting products, other necessary equipment EUR300-400 thousand or more may be required.

In turn, Konstantin Fedchenko believes that it is possible to try your luck with shellfish in Ukraine by working on 1-3 hectares, and preferably on 7 hectares of land, having a capital of at least $10-15 thousand. Orientation to the European market, according to the expert, involves an increase of the indicated amounts by several tens of times and a possible profitability of 300%. The entrepreneur is convinced that the flourishing of the snail business in Ukraine is not far off, this is evidenced by the demand for products from Europeans and the success of snail breeders of Eastern Europe.

soft gold

However, many Ukrainians prefer to breed more "responsive" animals than crocodiles or snails. For example, there are many businesses that grow chinchillas for fur, ornamental sales, and even as an ingredient in exotic restaurants. Dnepropetrovsk businessman Nikolai Migashko clarifies that the basis for breeding a chinchilla tribe is adult family, consisting of one male and four females, in Ukraine will cost $ 900-1000. The Internet is filled with information about the possibilities of creating a highly profitable chinchilla farm based on one or two families, but Mr. Migashko believes that it is not reasonable to enter the market with less than 200 families (800 individuals). The money spent on the purchase of animals and the arrangement of the farm can be returned in a year and a half to two years.

In general, chinchilla breeding in Ukraine is a promising type of business. With all necessary documentation and large volumes of high-quality fur, it is possible to establish business contacts with Western partners and achieve a profitability of 100%. “The algorithm of the farm is very simple: females give birth to 1–3 cubs a year, of which individuals with fur flaws or problematic colors are sold to pet stores (a one-month-old male costs 200–250 UAH, a female costs 250–300 UAH). The rest of the females are left for breeding work, and males at the age of 7–9 months are sent for slaughter. On average, the maintenance of an individual from birth to slaughter takes 80–100 UAH. A high-quality raw skin of an animal costs $20-40, dressed - $50-70. Chinchilla meat is readily purchased by a local Chinese restaurant - a hundred slaughtered animals gives 20 kg of a dietary product,” says Mr. Migashko. Nevertheless, according to the expert, the chinchilla business cannot be called easy - animals bred for fur require attention to care and nutrition. Inexperienced farmers at first lose 20% or more of their young.

One of exotic species businesses developing in Ukraine - growing mink. In 2009, according to Ivan Prisyazhnyuk, director of Agro-Gold, about 400,000 Ukrainian mink skins were sold. Vladimir Prudenko, an entrepreneur from the Odessa region, started breeding ferrets and minks on his farm back in the late 1990s. “I started this business with 21 females and 3 males, but after a year my colony increased to 120 individuals. On average, one female per year gives birth to 5 cubs, the skins of which can be sold in Ukraine at a price of 200-250 UAH. If the fur is of high quality and in large volumes, then you can try to enter the western fur market - they pay EUR 35–50 for the skin. Although, it should be noted that the fur from the post-Soviet countries, as a rule, loses in quality to Western analogues and is priced 30–40% lower,” says Mr. Prudenko.

Given the decline in the number of fur farms in Europe, it is difficult to overestimate the development prospects industrial breeding mink price Ukraine | the main task those who want to make money on fur - the creation of a high-quality tribe, the skins of which can withstand competition in foreign markets

People who live in the countryside or have land plot in the countryside, can build very profitable business associated with animal husbandry. Products home production will always be in demand among people, why not take advantage of this and earn? Only in this case it is important to figure out which animals are profitable to breed for business, so that it really brings a stable high income. In this article, we will consider all the features of animal husbandry as a business idea, and we will also tell you in detail which animals are profitable to breed at home in order to buy them.

Features of earning on the cultivation and breeding of animals

Before we list which animals can be bred at home for business, let's look at the features of making money on growing livestock:

  1. A novice livestock breeder must love animals, know the basics of veterinary medicine in order to understand what is happening with livestock, how to treat them, what to feed them and how to provide them with favorable living conditions;
  2. You will need special permission from local authorities to keep animals. To do this, you will have to contact the local government with a business plan for the future business. If you want to make money from fur farming, then before deciding which animals are profitable to breed, study legislative framework this side of the issue;
  3. Select young and healthy animals that you decide to breed. In order not to waste money, it is recommended to immediately contact professionals who, according to appearance will be able to quickly determine whether the animal in his hands is healthy or not;
  4. It is advisable to purchase animals for breeding on a farm. In such institutions you will be given everything Required documents for each individual;
  5. Make sure that the place where the animals will live meets their needs. They must have open access to fresh air, daylight. They also need to build not only cages and stalls, but also a place for walking. Please note that the livestock habitat needs to be heated during the cold season;
  6. Once you have decided which animal business is profitable, think about where you will sell them and the products you can get from them in order to avoid the many problems that can arise as a result. To do this, study the situation in the countryside where you want to engage in animal husbandry in order to be prepared for difficulties and competition;
  7. Think not only about what animals can be bred, but also about who will eventually look after them, because this is very painstaking work. You are unlikely to be able to work on your own farm, so you need to pre-select the staff who will work for you. This question must be taken as seriously as the study of what kind of domestic animals are raised in our area;
  8. Please note that in addition to animals, you will also need to purchase special equipment that will make life easier for you and your work staff. For example, it can be automatic drinkers, milking machines.

Advantages and disadvantages of such a business

A novice entrepreneur who decides to connect his life with farming needs to know not only which pets are profitable to breed, but also what advantages and disadvantages this business has:

To the main positive moments animal husbandry in the village include:

  • Ability to work continuously fresh air, and this is not only a great benefit for human health, but also an increase in efficiency;
  • Family members of the livestock breeder and his entire family receive an automatic opportunity to eat organic products;
  • Animal husbandry is a unique chance to run a family business that can be inherited by children and grandchildren. Each family member can perform a certain amount of work on your farm, and this is not only profitable (everyone will work), but also efficient - you do not have to worry about the quality of the work performed by your employees;
  • Each entrepreneur can independently decide which animals can be bred at home, taking into account their financial capabilities;
  • When registering a business related to farming, the tax office always provides benefits during registration. If you have a small farm, then you generally do not have to register your business and pay taxes. This fact sometimes plays a decisive role in choosing which animals are best bred at home;
  • Very often, farmers are given the opportunity to participate in government livestock support programs. This will allow you to save a lot of personal money and at the same time improve your home farm.

Now let's look at the cons, which you should definitely find out about before deciding which animals are profitable to breed in the village:

  • Animal husbandry is a field of entrepreneurial activity that requires very large investments to start, because you need to buy not only animals and equipment for work, 50% of the costs are the purchase of livestock feed, which should be nutritious and rich in vitamins and minerals;
  • In the first six months or even a year, livestock business does not bring any income to the entrepreneur. There will be only one cost. Therefore, if you are thinking about what kind of animals it is profitable to breed for sale, stock up on funds for the first time so that you and your family can live in peace without needs;
  • Losses may occur quite by accident due to some natural features. This may also be climatic conditions, and harmful insects which negatively affect the health of animals. Therefore, before engaging in this business, carefully study what animals are raised in Russia, taking into account the climatic features of this country and the region in which you want to breed livestock;
  • A person who is engaged in animal husbandry cannot have weekends and holidays. He needs to be on the farm from early morning until late at night to care for the animals and monitor their well-being;
  • Very often, the livestock breeder makes a profit only in certain time year, such as summer and spring. The rest of the time he just has to spend money. In order to avoid the need to get into debt and need something, you need to learn how to properly manage the money you earn so that they are enough for everything. Be sure to study what animals are bred in Russia in order to receive year-round profit;
  • Banks are constantly refusing to lend to farms, because this type of business is among the risky ones. So don't waste your time trying to get money from public or private financial institution and learn how to properly budget;
  • Selling animals or animal-derived products is very difficult. Dealers do not agree to favorable prices for farmers, and it is often necessary to sell meat and other food for next to nothing.

Knowing all these features, each person can seriously engage in animal husbandry, and in the future become a successful and wealthy person.

What animals are profitable to breed?

We have studied in detail what animals are raised in our area, and we have compiled a rating that you can use when deciding which pets are profitable to breed for business:


Growing chickens (geese and ducks can also be successfully bred according to the same principle). This type of farming is very profitable. To keep such birds, you just need:

  1. Build a chicken coop (it can be made from anything, as long as the birds in it are warm and comfortable);
  2. Buy chickens (among them there should be future laying hens and roosters so that the farmer has the opportunity to sell eggs and expand the farm);
  3. Bird food (this should be grain products, but you can also give them table scraps and grass).


In order to breed them, you must:

  1. Buy two rabbits and one rabbit, which breed well in a short period of time;
  2. Build spacious wooden cages for rabbits, equip them with feeders and drinkers;
  3. Buy dry food for rabbits and hay (you can not buy it in summer, as rabbits eat ordinary grass well).

Alternatively, decorative rabbits can also be further bred. Such animals are in great demand among urban residents. decorative rabbits start in an apartment or a private house as a pet.


Goat breeding as a business great option for those who in their life have never encountered livestock breeding. These are the animals that, in general, are not picky about care. They can eat ordinary grass and vegetable waste. Sometimes, of course, they need to add grain feed to their diet so that they grow not only fat, but also meat, which tastes like lamb meat.


It is better to buy a few small piglets and try to raise them for meat first. Although there should also be a sow, so that the farmer has the opportunity not only to sell meat, but also to be able to engage in pig breeding. After all, pork is a meat that is in great demand among the common population, the same applies to fat.


You can keep cows to sell milk and dairy products, but raising bulls for meat as a business is much more profitable, so be sure to get a few males. Beef is also in great demand among people.

How can you make money raising animals?

Now let's take a closer look at which pets are profitable to breed for sale, and which ones in order to sell the food they produce:

If you decide to raise cows, then know that they live for approximately 25-30 years. One adult cow will cost you 50,000 rubles. In order for the cowshed to bring good profit, you need to immediately buy at least 5 cows and 10 bulls. It will take you at least 250,000 rubles. For this number of animals, you need to build a spacious barn. It will cost 150 - 300 thousand rubles. Immediately need food for 15 individuals. It will take at least 70,000 rubles. If you take care of so many artiodactyls, then you can earn in this way:

  • Selling meat - 180-200 rubles for 1 kg (300 kg of meat can be sold per month);
  • Sell ​​milk - for 1 liter - 20 rubles (3 tons of milk can be sold per month);
  • Your monthly income will be approximately 300,000 rubles.

If you find it difficult to decide which animals to grow on the farm, purchase 100 goats for 20,000 rubles (this is their estimated market price). It will take the same amount of money to build a pen and purchase feed for a goat herd as for cows. As for income, you will receive it if you sell:

  • Milk (for 1 liter of goat's milk you can get 30-40 rubles);
  • Wool (choose those breeds of goats from which you can get cashmere);
  • Meat is sold at the same price as pork (there may be a difference of 200-300 rubles in favor of pork).

On breeding goats, you can earn about 300 - 350,000 rubles per month.

We will give you one more recommendation on which farm animals it is profitable to breed. It is very profitable to buy sheep. They live an average of 25 years. One individual costs 3500-5000 rubles. To get a quick profit, you need to immediately buy 1000 sheep. Provide animals with a spacious pen and quality feed. Sheep eat grass, hay and feed. On these animals you can earn in this way:

  • On the sale of meat per year, you can earn 500,000 rubles (1 kg is sold at a price of 100 rubles);
  • For the sale of wool (including smushka and sheepskin) - 100,000 rubles;
  • For the sale of dairy products - 200,000 rubles;
  • On the sale of the sheep themselves - 500,000 rubles.

Another profitable option what animals to breed for business is raising pigs. They live 25 years. One individual costs 3500-5000 rubles. Immediately you need to buy about 15 individuals, among which there should be a sow that will bring you offspring. If you organize everything correctly, although this is quite a laborious job, then you can earn decent money:

  • Almost 2,000,000 rubles on the sale of meat (if you can sell meat at 200 rubles per 1 kg from a litter per year, which will be 60 piglets);
  • The sale of fat is almost 1 million rubles a year.

Given that a lot of money is spent on keeping pigs, the net income from pig breeding will be 2 million rubles a year.

Business Profitability

As we mentioned above, every entrepreneur who decides to start farming will be able to return the investment only after a couple of years. Although there are cases when it turned out to be profitable in a shorter period of time. In general, it should be noted that the profitability of animal husbandry determines the cost of feed. If you are looking at which animals are more profitable to raise from this point of view, then pigs will definitely not suit you, because they are expensive to maintain. It is best in this case to breed rabbits or chickens.

When choosing livestock for breeding, do not be guided by the principle of "what is cheaper." Choose those individuals for whom you will not have a feeling of disgust. You will need to love your work and future farm, and take care of it.

Conclusions and advice

In this article, we examined in detail which pets are raised in Russia in order to build a profitable and successful business on this. Whichever option we have listed you choose, you need to clearly understand that animals are creatures that need to be looked after. They need to give all their time and energy. In fact, you have to devote your whole life to the farm, its improvement. This business must be approached not only responsibly, but also with love.

We also note that animal husbandry is an area for entrepreneurial activity, in which there is practically no competition, it has not yet been fully mastered by man. You will have the opportunity to grow and develop. In the future, if the business develops successfully, you will be able to open several farms, hire people who will do all the dirty work for you. The main thing in this business is not to stop and work hard to achieve success. The lazy have no place in the livestock business, this is an area for people who are ready to sacrifice their time, personal benefits for the sake of animals.

Livestock business

With the right and responsible approach to business, you can build a profitable business on breeding animals, which will open up prospects for growth and development for you.

But before you start farming, you need to clearly understand for yourself that it will not be possible to recoup and return investments instantly, this can be done only after a couple of years.

Animal husbandry is quite profitable and profitable business, his income directly depends on the attitude to the process, and the scale of its development. Many factors depend on this, one of which is the cost of animal feed.

If we consider this aspect, then raising cows or pigs is not suitable for entrepreneurship, because they are very expensive to maintain.

What to choose? Where will it stop?

When choosing livestock in animal husbandry, you should not be guided by the principle of “which is cheaper”. You should stop your choice on those animals for which you do not have fear or a feeling of disgust, because you must clearly understand that animals are living creatures that need constant care.

After all, in order to develop a successful and profitable business, you will need to invest in it not only your money, time and effort, it is important to treat it with soul.

Beneficial animals to breed include:

  1. Chickens;
  2. Turkeys;
  3. Chinchillas;
  4. Rabbits.


Raising chickens is a very profitable form of livestock production. The main investment in this business is the purchase of feed, chickens and the construction of a chicken coop. The chicken coop can be built from any improvised means and materials, the main task of this room is to be warm and well ventilated.

Chickens begin to lay eggs from the age of six months, if the eggs are sold, then the presence of roosters is not at all necessary. Chickens can be bred from scratch by yourself by buying a laying hen and a rooster, or you can buy already hatched chickens, an adult chicken will come out not significantly, but more expensive.

You need to buy chickens so that among them there are future roosters and layers, so that the farmer has the opportunity to sell eggs and expand the farm. The diet of chickens consists of grains and grass, and they can also be fed with scraps from the table.

Three to four kg of special feed will go to each chicken per month, the benefits in breeding chickens are obvious.


Turkey meat contains a large number of iron and protein, while it has a low content of adipose tissue. Therefore, it is considered dietary and very useful for people on a diet, breastfeeding mothers and people involved in hard work.

Breeding turkeys is very profitable due to its high profitability, with small investment. For proper organization In this industry, it is necessary to select the necessary breeds of turkeys, to create a poultry complex. The main costs are the installation and adjustment of equipment, the construction of a turkey farm and the purchase of feed.

Production will pay off in two to three years. The main thing is to correctly determine the breed, some breeds gain weight as much as possible, others grow very quickly.

The breeding of these birds reaches 98% profitability, and in order to further increase it, you can open a meat processing workshop and produce sausages, sausages and other semi-finished products.


But when breeding this animal, it is worth considering that about half are discarded due to the quality of the fur, flattened nose, or coat color. Therefore, not all animals can bring a good income. Pets that have not passed quality control are sold in pet stores.

There are very expensive individuals, the price of which can be several thousand dollars. They are valued for their rare color, length and density of wool. In order for the offspring to be strong and healthy, farms must exchange males, or buy new individuals.

The food of these animals is not expensive, a chinchilla can eat one spoonful of special food per day, but additional feeding in the form of dried fruits, rose hips, carrots and hay will be required. In terms of profitability, this business reaches 300 percent.


Breeding rabbits is quite profitable for breeders, but it does require an upfront cost. To breed this type of animal, you need to purchase one rabbit and two mature rabbits, they can quickly multiply in a short period of time.

Investments in this business also include: the construction of spacious wooden cages, the arrangement of drinkers and feeders, the purchase of dry food, grain and hay. In summer, rabbits can eat freshly cut grass.

Rabbit meat is considered dietary, the fecundity of these animals is very large, a rabbit can give birth six times a year, up to thirty rabbits. Particularly prized are breeds such as Flanders and the Giant. In addition to meat, rabbits have a good demand for skins, there are separate downy breeds.

Also can be busy breeding ornamental breeds rabbits, they are very much appreciated by city dwellers, they can be kept in a private house or apartment as a pet.

In order to achieve success, you need not to stop there and work very hard. If your business is successfully coordinated, then after a while it will be possible to open several farms, hire staff who will do all the work of caring for animals instead of you.

Refers to the agricultural activity.

For a long time, it has brought great profits.

This industry is considered one of the most promising.

Even in ancient times, people raised cattle to provide for their families and sell them.

Of course, it's a big area. The main thing here is to choose the right direction. And for this you need to determine which direction is in demand in the region of residence.

But, even having decided on an animal, an entrepreneur should take into account that in order to open a business, he will have to have a lot of money that will have to be invested. With the right formulation of the case, animal husbandry as a business from scratch will quickly pay for itself.

In Russia, animal husbandry is becoming more and more popular not only among ordinary people but also entrepreneurs. This is due to some indicators:

  • In our country, there are special programs that support farming. Entrepreneurs are provided with various subsidies and benefits, as well as land for doing farming business.
  • A noticeable increase in the cost of products, which ensures greater profits.
  • The product line obtained from this type of activity is always in demand. Entrepreneurs usually have their own distribution channels.
  • Restrictions have now been introduced on the import of products from abroad to the market.
  • Lots of directions. The introduction of new varieties, for example, the breeding of ostriches.
  • Russian products inspire confidence and, accordingly, are in demand.

Therefore, farming is considered profitable and shows great promise. It develops rapidly and brings a lot of profit. Only for its organization will have to make a lot of effort and invest money. At the same time, profits can be made very soon.

How to start an activity

The first thing that an entrepreneur needs to determine is what goal he will pursue when breeding cattle. It is possible to combine several in one direction. Now there are many directions. For example, they breed:

  • for the purpose of selling meat
  • for milk production
  • generic method
  • marketing of juveniles

There are two types of factors affecting farming activities: external and internal. The first ones include:

  • degree of specialization
  • security
  • performance availability

External factors include:

  • availability of demand
  • economy
  • politics

This activity is an integral part modern world. Rejecting it, you can come to primitive times. Therefore, animal husbandry must be supported and developed. Only in this case, the entrepreneur will be successful.

Before raising livestock, a novice in the business should think about several questions:

  • choice of direction
  • business plan preparation
  • registration of activities
  • appeal to the state for help
  • purchase of livestock, feed and necessary equipment

Properly setting up this business is associated with some difficulties. It is recommended to start business from a more familiar direction. It is necessary to adhere to ideas that allow you to quickly recover costs. This will help you get to new level activities with higher profits.

Many farmers buy several types of livestock at the same time to determine which one will be more profitable and to their liking. After all, each region may have its own level of sales, connection with the needs of people.

Having studied in practice the technology of growing and feeding livestock in small volumes, you can proceed to a large scale. Just because you need to learn from small.

Possible directions of animal husbandry

Before drawing up a business plan, an entrepreneur needs to carefully understand all sectors of animal husbandry. This includes breeding:

  • birds
  • cows
  • deer
  • camels
  • fur animals

Quite often, entrepreneurs are tormented by the question of whether animal husbandry as a business from scratch is more profitable.

It is worth noting that the breeding of cows is one of the most profitable areas.

Entrepreneurs engaged in such business provide the population not only with meat, but also with dairy products.

In addition, young individuals can be sold.

Of course, this direction is laborious. After all, you have to look for a barn, and for cows it should not be small.

Therefore, for many aspiring entrepreneurs, it is possible to start a business with something simpler. Two more no less profitable industries are:

  • pig breeding
  • poultry breeding

This is due to the fact that the resulting products are among the most in demand. But to achieve a good result, you need to spend a lot of effort and money.

A stable option would be a large farm of various specializations.

But creating such a business from scratch and immediately is quite difficult.

Yes, and it will require a lot of investment.

If we consider separately the direction of breeding cows, then with the number of twenty heads of big profits, you should not expect big profits.

It is necessary to constantly increase the livestock, and then you can come to an excellent result. However, if there is no experience in this direction, it is better to start with a small amount. To begin with, it is enough to have five heads of cattle. This will make it possible to understand whether it is worth pursuing this direction and whether it was generally chosen correctly.

Most Profitable Business

As mentioned above, cow breeding is considered the most profitable activity. This is due, first of all, to the provision of people not only with meat, but also with dairy products. Before embarking on such a business, an entrepreneur needs to draw up a business plan. It should include:

  • volumes that the farmer plans to receive
  • expenses for the purchase of livestock, feed and equipment
  • marketing advertising costs
  • sale value designation
  • sales channel information
  • employee salary costs
  • water, lighting and heating costs
  • expenses for regular animal health care, usually for vaccinations
  • risk analysis
  • planned income
  • business start-up costs
  • taxes
  • rent or purchase price of the premises

It is very important to determine in advance with the room. It should be away from the city. Then you can get an environmentally friendly product.

It is important to determine the purpose of breeding cattle:

  • for sale of young
  • for slaughter
  • dairy production
  • dressing
  • production of meat products

After the business plan is drawn up and the premises are found, you can proceed to the design of the activity. To do this, you will have to obtain a number of permits and collect the necessary documentation.

A dairy cow must have:

  • belly in the form of a barrel
  • small horns
  • good muscles
  • elastic udder

A narrow ass and a drooping back can be attributed to disadvantages.

Be sure to check the documents before buying livestock.

Must be vaccinated.

Livestock must first be provided with feed.

It is ideal to have good pastures nearby.

Be sure to disinfect the barn and vaccinate the cattle. Be sure to provide additional space for the slaughterhouse.

Beef is an expensive and high quality meat. It is in high demand. In order to make more profit, farmers buy livestock different breeds. This helps to make a profit not only from meat, but also from milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese and the like.

What is more profitable for the purpose of sale

Let us consider specifically how profitable each of the areas of animal husbandry is:

  • Breeding rabbits is not related to large investments and hassle. People who have not previously been involved in animal husbandry are advised to start a business with this type of activity. The main advantage of these animals is precocity. Within a month, their weight increases twelve times. By purchasing five females, you can get two hundred skins and about three hundred kilograms of meat annually.
  • Breeding nutria, with the right business setting, can lead to good profits. After all, one carcass of this animal costs twenty-five conventional units. With proper organization of activities, one family will bring up to twenty thousand rubles per month. To get good skins, they must be kept for at least nine months.
  • Quite often people are bred. From this animal you can get fluff and healthy milk. For beginners in the field of animal husbandry, this is quite a lucrative business.
  • When breeding turkeys, it is worth considering that they are difficult to maintain. But after ten months, such a business pays off. By this time, the bird weighs about twenty-five kilograms. The demand for it is very good, so there are no problems with the implementation.
  • Pigs are classified as early maturing cattle. If you provide them good care, at the age of six months the animal reaches one hundred kilograms of weight. One female can produce two offspring in a year. Therefore, in addition to meat, you can trade in young animals. Little piglets stand not cheap.
  • Beef has always been and will be in the price. Therefore, the cultivation of this animal for sale can be safely called one of the most profitable. At proper nutrition and leaving this cattle for a year and a half is gaining weight up to three hundred and fifty kilograms.

Due to the fact that the main types of livestock products are always in demand, there are usually no problems with their implementation. Entrepreneurs can sell products on the market or rent them to small retail outlets.

As for the big farms, they make deals with trading networks, as well as enterprises that are engaged in the processing of products. Some farmers are additionally equipping own production for processing products, which helps to increase the profitability of the activity.

What is needed for a successful business

Pig farming is a profitable business

Every novice farmer must understand that this type of business does not allow you to earn instant income.

Animal husbandry is one of the most risky activities.

Since there is always the possibility of the appearance of diseases or natural disasters that contribute to the appearance of losses and lead to bankruptcy.

In addition, it takes time to make a profit.